Do the healers figure out what triggered Obi’s relapse? Maybe there is something on Obi’s comm?

“Can you tell how this happened?

The voice penetrated Obi-Wan’s foggy head, the words even and soft but somehow still attention catching.

There was a deep, slightly frustrated sigh. “Sometimes, relapses don’t have a reason. Obi-Wan’s recovery was never meant to be a straight line and while this is unfortunate, it was also to be expected.” A firm voice replied, a voice Obi-Wan recognized and knew very well to listen to or else.

Or else?

Else what?

“Its frankly a Force miracle that it didn’t happen sooner, I didn’t want to say anything, but I expected Obi-Wan back within the week of leaving. The fact that he remained out for a full month, even left the temple, is a very good sign for his progress. This? Its just a step back.” The voice continued, a thread of satisfaction in it.

There was a deep sigh. “So, two steps forward and one back then?” The first voice questioned.

“More like three steps forward and one back. He might be back in his room with the shielding now, but I don’t expect to keep him for long. We might also want to look into medication for Obi-Wan, we’ll talk with him about it again.”

A low, deep voice echoed. “He rejected it last, right?” That voice was very familiar and for some reason Obi-Wan’s mouth tasted of purple of all things when he heard it.

“Yes, with good reason. At the time it was offered, he was in even worse state and the side effects worried him, now he might be more amendable to it. He is in a much better condition, so some of the more severe side effects wouldn’t be a worry to him.” The firm voice stated quietly.

“A different medication you are thinking of now, hmm?” An old, croaky voice questioned.

It was familiar.

They all were but Obi-Wan just wanted to rest.

“Yes actually, the first one was… well, its an emergency and the side effects would lead to some permanently having to take them for life. Its why Obi-Wan rejected them and the only reason I offered them was due to young Anakin and the severity of Obi-Wan’s case.” The firm voice explained.

There was a rustle, something soft was brushed over Obi-Wan and he let out a soft noise, stilling all the voices.

A gentle, warm hand stroked his hair. “Obi-Wan?” The voice that tasted like purple stated, softer and closer now.

Yes, that was his name and he let out another soft noise as there was some more rustling before another, slightly cooler hand touched his temple. “Hmm, he’s not very conscious. Awake but not really aware… it is alright Obi-Wan, you can rest some more.” The cool hand lingered.

Oh, it expected a response.

Obi-Wan let out a small hum, shifting slightly as he bought his limbs closer to himself.

“Hmm, the severed bond, causing this it is?” The croaky voice questioned.

“Not directly, its more how Obi-Wan choose to deal with his relapse,” The firm voice answered, voice kinder. “Directing all of it into himself instead of leaning on his padawan, it created a feedback loop from the backlash. Also, apparently your voice tastes of purple Mace.” The firm voice sounded like it wanted to laugh.

There was a pause. “…I’m not even going to question that,” The purple voice sighed deeply before it spoke again. “I’ll take Anakin for the day, he’s not going to be in the best of moods and a good sparring or moving meditation works better for him. Shaak, will you tell Plo that Obi-Wan is in a better state? I would hate for him to be distracted in his mission.”

The soft voice from the start chuckled quietly. “Of course, will you join me Master Yoda? We could have tea together while Master Che returns to her duties.”

The voices started faded away, as if they were moving further off but the purple one lingered, the warm hand back in his hair. “…Rest well Obi-Wan, the temple will be safe around you.”

Hi Lovely Moddy, what’s going on in #Obiinpain? What does Palpatine think about Anakin’s affection for his lineage brother? Does he try to plant some sort of doubt about attachment in him? Alternatively, Anakin has got this pain-release thing down to an art form. Has anyone talked to him about further training with healing? Thanks for sharing your lovely stories!

Pulling back slowly, Anakin eyed the skin critically before nodding
and looking to Healer Che. “I think that’s it master Che, I
healed the internal bleeding to the best of my ability.” He settled

Settling her hand over Knight Tatchi’s stomach, Che let out a
soft hum before nodding. “Well done padawan Skywalker, you’re
becoming quite proficient in healing, your master was right that you
would have a deft hand with healing.” She stated with satisfaction.

Grinning, Anakin opened
his mouth only to be beaten to the punch by Siri. “Not to piss on
anyone’s joy but you’re not going to induce another internal
bleeding on me for him to work on are you?” She stated warily.

The best thing for
learning to heal someone was experience, once one knew the technique
to heal them that was.

However, waiting around
for someone to get injured could take a long time, time healers
didn’t really have when they were teaching.

Cue some padawans, knights
or master volunteering to play the role of the patient at times,
getting infected with curable diseases or having injuries induced to
work on for those students to learn with a fully learned healer on
site to take over should the learner fail.

Anakin also knew that
sometimes healers took learners with them to the clinics around
Coruscant to get hands on learning from real patients but only once
those learning actually knew what to do so they wouldn’t
accidentally kill someone with Force exposure but only when the
temple didn’t have their own injured or ill to work on.

That served both as
working experience for those learning to heal but also garnered a bit
of good will to the Jedi from the local population of Coruscant since
Jedi didn’t take paid to heal.

That didn’t mean it was
pleasant for the one getting said disease or injury even if it was
fixed moments later and Siri Tatchi was not
enjoying having internal bleeding induced in her abdomen
and clearly would rather not experience it again.

Che paused, sending Siri a gimlet look. “Hmm, no, I am not but in
return you owe me a drink Siri. Padawan Skywalker here has shown
himself adequate in healing internal bleeding and therefore you can
go if you feel rested.”
She stated tartly, her
twitching lekku’s betraying her amusement to both Anakin and Siri.

thank the Force,” Siri slid off the bed, stretching before nodding
to Anakin. “Give Obi my regards and come for that drink later on
Vokara.” She stated before quite clearly beating a hasty
retreat out
of the learning hall of the Halls of Healing, clearly
regretting signing up as a guinea pig today,
clearly intending to rest in
her own bed.

about, Anakin took notice that the four padawans that were learning
with him were still at their own beds, the privacy screens pulled up
and therefore obscuring healer, student and the ‘patient’ in

know, you would make a wonderful healer.” Anakin’s attention
jerked away from the rest of the sterile room, blinking at a smiling,
actually smiling
Vokara Che as she pushed a
lekku over her shoulder.

Anakin rubbed the back of his neck as his senior padawan bead at the
end of his braid swung about. “Thank you master Che, I’m not sure
it’s for me though, I only really… that is…” He hesitated,
relaxing when she raised her hands.

simply wanted to hand you a compliment young Skywalker, I know that
you are aiming to be a knight. And I know you originally learned
healing to be of aid to Knight Kenobi to
aid his issue,” Her face
softened a bit. “How is he? He doesn’t come around the halls as
much anymore since you took over to provide relief.” Che gestured
for Anakin to follow, signaling an
end to the lessons as they headed for the same doors Siri had exited.

Glancing around the
sterile room, Anakin let out a tired little huff. “Coping, that’s
the best I can explain what he’s doing. He wants to change out his
painkillers but the healer looking over him hasn’t fount a suitable
replacement that doesn’t make Obi-Wan woozy or worsens his side
effects.” He explained quietly, not wanting to add to the temple

Obi-Wan deserved better.

“I see,” She sighed
deeply, a small frown crossing her face. “Have they looked into
cannabis?” Che questioned only to chuckle when Anakin gained a
scandalized look. “The medical variety young Skywalker, I won’t
say it’s a cure all but he may have benefits from potentially the
lotion, oils, pills, consumable or injections even if he does not
want to smoke it.” She explained.

Falling thoughtful, Anakin
rubbed his chin as he wondered if Qui-Gon or Obi-Wan had thought of
it at all and it was the first time he had heard it from a healer at

From what he understood
from Obi-Wan, his healer was thinking about opiates only that had
pretty severe side effects or not enough effect on Obi-Wan.

Patting Anakin on the
shoulder, drawing him out of his thoughts, Che gave him a small
smile. “Try mentioning it to Kenobi. Some aid would be good for him
as long as he doesn’t experience severe side effects.” She
settled on before heading towards the offices.

Mulling on his thoughts,
watching her go, Anakin nodded abruptly to himself.

He was going to find

In WhereFromHere: New therapy! As som1 w/leg based disabilites, who knew some1 w/a paralyzed leg: I know if he is in the wheelchair4a while the muscles will begin2atrophy&become too weak2hold his weight even if he can walk, so a step 1 to walking will be strengthening exercises, having him walk where there are bars on either side to catch him, w/lots of pads around2limit damage is a good idea, also, thearphy can be exhasting&intenive thearaphy can mean no leg strenght for the rest of the day.

told you so.” Healer Irma beamed as Che continued testing Obi-Wan’s
legs, her face a mask of surprise as she continued gently poking the
boys legs with a small needle and gaining a small flinch reaction.

evidence of sensation, the bruised legs moving ever so slightly
against the table as Obi-Wan grimaced at each prod.

turned to Madam Nu
and Master Yoda. “He has sensation in his legs, reacting
to stimuli and he can even move his legs to some degree,
that means that with therapy he should be able to walk eventually.”
She practically chirped.

Nu raised her brows before looking at Che for her verdict since Irma
was a younger apprentice healer.

Irma is right, with therapy, Obi-Wan should be able to walk and maybe
even run.” Che confirmed, setting the needle aside as she got
Obi-Wan to lift his foot off the table and into her hand, staring at
the thin calf as she did before she looked at the two council
members. “Which is bluntly said a Force miracle because his spine
was fully severed at the nerves, he shouldn’t be able to do any of
this. Shouldn’t be able to feel the needle not to speak about
lifting his foot.” She gently rubbed the ankle with her thumb.

watched them quietly, nibbling on his bottom lip.

froze when the twi’lek healer leveled a stern look at him. “And
something tells me you know of this Initiate Kenobi before
Healer Irma did.”

squirmed a bit as all four adults focused on him, Yoda’s ears
raised high and obviously expectant. “I… may have figured it out…
and trained in an empty
room.” Obi-Wan confessed quietly, sucking on the bottom lip a bit.

to the healers you should have. Done so you have not why?” Yoda
tilted his head, a bit like a curious feline almost.

thought they might stop me…” Obi-Wan muttered, staring into his
lap and rubbing his hands together. “I mean… you all seemed so
worried about it all and I want to walk again and I just…” He
sniffled a bit.

was a pause.

then a blue hand cupped his chin, Che tilting his head up to look at
her with her lekku’s twitching in agitated. “Oh young one. Of
course we wouldn’t have stopped you, we would have aided you. Do
you have any idea how much help you really need? Leg strength is not
just about pushing yourself through every exercise but also about the
care you need afterward and also someone to help you and take care of
you.” She murmured gently before gesturing to the bruises and scabs
on his legs. “I imagine these comes from your own attempts?”

winced but nodded.

nodded before smiling once again and rubbing his leg gently again.
“There’s going to be quite some exercise before you’re ready to
walk, it may also not be feasible
for you to walk properly but you
may be able to get out of that wheelchair.”

Obi-Wan stared up at the healers hopefully, a green troll was quietly
plotting while rolling his cane in his hands.

just maybe his plans and the bond he had felt could work out still?

how to convince Qui-Gon to look after young Obi-Wan… hmm… well
guilt always worked nicely when you had no other option left.


for tea with Qui-Gon.

In WhereFromHere: New therapy! As som1 w/leg based disabilites, who knew some1 w/a paralyzed leg: I know if he is in the wheelchair4a while the muscles will begin2atrophy&become too weak2hold his weight even if he can walk, so a step 1 to walking will be strengthening exercises, having him walk where there are bars on either side to catch him, w/lots of pads around2limit damage is a good idea, also, thearphy can be exhasting&intenive thearaphy can mean no leg strenght for the rest of the day.

told you so.” Healer Irma beamed as Che continued testing Obi-Wan’s
legs, her face a mask of surprise as she continued gently poking the
boys legs with a small needle and gaining a small flinch reaction.

evidence of sensation, the bruised legs moving ever so slightly
against the table as Obi-Wan grimaced at each prod.

turned to Madam Nu
and Master Yoda. “He has sensation in his legs, reacting
to stimuli and he can even move his legs to some degree,
that means that with therapy he should be able to walk eventually.”
She practically chirped.

Nu raised her brows before looking at Che for her verdict since Irma
was a younger apprentice healer.

Irma is right, with therapy, Obi-Wan should be able to walk and maybe
even run.” Che confirmed, setting the needle aside as she got
Obi-Wan to lift his foot off the table and into her hand, staring at
the thin calf as she did before she looked at the two council
members. “Which is bluntly said a Force miracle because his spine
was fully severed at the nerves, he shouldn’t be able to do any of
this. Shouldn’t be able to feel the needle not to speak about
lifting his foot.” She gently rubbed the ankle with her thumb.

watched them quietly, nibbling on his bottom lip.

froze when the twi’lek healer leveled a stern look at him. “And
something tells me you know of this Initiate Kenobi before
Healer Irma did.”

squirmed a bit as all four adults focused on him, Yoda’s ears
raised high and obviously expectant. “I… may have figured it out…
and trained in an empty
room.” Obi-Wan confessed quietly, sucking on the bottom lip a bit.

to the healers you should have. Done so you have not why?” Yoda
tilted his head, a bit like a curious feline almost.

thought they might stop me…” Obi-Wan muttered, staring into his
lap and rubbing his hands together. “I mean… you all seemed so
worried about it all and I want to walk again and I just…” He
sniffled a bit.

was a pause.

then a blue hand cupped his chin, Che tilting his head up to look at
her with her lekku’s twitching in agitated. “Oh young one. Of
course we wouldn’t have stopped you, we would have aided you. Do
you have any idea how much help you really need? Leg strength is not
just about pushing yourself through every exercise but also about the
care you need afterward and also someone to help you and take care of
you.” She murmured gently before gesturing to the bruises and scabs
on his legs. “I imagine these comes from your own attempts?”

winced but nodded.

nodded before smiling once again and rubbing his leg gently again.
“There’s going to be quite some exercise before you’re ready to
walk, it may also not be feasible
for you to walk properly but you
may be able to get out of that wheelchair.”

Obi-Wan stared up at the healers hopefully, a green troll was quietly
plotting while rolling his cane in his hands.

just maybe his plans and the bond he had felt could work out still?

how to convince Qui-Gon to look after young Obi-Wan… hmm… well
guilt always worked nicely when you had no other option left.


for tea with Qui-Gon.

So, in twoalphas: how does Obi-Wan’s appointmet go?

“What do you mean there’s a drain anchor in me?” Obi-Wan
squeaked, eyes wide and shocked.

“I mean that if you had given birth on Coruscant, you would have
died during birth.” Che offered seriously. “I mean that someone
has hooked an anchor into you that is steadily draining you and only
the fact that you’re bound to Skywalker as one of your alphas are
currently keeping your energy levels at a decent level. What I mean
is that someone tried to kill you Master Kenobi.” Her lekku’s
were twitching and she pressed her lips together. “I’m summoning
master Windu, right now. The council needs to know.”

Technically the council already knew even if Obi-Wan was on leave
because of Jinn but…

He understood.

So he sat there on the examination bed, staring at the crystals that
had turned black when Che had examined him, mind buzzing.

He wished Anakin or Padme were there but knew that Padme was in the
Senate and Anakin was back in the apartment with Jinn.

‘I could have died giving birth.’ He took a shuddering breath and
pressed his head down against his knees, shaking a bit until he felt
a hand touch his shoulder, looking up quickly to meet Mace narrowed
and worry tinged eyes.

“W-When did you get here?” Obi-Wan rasped out.

“Ten minutes ago, you didn’t notice.” Mace shifted until he
could sit down beside him, keeping his hand on the omegas shoulder.
“Che explained what she found.”

The redhead swallowed hard. “I could have died giving birth.” He
rasped out, trying to keep his distress out of the bonds to his

Force knew Anakin at least would come running and now more then ever
did Obi-Wan want his mates to stay with their baby.

“I know. There’s a drain anchor in you, Healer Che says a
darksider is the one to latch it into you… Obi-Wan… can you think
off…” Mace trailed off and Obi-Wan shook his head.

“I’ve been around my mates Mace, no darksider, not Ventress, not
Dooku…” He bit his lips. “…But I have been in the Senate.
Dooku implied there was Sith in the Senate didn’t he…” He
breathed out.

“Force preserve us.” Mace breathed out then squeezed the others
shoulder again. “I’ll send two knights to drive you home, Che
will take care of the drain anchor and I will take this to the
council… Obi-Wan be careful, stay away from the Senate and try as
best you can to stay out of trouble.” He rumbled, the alpha in the
councilor responding to a threatened omega of the order.

Obi-Wan gave a breathy little laugh. “Can’t promise but I’ll
try.” He smiled shakily.

“I know, just… let us try to take care of this.” Mace squeezed
again before standing, the Korun nodding to the healer before
marching out to summon a full council.

Giving Che a long look, Obi-Wan finally found a smile. “So…lets
stop the drain huh?”


“…Are you telling me that the Sith Lord not only put a threat to
an omega but a pregnant and birth giving omega of the council?”


The council chamber has never felt this agitated and even as Mace
himself struggles with the growls in his throat he can feel the
shatterpoints suddenly breaking all over the room.

There is a sensation in the Force, a sensation of determination, the
break from the war the pregnant omegas has given them allowing them
to regain strength and focus.

This threat…

Well, Skywalker and Amidala are not the only one fond of Obi-Wan even
if the rest of the council are by no means mates. But they are

So, in twoalphas: how does Obi-Wan’s appointmet go?

“What do you mean there’s a drain anchor in me?” Obi-Wan
squeaked, eyes wide and shocked.

“I mean that if you had given birth on Coruscant, you would have
died during birth.” Che offered seriously. “I mean that someone
has hooked an anchor into you that is steadily draining you and only
the fact that you’re bound to Skywalker as one of your alphas are
currently keeping your energy levels at a decent level. What I mean
is that someone tried to kill you Master Kenobi.” Her lekku’s
were twitching and she pressed her lips together. “I’m summoning
master Windu, right now. The council needs to know.”

Technically the council already knew even if Obi-Wan was on leave
because of Jinn but…

He understood.

So he sat there on the examination bed, staring at the crystals that
had turned black when Che had examined him, mind buzzing.

He wished Anakin or Padme were there but knew that Padme was in the
Senate and Anakin was back in the apartment with Jinn.

‘I could have died giving birth.’ He took a shuddering breath and
pressed his head down against his knees, shaking a bit until he felt
a hand touch his shoulder, looking up quickly to meet Mace narrowed
and worry tinged eyes.

“W-When did you get here?” Obi-Wan rasped out.

“Ten minutes ago, you didn’t notice.” Mace shifted until he
could sit down beside him, keeping his hand on the omegas shoulder.
“Che explained what she found.”

The redhead swallowed hard. “I could have died giving birth.” He
rasped out, trying to keep his distress out of the bonds to his

Force knew Anakin at least would come running and now more then ever
did Obi-Wan want his mates to stay with their baby.

“I know. There’s a drain anchor in you, Healer Che says a
darksider is the one to latch it into you… Obi-Wan… can you think
off…” Mace trailed off and Obi-Wan shook his head.

“I’ve been around my mates Mace, no darksider, not Ventress, not
Dooku…” He bit his lips. “…But I have been in the Senate.
Dooku implied there was Sith in the Senate didn’t he…” He
breathed out.

“Force preserve us.” Mace breathed out then squeezed the others
shoulder again. “I’ll send two knights to drive you home, Che
will take care of the drain anchor and I will take this to the
council… Obi-Wan be careful, stay away from the Senate and try as
best you can to stay out of trouble.” He rumbled, the alpha in the
councilor responding to a threatened omega of the order.

Obi-Wan gave a breathy little laugh. “Can’t promise but I’ll
try.” He smiled shakily.

“I know, just… let us try to take care of this.” Mace squeezed
again before standing, the Korun nodding to the healer before
marching out to summon a full council.

Giving Che a long look, Obi-Wan finally found a smile. “So…lets
stop the drain huh?”


“…Are you telling me that the Sith Lord not only put a threat to
an omega but a pregnant and birth giving omega of the council?”


The council chamber has never felt this agitated and even as Mace
himself struggles with the growls in his throat he can feel the
shatterpoints suddenly breaking all over the room.

There is a sensation in the Force, a sensation of determination, the
break from the war the pregnant omegas has given them allowing them
to regain strength and focus.

This threat…

Well, Skywalker and Amidala are not the only one fond of Obi-Wan even
if the rest of the council are by no means mates. But they are

Hardeenau, please? A little bit of obikin fluff (romance or friendship). I just need hurt Obi wan with concerned Ani right now. Love your writing <3

A frustrated little gasp escaped
Obi-Wan as he pressed his head into his hands, cane clattering to the
floor as he pressed his back to the wall to remain upright.

“Obi-Wan?” Anakin questioned,
moving into his old master’s space with a concerned frown on his
face as his hands hovered over the others shoulders, unsure what to

And then he was promptly cursing as
blood dripped from Obi-Wan’s nose, through his hands and onto the
floor of the temple, sweeping his master up and racing towards the
Halls with the man in his arms.


“It was good you were there
Skywalker.” Che scrolled through her pad, scowling darkly at it.
“The bleeding of his brain has gotten out of control and we have no
other o-”

“Wait, wait what bleeding?” Anakin
questioned in alarm.

Che sighed. “Of course he didn’t
tell you…” She rubbed a lekku before shrugging. “Master Kenobi
has suffered major trauma from the blast to the head, some of it he
has not recovered yet and he has bleeding in the brain. So far we’ve
managed to treat it partially but now we have no other choice but to
go with an operation.” The twi’lek healer explained.

Anakin blinked, glancing behind Che at
the bed that contained his resting master now in Hall garb instead of
robes. “…What does that mean?” He questioned while crossing his
arms warily over his chest.

“It means we’ll have to open up his
head to get to his brain. I won’t lie to you, its risky, we may do
more harm then good but we’re out of options.” The master healer
sighed. “You should talk to him once he wakes up, I need to start
preparing a team for said operation.” She patted him on the
shoulder and headed for the door.

Anakin listened to it close before
moving slowly to the bed and sitting down on the edge, taking
Obi-Wan’s hand in his. “…Oh Obi-Wan, why didn’t you just tell
me?” He rubbed his thumb over the back of it, tracing the faint
freckles on the back.

Gently he reached out and shook Obi-Wan
with his mech hand, waiting for him to open his eyes and look at him,
confusion prevalent in Obi-Wan’s eyes. “…Halls?” He croaked

“You started having a nosebleed and
passed out when I carried you to the Halls.” Anakin murmured, still
stroking the back of the hand. “How do you feel?”

“Horrible.” Obi-Wan confessed,
raising his other hand to press his palm to his forehead.

That was a testament to just how bad
Obi-Wan felt and Anakin nodded, still rubbing. “…Che says you’re
having brain bleeds. That they need to put you through surgery.” He
swallowed. “You didn’t tell me that.”

Pulling his hand away, Obi-Wan gave him
a sad look and then pulled his hand out of Anakin’s to sign.

Watching closely, Anakin felt a mix of
fond exasperation and sadness. “You didn’t want to worry me?
Obi-Wan, I’d rather know about your health old friend.” He
reached out and took the hand again. “I worry anyhow about you, you
know that. So does Ahsoka and your men and all who care about you.
You need to talk to us so we can help you.” He rubbed the back of
the others hand for a long moment.

Obi-Wan just watched him, tired and
worn looking until Che returned with a team of droids and healers.

Swallowing hard, Anakin reached out and
rested the back of his hand against the warm cheek, feeling the beard
prickle his skin. “You’re going to come back, alright Obi-Wan?
I’m going to go talk with Ahsoka, tell her what’s going on… and
then we’re both going to wait on you, alright?”

Nuzzling lightly at the warm, Obi-Wan
made a low, understanding noise.

‘I hope I come back from this too.’
He watched Anakin until Che shooed him out so they could prepare
Obi-Wan for the surgery.

Hardeenau, please? A little bit of obikin fluff (romance or friendship). I just need hurt Obi wan with concerned Ani right now. Love your writing <3

A frustrated little gasp escaped
Obi-Wan as he pressed his head into his hands, cane clattering to the
floor as he pressed his back to the wall to remain upright.

“Obi-Wan?” Anakin questioned,
moving into his old master’s space with a concerned frown on his
face as his hands hovered over the others shoulders, unsure what to

And then he was promptly cursing as
blood dripped from Obi-Wan’s nose, through his hands and onto the
floor of the temple, sweeping his master up and racing towards the
Halls with the man in his arms.


“It was good you were there
Skywalker.” Che scrolled through her pad, scowling darkly at it.
“The bleeding of his brain has gotten out of control and we have no
other o-”

“Wait, wait what bleeding?” Anakin
questioned in alarm.

Che sighed. “Of course he didn’t
tell you…” She rubbed a lekku before shrugging. “Master Kenobi
has suffered major trauma from the blast to the head, some of it he
has not recovered yet and he has bleeding in the brain. So far we’ve
managed to treat it partially but now we have no other choice but to
go with an operation.” The twi’lek healer explained.

Anakin blinked, glancing behind Che at
the bed that contained his resting master now in Hall garb instead of
robes. “…What does that mean?” He questioned while crossing his
arms warily over his chest.

“It means we’ll have to open up his
head to get to his brain. I won’t lie to you, its risky, we may do
more harm then good but we’re out of options.” The master healer
sighed. “You should talk to him once he wakes up, I need to start
preparing a team for said operation.” She patted him on the
shoulder and headed for the door.

Anakin listened to it close before
moving slowly to the bed and sitting down on the edge, taking
Obi-Wan’s hand in his. “…Oh Obi-Wan, why didn’t you just tell
me?” He rubbed his thumb over the back of it, tracing the faint
freckles on the back.

Gently he reached out and shook Obi-Wan
with his mech hand, waiting for him to open his eyes and look at him,
confusion prevalent in Obi-Wan’s eyes. “…Halls?” He croaked

“You started having a nosebleed and
passed out when I carried you to the Halls.” Anakin murmured, still
stroking the back of the hand. “How do you feel?”

“Horrible.” Obi-Wan confessed,
raising his other hand to press his palm to his forehead.

That was a testament to just how bad
Obi-Wan felt and Anakin nodded, still rubbing. “…Che says you’re
having brain bleeds. That they need to put you through surgery.” He
swallowed. “You didn’t tell me that.”

Pulling his hand away, Obi-Wan gave him
a sad look and then pulled his hand out of Anakin’s to sign.

Watching closely, Anakin felt a mix of
fond exasperation and sadness. “You didn’t want to worry me?
Obi-Wan, I’d rather know about your health old friend.” He
reached out and took the hand again. “I worry anyhow about you, you
know that. So does Ahsoka and your men and all who care about you.
You need to talk to us so we can help you.” He rubbed the back of
the others hand for a long moment.

Obi-Wan just watched him, tired and
worn looking until Che returned with a team of droids and healers.

Swallowing hard, Anakin reached out and
rested the back of his hand against the warm cheek, feeling the beard
prickle his skin. “You’re going to come back, alright Obi-Wan?
I’m going to go talk with Ahsoka, tell her what’s going on… and
then we’re both going to wait on you, alright?”

Nuzzling lightly at the warm, Obi-Wan
made a low, understanding noise.

‘I hope I come back from this too.’
He watched Anakin until Che shooed him out so they could prepare
Obi-Wan for the surgery.

I’m sick with strep. It’s occurred to me, that Anakin might need a lot of vaccines when he first gets to the Jedi order — so, the prompt is, Anakin’s first basic checkup visit with Vokara Che and her assistants. Presumably taking place shortly after they get back from Naboo. Bonus points if Obi-Wan is dragged in — he’s overdue for a visit, and after Qui Gon’s death, the mind healers want a look. Also, warn Anakin about any allergies his master might have, and vice versa.

“I’m sure its going to be alright
Anakin.” Obi-Wan soothed softly with a hand on his shoulder,
guiding him along the rooms of the Halls to the right one where he
knew that Healer Uva would be waiting on them with all the shots
Anakin would need.

“But what are they going to do?”

“Well, its a basic checkup along with
some shots for various immunizes you don’t have that you will
encounter.” Obi-Wan smiled down at him and squeezed his shoulder.
“And take down the information like your weight, height, gender,
hair color and all.”

“But they already know I’m a boy.”
Anakin frowned.

“Mhmm but those things has to go in
your folder.”

“But…why?” Anakin blinked.

“Well, so if you get sick somewhere
else in the universe, the healer there can request your folder and
know its you and know what to do to treat you.”

“…Oh, okay that make sense.”
Anakin nodded at the explanation as they stepped into the room.

And promptly jumped in surprise as the
door promptly shut behind them.

“Well well well knight Kenobi, a
pleasure to finally have you in front of me.” A blue twi’lek said
with her arms crossed over her chest as her lekku’s twitched.

Healer Uva meanwhile smiled gently at
Anakin even as his master tensed up.

“H-Healer Che, what a surprise.”

“Oh I bet Knight Kenobi.” She
offered, looking more and more unimpressed as she did.

“Anakin! Padawan of mine, this is
healer Che, one of the bes-”

“Flattery will not get you out of
your health check Kenobi.” She scowled at him before giving Anakin
a brief smile. “Please go to Healer Uva padawan, your master has
his own checkup.”

And then she moved to Obi-Wan, grabbing
him by the ear to pull him over to an examination bed. “You with me

“Healer Che!” He yelped.

Anakin watched with wide eyes before
stepping over to Healer Uva who gently patted the bed by her. “I’m
sorry for having this sprung on you young one. Your master has
a…history of avoiding the Halls.”

“He does?” Anakin asked while
crawling up on the bed and sitting still for the healer as she picked
up an instrument to scan him.

“Mhmm, he’s well known here for
being difficult.” Uva chuckled quietly while reading what the
scanner had picked up, quickly preparing two hyposprays for Anakin.
“We usually leave it to Healer Che because she knows how to handle

As she got the hyporspray ready, Anakin
glanced over at Obi-Wan to find him being forced to take off his
boots and outer tunic, the healer hissing at him to get on the scale.
“And so help me Kenobi, if you lost weight I will ground you, new
padawan or not. Or perhaps I should just ground you anyhow.” She

“I haven’t lost weight! I’ve been
good!” Obi-Wan argued as he hopped on one foot before settling his
boot down, flustering as he noticed Anakin watching the two. “And
please don’t embarrass me.”

“Oh you don’t want your new padawan
to know how terrible you are at taking care of yourself huh? Well
tough luck, I’m going to get him to send me monthly reports on your
health.” The twi’lek glared at him. “On the scale, NOW.”

Obi-Wan muttered something that got him
a sharp but light wack over the head.


“On the scale, no sass.”

Anakin was distracted when Uva
carefully gave him his shot and then asked him a few question about
what kind of illnesses and injuries he had gotten on Tatooine that he
knew of.

By the time he looked back, Obi-Wan was
sitting shirtless on the examination bed, having a bruise on his
chest examined and prodded before the healer got to work on it.

Obi-Wan was looking embrassed, staring
at his knees before he looked up and meet Anakin’s eyes, giving him
a sheepish and meek smile.

“Is Master Obi-Wan bad at taking care
of himself?” He couldn’t help but ask outloud, blinking as
Obi-Wan colored sharply.

“Your master is terrible. He hides
injuries, loses weight and gains it as if he’s a jojo, tries to
pretend he can live of tea and air at times and Force preserve us if
I’ve ever meet a more masochistic human in my life.” Che grunted
before letting Obi-Wan pull on his under tunic as the bruise was

“I’m not that bad.”

“No? Then tell us all about the time
you were grounded on Coruscant for a whole month because we could
count your ribs, how about that?”

Obi-Wan turned bright red and Anakin
felt his eyes widen. He had seen slaves with protruding ribs but
Obi-Wan was a Jedi! He must have been able to eat and drink properly

“Why?” He looked at them.

“Because like I said, he’s horrible
at eating and Master Jinn, Force look after him, was not always good
at feeding him.” Che sighed, hesitating a bit before squeezing
Obi-Wan’s shoulder almost gently. “You need to look after
yourself Kenobi. You got a padawan now.”

“I know…” Obi-Wan stared at his

Anakin stared at him then hopped off
the examination bed and moved to his teacher, hugging his legs while
peering up at him. “Its okay, we can take care of each other master
Obi-Wan.” He smiled up at him.

Green eyes blinked at him in surprise
before Obi-Wan gave a small smile and ruffled Anakin’s hair. “I
guess we can…now its your turn to hop on the scale Anakin. Go on.
Boots and over tunic off, I’ll help you put it on again.”

Anakin gave Obi-Wan’s legs one last
squeeze before moving over to the scale, leaning against the bed to
remove his boots.

Obi-Wan watched him closely, smiling
ever so slightly while the two healers traded looks.

Perhaps having a padawan so early was
not such a bad thing for the young knight.

I’m sick with strep. It’s occurred to me, that Anakin might need a lot of vaccines when he first gets to the Jedi order — so, the prompt is, Anakin’s first basic checkup visit with Vokara Che and her assistants. Presumably taking place shortly after they get back from Naboo. Bonus points if Obi-Wan is dragged in — he’s overdue for a visit, and after Qui Gon’s death, the mind healers want a look. Also, warn Anakin about any allergies his master might have, and vice versa.

“I’m sure its going to be alright
Anakin.” Obi-Wan soothed softly with a hand on his shoulder,
guiding him along the rooms of the Halls to the right one where he
knew that Healer Uva would be waiting on them with all the shots
Anakin would need.

“But what are they going to do?”

“Well, its a basic checkup along with
some shots for various immunizes you don’t have that you will
encounter.” Obi-Wan smiled down at him and squeezed his shoulder.
“And take down the information like your weight, height, gender,
hair color and all.”

“But they already know I’m a boy.”
Anakin frowned.

“Mhmm but those things has to go in
your folder.”

“But…why?” Anakin blinked.

“Well, so if you get sick somewhere
else in the universe, the healer there can request your folder and
know its you and know what to do to treat you.”

“…Oh, okay that make sense.”
Anakin nodded at the explanation as they stepped into the room.

And promptly jumped in surprise as the
door promptly shut behind them.

“Well well well knight Kenobi, a
pleasure to finally have you in front of me.” A blue twi’lek said
with her arms crossed over her chest as her lekku’s twitched.

Healer Uva meanwhile smiled gently at
Anakin even as his master tensed up.

“H-Healer Che, what a surprise.”

“Oh I bet Knight Kenobi.” She
offered, looking more and more unimpressed as she did.

“Anakin! Padawan of mine, this is
healer Che, one of the bes-”

“Flattery will not get you out of
your health check Kenobi.” She scowled at him before giving Anakin
a brief smile. “Please go to Healer Uva padawan, your master has
his own checkup.”

And then she moved to Obi-Wan, grabbing
him by the ear to pull him over to an examination bed. “You with me

“Healer Che!” He yelped.

Anakin watched with wide eyes before
stepping over to Healer Uva who gently patted the bed by her. “I’m
sorry for having this sprung on you young one. Your master has
a…history of avoiding the Halls.”

“He does?” Anakin asked while
crawling up on the bed and sitting still for the healer as she picked
up an instrument to scan him.

“Mhmm, he’s well known here for
being difficult.” Uva chuckled quietly while reading what the
scanner had picked up, quickly preparing two hyposprays for Anakin.
“We usually leave it to Healer Che because she knows how to handle

As she got the hyporspray ready, Anakin
glanced over at Obi-Wan to find him being forced to take off his
boots and outer tunic, the healer hissing at him to get on the scale.
“And so help me Kenobi, if you lost weight I will ground you, new
padawan or not. Or perhaps I should just ground you anyhow.” She

“I haven’t lost weight! I’ve been
good!” Obi-Wan argued as he hopped on one foot before settling his
boot down, flustering as he noticed Anakin watching the two. “And
please don’t embarrass me.”

“Oh you don’t want your new padawan
to know how terrible you are at taking care of yourself huh? Well
tough luck, I’m going to get him to send me monthly reports on your
health.” The twi’lek glared at him. “On the scale, NOW.”

Obi-Wan muttered something that got him
a sharp but light wack over the head.


“On the scale, no sass.”

Anakin was distracted when Uva
carefully gave him his shot and then asked him a few question about
what kind of illnesses and injuries he had gotten on Tatooine that he
knew of.

By the time he looked back, Obi-Wan was
sitting shirtless on the examination bed, having a bruise on his
chest examined and prodded before the healer got to work on it.

Obi-Wan was looking embrassed, staring
at his knees before he looked up and meet Anakin’s eyes, giving him
a sheepish and meek smile.

“Is Master Obi-Wan bad at taking care
of himself?” He couldn’t help but ask outloud, blinking as
Obi-Wan colored sharply.

“Your master is terrible. He hides
injuries, loses weight and gains it as if he’s a jojo, tries to
pretend he can live of tea and air at times and Force preserve us if
I’ve ever meet a more masochistic human in my life.” Che grunted
before letting Obi-Wan pull on his under tunic as the bruise was

“I’m not that bad.”

“No? Then tell us all about the time
you were grounded on Coruscant for a whole month because we could
count your ribs, how about that?”

Obi-Wan turned bright red and Anakin
felt his eyes widen. He had seen slaves with protruding ribs but
Obi-Wan was a Jedi! He must have been able to eat and drink properly

“Why?” He looked at them.

“Because like I said, he’s horrible
at eating and Master Jinn, Force look after him, was not always good
at feeding him.” Che sighed, hesitating a bit before squeezing
Obi-Wan’s shoulder almost gently. “You need to look after
yourself Kenobi. You got a padawan now.”

“I know…” Obi-Wan stared at his

Anakin stared at him then hopped off
the examination bed and moved to his teacher, hugging his legs while
peering up at him. “Its okay, we can take care of each other master
Obi-Wan.” He smiled up at him.

Green eyes blinked at him in surprise
before Obi-Wan gave a small smile and ruffled Anakin’s hair. “I
guess we can…now its your turn to hop on the scale Anakin. Go on.
Boots and over tunic off, I’ll help you put it on again.”

Anakin gave Obi-Wan’s legs one last
squeeze before moving over to the scale, leaning against the bed to
remove his boots.

Obi-Wan watched him closely, smiling
ever so slightly while the two healers traded looks.

Perhaps having a padawan so early was
not such a bad thing for the young knight.