You know, I just can’t resist the thought any longer and I don’t know if you’ve written about it already, but… The Force sometimes helps with keeping Jedi awake when needed, at least as long as they’re on missions. But once they’re home and safe, they crash and crash *hard.* This has become a common problem especially with Yoda, who at times have accidentally frightened younglings and Padawans. Much to the annoyance of the other Masters.

It is not uncommon for Jedi to keep themselves going with the Force.

The stronger the Jedi, the longer they can keep themselves awake and going on pure willpower of the Force.

But that doesn’t mean that the bodies natural needs doesn’t eventually catch up with one in the end.

The Force can let you push past natures boundaries…but not forgo them entirely and eventually it will demand sleep and food with a vengeance. It can therefore be wholly natural for a Jedi to sleep for full day if they have indeed challenged nature by remaining awake beyond their natural limits.

The food is an easy thing to beat.

There are special food pellets for such occasion, the necessary calories in those that beats the impulse and keeps one from eating all day.

But sleep is not so easy to control or fight.

Which is why you can find Jedi asleep in the halls, garden or library.

Its honestly quite normal, finding a Jedi knight or master leaning against a wall in the hall, laying in the gardens or with their heads on the table in the halls.

Never padawans though.

Their masters will always collect them and take them to bed and thankfully, initiates are not taught such skills, only padawan’s and up.

Of course, sometimes, you could mistake certain, older members for being… not asleep but something wholly different.

And therefore the tradition of grandmaster of the order scare has been in effect for the last two hundred years.

It practically an initiation by this point.

Master Yoda will fall asleep in his hover platform, silent as the grave and not visibly breathing from what most can tell.

It never fails to freak the padawans that find him, much to the annoyance of other masters.

But hey, how are you suppose to complain when everyone else is also sleeping around the temple!

“MASTER WINDU!!!” Jerking to a bit at the loud cry, Mace turned in surprise as young padawan Kenobi came barreling down the hall, Depa pausing beside him as they watched the young boy race their way, eyes wide in horror.

“Padawan Kenobi, what in the world are yo-” Mace started, frowning as the boy practically tripped over his own feet, face flushed from running.

Kenobi’s cry however cut him off. “MASTER YODA IS DEAD!” He gasped out, coming to a skidding stop in front of him, the boy latching onto Mace sleeve to tug, pointing back the way he had come, eyes wide and glistening.

Depa paused, her eyes wide too only for both padawan’s to gasp when when Mace let out a mumbling curse and pinch the bridge of his nose. “That old bastard, again?” He hissed before sighing, looking at his senior padawan and then down at young padawan Kenobi. “Alright younglings, lets go tend to him and I’ll explain. Lead the way Padawan.” He sighed, settling his hand reassuringly on the trembling boy’s shoulder.

Clearly confused, still horrified looking, Obi-Wan glanced at the uncertain Depa then squared his shoulders and started walking, leading Mace and Depa to the hallway.

As expected, they found the grandmaster of the Order in a darkened hallway, hovering in the middle of it with his head resting on his chest and from this angle, Mace could understand why young Kenobi had assumed Yoda to be dead.

Mace had done the same once.

Depa let out a squeak when she saw the old man, covering her mouth with wide eyes only to squeak again when Mace let out another curse. Obi-Wan just trembled, as traumatized as every other youngling when they found him.

Stepping forward, Mace grumbled loudly as he grabbed the hoverpad and pulled it, huffing in relief when it came easily.

Sometimes the karking old man locked the platform so he would stay in place.

Turning his head, he sighed deeply. “He’s asleep. He’s been keeping awake with the Force and now its demanded its pound.” Mace explained tiredly to both padawan’s.

Both teens paused, Depa’s hands lowering to reveal her O shaped mouth and Obi-Wan stopping his trembling from the sheer surprise as he looked between Mace and Yoda. “…A-Are you sure?” He whispered.

Mace sighed then reached up and tugged on Yoda’s ear under the horrified looking padawans, both near human’s eyes going wide when when Yoda grumbled and waved a hand only to go still moments later.

“…Pretty sure, yes.” Mace grumbled, pulling the platform with him to drag him to Mace room, mentally cursing Yoda out while making a note to himself to inform Qui-Gon that his padawan came over Yoda.

‘Every fucking time. Every motherfucking time.’ Mace grumbled to himself, dragging the platform with two padawans following him like ducklings.

How is the council in distant pain? Has qui gon tried to get them to explain things yet?

Rubbing his face after glancing at the closed door, Qui-Gon slowly turned to look at Yoda, giving his old grandmaster a long stare. “…Your sticky fingers are too long grandmaster.” He finally ventured, forgoing all formality even as the council shifted uncomfortably.

“Know not what you speak of I do.” Yoda sniffed at him, giving him a gimlet eye.

Staring back evenly, Qui-Gon shook his head slowly. “I might have put the ice around Obi-Wan’s heart, but I was not the reason it continued to grow,” He stated gravely, holding the ancient master’s eyes. “And forcing him together with me will only keep the ice there, Obi-Wan has no obligation to forgive me, regardless of what a Jedi’s philosophy is. He still walks in the light, by some miracle, considering the missions he has hinted to being given by both the council and the Chancellor himself.” He continued steadily.

There was a long, painful silence before finally Yoda was the one to look away.

Shaking his head while tucking his hands into his sleeves and grasping his own wrists, Qui-Gon let his thoughts rummage a bit before shaking his head again. “I will accept this mission with Obi-Wan, but hear me grandmaster, what you want from it won’t happen. Obi-Wan has moved far beyond me and maybe, one day, in the far future, he may forgive me, may,” He stressed when Yoda looked back at him. “But if he doesn’t or does is up to him. And even if he does forgive me… he is not required to have a relationship to me beyond the letters that state that I was registered as his master. Obi-Wan has moved far beyond me.” He continued gravely.

The silence of the council chamber had never been so uncomfortable as in that moment, at least not for Qui-Gon.

Not even when it was clear Yan had fallen had it been like this, when all the eyes of the council had been on Qui-Gon, prodding and questioning as now both a padawan and a master had fallen.

He was dismissed minutes later, nothing left for anyone to say but he didn’t take the elevator down just yet, opting to move to the large window of the entrance hall to the council chamber.

After a moment, he stepped out onto the balcony, breathing deeply as the fresh wind far above the buildings and traffic of Coruscant hit him.

This far up, the pollution became none existent, especially as public speeders, cars and ships were prohibited from entering the airspace.

Settling his arms on the balcony rail, Qui-Gon let out a deep sigh as he stared out over the city.

Sometimes, he wondered how everything could come to this.

‘Greed. Isn’t that what it all comes down to in the end?’ He mused, staring at the Rotunda.

He didn’t disagree that the Separatists didn’t have the right to leave, of course they did, considering how the outer rims and mid rims planets were often treated, but the way everything was going now…

It was a detriment and the Senate did not make it any better.

He was very aware that the Senate had made it illegal to meet with any Separatists in an attempt to broker peace as it ‘legitimized’ the CIS.

Bantha shit.

Narrowing his eyes, Qui-Gon took a deep breath through his large nose, hearing the council doors swish open as he continued staring at the Rotunda. ‘There is something rotten on Coruscant, like mold, slowly spreading through the entire planet, reaching even the Jedi temple… and it will not be the Senate and what is rotten that will pay the price of that rot.’ He ignored the quiet noise of his grandmaster coming to a standstill beside him.

“…Thinking you are?” Yoda peered up at him.

“…That price we are paying for the Senate is too high.” Qui-Gon murmured, both falling silent once more. After all, the Jedi were used to paying the price when the Senate and the Senators eyed them up.

I love the Kybertears series!!!! Please tell me we get one where Anakin, Cody, and Rex come to Obi-Wan’s rescue, and they completely wreck Palpacreeps shit?!!!

When Anakin Skywalker is unhappy, the galaxy knows.

And when Anakin Skywalker is fearful and in rage, the galaxy dances a wild dance as darkness crackles across every living creature.

That is why every security guard, aid, janitorial staff and Senator practically jumps out of the man’s way as a wild eyed Anakin Skywalker marches through the Rotunda with both the 212th and the 501st on his tail.

And if Anakin Skywalker alone hadn’t done the deed, then the angry mach of the soldiers would have done it.

Because, while their faces are hidden beneath the helmets of the GAR, their actions, tone of voice even through the vocoder and the words of the Commander and Captain respectively is enough to shake foundations.

When Anakin Skywalker rages, the universe cowers.

What can mere mortals do in the face of such wrath?

“Knight Skywalker.” Therefore it is a relief when a contingent of Jedi appear with the Grandmaster of the order and the head of the order leading it, Mace Windu and Yoda looking serene.

Even the clones pause at the appearance of the Jedi, watching, silent at the appearance of these tranquil Jedi.

On the outside.

The next words out of the man’s as Skywalker swings around to face them dashes any hope of the group actually reigning in the Knight. “You’ve invoked the Rights of Yaval?” The master of the order asks, his face grim and his voice gruff.

Skywalker simply nods, his face tight and his eyes flickering with shadows in the bright corridor even as he checks the contingent of Jedi for something, the muscle of his jaw visibly jumping.

Mace Windu of course notices this and shakes his head. “Padawan Tano is at the temple, we felt it best not to expose her to… this.” He states, his voice calm but a warning in it.

Skywalker takes a deep breath, the sound practically echoing in the eerily silent halls.

Instantly, a miasma seems to withdraw and Skywalker seems calmer even as he still bristles, the clone troopers too bristle and every person close to them tries as stealthily as possible to step away from them.

But for all that the darkness seems to have eased, the shadows are still there, simply waiting in the halls of the Senate as the Jedi talk about the Rights of Yaval.

The rights of Yaval was not something any of the Senators had been familiar with and had been dug up from the earliest of laws, in the early days of the Ruusan Reformation.

But Skywalker had known it and at this point most Senators were starting to wonder if they, the Jedi, weren’t taught it from an early age.

The rights of Yaval, as stated on the ancient treaties, gave the Jedi the right to pretty much ransack the entire Rotunda if a member of the Order went missing in the Senates care. It was named after a Jedi that had gone missing in the Rotunda in the early years of RR, due to her uncle being a Senator.

What had happened to her or the uncle, the law didn’t say but for those willing to dive into the history of it, as far back as it was, the accounts of Yaval was horrifying.

But the law had seldom been used, only four times since its formation.

This would be the fifth.

“Find Obi-Wan we must,” Yoda finally spoke, his voice low and yet reaching, all of the Jedi coming to attention under the grandmaster, even Skywalker. “His powers unique in this galaxy is, a well of power and treasure it holds. Use it for nefarious purposes many would. Find him.” Yoda urged.

Windu nodded sharply. “Ponds! With me! We take the lower level of the Senate!” He called out, voice sharp and the commander instantly tailed him. Slowly, one by one from Plo Koon to Bant Eerin to Aayla Secura, the Jedi departed until only two Jedi were standing in the hallway, everyone else going with their clone commander or captain, leaving only Skywalker and Yoda, the two staring at each other with the 212th and 501st practically vibrating in their need to return to searching.

Gimlet eyes stared at Skywalker before Yoda tapped his cane on his hover platform. “Closest you are to him, bound you two are as all masters and padawans have always been,” He croaked out before snorting. “Know not others what our bonds are like, misconstrued them, mistake them, lie about them they do,” And to the shock of many guilty parties, Yoda was practically sneering in the directions of senators. “But know we do. Deep run our bonds, attachment they are not, but love they are based on, concern, the knowledge that once we must let go, we go… tied to him you are.” Yoda shifted his cane to jab it at Skywalker.

“I can’t feel him.” Skywalker got out through gritted teeth.

Yoda’s ears rose, his eyes seeming larger than ever. “And a problem for the Force chosen one that is?” He raised his free hand when the Knight opened his mouth again. “If not the Force chosen then the strongest Jedi in memory? Feel him you always do, search for him you must. His hope, you are,” Yoda let his hand fall before hovering towards “There is no try.” Yoda added on before gesturing to Captain Rex and Commander Cody, both snapping back into action with a bark of order to their men.

It left Skywalker in the hallway, staring at nothing before he took another breath, the shadows finally, slowly with his breath out, fading away.

Slowly, the man moved to one of the large Rotunda windows and sat down, his back curving slightly and his hands resting on his knees, eyes closing as the Senators jumped out of the way of once more active troopers with Yoda now in charge.

And Skywalker simply sitting, his face furrowed and twitching as he reached inward.

I don’t know if you’re still going with light through the cracks as you’ve only done a single post but I’ve rediscovered it when going back through all your awesome stories and I would love to know what happens next as my subpar imagination isn’t doing it justice. It’s the one when young anakin goes to Depa about obi-was having cracks in his mind and using their bond to keep doing, it ended with Depa dragging anakin off to explain this to others. Please how does everyone react? Does obi get help

Resisting the urge to shuffle his feet nervously in the artificially
lit room, Obi-Wan blearily peered at the council, hoping his eyes
weren’t bloodshot.

suspected that they were but if asked, he’d claim a few bad nights
with visions… hopefully that would be enough for the council.

And it
wouldn’t strictly be a lie, he did have trouble sleeping, despite
gaining some succor from his training bond with Anakin.

of Anakin…

boy was nowhere to be found and Obi-Wan could feel his worry and
anxiety spiking even as he tried not to react to much to the
evaluating stares of the council at all sides. He could still feel
his padawan of course, but it was slightly muted, as if Anakin was in
range of a blocker.

wanted to go find his padawan but first he had to deal with whatever
the council wanted.

Force, he hoped that didn’t mean a mission already.

Master Depa cleared her throat and sat forward. “Knight Kenobi, are
you aware of why you’ve been summoned?” She questioned, her voice
steady… and gentle.

As if
Obi-Wan was a spooked animal, the kind of voice Qui-Gon had used with
injured animals he wanted to care for.

voice sent an unexpected stab through Obi-Wan, his mind aching and
his insides twisting with pain.

But he
didn’t voice that, instead inclining his head. “I’m not certain
masters, as far as I’m aware, I’m not to be sent on any missions
just yet.” Obi-Wan stated, the unvoiced, ‘I have a padawan, I
can’t leave yet.’ lingering obviously in his voice.

members of the council exchanged looks and Obi-Wan had to swallow
another spike of nerves.

this about Anakin maybe?

the council decided to change their mind?

Obi-Wan wasn’t sure he could handle if they took Anakin away from

knew it was bad to lean on the bond so much for the support he needed
but the abrupt death of Qui-Gon had not given him any chance to sever
their bond properly.

what had happened was that their bond had been ripped apart,
not just breaking Obi-Wan’s shields but tearing at his soul and it
was a miracle in itself that Obi-Wan was sane, especially after
touching the dark side only moments after the bond between master and
padawan had started to shred.

mind was literally inflamed, infected in a manner, and the only balm
so far was Anakin, the boy like cool ice to his mind and Anakin
seemed to understand.

gave Obi-Wan bit of relief to try and work on the shredded bond and
to try and cauterize the edges of it so to speak.

Kenobi, please lower your shields.” Master Windu suddenly stated.

to stop himself, Obi-Wan jerked back half a step before gathering
himself, staring at the master of the order in shock before quickly
shaking his head. “Masters, I’m not sure what this is about but
that is an inva-”

Yoda’s old voice broke in, green eyes focusing on the old troll as
he stared sadly at him, ears twitching slowly as the cane rested over
his lap. “Know we do, healthy you are not. Your bond, ruined it is.
Strength from your padawan you should not get.” The old troll

panic climbing up his throat, Obi-Wan opened and closed his mouth
before shaking his head more weakly. “Masters, I’m dealing, I
promise it’s not so bad tha-” Master Plo stood smoothly from his
seat and approached Obi-Wan.

for every step the kel dor took, the human backed away until his back
hit the door of the council chamber, his shoulders shaking heavily.

realized his actions were unreasonable, that the council didn’t
want to hurt him.

his mind was buzzing with how disappointed they would be that he
couldn’t manage to deal with his broken bond. He was a Knight for
Force sake, the Sith Slayer! He should be able to handle such a thin-
a gentle hand cupped his cheek, claw tipped fingers gently stroking
at his temple.

Obi-Wan stared wide eyed at Plo, the other man smiling sadly. “It
is alright young Obi-Wan. You can lower your shields, we won’t let
your pain drown you, nor will we judge you for carrying pain.” He

his hands grasping at the smooth, cool door behind him, Obi-Wan
licked at his dry lips. “I- I can’t…” He wheezed.

can,” Plo assured, still stroking at his temple with his thumb. “I
know you can Obi-Wan. A Jedi is not to be attached, but we are not
emotionless and Qui-Gon was your master. You are allowed to grieve
Obi-Wan.” The council master murmured in that soft, even tone, ever
so slightly coaxing.

To his
mortification, Obi-Wan could feel tears building in his already
bloodshot eyes and before he knew it, a harsh hiccup escaped his
throat, his shields crashing down around him as he reached out for

found himself welcomed, the arms moving to hold Obi-Wan up against
Plo’s chest again. “That’s my boy, there you go Obi-Wan, you’re
doing good my boy. Just let it go.” Plo murmured, Obi-Wan
helplessly crying into the others chest, the scent of dorin gas and
tea mixing on the other man’s robe.

up in his release, Obi-Wan didn’t even put up a fight as Plo
gently, but firmly inserted a block between him and Anakin, making a
door where there before was a light switch.

you will heal Obi-Wan Kenobi and the first step of your healing is to
grieve.” Plo stated quietly, holding Obi-Wan up as his knees
buckled under him.

Hello! I am resending my ADHD prompt, then! I sent you a screenshot from the page that helped me realize I had ADHD. Rereading that one day, I realized Obi-Wan, and in particular, Jedi Apprentice Obi-Wan really really fits that description. I know you already did an ADHD Obi series, but I’d love to see another where pre-Padawan or maybe just barely Padawan Obi is discovered to have ADHD and ppl realize that explains lit. almost all his problems, like rejection sensitivity in particular.

his mouth, Qui-Gon continued staring at the pad before slowly raising
his head to look at Yoda and then at Mace. “…Is this accurate?”
He finally rasped out, feeling
his mind spin.

deep sigh escaped Yoda before he nodded. “True it is, brought to
attention the healers have,” He tapped his claws on his cane. “To
the council they came, serious this is.” Yoda paused in his tapping
to peer at Qui-Gon.

master had nothing to say, only glanced back down at the pads as
words jumped out at him.


deficit hyperactivity disorder.

it was a bunch of red lined symptoms.

that fit Qui-Gon’s brand new, if reluctantly taken on padawan.

had ADHD the healers suspected and based on the symptoms that had
been lined up, Qui-Gon agreed with their findings.

would of course be additional tests required to confirm it but
Qui-Gon got the confirmation from the Living Force quite easily. His
padawan had ADHD, which explained so much to him, from Obi-Wan’s
utter hyper focus on
subjects that interested him made so much sense now to his shifting and squirming around.

left him studying languages, he barely even reacted when I said
goodbye, that I was going to a meeting with the council…’ Shaking
his head, Qui-Gon moved on to the next noted point.


was always
on, he was always passionate, always emotional, always on the move
and even when he meditated, Qui-Gon could feel the others thoughts
fluttering with their bond despite the great shields Obi-Wan had in
place to hide them.

it wasn’t for the bond, Qui-Gon wouldn’t have noticed it but now
it made sense, Qui-Gon now knew that Obi-Wan couldn’t turn off.

was always on the move, either with his mind or with his body.

how am I suppose to help him?’ Qui-Gon licked his lips nervously.
He didn’t even notice when his thoughts went to reluctantly
considering his padawan to wondering how to help him, didn’t notice
how he went from uncertainty about Obi-Wan and his own ability to
teach, to desperate to know how to help him as his brain
subconsciously moved Obi-Wan from just another Jedi and padawan to
someone who needed aid.

had always made comments about Qui-Gon and his needs to help strays,
be they animal or people…

ability to handle criticisms or rejection suddenly came sharp into
view too, it made sense why he took it so heavily and Force,
Qui-Gon would have to change how he handle guiding Obi-Wan, think
about how he formulated his words.

depression, his self-esteem and pain, these would be prominent
emotions and Qui-Gon would have to teach this boy good habits.

then there was the point that not only had been red lined but had
also been put in bold by the healers.

sensitive dysphoria.

leaping Sith pawns, what had Qui-Gon done
to this boy with his rejection not once but twice,
once in the temple, the place Obi-Wan should be safe and once more on
the trip to Bandomeer.

ADHD made him particular sensitive to rejection, real or perceived
along with teasing or criticizing by the people considered important
in his life.

a potential Jedi master?

could have ruined him before I even got to know him.’ Qui-Gon
realized with some horror as he swallowed heavily, taking in the
other information about food sensitivity, fidgeting
in place, speaking too fast, displacing his things at times and being
unable to find them and losing his place with things he weren’t
interested in.

his eyes, Qui-Gon took a deep breath through his nose before opening
his eyes and focusing on the council, watching them as they were
watching him. “…What do I do for him?” He murmured, blinking
when their gazes turned from serene to approval.

Qui-Gon resisted the urge to cock his head.

they think that he would abandon Obi-Wan now?

when his fresh padawan needed him the most, to abandon his padawan
over something he couldn’t control?

you haven’t really given them any reason to think otherwise now,
have you?’ A wry, very Tahl like voice pointed out and Qui-Gon let
his shoulders sink a bit as he looked between the council members.

forward, Jocasta took charge. “There are several options you can
choose to go with Master Jinn, some best in discussion with Obi-Wan
and a healer and others you must discuss with his teacher to make the
lessons… easier on him.” She murmured, eyes serious.

healers will also be in contact with Obi-Wan’s current teachers,”
Ka-Adi spoke up, hands resting in a triangle as he inclined his head.
“As it will be vital for them to know and be able to adjust for
him. This is common for any Jedi discovered to have ADHD in the past,
there aren’t many members but… there are some.” He murmured.

eased in Qui-Gon’s chest as he nodded, glancing at the pad with all
the symptoms and behavioral ticks of someone with ADHD could have.
Other Jedi had it, there were procedures in place, help to be given…

wasn’t alone about helping Obi-Wan, even if he was to be the main
support for Obi-Wan.

can do this… Force I hope I can do this.’

I haven’t seen my glowing jedi in a bit. Can we get a continuation? Can we see Obi and Ani settling into their new lives?

out a soft breath, Obi-Wan kept his eyes forward and his arms crossed
over his chest, regulating his breathing as he kept his eyes on
Anakin and Anakin alone.

shouldn’t be this easy to ignore Yoda and yet it is, for all that
his Force presence is large and the master someone of respect,
Obi-Wan has had a… reality check lately.

a lot of things.

he has a child to teach and guide, Anakin needing his all.

well, he could continue to ignore the old troll if he hadn’t tapped
his cane to Obi-Wan’s booted calf, not as hard as he did when he
was displeased with someone but still enough to get attention from
someone he knew was ignoring him.

Obi-Wan looked down at the old troll. “Yes Master Yoda? Can I help
you?” He settled on evenly.

it not be said that Obi-Wan Kenobi wasn’t respectful even when he
was miffed.

stared back at him, leaning on his cane now. “Progress report I
would like, far young Skywalker has come?” He raised his brows.

up, Obi-Wan watched his padawan move through the katas battle master
Dralling was going through and crossed his arms over his chest,
ignoring what that implied about his body language.

wasn’t happy with the council and he wasn’t afraid to let them
know that even if he was respectful.

did his duty as a Jedi knight after all.

is up to snuff on basic lessons in the written form, he is among the
top ten of his class in katas and has come far enough to now create
his own lightsaber instead of keeping to the practice ones in the
salle. He’s come far in these four months.” He stated quietly,
feeling the soft fluff of his own awkwardly growing hair tickle his

meditation and control, where is he?” Yoda croaked.

his lips, digging his nails into his upper arms, Obi-Wan shrugged.
“Still a work in progress. He hasn’t had a life long lessons on
meditation or taught Force control at his mothers breast. I’ll get
him there, the council can be assured of it.” He stated primly and
then finally looked down at the old master, narrowing his eyes.

got an equally narrowed eyed look in return but Yoda said nothing,
only nodded and then hobbled along.

out another breath, Obi-Wan watched the man go while mourning the now
antagonistic relationship he had with the old man and honestly most
of the council before firmly shaking his head and returning his eyes
to Anakin and his class being taught by Dralling.

was done.

had taken on Anakin Skywalker as a padawan, the council disagreed but
Obi-Wan was a knight now and able to take him on despite their

sending Anakin out alone in the world was not an option.

after finding the Sith.

coming along well though,’ He reminded himself, watching his
padawan. ‘He’s smart
even if he can’t quite figure out meditation without help.
Honestly, he might have too much power and energy to sit and
meditate, maybe moving meditation is more for him?’ Obi-Wan rubbed
at his clefted chin before dropping his arms and grinning when the
kids were released.

instantly looked around excitedly while wiping his sweat off his
face, zeroing in on Obi-Wan before racing towards him.

faintly, Obi-Wan dropped down a bit and accepted the speed bundle,
catching him in a hug with a warm smile on his face. “Well then, I
see you’re still full of energy.” He teased lightly before giving
the stubby little padawan braid a tug.

Anakin nodded excitedly with wide eyes. “Did I do well?” He
questioned hopefully, ignoring the other Initiates that passed by
them as some of them shot him envious looks, not many had masters yet
and Obi-Wan was the Sith

faintly as he also ignored them, Obi-Wan nodded approvingly. “You
did very well, top five as always Anakin. I think that deserves a
treat, so how about we go to Dex, have dinner and you can get a
milkshake?” He teased softly, knowing Anakin’s love for cooled

Anakin chirped brightly before pausing. “I should shower first
shouldn’t I?” He smiled sheepishly, wiggling with energy only a
young child could.

while straightening, resting his hand on his very affectionate
padawan’s shoulder, Obi-Wan hummed as he ignored some of the more
traditional master’s disapproving gazes in his back. They weren’t
the ones training Anakin, he was and he would do it his
way. “Well, Dex won’t care and as long as you change out of your
sweaty shift, no one else will as long as you use a deodorizer.” He
teased, once more tweaking the little braid, much to Anakin’s

the boy wiggled excitedly, not oblivious to the gazes around them but
uncaring of who approved and who did not.

all, he chose Obi-Wan and as long as Obi-Wan approved and he could
make his mother proud, Anakin was very happy.

I sent this before but had a bad internet connection at the time so IDK if it went through. In Kyber Tears, do Obi-Wan’s parents see the footage? do they contact the Jedi because that’s their baby that was taken from them? Really, I’m surprised the Jedi hadn’t tried finding them somehow to see if they approved of him being in the temple or if they wanted him back, to see if they had lost him unwillingly, or if they had sold him.

his forehead slightly, Obi-Wan glanced at the darkened window of the
council chamber, inwardly sighing tiredly as he noted how dark it had

had all the hours gone?

discussing Mr Augustine’s
actions, exploring the laws and what we can do,
sending subpoenas and evidence around to Senate, the reporters boss
and the judicial so
we can get the ball rolling,
that’s where. Least
it’s wrapping up now, Anakin has called twice to hear where I was
and checking that we had food and drink up here.’
He thought tiredly as he glanced further up to the dark skyline,
staring at the blackness where no star shone.

longed for the stars and he could spot along his nose the glow of his
own freckle stars shining in response to his wish.

quite the same as watching a black sky full of stars, like a dark
carpet dotted with the most beautiful of gems in the entire galaxy.

The voice broke through his reverie and he turned his head, looking
towards Adi instead as his fellow master smiled softly at him.

wryly in return, ignoring how her eyes flickered over the path of
stars in his face, Obi-Wan leaned back in his chair to rest his elbow
on the arm lean and his head on hand. “Yes Adi, can I help you with
something?” He murmured, his voice offering some amusement.

lack of an honorific meant this was not official but personal and at
least that meant that she too agreed the tedious discussion was over.

smile turned sadder. “The Stewjon government finally granted access
to their medcenter’s DNA files, due to… well you know.” She
shifted a bit.

breath caught in his throat at the implication.

years now the Stewjon had been denying them access, denying them the
occasion to compare Obi-Wan’s blood sample to their population in
an effort to find Obi-Wan’s family, if he had any.

Jedi searching for answers wasn’t enough for them to open up their
servers they said, to violate their citizens rights…

Obi-Wan had been denied answers for all those decades.


had so many questions, so many things he wished to know.

he really been sold, was he abandoned, did his parents value monetary
value over their own flesh and blood or had he truly been stolen from
a family that loved him?

the questions finally within reach of being answered?

he once been loved simply for existing?

He whispered, his voice sounding strange even to himself.

council chamber was so oddly silent. Were
his words echoing?

smile turned sadder, the tholothians expression all Obi-Wan needed as
his heart grew cold and heavy.

sorry Obi-Wan,” She murmured. “They were dead. Your parents died
about two weeks after you turned one. The report of their death said
it was a skirmish and your parents were well armed, no one knows if…”
Adi trailed off, watching him closely.

closed his eyes then slowly shifted forward until he could drop his
elbows on his knees and his head into his hands.

were no answers for him.

his parents sold him there was no evidence, a deal could go wrong
after all, maybe they changed their minds or maybe they were
attacked… but how had the pirates found out Obi-Wan could cry

they saw me… or maybe my parents told them… maybe my parents
wanted me or maybe they sold me… there is no one left to answer
that question, that died with them.’ Obi-Wan swallowed thickly.

jerked a bit in shock when he felt a touch to his knee, not having
heard anything and when he raised his head, he meet Yoda’s dark

old troll looked contemplative but also sad. “Life a happy
beginning you did not have, but survived you did,” He croaked out,
one gnarled hand resting on Obi-Wan’s knee and the other on his
cane. “Survive to come to us you did. Joy you bring Obi-Wan,
happiness you deserve. A family here you have.” Yoda patted at his
knee lightly.

his mouth, uncertain what to say, Obi-Wan was saved from answering
when another pair of hands found his shoulders and he turned his head
to see Plo standing at his side, the two oldest members of the
council coming to their youngest in his time of need.

life started in a cage,” Plo murmured, his hands resting on
Obi-Wan’s shoulders and therefore he felt the flinch Obi-Wan tried
to contain.“But that does not define you Obi-Wan, your life of
darkness has
a life of light and love.” He squeezed gently.

up, Obi-Wan felt something thick in his throat and this time, when a
warm, caramel colored hand rested on his cheek, he wasn’t surprised
as he turned his head to meet Depa’s gentle gaze. “Your life has
changed Obi-Wan and though there are no answers for your past, there
are still days in the sun for you future, for your family here in the
Order at your side, revered equal and loving friend.” She stated

large drops started to roll down his glowing face and Obi-Wan’s
hands moved automatically to catch them as Plo spoke once more, each
council members Force aura pressing against Obi-Wan’s with warmth,
affection and care as they affirmed without words that they agreed.
“And we are proud
to call you our friend Obi-Wan. You, who walked out of the darkness
of a cage and into the light of peace and love, you who has seen the
worst of the galaxy and yet still remain unbent and unbroken.” Plo
paused and then leaned down, whispering. “Qui-Gon would have been
of you.”

Obi-Wan felt something in his chest settle, something tight and hot
loosening up as he stared at those he called fellow council members
and Jedi, the words sounding in his mind like a mantra.

in his
palms, two soft pink kyber tears rested, resonating with love,
devotion and warmth as
they twinkled with their own unique light.

Yourpainmypain: In a world with soulmates shouldn’t there be a rule against padawan-master pairs being soulmates? Like, how is this allowed!?! Make words please!

his padawan a small smile while resting a large hand on Obi-Wan’s
head, Qui-Gon nodded towards the council doors behind them. “Why
don’t you head down to the refectory?
I have some more to discuss about Du Crion while you were captured
and I can hear your stomach from here.” Qui-Gon noted kindly.

colored a bit but nodded, turning his eyes hopefully towards the

dismissed him luckily, some with smaller or larger smiles as they
could all hear Obi-Wan’s stomach growl quietly.

his young soulmate go, Qui-Gon kept an eye on the door until it was
shut before slowly turning his head back and narrowing his eyes at
his old grandmaster “I have no idea what you are doing but
Sithspit,” Qui-Gon snapped,  still glaring slightly at Yoda.
“Obi-Wan deserved better than me but you just had to meddle, had
to stick your overly long claws into it. And now we’re left with this
situation, a soulmate being the master to their younger one.” He

absently noted the rest of the council jerking to in surprise. So they did not know, Yoda acted on his own.

you were,” Yoda admitted easily, shrugging a bit.

his hands into his sleeves so he wouldn’t fist his hands, Qui-Gon
took a deep breath. “Soulmates aren’t suppose to teach each
other, it’s never been done, it’s not suppose to be DONE.” He grunted out, still unhappy.

stared at him for a long, considering
moment, his entire being still before he sighed deeply, as
if carrying a terrible burden.
“Soul withering young Kenobi has,” And just like that Qui-Gon
felt himself shattering, breathless as he stared at his grandmaster with his rightious anger drained.
He absently noted the rest of the council jerking to in shock,
oblivious to this information too.
“A cure the padawan bond is not, but stave off the effect it shall.
So yes, pushed him on you I did, denied
others request I have.
Searched long I did for his soulmate. Bright Obi-Wan always has been,
tormented by visions but happy.” He pointed out gravely before
tapping his nails on his cane. “Worried about him the healers have
been, his
death, a great loss to the Force and Jedi would be.”

soulmate had soul withering.

people could live without their soulmates.

would feel a bit empty but they could still live long and happy lives
even if their soulmates died and could love other people and be spouses to someone else.

could not.

entire being would wither away without his soulmate, without Qui-Gon,
because Obi-Wan was one of the few that had contracted Soul
Withering, a rare affliction that maybe about five percentage of all
sentient beings experienced.

reason why was still unknown.

wasn’t genetic and it wasn’t infectious, it just seemed to happen
to some people.

the boy reached fifteen, his decline would start, he would weaken, he
would grow ill and by the time he was eighteen, it would be too late
to find his soulmate. By then the soul withering would be too far
gone and most died before they turned twenty if the soulmate hadn’t
been found before the time limit.

yourself you must,” Yoda’s voice snapped through the fog of
Qui-Gon’s mind as he lifted wide eyes to the male. “Delay the
effect the bond will, remain with him you must. Given him more years
this will but careful you must be.” Yoda’s ears were twitching

Qui-Gon swallowed heavily as he analyzed Obi-Wan’s movements and
reactions in a wholly different way.

heavy realization hit him. “He doesn’t know.” Qui-Gon

his head, Yoda lowered his eyes to his cane. “To tell him the soul
healers felt would be counter productive. Soul withering victims that
know, decline faster they do. For
his health, for his safety, the knowledge was to be kept from him,
only by me and the healers.”
Yoda explained quietly.

Jocasta collapsed back in her chair, staring at both. “A soul
withering victim, we haven’t had one of those since…” She

slowly, Yoda tapped his nails against the wood of his cane. “Cadina
the broken, lost she became, destroyed the eastern wing she did in a
Force fit, hurt many she did.” He trailed off.

his lips, Qui-Gon shook his head slowly. “I… I’ll look after
him. I promise. Keep an eye on him, make sure he doesn’t discover…
Force, how am I suppose to do this?” Qui-Gon wheezed, pressing a
hand to his forehead.

don’t envy you friend,” Plo leaned forward, his face a grim
expression beneath his mask. “But whatever aid you need, you will
get from me.” He inclined his head as various council master’s
chimed in with their own offer of aid and support.

as kind as that was, that still did not change that his young
soulmate had Soul Withering, was a danger to himself and potentially
to others if he one day learned it.

the broken was a horror tale told to the young, the story of the
young knight, who had exploded in darkness and almost destroyed an
entire wing and shaken the temple, had almost killed many masters as
her Soul Withering reached it’s conclusion, leaving her as a husk
of a woman that died only hours after her fit.

warning tale to find your soulmate and be wary about your own health
and the health of those you had bonds to.

idea of Obi-Wan becoming the newest warning tale hurt Qui-Gon and he
promised himself that whatever else he was, he would ensure Obi-Wan
did not end up in the final stages of the Soul Withering.

was a warm day on Coruscant, the sun shining in through the council
windows… and yet Qui-Gon Jinn, dressed in full Jedi uniform with
his robe wrapped
around him only
felt the chill of his own bones as he clung to his fledgling padawan
bond to Obi-Wan for reassurance.

you must,” He looked up at Yoda’s suddenly stern voice, meeting
the others gaze unflinchingly. “Allowed this would not
be usually. Young Obi-Wan’s situation forces our hands at this.”
He stated sternly.

Qui-Gon just held onto his bond with his little soulmate, knowing
that the council would practically be breathing over their shoulder
for the future, watching that Qui-Gon wasn’t overstepping his

that he cared.

was too tired and mentally drained to really care at the moment.


Hi Moddy :), can I ask what will happen next in little broken Ben? Will the council start questioning? If yes, how will Ben handle it?

so strange to be back in the council chamber once more, standing in
front of the twelve councilor’s as if nothing has happened.

a chilly day on Coruscant, he can tell by the frosting on the panel
he can see just beyond Yoda and for a moment he is reminded that it
is the winter season of Coruscant and just how high up they are.

makes sense that there be frosting on the window panels…’ Ben
reminded himself, feeling far away and yet present at the same time
as he focused on Yoda’s sympathetic. ‘He would know how it feels
to be removed and shaken huh, being as old as he is, having seen so
many others go before him…’ And for a moment Ben remembered Yoda
standing in his quarters when Ben had still been Obi-Wan.

the old troll asking if how many of Qui-Gon’s spare robes there

shaking old claws accepting one of the bundles of brown clothes.

Yoda understood feeling lost and alone.

feeling better than in years even if he’s still weakened in some
areas but he’s healthy enough that a reluctant Qui-Gon and healers
are finally allowing the council to question him though it’s not
much of a questioning Ben would say as they simply stare at him.

wonder’s what they are seeing.

not much like the young teen that follows Qui-Gon Jinn, he’s had
too many heartbreaks and joys to be that teen.

maybe they see something worth everything as they seem very accepting
of his presence in the temple to the point where Yoda is allowing him
the choice to stay,
to enjoy the Archive and the companionship of those around him.

had several delightful conversations with Jocasta in
holo form from the Tython library,
and Plo about the library Tython
and all the records and scrolls that were there that had long since
been either decade too much or ruined in the temple due to battles

the last Sith war.

had been beside herself to discover the treasure trove of scrolls
that still existed on Tython.

now came the time for answers and he had filled in as many details as
he knew or suspected was true.

it was hard to say how much of it was right when there was so much
going on during the clone wars.

least the council was now aware that there were Sith in existence and
they would be on guard, Palpatine was going to be watched closely so
they could figure out who his master was and Ben could only… pray
that it would be enough.

be enough to save the temple, the children… Qui-Gon.

going to happen to me?” He asked softly, daring
to break into
the quiet Force conversations happening as he focused on the twelve
councilors and
not the frosted panel or Yoda’s twitching ears.

choice I believe I gave you, stay here you could.” Yoda cracked,
tapping his clawed fingers on his cane.

his hands together, Ben sighed. “That’s all grand master Yoda but
I…” He slumped a bit, at loss for words.

I believe Ben means,” Jocasta leaned in, her voice soft but a bit
stern as she gave the green skinned master a gimlet eye even through
the holo. “Is what he’s suppose to do,
is not a man of inactivity.” She scolded lightly while sitting back
on the chair she had found on Tython.

Plo leaned forward, a bit bewildered sounding as he observed Ben, the
time traveler blinking back. “I thought that was pretty clear to
all of us but maybe that’s just me.” He mused.

and showing it, Ben frowned slightly.

among the archivists I assume he would,” Yaddle hummed, picking
candies out of her  robe that she was clearly intent on eating… or
slipping into Ben’s pocket when the other wasn’t watching, it was
hard to tell with the woman sometimes. “Work as a head Archivist
under Jocasta, continue with knowledge and maybe one day in the
future, head out to archaeology missions for the Jedi if desired to
leave Ben did.” She put the crunching treat into her mouth.

a bit at loss, Ben opened his mouth then closed it again.

could stay and just… work with books and scrolls as he had on

wasn’t expected to do anything else except maybe answer some
questions occasionally to try and help the order survive?

I promised you, if stay you would,” Yoda pointed out in a kindly
voice. “Stay you will?” He questioned, ears twitching.

stay.” Ben whispered, feeling something close to bone breaking
relief settle into his bones.

we know he already has a room somewhere.” Mace said in an amused
tone from where he was settled, the man looking utterly relaxed and
stretched out in his chair. He didn’t even have the decency to look
contrite when Ben colored in embarrassment.

I’m sure Qui-Gon will be happy to welcome another tenant
permanently into his quarters lest Micah and Tahl start making jokes
about green wookies again.” Si-Fo snorted loudly, yawning a bit.

Ben must admit he forgot how much of a tease the council could be
when they were relaxed.

they’re not wrong… Qui-Gon…’

Ben would like to return to the other, he’d like that quite much
though the green wookie comment… oh… OH.

now he felt silly even as he felt strangely pleased, shuffling his
feet while looking at his slipper covered toes with a silly little


so… can i get more plot with our porn for #ourcollaryourneck cause i really wanna see this meditation circle you mentioned… and then maybe some making out ;)

the other to press him into the elevator wall, Obi-Wan sighed happily
into Cody’s mouth as the other carefully ran his hands along his
side and under the tunic to gently tease at Obi-Wan’s stomach.

Yoda had said they needed a trooper as focus, Obi-Wan had been quick
to mention that Cody would be available as the 212th
was off duty and it was not unusual for the commander to arrive in
the temple.

that was true for most troopers really, outside of the 212th,
the rest were on some kind of duty, some working with the Coruscant
guards at Commander Fox’s request or doing maintenance on their
ship, armors or weapon.

had looked particularly sour for a few seconds before he managed to
regain serenity when Yoda agreed for Obi-Wan to call Cody and go wait
for him in the south entrance hall while
the others arranged for the entire temple to start meditating and
join in, preparing for the cleansing ritual though the council hadn’t
informed everyone what they were doing.

that everyone had to join in and the fact that they were ending a
threat with the joining of many Jedi’s power.

had to dodge Anakin’s worried messages in that hour and he felt
rather guilty about it but to be fair, he couldn’t really inform
the other fully of the situation without permission from the council…
he had however sent back a message that the meditation had to do with
the biochips, giving his former padawan that much.

that left Anakin to start his meditation as Obi-Wan greeted his
commander… and apparently Obi-Wan had a thing for his lovers in
uniform because while the armors had a basic reaction, he had a
visceral reaction to the man in his officer fatigues, all sharp
looking in gray with his rank decorations on his chest, hat sitting
perfectly on his head.

had looked like a snack

and shoulder brushes could not make up for the real thing as having
his lovers close and it was a blessing when the elevator finally
closed to take the direct route up the tower to the council chamber.

allowed Cody and Obi-Wan a few moments to reacquaint themselves with
each other.

Cody much to Obi-Wan’s joy had not wasted a moment in backing the
Jedi into the wall to press their bodies flush against each other,
both curling into each others heat.

Sarad, cuun Tal Sarad,” Cody murmured hotly against his lips, the
possessive lit in his voice and Force aura making Obi-Wan shiver with
suppressed pleasure. He shouldn’t be so pleased at it but he was.
These men who chose him and him alone. “I missed you.” Cody
hummed, kissing down Obi-Wan’s bare cheek and over his neck,
keeping the kisses purposely light so not to leave any marks.

would be hard to explain how Obi-Wan gained those in the hour he was
gone from the council chamber to call and wait on Cody after all.

happily, Obi-Wan cupped the back of the others head and rubbed his
fingers against Cody’s scalp. “I missed you too, all of you. It’s
lonely in the temple.” He whined softly, arching his neck as Cody’s
lips lingered on the collar that had once more been reinstated to it
rightful place.

I know. Next time I’ll just come with you to the temple.” Cody
huffed, fingers lingering on a hickey on Obi-Wan’s hip.

before they could get even more flustered they felt the elevator slow
down and Obi-Wan whined loudly and pouted at his lover as the other
pulled back with a regretful sigh.

froze however when predatory amber eyes focused back on the slightly
disheveled Jedi still against the wall. “When we’re done, I’m
pinning you to your quarters bed and ravishing you until you look
like a four credit alley whore Tal Sarad, you’ll feel it for days.”
He swore quietly, tone of voice having Obi-Wan trembling in his boots
in anticipation as Cody licked his lips.

heavily, straightening up on wobbly legs while trying to fix his
tunic and hair as best he could, the braid luckily staying mostly
whole. “That… yes that sounds good.” He stammered, flushing
darkly as he saw Cody’s darkly smug expression.

does like leaving me stammering and speechless.’ Obi-Wan breathed
heavily, trying to calm down and flush the arousal from his system.

he hoped the rest of the council just thought it was from the brisk
walk to the elevator.

not Mace.’ Obi-Wan amended.

other councilor would most likely guess what had most likely been
going on but he wouldn’t say anything so that was fine.

as anticipated, Mace had a knowing look on his face as Obi-Wan
rejoined the circle of councilors.

warmly at Cody, Yoda nodded. “Welcome Commander, informed you of
the situation Master Kenobi has?”

into parade rest, Cody nodded firmly. “Yes Generals, General Kenobi
has fully informed me of what is going to happen and why, however he
has not told me what is going to happen?” He tilted his head.

forward, Depa smiled softly at Cody. “To be fair, this is not
something we have done before, with a living being as a focus point.
What we need you to do is simply… sit here and be that focus point,
so we can reach your brothers throughout the galaxy to find and
deactivate the biochips.” She informed quietly.

his head, Cody pursed his lips then nodded with understanding. “Ah,
that makes sense… Jedi mumbo jumbo.” He relaxed slowly and
Obi-Wan inwardly winced.

he hadn’t informed the other enough to be at ease when he entered
the council chamber and for that Obi-Wan felt guilty.

harm should come to you,” Plo raised his claws. “At best you may
feel some fatigue but at worst you will get a headache considering
where the biochip is located. Are you still prepared for this task?”
The man murmured, always concerned with the troopers health in his

one to shy from a challenge and knowing that this was for the benefit
of all his brothers and the safety of his Tal Sarad, Cody nodded and
then shifted out of parade rest, settling down with his legs in lotus
position. “I’m ready to start if you all are generals.” He
stated calmly.

looks, the council members got up and moved to the middle, Yoda
settling his clawed hand on Cody’s shoulder with the rest giving
their focus to Yoda to direct. “Then begin we shall… believe in
the Force we must, in it we put our fates.”

dices of fates were rolled.