
Obi-Wan follows his gaze to his own chest – to where the Jedi Order’s winged insignia is bleeding through the white silk of his robes, a red coat of arms spilling onto it.

“What the–” Obi-Wan turns to look into one of the mirrors on the wall…and freezes too, his expression a perfect copy of his Padawan’s.

He stares at his reflection, and his reflection stares back, with a crown of sharp obsidian spikes slowly rising up heavenward from his artfully tousled auburn locks…

The magnificent jagged headpiece seems to be glowing softly from the inside, as if inexplicably radiating both Light and Darkness at the same time, as if it were alive…”

I can’t remember the last time I was this hyped about a fic like I’m now about @the-civilized-jedi amazing story Choose Your Words. Every update makes my week and I’m still not over last week’s update because OH BOI how beautiful was that??? I told you, if I couldn’t get it out of my head, I’d have to draw it 😂

Not gonna lie, this piece was a challenge, with all the different textures and the detailing on the clothes. But I’m really proud of how it turned out, so I hope everyone enjoy it as much as me!



Have some Maul. I completely adore this character. He is so cool looking, so smart yet lost in his emotional turmoil. So utterly obsessed with revenge and with loneliness. 

I look forward to the upcoming comic very much.

Reblogs are Love! Please help artists out by reblogging our art! Thank you!

My art are not to be used as refs. Thank you.

Reblogged art after the SWR Twin Suns episode.



Have some Maul. I completely adore this character. He is so cool looking, so smart yet lost in his emotional turmoil. So utterly obsessed with revenge and with loneliness. 

I look forward to the upcoming comic very much.

Reblogs are Love! Please help artists out by reblogging our art! Thank you!

My art are not to be used as refs. Thank you.

Reblogged art after the SWR Twin Suns episode.

The Massively Massive swpromptsandasks Materlist


This is largely a self-indulgent project. I adore all of Moddy’s work and I re-read my favorites all the time. I wanted a place that compiled all of their marvelous work so decided it might as well be me!

All the credit goes to the glorious @swpromptsandasks who is a gift to the fandom. Some of their work is on ao3 (X)!  I cannot express how much I love all of their work. I will update it so it stays current

Post has been turned into three pages so that the links work! 

Links are Up and Running! Happy Reading!

The Massively Massive swpromptsandasks Masterlist Pages:

A-H,  I-P, Q-Z