shut me down, I just want to see more of Grandpa Dooku something like him and obi sharing a morning together or dooku caring about Obi like a good grandpa or Palpacreep makes his move and Dookku has to find him anf kick his ass, or whatever you want pleeeaaaseeeee

Glancing up as he heard the door, Yan smiled as Obi-Wan rubbed at his eyes, his plushie wrapped up in his other arm.

After this many years, with Obi-Wan being a full adult now with a beard, the sight should not be endearing but…

Ah, Yan was a foolish old man and seeing Obi-Wan, hair mussed from sleep, still drowsy and his pjs wrinkled from sleep still gave him a sting of nostalgia from the earliest days when he started caring for the redhead.

He opted not to comment on that though, instead rising from the couch and setting his pad away, novel marked on the page he left off on. “Good morning Obi-Wan, did you make your bed?” He questioned quietly.

He could never tell what kind of day his grandson would have, if it be the kind where he’d be sensitive to everything and anything or if it be what people would consider ‘normal’. So Yan treated every day as if it was a sensitive day, just until he knew for sure.

Dropping his hand, the large blue sleeve coming down over it, Obi-Wan gave him a sleepy smile and a nod. “Mhmm. Good morning grandpa.” He greeted in return, moving over to the man and pausing in front of him.

Chuckling, Yan leaned down and pressed an affectionate kiss to the other’s forehead, grasping him by the shoulder to guide him to the kitchen. “Good, I will be peeking in while you shower after breakfast, just so you know.” He tacked on warningly, smiling more when Obi-Wan just hummed in answer, clearly not concerned.

Habits and routines were important for Obi-Wan well being and to ensure the layout of his day, it was why Yan reminded him of things, just in case as falling out of them could be a tad damaging to Obi-Wan.

But thankfully, Obi-Wan tended to stick to them pretty well, it could only become messy if something prevented him from doing things in the order he was used to. “What kind of breakfast would you like today?” Yan changed the subject a tad, glancing to the redhead as he pushed Obi-Wan to the kitchen table with a gentle hand.

Sitting down, Qui settled in his lap so he could have his hands free, Obi-Wan frowned slightly. “Nothing… mushy please.” He requested, his lip curling a tad with disgust.

Rubbing his chin at that, Yan glanced at the kitchen before letting out a small hum. ‘So its a texture day… good to know.’ He mused before smiling. “Well then, how about toast, some cured meat and an apple?” He questioned as he moved to flip on the water boiler, knowing at the very least that he wanted tea. None of the food he mentioned were mushy, so hopefully those would fly as they needed to restock their fridge.

Obi-Wan perked up at that. “Sounds lovely, though if we have some gouda, I’d like that too. What kind of tea are you making?” He watched Yan move about.

“I was thinking of just doing a black tea and adding some cream to mine. I can make some for you too,” Yan answered, smiling when Obi-Wan nodded eagerly. “As for the cheese…” Yan peeked into the fridge. “Yes, there is a small wedge left, you can have it if you want.” He smiled warmly, pulling out the cured meats he knew they had, placing it and the cheese platter on the counter.

Obi-Wan nodded happily. “Sounds lovely, I’ll have my tea bare.” He stated happily, settling in his chair to wait, absently fiddling with Qui’s ears as he peered at the faux ‘window’ of the kitchen that Yan had set to show the temple’s water garden.

All in all, just a normal morning for them and Yan couldn’t be anything but grateful for it as he prepared breakfast for himself and his grandson.


Jerking the boy away from the hive quickly by wrapping him up in one arm
to shield him with his own body, Yan sent the hive and the wasps it
contained flying into the lake with a strong Force shove before more
harm could be done though the thing had already done more than enough
harm in his eyes as he turned his eyes to Obi-Wan.

The young padawan’s eyes were tightly closed and his jaw gritted as he held his left cheek, tears clinging to his eyelashes.

He’d been stung.

course he had been stung and Qui-Gon was still with the native clan
leaders trying to negotiate for information about the terrorists who had
marched through with the explosives stolen from the warehouses of the
Empress army.

Which left Yan with Obi-Wan.

“Let me see,” He rumbled out, closing his hand around the boy’s wrist to carefully tug it away.

managed to stifle a tiny sob and obeyed but it was clear he was in
severe pain, his cheek already swelling heavily and turning a bright red
as Yan stared at it. Swallowing down the curse that wanted to escape
him, Yan touched the swelling area gently with his fingertips to check
if the stinger was still in, murmuring in apology when Obi-Wan flinched
at the touch. “Are you allergic to wasp sting Obi-Wan? To any insects at
all?” He questioned hurriedly.

Breath hitching, Obi-Wan opened his mouth to answer but ended up letting out a sob instead before shaking his head as answer.

Well that was something.

He wasn’t allergic but to be stung in the face by such large insects…

Obi-Wan up into his arms, Yan marched towards the camp they had set up
only hours earlier. “Its going alright Obi-Wan, I’ll make sure you’re
going to be alright.” Yan murmured soothingly as he knew better than to

If he panicked, Obi-Wan would panic.

Remaining calm was the only thing for it and it would make it easier to treat Obi-Wan.

boy clenched his hands into Yan’s chest, bunching the tunic as he
continued fighting against the pain with fat tears rolling down his

But he doesn’t make a noise as Yan finally sets him down
outside the tent and brings out the medkit. Yan’s not sure that’s such a
good thing, for a young teenager to decide to just bare the pain
without any noise.

‘At least he’s letting himself cry… or maybe
he just can’t stop.’ Yan wondered as the tears continued rolling down
flushed cheeks as the boy watched Yan ruffle through the medkit, his
hands fisted into the hem of his tunic to avoid touching his swelling,
red cheek.

Finding the correct tube of medical cream along with a container of analgesic patches, Yan turned back to Obi-Wan.

meet pained green eyes, softening at the sight as it reminded him so
much of Qui-Gon when the boy had sprained his wrist when he was still a
young padawan instead of the knight of today. “This is cooling bacta
cream that will prevent infection and heal up the sting site,” Yan
murmured, keeping his tone low and even before holding up the patch.
“And this will take care of most of the pain. I’m going to put the patch
on your neck but you’re going to need to let me touch your cheek to put
on the cream.” He finished up and waited until Obi-Wan gave a hiccuping
nod. “Good boy.” He praised, shifting closer on his knees.

secured on the pale neck, Yan got a dollop of cream on his fingers
before tilting Obi-Wan’s head with a grasp on the padawan’s clefted chin
with his clean hand.

At the touch, Obi-Wan once more flinched, a
direct sob escaping him as Yan rumbled out soothing nonsense while
slowly dabbing the cream to the sting site while Obi-Wan flinched in his
grasp but didn’t outright try to escape.

Finally done, Yan wiped
his hand on the grass and pulled Obi-Wan to his chest, Yan ran his
clean fingers through Obi-Wan’s hair. “That’s a boy, you did so good
Obi-Wan and its going to get better now, I promise,” He murmured.
Obi-Wan sniffled heavily, hands still clenched in his tunic hem but he
wasn’t gritting his teeth anymore as he pressed his unstung, wet from
tears cheek to Yan’s chest, his body begging to be held for comfort that
Yan was not about to deny him. “Now, I need you to tell me if it
doesn’t get better alright, if you feel nauseous or in more pain then I
need to take you to a medic. You will tell me if you become worse,
right?” Yan needed some reassurance of his own.

There was a loud swallowing noise before Obi-Wan nodded into the warm chest.

good. For now just try to relax. Try meditating if you can but its
alright if you can’t.” Yan held around the boy, stroking his hair

His poor grandpadawan, such poor luck.

(distant pain) How does Dooku feel about Obi-Wan ? Have they met ? Maybe even before tcw ?

Swaying lazily back and forth over the open pit, his arms crossed over his chest, Obi-Wan glared quietly at the man standing in front as blood was rushing to his head and mentally he was cursing out Ventress for having him swinging over a damn open pit upside-down of all things.

Dooku stared calmly back at him, his hands resting on a snake headed cane and his cloak fluttering slightly in the breeze that echoed through the cave system.

For several long, uncomfortable minutes, neither said anything until Dooku seemed to have enough. “Grandpadawan.” He greeted calmly.

“Grandmaster.” Obi-Wan bit out, wishing he could regulate his blood flow but that was a bit hard with the Force inhibitor in his system, once more a curtsy of Ventress.

She had gotten the drop on him, much to Obi-Wan’s annoyance.

Dogma and Zuru were going to be unbearable motherhens when he got out of here, he just knew it, Dogma in particular.

The other had taking to questioning Zuru about the things Obi-Wan got up to and while Zuru had been somewhat desensitized to his actions and behavior, Dogma had certainly not and would regularly be making distressed, clicking noises when Zuru informed him of past missions.

And after swaying over a black hole in a cave system, upside down with Count Dooku in front of him, both of them were sure to turn into motherhens again.

“It is a shame that Qui-Gon did not see fit to introduce us sooner,” Dooku drawled, Obi-Wan eyes narrowing faintly at the mention of his former master. “Not that you seem to have a good relationship with your former master.” The man tacked on.

Letting out a hissing breath between his teeth, Obi-Wan glared at the older man. “Well gee, I wonder why, repudiation has a tendency to leave a bad taste in people’s mouth you know.” He drawled.

Dooku hummed faintly, tapping his glove covered fingers on his cane. “Indeed, I heard about the… incident,” He stated a tad delicately, looking away as if the cave wall was fascinating. Obi-Wan almost snorted at him. “A damn shame really, Skywalker is an uncouth thug, little more than a power house with little to bring to our lineage.” He stated,

Trying not to feel nauseous with all the head having gone to his head, Obi-Wan let out a dark laugh. “Oh right, our lineage. You have no claim on it anymore after turning your back on us all,” Obi-Wan continued to mirthlessly laugh, keeping his eyes on Dooku’s darkening face. “Tell me, how sweetly does the dark side sing to you? How many Jedi have you killed? Kin slayer.” Obi-Wan sneered at him.

Opening his mouth, Dooku had clearly been about to reply when the vitriol of the last two words hit him, the man jerking back as if electrocuted as he stared at Obi-Wan.

Snorting, Obi-Wan stared at the man. “You have no claim to our lineage anymore, you traitor to everything, even the family we are suppose to be. Force sensitive have few friends in this galaxy and now you, raised in the temple, turn on us too. Begone from my sight, I have no camaraderie with you.” He stated darkly.

Obi-Wan might be on the edges of the temple, for all that he was a council member. His work as a shadow operative had isolated him away from many outside of his crechemates and Quinlan but he was still a Jedi.

And he’d be a Jedi until the day he died.

Visibly shaking himself, Dooku put on the best sneer he could, despite Obi-Wan seeing he was unnerved beneath his mask. “I see, so you throw loath in with the Order and the dying Republi-”

“I throw my loath in with my family,” Obi-Wan replied steadily, the cave breeze rustling through his hair. The family he had grown up with and the family he had found. “As all Jedi should.”

If Obi-Wan could have seen himself, he would have noted that his eyes were almost glowing as he stared Dooku down.

Unsettled, Dooku simply sneered at him before turning, heading towards the cave mouth. “Maybe you’ll come around in an hour or so, if you’re still alive. After all, the lungs do not enjoy weight on them.” He drawled as he stepped out.

Snorting quietly, Obi-Wan looked up at his tied up legs. “…Kark Ventress for taking my weapons… even my boot knife.” He grumbled.

#LifeInMusic- Dooku and Obi notice they have caught some unwanted attention when it bumps into them.

Stepping off the stairs and out of the theater, Yan glanced down to his right and let out a soft chuckle at the sight of his grandpadawan. “I would ask if you enjoyed it, but I think the answer is clear from the look on your face.” Yan stated fondly as Obi-Wan beamed up at him, practically skipping with his joy.

Yan’s statement made the boy flush a bit but did nothing to dampen his obvious joy. “I really enjoyed it master Yan! The theater was lovely and the music was just…” Obi-Wan fumbled for words, his green eyes wide and sparkling.

It was just adorable and Yan couldn’t resist reaching out to fluff the red spikes of the others hair, laughing quietly when the other squeaked in surprise. “Good, good, I’m glad you enjoyed it Obi-Wan, that was the intention after all.” And it would make it easier to invite Obi-Wan for other musicals.

The boy’s honest enjoyment of music was something the two of them could share and Yan was looking forward to more musicals and plays with his grandpadawan.

“You must be hungry.” He stated instead of voicing his future plans.

Opening his mouth, Obi-Wan clearly intended to answer only for his stomach to growl loudly, answering for him. The boy went bright red, eyes wide in surprise. “I, oops. I’m sorry master.” Obi-Wan squeaked out.

Laughing, Yan guided them out the doors with a hand on Obi-Wan’s shoulder and out into the semi fresh and certainly cooler air than the inside. “Oh, its alright Obi-Wan, I’ve kept you occupied for hours now and you are a growing boy. I’m honestly shocked you haven’t complained,” He teased carefully, content to see the boy smiling shyly at him. “Why, Qui-Gon would complain if I let him go hungry even for an hour.” Yan patted the boy’s shoulder.

An exaggeration of course, Qui-Gon had eaten well and he could moan at time as a teenager but on missions he behaved himself and the boy always knew where to find foods.

Yan had never starved his padawan, he didn’t believe in food punishment, especially not for children due to how damaging it could be and had always had snacks that his padawan’s preferred in their quarters.

“Really?” Obi-Wan grinned up at him. “Master di-ouf!” Obi-Wan walked into a human wearing a fancy blue with silver stitching robe, the teen falling back and would have fallen on his ass if it wasn’t for Yan quickly grasping him and pulling him close.

The man turned quickly, allowing Yan to recognize him and the muun the man had been speaking with.

Newly elected Senator Palpatine and Hego Damask, one of the highest member of the Banking clan.

A faux look of surprise crossed the young senator’s face, his acting skills were good but Yan could spot that the senator was putting on an act. “Ah, apologies there my young friend. I seem to have blocked the path.” He stated, bowing slightly with a smile.

A deep unease was settling into Yan’s bones and he didn’t have for habit to ignore his instincts. The senator had placed himself on purpose, just for this incident to happen.

Pulling Obi-Wan more into him before the boy could answer, Yan put on his best smile, inclining his head. “No harm done. Me and my young friend however has been out far past his bedtime and I promised his guardian to get him home quickly once the show was over, I hope you understand our urgency.” He stated, pulling Obi-Wan with him quickly towards their waiting speeder.

It was rude, there was no question that their abrupt departure was rude, especially since they hadn’t introduced themselves or waited for the two to introduce them to the Jedi.

But every instinct he had told him to get Obi-Wan away from the two influential members of society and quickly.

“Grandmaster?” Obi-Wan whispered, looking up at him in obvious confusion and to Yan’s sorrow, also a tiny bit of fear.

Yan had scared him clearly, either by his manhandling or by his hurried actions.

Pushing the other into the speeder, Yan gave him as good a smile as he could. “Obi-Wan, promise me, if you ever see those two again, try not to speak with them.” He whispered quietly, closing the speeder door for the boy.

He felt Obi-Wan watch him as he moved around to the driver side and thankfully, the fear was gone and replaced by pure bewilderment. “Yes grandmaster… but… can I ask why?” Obi-Wan’s inquiry was full of curiosity.

Glancing back to the doors, Yan let out a breath between clenched teeth as he found the muun and human still watching them. “I can not prove it Obi-Wan… but they give me an uneasy feeling. I’ve learned to trust those. So please, promise me.” He stated seriously as he started up the speeder.

Large, doe like eyes widened before Obi-Wan nodded. “Yes grandmaster Yan, I promise.” He answered equally serious

Hopefully, that would be enough and Yan reached out to ruffle the others hair. “Now, lets get you feed.” He murmured fondly, feeling himself ease up ever so slightly at the promise and smile the teen gave him.

i’m in love with obi-wan in lupinecopper! could we maybe see him and dooku again?

Blinking up at the brightly lit, white ceiling as he laid flat on a crisp bed that was certainly not his own, Obi-Wan wondered what in the world had happened to him, because he recognized the moment he woke where he was.

He was in the Halls of healing.

He could smell the sweet scent of bacta along with disinfection and sterile soaps that the Halls used to keep clean and below those scents were the scent of disease and blood.

Last thing Obi-Wan remembered, he had been in the salle with his class and…

Did he have an accident?

Before he could think anymore on it, a deep voice spoke up, starling Obi-Wan into sitting up hurriedly on his elbows. “You had an allergic reaction padawan Kenobi.” It was a salt and pepper haired man, sitting in chair beside the bed, one leg raised with the ankle resting on his knee and a brow raised at Obi-Wan.

He was very dignified looking, his outfit black with gray tabards instead of the normal beige and browns and Obi-Wan could tell that the fabric was finer than standard.

This was clearly a master but not one Obi-Wan recognized, even though he was familiar.

‘Wait, allergic reaction?’ Obi-Wan mind fumbled on the words.

“Indeed,” The man drawled, smirking faintly at Obi-Wan’s surprised face. “You’re mind is unguarded.” He tacked on.

Flushing darkly, Obi-Wan brought up his shields as he realized he must be broadcasting.

He got a nod of approval. “Well done, your shields aren’t sloppy and you brought them up carefully. Qui-Gon must be proud of you.” The man stated calmly, resting his hands on his thigh.

“You… know my master?” Obi-Wan tried not to be pleased at the compliment but honestly, not many tried to compliment him and it was nice to hear. “Wait, no, allergic reaction?” Obi-Wan backtracked.

Chuckling faintly, the man nodded. “First of, let me introduce myself. I am Yan Dooku, I was in the salle when you had your reaction and offered to take you to the halls for master Drallig.” Master Dooku explained with a small smile.

Blinking, Obi-Wan shuffled until he was sitting up against the headboard.

An allergic reaction, Force, he hoped his face wasn’t puffy and red though clearly the healers had dealt with it but what could have… he didn’t remember eating anything that should have caused a reaction.

Frowning thoughtfully, Obi-Wan tried to remembe- “Chocolate!” He gasped, eyes wide.

Dooku raised one brow. “Pardon me?” He questioned curiously.

‘Well, I must look like a loon.’ Obi-Wan thought, flushing with embarrassment. “I-I apologize for yelling but I remembered what I ate. A friend of mine gave me a chocolate he had been saving for me.” He stammered out.

Normally, normal chocolate would cause a small stomach ache for Obi-Wan, but the closer to full moon, the worse his reaction would become and the healers had warned both him and Qui-Gon that as Obi-Wan got older, his reaction might become worse.

Dooku stroked his chin, frowning faintly. “I see, yes that does make sense, seeing as you are partly canine. You wouldn’t be able to break down the methylxanthines that are present in normal baseline human chocolate.” He speculated thoughtfully.

Honestly, that went a bit over Obi-Wan’s head and he mostly just felt even more embarrassed as he twisted his hands in the hem of his tunic.

Brown eyes focused on him, unexpected warmth in them that had Obi-Wan pausing as he blinked. “Has your master thought about switching you to canine safe chocolate? A friend of mine is a defel and she buys chocolate in bulk that is safe for her.” He explained calmly.

If Obi-Wan thought about it, the thought hadn’t hit either him or Qui-Gon really, too occupied with worrying about Obi-Wan’s health and in Obi-Wan’s case, honestly sulking about the prospect of not getting to enjoy chocolate.

But that was something to think about, chocolate wasn’t safe for him to consume anymore but he liked the taste so if he could eat chocolate intended for canine species. Deep in thought, Obi-Wan missed the fond, soft smile on master Dooku’s face as he observed Obi-Wan in turn, only looking up when the door opened and Qui-Gon suddenly flew through. “Padawan!”

Qui-Gon’s voice worried voice bounced over the walls as he threw himself at Obi-Wan and wrapped him up in a hug, Obi-Wan squeaking as he was rocked, Qui-Gon hurriedly explaining that Micah had commed him and that Obi-Wan had been throwing up and convulsing in the salle in front of everyone and that Qui-Gon had been so worried.

Squeaking, Obi-Wan turned bright red as he noticed master Dooku watching them with an amused smile on his face, Obi-Wan burying his face in his master’s shoulder to try and stifle some of his chagrin at Qui-Gon fussing over him.

Qui-Gon only stopped when Dooku cleared his throat, letting go and turning around with a surprised noise. “Yan! What a surprise, what are you doing here?” He questioned in with a smile on his lips.

Oh yeah, Master Dooku clearly knew Obi-Wan’s master.

“I brought young padawan Kenobi here, I offered to take him for master Drallig.” Dooku stated calmly, standing and brushing invisible dust off himself.

Beaming slightly, Qui-Gon turned back to his padawan as Obi-Wan blinked curiously at them. “Obi-Wan, this is Yan Dooku. My former master and your grand master.” He explained warmly.

‘…Oh Force, please let me pass out again.’ Obi-Wan first thought was, mortification making him turn red as this was not how he wanted to meet his grand master.

Could he make a good first impression just once, he lamented as he peered up at the smiling Jedi master with large eyes. “Pleasure to meet you grandmaster.” He bowed as best he could sitting on the bed, whispering meekly, jumping in surprise when a large, warm hand rested on his head, ruffling short spikes.

“Oh no young Kenobi, the pleasure is all mine.” Yan stated, voice warm as the two stared at each other, Obi-Wan blinking up at his grandmaster and Yan simply smiling at him without any prejudice for what Obi-Wan was.

Unable to help himself, Obi-Wan felt a small ray of hope as he shyly smiled back, Qui-Gon beaming at both of them.

#lifeinmusic- Obi and his grandmaster have their own night out. Maybe we see an enterprising young Nabooian politician/Sith and his master.

Smiling softly to himself, Yan leaned back in his velvet dressed chair as he watched his excited grand-padawan instead of the play happening beneath them on the brightly lit stage, his hands resting in his lap with the play pamphlet clasped carefully to avoid wrinkling the decorated flimsi.

Not that Obi-Wan was paying attention to the play either, beautiful as it was with extraordinary actors.

No, Obi-Wan’s focus was further down than the stage, on the orchestra, watching the musicians play as directed by the conductor.

It was endearing to Yan if he was honest, he wasn’t one that easily felt comfortable or relaxed with children or even teens and maybe if the teen in front of him had been anyone else, he would have dismissed this as disrespect to the actors.

But he knew this child and knew he was respectful, knew Obi-Wan was just excited about the orchestra and therefore that was where his focus was.

‘And by the Force is he excited.’ Yan chuckled quietly to himself, the sound lost under the music as Obi-Wan leaned even more on the balcony rail to peer down, his eyes wide with a flush barely visible in the dim light of the theater. The child had been standing for the better part of the hour, to have a better view of the musicians and Yan knew the others legs should be feeling it at this point and yet his excitement was keeping him right there, standing, leaning on the balcony of the booth Yan had gotten them.

He was honestly extremely grateful that he got booth tickets now, if they had been sitting down among the audience, he’d have to pull Obi-Wan back into his seat.

Instead he got to enjoy Obi-Wan’s honest and refreshing elation without having to interrupt the boy.

It was endearing.

When was the last time that Yan Dooku had found a youngling to be endearing instead of merely tolerating them?

A very long time if he was brutally honest.

Yan didn’t mind children, that wasn’t it but he wasn’t really one to spend time with them and he would willingly admit that part of himself.

Not everyone was a good parent or teacher.

It was why he had so few padawans, he had to find the right ones to be able to train them.

And he would fully admit that if Obi-Wan was not Qui-Gon’s padawan, then he’d love to take the boy on.

The sharp mind and skill the other possessed was deeply intriguing to the Serenno native and he could already see the diplomat in making in the boy, under the passion and occasional emotional outbursts were the signs.

A diamond in the rough as some might say, though Yan would claim that Obi-Wan was more a star than a diamond, a bright glow in his Force aura.

So yes, Yan was endeared and frankly charmed by Obi-Wan, really, could anyone blame Yan?

Obi-Wan was genuine, hard-working, creative, a bit impish with a beautiful mind under his copper hair, his intelligence shining when he put his mind to it. And Yan well knew that several of the council members were also charmed by Obi-Wan and could possibly slightly jealous of Qui-Gon being able to snag Obi-Wan.

‘But that wouldn’t be shocking, what else are one suppose to feel, when Obi-Wan shines so brightly?’ Yan thought to himself, soft as Obi-Wan practically pulsed in the Force with his joy, as if his soul was preforming music.

So consumed with Obi-Wan’s joy, Yan was oblivious to the other eyes watching the boy, another redhead with narrowed, thoughtful pale eyes.

Moody! Can we have a moment in Life is Music, where both Qui-gon and Dooku find Bruck and co bullying Obi-wan and go into super-protective mode.

“Just cause you got picked as a padawan doesn’t mean your hot poodoo now Oafy-Wan.” The contemptuous and angry voice drew both Jedi masters to short, Yan and Qui-Gon exchanging bewildered looks with each other.

Honestly, meeting up had been a coincident, both had been planning on surprising Obi-Wan, the latter with musical tickets for later in the night and the latter with a celebratory meal outside of the temple.

Obi-Wan had just been doing so well, Qui-Gon had wanted to celebrate the achievements of his boy and Yan had been promising musical ever since meeting Obi-Wan that first time.

It had just seemed natural to go together since they both had the same destination in mind, Obi-Wan’s last class of the day, Force arts.

If Qui-Gon wasn’t wrong, he thought they were currently in the painting time period of said lessons and would be moving on to statues in the next semester.

But that sneering, rude voice drew them both short, both muffling their presence as they slowly drew closer to the hallway and peered around the corner.

It incensed both to see Obi-Wan clearly surrounded by rather upset looking fellow classmates. One in particular looked rather angry and Qui-Gon’s eyes narrowed in remembrance.

This was the white haired one that Obi-Wan had sparred. Something Chun, if his memory wasn’t faulty.

To Qui-Gon’s pride, Obi-Wan himself looked quite calm and was simply holding onto his pad bag with his other hanging relaxed by his side, clearly keeping an eye on all three of the group that had surrounded him, yet also remaining serene about the situation. “My apprenticeship has nothing to do with you Bruck, who my master chooses is his prerogative, not mine and not yours.” He stated quietly.

Apparently reasoning with the other wasn’t the right choice, both Jedi masters feeling the pulse of anger in the Force as the white haired one took a step forward and raised his fist. “You’re not gonna last as a padawan anyhow you musical weirdo, Master Jinn is gonna drop you like a hot tuber when the shine wears off, we all know it.” He growled at Obi-Wan.

Realization hit Qui-Gon heavily.

Obi-Wan was being bullied.

Obi-Wan had made no mention of this at all and clearly from the Obi-Wan’s expression, exasperation tinged with slight anger, this was not the first time.

It brought a wholly new dynamic to the duel Qui-Gon had witnessed in the tournament.

Beside him, Qui-Gon could feel his old master seethe.

Oh, they were still fully muffled in the Force, concealing themselves, but Qui-Gon knew his old master, could read his body language as Yan went taunt and his eyes narrowed, the muscle of his jaw jumping. Yan was getting upset at what he was hearing and seeing.

Not that Qui-Gon was faring much better.

He was also saddened that Obi-Wan hadn’t told him, that he hadn’t trusted Qui-Gon to help him or take care of it. ‘But you didn’t tell Yan about your bullies, did you now… it was nothing to do with trust with you back then. Doubt it has anything to do with trust with Obi-Wan either.’ His mind piped up in a voice suspiciously like Micah’s.

That was true now that Qui-Gon thought back, being teased for his large nose, hands and feet as a child.

Back then it seemed so much like… tattling and burdening his master.

Yan had of course discovered it and dealt with it, talking with Qui-Gon during tea in a soft voice.

Seeing Obi-Wan now, the way his padawan’s face twitched, the way his shoulders slumped slightly… he thought he could understand what Yan must have felt all those years ago.

Which was why he stepped around the corner. “Is that so Initiate Chun.” He stated calmly, watching all four boys jump in shock.

Obi-Wan’s eyes grew wide when he saw Qui-Gon and Yan, the green eyes growing shiny with suppressed tears and shame as he now turned tense.

‘Oh Obi-Wan, its alright…’ Qui-Gon mused sadly, but he would have to deal with that later as he instead crossed his arms over his chest. “And how would you know my mind about my padawan?” He stated calmly.

The white haired boy stared at him, his friends quite clearly inching back since Qui-Gon’s attention was focused on Chun but froze up when Qui-Gon flickered unimpressed eyes at them.

Finally Chun started to stutter, though nothing understandable escaped him.

‘In the end, he’s just a child too…’ Qui-Gon sighed deeply in disappointment, all four teens flinching at the obvious disappointment echoing from the Jedi master. Raising one hand, Qui-Gon waved at Obi-Wan. “Padawan, come along. I came to collect you for a celebratory dinner,” He smiled tenderly at Obi-Wan, watched as his padawan made his way past his main bully with uncertainty flaring in his eyes.

That eased when Qui-Gon settled his hand on Obi-Wan’s hair, gently fluffing the short spikes. “Celebratory?” He whispered, leaning into the hand as his quiet voice sounding all over the silent, brightly hall they were in.

“Indeed,” Qui-Gon chuckled softly. “You’ve been doing so well, I wanted to do something special. So, I’m taking you out to eat at a diner I know.” He grinned at the child, watching surprise then delight spread over his face.

Yan inserted himself, coughing faintly. “I came for much the same reason,” He stated as Obi-Wan looked to him with wide eyes, delight written all over his face. “I finally secured us tickets to the Coruscant Opera house, Qui-Gon has already stated that you have permission to attend later this night with me.” And then, to Qui-Gon’s own surprise, Yan offered his glove covered hand to Obi-Wan.

The teen dithered before reaching out, accepting the hand, smiling shyly. “That… that sounds nice grandmaster.” He whispered, stepping closer to the man.

His hand falling from his padawan’s head, Qui-Gon turned his eyes over to the frozen bullies once more. “…I will be speaking with the crechemaster Initiate Chun. You may now leave.” He stated calmly, turning and instead resting his hand on Obi-Wan’s shoulder, lightly pushing him to get him to walk as the boy once more froze up at the reminder of his bullies were still there.

Yan started walking too, leaving Obi-Wan little choice but to walk with, holding his grandmaster hand as he was.

Leaving behind the three bullies in the hallway as the lineage focused on moving forward.

LupineCopper is wonderful. Quick question what is Dooku’s reaction to his grandpadawan? Does he see Obi-Wan as subhuman or will he invite anyone who is mean to the boy to a /friendly/ spar in the salle?

Marching over the burning sand of the desert garden of the temple, Yan grumbled to himself focused the Force to avoid sweating too much.

Due to the lack of fauna and flora of many sandy desert planets, most of them did not have individual gardens and instead had areas in the desert where their plants were carefully tended to. And due to the environments they required, this part of the gardens were always scorching hot, many of the reptile and avian Jedi actually enjoyed it in this area.

Human Jedi however?

Not so much and Yan couldn’t for the life of him understand why Qui-Gon was all the way out into the middle of the desert garden.

‘Curse my luck. If I only had more time I could have instead just invited them for a meal and be done with this.’ Yan grimaced, wiping the simple strand of sweat beading on his forehead.

Yan wanted to meet his grandpadawan.

But he also had a mission, due to leave in less than two hours actually.

His travel bag, as always, was packed and ready. Jocasta had been informed in person, as anything less would be an insult to the fair lady. Yoda of course been spoken to, the old troll had admonished him gently, forever a padawan in his master’s eyes.

Now only Qui-Gon remained.

However, what he had not known was that the boy had taken a padawan.

Yoda’s eyes had twinkled while telling Yan.

A young human by the name Obi-Wan Kenobi apparently.

For some reason… the name was… familiar to Yan.

But for the life of him he couldn’t remember why and the more he thought about it, the more frustrated he became.

At last however, coming around a large red rock that Yan assumed was to stimulate the red of Korriban, Yan finally saw the tall form of his former padawan. Qui-Gon was standing near an ornery thorn bush, shielding his eyes as if sun was shining him in the eyes.

“Qui-Gon!” Yan barked, a smidgen annoyed that he had to come all this way to find the man. His heart also throbbed slightly to see the signs of silver in the others hair when he jumped at the call of his name, turning in surprise before Qui-Gon smiled warmly.

“Master, its good to see you. I didn’t know you were back in the temple.” Qui-Gon stated, reaching out his arm to clasp elbows with the other in the traditional Serenno greeting.

Clasping the others arm in similar fashion, Yan huffed. “I’m not for long and you would have known if you brought your comm.” He tacked on with a surly glare.

At the others words, Qui-Gon started patting at his belt before a sheepish look appeared on his face, suddenly no longer the exceptional knight but the gangly and somewhat clumsy padawan once more. It was almost enough to for Yan’s lips to start twitching.

Clearly catching on to the switching mood, Qui-Gon shrugged and chuckled weakly. “Apologizes master, I was… excited.” He stated a tad quietly.

“About a sand box?” Yan questioned dryly, glancing about before raising a brow at his once apprentice.

Only to grow wary as the other man started grinning, mischievous warmth in his eyes. “No, actually… him.” Qui-Gon pointed down the sloped sandbank.

Glancing, Yan blinked as copper red was making its way up the bank, taking a double glance before staring at Qui-Gon. “You took on a werewolf?” He questioned, baffled but not really all that shocked.

Unfortunately a lot of werewolves had a bad name to them, even Jedi ones and therefore they often ended up aging out if they were brought to the temple.

Yan had never understood it personally, having interacted with quite a few werewolves through the years and most of them acted like oversized puppies frankly during full moon. But after everything Qui-Gon went through… well, Yan had not expected him to take a padawan at all, let alone one that had rumors like werewolves unfortunately had attached to them, as blood thirsty beasts of the moon, dark when the rose moon had risen over planets.

Qui-Gon’s face shuttered a bit however, clearly taking the comment the wrong way. “I took on a young boy. I’m teaching him how to handle different terrain and I beg you to be polite to him master.” He snapped out before turning as the wolf finally made its way up the sandbank and to them.

Watching, Yan could only stare as Obi-Wan wound his way around Qui-Gon’s legs, dropping a ball at the man’s feet. He was yipping and barking, completely oblivious to Yan clearly as he started to whine softly when Qui-Gon was clearly moving too slow in Obi-Wan’s opinion, the youth still wanting to play.

Chuckling softly, his mood entierly turned around, Qui-Gon bent down and picked up the ball. “Oh alright, steady at it padawan.” He teased before bringing his arm back and giving a good, Force enhanced throw.

And of Obi-Wan too went, tracking the ball with great jumps through the sand, his padawan braid sailing through the air.

Chuckling softly, unable to resist, Yan nodded. “I apologize Qui-Gon, I didn’t mean that in the manner you think,” Qui-Gon glanced warily at him. “I am quite aware how false the werewolf reputation is, but that is just it, they have a reputation and your attitude the past few years…” He trailed off.

That had Qui-Gon shuffling a bit, sudden chagrin and understanding in his face. “Ah… well… I apologize master.” He mumbled, hands tucking into his sleeves.

Patting the other on the back, Yan smiled softly. “All is forgiven padawan… however I do not have long. I am leaving for a mission. I only came to say goodbye, but perhaps next time, we can have a meal together?” He glanced after the running wolf and then back to Qui-Gon, his smile widening slightly when Qui-Gon nodded eagerly. “Then another time Qui-Gon, I’ll have to get to know your padawan then.”

“May the Force be with you Master.” Qui-Gon smiled, his focus turning back to his padawan as Obi-Wan once more came bounding up the sand, missing the sight of Yan as the older Jedi withdrew.

Just a pup, wanting to play even as Qui-Gon was training him to handle different terrains in his wolf form.

Walking towards the entrance, a memory flashed in Yan’s mind, one many years ago on a somewhat chilly, green planet with rockformations. ‘Oh… now I remember… I remember you little one.’ A slow smile curled Yan’s lips.

Obi-Wan Kenobi.

Once simply just ‘It’ before Yan had taken the small child and wrapped him up in his cloak, taking the crying child with him to the temple and the creche.

‘He was my first Search,’ The old master glanced back, warm fondness echoing in his chest as he remembered the flushed face of a wide eyed toddler as he clung to Yan in turn. “How you have grown…” Yan murmured to himself as Obi-Wan’s bootie covered paws threw sand into the air as he rushed forward, Qui-Gon laughing boisterously at the sight.

Oh please tell me we’re getting garandpa dooku in life in music?

Now, Obi-Wan had meet a lot of Jedi lately.

A lot of masters and knights that wanted to be his masters and had tried to impress him as much as possible.

Some were the spacer kinds, some were rough around the edges so to speak, some were refined, graceful, polite, Shadows, undercover agents, hunters and so on and so forth.

Every brand and race the Jedi had to boast of in their numbers.

And yet, Obi-Wan could safely say that he had never seen one like Yan Dooku.

He wasn’t unique because he was a master.

He was certainly not unique because he was a human, there were a thousand humans in the order, some baseline and some not.

He was not unique in his slightly darkened Force aura, there were members like Mace Windu and others who had that.

And there were others again that carried the same refinement and grace that Yan Dooku had.

No, what made Yan Dooku unique…

Was the way he looked at Obi-Wan and meant it.

The way he actually welcomed Obi-Wan to his lineage, wasn’t upset that he hadn’t been picked and was quite willing to kick his own former padawan’s arse if he didn’t treat Obi-Wan well.

Obi-Wan could safely say that he might actually be able to trust Yan Dooku, even should he displease him.

And that was a new thing.

Outside of a very few selective crechemasters, Obi-Wan would not say he trusted adults all that much.

And even Qui-Gon was someone he was a bit leery of at times.

He was quite aware of his master’s past and reputation thank you very much and he was worried the other would suddenly decide that having a padawan was not for him.

Another point in the master’s favor was that he had not once during the meal he had invited both Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan to, asked about Obi-Wan’s peculiar ability.

He had asked about Obi-Wan’s skills in general, had asked for Obi-Wan’s grades, his studies and so on and forth.

But never once about his ability within music.

Or well, he had asked what instruments Obi-Wan could play and if he had ever played the Horizons of Kabal, a demanding violin based song that featured in a musical from Mon Cala.

But that hadn’t been about the ability Obi-Wan had discovered and more about his prowess as a musician.

He couldn’t, just so that was known, which was why Yan had offered to take him see the musical and hear it for himself.

Well, Qui-Gon needed to know Obi-Wan’s ability, as his master, he needed to know so how to help him train for the future, he got a pass on asking about Obi-Wan’s skills and understanding of his own ability.

It was different with the older man.

Yan Dooku didn’t want to know because he was going to train him or wanted to, he wanted to know Obi-Wan’s skill with violin for normal music reasons.

It made Obi-Wan feel oddly touched and he was looking forward to the musical master Yan wanted to take him to.

Clearly, Qui-Gon knew that, considering he spent most of the conversation lightly smiling over the table at Obi-Wan while rolling his eyes as Yan bemoaned his padawan lack of refinement, Qui-Gon preferring to run of with the locals, get shitting drunk and have a hoedown apparently.

The image of the two made Obi-Wan grin as Qui-Gon lightly ribbed his old master and Yan ribbed him right back in their own way.

He wanted what Qui-Gon and Yan had, he hoped he could have this kind of master and padawan experience.

Does Dooku meet Obi in Music is Life? If so, how does he react to Obi’s interesting use of the Force?

Watching his former padawan and his grandpadawan enter, Yan leaned his elbows on the balcony rail while steepling his hands together.

Normally, Yan Dooku wasn’t in the temple, he honestly preferred to be far from it and the corruption of the Senate if he was honest. But Yoda had informed him that his padawan had taken a padawan.

He couldn’t help but feel a bit… hurt.

That Qui-Gon hadn’t informed him.

Yet at the same time he wasn’t surprised. Qui-Gon had not been in the best of mental spaces since the fall of Xanatos.

And that was why Yan was back in the temple, ensuring via Yoda that he’d be there at the same time as his young padawan. Because he wanted to see this boy, to learn about the grandpadawan of his lineage.

And the things he had overheard…

Some of the things he had overheard just sounded to fantastical, too wondrous even for the Force.

Not that the Force couldn’t but the idea of a single young padawan finding this technique so young without anyone learning about what they were doing until a tournament…

That was what was boggling Yan’s mind.

So that was why he had not informed Qui-Gon that he was back, he wanted to observe first.

Wanted to see this boy that had amazed Qui-Gon enough to overcome the walls of his heart and let him in.

And he wanted to know that Qui-Gon was treating this boy well, that Obi-Wan safe and happy with his master.

Yan loved his former padawan, of that he had no doubt even if he wasn’t the best at telling him that, but he also knew the flaws of Qui-Gon’s character. His reaction after Du Crion was the proof of how deeply hurt he had been and the flaws of Qui-Gon’s soft heart.

‘Wounded so deeply I fear he’ll inflict it on someone he is suppose to tend to…’ Yan had thought as he looked up almost obsessively if Qui-Gon had booked any time in any of the public sparring halls and not the private ones.

Finally, after about a week once they returned from their mission, Qui-Gon had indeed booked a mat, ensuring they would have space to train.

Almost, as if to confirm the absurd rumors going about from the get go, young Kenobi had a violin over his back along, a small smile on his face and a bandage on his left cheek.

Curious but not shocking.

Padawans could have training accidents and Qui-Gon was a tactile teacher.

And whatever was under the bandage was clearly taken care of, seeing the bright blue color of it and the yellow stars all over the bandage, it was Qui-Gon who had done it. The man had a fondness for rather immature bandages with patterns and colors.

Reluctantly, Yan’s lips twitched a bit with amusement, a little confirmation of Qui-Gon’s caring clearly in view as the two took to the mat, the yavines man gesturing for Obi-Wan to take position with a wry little smile on his lips that made Yan’s own smile grow in fondness.

The smile was utterly wiped as he straightened in shock with his hands coming to clench on the rail instead, Obi-Wan music filling the hall in a haunting lilting tunes.

The hairs on the back of Yan’s neck rose and he could feel goosebumps breaking out on his skin.

Sith hells, he could even feel his own chest hair rise to the occasion due to how the music was soaking into his very bones.

He had to remind himself to breath as the boy continued working through the music with his eyes closed and even without the Force in it, the tunes would have been breath taking as Yan had always adored the violins tunes.

It was a refined instrument.

But what was even more breathtaking was the sight of a blue, sheer bubble wrapping around the boy, Qui-Gon striking at the blue barrier with his lightsaber.

It didn’t penetrate.

Young Kenobi had created a shield out of the Force and an instrument and Yan couldn’t help but let out a breathy laugh, both delighted and envious.

‘What an addition to our lineage, oh Qui-Gon, your boy is brilliant…’ He couldn’t help but marvel as he fumbled for his comm link without taking his eyes of the pair, Qui-Gon still testing the barrier as Yan tried to send of a message to invite the two for dinner.

It was time to meet his grandpadawan.