

This is a commission by the amazingly talented @orientalld , for my Vaderwan series to have and to hold. The scene in particular is from the second part of the series, an anatomy of want. I literally couldn’t love it more!

Thank you for this amazing request, dear! Your vaderwan series are amazing😭💧❤

So in Vaderkin’s gift maybe Anakin makes Obi tea and they talk. Perhaps Obi talks about the reason he hasn’t fled. (Tattoos? Likely to be killed? Stockholm?)

Pressing the cup into Obi-Wan’s hands, Anakin sunk down on the couch beside the Jedi, watching the fascinated expression on the others face as Obi-Wan sniffed at the content of the cup. Then he took a slow sip, eyes closing with clear pleasure as the tea flowed over his tongue.

Well, it seemed this was indeed high quality tea as Anakin was promised by the vendors, so he wouldn’t have to hunt them down and give them a lesson on not to cheat Darth Vader.

With the assurance that the tea was good, he held up an arm and smiled, actually smiled when Obi-Wan instantly slid in under it and settled against him, slowly sipping as he tucked his feet up on the couch too.

Bare toes wiggled against one of the throw pillows.

‘I can never get over that he actually likes going around barefoot.’ Anakin grimaced to himself, slowly teasing the tattoos visible through the gossamer sleeves of Obi-Wan’s shirt. “You know… Fisto has a point.” He murmured quietly, removing his eyes from the others feet to his eyes instead.

Obi-Wan blinked up at him, pausing before shrugging as he realized what Anakin was on about. “You’d find me if I left. I know there’s trackers in not only my collar but also in the tattoo runes, yes?” He quirked a brow at Anakin, his clever little Jedi.

Grasping one of Obi-Wan’s hands, teasing the slender wrist while inwardly grimacing at the sight of scars on the wrist from the prolonged binder use, Anakin shrugged. “Yes but you could still try running, and keep running. You’re smart enough to do it and powerful enough.” He pointed out steadily, peering at his little Jedi.

Taking another sip, clearly trying to delay for time to think, Obi-Wan stared into his cup before sighing. “Because I don’t want to.” He finally admitted.

Stroking the others wrist slowly, Anakin mutely prodded him on as he rubbed his thumb over the inside of his wrist.

His pulse was rising a bit.

Obi-Wan was nervous and therefore he was mute and buying himself time by drinking tea, glancing between Anakin and the coral and glass caff table stationed in front of his expensive bantha leather couch.

“Obi-Wan.” Anakin prodded, feeling his temper rise along with his impatience as Obi-Wan seemed to struggle.

“I like it here,” Obi-Wan finally stated, biting at his lower lip, causing it to swell and redden. “I like it at your side. You keep me safe, you keep me feed, you pet my hair and you spoil me. I shouldn’t,” Obi-Wan swallowed thickly, clearly fighting against the ideals he had been raised with and his own desires and wants. “But I don’t want to leave you, even though its dangerous for me here in the Sith temple and at the same time I know that if anything happens, you’d be there.” He whispered.

His face was red with shame, his freckles ticking out heavily.

Anakin couldn’t stop staring at his Jedi, the Jedi he indeed put a claim on, the Jedi wearing Darth Vader’s symbol at the end of his braid on the golden pendant, tattooed with Vader’s claim on his arm.

Obi-Wan was right, the tattoo would make it easy for Vader to find him, hunt him, never let him go.

But that wasn’t why Obi-Wan was staying.

Obi-Wan was staying for Anakin.

Not because he had to.

Maybe it was stockholm, hell, Anakin was pretty sure it was part of it, Obi-Wan had been conditioned after all in some ways but he was still defiant at times, still the Jedi that had been brought to be Vader’s pet.

And yet… that wasn’t really what Obi-Wan was, was it now?

“…Anakin,” He rasped out suddenly, Obi-Wan looking up at him in surprise, blinking at him as Anakin’s flesh hand came up to cup his face, stroking his cheek and feeling the stubble under. “My name… its Anakin.”

Obi-Wan eyes widened a bit. “…Anakin?” He stated, murmuring it more to himself than anything, as if he was testing the name.

Anakin could feel something in his chest expand as he leaned in and pressed his forehead to Obi-Wan’s, breathing out heavily. “Yes, to you, to you alone when we’re in peace, I’m Anakin.” He whispered quietly, shuddering as Obi-Wan continued to murmur his name softly in the space between them.

In tomeyoubelong, does Kebii’tra mean anything in Mandoa?

Resisting the urge to rub his face tiredly, Vader continued staring at the viewport of the bridge of the Fist as the troopers and Imperial officers worked around him, his arms crossed over his chest and his helmet hid his actual facial expression.

They were practically scurrying, seemingly sensing that Vader was in an uneasy mood and therefore trying to keep as quiet and unobtrusively as possible.

Not that the young Sith lord would have noticed them much at all, too busy thinking about the omega hiding away in his quarters ‘Kebii’tra… seriously master, you named yourself ‘Sky’,’ He signed internally as outwardly, he simply tapped his mech fingers on his upper arm. ‘Should I feel grateful that you didn’t just outright name yourself Skywalker at this point?’ He wondered.

He had never taken Obi-Wan for a sentimental fool.

But honestly, at this point he was wondering if Anakin Skywalker had known his master as well as he thought.

Clearly Obi-Wan was more sentimental and fond of the people in his life than Vader had ever thought, to the point he’d keep onto something as meaningless as a last name.

‘Ah… but didn’t your mother name you Skywalker for a reason?’ A sneering voice whispered in the back of Vader’s mind and he desperately snarled back at it.

He didn’t want to think about that. He’d spent a year not thinking about it and he wasn’t about to think about it no-

A muted gasp had him turning around, a soft growl escaping him as he saw Obi-Wan standing there in the open door of the bridge. “What are you doing here?” He stated darkly, the modulator changing his voice.

Obi-Wan raised his chin, ignoring all the troopers and Imperial’s discreetly watching him, taking in every inch of the omega from the borrowed black pj’s to the sunburn on his pale and freckled skin. “I was hungry.” He stated shortly, glaring around distrustfully.

The words almost startled Vader, not that it was obvious to anyone else. Or rather the accent startled him, because instead of the crisp Coruscantian he expected, a slight slur came from him instead.

A fake accent?

Of course, everyone else seemed to expect Vader to do… something.

He could feel the anticipation and fear in the Force and that confu-oh hell.

Obi-Wan had been short with him, Vader had choked people for less, his anger getting the better of him often, especially with all the alpha pheromones on the bridge.

It almost made him want to growl as he made his way over to Obi-Wan instead. “You could have summoned a droid to ask for lunch Ben.” He pointed out calmly, blinking under his helmet when Obi-Wan colored, the lack of beard exposing how dark the color got.

Hell, he had never seen that before, even as a knight, Obi-Wan grew his beard as quickly as he could, Vader could only faintly remember how the other looked without it and was rather certain Obi-Wan had never blushed when Anakin Skywalker was his padawan.

Seeing it now…

It was cute.

‘And…’ Glancing around without turning his head too much. ‘Our ploy seems to have worked. No one seems to be able to tell that ‘Ben’ is Obi-Wan.’ Vader noted with heavy satisfaction only to have his focus snap back on the redhead when he answered.

“I tried, it wouldn’t listen to me.” Obi-Wan mumbled, crossing his arms over his chest.

“…It wouldn’t listen to you?” Vader growled faintly, growling louder when Obi-Wan’s stomach gave a loud growl of its own.

Obi-Wan wasn’t just hungry, he was starved clearly if his stomach was yelling out.

Reaching out, Vader manhandled the other, turning Obi-Wan and pushing him forward. “I’ll deal with it, what do you want?” He snapped out, ignoring the silence of the bridge and the shock in the Force.

He had an omega to feed and therefore he was ignoring how tense Obi-Wan was under his grasp, they were still working on the trust and honestly, being stuck in the small quarters weren’t good for building said trust.

“You’ll… fix the droid?” Obi-Wan questioned a tad more quietly, breathing out in relief when Vader nodded sharply. “Alright, but for now… anything would do.” He muttered quietly, relaxing slightly under the grasp.

‘…Alderaani chicken and butter steamed vegetables.’ Anakin Skywalker memories supplied the image of Obi-Wan’s smiling face as he enjoyed said dish and Vader moved closer to his former master. “Twenty minutes, I’ll have it sorted.” He promised quietly, leading Obi-Wan back to his quarters on the Fist.

Hi Moddy! I love all your stories but especially to me you belong? If it is possible, may you please write more of that? Maybe Anakin trying to convince Obi-Wan to eat whilst Obi still thinks he’s a threat? Or Anakin trying to prod Obi about the scar on his mating gland? Only write this if you want to. Any addition to this verse would be greatly appreciated. I love your writing!

Looking up from his work when the fresher door opened, Vader blinked heavily as he dropped the screwdriver on the desk, standing up from the sheer surprise of what he was seeing.

Even knowing that it was Obi-Wan he was seeing, Vader almost doubted what he knew.

The omega Jedi had done as asked, removing his beard and dyeing his hair but the result… his face turned several years younger since the removal of his beard gave more space to see the face and made his eyes somehow seem larger, making him seem the same age as Vader almost, the hair dye had turned his hair from bright copper with golden tints to a dark, burnish copper and had also fully covered up the patches of grey around his ears.

The latter also helped his youthful appearance.

Combined with the clean omega scent and Obi-Wan’s flush from the warm water shower that Vader’s private quarters provided on the Fist…

No one would guess that this was the former General Kenobi of the GAR, Jedi and council master.

And he was wearing Vader’s borrowed clothes, making him seem smaller despite being a compact man, the black Telanonian spider silk shirt hanging slightly off his shoulders with the sleeves going to his fingertips.

The matching black pants were also rolled up, to avoid them dragging on the floor, showing Obi-Wan’s pale feet on the carpeted floor of the quarters.

Obi-Wan shifted, looking everywhere but at Vader and it made the Sith realize he must have been staring for a while. Forcibly, he cleared his throat, bringing green eyes on him. “You look… different.” He finally settled on, unsure how to go about the situation.

Obi-Wan’s face tightened. “Ridiculous you mean, I loo-”

“Pretty,” Vader cut in, before Obi-Wan could lambaste himself even more.

The other paused at that, looking away with the flush on his cheeks deepening ever so slightly. But he said nothing, only moved to the bed and sat down on it slowly, shifting until he could sit against the durasteel wall and stare at Vader. “…Now what?” He whispered.

Sitting down at his desk again, Vader licked his lips. “We should talk I imagine,” His eyes slid down to Obi-Wan’s scarred bonding gland and the others hand shot up to cover it, a glare covering his face. “You need another name to go by too.” Vader decided to pick his battles and not go for that topic just yet.

There was no way Obi-Wan would answer.

And the change of topic had Obi-Wan relaxing slightly once more, though he kept his hand on his bonding gland. “…Ben Walker.” He sighed before looking away when Vader’s brows rose high.

‘…Honestly master, its like you want to be found. Ben means good speaker in Mandalorian, I know that now, its the nickname Duchess Kryze gave you. And Walker… just slap on Sky, why don’t you.’ He shook his head before sighing. “The first part is acceptable but the latter, its too close. Pick another last name.” He leaned back in his chair.

Obi-Wan grumbled, rubbing absently at his neck. “Ben… Kebii’tra,” He finally settled on, turning his eyes back on Vader only to glare at him. “Acceptable?” He asked bitterly.

“…Acceptable,” Vader agreed, crossing his arms over his chest, trying not to feel too awkward with the unhappy omega hormones pumping through the small quarters of the Star Destroyer. “And you’re from?” He questioned, keeping eye contact with the other man, despite how much Obi-Wan was glaring at him now.

Gritting his teeth, the muscle of his jaw clearly jumping, Obi-Wan took a deep breath through his nose. “…Concord Dawn,” He growled, continuing before Vader could continue probing. “The Davin sector to be precise, my family were farmers but due to the unsteady atmosphere and the civil war on Mandalore, my family farm were burned down during a skirmish. I fled with what little I had left, hoping to build a new life,” Obi-Wan words waved a life that could explain the few scars he had that were visible and why he had been on Tatooine to encounter Vader. “Satisfied?” Obi-Wan finally snarled out.

Clearly, Vader had pushed him enough and therefore simply nodded, taking a pad off his desk to offer to the other. “…Something to do while we wait for our arrival to Coruscant.” He commented as nonchalantly as possible.

That was to say none but he was trying.

Thankfully, Obi-Wan snatched the pad from him, clearly wanting something to do as he huddled up against the wall, pulling one of the freshly washed blankets around himself to settle in.

Deciding that retreat was the better part of valor right now, Vader went back to his mechanical project, leaving the stewing Jedi master alone to calm down.

And to become comfortable.

Obi-Wan’s aggression was instinctual due to how uneasy he was, his omega side clearly reacting severely to not only being uprooted and honestly stolen away from his home, but also with an alpha he didn’t feel secure with.

Vader could wait.

If there was one thing he had learned in Sidious teachings… it was patience.

Because anything else gained him anguish, Sidious had no qualms about harming him in his attempt to ‘teach’.

And so the quarters descended into a stony, uneasy silence.

I can’t remember if I prompted more for this story or not. But in case I didn’t, Obi-Wan gets his reward and Vaderkin is confronted by the other Sith as to why Obi-Wan has a lightsaber. (Plus they all want to know how he made his Jedi pet loyal to him.)

Signing his name and swiping his credit chit for the delivery, Anakin glanced at the nervous twi’lek and zabrak seller before giving them both a sharp smile. “This better be the quality that was promised…” The or else was left unsaid but heard by all as both the male twi’lek and female zabrak began bowing and scraping, promising up and down and to the Force that, yes, the delivery was of the finest quality.

Anakin smiled even more sharply, opening his mouth only to close it when a gentle hand wrapped around his elbow, Obi-Wan blinking up at him.

The Jedi was standing a step behind him and to the left, falling into Anakin’s blindside almost unnaturally so, as if he had always belonged there and the blond had just never noticed. “I’m sure its what you ordered my lord,” Obi-Wan murmured softly, his long braid swaying slightly in the wind from the wide open entrance. “After all, only a fool would cheat Darth Vader.” He smiled softly at him, the creases around his eyes appearing at the smile.

It shouldn’t make Anakin want to sweep the Jedi of his feet but… those soft words did, especially coupled with that gentle smile that made Obi-Wan’s dimples appear. Coupled with the other wearing the clothes Anakin had picked for him…

Well, Anakin was charmed by the sight, Obi-Wan in a silk baby blue tunic that was open in a V that exposed his collarbone, tied at the waist with a white sash and a black belt over that held his saber in full view. The sleeves were goassamer thin sleeves, exposing the muscles of the Jedi along with the breath of his shoulders, dressed in white leggings and black knee highs.

It was a charming display, especially with the others shoulder length hair and his braid sporting Vader’s mark via a golden pendant at the end that seemed to catch the light almost regardless how Obi-Wan moved or where he was.

Yes, all in all, Anakin was quite charmed by his pretty Jedi.

‘Bet you wouldn’t tell me if they had cheated me, this tea is just for you anyhow.’ Anakin noted amusedly to himself, simply inclining his head. “Indeed.” He answered before gesturing to the droids to bring the crates to his quarters.

He still let his eyes linger on the pair of vendors as they nervously made their way towards the entrance to leave. ‘But if they have cheated me… I will indeed know.’ Regardless of Obi-Wan being the only one to sample the tea, Anakin did still know what was quality tea.

He had made Sidious too many damn cups, serving his master and even served as the bastards footstool while the man drank.

A humiliation Anakin and especially Darth Vader would never forget.

Finally the pair had disappeared and Anakin turned, peering down at Obi-Wan before swiftly catching his braid and pulling him close, twining his other arm around the others waist to pull him in close. “Well then, I don’ t believe I gave you permission to speak little Jedi,” He teased almost appreciatively, having come to adore Obi-Wan’s little flights of intervention and disobedience. “I do think I’ll have to punish you.” He smirked, delighting in how Obi-Wan’s cheeks pinked

“Okay, that’s it,” A new voice cut through in agitate, Anakin looking away from Obi-Wan reluctantly to raise a brow at Fisto, the nautolan waving his finger between the two as his tentacles undulated in agitation. “Why does your pet have a saber and why isn’t he running,” Several Siths were slowing down or outright stopping, circling like sharks scenting blood. Anakin honestly didn’t care. “The opening is right there.” Fisto snarled, red eyes flashing darkly.

Carelessly, Anakin just stared at the other Sith, Obi-Wan tense against him. Absently, he rubbed at the golden pendant at the end of Obi-Wan’s learner braid. “Because I didn’t break him like all of you did with your Jedi’s,” Anakin decided to bluntly state, pulling the braid taunt before easing his grip again, Obi-Wan not moving his head even an inch despite his braid going taunt. “I kept my leash tight, but I didn’t choke my Jedi… and now I have him… forever.” Anakin rolled the braid slowly up around his fist, tightening it slowly and using it to tip Obi-Wan’s face up, the Jedi blinking at him.

A bit of discontent was there, Obi-Wan’s brow furrowing and his expressive lips at the start of a pout.

It was a look Anakin found irresistible.

And why should he really deny himself something?

Obi-Wan belonged to him and leaning in, claiming the others lips in front of everyone, Anakin made that clear.

His little tame Jedi.

I really enjoyed reading through all your posts for #tomeyoubelong! Is Vaderkin planning to keep Obi-Wan in his room all the time, or will he find ways to hide his identity and let him have a little freedom? (Eventually) will Palpatine ever demand to meet Vader’s ‘acquired omega’? (And do you post these on ao3 or anywhere else?)

Elbows settled on his knees, Vader stared at Obi-Wan as the Jedi stared back at him, the omega finally having calmed down after what felt like forever.

After he had finally calmed down, the redhead had settled on the single chair in the room by the desk, ignoring all the mechanical work that Vader had as the Sith found a loose shirt.

He had taken the hint at that, settling down on the bunk that Obi-Wan had not taken.

Wouldn’t take.

Even though it smelled of Obi-Wan, of his and Obi-Wan’s scent mixed together.

Like a mated pair.

“…What happens now?” Obi-Wan finally asked, his voice rough from his breakdown.

Absently Vader took note of how the other was fisting his hands into the leggings he was borrowing, Vader’s pj leggings. He shrugged slightly, watching Obi-Wan as he leaned back against the wall the bunk was settled against. “If I’m honest, I’m not utterly sure. But I do know I’m not letting you go back to Tatooine.” He tacked on sharply when he saw Obi-Wan open his mouth.

Alpha hormones flooded the room and Obi-Wan flinched back from him.

Vader couldn’t help but be… discomforted by that.

He had never seen Obi-Wan react as such when alphas got aggressive.

Generally he used to just roll his eyes and sigh loudly, muttering about barbaric and uncivilized behavior.

It was just… it didn’t fit with the Obi-Wan he remembered.

“Fine. So I’m not going back,” Obi-Wan bit out, his chin tilted up but avoiding looking Vader in the eyes. “But where am I going if you’re not going to kill me?” He huffed out.

“Coruscant,” Vader stated, stretching his legs out with a quiet groan of satisfaction as sore muscles eased out and snorting when he saw the others eyes widening ever so slightly with suppressed panic. “I got my own place there, you aren’t going near the Imperial palace.” He stated a tad more quietly, guessing what the other was thinking.

A brief pause settled in before Obi-Wan nodded, indicating that the alpha had hit bullseye and as curious as Vader was to what the other was thinking, he didn’t ask nor try to skim the others mind.

He needed the other to trust him slightly at the very least and skimming his mind was one hell of a way to break any burgeoning trust at all or shut down any future trust.

It was hard to read Obi-Wan’s expression too, the other was too blasted good at it still, a blank mask settling over him.

‘I used to be able to read him… micro twitches in his face told me everything. Now I’m stuck without being able to read him. And Skywalker thought Obi-Wan didn’t tell him anything…’ Vader was almost bitterly amused by how little Obi-Wan was really giving him. “You’ll have to hide your identity.” He tacked on, watching closely.

Obi-Wan’s brow furrowed a bit, eyes narrowing slightly in suspicion. “Meaning…?” He stated slowly.

Standing, Vader made his way over to the desk, ignoring the way Obi-Wan tensed up and leaned back into the chair.

Pulling out the drawer, he held up a bottle for the other to see.

Obi-Wan squinted at the bottle and not for the first time did Vader wonder if the other needed an optometrist appointment.

The omega’s eyesight had seemed a bit poorer towards the end of the war.

“Hair dye?” Obi-Wan stated, sounding startled, finally meeting Vader’s eyes with obvious surprise.

“Along with trimming away the beard and letting your hair grow, this will hide your identity quite well, its only a few shades away from your natural hair, so the after growth won’t be too visible.” Vader confirmed, holding out the bottle for him to take.

Hesitating, frowning heavily, Obi-Wan slowly took the bottle to study before looking up sharply. “I’m not removing my bear-” He started in outrage.

Vader cut in harshly. “You will because Obi-Wan the beta Jedi can disappear into the void, no one will be looking for omega Ben from Tatooine on Coruscant, are we clear?” He growled sharply.

Obi-Wan flinched but bared his teeth right back at Vader and for several long, tense moments, Vader wondered if he had pushed too hard, too fast, if Obi-Wan would attack him.

But finally the other slumped a bit, staring at the bottle with an obviously confused and exhausted expression crossing his face. “…I don’t understand what you’re doing Sith. This… I don’t understand…”

Hesitating, Vader slowly reached out, gently stroking Obi-Wan’s hair, feeling him tense under the touch but not stopping despite it all. “Because… whether we like it or not… we have a connection my old master. And regardless how much we fight it,” He slowly knelt down, looking up at the worn out man in front of him. “We can’t help but care… I can’t help but care.” Vader decided to be honest.

Clearly it threw the Jedi for a loop as he stared back, hands clenched on the dye bottle and his lips lightly parted with surprise.

‘…Who knew there would come a time I wouldn’t find amusement in the Negotiator himself being left speechless.’ Vader couldn’t help but smile bitterly as he stared at Obi-Wan, watching as a single tear slid down the omega’s cheek.