

Part 3: Revenge is sweet

Part 1: AU where Darth Sidious chose Feral as his apprentice.

Obi-wan and Qui-gon beat him up in like 15 minutes…and then immediately felt so bad about it, they took him to the hospital.


Give my underpaid and overworked twi’lek nurse a raise pls.

(Feral was discharged an hour ago, but Savage fell asleep on him, so they’re going to let him nap first.)  


So today I stumbled over this picture:

And it had so much Anakin energy that I had to do this:

Anakin when he is not allowed to pilot the ship.


I’ve heard the Darksaber is haunted…

Ka’ra is an ancient Mandalorian legend where when a former Mand’alor dies, they join an ancient council of Mandalorian leaders that lead their people in the stars. (on Wookieepedia)

In the very Mandalorian spirit of keeping history and education, the Darksaber has been giving Mand’alors their own glimpse of Ka’ra for centuries. Doesn’t mean everyone gets along though, definitely doesn’t mean they aren’t still Mandalorians.

General vibe of this concept was inspired by this clip and some big brain concepts developed think tank style with a few of my friends, big shoutout to them!