SecretWeCarry, oh I’m so glad that Anakin is on his way! As if this wasn’t emotionally-charged enough, Grievous just HAD to step in; Anakin is SO shook up. Part of me is glad he could get close enough for the bond to open – that means OBI can sense him in return, so he’s not TECHNICALLY alone – but it also worries me, because if Anakin’s NOT quick enough, that bond is only going to highlight for Anakin how much he’s failing Obi right now. Either way, Grievous makes this a dicey situation!

Slamming into the wall with a sickening crack, Obi-Wan cried out with pain and spat up blood and bile on the durasteel floor, all sounds around him muted down except the ringing in his ears.

He had been right that Grievous had been on the boarding party along with a squadron of droids that kept the troopers busy for the most part, the cyborg targeting Obi-Wan immidiatly with Obi-Wan responding as best he could, the two exchanging taunts as normal.

Well, the slippers had given the cyborg a pause but things had quickly devolved from their to a full on battle in the hanger.

And now Obi-Wan was quite clearly having internal injuries along with the external ones, a thin stream of blood making its way down Obi-Wan’s temple from his hair.

Potentially a flesh wound from hitting the wall, Grievous cyborg leg hitting with the force of a skycar out of control.

And Grievous kick had clearly done damage to his insides as well, with the hit to the wall had rung Obi-Wan’s head, his head throbbing as he struggled to get to his feet, the wheezing of the cyborg coming closer sending panic through Obi-Wan’s systems.

It was so hard, he could barely keep up with the damn cyborg at the moment but thankfully the troopers were aiding him, causing Grievous to roar with anger, the sound echoing off the walls along with the sounds of blasters as someone threw a grenade at him to give Obi-Wan a chance to recover..

Cody had outright tackled the cyborg with a few others only a few minutes earlier, dog piling him before being shaken off.

Thankfully, none of the troopers seemed too injured by that action, Obi-Wan didn’t know if he could forgive himself if any of them died here and now in the hanger with Grievous when there was just a token force of droids to keep them occupied while Grievous was doing his best to kill Obi-Wan.

Thankfully, as Obi-Wan parried a lightsaber swinging at him, he felt the bond between himself and Anakin become alive with proximity, the other clearly on his way.

Obi-Wan could have cried with relief but ended up dodging from another lightsaber slash, his ribs protesting as Obi-Wan spat out another mouthful of blood.

Because Obi-Wan wasn’t enough.

He was sick, he was injured and he just wanted to sleep but Grievous was a danger to every trooper onboard, Obi-Wan refused to hide when he knew the other was out after him. He wouldn’t sacrifice the troopers just to run away from the damn cyborg that was so intent on killing him.

“Pathetic Kenobi,” Grievous wheezed at him, Obi-Wan barely jumping out of the way of one saber while parrying another. “Your condition has left you even weaker than before. I will take great pleasure in taking your head and your saber.” He growled out, somehow managing to both wheeze and sound smug at the same time.

Normally, Obi-Wan would be jauntily replying back, sassing and distracting but all of Obi-Wan’s focus was going into defending and breathing.

He was just feeling so exhausted and in pain, seeing double of everything and inwardly he cursed.

Knocking his head against the wall must have done some trauma.

Hissing as his next dodge wasn’t good enough, cutting through his leggings and into his left thigh, Obi-Wan wondered how long he could keep going when he heard the most beautiful sentence in the world.

“Skywalker incoming!” A trooper called out and Obi-Wan could have cried from relief, hearing a ship, most likely Anakin’s Interceptor, coming powering through the force field of the hanger.

And when he heard the tell-tale sounds of a ship crashing against the floor and the popping of a canopy he could have laughed.

‘Another happy landing…’ He thought hysterically, his knees buckling under him as Anakin came roaring into his field of vision, the blond knocking Grievous back with a throw of brute Force.

Reinforcement had arrived and Obi-Wan could finally, finally lean into the aid of Cody when the commander appeared at his side to pull him away from the fight gingerly, trusting Anakin to deal with the interloper as he powered down his saber.

Hungry incubus Obiwan

“General!” Catching his General when he was shoved into the cell by the leering guards, Cody glared the pirates as he held the shaking General up, several troopers watching quietly with scowling expressions even as they kept back.

Mostly due to the blast collar around Obi-Wan’s neck.

No one was willing to risk the General’s life and the weequay fiddling almost gleefully with the control while watching them made it clear that she wouldn’t hesitate to blow Obi-Wan’s head of if they didn’t behave.

They would loose out on selling Obi-Wan sure but there had been more than enough hints that they were planning to sell the troopers to the slave trade anyhow.

Finally the pirates had it all locked down and made their way out of the brigs, cackling and joking with each other.

None of them relaxed just yet, not until they heard the clang of the door shutting, only then did Cody relax and wrap his arms around Obi-Wan, his hand instantly going up to stroke the others hair. “Obi-Wan, are you alright?” He murmured worriedly, Helix and Waxer appearing at his side for information.

Obi-Wan didn’t verbally respond, only shook harder in Cody’s grasp, though when Helix and Waxer took a hand each and started kneading it slowly in their grasp with their bare hands, he started relaxing a bit, pressing his face to Cody’s neck.

His armor must be cutting into Obi-Wan’s body unpleasantly, especially where he was bruised and bandage wrapped from the explosion that had lead to their capture but Cody didn’t try pushing him back.

He knew Obi-Wan needed the skin touch, which was why none of the troopers in the cell with their Jedi was wearing their gloves at the moment.

Learning that your General is an incubus is one hell of a doozy and the fact that the 212th had only learned so a full year and a half into the war had been frustrating, considering the situations they got into and could lead to disaster for their already too pretty Jedi.

If slavers or bounty hunters learned he was also a stewjonian incubus, something extremely rare outside of Stewjon, he’d have people gunning for him regardless where he went.

Then there was the manner the 212th had learned, Helix in particular hated the reminder since Obi-Wan only confessed after almost collapsing in the medtent, the only thing saving him from actually cracking his head on something was that Helix had managed to pull Obi-Wan into his arms and had not been wearing his armor at the moment, only his blacks.

Instincts had sought for Obi-Wan to start nuzzling into warm skin of Helix neck, keeping him aware enough to inform Helix so the other could strip them shirtless and cuddle him.

But only after they had been sent on a two month mission without Skywalker around.

Incubus could apparently sustain on platonic touches, the rumor mills having exaggerated the race needs to only the sexual aspect since skin to skin touch were generally required.

But Obi-Wan had explained that cuddling, hand holding and such things could tide an incubus and with a particularly deep bond, like the one he had to Skywalker, who was his brother in all but blood, it meant he could sustain without any form for sexual contact.

Two months without him however was too much.

Obi-Wan had been starving for a full month before his finally had to give in and while not as filling as Skywalker, platonic touches from the troopers helped tide him until they were comfortable enough for more.

And the 212th was more than willing for more, their touch light and tender for their sweet General.

Gentle with their General as most people weren’t to Obi-Wan these days.

Hell, sometimes even Skywalker got a bit rough when they were in disagreement and Cody wouldn’t stand for it.

But here and now there was nothing he could do, locked up in pirate cells as they were, guards coming by every few random half hour to check on them to ensure they weren’t planning escape.

Which they were, Longshot had been working on the bars of the cell he and his group were in.

Well, several of the groups were working on their own cells but Longshot had the best chance since the bars on their cell was apparently decayed somewhat from some acid spill.

But they couldn’t strip their Jedi down in these cells in case the guards came by and the troopers couldn’t remove their armors, needing to be ready to spring their escape.

Finally, Obi-Wan made a low noise, verbally responding as Cody continued rubbing the others scalp. “They wanted to show me to Dooku,” He tiredly confessed, Helix and Waxer pausing their kneading to pay attention. “The Republic is refusing to pay the hostage demand so now they’re seeing what Dooku might offer for me.” Obi-Wan collapsed a bit more against Cody’s body.

“Kark.” Cody grunted, raising his head to look at Longshot in the cell across from them, the other grimacing heavily back at him before shaking his head.

No luck yet with the bars.

“I’m so hungry…” Obi-Wan whined suddenly, Cody freezing a bit before looking to Helix in alarm.

Obi-Wan never confessed to his own discomfort.

To hear him whine even as he held the shaking body made Cody’s blood feel like it was freezing even as he gingerly touched the hurt Jedi, alarmed at potentially hurting him more and yet knowing they had to figure something out without revealing Obi-Wan’s needs to the pirates. “Ner jeti’ika, cuun cyare, its alright, we’ll help you.” He murmured, Helix clearly looking like he wanted to swaddle Obi-Wan up and cuddle for hours.

They would help their Obi’ika…but how?

Hi, thanks so much for your awesome stories. It is a highlight if my weekend to read through everything you wrote during the week. I was watching the clone wars the other day and saw Landing Point at Rain again. Obi-Wan looks so hurt and tired in it, but by the next episode he is fine. I was wondering if you could write a story about his recovery. Thanks!

Leaning heavily on
the blond, Obi-Wan took shallow breaths so not to damage his ribs
further than they already were though at this point he was rather
certain that he had broken one at least or maybe more.

‘Please don’t
let someone make me laugh or let this dust make me sneeze.’ Obi-Wan
thought a bit woozily as he let Anakin help him into the LAAT along
with Mundi, Ahsoka and a few troopers.

Anakin grip tightened on him even as he said the others name. “You
still with us?”

“Yes Anakin, but
please don’t press on me too much, it hurts.” Obi-Wan tried to
give the other a reassuring smile though from the way Anakin’s
frown deepened it wasn’t very successful.

“General, you
look very pale.” Cody said as he reached up to hold onto one of the
straps, alerting Obi-Wan sluggish mind that they were about to take
off though he didn’t notice Anakin reaching for one as much as he
was just spreading his legs to make himself more stable.

Glancing up towards
the straps, Obi-Wan wasn’t actually sure he could reach above his
head at the moment now that all the adrenaline had worn off and the
pain was being very present. “I’m fine Comma-” Obi-Wan’s
breath hitched as the LAAT jumped into the air, jostling his ribs
even as Anakin remained steady as a mountain and that had to
be with a bit of Force to aid him but Obi-Wan’s mind was spinning
with the pain and tiredness too much to even consider scolding the
other for frivolous use of the Force.

Anakin sounded alarmed and Ahsoka’s hand, he could tell by the size, was
suddenly around Obi-Wan’s wrist.

“Skyguy, his
pulse is off the charts.” He heard her say.

There was another
jump, Obi-Wan groaning out loud before giving a harsh cough, blood
splattering onto the LAAT floor as Cody roared at the pilot but even
that was muted in Obi-Wan’s ears as he stared down at the crimson
liquid that had almost hit Ka-Adi’s boots.

Oh well that was
bad, he most likely pierced a rib with that last jump.

“E chu ta!”
Anakin snarled out. “Obi-Wan, keep breathing for us okay.”

With a little
noise, Obi-Wan let the darkness that had been lurking since Waxer and
Boil pulled him out of the first downed shuttle finally take him,
knowing Anakin had him.

And frankly he was
too tired to keep fighting it as he slumped over in the blond’s
grasp with Ahsoka’s hand tight on his wrist and her worry filling
the Force.

It felt like a
minute but the grit in his eyes made him aware it was longer as he
slowly forced them open to stare at the gray drab color of a tent
from the military stores and Obi-Wan took a moment to catalogue his

‘Well, everything
aches but nothing seems to be bleeding anymore and I can breath
without too much pain,’ He thought wryly as he started to wiggle
his fingers, toes and breathing a bit deeper. ‘And it feels like I
got a low level painkiller in my systems.’

A secondary check
of his body told him his ribs were braced and he had bandages wrapped
around his head.

There was a shift
of cloth that had Obi-Wan turning his head to peer towards the
opening where Anakin was entering with a cup in his hand, the blond
smiling weakly. “Felt you were waking up so I made you some tea
Obi-Wan.” He murmured, coming over and pushing the head end of the bed up so
Obi-Wan could sit without straining himself.

“Much obliged,”
Obi-Wan rasped, accepting the cup. “How bad was I?” He asked
while cradling it.

“Seven broken
ribs, one pierced your left lung while the LAAT jumped. You had a hairline
fracture in the tiba and both a basal skull fracture and an open
skull fracture.” Anakin explained, his finger tracing a line over
his left eye with a wry twist to his lips before tapping the back of
his head where Obi-Wan could feel the bandages felt a bit thicker
than the rest.

Well that explained
that, head injuries always bleed like hell.

Sighing a bit,
Obi-Wan finally took a sip of the tea. “Is that… was that all my

“Outside of
bruises, amazingly enough yes though it was still bad enough in my
eyes. You need to be careful master.” Anakin whispered.

Smiling wryly,
Obi-Wan reached out and patted the others cheek gently. “I will
endeavor not to be shot down in the future Anakin.” He chortled
quietly as the other snorted while leaning into the hand, obviously
desperate for the contact and reassurance that Obi-Wan was okay.

“…Don’t make
me loose you just yet Obi-Wan.” Anakin whispered.

“The day will
come Anakin,” Obi-Wan murmured gently before softening his words
with a smile at the knights alarmed look. “But that day is not
today.” He assured.

“Not today.”
Anakin agreed, reaching up and taking the hand to cling to it, the
two smiling at each other.

Hi, thanks so much for your awesome stories. It is a highlight if my weekend to read through everything you wrote during the week. I was watching the clone wars the other day and saw Landing Point at Rain again. Obi-Wan looks so hurt and tired in it, but by the next episode he is fine. I was wondering if you could write a story about his recovery. Thanks!

Leaning heavily on
the blond, Obi-Wan took shallow breaths so not to damage his ribs
further than they already were though at this point he was rather
certain that he had broken one at least or maybe more.

‘Please don’t
let someone make me laugh or let this dust make me sneeze.’ Obi-Wan
thought a bit woozily as he let Anakin help him into the LAAT along
with Mundi, Ahsoka and a few troopers.

Anakin grip tightened on him even as he said the others name. “You
still with us?”

“Yes Anakin, but
please don’t press on me too much, it hurts.” Obi-Wan tried to
give the other a reassuring smile though from the way Anakin’s
frown deepened it wasn’t very successful.

“General, you
look very pale.” Cody said as he reached up to hold onto one of the
straps, alerting Obi-Wan sluggish mind that they were about to take
off though he didn’t notice Anakin reaching for one as much as he
was just spreading his legs to make himself more stable.

Glancing up towards
the straps, Obi-Wan wasn’t actually sure he could reach above his
head at the moment now that all the adrenaline had worn off and the
pain was being very present. “I’m fine Comma-” Obi-Wan’s
breath hitched as the LAAT jumped into the air, jostling his ribs
even as Anakin remained steady as a mountain and that had to
be with a bit of Force to aid him but Obi-Wan’s mind was spinning
with the pain and tiredness too much to even consider scolding the
other for frivolous use of the Force.

Anakin sounded alarmed and Ahsoka’s hand, he could tell by the size, was
suddenly around Obi-Wan’s wrist.

“Skyguy, his
pulse is off the charts.” He heard her say.

There was another
jump, Obi-Wan groaning out loud before giving a harsh cough, blood
splattering onto the LAAT floor as Cody roared at the pilot but even
that was muted in Obi-Wan’s ears as he stared down at the crimson
liquid that had almost hit Ka-Adi’s boots.

Oh well that was
bad, he most likely pierced a rib with that last jump.

“E chu ta!”
Anakin snarled out. “Obi-Wan, keep breathing for us okay.”

With a little
noise, Obi-Wan let the darkness that had been lurking since Waxer and
Boil pulled him out of the first downed shuttle finally take him,
knowing Anakin had him.

And frankly he was
too tired to keep fighting it as he slumped over in the blond’s
grasp with Ahsoka’s hand tight on his wrist and her worry filling
the Force.

It felt like a
minute but the grit in his eyes made him aware it was longer as he
slowly forced them open to stare at the gray drab color of a tent
from the military stores and Obi-Wan took a moment to catalogue his

‘Well, everything
aches but nothing seems to be bleeding anymore and I can breath
without too much pain,’ He thought wryly as he started to wiggle
his fingers, toes and breathing a bit deeper. ‘And it feels like I
got a low level painkiller in my systems.’

A secondary check
of his body told him his ribs were braced and he had bandages wrapped
around his head.

There was a shift
of cloth that had Obi-Wan turning his head to peer towards the
opening where Anakin was entering with a cup in his hand, the blond
smiling weakly. “Felt you were waking up so I made you some tea
Obi-Wan.” He murmured, coming over and pushing the head end of the bed up so
Obi-Wan could sit without straining himself.

“Much obliged,”
Obi-Wan rasped, accepting the cup. “How bad was I?” He asked
while cradling it.

“Seven broken
ribs, one pierced your left lung while the LAAT jumped. You had a hairline
fracture in the tiba and both a basal skull fracture and an open
skull fracture.” Anakin explained, his finger tracing a line over
his left eye with a wry twist to his lips before tapping the back of
his head where Obi-Wan could feel the bandages felt a bit thicker
than the rest.

Well that explained
that, head injuries always bleed like hell.

Sighing a bit,
Obi-Wan finally took a sip of the tea. “Is that… was that all my

“Outside of
bruises, amazingly enough yes though it was still bad enough in my
eyes. You need to be careful master.” Anakin whispered.

Smiling wryly,
Obi-Wan reached out and patted the others cheek gently. “I will
endeavor not to be shot down in the future Anakin.” He chortled
quietly as the other snorted while leaning into the hand, obviously
desperate for the contact and reassurance that Obi-Wan was okay.

“…Don’t make
me loose you just yet Obi-Wan.” Anakin whispered.

“The day will
come Anakin,” Obi-Wan murmured gently before softening his words
with a smile at the knights alarmed look. “But that day is not
today.” He assured.

“Not today.”
Anakin agreed, reaching up and taking the hand to cling to it, the
two smiling at each other.