So, how about an epilogue shot from Undead walking?

are reporting from a historical first, directly from the Rotunda, as
after a vote of no confidence, former Chancellor Palpatine is
refusing to leave his position, citing war effort that would take too
long for a new representative to take over a-” Obi-Wan turned the
tv off, grunting slightly as he sat back against his pillows.

there’s that happening apparently, looking forward to that when we
get home.” He stated dryly before sighing deeply and tiredly.

and Anakin sent him a worried glance from their own beds, the three
one of the ten still put on bed rest.

a bit, Ahsoka smiled meekly. “I guess we’ll handle it when we get
home, right now we still have a full week in transit.” She pointed
out before snuggling down into bed.

adult Jedi could feel her fall asleep rather soon after and traded
fond looks.

both half suspected that Kix and Bandaid
were low key sedating all his long term patient but none of them
could prove it and therefore didn’t bother to do anything about it
to prove it either as they didn’t really want to get out of bed.

more exhausted than she would admit I think.” Anakin sighed fondly,
propping his chin on his hand while resting his elbow on his thigh.

faintly, picking up the pad with his novel that Helix had reluctantly
allowed since it wasn’t work, Obi-Wan nodded. “Wouldn’t shock
me, we were all in quite a state and the wrongness of the Force must
have gone in on her… I’m honestly shocked you’re thriving as
well as you are, considering you being a child of the Force.” He
gave his old padawan a puzzled look.

his nose, Anakin sighed then shrugged. “I should feel worse, but
honestly, the moment we were away from the planet? My entire being
felt so much better,” Anakin smiled weakly. “I was just sore and
tired but Force sense I was fine.”

a bit, Obi-Wan stroked his chin slowly before chuckling. “I think I
see, the Force purged the corrupted Force from you the moment you
were gone from the source, that is amazing.” He marveled, smiling
indulgently when Anakin flushed and reached for his own pad to watch
some of his shows.

would have asked him some more questions if Commander
Cody hadn’t taken that
moment to walk in with Captain Rex, the two looking rather relaxed,
though Cody relaxed even more when he saw his General actually

to the two awake Jedi, the two wandered over to their respective
ones. “Came over with a shuttle,” Cody said quietly at the
curious look on Obi-Wan’s face. “Wanted to have a visual update
on you while updating you to the situation onboard. Helix has
everyone well medicated and relaxed while the rest are doing their
duty. No one is too seriously injured.” He stated.

was giving the same update to Anakin in a round about way, giving him
the star destroyer’s readouts too as the man understood them and
Anakin was nodding in satisfaction to hear it.

a rather large part of himself relax as he smiled up at Cody, Obi-Wan
nodded too. “I’m glad to hear that. I was worried about… well
anyhow, Helix isn’t too stressed is he? Knuckleduster is helping
him right?” He questioned.

over a chair, Cody sat down. “Indeed, they’ve gone on shift.
Helix has main responsibility as always but Helix gives over the
tasks when it’s time for rest and everyone is being kept under
observation just in case.” He stated quietly.

a bit before breathing out, Obi-Wan nodded, understanding the

had been in contact with a dangerous pathogen that could desolate
entire planets and populations, to err on the side of caution was the
best case and now Kix and Bandaid’s behavior made sense too in the
last few days.

the empty beds between every the Jedi and the troopers that had
confused Obi-Wan so much. To if someone turned to give the ones
closest a chance to escape from them.

run, flee or get a weapon of some kind to use against their vode or
the Jedi.

that was honestly horrifying to consider and he was forcing himself
to relax because if someone was infected, they would be having a
fever right now just as Obi-Wan had though Kix had proven that his
was only due to the injuries he had.

it was the infection, my brain would have boiled already.’ He
thought dryly to himself before letting out a soft noise when Cody’s
fingertips brushed his wrist, blinking at the Commander.

alright General, we’re all going to be alright.” The man
promised, smiling slightly at Obi-Wan.

softly as he relaxed into the pillow, Obi-Wan nodded. “You know
what Cody, I do believe you’re right.” He murmured as the Force
felt lighter somehow than in years.

that was because of them coming away from the corrupted Force or
something else, he was uncertain.

Please continue Undeadwalking! Come ooooooooooon, I know you want to!

at the screen, Padme clenched her hands into the fabric of her dress
as they watched the torrent of bombs unleashed on what had once been
a thriving and
rather beautiful planet of greens and lakes not unlike Naboo.
A full tactical carpet bombing, planet wide, reducing the once so
thriving world into ashes and she could spot several Senator’s
sitting with their heads in their hands instead of watching.

Padme couldn’t look away.

husband could be on that planet.

troopers he led.

who Anakin cared so much for, was on that planet with his men.

may be losing two of the most prominent members of the war effort in
this moment and there was nothing she could do about it as the
tactical bombing continued under the orders of the Chancellor after a
narrow vote from the Senate.

is Commander Yito, the mission is… concluded.” A heavy voice rang
out on the comms, Padme taking note of the woman on the other side
not saying ‘success’, there was no success in a mission like

a conclusion of fire and ashes that they could see darken the sky,
the death below to what had once been living sentient, to flora and
fauna and Padme once again felt the urge to vomit even as she vaguely
heard the Chancellor reply to Commander Yito.

She sat down slowly, her body shaking as
she thought of all the children, about potentials survivors to the
outbreak, of her sweet knight.

then there was a crackling in the comm, as if someone else logged in
and she looked up in confusion. An additional report maybe?

is General Skywalker, we’re in orbit and contagion free I’m happy
to inform. There has been no casualties among us and we’re
returning to Coruscant to report in.” Anakin’s exhausted voice
came through and she could hear Ahsoka somewhere in the back of the
comm even as she felt tears of relief drip down her face.

my Ani, oh thank heavens.’ Padme
didn’t bother to try wiping away her tears as she wasn’t the only
one with them.

was just one among them, no one really paying her attention at that
moment except for Sabe as she gently patted her lady’s hand.


the comms, Anakin rubbed his face before turning to Ahsoka, his face
turning from weary to stern. “Okay, you’ve been here for the
initial report in. Now we’re going to the medbay.” He stated,
ignoring her pout to just pick her up and carry her.

may be exhausted but he could bolster himself with the Force even as
Ahsoka complained but he’d honestly have her off her foot for now
considering how she went through a rotten staircase.

had been a mad scramble to get off the planet, Anakin still had no
idea how they managed it in time, the bombs had actually shaken the
shuttles out, it had been that close.

at least Padme knew that they were fine since Anakin hacked himself
in on the Luroid star destroyer’s comm line to get a direct patch

was sure he was gonna hear about that from the council but he
honestly didn’t give a fuck as he arrived at the medbay, settling
his padawan on a bed first to leave to Kix tender mercy.

he turned to the bed left of her, crawling into it as Obi-Wan let out
a huffy noise but allowed him to coil himself as best he could into
Obi-Wan on the narrow bed.

arm had been treated and a fever reducer had been given before
Obi-Wan had been laid up to relax and sleep though the other was
still awake despite Kix eyeing him evilly and muttering about

that did give Anakin a chance to crawl into bed with the older man
and get his head petted with the others good hand since Obi-Wan had a
stiff bandage on just for security sake.

was totally clean, no virus in his system, just a normal fever from
the stress and his injury and there had been nothing but relief for
everyone to know that.

a few hours Anakin had genuinely believed he’d have to help the
other if he became a karking walking undead.

stars eventually died but not today.

his grasp on Obi-Wan, Anakin tucked himself under the others chin,
feeling Obi-Wan relax a bit with his fingers teasing through Anakin’s
rather gross curls since they hadn’t been able to spare water for
any showers.

he was frankly too tired to get up and take a sonic right now even if
Kix and Bandaid would help him.

take one after a nap,” Obi-Wan mumbled. “Rather sure Cody will
call after a few hours to check in on us.” He sighed deeply and
yawned a bit.

down under Ahsoka’s amused eyes, the two Jedi just settled into
each other, truly relaxing for the first time in what felt like
months instead of the week it had been as
they tried to just momentarily forget the horrors they had gone
through and the fear they had carried.

were uninfected and they were still alive.

was enough for both older Jedi at that moment as Kix bustled around
them with Bandaid and the quiet murmur of the other injured troopers
surrounded them as they all finally got to relax from their ordeal.

it’s been a while but. Undeadwalking. do they get off the planet in time? is everyone okay? or what about the reactions from the jedi when they learned about the situation on the planet? or maybe padme’s pov during/after the senate votes to bombard the planet with only a few hours for the ones on it to leave? is the entire situation secret or does the general public know what’s happening – and that The Team are the ones on planet? (sorry, i just really like this au)

heart is in her throat as she rushes through the halls of the Rotunda
her office.

she looks, flocks of Senators and their aides
are gathered, whispering and hissing at each others in worry and
shock, all of them showing various signs of distress or agitation.

outright anger.

all Padme can focus on is the fact that her husband and his men are
on that damnable planet.

Ahsoka and Obi-Wan are there.

die if they don’t escape it soon.

if one of them is infected…

heart thunders and she feels the urge to vomit, the horrifying image
of the undead stumbling around in a padded cell still playing for her
inner eye as she replaces the human woman with Anakin, super imposes
the rotten flesh and almost bluish skin onto her beloved husband.

had tried to vote against the bombardment but the fear had caused
many other senators to vote for the tactical bombardment, all of them
judging the planet a lost cause and most of them too scared of the
virus escaping to really give the Jedi and their troopers more time.

now Anakin is at risk once more.

for some reason this feels worse, this feels so much worse and it
takes Padme a long time to realize why.

a blaster to the head is a quick death and then it is over for her
beloved husband, her dear Anakin who beams as bright as the sun and
loves her so dearly.

virus however will cook his mind and leave him an undead shambling
corpse that will hurt others.

will break her heart to see him like that and finally locked up in
her own office, Padme has a panic attack as she breaths harshly while
sinking onto her knees
with no one to turn to because how can she explain to anyone that she
hopes that Anakin is either fully healthy or fully dead?

can’t, even her own handmaidens would look at her as if she’s
insane, of that Padme is sure as she presses shaking hands to her

husband is in trouble and there is nothing Padme can do to save him,
nothing she can send that would reach him in time, no weapons she can
give him, no crew, no ship, no information or kind words.

aid at all, Padme Amidala is no stranger to being helpless but in
this moment she can’t remember ever being as helpless as she is
right now.

Anakin, please don’t take stupid risks.’ She thinks shakily as
she looks at her large windows, the Jedi temple far in the distance
as wet trails leak down her cheeks and coat the back of her hands and
as if in response to her tumultuous emotions the dark sky breaks open
and rain pours down.

is oddly fitting.


is something happening but Obi-Wan feels too horrid to get up and
check on the situation, his legs feeling shaky even laying down as he
was with Jesse and Waxer playing a card game and rather obviously
trying to distract him by talking rather loudly.

will only get in the way or distract someone he feels and that is the
last thing they need at this moment so Obi-Wan remains laying in his
area where all sick or injured had been settled aside, his braced
by rods
arm resting on his chest as he listens to Jesse and Waxer discuss the
finer points of blaster rifle care and about the time Waxer had to
remove a leech from his own ass though how that leech managed to get
to the man’s ass he refuses to elaborate on.

Obi-Wan were to take a guess, he’d say it would have something to
do with the leech Boil managed to get near the groin area and certain
activities they were trying to get up to while in a semblance of
privacy only for the leeches to interrupt them.

hey, who was he to judge, both of them were consenting adults after
all and it made for an amusing story later on as Jesse certainly
agreed while laughing.

yet Obi-Wan couldn’t quite shake the mounting horror filling the
Force that was somehow overcoming the wrongness
of the entire planet thanks to the walking dead all around them.
Clearly something was wrong and normally he’d ask Anakin…

Anakin hadn’t returned since his last visit nor had he called
Obi-Wan to basically interrogate him how he was feeling and that in
itself was telling.

was the biggest of worry warts and the only thing that could trump
his concern was the mounting pressure and panic of something

Obi-Wan had enough of
the mounting horror in the Force
and sat up slowly, squinting
in the bad light of the warehouse towards
the two troopers sitting
on the floor with a crate for a table between them to hold their
cards with
a tired expression as he took in Jesse’s black eye and Waxer’s
braced leg.

with their pale complexion and panicked expressions it really
confirmed his thoughts.

bad was happening. “…Please don’t make me ask outright.”
Obi-Wan stated softly and the two exchanged looks, both Jesse and
Waxer’s face turning even more concerned and sending Obi-Wan’s
stomach plummeting.

Senate has given the go on tactical bombing the planet, with or
without us, Skywalker is trying to get us off but we don’t have
long General.” Waxer finally confessed, his voice nary a whisper.

at the other, Obi-Wan opened his mouth then closed it, nodding
faintly. “…Oh.” He said, voice weak as the words tactical
bombardment echoed in his head.

at least we’re not gonna become zombies? Can you imagine our jaw
just hanging and swaying in the breeze?’ His mind chirped and with
that Obi-Wan lost it as he started laughing on the edge of hysteria,
covering his face with his good, functioning hand and hearing Waxer
yelp in panic and Jesse call for Kix.

there were tears mixed into that, no one called him on it.

it’s been a while but. Undeadwalking. do they get off the planet in time? is everyone okay? or what about the reactions from the jedi when they learned about the situation on the planet? or maybe padme’s pov during/after the senate votes to bombard the planet with only a few hours for the ones on it to leave? is the entire situation secret or does the general public know what’s happening – and that The Team are the ones on planet? (sorry, i just really like this au)

heart is in her throat as she rushes through the halls of the Rotunda
her office.

she looks, flocks of Senators and their aides
are gathered, whispering and hissing at each others in worry and
shock, all of them showing various signs of distress or agitation.

outright anger.

all Padme can focus on is the fact that her husband and his men are
on that damnable planet.

Ahsoka and Obi-Wan are there.

die if they don’t escape it soon.

if one of them is infected…

heart thunders and she feels the urge to vomit, the horrifying image
of the undead stumbling around in a padded cell still playing for her
inner eye as she replaces the human woman with Anakin, super imposes
the rotten flesh and almost bluish skin onto her beloved husband.

had tried to vote against the bombardment but the fear had caused
many other senators to vote for the tactical bombardment, all of them
judging the planet a lost cause and most of them too scared of the
virus escaping to really give the Jedi and their troopers more time.

now Anakin is at risk once more.

for some reason this feels worse, this feels so much worse and it
takes Padme a long time to realize why.

a blaster to the head is a quick death and then it is over for her
beloved husband, her dear Anakin who beams as bright as the sun and
loves her so dearly.

virus however will cook his mind and leave him an undead shambling
corpse that will hurt others.

will break her heart to see him like that and finally locked up in
her own office, Padme has a panic attack as she breaths harshly while
sinking onto her knees
with no one to turn to because how can she explain to anyone that she
hopes that Anakin is either fully healthy or fully dead?

can’t, even her own handmaidens would look at her as if she’s
insane, of that Padme is sure as she presses shaking hands to her

husband is in trouble and there is nothing Padme can do to save him,
nothing she can send that would reach him in time, no weapons she can
give him, no crew, no ship, no information or kind words.

aid at all, Padme Amidala is no stranger to being helpless but in
this moment she can’t remember ever being as helpless as she is
right now.

Anakin, please don’t take stupid risks.’ She thinks shakily as
she looks at her large windows, the Jedi temple far in the distance
as wet trails leak down her cheeks and coat the back of her hands and
as if in response to her tumultuous emotions the dark sky breaks open
and rain pours down.

is oddly fitting.


is something happening but Obi-Wan feels too horrid to get up and
check on the situation, his legs feeling shaky even laying down as he
was with Jesse and Waxer playing a card game and rather obviously
trying to distract him by talking rather loudly.

will only get in the way or distract someone he feels and that is the
last thing they need at this moment so Obi-Wan remains laying in his
area where all sick or injured had been settled aside, his braced
by rods
arm resting on his chest as he listens to Jesse and Waxer discuss the
finer points of blaster rifle care and about the time Waxer had to
remove a leech from his own ass though how that leech managed to get
to the man’s ass he refuses to elaborate on.

Obi-Wan were to take a guess, he’d say it would have something to
do with the leech Boil managed to get near the groin area and certain
activities they were trying to get up to while in a semblance of
privacy only for the leeches to interrupt them.

hey, who was he to judge, both of them were consenting adults after
all and it made for an amusing story later on as Jesse certainly
agreed while laughing.

yet Obi-Wan couldn’t quite shake the mounting horror filling the
Force that was somehow overcoming the wrongness
of the entire planet thanks to the walking dead all around them.
Clearly something was wrong and normally he’d ask Anakin…

Anakin hadn’t returned since his last visit nor had he called
Obi-Wan to basically interrogate him how he was feeling and that in
itself was telling.

was the biggest of worry warts and the only thing that could trump
his concern was the mounting pressure and panic of something

Obi-Wan had enough of
the mounting horror in the Force
and sat up slowly, squinting
in the bad light of the warehouse towards
the two troopers sitting
on the floor with a crate for a table between them to hold their
cards with
a tired expression as he took in Jesse’s black eye and Waxer’s
braced leg.

with their pale complexion and panicked expressions it really
confirmed his thoughts.

bad was happening. “…Please don’t make me ask outright.”
Obi-Wan stated softly and the two exchanged looks, both Jesse and
Waxer’s face turning even more concerned and sending Obi-Wan’s
stomach plummeting.

Senate has given the go on tactical bombing the planet, with or
without us, Skywalker is trying to get us off but we don’t have
long General.” Waxer finally confessed, his voice nary a whisper.

at the other, Obi-Wan opened his mouth then closed it, nodding
faintly. “…Oh.” He said, voice weak as the words tactical
bombardment echoed in his head.

at least we’re not gonna become zombies? Can you imagine our jaw
just hanging and swaying in the breeze?’ His mind chirped and with
that Obi-Wan lost it as he started laughing on the edge of hysteria,
covering his face with his good, functioning hand and hearing Waxer
yelp in panic and Jesse call for Kix.

there were tears mixed into that, no one called him on it.

Good morning Moddy! And how are our intrepid zombie slayers today? Feeling more and more helpless as rescue is taking longer and longer? Maybe the Senate is sticking their bureaucratic hands into the mix? Declaring it MUCH too dangerous to allow ANYBODY to leave the planet, and maybe it should be cauterized NOW? Does UndeadWalking have another chapter to it or is it about to get uglier?

dropping from his hand, Anakin stared at Rex in disbelief. “Repeat
that?” He rasped out in
stunned fear.

a deep breath, Rex repeated indeed. “The Senate is giving us five
hours. If we aren’t off planet in five hours, they are bombing us
along with the infected life as they can’t risk the biohazard
getting off planet. I’m sorry sir but the Jedi High command tried
to stall them but the Senate won’t listen, the senators are all up
in arms apparently General Windu says an-”

didn’t hear another word, staring at his own feet on the gray roof floor as the situation
sunk in while
wishing he hadn’t gone up on the roof for some peace and quiet
because if he was downstairs, he could speak to Obi-Wan about
this, sort through what they needed to do but Obi-Wan was also sick
and injured and needed to rest so maybe it was just as well that
Anakin had gone up on the roof for fresh air and peace and quiet but
oh Force.

planet was about to be tactically bombed in five hours by
the Senate own natural born command on their orders, on the Chancellor’s order, and Obi-Wan’s blood sample had yet to be cleared, several troopers
were injured from salvaging, Ahsoka was still limping around on her
sprained ankle and all three Jedi were at their weakest thanks to the
twisted Force around them because of those undead creatures walking

Anakin had barely even eaten anything the last two days because it
kept coming back up and now they had five hours to get off the

didn’t think Ahsoka or Obi-Wan were doing any better than him
frankly, both equally effected by the warped Force surrounding them
and now they needed to leave as quickly as possible but there were

still needed Obi-Wan’s blood sample and Helix with Echo, Fives,
Longshot and Killer still hadn’t returned with the clearance, which
meant they, or more like Obi-Wan, were still in quarantine and they
still needed to tank up the shuttles to go up.

they didn’t get off the planet however…

was not
leaving behind Obi-Wan to be tactical carpet bombed!

was no chance in hell that… that…

looked up when hands grasped his shoulders and the wind tugged on his
clothes, meeting Rex’s wide eyes and it took Anakin a minute to
realize he was hyperventilating and Rex was trying to coax him into
breathing. Grasping the captain’s wrists, Anakin fought for the
right to breath,
to just draw air down into his lungs as he shook in the trooper’s
tight grasp.

going to make it Sir, just trust us, just breath, come on sir you can
do it.” Rex continued speaking, trying to get through and Anakin
whimpered a bit and pressed his forehead to Rex chestplate, taking
the breaths of air that the Captain wanted him to take.

the troopers.

that what Obi-Wan said too?

trust the men around them because of how capable they were?

could do that because he did trust these men who served under him,
who brought so much life and joy with them and hurt so much when they
were gone.

he was breathing, Rex still gripping his shoulders even as Anakin
felt an uneasy squirming deep within him.

he was breathing properly once more.

out a shuddering breath through his mouth, Anakin pulled back slowly
enough to give Rex a nod, the captain reluctantly pulling back while
watching the Jedi closely before he relaxed and rocked on the heels of his boots. “…Contact the blood
sample team, pull all men back to base,” Anakin whispered out,
barely heard over the wind but Rex had good hearing. He nodded to
each order. “We leave in three hours, regardless what the result, we return to
the Resolute and the Negotiator with everyone.” Anakin settled on.

was no way anyone would be left behind him and if Obi-Wan was
infected… if Obi-Wan had become infected because he found a zombie
in a supply closet then Anakin would damn well take him away and help

find somewhere peaceful and wait and then…

swallowed, fear and nausea coiling low in his stomach even as he
picked up the mealbar he had dropped, pocketing it.

never knew when your next meal could be as a slave and that was
something Anakin hadn’t come out of, keeping all food he didn’t finish.

gave him one last look before saluting and turning to find Hotlips to
get the messages out and inform the rest of the troopers still at the
factory turned base along with the warehouse. Anakin meanwhile slowly
got to his feet, intent on going down to find Obi-Wan, to sit with
his former master.

not leaving you behind here Obi-Wan,’ Anakin promised himself. ‘I’m
not leaving anyone
behind here.’

Good morning Moddy! And how are our intrepid zombie slayers today? Feeling more and more helpless as rescue is taking longer and longer? Maybe the Senate is sticking their bureaucratic hands into the mix? Declaring it MUCH too dangerous to allow ANYBODY to leave the planet, and maybe it should be cauterized NOW? Does UndeadWalking have another chapter to it or is it about to get uglier?

dropping from his hand, Anakin stared at Rex in disbelief. “Repeat
that?” He rasped out in
stunned fear.

a deep breath, Rex repeated indeed. “The Senate is giving us five
hours. If we aren’t off planet in five hours, they are bombing us
along with the infected life as they can’t risk the biohazard
getting off planet. I’m sorry sir but the Jedi High command tried
to stall them but the Senate won’t listen, the senators are all up
in arms apparently General Windu says an-”

didn’t hear another word, staring at his own feet on the gray roof floor as the situation
sunk in while
wishing he hadn’t gone up on the roof for some peace and quiet
because if he was downstairs, he could speak to Obi-Wan about
this, sort through what they needed to do but Obi-Wan was also sick
and injured and needed to rest so maybe it was just as well that
Anakin had gone up on the roof for fresh air and peace and quiet but
oh Force.

planet was about to be tactically bombed in five hours by
the Senate own natural born command on their orders, on the Chancellor’s order, and Obi-Wan’s blood sample had yet to be cleared, several troopers
were injured from salvaging, Ahsoka was still limping around on her
sprained ankle and all three Jedi were at their weakest thanks to the
twisted Force around them because of those undead creatures walking

Anakin had barely even eaten anything the last two days because it
kept coming back up and now they had five hours to get off the

didn’t think Ahsoka or Obi-Wan were doing any better than him
frankly, both equally effected by the warped Force surrounding them
and now they needed to leave as quickly as possible but there were

still needed Obi-Wan’s blood sample and Helix with Echo, Fives,
Longshot and Killer still hadn’t returned with the clearance, which
meant they, or more like Obi-Wan, were still in quarantine and they
still needed to tank up the shuttles to go up.

they didn’t get off the planet however…

was not
leaving behind Obi-Wan to be tactical carpet bombed!

was no chance in hell that… that…

looked up when hands grasped his shoulders and the wind tugged on his
clothes, meeting Rex’s wide eyes and it took Anakin a minute to
realize he was hyperventilating and Rex was trying to coax him into
breathing. Grasping the captain’s wrists, Anakin fought for the
right to breath,
to just draw air down into his lungs as he shook in the trooper’s
tight grasp.

going to make it Sir, just trust us, just breath, come on sir you can
do it.” Rex continued speaking, trying to get through and Anakin
whimpered a bit and pressed his forehead to Rex chestplate, taking
the breaths of air that the Captain wanted him to take.

the troopers.

that what Obi-Wan said too?

trust the men around them because of how capable they were?

could do that because he did trust these men who served under him,
who brought so much life and joy with them and hurt so much when they
were gone.

he was breathing, Rex still gripping his shoulders even as Anakin
felt an uneasy squirming deep within him.

he was breathing properly once more.

out a shuddering breath through his mouth, Anakin pulled back slowly
enough to give Rex a nod, the captain reluctantly pulling back while
watching the Jedi closely before he relaxed and rocked on the heels of his boots. “…Contact the blood
sample team, pull all men back to base,” Anakin whispered out,
barely heard over the wind but Rex had good hearing. He nodded to
each order. “We leave in three hours, regardless what the result, we return to
the Resolute and the Negotiator with everyone.” Anakin settled on.

was no way anyone would be left behind him and if Obi-Wan was
infected… if Obi-Wan had become infected because he found a zombie
in a supply closet then Anakin would damn well take him away and help

find somewhere peaceful and wait and then…

swallowed, fear and nausea coiling low in his stomach even as he
picked up the mealbar he had dropped, pocketing it.

never knew when your next meal could be as a slave and that was
something Anakin hadn’t come out of, keeping all food he didn’t finish.

gave him one last look before saluting and turning to find Hotlips to
get the messages out and inform the rest of the troopers still at the
factory turned base along with the warehouse. Anakin meanwhile slowly
got to his feet, intent on going down to find Obi-Wan, to sit with
his former master.

not leaving you behind here Obi-Wan,’ Anakin promised himself. ‘I’m
not leaving anyone
behind here.’

What happens next in Undead Walking? Do they get out alright, lose anyone (please no)? Do the Jedi at the Temple comprehend the sheer level of visceral TERROR being near dead things that want to eat you is like? Is the whole planet quarantined?

Opening his eyes
when he felt a gentle thumb rub his forehead, Obi-Wan smiled meekly
up at Anakin as the blond knelt beside him. “Hey.” He rasped out,
licking his dry lips.

“Hey, didn’t
mean to wake you,” Anakin smiled down at him. “Was just coming to
check on you and make sure you were okay.” He confessed quietly.

Humming quietly as
the thumb continued slowly rubbing, Obi-Wan breathed out steadily. “I
was awake before you came over if I’m honest, I’m just pretty
drugged up thanks to Helix and Kix.” He chuckled quietly.

That got a small
smile out of Anakin. “I’d ask how the arm is feeling but
considering that admission I’m imagining you don’t feel much of

Both looked to
Obi-Wan’s bound up arm, Helix having made splinters and bandaged it
properly up until they could get to the bone knitter on the
Negotiator once they were sure Obi-Wan was clean after his encounter
with the zombie.

Regardless, the
zombie had broken the arm with the ferocious bite.

“It throbs.”
Obi-Wan finally murmured, blinking slowly.

Anakin rested his
mech hand on the bandages and then sighed. “Its times like this I
regret I don’t have a good hand for healing,” He grimaced deeply.
“It would be so useful, not just for you but for Ahsoka too.”
Anakin said bitterly, his face twisting.

Jerking a bit,
Obi-Wan tried to sit up only for Anakin to place his hand his former
master’s shoulder to keep him down. “Ahsoka? What happened?”
Obi-Wan asked, trying to keep the panic out of his voice.

Grunting a bit,
Anakin squeezed his shoulder. “Easy, easy Obi-Wan, I phrased that
wrong. She went through a ruined staircase step while she was
salvaging with the troopers, Snips just sprained her leg and is
sitting and sulking cause she can’t do much, orders of Kix.” He
explained quickly, breathing out when Obi-Wan relaxed. “Honestly,
we set together this bedding area for a reason Obi-Wan, you need to
rest. You’ve been throwing up from the Force being so twisted
several times already and now you’re injured. Its not good for
you.” Anakin said seriously.

Rubbing his face
with his good hand, Obi-Wan let out a little mumble. “I know, I’m
sorry Anakin, I just… assumed the worst.” He breathed out heavily
and turned his eyes to the ceiling of the cleared out warehouse they
had made their base, the second floor free of any infected ‘life’.

The closeness to
supplies and the lack of infected ‘life’ had made it an ideal
place to station themselves, especially as they also had the roof for
vantage to scout with it also being easy to land the transport ships
on a nearby landing pad on the other roofs.

The troopers
ingenuity had also made it an easy walk between them as they had
rigged makeshift bridges out of material laying around though Obi-Wan
had not seen them as he had been resigned to the little sick area
with Waxer and Jesse when a locker of all things had come loose and
landed on them.

They weren’t too
badly injured, sprains, but they needed rest though Obi-Wan had a
strong suspicion that they were also going to keep an eye on the Jedi
patient that was strongly sedated.

Jerking to a bit in
surprise when fingers gently brushed through his hair, Obi-Wan turned
his eyes back to Anakin as he was broken from his pensive mood,
meeting the others serious blue eyes. “Its going to be alright
Obi-Wan. I know you’re worried and injured, I know you’re sick to
your stomach and so am I and Ahsoka which makes us compromised since
the wrongness in the Force is literally ruining us but we got the
troopers who are as clear in the head as always and they never
disappoint.” He smiled a bit.

Letting out a soft
noise, Obi-Wan chuckled. “Putting our trust in them has never
failed us.” He agreed quietly, knowing that Helix and a small team
of troopers were back to the blood check station they had been at
with a fresh sample of Obi-Wan’s blood.


Regardless, Obi-Wan
put his trust in their troopers.

What happens next in Undead Walking? Do they get out alright, lose anyone (please no)? Do the Jedi at the Temple comprehend the sheer level of visceral TERROR being near dead things that want to eat you is like? Is the whole planet quarantined?

Opening his eyes
when he felt a gentle thumb rub his forehead, Obi-Wan smiled meekly
up at Anakin as the blond knelt beside him. “Hey.” He rasped out,
licking his dry lips.

“Hey, didn’t
mean to wake you,” Anakin smiled down at him. “Was just coming to
check on you and make sure you were okay.” He confessed quietly.

Humming quietly as
the thumb continued slowly rubbing, Obi-Wan breathed out steadily. “I
was awake before you came over if I’m honest, I’m just pretty
drugged up thanks to Helix and Kix.” He chuckled quietly.

That got a small
smile out of Anakin. “I’d ask how the arm is feeling but
considering that admission I’m imagining you don’t feel much of

Both looked to
Obi-Wan’s bound up arm, Helix having made splinters and bandaged it
properly up until they could get to the bone knitter on the
Negotiator once they were sure Obi-Wan was clean after his encounter
with the zombie.

Regardless, the
zombie had broken the arm with the ferocious bite.

“It throbs.”
Obi-Wan finally murmured, blinking slowly.

Anakin rested his
mech hand on the bandages and then sighed. “Its times like this I
regret I don’t have a good hand for healing,” He grimaced deeply.
“It would be so useful, not just for you but for Ahsoka too.”
Anakin said bitterly, his face twisting.

Jerking a bit,
Obi-Wan tried to sit up only for Anakin to place his hand his former
master’s shoulder to keep him down. “Ahsoka? What happened?”
Obi-Wan asked, trying to keep the panic out of his voice.

Grunting a bit,
Anakin squeezed his shoulder. “Easy, easy Obi-Wan, I phrased that
wrong. She went through a ruined staircase step while she was
salvaging with the troopers, Snips just sprained her leg and is
sitting and sulking cause she can’t do much, orders of Kix.” He
explained quickly, breathing out when Obi-Wan relaxed. “Honestly,
we set together this bedding area for a reason Obi-Wan, you need to
rest. You’ve been throwing up from the Force being so twisted
several times already and now you’re injured. Its not good for
you.” Anakin said seriously.

Rubbing his face
with his good hand, Obi-Wan let out a little mumble. “I know, I’m
sorry Anakin, I just… assumed the worst.” He breathed out heavily
and turned his eyes to the ceiling of the cleared out warehouse they
had made their base, the second floor free of any infected ‘life’.

The closeness to
supplies and the lack of infected ‘life’ had made it an ideal
place to station themselves, especially as they also had the roof for
vantage to scout with it also being easy to land the transport ships
on a nearby landing pad on the other roofs.

The troopers
ingenuity had also made it an easy walk between them as they had
rigged makeshift bridges out of material laying around though Obi-Wan
had not seen them as he had been resigned to the little sick area
with Waxer and Jesse when a locker of all things had come loose and
landed on them.

They weren’t too
badly injured, sprains, but they needed rest though Obi-Wan had a
strong suspicion that they were also going to keep an eye on the Jedi
patient that was strongly sedated.

Jerking to a bit in
surprise when fingers gently brushed through his hair, Obi-Wan turned
his eyes back to Anakin as he was broken from his pensive mood,
meeting the others serious blue eyes. “Its going to be alright
Obi-Wan. I know you’re worried and injured, I know you’re sick to
your stomach and so am I and Ahsoka which makes us compromised since
the wrongness in the Force is literally ruining us but we got the
troopers who are as clear in the head as always and they never
disappoint.” He smiled a bit.

Letting out a soft
noise, Obi-Wan chuckled. “Putting our trust in them has never
failed us.” He agreed quietly, knowing that Helix and a small team
of troopers were back to the blood check station they had been at
with a fresh sample of Obi-Wan’s blood.


Regardless, Obi-Wan
put his trust in their troopers.

Hi Moddy! Might we find out WHO these UndeadWalking survivors are? Maybe innocents caught in the plague or maybe the people who, oh I don’t know, STARTED IT?? (shrieking incoherently) eep?

Its utter silence.

The factory the survivors are suppose
to be at is utterly silent and unnatural for a durasteel factory that
produces high quantities daily.

Blood, old and dried in many colors
smear the floor and walls and they can see hand prints here and there
as they look around with flashlights as the powers has gone out.
Somewhere far away there’s a flickering light from an office and
one corner near the door has a small collection of what looks like
makeshift beds on the walkway of the factory away from the factory

When they aim the light down they see a
multitude of bodies, all of them with either their heads gone or
holes in them signaling that whoever had been surviving here had
figured out how to get rid of the zombies.

Obi-Wan just feels nauseous, the Force
a constant press of wrong and as he exchanges looks with Ahsoka and
Anakin, its clear they feel it too.

This time Anakin looks close to losing
his ration bar lunch from the wrongness of the Force instead of the
smell of a corpse like earlier.

“…Spread out but stay in groups, no
one goes alone.” Obi-Wan said quietly and everyone parted into
groups of three, Rex instantly taking Ahsoka to his side with a
foreboding look on his face that reassured both Anakin and Obi-Wan despite the trooper having his helmet on his belt.

Out of everyone, Rex would defend
Ahsoka to the last and not let her take any risks even if she was
being cocky and overeager.

Anakin quite reluctantly parted with
Obi-Wan though he looked reassured as Cody instantly took Obi-Wan’s
left, Obi-Wan’s none dominant side almost like a padawan would
along with Longshot as Fives and Echo joined Anakin.

With the parting into groups done,
everyone separated in directions to check the factory out, Anakin and
Obi-Wan going down to the floor with Ahsoka remaining above for
safety and for once she didn’t argue, stuck by Rex side and another trooper.

‘She must be more scared than we
realized.’ Obi-Wan speculated as he headed for what looked like an
office, stepping over a corpse as he did that had no head, pressing
the door open cautiously.

Nothing and no one.

Frowning a bit he stepped further in,
Cody and Longshot at his back with both holding their blasters high
just in case and damn it all if it didn’t make Obi-Wan feel a bit
safer than he ever had before with blasters.

With them at his back he searched the
room, finding an abandoned radio by a desk as he crouched down to
pick it up.

Turning it over in his hand, he pursed
his lips and looked around. “Hmm…”

“General?” Longshot voice was a
question of its own as Obi-Wan

“There’s a radio in this room, most
likely the one used to record the initial message and transmit…” He murmured,
eyeing a supply closet while setting the radio on the desk and slowly
approaching the closet.

The closer he got, the more uneasy
Obi-Wan became, a line of tension starting in his lower back but he
was a Jedi, he came here looking for survivors and Force, if there
was even one than Obi-Wan and the rest were going to find them and
bring them to safety.

He heard both troopers cock the
blasters behind him, an uneasy rustle as he placed his hand on the
door and drew it open. He barely had time to get his arm up, much
less yell as instantly a heavy set human male fell on him, snarling
and wheezing loudly with dead white eyes and a rotting skin, its
mouth a gaping maw of darkness and stained teeth.

Its mouth snapped around Obi-Wan’s
arm as it seemingly desperately clawed at Obi-Wan, hungry as it
pushed the Jedi into the ground.

There was a blast, echoing in the room
and the head of the person exploded, its corpse falling on Obi-Wan
with a heavy thud that Obi-Wan barely registered as he laid on the
dirty duracrete floor with wide eyes.

Panting heavily, Obi-Wan laid there
with the corpse on top of him, flakes of skin and blood on his face
as he shook and tried to get over the shock of a Force damned zombie
coming out of a supply locker with Obi-Wan barely managing to hold
the heavy human off him that was now laying on his chest and legs.

His arm felt broken, the power behind
the bite on his gauntlet proving superior to what a regular human was
able to for sure and he was certain the white gauntlet had turned

And then the weight was gone as Cody’s
hands desperately checked Obi-Wan over, an antiseptic napkin from his
belt going over Obi-Wan’s face hurriedly with panicked movement to
get all the traces of the zombie off the Jedi.

And for it all Obi-Wan laid still, just
breathing harshly, still thinking of the white of the once humans

“…General?” Cody whispered, his
free hand resting on Obi-Wan’s shoulder but before he could
respond, Anakin burst into the room with his saber held high, a wild
look in his blue eyes as he took stock of the situation, the zombie,
Obi-Wan on the floor, the shakiness of the room…

“Obi-Wan?” He asked in a high
pitched note.

Absolutely reality shook into Obi-Wan
and he rolled onto his side, onto his left arm and threw up the
ration bar he had earlier, his right, mostly likely broken arm tucked
to his chest protectively as Cody pressed his hand to his Jedi’s
back, rubbing lightly.

And then Anakin was there too, his
hands fluttering everywhere to check that Obi-Wan was okay, that he
wasn’t bitten and maybe just to assure himself that Obi-Wan was
still there and was still Obi-Wan.

Obi-Wan was just too relieved to shake
away the comfort of those touches, trembling beneath solace of those

Hi Moddy! Might we find out WHO these UndeadWalking survivors are? Maybe innocents caught in the plague or maybe the people who, oh I don’t know, STARTED IT?? (shrieking incoherently) eep?

Its utter silence.

The factory the survivors are suppose
to be at is utterly silent and unnatural for a durasteel factory that
produces high quantities daily.

Blood, old and dried in many colors
smear the floor and walls and they can see hand prints here and there
as they look around with flashlights as the powers has gone out.
Somewhere far away there’s a flickering light from an office and
one corner near the door has a small collection of what looks like
makeshift beds on the walkway of the factory away from the factory

When they aim the light down they see a
multitude of bodies, all of them with either their heads gone or
holes in them signaling that whoever had been surviving here had
figured out how to get rid of the zombies.

Obi-Wan just feels nauseous, the Force
a constant press of wrong and as he exchanges looks with Ahsoka and
Anakin, its clear they feel it too.

This time Anakin looks close to losing
his ration bar lunch from the wrongness of the Force instead of the
smell of a corpse like earlier.

“…Spread out but stay in groups, no
one goes alone.” Obi-Wan said quietly and everyone parted into
groups of three, Rex instantly taking Ahsoka to his side with a
foreboding look on his face that reassured both Anakin and Obi-Wan despite the trooper having his helmet on his belt.

Out of everyone, Rex would defend
Ahsoka to the last and not let her take any risks even if she was
being cocky and overeager.

Anakin quite reluctantly parted with
Obi-Wan though he looked reassured as Cody instantly took Obi-Wan’s
left, Obi-Wan’s none dominant side almost like a padawan would
along with Longshot as Fives and Echo joined Anakin.

With the parting into groups done,
everyone separated in directions to check the factory out, Anakin and
Obi-Wan going down to the floor with Ahsoka remaining above for
safety and for once she didn’t argue, stuck by Rex side and another trooper.

‘She must be more scared than we
realized.’ Obi-Wan speculated as he headed for what looked like an
office, stepping over a corpse as he did that had no head, pressing
the door open cautiously.

Nothing and no one.

Frowning a bit he stepped further in,
Cody and Longshot at his back with both holding their blasters high
just in case and damn it all if it didn’t make Obi-Wan feel a bit
safer than he ever had before with blasters.

With them at his back he searched the
room, finding an abandoned radio by a desk as he crouched down to
pick it up.

Turning it over in his hand, he pursed
his lips and looked around. “Hmm…”

“General?” Longshot voice was a
question of its own as Obi-Wan

“There’s a radio in this room, most
likely the one used to record the initial message and transmit…” He murmured,
eyeing a supply closet while setting the radio on the desk and slowly
approaching the closet.

The closer he got, the more uneasy
Obi-Wan became, a line of tension starting in his lower back but he
was a Jedi, he came here looking for survivors and Force, if there
was even one than Obi-Wan and the rest were going to find them and
bring them to safety.

He heard both troopers cock the
blasters behind him, an uneasy rustle as he placed his hand on the
door and drew it open. He barely had time to get his arm up, much
less yell as instantly a heavy set human male fell on him, snarling
and wheezing loudly with dead white eyes and a rotting skin, its
mouth a gaping maw of darkness and stained teeth.

Its mouth snapped around Obi-Wan’s
arm as it seemingly desperately clawed at Obi-Wan, hungry as it
pushed the Jedi into the ground.

There was a blast, echoing in the room
and the head of the person exploded, its corpse falling on Obi-Wan
with a heavy thud that Obi-Wan barely registered as he laid on the
dirty duracrete floor with wide eyes.

Panting heavily, Obi-Wan laid there
with the corpse on top of him, flakes of skin and blood on his face
as he shook and tried to get over the shock of a Force damned zombie
coming out of a supply locker with Obi-Wan barely managing to hold
the heavy human off him that was now laying on his chest and legs.

His arm felt broken, the power behind
the bite on his gauntlet proving superior to what a regular human was
able to for sure and he was certain the white gauntlet had turned

And then the weight was gone as Cody’s
hands desperately checked Obi-Wan over, an antiseptic napkin from his
belt going over Obi-Wan’s face hurriedly with panicked movement to
get all the traces of the zombie off the Jedi.

And for it all Obi-Wan laid still, just
breathing harshly, still thinking of the white of the once humans

“…General?” Cody whispered, his
free hand resting on Obi-Wan’s shoulder but before he could
respond, Anakin burst into the room with his saber held high, a wild
look in his blue eyes as he took stock of the situation, the zombie,
Obi-Wan on the floor, the shakiness of the room…

“Obi-Wan?” He asked in a high
pitched note.

Absolutely reality shook into Obi-Wan
and he rolled onto his side, onto his left arm and threw up the
ration bar he had earlier, his right, mostly likely broken arm tucked
to his chest protectively as Cody pressed his hand to his Jedi’s
back, rubbing lightly.

And then Anakin was there too, his
hands fluttering everywhere to check that Obi-Wan was okay, that he
wasn’t bitten and maybe just to assure himself that Obi-Wan was
still there and was still Obi-Wan.

Obi-Wan was just too relieved to shake
away the comfort of those touches, trembling beneath solace of those