
OHHHH boy I got a bit carried away with this one but I’m happy with it

Thanks for the suggestion @alamogirl80 ! I really loved drawing them

Boil is using his minor medic skills to wrap up Obi-Wan’s hand, Waxer is providing supervision

The ARF helmet was really fun to draw, the ARF paint on the other hand…


Art tags!

@fractiouskat @royalhandmaidens @iloveyou3000morgan @codyobi @latenightsthoughtsnstuff @jonamore @alamogirl80 @leias-left-hair-bun @qui-gon-jinn-and-tonic @notreallybeccab @a-mediocre-succulent @jadetheaverage @missinashkin @voxmyriad


After reading the second chapter of @blackkatmagic‘s Patreon fic, Fracture, I had to ask:

How is Boil constantly breaking cots?? XD  I’m picturing him doing that elbow drop wrestling move on Waxer and unsuspecting shines!

To which she replied:

xDD Ngl I was picturing something similar – just Boil leaping from high places to crash into other clones just as they’re settling in, like the world’s most annoying flying squirrel.

And then I doodled this during a Zoom meeting. I love them, your honor.


It was probably for the best that Fox wasn’t a force-wielder, he thought, when he reached the coffee machine and realised that no one had bothered to refill the carafe – because he would definitely be a Sith, and he would absolutely do some horrible Force-assisted things to whoever was responsible.

As it was, all he had to work with was a handful of wooden stirrers and a spork.

I tend to think that Qui-Gon realised that his and Obi-Wan’s partnership was meant to be the day Obi-Wan brought back a Pathetic Lifeform of his own. Like say it’s chucking it down on some world where they are and Obi-Wan hears this pathetic mewling and it’s this sodden cat and he keeps it close to him all day (inside his robes, maybe inside his hood like he’s seen Qui-Gon do to the PLs) and Qui-Gon lights up when he sees what Obi-Wan has brought back to their quarters


Qui-Gon: Sounds fake but okay

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Obi-Wan: Master NO

His Padawan’s learning. He’s so proud.