in ‘jedi are cats’, could we get some 212th and 501st specific videos or scenes, please? :pleading: i love it when jedi just. do the things and get loved by clones

“Where the hell is Waxer!?” The video started of with what was clearly Commander Cody on a warpath, the man looking incensed as he spun around the camp while looking around for said trooper.

The local fauna looked like one of the more tropical planets, lush green around the camp in all directions they could see and blue sky above with just a few scattered clouds about.

The focus however remained on the incensed Commander as he glared at those around him. “Damn di’kut isn’t answering his comms!” He snarled out, clearly threading a very fine line with his patience at that moment.

It was rather surprising honestly, Marshal Commander Cody was always one of the most level headed commanders the public got to see but today was clearly an off day and not finding this Waxer had pushed him over the edge.

“He said can’t move sir and to tell you he won’t be available for a while.” A shiny, as the public had managed to learn that unmarked troopers were called due to how new they were to the battalions they served, not having earned their paint yet as the others, dared to answer.

Instantly the commander whirled on the man, fire in his eyes. “What?” He snarled out, the shiny backing up in fear.

Thankfully though, for the shiny’s sake, someone intervened on their behalf.

A pair of medics went by, one of them stopping and by the red hair and smily on the chestplate, everyone could tell it was CMO Helix that answered Commander Cody, with medic Potion by his side. “What Trupper here means sir, is that Waxer is currently covered by Jedi and therefore can’t move.” He stated a tad wryly, gesturing towards something in the distance with one hand.

The one filming focused on Cody’s surprised face for a moment before following the line of Helix hand point to a point outside the camp, a bald clone with his helmet beside him and his legs stretched out sitting under a tree some distance from the camp. Beside him, another trooper with a mustache was sitting with his head on the bald ones shoulder.

But the most important part was that General Kenobi was also there, his head and upper body laying out across the bald clones, Waxer’s, lap.

Waxer’s hand was slowly petting the Jedi’s hair, his head tilted to peer up at the clear sky with every line of his body indicating relaxation.

So did Kenobi’s body too.

The man was asleep, settled over one of his trooper’s lap like a giant tooka, the shiny glitter of the bell of his collar barely seen at the distance along with a peek of purple.

A loud sigh echoed and the camera returned to the commander, Cody rubbing at the scar on his temple. “Why didn’t you just say Waxer was covered in Jedi, Trupper?” He questioned in a resigned tone before shaking his head when the trooper in question stammered. “If a Jedi is sleeping on you, unless its an emergency, you don’t move. No one’s gonna blame you for it.” Cody stated wryly.

Moving with Potion, Helix let out a loud snort. “Considering how hard it is to get the General to sleep properly some days, I will shank the first one to wake him.” The CMO growled before disappearing from view.

“Tooka rules apply to Jedi,” The commander continued, as if he hadn’t been interrupted. “If they choose you, you stay still, you let them sleep and you better hope you went to the latrines right before.” Cody grumbled before turning and muttering to himself about who the hell he was going to get to replace Waxer, wandering out of frame.

The trooper filming returned to zoom in on the General and his troopers, giving the public one last view of three content souls relaxing in the shade of a large tree.

Di’kut = Idiot

Sweethearthungry – I’m curious to see how they get out with Obi-wan so out of it. I love your stories so much. (Also FYI, on the last heely trick update you tagged it different than the others so it doesn’t link up with the rest of the ‘series’)

Pausing as they heard a noise around the corner, Cody tightened his grip on his General as Waxer and Boil moved forward almost as one, both battle ready in case one of the pirates came and saw them.

Thankfully, no such thing happened, only a mouse droid coming around the corner, causing the 212th to relax and Cody to quietly start walking once more.

Once they got out of their cells, the troopers instantly got a move on it.

Their escape was almost blown the moment they got out of the brig though, a human coming over them and if it wasn’t for Gus quickly knocking her out and grabbing her gear, cuffing her into one of the cells, they would have a battle on their hands.

Now however, they had not only two blasters from her belt, distributed to Waxer and Boil since they were leading them out, but they also had a radio comm with chatter from the pirates, Gus keeping it on a low volume to listen in.

Normally, Cody would be the one to lead but he had another, more important task.

He was carrying Obi-Wan.

Obi-Wan was too out of it to sneak around as required, it had been too long since he had feed properly, especially in captivity and they hadn’t had the time before he was captured.

So Cody had swept the Jedi off his feet and into his arms, ignoring the muttered protest as he carried Obi-Wan through the pirate ship.

Gus, Longshot, Wooley, Crys, Blackout, Sketch, Boil and Waxer were all stationed in the front with everyone else coming behind Cody, ensuring that their Jedi was kept in the middle of the pack so to speak.

If they were found, the two with blasters were first and then the ones with the most hand to hand battle experience outside of Cody, keeping their Jedi not only safe but also in the middle of the troopers.

Troopers that were quite literally blood thirsty in this moment and eager for battle.

But safety for Obi-Wan took priority, which was why they were looking for the escape pods while also sabotaging the pirates ship.

In particular they were sabotaging the motor, Chopper and Punch having sliced into the terminal when they had come over them and done their own little version of chaos.

Cody didn’t quite understand it but what he knew was that they had an hour, or well half an hour now, to find the damn escape pods and get out of kark because in half an hour, the motors were going to blow fuses and quite literally explode, Chopper and Punch having silenced the alarms that would have normally gone off in such a situation until it was too late.

With their motor out of commission, the troopers would take the escape pod and… well escape.

The pirates would be too busy putting out the fires to stop them.

Of course, their escape wasn’t smooth sailing and Cody pushed himself up against the wall with a hiss as he clutched Obi-Wan protectively to him, Wooley and Longshot tackling a wookie that had suddenly come down the hall, the three hitting the ground with a loud thud that seemed to echo through the hall.

Or at least that was what it felt like to Cody.

The wookie let out a cry that was sharply silenced as Boil shot him point blank in the face, the entire group freezing as they went on alert, Obi-Wan squirming slightly in confusion in his arms.

Had anyone heard the small skirmish?

Had anyone heard their friend call out?

For what felt like an eternity, they waited until Cody finally gave a quiet order for them to get a move on it as nothing happened.

No pirate came to investigate and no alarms were tripped.

Gus stuffed the wookie into a cleaning closet while snatching the blaster rifle off him, Cody nodding in approval as they continued walking down the same hall the pirate had come from. Best not leave evidence out in the open, just in case.

And finally, finally.

They had reached the escape pod bay.

Where two pirates were in the middle of fixing one of them.

The two humans stared at the troopers and the troopers stared back, both groups equally surprised. “…Waxer.” stated quietly.

Two blasts lit up the escape bay.

So I’mma put this in again, since I used ellipses in the last one, and apparently that might mean tumblr ate it. So, in Jedi are Cats, cats will sometimes run off somewhere quiet when they’re hurt to lick their wounds. The Clones would be really annoyed by this, because it means they have to send search parties out after battle to find their injured Generals. I feel like Anakin and Mace would be big offenders in this.

the camera up at the face of a very annoyed looking Commander Cody,
his armor scuffed and dirty looking, someone off-screen started
speaking. “So, what are we doing right now Commander?” A chirpy
voice questioned.

turned to the man in question, his face turning even more incensed.
“Waxer, what the… are you filming for the Jedi are cats karking
stuff? Right
after a battle?” He growled out, left eye twitching and his scar
turning a deep red shade.

people would later claim in the comments that a vein was throbbing in
his forehead.

no?” Waxer responded, the camera angle lowering a bit but still

Commander Cody nodded sharply before looking around. “Now, we need
to find the General, he took the bell off his collar before we landed
so we really need to find him. He’s doing the pain run, again.” He
rubbed the side of his head with the scar with a gloved hand, sighing

sir,” The camera angle changed, focusing on a clone without any
armor marking. “What
is the pain run?” He questioned, sounding embarrassed.

ease soldier,” Cody sighed. “You’re a shiny, so I don’t blame
you for not knowing something that
isn’t officially on the books.
As for the pain run… the Jedi are also
like cats in the fact that when they are injured, they will run off
and try to nurse their wounds in peace and silence and while normally
this would be fine… General Kenobi has a tendency to underestimate
the seriousness of his injuries or
rather, he ignores how serious they can be.
Unfortunately he is not the only Jedi but most of them recognize when
they need to go to the medics, General Kenobi does not and has a
dislike of healing bays and halls. So, we need to find him and
carefully encourage him to go see Helix.” The commander finished
up, glancing about, narrowing his eyes thoughtfully.

that’s the pain run.” Someone off-screen muttered quietly,

do we start looking commander?” Another chimed in.

the medtent and not his own quarters, that’s for sure. He’ll have
picked out some place to meditate and do Force healing,” Commander
Cody continued rubbing his forehead, breathing heavily. “So spread
out around the camp, if you can hear running water, go in that
direction. Don’t
go in the direction of the piles of droidscrap. I’m
going north.” The commander finished up sternly and then started

you all heard the commander,” The chirpy voice stated. “Fan out,
find the General, ask him to go back to camp and if you find him,
comm back to inform the rest so we don’t waste time searching. And if you can’t convince the General, just call for the Commander or Helix himself, they got more pull with the General.”

Waxer sir!” There was a chorus of replies and then the troopers

image went
into a cinematic fade
to black and then the
screen went bright again as the scene appeared
once more, this time in
a strange angle though they could still see
the what
was clearly in a medtent by the amount of medical beds stationed

beds in, the commander was standing, helmet under his arm with a
redheaded clone trooper with the medical sigil painted on his armor
and two uzumaki painted symbols on his armor. And on the bed between
them, General Kenobi was laid up, a bandage around his head.

still do believe this is overkill Helix, I may have a concussion bu-”
The medic, Helix, broke in.

with all due respect, I
am the medic of the 212th
and in this you are beholden to me. You have a concussion, two
broken ribs and two large punctures from shrapnel, and as great as
Force healing is, you need your full focus to heal, something a
concussion prevents you from being as successful as usually,” Helix
stated sternly, tapping his foot impatiently. “Now, are you going
to continue to argue with me?” He raised a brow.

got a meek smile in response.

his eyes, Helix finally smirked in return. “Just hang on tight,
I’ll return with a painkiller and some more healing aids.” He
patted the Jedi on the shoulder and headed further into the tent, but
the camera remained on the Jedi and Commander.

carefully settled his helmet on the bed side before reaching up to
the purple collar wrapped around Master Kenobi’s neck, a little
jingle appearing as he attached the bell. “…Just so we don’t
lose sight of you again, hmm?” He smiled softly,
almost tenderly
at his General.

faintly, Obi-Wan smiled at Cody in return, eyes
“Well, if you insist Cody…”

smile turned to a smirk on the commander’s face. “Well, I’d
rather be able to keep an ear on you, considering the disappearing
acts you like to pull.” Cody teased, both laughing faintly together
before whoever was filming decided that was enough and pulled back,
the viewers getting a short
shot of the green of the tent outside before it all turned to black
as the clip ended.

More sweethoney please! how do the rest of the clones react? are they more protective?

his vod by the elbow and pulling him in so hard the other lost the
pad he was holding with a loud clatter, Waxer looked around hurriedly
before leaning in and cupping his other hand around the cursing vod’s
ear to whisper.

the other alpha stiffened, eyes growing wide before turning to look
at the bald man. “Are you… really?” He questioned in stunned
awe, his lips twitching a bit.

eagerly, Waxer jabbed his thumb towards the medical tent. “I heard
Helix. And Mand’alor is in there too along with Cody.” He grinned

two stared at each other for a long moment before each separated in
each their own direction, Boil hardly stopping to swipe his pad up
before hitting up Longshot and whispering into his ear as Waxer on
the other side managed to snag Fives and Echo to whisper to both of

three reacted the same as Boil with stunned awe before scurrying off
until the entire camp was told of the news that had been overheard
from the thin medical tent where
their template, their General and their commander was currently being
told by the medic that the omega was indeed pregnant.

of the troopers reacted with worry for the General, since after all
Obi-Wan and Cody had been among the last to come to the safe point
after the ambush. Others were happy for their template, after all, a
child was a celebration, a new member of their rather large pack.

of them were surprised though and relieved that nothing bad had
happened to the pregnancy.

virtually anything
could have happened during or after the ambush.

he still going to remain in battle?” Killer suddenly questioned,
frowning deeply as he looked around the still in construction camp,
the poles still being sunk down for some tents with the most vitals
having been set up first like the medical tent, the command and the

loudly, Trapper continued sorting through the crate of retrieved
supplies. “There is no way that would be allowed. Omegas in the
army? Yeah that’s fine, but pregnant
anyone at all? that’s just karking insanity, there is no way you
di’kut.” He growled out.

Trapper with the back of his hand over the head, Chopper huffed
loudly. “Don’t call your brother an idiot. It’s honestly a
valid question when the omega in question is a dini’la jetii.” He
argued quietly back.

had everyone pausing.

that was very true and no one argued with Chopper about that but even
a Jedi would see sense and not try to… they weren’t that
insane were they?

from medtent that
startled birds out of the trees around the camp to take flight,
Jango’s clearly enraged voice echoing around the makeshift shelter
they were setting up as best they could with salvaged supplies.

that did answer that question, Jango’s rather loud voice informing
them all that Obi-Wan did indeed want to stay and fight. Honestly
that volume they
wouldn’t be shocked if Boba heard that all the way to Slave I,
several glancing towards the parked
to see if the ramp was lowering.

his chin, Tup exchanged a look with Hardcase. “…Five credits says
Mand’alor is sleeping on Slave I alone tonight.” He smirked,
finally settling as they heard a rather annoyed tone of the Jedi
responding back to his mate.

on Tup, five credits says they’re all sleeping in the Slave I
tonight after running through the wilderness without knowing if the
other was fine.” Hardcase snorted, still working his way through
water purification since they weren’t certain the water on the
planet was safe to drink yet.

safe than shitting themselves after all.

as he settled down a new bucket of water beside the first one, Sketch
beamed at them. “I’m just curious if there will be just one pup
or multiples,” He rubbed his hands together as both Hardcase and
Tup paused at the thought. “I mean, can you imagine the General,
huge as a shuttle if there’s more than two in there?” He made a
big curving motion around the stomach with a laugh only to freeze as
Rod asked a question no one else had considered.

anyone told General Skywalker yet?”

boy, to be a gnat on the wall for that conversation.

Oh please, some more Distantpain with clone interaction and Obi-Wan?

I die young, bury me in satin, lay me down on a bed of roses, sink me
in the river at dawn, send me away with the words of a love song.’
Obi-Wan hummed internally to
not wake up anyone else just yet with
his fingertips tapping the tune on his knee,
his eyes half closed as he stroked Cotton’s scales until the
creature crawled down his chest and slipped off into the early
morning to hunt.

against one of the many trees in the gray dusk, Obi-Wan watched
most of her disappear between
tall grass except
for her tail,
clearly intent on hunting insects this day as
she wasn’t making herself bigger.

was honestly her main diet with the occasional flamed meat even if
others thought she ate an entire taun-taun daily.

out a breath as she disappeared fully into the wet underbrush of the
surrounding forest, Obi-Wan pressed the back of his head and tilted
his head up to the ever so slight signs of blue between gray clouds,

he hated it when he was alone with his own head.

knew if Zuru saw him right now the clone would itch out of his own
skin with worry, seeing his Jedi sitting against a tree, barefoot in
just his leggings and a simple inner tunic, his hair falling around
his face instead of being styled up in its usual mohawk style. ‘And
I need a new shave.’ Obi-Wan noted with annoyance, rubbing a hand
along his left side over the ear.

fuzz was really getting longer than Obi-Wan was comfortable with if
he intended to keep his current style, and he rather intended that,
so he would need to find someone who could buzz it down on the sides
or outright shave it.

paused, thinking about that before shaking his head, he was a rather
pale man, that kind of cut looked better on darker hair he felt and
then there was the itch when hair regrew so buzz it was, if only
someone could do it for him.

I can ask Zuru? I am not
asking Jinn or Skywalker.’ Obi-Wan pursed his lips, it
was a cut your nose to spite your face situation of course but he
didn’t trust Skywalker with clippers against his scalp and Jinn…
just no, that was a whole other can of worms he just didn’t want to
open he mused tiredly to himself.

almost screamed in shock when one of Jinn’s troopers dropped down
by Obi-Wan’s side with a loud thud, the man beaming happily at him
while holding out his hand. “Morning General, didn’t think anyone
else would be up yet except for maybe Helix and Kix.” He greeted

avoiding rubbing his chest and wheezing, Obi-Wan stared at the man
with slightly wider eyes than normal before nodding. “Cotton was
hungry, she ran off,” He answered shortly, letting the implication
be that she woke him instead of the nightmare he had been having.
Flickering his eyes over the clean shaven trooper, Obi-Wan took the
hand to
“Waxer, right?” He frowned.

happily as he pumped Obi-Wan’s hand, Waxer beamed at him and his
mood was almost infectious to the point where Obi-Wan felt his lips
twitch in return.  “Right on General. Me and Boil are on meal rush
for the morning along with a few from the 501st,
thought I’d serve by when I spotted you though so you know there
will be hot water for tea soon.” He
answered happily.

a bit, Obi-Wan sat up and glanced towards the mess tent. “Need some
help? I’ve already done my exercise and meditation, so I’d be
happy to chip in.” He drawled calmly,
it would certainly help Obi-Wan get out of his head and he was more
than happy to spend time around troopers.

Waxer stared at him before beaming and getting to his feet, offering
his hand to the Jedi to pull him up. “That
be nice General!” He chirped before gesturing towards Obi-Wan’s
hair. “Also, I saw you rub your sides, if you need a haircut I
could help you cut it down.” He grinned, rubbing his scalp with
twinkling amber eyes.

twitching outright into a smile, Obi-Wan nodded. “I would be
appreciative of the aid, once we’re done with breakfast.” He
chuckled as he followed Waxer to the mess tent, the man instantly
chattering happily, full of sunshine.

got a few surprised looks as he entered the tent but was quickly
greeted and saluted, a knife handed over to him to start peeling a
some of the vegetables, his shoulders lowering contently as he
settled into work with a quiet hum as he listened to the soft chatter
of the troopers around him and outright chuckling when Waxer grabbed
Boil to get him in on helping Obi-Wan buzz his hair later on.

Oh please, some more Distantpain with clone interaction and Obi-Wan?

I die young, bury me in satin, lay me down on a bed of roses, sink me
in the river at dawn, send me away with the words of a love song.’
Obi-Wan hummed internally to
not wake up anyone else just yet with
his fingertips tapping the tune on his knee,
his eyes half closed as he stroked Cotton’s scales until the
creature crawled down his chest and slipped off into the early
morning to hunt.

against one of the many trees in the gray dusk, Obi-Wan watched
most of her disappear between
tall grass except
for her tail,
clearly intent on hunting insects this day as
she wasn’t making herself bigger.

was honestly her main diet with the occasional flamed meat even if
others thought she ate an entire taun-taun daily.

out a breath as she disappeared fully into the wet underbrush of the
surrounding forest, Obi-Wan pressed the back of his head and tilted
his head up to the ever so slight signs of blue between gray clouds,

he hated it when he was alone with his own head.

knew if Zuru saw him right now the clone would itch out of his own
skin with worry, seeing his Jedi sitting against a tree, barefoot in
just his leggings and a simple inner tunic, his hair falling around
his face instead of being styled up in its usual mohawk style. ‘And
I need a new shave.’ Obi-Wan noted with annoyance, rubbing a hand
along his left side over the ear.

fuzz was really getting longer than Obi-Wan was comfortable with if
he intended to keep his current style, and he rather intended that,
so he would need to find someone who could buzz it down on the sides
or outright shave it.

paused, thinking about that before shaking his head, he was a rather
pale man, that kind of cut looked better on darker hair he felt and
then there was the itch when hair regrew so buzz it was, if only
someone could do it for him.

I can ask Zuru? I am not
asking Jinn or Skywalker.’ Obi-Wan pursed his lips, it
was a cut your nose to spite your face situation of course but he
didn’t trust Skywalker with clippers against his scalp and Jinn…
just no, that was a whole other can of worms he just didn’t want to
open he mused tiredly to himself.

almost screamed in shock when one of Jinn’s troopers dropped down
by Obi-Wan’s side with a loud thud, the man beaming happily at him
while holding out his hand. “Morning General, didn’t think anyone
else would be up yet except for maybe Helix and Kix.” He greeted

avoiding rubbing his chest and wheezing, Obi-Wan stared at the man
with slightly wider eyes than normal before nodding. “Cotton was
hungry, she ran off,” He answered shortly, letting the implication
be that she woke him instead of the nightmare he had been having.
Flickering his eyes over the clean shaven trooper, Obi-Wan took the
hand to
“Waxer, right?” He frowned.

happily as he pumped Obi-Wan’s hand, Waxer beamed at him and his
mood was almost infectious to the point where Obi-Wan felt his lips
twitch in return.  “Right on General. Me and Boil are on meal rush
for the morning along with a few from the 501st,
thought I’d serve by when I spotted you though so you know there
will be hot water for tea soon.” He
answered happily.

a bit, Obi-Wan sat up and glanced towards the mess tent. “Need some
help? I’ve already done my exercise and meditation, so I’d be
happy to chip in.” He drawled calmly,
it would certainly help Obi-Wan get out of his head and he was more
than happy to spend time around troopers.

Waxer stared at him before beaming and getting to his feet, offering
his hand to the Jedi to pull him up. “That
be nice General!” He chirped before gesturing towards Obi-Wan’s
hair. “Also, I saw you rub your sides, if you need a haircut I
could help you cut it down.” He grinned, rubbing his scalp with
twinkling amber eyes.

twitching outright into a smile, Obi-Wan nodded. “I would be
appreciative of the aid, once we’re done with breakfast.” He
chuckled as he followed Waxer to the mess tent, the man instantly
chattering happily, full of sunshine.

got a few surprised looks as he entered the tent but was quickly
greeted and saluted, a knife handed over to him to start peeling a
some of the vegetables, his shoulders lowering contently as he
settled into work with a quiet hum as he listened to the soft chatter
of the troopers around him and outright chuckling when Waxer grabbed
Boil to get him in on helping Obi-Wan buzz his hair later on.

O.O Moddy? DocileDoll? Would the Rebellion reeeaaally let ObiWan settle in one place? The Negotiator, with all that knowledge of people and events from before the Empire, MUST be an important and VALUABLE playing piece on the board. And for the last known Jedi to stay in one place?? Vader wouldn’t have to hunt too hard, hmmmm? So. Protective custody maybe? How WOULD Obi and the clones react??

awake when the door snaps open abruptly, Obi-Wan reaches for the
saber that no longer hangs on his belt as the light floods the room
and momentarily blinds him. For a moment he thinks Vader has found
him regardless of them drifting in space, for a moment he wonders if
he’s going back to his docile state.

then he remembers he’s not wearing a belt at this moment, he’s
wearing thin shift clothes and his eyes become accustom to the light,
showing him only Rex striding quickly into the room.

former GAR captain is dressed
in his old armor and is
armed to the teeth with blasters and viroblade as he snatches
Obi-Wan’s boots and socks out of the little locker in the room.

wha-” Obi-Wan sits up, throwing his feet over the end of the bed as
he tries to question the man only for Rex to kneel down and quickly
slide his socks onto Obi-Wan’s feet.

don’t have long, we have to go.” Rex said gruffly, snapping on
Obi-Wan’s boots with a rougher grip than normal since Obi-Wan
arrived at the Rebellion thanks to Rex rescue.

Obi-Wan stood obediently, confused as he took note of the pack
hanging on Rex back as the man threw
Obi-Wan’s robe around him, fastened it and then took
a hold of his hand and pulled him out into the bright,

He’s alarmed
to see Waxer and Boil kitted out in their old armors right
outside his room and
Obi-Wan opened his mouth only to stare at a togruta that had been
him hours
laying out on the floor in a still manner with a clearly knocked over tray beside her.

gas,” Boil answered quickly, seeing the former generals face. “She’s alive.”

more confused, Obi-Wan only followed, trusting these men with his
life and sanity as he followed through the corridors and elevators to
the hanger of the ship.

entire way was paved with people knocked out where ever they had been
when the gas came and droids standing still, jerking or twitching as
they tried to boot themselves up as
Rex hurried them past with a determined look on his face.

all three former troopers were oozing of a mix of protective rage,
determination and urgency.

happened while I was asleep?’ Obi-Wan wondered in surprise as the
elevator doors opened with a soft ping, eyes widening up when he
noticed the shuttle ready to take off in the hanger, troopers milling
around it.

recognized some of them.


all of them were armed to the teeth and in armor.

they saw the group making their way towards them, they all finished
up their tasks and made their way into the shuttle where Rex pulled
Obi-Wan up the ramp along. “We’re all here! Raise the ramp and
go!” Rex called sternly before turning to Obi-Wan. “…Okay…
now you can ask.” He said quietly.

the kark is going on Rex?” Obi-Wan whispered, eyes wide, his free
hand shaking.

had not made sense since Anakin became Vader and right now he

Alliance leadership are desperate,” Rex started slowly. “They…
were going to force you to help, to guilt you into it… as your duty
to the fallen Republic as a Jedi. We couldn’t allow that,” Rex
explained quietly before glancing around the cargo hold of the
shuttle they were taking out. “Vader will be after you, they know
it, they were going to use you as bait and…” The captain

spoke up. “We
got our hands on an old refurbished CR-12 Corvette,” He smiled
happily only for the smile to fade. “They’re not using us and
they’re not using you. We’ve bleed enough for people who never
cared. And if we find vode and Jedi along the way, we’ll take them
with us as we take potshots at the Empire but we’re not being used by others, not anymore.” He added softly.

Obi-Wan looked at the serious faces around him before letting out a
quiet nose and stepping into Rex space, wrapping his arms around the
mans neck to hide his face in a pauldron. “…Thank
you.” He breathed out, feeling arms slowly come up around him in

par solus, bal solus par an Obi-Wan.” Rex murmured.

for one, one for all… fitting.’ Obi-Wan tightened his hold.

O.O Moddy? DocileDoll? Would the Rebellion reeeaaally let ObiWan settle in one place? The Negotiator, with all that knowledge of people and events from before the Empire, MUST be an important and VALUABLE playing piece on the board. And for the last known Jedi to stay in one place?? Vader wouldn’t have to hunt too hard, hmmmm? So. Protective custody maybe? How WOULD Obi and the clones react??

awake when the door snaps open abruptly, Obi-Wan reaches for the
saber that no longer hangs on his belt as the light floods the room
and momentarily blinds him. For a moment he thinks Vader has found
him regardless of them drifting in space, for a moment he wonders if
he’s going back to his docile state.

then he remembers he’s not wearing a belt at this moment, he’s
wearing thin shift clothes and his eyes become accustom to the light,
showing him only Rex striding quickly into the room.

former GAR captain is dressed
in his old armor and is
armed to the teeth with blasters and viroblade as he snatches
Obi-Wan’s boots and socks out of the little locker in the room.

wha-” Obi-Wan sits up, throwing his feet over the end of the bed as
he tries to question the man only for Rex to kneel down and quickly
slide his socks onto Obi-Wan’s feet.

don’t have long, we have to go.” Rex said gruffly, snapping on
Obi-Wan’s boots with a rougher grip than normal since Obi-Wan
arrived at the Rebellion thanks to Rex rescue.

Obi-Wan stood obediently, confused as he took note of the pack
hanging on Rex back as the man threw
Obi-Wan’s robe around him, fastened it and then took
a hold of his hand and pulled him out into the bright,

He’s alarmed
to see Waxer and Boil kitted out in their old armors right
outside his room and
Obi-Wan opened his mouth only to stare at a togruta that had been
him hours
laying out on the floor in a still manner with a clearly knocked over tray beside her.

gas,” Boil answered quickly, seeing the former generals face. “She’s alive.”

more confused, Obi-Wan only followed, trusting these men with his
life and sanity as he followed through the corridors and elevators to
the hanger of the ship.

entire way was paved with people knocked out where ever they had been
when the gas came and droids standing still, jerking or twitching as
they tried to boot themselves up as
Rex hurried them past with a determined look on his face.

all three former troopers were oozing of a mix of protective rage,
determination and urgency.

happened while I was asleep?’ Obi-Wan wondered in surprise as the
elevator doors opened with a soft ping, eyes widening up when he
noticed the shuttle ready to take off in the hanger, troopers milling
around it.

recognized some of them.


all of them were armed to the teeth and in armor.

they saw the group making their way towards them, they all finished
up their tasks and made their way into the shuttle where Rex pulled
Obi-Wan up the ramp along. “We’re all here! Raise the ramp and
go!” Rex called sternly before turning to Obi-Wan. “…Okay…
now you can ask.” He said quietly.

the kark is going on Rex?” Obi-Wan whispered, eyes wide, his free
hand shaking.

had not made sense since Anakin became Vader and right now he

Alliance leadership are desperate,” Rex started slowly. “They…
were going to force you to help, to guilt you into it… as your duty
to the fallen Republic as a Jedi. We couldn’t allow that,” Rex
explained quietly before glancing around the cargo hold of the
shuttle they were taking out. “Vader will be after you, they know
it, they were going to use you as bait and…” The captain

spoke up. “We
got our hands on an old refurbished CR-12 Corvette,” He smiled
happily only for the smile to fade. “They’re not using us and
they’re not using you. We’ve bleed enough for people who never
cared. And if we find vode and Jedi along the way, we’ll take them
with us as we take potshots at the Empire but we’re not being used by others, not anymore.” He added softly.

Obi-Wan looked at the serious faces around him before letting out a
quiet nose and stepping into Rex space, wrapping his arms around the
mans neck to hide his face in a pauldron. “…Thank
you.” He breathed out, feeling arms slowly come up around him in

par solus, bal solus par an Obi-Wan.” Rex murmured.

for one, one for all… fitting.’ Obi-Wan tightened his hold.