So in Vaderkin’s gift maybe Anakin makes Obi tea and they talk. Perhaps Obi talks about the reason he hasn’t fled. (Tattoos? Likely to be killed? Stockholm?)

Pressing the cup into Obi-Wan’s hands, Anakin sunk down on the couch beside the Jedi, watching the fascinated expression on the others face as Obi-Wan sniffed at the content of the cup. Then he took a slow sip, eyes closing with clear pleasure as the tea flowed over his tongue.

Well, it seemed this was indeed high quality tea as Anakin was promised by the vendors, so he wouldn’t have to hunt them down and give them a lesson on not to cheat Darth Vader.

With the assurance that the tea was good, he held up an arm and smiled, actually smiled when Obi-Wan instantly slid in under it and settled against him, slowly sipping as he tucked his feet up on the couch too.

Bare toes wiggled against one of the throw pillows.

‘I can never get over that he actually likes going around barefoot.’ Anakin grimaced to himself, slowly teasing the tattoos visible through the gossamer sleeves of Obi-Wan’s shirt. “You know… Fisto has a point.” He murmured quietly, removing his eyes from the others feet to his eyes instead.

Obi-Wan blinked up at him, pausing before shrugging as he realized what Anakin was on about. “You’d find me if I left. I know there’s trackers in not only my collar but also in the tattoo runes, yes?” He quirked a brow at Anakin, his clever little Jedi.

Grasping one of Obi-Wan’s hands, teasing the slender wrist while inwardly grimacing at the sight of scars on the wrist from the prolonged binder use, Anakin shrugged. “Yes but you could still try running, and keep running. You’re smart enough to do it and powerful enough.” He pointed out steadily, peering at his little Jedi.

Taking another sip, clearly trying to delay for time to think, Obi-Wan stared into his cup before sighing. “Because I don’t want to.” He finally admitted.

Stroking the others wrist slowly, Anakin mutely prodded him on as he rubbed his thumb over the inside of his wrist.

His pulse was rising a bit.

Obi-Wan was nervous and therefore he was mute and buying himself time by drinking tea, glancing between Anakin and the coral and glass caff table stationed in front of his expensive bantha leather couch.

“Obi-Wan.” Anakin prodded, feeling his temper rise along with his impatience as Obi-Wan seemed to struggle.

“I like it here,” Obi-Wan finally stated, biting at his lower lip, causing it to swell and redden. “I like it at your side. You keep me safe, you keep me feed, you pet my hair and you spoil me. I shouldn’t,” Obi-Wan swallowed thickly, clearly fighting against the ideals he had been raised with and his own desires and wants. “But I don’t want to leave you, even though its dangerous for me here in the Sith temple and at the same time I know that if anything happens, you’d be there.” He whispered.

His face was red with shame, his freckles ticking out heavily.

Anakin couldn’t stop staring at his Jedi, the Jedi he indeed put a claim on, the Jedi wearing Darth Vader’s symbol at the end of his braid on the golden pendant, tattooed with Vader’s claim on his arm.

Obi-Wan was right, the tattoo would make it easy for Vader to find him, hunt him, never let him go.

But that wasn’t why Obi-Wan was staying.

Obi-Wan was staying for Anakin.

Not because he had to.

Maybe it was stockholm, hell, Anakin was pretty sure it was part of it, Obi-Wan had been conditioned after all in some ways but he was still defiant at times, still the Jedi that had been brought to be Vader’s pet.

And yet… that wasn’t really what Obi-Wan was, was it now?

“…Anakin,” He rasped out suddenly, Obi-Wan looking up at him in surprise, blinking at him as Anakin’s flesh hand came up to cup his face, stroking his cheek and feeling the stubble under. “My name… its Anakin.”

Obi-Wan eyes widened a bit. “…Anakin?” He stated, murmuring it more to himself than anything, as if he was testing the name.

Anakin could feel something in his chest expand as he leaned in and pressed his forehead to Obi-Wan’s, breathing out heavily. “Yes, to you, to you alone when we’re in peace, I’m Anakin.” He whispered quietly, shuddering as Obi-Wan continued to murmur his name softly in the space between them.

I can’t remember if I prompted more for this story or not. But in case I didn’t, Obi-Wan gets his reward and Vaderkin is confronted by the other Sith as to why Obi-Wan has a lightsaber. (Plus they all want to know how he made his Jedi pet loyal to him.)

Signing his name and swiping his credit chit for the delivery, Anakin glanced at the nervous twi’lek and zabrak seller before giving them both a sharp smile. “This better be the quality that was promised…” The or else was left unsaid but heard by all as both the male twi’lek and female zabrak began bowing and scraping, promising up and down and to the Force that, yes, the delivery was of the finest quality.

Anakin smiled even more sharply, opening his mouth only to close it when a gentle hand wrapped around his elbow, Obi-Wan blinking up at him.

The Jedi was standing a step behind him and to the left, falling into Anakin’s blindside almost unnaturally so, as if he had always belonged there and the blond had just never noticed. “I’m sure its what you ordered my lord,” Obi-Wan murmured softly, his long braid swaying slightly in the wind from the wide open entrance. “After all, only a fool would cheat Darth Vader.” He smiled softly at him, the creases around his eyes appearing at the smile.

It shouldn’t make Anakin want to sweep the Jedi of his feet but… those soft words did, especially coupled with that gentle smile that made Obi-Wan’s dimples appear. Coupled with the other wearing the clothes Anakin had picked for him…

Well, Anakin was charmed by the sight, Obi-Wan in a silk baby blue tunic that was open in a V that exposed his collarbone, tied at the waist with a white sash and a black belt over that held his saber in full view. The sleeves were goassamer thin sleeves, exposing the muscles of the Jedi along with the breath of his shoulders, dressed in white leggings and black knee highs.

It was a charming display, especially with the others shoulder length hair and his braid sporting Vader’s mark via a golden pendant at the end that seemed to catch the light almost regardless how Obi-Wan moved or where he was.

Yes, all in all, Anakin was quite charmed by his pretty Jedi.

‘Bet you wouldn’t tell me if they had cheated me, this tea is just for you anyhow.’ Anakin noted amusedly to himself, simply inclining his head. “Indeed.” He answered before gesturing to the droids to bring the crates to his quarters.

He still let his eyes linger on the pair of vendors as they nervously made their way towards the entrance to leave. ‘But if they have cheated me… I will indeed know.’ Regardless of Obi-Wan being the only one to sample the tea, Anakin did still know what was quality tea.

He had made Sidious too many damn cups, serving his master and even served as the bastards footstool while the man drank.

A humiliation Anakin and especially Darth Vader would never forget.

Finally the pair had disappeared and Anakin turned, peering down at Obi-Wan before swiftly catching his braid and pulling him close, twining his other arm around the others waist to pull him in close. “Well then, I don’ t believe I gave you permission to speak little Jedi,” He teased almost appreciatively, having come to adore Obi-Wan’s little flights of intervention and disobedience. “I do think I’ll have to punish you.” He smirked, delighting in how Obi-Wan’s cheeks pinked

“Okay, that’s it,” A new voice cut through in agitate, Anakin looking away from Obi-Wan reluctantly to raise a brow at Fisto, the nautolan waving his finger between the two as his tentacles undulated in agitation. “Why does your pet have a saber and why isn’t he running,” Several Siths were slowing down or outright stopping, circling like sharks scenting blood. Anakin honestly didn’t care. “The opening is right there.” Fisto snarled, red eyes flashing darkly.

Carelessly, Anakin just stared at the other Sith, Obi-Wan tense against him. Absently, he rubbed at the golden pendant at the end of Obi-Wan’s learner braid. “Because I didn’t break him like all of you did with your Jedi’s,” Anakin decided to bluntly state, pulling the braid taunt before easing his grip again, Obi-Wan not moving his head even an inch despite his braid going taunt. “I kept my leash tight, but I didn’t choke my Jedi… and now I have him… forever.” Anakin rolled the braid slowly up around his fist, tightening it slowly and using it to tip Obi-Wan’s face up, the Jedi blinking at him.

A bit of discontent was there, Obi-Wan’s brow furrowing and his expressive lips at the start of a pout.

It was a look Anakin found irresistible.

And why should he really deny himself something?

Obi-Wan belonged to him and leaning in, claiming the others lips in front of everyone, Anakin made that clear.

His little tame Jedi.

So, what’s Obi-Wan’s reward for being good in vaderkin’s gift?

The moment the door closed behind them, Anakin sprung into action as he dropped his bag to the floor, reaching out and pressing his chest to Obi-Wan’s back, feeling the Jedi fall still, Anakin let out a small laugh as he wrapped his arms around the man and pressed his nose to his neck. “You wonderful, magnificent beast of a Jedi.” He chuckled warmly, smirking as he saw the blush climb Obi-Wan’s neck and ears at the praise.

“I… my lord?” Obi-Wan breath hitched, feeling the Sith’s lips trace along the sensitive curve of his neck.

Lapping lightly at the pulse point, giving it a nip, Anakin squeezed Obi-Wan’s body to his. “Anything, you can ask for anything you want, beating Maul at his own game, you glorious Jedi,” He crooned against the skin, feeling Obi-Wan squirm before arching his neck for more kisses. “If its in my power you’ll have it.” Anakin promised heatedly.

All the while he continued to pepper the moon pale skin with kisses, his hands wandering along Obi-Wan’s stomach and thighs in teasing, searching sweeps.

Squirming both into the hands and back into Anakin’s body, Obi-Wan started to pant softly, whimpering slightly as he struggled to speak. “I… could, well maybe,” He paused, jerking a bit as Anakin cupped his groin. “Charlata tea maybe my lord?” He squeaked out.

Pausing, his lips pressed to Obi-Wan’s racing pulse point, Anakin processed those words. “Charlata tea?” He murmured, bemused before raising his head. “You want tea?” He stated with bewilderment.

Stiffening, Obi-Wan nodded and Anakin could tell he was biting his lip and worrying the flesh. “If that’s not too much, I know its rare and rather pric-”

Laughing, the heat in his veins dissipating, Anakin swung Obi-Wan around to grin down at him, the other blinking uncertainly up at him. “You… you just want tea?” He chuckled, amused and endeared at the same time.

Blinking up at him, Obi-Wan hesitantly nodded again, leaning against Anakin’s chest as the Sith’s arms wrapped around his waist to keep him in place. “I mean, yes. You already give me clothes to wear and you feed me well.” He stated uncertainly.

Teasing the others padawan braid, noting that he would have to braid the thing once they had rested, Anakin shook his head as he smiled fondly at his Jedi. “I would give you anything you want and you just want tea,” He chuckled softly, wrapping the long length of braided hair around his fist, teasing the hair. “Amazing. You are just amazing.” He stated fondly.

Coloring, Obi-Wan slowly, uncertainly, wrapped his arms around Anakin’s waist in return, relaxing when all Anakin did was to continue to smile at him. “I’m not really a materialistic person.” He settled on saying, shrugging slightly.

Humming faintly in understanding, Anakin paused thoughtfully before tapping lightly at Obi-Wan’s hips with his fingers. “How about something to entertain yourself with? I know you already have the pad I gave you to read and look on the holonet,” He stated before Obi-Wan could say anything. “But is there anything else you would want to keep yourself occupied when I’m not with you or you’re exercising?” Anakin raised his brow, watching Obi-Wan with almost child like curiosity.

He suddenly felt desperate to know what Obi-Wan liked to do.

What he wanted to entertain himself with or did to relax when Anakin wasn’t bossing him around.

How… quaint.

He wasn’t used to caring what others thought of or wanted unless they were stronger than him and a threat.

Tilting his head, Obi-Wan worried his lips again, clearly thinking over the question much to Anakin’s pleasure. “Could…” He paused, eyeing Anakin closely. “Could I get some plasticene?” He finally asked when Anakin didn’t move to interrupt him. “I would like to carve it to… well make things.” Obi-Wan explained when Anakin blinked in confusion.

Nodding, Anakin let a wry smile cross his face. Of all the things the Jedi could ask for, plasticene was one of the least dangerous things he could give him as it was used for toy making for the most part. “Sure, I’ll even get you some paints if you want?” He stated, giving Obi-Wan’s braid a little tug when the Jedi smiled hopefully. “Alright then, tea and plasticene.” Anakin agreed easily, shifting to guide his pet towards the fresher.

Now that the fire from watching Obi-Wan slam Maul to the ground had fizzled out, he could once again feel the tiredness in his bones.

And from the way Obi-Wan was shifting to lean on him, Obi-Wan was feeling the tiredness too. “I’m still getting you some jewelry too, to celebrate.” Anakin muttered, smirking when Obi-Wan huffed faintly to himself in exasperation.

Vaderkin’s gift- Obi has to use his lightsaber and the Sith in general are surprised when Obi defeats the attacking Sith. (Also many believe Obi stole the saber.). Vaderkin just finds the scene hot and proceeds to show his appreciation for the show.

There is nothing as good as finally coming home, even to a place
filled with hyenas that would betray you to kiss their masters boots.

after a full month on Tatooine, Anakin is more than happy to be back
in the Sith temple where he can actually take a bath and not deal
with Jabba the hutt or the memories, thank you very much. Hell, he’s
tired enough to not even pay attention to Obi-Wan, the Jedi trailing
closely after him, looking almost like he wanted to latch onto Darth
Vader’s hand.

young Jedi turned Sith pet is clearly uncertain and wary under the
eyes of other Sith, especially since he was almost assaulted last
time in the temple but he has his saber and so Anakin does not worry.

And he
is looking forward to a good bath and rest in their bed, Obi-Wan
curled to his chest.

It had
been too hot on Tatooine to pull his pet to him and give him the
attention Anakin had wanted, even when Obi-Wan had looked adorably
sexy in the sheer tunics with billowy pants he wore to try and cope
with the heat.

how Obi-Wan had managed to look adorable when he was sweaty and pouty
the entire time while trying to cope with the heat, Anakin had no
idea but somehow, the Jedi pulled it of.

hey, Anakin had gotten to take off one of Jabba’s arms when he made
undesired advances on Obi-Wan.

If it
had only been words, then maybe Anakin wouldn’t have but having the
slimy slug paw at Obi-Wan and lick his face…

Anakin had to send a message to the hutt and everyone else.

belonged to Darth Vader was not for anyone else to touch,
there would be consequences.

And he
had warned the next time someone touched his property, there would be
a loss of life and not just an arm.

maybe Anakin had taken an unholy amount of glee at doing it, memories
of Gardulla the hutt haunting his mind as he did so and his mother’s
pain driving him forward.

No one
had to know that.

no one but Obi-Wan.

redhead had felt Anakin through the Force after all and had quietly
curled as close as possible to him on the bed that night after a
shower, quietly asking what Anakin had been thinking when he took off
Jabba’s arm.

hadn’t meant to answer, not at first, but slowly, Obi-Wan coaxed
out the words, got his Lord Vader to share not only his past but also
his anger.

were dangerous, even young ones, their words were honeyed but at
least Obi-Wan belonged to him, so Anakin didn’t have to worry too
much about him using the past against him.

blames the tiredness on not noticing the slight flicker in the Force
or the way Maul moves from the shadow.

But to
be fair, Maul is not aiming at him.

snap of a lightsaber fills the air and the red blade aims at
Obi-Wan’s back.

this time the Jedi is not helpless and does not need Lord Vader to
protect him as Obi-Wan responds by the much lighter hum of his own
blue lightsaber, blocking Maul’s staff from ever touching his

enough to watch, Anakin settled his hand on his hilt but didn’t
draw it, licking his lips as he saw Maul’s eyes flash with surprise
and rage and Obi-Wan’s blue ones filling with satisfaction and an
edge of… anger?

that was a surprise.

had been a holier than thou Jedi until now even as he gave in to
Anakin slowly and steadily.

guess that even a Jedi feels anger at times.’ Anakin mused,
watching Obi-Wan shoulder checked the still surprised Maul, tumbling
the Sith to his arse on the marble floor.

snarled, the sound echoing but Obi-Wan lashed out before he could get
off his ass, slicing through the saber staff hilt with his own saber
in a smooth move before falling back in defense as the zabrak snarled
with rage and pain due to the saber core in one end overheating and
exploding, Obi-Wan’s eyes locked on Maul with his back to Anakin.

fierce, angry and proud, his head held high as he stared down at the

couldn’t help it, he started laughing, shifting forward to rest his
hand on Obi-Wan’s shoulder as they both stared down at Maul. “As
you can see, my pet has a weapon of his own. Seeing as how he needs
it in this temple to remain my pet and you attacked him first, I do
believe you can just… fuck off.” Anakin grinned down at the other
before tugging Obi-Wan along, forcing the Jedi to give his back to

tally of humiliation.

Maul knew better.

had less experience, but he was more powerful than Maul would ever

in, his mouth close to Obi-Wan’s ear, Anakin whispered. “Good boy
Obi-Wan. You deserve a reward tonight.” He stated softly, grinning
at the slight of  flush rising Obi-Wan’s neck.

yes, it was good to be home.

“Am I allowed to defend myself?” Obi-Wan asked in a small voice, “or will you hurt me?” -Vaderkin’s Gift

their bags for the third time, Anakin frowned at the contents before
mentally sighing. It was his own fault that Obi-Wan did not have
proper travel clothes, this could only be blamed on himself and they
would have to find some proper garments while on the move.

he fits into my leggings even if they have to be rolled up at the hem
are a tiny bit snug on the hips.
But he needs a
least two proper tunic’s and two undershirts to ensure he will
remain warm. Not
to mention his own leggings that are actually fit for travel if I
intend to keep bringing him on my missions’
Anakin mused at the contents.

least Obi-Wan had a robe, that was easy enough to get out of the
quartermaster storage
for a human Obi-Wan’s size, so a nice, fitting black robe to cover
him up until they could get the rest, keeping the other warm and
ensuring some coverage.

to the Jedi in question, Anakin paused, his hands in the bag as he
took in Obi-Wan quietly tugging on his sheer
shirt hem while sitting on the edge of their now shared bed.

slowly, Anakin left
the bag be and instead sat down beside Obi-Wan, looking at the Jedi.
He looked worried, a bit sad but also frightened as he glanced at
Anakin too. “…What’s wrong Obi-Wan?” Anakin reached in,
grasping the others hand, rubbing his thumbs over the others knuckles
slowly, awkwardly.

honestly wasn’t used to giving comfort to someone else, Sith life
wasn’t about giving others comfort.

he was learning.

for Obi-Wan’s sake.

his mouth, Obi-Wan glanced at him before pausing, closing his mouth.
He swallowed heavily before finally speaking. “Am
I allowed to defend myself?” Obi-Wan asked in a small voice, “or
will you hurt me?” He
tacked on.

at that, Anakin stared at him before breathing out, shaking his head.

he stood, letting go of Obi-Wan’s hand, moving over to his dresser.

up his underwear drawer, Anakin pushed the boxers aside to reveal a
small hole in the wooden dresser. Reaching into his belt pouch, he
pulled out a small, wooden key that he placed into the hole, opening
up the false bottom.

his underwear, hidden behind enforced tree where no one would sense
them, were Anakin’s greatest treasures from
his past, unseen by anyone else in the temple.

mother’s yellowing
handkerchief, made of rough bantha wool, the leather and japor
she had gifted him with for his fourth birthday, her necklace in the
same japor and braided leather string, the
bright blue polished stone Kitster had given him and the slightly
whiter handkerchief with Anakin’s name stitched onto by Wald.

from his past, the
momentum hidden from the rest of the Sith, kept from view because he
knew his master wanted Anakin to keep nothing of the past that could
be positive.

one more item rested among the relics of the past.

from the present.

in, Anakin pulled out the slim silver and black hilt, carefully
pulling the lid back over his little treasures that reminded him of
his mother and friends to hide them from other Sith and particularly
his master.

he turned to Obi-Wan, meeting the wide eyed Jedi.

course Obi-Wan had recognized the saber the moment the lid was off
the enforced tree work. It
was his after all.

over, Anakin sat back down beside Obi-Wan and took his hand, gently
pressing the saber into it. “Sidious gifted me with this when he
gifted you to me, most likely as a trophy to taunt you with in
the future when you were in my control,
I however believe,”
He paused, unsure what to say before sighing. “…I
expect you to defend yourself against those who would harm you… and
to return to me.” Anakin
murmured quietly, on
guard as he watched Obi-Wan closely.

was aware the risk he was taking.

this, Obi-Wan could potentially kill him and escape.

wasn’t the style of a Jedi, so he didn’t fear really being killed
all that much, more
maimed really.
But escape…

could with this.

had just handed him the tool to his own escape if he should desire

was a mighty risk but when Obi-Wan let out a soft sob and then threw
his arms around Anakin, the saber held tightly in his hand still,
Anakin knew he had done the right thing as Obi-Wan repeated his
mantra of thank you into Anakin’s dark robe, clinging to the Sith.

his nose to the now long red hair, Anakin breathed out. “Just keep
on returning to me, that’s all I ask for in return.” He

In vaderkinsgift, Vader was making some progress with Obi, sexually speaking. Has Obi been frightened away from it again? Is Vader understanding about it?

running the wet
sponge over the still Jedi’s shoulder, Anakin eyed
him closely and thoughtfully, on guard for any sign of fear or
even just minor distress even
as the bath was full of medicated oils and essences to aid him from
the hornhead’s attack, easing sore muscles and healing bruises.

discomfort was of course there, he had just been attacked and
only an hour before and
was now settled into a hot water tub with another naked man but
he wasn’t flinching away as Vader slowly ran the sponge along the
others skin. But at the same time, Anakin wasn’t going to any
intimate zones as Obi-Wan sat between his legs.

Obi-Wan hadn’t taken any potshots at Vader, hadn’t bristled or
rolled his eyes.

wasn’t his fiery Jedi, but a meek and scared thing.

the sponge into the water, Anakin slid his arms around the other and
pulled him carefully back into his chest, hooking his chin onto
Obi-Wan’s shoulder as he carefully wrapped the long braid around
his fist. “…Where are you from Obi-Wan?” He murmured quietly,
feeling the tense muscles of Obi-Wan’s body.

was curious, he had never thought about asking that before even
though the knowledge of where Obi-Wan came from might be important.

a bit, slowly settling his head back against the others shoulder,
Obi-Wan rubbed at his throat carefully. “…Stewjon, a small harbor
town actually. I grew up on the edge of an ocean before my Jedi
master found me, Lord Vader.” Obi-Wan murmured quietly.

Anakin ask about that?

if Sidious had murdered the Jedi master?

salt in wounds right after this attack… that wasn’t what Anakin
was trying to do as he nuzzled gently at Obi-Wan’s ear while
searching for the next question. “Do you miss it? Stewjon is under
Empire rule…” He questioned, trailing off when Obi-Wan turned his
head enough to look at Anakin in confusion.

his lips, Obi-Wan finally just shrugged in bemusement. “I was five
when the Jedi found me. I haven’t been back since, I’ve lived a
mostly nomadic lifestyle and I didn’t have a family since I was an
orphan, so not… not really?” Obi-Wan finally confessed, easing
back into Anakin even more.

even more as
Anakin eased his grip on the braid to only hold it loosely.

stroking Obi-Wan’s hair out of his face, Anakin gave a small nod,
pressing his chin into Obi-Wan’s shoulder. “Kinda get that. I’m
from Tatooine myself. Hutt empire,” He grimaced in disgust only to
smile a bit when he saw Obi-Wan wrinkle his nose. “Yeah, you get
it,” He
snorted before hesitating a bit before sighing deeply. “I was a
slave back then.” Anakin confessed, feeling Obi-Wan jerk in his
grip, water sloshing around and almost running over the edge of the
tub with the violent move, this time turning his head fast enough for
their noses to bump together in a slightly painful manner.

sponge floated harmlessly around in the moving water.

his head a bit, Anakin and Obi-Wan stared at each other, the Sith
quiet and observing and the Jedi wide eyed.

Obi-Wan seemed speechless, but considering it all, Anakin was going
to let that go.

he just nodded and carefully pulled Obi-Wan back into place against
Anakin’s chest, grateful he had eased his grip on the braid,
carefully catching it again. “Former slaves make great Sith, years
of repression, desire for freedom and anger to back it up… while
craving for the things you couldn’t have as a slave. My master
found me there among the sand and the rot and the pain and took me on
as an apprentice, buying me from Gardulla the hutt and haggling
loudly for my humiliation.” Anakin confessed quietly, giving
Obi-Wan information that only Sidious really knew, though the rest of
the Sith were aware that Vader was a former slave.

as many former slave Sith’s as there was around, that wasn’t
shocking that he existed.

was shocking was how far in the ranks Darth Vader rose, his power

his mouth and then closing it again, Obi-Wan kept watching him before
settling again, this time grasping Anakin’s free hand, Obi-Wan
played with the
Sith’s fingers, lowering his eyes to it.

let him.

I safe?” Obi-Wan whispered fearfully, pressing back into the Sith.


wasn’t safe, not really.

in this temple even though he was a cosseted prisoner, Sith were
greedy and petty creatures.


tightened his arm around the redhead, lacing his fingers with the
others hand. “When you’re with me, yes. I won’t let anyone harm
you again and I’ll kill anyone who tries.” He promised quietly.

tremble escaped Obi-Wan before he turned on his knees, water for sure
sloshing over the edge this time and yet neither cared as the Jedi
threw his arms around Anakin’s neck to hide his face in shoulder.

his arms around the other in return, cupping the back of Obi-Wan’s
head as he shook, Anakin let out a quiet noise of comfort. “I
with me, you are safe. You are mine and I will not let them have
you.” He whispered, infusing his voice with the Force, willing
Obi-Wan to just believe him as his beautiful Jedi pet trembled
against him.

Eep! I love vaderkinsgift! Does Vader hurt Maul? Does anyone else hear about the incident? Does Obi lose any of the respect or standing that he gained by humiliating Maul now that he was unable to fend him off? Also, does Vader cuddle him after the assault?

back at Obi-Wan, dismissing Maul temporarily, Anakin pressed his lips
together as he saw the state of the other, tear and snot soaked face
and shirtless, the purple sheer tunic he had gifted Obi-Wan with
earlier that very week laying ripped on the ground.

his black robe off, Anakin slid it around Obi-Wan’s shoulders as
his pet Jedi continued to hold his throat, trembling faintly.

he didn’t flinch from Darth Vader as the man covered him up and
paused long enough to stroke his hand over the others red hair as
Obi-Wan pulled the robe more tightly around himself.

“I believe I made it clear that this Jedi was only mine.” Anakin
stated quietly, hand lingering on Obi-Wan’s hair before
straightening and turning around, a sneer on his lips

having managed to push himself around on his metal legs so he was at
least kneeling, sneered back at Vader. “If the little slut can’t
defend himse-” He didn’t get to finish his words, Anakin slamming
him back into the wall and pulling him up, the zabrak snarling and
kicking his legs uselessly before he finally grasped the Force and
returned the favor.

was pulled off his feet at a wave of Maul’s left hand, growling as
he hit the wall rather hard, though he managed to get his hands
between himself and the wall to take off some of the pressure.

however, erred on the side of caution this time and when Anakin
turned around, he caught the glimpse of the others boot slipping
around the corner as Maul made his escape.

in disgust, Anakin shook his head even as he inwardly snarled and
raged and promised revenge on the damn zabrak for touching what was

matter, Anakin had time for revenge later.

he turned and knelt down in front of Obi-Wan, cupping his chin and
raising the others head to get a good look at his neck.

was bright red and was sure to bruise.

got you good, huh.” Anakin noted quietly before reaching in,
pausing when Obi-Wan flinched, staring at him with wide, terrified
green eyes.

didn’t like it.

was a surprise but Anakin didn’t like the fear in those eyes, he
liked Obi-Wan’s fire and resistance, the way he hid smirks in
Anakin’s leggings when he took pot shots at the Sith with his words
and did his little dance of defiance.

amused him and… and Anakin was fond of it.

he reached in, keeping his eyes on Obi-Wan’s as he placed his
fingertips to the bruised skin.

spark went off, surprise in Obi-Wan’s eyes and then the green eyes
closed with relief as Anakin slowly healed the abused throat and

get you some nice tea once in my quarters,” Anakin murmured
quietly, keeping his fingertips to the skin as the healing
continued. Obi-Wan opened his eyes in response to the words, blinking
tiredly at Anakin. “How does your throat feel?” He prodded the
Jedi carefully with as he removed his fingers, though keeping his
grasp on the clefted chin.

his lips, Obi-Wan cleared his throat then winced a bit. “Sore…
but better than a moment ago.” He whispered out, his voice rough.

Anakin frowned as he raised his free hand and slowly wiped at the
others wet face with his sleeve, taking care to be gentle with his
now skittish Jedi. He hadn’t seen Obi-Wan like this since Sidious
had gifted the Jedi to him and even then Obi-Wan eyes had been as
full of defiance as it had been with fear.

he was just scared, even if some of it had faded in response to
Anakin’s actions and it was all Maul’s fault that Anakin’s pet
was now as skittish as a beaten dog.

going to kill him.’ Anakin thought sourly as he thought of Maul.

Anakin let go of and stood, holding his hand down to the other and
pulling Obi-Wan up, tucking the other under his arm as Obi-Wan held
the robe tight around himself, the hem of the dark folds dragging on
the marble floor as Obi-Wan was nowhere as tall as Vader. “Well, a
cup of tea and a long soak in the tub does sound like a perfect
evening.” He drawled, trying to pull some of the former arrogance
into his voice even as he awkwardly felt a bit like a protective bear
over a cub.

awkwardness felt weirdly acceptable when Obi-Wan tucked himself
closer into Anakin, following with one hand reaching out from under
the robe to hold onto Anakin’s silken tunic. “Yes Lord Vader…”
The Jedi whispered, voice hoarse and subdued.

just tightened his grasp on his

#Vaderkins gift: I would imagine Maul would not be happy about being embarrassed….how about him cornering Obi alone and Ani rescuing him like the dark avenging angel he is. And Obi is GRATEFUL.

had been given more freedom, Obi-Wan wasn’t sure what to feel about

the incident with Darth Maul, Sidious had been summoned of course as
the zabrak had complained to the Sith lords above all.

Obi-Wan’s shock, kneeling at Vader’s side with his head on the
man’s lap, Sidious had just cackled loudly when he was told the
story, amused and maybe impressed with Vader’s ‘control’ of

hadn’t punished anyone and anyone who would listen could hear
Sidious gloatingly going about telling people how his apprentice had
a pet Jedi.

looked smug and powerful in all of it as Obi-Wan stayed close to his
side, feeling yellow eyes lingering on him at all times in public.

there was a change.

it had been lusty, hateful looks that mocked.

were still hateful of course and still lusty but now they were also
considering, less licking of lips and more thoughtful eyes
that scanned him.

wasn’t sure if that was better or not.

he was uncertain about the freedom he now enjoyed.

was wearing the collar Vader had given him, he was wearing a tracker
of course but Vader had given him less sheer clothes even if they
still revealed a lot and
Obi-Wan was allowed to walk about as he wished instead of staying in
Vader’s vicinity at all times.

Vader was busy, Obi-Wan was released to walk the Sith temple, had his
own comm and a map of the temple, of green lit rooms he was allowed
to go to.

had even been allowed to go to a large bathing section and after
scouting it out for a few days, Obi-Wan had dared to enter when he
knew there was next to no Sith there that had interest in humans.

had been stared at of course, with interest and consideration but he
had been left in peace for bathing, taking a long soak and even a
swim in the large pool much to his own delight before returning to

man had taken a long hour just to nuzzle and sniff Obi-Wan after the
wash, his eyes intrigued at Obi-Wan’s own pick of washing scents
and maybe also just to check that no one had touched Obi-Wan on his
time out.

was… nice.

to get out.

not out out
after all but still, the Sith even had gardens, several of them and
large and Obi-Wan had to admit he enjoyed the water garden and he was
actually walking to it through
one of the less traveled hallways he had managed to identify
when suddenly he was slammed hard against the wall, the only warning
being a flash of pure wrath and the pitiful light side in the Sith
temple trying to warn him.

late, Obi-Wan hit the wall hard, gasping for air as he wrapped his
hands uselessly around his throat as his eyes bulged out from the
lack of air, Maul walking into the his line of vision as the zabrak
glared at him hatefully.

Maul sneered, closing the distance with the clicking noise of his
mechanical legs. “I
got you, you little whore.” He sneered, clenching his hand.

gaze darkened as his vision swam with the lack of air before Maul let
him breath some as he still held him up against the wall.

his legs uselessly, Obi-Wan wheezed at Maul, mentally screaming
because he didn’t want this to be it.

had only just started to get his freedom back, for all that he was in
emotional turmoil, he had started to work towards something of an
understanding with Vader and no-

gave a choked cry, tears of pain and the lack of oxygen starting to
roll down his cheek as Maul sneered up at him before the Sith reached
out and roughly ripped Obi-Wan’s silky purple tunic off, throwing
it to the ground with a flutter.

to think, Obi-Wan felt horror bloom in his veins as even like this he
understood the others intention, more tears and also snot now
trailing down his face.

screamed mentally once more only to choke and struggle when Maul’s
hand reached into his leggings, cupping him harshly.

you’re not that impressive here, are you, you little slut,” Maul
sneered before his hand moved, reaching back. “Let’s see if
this is where Vader finds your worth, show
loose you are who-” Before he could however, Maul went flying into
the wall, crashing into the opposite wall to Obi-Wan as the Jedi hit
the floor on his knees, choking and coughing as he wrapped his hands
protectively around his neck.

Obi-Wan looked up as dark boots stepped into view, blinking up at
Vader’s back as the other stood in front of him like an avenging
angel of death, a snarl more fearsome than any rancor on a rampage on
his face.

protector had arrived.

#Vaderkinsgift… I love it so much. Do the other Sith know Obi-Wan was sexual with Vader? Can they tell by looking at him? Would they mock him? Would Vader verbally defend Obi-Wan? If this is too detailed an ask, I’m sorry. I’ll take pretty much anything in this AU if you want to write something else.

uncertainly down at Vader’s feet, resting
his rear on his heels,
Obi-Wan gave a short glance around the mess hall before just closing
his eyes and settling his head against the man’s thigh. For some
reason the other wasn’t taking his meal in his own rooms today and
Obi-Wan was expected to behave

that he had been thinking about rebelling in a while.

least not in the way that Vader meant.

was going to behave in front of others and look like an obedient
little Jedi to everyone and in private…

he wasn’t what he used to be, he didn’t fight half as much but he
wasn’t something meek that Vader could walk all over even if the
other had figured out how to make him squeak with pleasure.

his ‘master’ curiously, Obi-Wan watched as he removed his left
glove, dropping it on the table they had chosen as the blond glanced
watchfully around the room to take in who was watching them as he
dropped his hand into Obi-Wan’s hair.

wouldn’t deny that gentle touch of Vader’s ungloved hand stroking
through his grown out hair was rather pleasant though, the slow
rubbing of his scalp and the teasing of his hair as Vader waited on
his food from the lower level acolyte.

surprisingly soft if angry voice suddenly spoke up, invading
Obi-Wan’s senses as he was actually enjoying that head petting. “I
see you finally fucked your little pet.” Someone sneered and
Obi-Wan opened his eyes curiously to glare up at the redskinned
zabrak in front of them.

paused in his petting, glaring up with Obi-Wan at the man. “What I
do with my
property is quite up with me Maul.” He sneered at him.

twitched a bit at being refereed to as property but in the end, that
was what he was.

man, Maul, growled back. “That’s Darth to you, Vader.” He

even my pet could beat you, your title is not worth osik.” Vader
sniggered, a scatter of mocking laughter erupting around the room.

I had no idea a zabrak could blush, or is that a blush?’ Obi-Wan
mused, remaining still against the others leg. ‘Oh
no, it’s just blood rushing to his head because of anger.’
Obi-Wan raised his head a bit from the leg.

petty little whore, I’m going t-” What Maul was going to do,
Obi-Wan had no idea, but he was hungry, they were all consumed in
their little petty fight and Vader did
say that even his ‘pet’ could beat Maul.

with that said, Obi-Wan grasped the Force and flung Maul right into
the black marble floor with a lazy wave before settling his head on
Vader’s leg again, looking hopefully up at him as the Sith
collapsed in a heap of limbs.

breathless silence filled the room before Vader laughed loudly,
throwing his head back to cackle when Maul simply remained laying in
a pile as another yellow and burly zabrak raced over to him

then Vader was leaning forward and dropping his hands to Obi-Wan’s
face, cupping it with a wicked smile on his face that made his yellow
eyes glitter in wicked amusement and stunned awe. “I was not
expecting that, but well done Obi-Wan. My clever little Jedi.” He
crooned before pressing several rewarding kisses all over Obi-Wan’s
face before taking Obi-Wan’s lips in a harsh, demanding kiss,
nipping at his lips and sucking on them until they swelled up and
then sitting back to laugh more, his ungloved hand buried once more
in Obi-Wan’s hair as Obi-Wan’s kiss bruised lips now tingled.


this was just brilliant.

couldn’t stop cackling as Savage picked up his brother and carried
the karking looser away like the weakling he was.

he had said that even Obi-Wan could beat him, that hadn’t been
permission really for the other to do just that but he had apparently
taken that as a hint to get Maul out of the way by sending the
cybernetic enhanced, no cocked zabrak crashing into the wall with a
wave of the Force, one that had looked so beautifully elegant and
backed with so much power.

was suddenly very glad for trusting Obi-Wan without the suppressor in
his system because this was just golden, to see Maul go crashing into
the wall with his metal legs.

that had
to hurt, that weight.

down at his Jedi, Anakin couldn’t help but grin widely as he
thought of appropriate rewards for his little Jedi. “Such a
wonderfully, clever little Jedi,” He crooned, grinning delightedly
when Obi-Wan shivered slightly as Anakin scratched at his scalp. “My

Vaderkinsgift, does Vaderkin eventually get a taste of what he wants? That shows he’s on the right track.


knows it’s wrong and yet he can’t help but cling to the other man
as Vader continued to run his lips along his jaw and neck, leaving
hickies in his wake. He can even feel a smile against his skin when
Obi-Wan lets out a small moan in response to a nip.

hair is thick and curling in his fingers as Obi-Wan grips through it,
his fingertips pressing into the scalp as his hips hitches forward
with a low gasp only to whine a bit when Vader suddenly kicks one of
his feet away, the feel of boot against slipper rather uncomfortable.

a thigh is shoved between and that takes the edge off, because Vader
is giving him something to rut

should resist, but he can’t, desperate and wanting as he grinds
against the thigh covered in black leggings, his own sheer silk
balloon pants feeling sinfully delicious against his own skin.

it, good boy.” Vader cooed into his ear, nipping at his lobe as his
hands found Obi-Wan’s rear, cupping it to guide Obi-Wan along his

couldn’t focus on anything after that though, the combination of
words and the grip on his rear causing him to buck hard with a cry.

paused a bit, puzzled before he suddenly let out a small laugh and
hitched Obi-Wan up the wall via the grasp on his ass, prompting him
to wrap his legs around Vader’s waist. “Well that’s unexpected
but what else could I expect from my good
boy.” Vader crooned into his ear.

Obi-Wan threw his head back into the wall with a thud, grinding hard
into the others stomach with a sharp whine of pleasure and pain.

then the Sith’s hand was there suddenly, cupping the back of his
head with a croon as fingers probed his scalp, all activity pausing
for a moment. “Well, gotta be more careful about that I see,”
Vader mused, Obi-Wan panting sharply as
he colored in equal humiliation as arousal now, his cheeks ruddy.
then Vader was
chuckling and biting down on Obi-Wan’s neck where his collar didn’t
cover. “But
how can I resist praising such a wonderful Jedi hmm? Such a wonderful
little pet.” Vader crooned against the moist skin, the tip of his
tongue trailing along Obi-Wan’s erratic pulse point.

rutting hard into the man’s stomach, Obi-Wan sunk his hands to the
others shoulders, gripping the man’s shoulders while digging his
nails into fabric and flesh.

a little more, a little more and I’ll… oh please just a little
more.’ Obi-Wan thought, still not ready to beg the Sith despite how
low he had already sunk.

then he felt it, the sensation of something probing at his entrance
while simultaneously gently squeezing his cock, Vader utilizing the
Force in an utterly frivolous way Obi-Wan had certainly never
considered as a possibility.

his orgasm ripped through him, Obi-Wan faintly managed to hold onto
the thought of how weak he had become for this Sith as the blond held
the shivering former Jedi to him as he soaked in Obi-Wan’s pleasure
through the Force.

can never go back to the Order…’ Obi-Wan thought, eyes clenching
shut to fight his tears, both hating and adoring Vader at the same

head fell to Vader’s shoulder, panting sharply as he let go of the
shoulders to rest his arms down the Sith’s back, mumbling faintly
as he felt Vader hitch his hips a few more times before he reached
his own orgasm.

kiss was pressed to his sweaty temple after a moment, Vader panting
slightly. “Wonderful, my wonderful little Jedi. You did so well.
You’re such a good little pet. You deserve rewards and nice things
don’t you.” He murmured huskily, arousal and satisfaction trapped
in his voice.

body trembling in aftershock from the words, Obi-Wan only whimpered
quietly and twitched before hesitantly lapping at Vader’s neck,
salt sweat and skin coating his tongue before he kissed, Vader easing
the action by tilting his head to the side, still whispering praise
into Obi-Wan’s ear that
had the Jedi shivering faintly in confusing pleasure.