So in Lupinecopper what does Anakin think of all this?? He’s got a new fam or something, a new home, the Jedi temple is ..strange, does he miss his mom? Does Obiwan know about her? What does he think of maul?

The nice thing about Obi-Wan is that when Anakin has a nightmare, Obi-Wan doesn’t care if Anakin wakes him.

Instead, Obi-Wan will either make Anakin a cup of sweetened milk tea or let him curl into bed with the Jedi.

His master.

Anakin still… struggles with that.

It helps that Obi-Wan sat down and explained to him the difference, but only after they had been to the Halls. Obi-Wan had been with him the entire time, Maul hovering just behind them, as the healer took Anakin’s blood sample, measured him, weighted him and set up a meal plan.

She had also scheduled an operation, removing Anakin’s explosive implant.

Anakin’s back had felt itchy for days after that and he had slept in Obi-Wan’s bed more than his own.

Sometimes, they slept out in the living room too, curled up together on a mattress with Maul laying over their legs. The zabrak never said anything about it, simply glared at either Obi-Wan or Anakin if they mentioned it but Anakin noticed the other had difficulties meeting Obi-Wan’s eyes.

When he asked about that, because Obi-Wan encouraged questions, which was wizard, he explained that whoever had been Maul’s pack leader, his alpha, had been harsh to him, had hurt him, so Maul was struggling too.

So Maul had a bad master too.

Like Anakin.

Some of the older slaves and the gladiatorial slaves particularly, were very aggressive, just like Maul.

So Anakin got it, even if he didn’t like it when Maul glared at them angrily or became cold in the Force, as if ice was being shoved down Anakin’s tunic.

Which he was still struggling with too.

It was hard to wrap the clothes and make them look neat but… well… Obi-Wan helped him.

So did Maul.

Obi-Wan had been sleeping in for once and Anakin had lessons and had been scrambling with his tunic and tabards, desperately working with them while ignoring the overnight oats Obi-Wan had made for him with honey and fruits. He just wanted Obi-Wan to sleep properly without being woken for once but if he came into lessons disheveled, that would reflect badly on Obi-Wan!

He knew that his induction to the Order was considered weird and a lot of the Initiates were jealous even if they didn’t say much.

Tru and Siri, friends he made in his class and also padawans, said that taking a padawan that young wasn’t normal and that many younglings were worried about aging out. Anakin didn’t… quite understand that either.

Apparently if they became too old, they couldn’t become Jedi?

He had asked Obi-Wan about it and Obi-Wan had quietly explained that at a certain point, your mind became more difficult to train, to guide and that at that point, becoming a Jedi knight had often lead to issues.

He had also said that there were difficulties with the system, a grimace and a dark look on his face before smiling and gently pulling on Anakin’s stubby braid, promising him a dessert if he did his chores properly.

He’d kind of forgotten about it after that.

He was still learning a lot about the Jedi and the things they could and could not do but first he had to learn the basic, like the stupid tunic, tabard and sash wrap!

He’d been wrinkling it rather badly but then… Maul had knelt down and taken the tunic and tabards in hands, gently pressing them in and down, pulling the sash and wrapping it as proper was.

Without a word, the zabrak had then ruffled Anakin’s short hair and then made his way to the fridge, pulling out his own food as Anakin whispered a quiet thank you, not wanting to wake Obi-Wan.

He still missed his mom.

But curling into Obi-Wan on those cold days…

Well, Obi-Wan was always warm. Something about the wolf inside of him made him, and Maul, warm as could be and Anakin enjoyed that, the warmth wrapping around him. Because Obi-Wan wraps around him when they’re curled up together.

Wolf or human, always warm.

It makes him miss his mom even more but when he said that to Obi-Wan… he’d smiled and poked him gently on the nose. “To miss someone is natural. That feeling? Its the feeling of love, despite the person not being there, you don’t stop loving them. But you can’t let that love stop you from moving forward.” Then he leaned in and pressed a kiss to Anakin’s forehead, quietly murmuring that a few of his friends were going to Tatooine, winking as he leaned back.

Anakin could take a hint, to not speak about what the other had whispered to him.

His mom would be fine.

She had to be.

Obi-Wan’s friends were going to Tatooine. And if there was anyone beyond his mom and mr Qui-Gon that he fully trusted… it was Obi-Wan.

Warm Obi-Wan, careful Obi-Wan.

Obi-Wan, who let him sleep in his bed and made him breakfast and taught him how to write basic.

Anakin loved Obi-Wan.

For Lupinecopper can we see more of maul adjusting to the temple more?

Sitting down gingerly on the dry land, Maul looked around the water garden with quiet awe, unable to keep his attention on the Jedi master in front of him. Not that he was concerned, Obi-Wan wasn’t far away from them, showing Anakin how to swim as the desert child hadn’t learned that particular skill.

However, if anything was to happen, Obi-Wan would come and intervene, of that Maul was sure. Obi-Wan took his job as alpha of their little pack seriously and had already intervened twice when knights had gotten too rowdy with Maul in the hall.

The human had even growled, bared his fangs in human form before informing the knights that if they had an issue, Obi-Wan would be happy to inform the council of the knights trepidation to Maul’s presence among them.

A lot of Jedi had gone silent after that, though quiet hostility and resentment still lingered even if no one did anything too obviously.

The kel dor didn’t feel hostile though, not like many other Jedi were.

He didn’t even seem frightened, though that could be his shields in place.

So Maul could continue to marvel at the water garden from Mon Cala.

Maul had traveled the galaxy on Sidious orders, done many horrific things and many common things but he never just got the chance to… stop.

Sit down and enjoy the scenery.

In the Jedi temple, between following Obi-Wan around, working out, doing chores… there wasn’t much else to do, though Obi-Wan had been encouraging Maul to find a hobby or two to do. But to sit and just enjoy the peace…

It wasn’t something Maul had gotten to do and to do it now, especially in a water garden, rivers, ponds and even waterfalls all around him with little ‘islands’ of dry places to sit. Most of the vegetation was of course underwater, since this was a garden based on Mon Cala fauna but here and there, plants grew up on top of the surfaces.

Large lily pad like flowers, bowl shaped leaves, the floating what looked like kelp, lotuses, something that looked like cattails at the edges of the water and so on and forth.

For all the blue, the splashes of green, pink, white and golden yellow broke the scheme of blue apart, and it was beautiful.

Maul liked it.

“Its very peaceful here, isn’t it.” The kel dor stated.

Maul hummed in agreement, tilting his head to look across the water to watch the two humans for a bit, Obi-Wan carefully hold around Anakin’s midsection, gently instructing him to kick with his legs.

“The flowing water always reminds me that everything is in motion.” The man continued and Maul glanced at him, blinking slightly as he took in that the other was settled with his feet tucked under him instead of sitting in lotus position like Maul was.

‘Won’t his legs grow numb quicker like that?’ He couldn’t help but wonder. “…Is that a reference to me?” Maul questioned a tad tiredly, settling his hands in his lap. Coming to the temple, Maul had realized that one thing the rest of the galaxy had correct… was that the Jedi often spoke in fucking metaphors.

His question had the kel dor chuckling. “You, the future, me, everything my boy,” The Jedi turned his head to look at Obi-Wan and Anakin. “There was a time that many thought Obi-Wan would not become a Jedi due to his nature. Even now there are discrimination towards him, even in the temple. And yet here he is, one of our best, it reminds me that there is always things in motion, that for all the rocks thrown in a river, the water will flow.” He hummed.

Glancing back at the humans, Maul frowned. He hadn’t noticed anyone being obviously ill mannered towards Obi-Wan, but maybe that was just it, as an outsider, Maul just couldn’t see it?

Maybe that was it.

At least this kel dor was friendly. ‘His name is… Plo Koon, right?’ He glanced back at him. He was pretty sure the man was a council master and it was clear he had favorable opinions on Maul’s alpha.

That was good, it was clear that even among Jedi, werewolves weren’t an easy subject. So having someone in power as support could make things easier.

‘…Maybe I’ll tell them about Sidious… or he’ll make it difficult for us all…’ Maul mused quietly, looking at the flows of water around them, his eyes drawn back to the humans when Anakin’s Force aura suddenly spiked with mischievousness as he stood up in a shallow of the water, still up to his waist.

Suddenly the boy jerked, sending a spray of water up at the alpha, Obi-Wan spluttering loudly and Maul felt himself hold his breath, waiting.

Waiting for this to be it.

For Obi-Wan to show his true nature… and then the his alpha laughed, splashing Anakin in return with gentle hand waves.

The sound of Anakin laughing suddenly as he splashed Obi-Wan blotted out the sounds of the waterfalls for a long minute or two and Maul felt his lips reluctantly twitch into a smile as Obi-Wan laughed and played along.

He could feel the kel dor, Koon, watching both him and his humans but couldn’t bring himself to take his eyes of Obi-Wan and Anakin. ‘My… my pack. My little pack.’

For Lupinecopper, can we see them all getting to the temple? Especially a Maul POV chapter as he starts to take in how totally different his life is going to be?

Staring at the package on the bed as if it was a snake that could bite him, Maul warily glanced around the room that was supposedly his.

Or so alpha said.

Obi-Wan, as he insisted. Maul couldn’t quite do that though, it wasn’t in his nature or his instincts, when any moment he expected the other shoe to drop.

Because that was what all this felt like, a grand production of carrot and stick, or well, meat in Maul’s instance. He could eat vegetables like any zabrak but that didn’t mean he had to enjoy it, he was a damn carnivore.

Not to mention the wolf inside of him.

But so far, outside of a few angry looks by Jedi in the corridors and whispered mean words, no one had done anything, least of all his alpha or the pack he had been pulled into. The old Jedi even made him tea from Dathomir, an import the man had claimed with a small laugh as he poured cups for all of them from a pot.

Maul had of course waited until the two other had drank first before daring to drink too, he wasn’t about to be poisoned but…

Nothing happened. The tea was safe.

He had a room, he was fed, he trained with his alpha and the pack Jedi in a salle, stayed in the quarters of his alpha and kept himself entertained.

Weeks after being beaten to submission and nothing had yet to happen, Maul expecting an assassin in the night from Sidious or for another Jedi outside of the pack to attack him. But there had been nothing.

Of course, that didn’t mean that most were happy he was there.

The Jedi council had looked like they were ready to jail him the moment they met him on Naboo and the rest of the Jedi temple was far from kind to him. But no one had harmed him, so compared to Sidious, Maul was living better than ever with regular food, no punishments and even the ability to come and go around the temple should he wish.

So why was Maul so leery about the package sitting so innocently on his bed?

It was clearly from his alpha, Maul could smell that, Kenobi’s scent was all over it and fresh, meaning it would have been picked up today.

Gray wrapping paper, tied of with some kind of string in a similar gray shade, resting on his nicely made bed.

Finally forcing himself forward, Maul tugged on the string gingerly until it came undone so he could push the paper aside, even as his mind kept going through what in the world was inside the package.

It wasn’t big, nor was it heavy, it didn’t press the sheets in with its weight but it had mass to it, so what in th-

Maul froze, staring at the contents.


Black leggings, some black socks, black underwear, shirts and tunics. The tunics and shirts came in black but also a deep red and one lovely midnight blue one.

Unable to resist, Maul reached out and ran his fingertips along the blue one, his breath catching slightly as he felt the silky fabric under his finger tips. But more than that, Maul noticed a glint of gold on the blue.

Embroidered onto the collar, one on each side, was a golden profile of a wolf head.

The blue tunic one was made of silk, of fine quality and make and Maul stared at it for a long moment of sheer confusion and stifled fear, only moving when he heard his door open, turning his head quickly to look.

Obi-Wan stood there, peering at him in concern but not stepping inside. “Are you alright Maul? I felt some conflicting emotions,” His eyes fell to Maul’s hands and perked up a bit. “Oh, I see you found the clothes.” He stated a tad more cheerfully.

Maul mouth felt dry but he forced himself to speech still. “What is… this?” He questioned slowly, keeping his voice low as he avoided his alpha’s eyes, not wanting to challenge the man when he already felt unbalanced.

Obi-Wan cocked his head in return. “Well, you didn’t have clothes, you’ve been wearing the same things since Naboo. I went to the quartermaster and picked up some clothes in your size. Just some though, in case they weren’t to your liking, so you had something to wear until we could buy more,” He explained before frowning. “I… are they not to your liking?” Obi-Wan asked, his voice sounding worried, shoulders hunching slightly.

Maul stood there, feeling lost.

Sidious had rarely extended the curtsy of fetching him anything, once Maul had gotten old enough, Sidious had simply handed him credits to buy what he needed or sent his droids.

Yet his new alpha, this Jedi, the ancient enemies of Sith, had gone out of his way to pick out clothes for Maul. The toiletries had been sorted the first day but clothes…

These were his clothes now.

Swallowing slightly, Maul turned his head back, his fingers still on the blue tunic. “No… no I like them…” He stated quietly, hunching slightly at the warmth and happiness lighting up the Force behind him.

Yet he didn’t retract his statement.

He really did like his new tunic.

Anakin interacts with his Obi’s new pack mate. Obi sets ground rules for his pup and his pack member.- Lupine Copper

Everyone feed and watered, Obi-Wan let out a tired sigh as he settled forward on the end of the recliner, resting his elbows on his knees while looking between the Sith and Anakin on the couch. “…We’re going to need some ground rules, now that we’re pack.” He stated seriously.

Maul stiffened, sitting back against the couch with his arms crossing over his chest.

Anakin just cuddled up on the other end of the couch, a pillow in his arms and a sleepy, content look on his face.

Being full of food after so much excitement tended to do that and Anakin was young.

He’d likely have to repeat the rules later for the blond’s sake but it was good to start on it now.

“If you two are in trouble, you comm me, regardless what, you involve me,” He stated slowly, looking between them. “I might not always be able to help you get out of trouble but I could at least head off some of it.”

Anakin sat up a bit, biting his lips. “A-Are you expecting us to be in trouble?” He whispered.

Maul’s toxic colored eyes seemed to echo the question.

Snorting faintly, Obi-Wan first pointed at Anakin. “You are a kit, a child, who likes to tinker. I expect trouble to find you,” He stated a tad wryly, smiling a bit at the sheepish look on Anakin’s face. “And you,” He pointed at Maul, the Sith tensing. “Are a darksider I beat in a vicious battle that has to answer to me due to our instincts. I expect you to make trouble or for other Jedi to do it, which is why I need you to comm me if others trouble Maul.” He stated seriously.

Both Anakin and Maul exchanged looks, seemed to realize what they had done and snapped back to staring at Obi-Wan.

It was almost adorable and Obi-Wan snorted. “Look, not everyone likes were’s in the temple and we’re Jedi. The fact that you’re there is going to be… difficult. Not everyone will agree with it.” Obi-Wan stated severely.

Maul top lip raised, revealing a flash of teeth that were covered when Obi-Wan gave him a penetrating look, the other lowering his eyes in submission.

“But as long as you stay with either me or my master, things will be fine. The council has already agreed to let you come with us.” Reluctantly, very reluctantly but Obi-Wan was nothing if not a fine negotiator in the making and had made his points very clear. Maul was coming with him and that was that. “And I’ll do my best to keep you safe and healthy. With time, the temple will get used to you.”

Maul gained a doubtful look but Obi-Wan didn’t call him out on that.

He would have doubted too. He had doubted it when Qui-Gon had said the same words when he had returned to the temple.

He’d let Maul have his doubt for now.

“Other than that, I expect you both to behave appropriately in the temple, and you Anakin to do your lessons to the best of your capability,” He raised his hand when he saw the other about to interrupt. “I know that you can’t write basic,” Obi-Wan stated softly, smiling softly when Anakin’s cheeks flushed. “That’s why I’ll teach you. I’ll teach you anything you need to know Anakin before you join the other Initiates in class. If there’s anything you’re wondering, anything you don’t know, you can always ask me.”

Anakin looked up, suddenly excited, eyes wide as he sensed the genuine truth in the statement.

He was a very emphatic Force sensitive, most likely a trait he had cultivated to survive as a slave. “I can’t promise I know the answer or can answer your questions well, but I do promise to answer, even if it is to tell you I don’t know.” Obi-Wan promised.

As he did, he flickered his eyes to Maul, meeting the others eyes, giving him the silent promise of the same.

Maul said nothing of course, simply turned his head away but Obi-Wan could see an ocean of questions lined up in his eyes already.

“Other than that, I don’t have any rules. You, Anakin, will be moving in with the Initiates once I taught you what you need to know and you, Maul, will be living with me as I prepare for my Knighthood trials.” Obi-Wan explained what little he already knew would be, what the council had confirmed for him.

He could see Maul’s shoulders relax a bit, the zabrak turning thoughtful.

Anakin meanwhile bounced on the couch. “Where will I be living while you teach me?” He wondered, eyes wide. “On your couch?”

Snorting softly, Obi-Wan shook his head. “Nope, you get my old rooms, Qui-Gon and you will live together.” He grinned, snorting softly at the softly whispered ‘wizard’ that came from his kit.

Life was about to turn very interesting.

For Lupinecopper… would it be possible to have some Maul POV? Maybe him being defiant but also kind of scared? Especially when the Council shows up?

Watching everyone as closely as he could, in particular the redhead, Maul had come to the conclusion that his new alpha was… strange.

Or maybe different.

He wasn’t ignorant, Maul knew very well that the way he had been raised was… immoral.

Many beings would find it reprehensible the way Sidious had treated him through the years and as a youth, he had thought that was simply how it was suppose to be. The man had been his master and his alpha throughout the years, his power over Maul absolute and his demand for obedience total.

Anything but total obedience got Maul punished, the consequences of his lack of submission leaving the zabrak body straining as he struggled to get his tasks and missions done.

Sometimes, very rarely, he got to rest his beaten and lightning twitching body but that was not often, Sidious was a hard task master.

But his new alpha… this Jedi, he wasn’t like that.

He expected obedience too, but…

Not submission and his orders weren’t…

It was confusing, so far the Jedi’s orders had related to Maul health, ensuring he remained still for treatment, ensuring he ate and only one of the orders were really something that upset him when the Jedi tied him up.

But even then it wasn’t really that upsetting, the ropes hadn’t been tightly bound and they were weak. Even without his werewolf strength or the Force, Maul would have easily escaped them.

It was for show, simply for the beings on Naboo to think he was restrained.

To keep them calm despite how much he could sense the discomfort and outright hate some had towards not only him but also his new alpha.

Were discrimination wasn’t unfamiliar to Maul but to see it directed at a Jedi…

He hadn’t been able to think too much about it as the news of the Jedi council and his former master was arriving, the instinctual fear of him causing Maul to curl up even as his insides howled in defiance, wanting to fight.

But fear had leashed him for years and hate had kept him strong, he would endure Sidious arrival and prostate himself.


That hadn’t happened.

Instead his new alpha had pulled him up and pulled him along with the child latched onto the Jedi’s waist, leaving the landing area to the tall Jedi as they returned to the rooms that were gifted to them temporarily.

Kenobi had untied him the moment they were inside and sent Maul to the couch, fetched him the jerky that must be for the Jedi originally and let Maul eat.

Let him rest and relax, the fear slowly easing as his distance to the landing party made him feel more secure.

It was… nice.

Maul wasn’t sure what to make of any of that, of nice Jedi, nice beings, treating him as if he had worth beyond his ability as a weapon. Sidious had never treated him kindly and others shunned him, the feel of the Dark side warning them away despite not realizing what Maul was.

Maybe beings had treated him neutrally at best but Sidious training had been more stick than carrot as they said and fear had driven Maul to improve and do better at the man’s feet.

Yet here he was, sitting on a couch, the blond human on the other side as he ate fruit, Maul eating jerky as his new alpha ordered proper food up to them from the kitchens, his voice pitched to sound like Jinn instead of his own.

Clearly he expected better treatment if the staff thought it was Jinn ordering and Maul couldn’t help but wonder if this was something Kenobi was used to doing, mimicking his master’s voice.

He wanted to know more about the other were as he watched him, about his new alpha as he slowly chewed no the jerky, wanted to learn how another were had survived Coruscant and the core’s.

Wanted to know another werewolf and maybe, just maybe, far in his subconscious, he also wanted to know safety with a pack member.