So I just BLASTED through all of UncertainBeginnings, and oof! I love it! The concept is so neat, and the things that Obi-Wan does differently than canon add such a delightful twist. I love how Jango slowly adjusts to having a Jedi in his space, and then how it becomes so much more than that. I LOVE how clearly he cares for Obi! And I adore how fiercely Obi loves the little Clones, how EAGER he is to go to bat for them, to protect and love and teach them! It’s wonderful!

Rubbing his face as he sat up, Obi-Wan blearily glanced around the apartment as the rain beat against the window.

How he… disliked Kamino.

And those damn kaminoans or longnecks as the clones called them.

Grimacing, Obi-Wan pushed his blanket off himself and got up, stretching slowly.

Force, he wanted to go home but he still had so much to do.

The council members would be arriving later today, Anakin would be too, hopefully his brother padawan could take a look at his arm. Lately the damn thing had been twitching oddly every time Obi-Wan used some of the internal bits unless he was hooked into something like with the prods.

But releasing the blade or electro prod made a strange twitch go through the workings of it.

Anakin had spent the last several years examining and working with Obi-Wan’s arm, being a natural tech wizard and supplied with the information that existed about Obi-Wan’s arm, he had improved it in several ways or fixed it.

The only thing he couldn’t do anything about was the derma covering Obi-Wan used to have.

Since Naboo and triggering the internals to take out Maul, Obi-Wan’s arm no longer tolerated the tight covering derma had, heating up after a few short hours to the point the derma started to melt off of.

That was not ideal and therefore they had stopped though sometimes they would try with new experimental derma, to see if it would work for him.

So far, nothing.

Obi-Wan often had to cover his arm with a glove if he was to planets that had issues with such things or had a climate that did not agree with his metal arm.

Sand in particular was an issue and Anakin had often complained about it to Obi-Wan.

Breathing out, Obi-Wan stepped over to the window to peer out at the raging ocean as the rain slammed down, his dream coming back to him.

The Senate in uproar, a smiling Chancellor with flashing golden eyes, the council with young Anakin in the middle and Senator Amidala walking on a tightrope.

‘A vision or just a dream… hard to say.’ Obi-Wan frowned to himself. If it was a dream, it was certainly one created by what he knew, what he suspected and what he had managed to get Maul to tell him under oath that he was not to reveal what he knew to anyone.

If only he hadn’t promised, if only the Force didn’t ping in warning every time he wanted to inform the council of Palpatine’s true nature.

He could only assume that the reason Jango he was able to inform the other was because he already knew what Palpatine truly was.

To this day he cursed his oath to Maul, the Sith apprentice behind the ray shields sneering in triumph as Obi-Wan sat there in shock, the Force filled with as much sorrow as victory.

An oath made in the Force was not one easily broken.

Of course, that didn’t mean that Obi-Wan hadn’t tried to subtly lead others to the realization of what Palpatine truly was, that he hadn’t made comments here and there and when the Chancellor had tried to have Anakin sent to him…

Well, Obi-Wan had balked and extremely loudly asked what an old man wanted with a young boy of Anakin’s age in private.

That had thankfully quickly put a stop to any meetings, though Anakin had refused to talk to Obi-Wan for two months, until that mission where Obi-Wan ended up in bacta in the Halls. He had woken up to Anakin holding his hand, the padawan’s eyes red rimmed and terrified, the boy crying into his chest for a solid five minutes at least.

It was what made Obi-Wan realize that Anakin dealt with loosing people badly.

And why Obi-Wan had sabotaged his own ship during a mission, forcing him to ‘accidentally’ land on Tatooine.

If there was an extra passenger on his ship and he was missing certain parts of his ship that was none vital for survival that he had to trade for ‘parts’ supposedly… well, the truth was only known to Obi-Wan and a certain lady.

The Force tingled and Obi-Wan looked up at its prodding, his eyes caught on a ship entering atmosphere.

The other Jedi had finally arrived.

It was time.

I’m curious, in Uncertain Beginnings does Jango go to check on Obi-Wan? And if so, how does he feel when he finds Obi actually resting?

Grumbling to himself as he stormed through the sterile and brightly lit hall, Jango almost wished he came across one of the damn kamino’s so he could get an excuse to punch someone. Or maybe one of the trainers that were obvious in their disdain of him.

Anything to distract himself from the pulsing anger in his stomach.

But if that anger went out, he knew his concern would be taking over and he didn’t want that either so maybe it was good that he didn’t meet anyone as he made his way to the damn Jedi’s room.

The reason for his anger and also for his path?

A certain Jedi that was suppose to show up to lessons with the clones and hadn’t shown hide nor hair!

That pissed Jango off, yes, that was the only reason he was storming to Obi-Wan’s quarters because it was obvious to him that the di’kut jetiise had stuck his nose into his work again and fully forgotten the time again.

Which meant that once more, Obi-Wan would have forgotten to eat and drink Jango bet bitterly, stomping in front of the door to glare at the name tag on it.

‘None of my parents thought spanking did much to raise children but I swear, I am this close to pulling that di’kut over my lap and…’ Jango let out a hissed breath between his teeth and then sighed, rolling his shoulders before letting himself into the rooms of one Obi-Wan Kenobi.

It was brightly lit, as usual outside of night and smelled of tea.

The smell had seemed to sink into every surface it could and for some reason, smelling it brought a sense of calm to Jango as he looked to the couch, expecting to see the top of a red head.

But… he didn’t.

The caff table was covered in pads true enough and as he stepped closer, he noticed to his surprise an empty tea cup and a plate with only crumbs left on it and a bit of green vegetable that might have been a pepper at once.

Obi-Wan had eaten.

But where was the Jedi?

Glancing about confusedly as he stepped closer, Jango tensed as he heard a soft exhalation, his eyes dropping down only for his jaw to drop too.

Because now that he was close enough, he could look over the back of the sterile, white couch, staring down at Obi-Wan curled up on the couch, wrapped up in several blankets with a pillow under his head.

Not only had Obi-Wan eaten but he was also taking a nap.

Obi-Wan was taking care of himself and Jango closed his mouth as he slowly made his way around the couch and to walk between it and the caff table, kneeling down to look at the resting Jedi.

Pale as he was and with the dark rings around his eyes, Obi-Wan looked so much better asleep than he had done awake and Jango felt his anger and concern drain away to be replaced with relief as he stared at the sleep soft features of the Jedi.

If he was honest, Obi-Wan looked soft in his sleep, his mouth slightly open so air could puff out between his pale pink, chapped lips. His hair was springy, a sign of a shower as it was clean and Jango felt the urge to touch it.

He kept that urge back, knowing that it would wake the other.

Obi-Wan was a trained warrior after all, for all that he was laying pliant on the couch.

Glancing over him, Jango took in the sight of metal fingertips sticking slightly out of the blankets Obi-Wan had wrapped himself in and carefully, he tugged one of the blanket to cover them up while also tugging it up over the others shoulder to make sure he was warm. He knew that Obi-Wan didn’t like people staring after all and should anyone else come looking for him…

Well, Jango knew Obi-Wan didn’t like people staring.

Looking back at the others face, the bounty hunter couldn’t help but smile a bit, almost bitterly.

The sole survivor of Galidraan, a man that had torn apart Jedi with his bare hands and had spent years in slavery thanks to the Jedi putting their noses where they didn’t belong… and yet here he was, feeling relief that a Jedi was sleeping and eating.

It was almost incomprehensible and yet here Jango was, staring at a sleeping Jedi, tugging the blanket to cover him for his comfort.

‘And here I am calling you a di’kut when I’m one too…’ Jango sighed to himself before standing quietly, staring down at Obi-Wan. ‘I’ll tell everyone you’re unavailable for the day, the clones will understand you need the sleep.’ He decided, his fingers twitching to touch the others hair even as he resisted it.

Jango wished he could say it was easy to leave behind the sleeping, oblivious Jedi.

‘Damn my emotions to Sith hells.’

OKAY, so in UncertainBeginnings we see Jango sorta starting to fall for the Jedi who cares too much, but can we see Obi-wan starting to realize that he is falling for the Mand’alor. Also where is Dooku and how is it going with Qui-gon and Anakin?

a bit as there was a quick slap of
a caramel hand on the desk,
Obi-Wan turned his head and looked up at the annoyed Jango beside
him, an amused Boba on his father’s hip as he peered around the
man’s chest at the Jedi. “Wha-”

thought you were going to start eating better again?”
Jango cut in acidly, gesturing down to the mealbar he had just
slapped onto the desk, clearly
referring to Obi-Wan’s conversation with Qui-Gon.

a bit, Obi-Wan cleared his throat even as he sat up in his chair.
“I-I just need to prepare for the council member’s arrival that’s
all,” He meekly admitted, gesturing to the reports he was reading
off his pad. “I need to present the evidence and our case well so
the council agrees with me.” He tacked on quickly.

Boba shook his head. “Bad Jedi.” He giggled more.

Jango reluctantly relaxed at his son’s giggles. “You said it
Boba, bad Jedi. I’ll be telling Jinn about this if you don’t eat
this and then go to bed.”
He grumbled out before turning, heading the same way he had come
from. “You better be in bed when I return from putting Boba to
bed!” He called over his shoulder before disappearing out the door.

Obi-Wan cleared his throat before reluctantly picking up the mealbar,
blinking down at it.

was kelp bar.

single mealbar Obi-Wan had ever found to be palatable, slightly salty
sweet, filling and with a nice texture compared to the jerky stuff or
the bland rations.

could be a coincidence of course.

Obi-Wan had come to learn with Jango Fett that there weren’t many
things as a coincidence.

Jango Fett knew that this was the single mealbar that Obi-Wan
actually enjoyed eating.

opening it up, Obi-Wan cheeks colored ever so slightly before shaking
his head firmly, taking a bite out of the kelp bar.

was no way Jango cared for him, Obi-Wan was his link to the Jedi
council, the link to keeping Boba safe from the Sith Lord, his link
to not being persecuted.

it was nice to imagine wasn’t it?

have someone who cared for you enough to hunt you down and make sure
you ate.

wistfully down at his lap, Obi-Wan glanced at the reports then to the
closed door.

would take the
hunter at least half an hour to get his son settled and asleep, that
was the minimum count.

likely a full hour.


Obi-Wan made his way out of the office as he continued chewing on the
kelp bar, nodding to a few clones out on the move, smiling at their
endearingly awed emotions. Hopefully that would go away once Obi-Wan
introduced them to the rest of the galaxy,

could get them to consider him friendly instead, he wasn’t all that
keen on awe.

into the room he had been assigned by the Minister, Obi-Wan glanced
about as he finished off the last piece of the kelp bar, satisfyingly

they arrive, tomorrow the council arrives, Qui-Gon taking Anakin with
him. Tomorrow I’m going to have to argue for the clones safety, for
Jango and Boba’s sake and get Jango to present all the evidence he
has on the Sith Lord along with my own findings.” Obi-Wan breathed
out before shaking his head and moving to the fresher.

wouldn’t do him any favors to worry on it and loose sleep.

best brush his teeth, change and get to bed just as Jango had said.

as he changed into his sleep wear, he couldn’t help but wonder
about having someone care about him properly, enough to find him and
make him eat.

be nice, wouldn’t it?’ Obi-Wan mused, climbing into bed, his
metal arm whirring lightly before going silent. ‘Someone to tuck up
close to, to keep warm with and share secrets with. To have someone
that made you feel better and you could help make feel better.’
Obi-Wan stared into the room before ordering the light off.

want an escaped experimental freak anyhow… no one, that’s who.
Certainly not a man like Jango Fett.’ Obi-Wan clenched his eyes
shut at that, blocking out the thoughts and tears that wanted to come
with and focusing instead on his own breathing.

took him longer than he wished to fall asleep, his mind whirling with
thoughts that made his chest hurt.

Yo, whenever you’re writing days hit again, mind updating Uncertain Beginnings?

a bit at the disapproval he saw in his master’s eyes, Obi-Wan
summoned up as good a smile as he could, still mentally throwing
curses at the man beside him. “I’m resting and sleeping now
master, promise.” He tried, a bit of puppy dog obedience still in
the young knight.

was a deep snort but Jango didn’t say anything more.

honestly, Obi-Wan was thankful for that.

he had allowed Jango’s presence for the call, he hadn’t thought
the man would talk much outside of confirming the information Obi-Wan
already knew to the council on, both the ones on the way and the ones
on Coruscant still.

Jango had even opted to come in only the blue tunic and blue leggings
of his, not a shred of armor to indicate that he ‘trusted’
Obi-Wan, something the redhead knew that they weren’t quite on
level with yet.

Jango could play pretend, that much Obi-Wan knew and Jango was
playing pretend for the council with Obi-Wan it seemed.

then Qui-Gon had asked for his health, once the others had canceled
their call and Jango had spilled the truth of course, that Obi-Wan
had collapsed in the middle of a hallway because he hadn’t been
doing due by his body.

expect,” Qui-Gon stated in a tight tone, a sure sign of his
unhappiness. “That you will be sleeping at least six hours a night
and eating three times a day Obi-Wan.”

wasn’t a council master speaking to a knight.

was a former master speaking to their padawan, their worried veneer
hidden beneath the
sternness of someone promoted to the council.

master… I apologize for worrying you.” Obi-Wan mumbled, tucking
his hands into his sleeves while fighting against the urge to scuff
his feet.

wasn’t fifteen anymore, he wasn’t an uncertain, coltish teen
after all.

Qui-Gon let a small smile cross his stern
it up.
“Just please look after yourself, we’ll be there in three days,
so until then, just hold on and keep a low profile,” He assured him
tacking on the last blow that had Obi-Wan knowing he’d do as told.
“Please Obi-Wan, I worry for you.”

faintly, Obi-Wan nodded and bowed slightly. “Yes master, may the
Force be with you.” He murmured softly.

from his seat, Qui-Gon nodded. “And with you Obi-Wan, now go eat.”
He scolded teasingly, the smile still lurking on his lips, almost
hidden by the beard in the holo before
he too faded away.

faintly, Obi-Wan straightened then gave Jango a grumpy look, the
only raising a brow in return that had Obi-Wan rolling his eyes.

heard the man, food.” Jango drawled, gesturing for Obi-Wan to go
first and with another eye roll, Obi-Wan did indeed move first out of
the comm room with Jango following at his back, sliding up to his
side once they entered the hallway.

his eyes once more, Obi-Wan sighed. “You didn’t have to tell him
anything.” Obi-Wan stated dryly.

loud snort that echoed the corridor escaped Jango. “Oh yeah,
I know you’d listen to me. I figured you’d listen to the man I
assume was your teacher more honestly.” He sent Obi-Wan a smug

Obi-Wan shook his head, hiding away a smile as he tapped his metal
fingers against the hilt of his saber.

no one said the mando’a couldn’t plan. ‘And he is right, I
would listen to that kind of order. Qui-Gon saying please.’ He
mused, hiding away a slight blush when the bounty hunter thumped
their shoulders together gently.

UncertainBeginning: What’s Jango going to do now??? He’s kind of too far into all of this to just back out now… Recoup and then come back and ask for help? Run away with Boba? Something else off the wall and suitably dramatic for a Mandalorian? Thanks for all of these awesome stories!

finally happened, just as Jango knew it would.


bastard had come by their quarters, primp as always with
his hands in his sleeves,
his hair swept back and his eyes calm as he stood in front of Jango
and explained exactly
why he should allow Boba to engage with the younger clones.

with ‘children’ his own ‘age’, despite the clones growing
rapidly, how it was detrimental to Boba how isolated he was to only
Jango and the occasional Kaminoan.

damn him for not only being right but also pointing it out, Jango could hear a
truth when it was given to him.

he had collected Boba and followed after the Jedi with the bags under
his eyes, carrying the boy towards the shooting rink he knew the
bluebacks were now doing blaster practice at. It was something he
didn’t mind if Boba got some practice with and would allow him some
time with ‘kids’ his own age as Kenobi said.

he knew, halfway through the walk, that it wouldn’t be happening.

Kenobi was starting to stumble, sway a bit.

steps behind Kenobi and Jango already knew that the damn Jedi was
going to fall over and he quickly set Boba down on the durasteel

was still almost to late as the Jedi suddenly tipped forward and only
Jango snagging the back of the man’s robe kept him from hitting
face first on the durasteel floor, preventing him from at least
gaining a nosebleed and a headache or at worst, a broken nose.

he was still heavy enough that he dragged Jango forward and down,
forcing the bounty hunter to smack one knee down for support and he
let out a growl of pain as he dropped the Jedi the last few inches
down to rub his own smacked to hell knee.

A soft voice whispered and Jango turned his head, giving Boba a
soothing smile as the boy glanced between Kenobi and himself.

alright, he’s just passed out kiddo,” He murmured, reaching out
to ruffle Boba’s fluffy hair instead, the boy relaxing under the
touch as they both returned to looking at Kenobi. For a moment Jango
had the impulse to run.
He squashed it just as quickly as he thought it however, his and
Boba’s best chance was this damnable Jedi. With a deep sigh, Jango
patted Boba’s shoulder. “Go inform the first kaminoan you find
that we need a stretcher for this idiot. We best take this idiot to
one of the medic trained clones.” He said dryly.

brief giggle escaped, most likely at Jango calling Kenobi an idiot
and then Boba shot down the hall they had come from to find someone
to help.

him go, Jango smiled slightly to himself, watching his son, his heir
go before shaking himself and turning Kenobi onto his back, grumbling
a bit as he took in the pale, drawn face with the bags under his
closed eyes.

up the man’s hand, Jango pinched the back of the hand and watched
how slowly it went back down.

dehydrated, most likely malnourished and sleep deprived.

Jedi, what is wrong with them? Can’t they even take care of
themselves right?’ Jango rolled his eyes before sighing.

concept of caring too much was suddenly much easier to understand.


up slowly, Obi-Wan let out a small noise of discomfort as he stared
up at the white ceiling, sterile air entering his nose.


what had happened to cause-”If I didn’t need you as much as I do,
I would have damn well have just let you lay there.” A voice
growled darkly at his side and Obi-Wan let out a confused noise as he
turned his head to stare at Jango sitting at his bed side, a narrow
eyed look on the bounty hunters face. “You passed out from
dehydration you di’kut.”

Obi-Wan swallowed and sat up enough on his elbows to look around a
small medbay, clones in red and blue walking around though pointedly
weren’t looking towards the Jedi and the bounty hunter.

to speak, Obi-Wan instead just let out a small squeaky noise when the
back of the bed rose suddenly, Jango raising it as he moved to sit on
the bedside, pushing the bed up until Obi-Wan was sitting instead of

taking in the fact that there was an IV drip in his flesh hand,
Obi-Wan watched as Jango picked up a bowl and lifted a spoon with
what looked like porridge on it, holding it out to Obi-Wan. “Eat.”
The man stated sternly.

entered a parallel universe.’ Obi-Wan thought, eyes wide as he took
the bite.

was sweet, mostly bland but with a tiny bit of honey or fruit to make
it sweet, perfect for someone who wasn’t quite aware, since sugar
gave brief burst of energy.

going to have a long talk about self care jetii, but you’re going
to eat and drink first, believe you me.” Jango growled out before
feeding him another small spoonful of porridge.

Obi-Wan had entered a parallel universe for sure.

yet, I don’t mind…?’ Obi-Wan blinked, taking another bite while
blinking at Jango, completely missing the tinge of red on the bounty
hunters ears.

#UncertainBeginings. I feel weird being the one who keeps asking for it, but it is just so good and has a special place in my heart. Thank you so much for writing Uncertain Beginnings. You don’t have to take this as a prompt, but I do wonder what is going on in Jango’s mind when it comes to this strange jedi that cares too much. That you so much for all the prompts you write and for all the effort you put into writing all these for our Fandom. ❤️👏👏

concept of someone caring too much
is not something he can ever say he has encountered throughout his
decades in the galaxy. Caring too little, sure, caring maybe just
enough, yes.

a Jedi caring too much was certainly not something Jango thought he
would ever experience as he watches the redheaded Jedi kneel down to
introduce himself to the younger clones, a small smile on his face
that does nothing to hide the darkness gathering beneath his eyes or
the tired redness of his eyes.

back against the durasteel wall, Jango narrowed his eyes faintly,
ignoring the chitchat happening around him, the excited little clones
and the older ones watching from the halls above, trying to get a
peek at the Jedi.

he focused on Kenobi, the way his shoulders held a tired tremble, the
way his flesh hand trembled ever so faintly despite him trying to
keep it still or
the pallor of his skin as
he spoke with the youngsters around him.

man was pushing himself to the brink, that much was clear and if
Kenobi had more
than the occasional mealbar and a sip here and there of drink, then
Jango was Duchess Kryze biggest supporter.

he was happy to say he was not
and would never
be a fan of the queen of pacifism to your death, thank you very much.

must have a headache, he might be dizzy and is it just me or does he
seem lethargic?’ Jango mentally cursed himself out for even caring
to notice but with what Kenobi had brought to him, he needed the
fucker alive to be able to get protection for Boba.

meant not letting the idiot work himself to death by ignoring sleep,
food and drink.

happened to your hand?” The shy voice broke through Jango’s
thought process as he looked across the training room to find Kenobi
and the clones had moved back to the terminals, all of them sitting
down though where Kenobi had found a spare seat Jango had no idea.
The question seemed to come from one of the fresher clones as the
others shot him worried looks.

just crossed his arms over his chest and pretended not to care.

faintly, Kenobi raised his metal hand, wiggling the fingers at them
as the robe fell down to expose his arm, the tunic under covering
from wrist to elbow where the robe had fallen. “I imagine you mean
this one and not my flesh one huh?” He was smiling, his face soft
and warm.

was a better look compared to the pinched one from earlier at least.

his ears without seeming too interested, Jango paid close attention

few eager if nervous nods were given from the group.

smile widened even more, clearly pleased they were asking questions,
even if it was a bit tactless to ask about a prosthetic. “Well, you
see when I was born, I was taken from my parents,” Kenobi started
with a half smile, a bit of light dimming in his eyes. “By a very
bad person who wanted to create a weapon out of me. I was still an
infant so I don’t remember all of this but he took me and replaced
parts of me with mechanic bits, to make me into a tool, to make me
fight without my own will and make me slide beneath scans that droids
could not. I was meant to be an assassin with a droids function.”
He explained, his voice drawing low but it kept it’s steady tone as
he tugged down his tunic a bit to show them how a blade would pop out
of his arm and Jango, from the distance he was at, could spot what
looked like a connector port.

how much of you is mechanical?’ He wondered.

if you were little, how did the metal, I mean… metal doesn’t
grow.” One of the trooper suddenly asked, eyes wide before biting
his lips nervously.

Obi-Wan nodded. “Most don’t no. But lets just say that my metal
parts are rather… special. I’m very unique and I’m also very
grateful the Jedi order found me. I don’t think life as a mindless
weapon would be a good existence.” Kenobi tilted his head before
looking up and meeting Jango’s eyes square on.

as he was and pale as he seemed, Jango felt a sudden jolt by meeting
those eyes, feeling as if he was suddenly stuck outside during one of
Kamino’s deadly storms, trapped by the might of the ocean and winds
combining as he stared into those eyes.

was a man who could be as placid and deceptive as the ocean and Jango
could feel it tear at him in that moment as green eyes stared him

was Jango who looked away first in the end.

#UncertainBeginnings. That was so amazing. I absolutely love a protective Obi-wan. Thank you very much for writing it.

himself into the Kamino’s systems proved to be effective even if
Obi-Wan didn’t particularly like being helpless in what was
technically enemy territory.

he did consider the facility enemy territory even if he was on even
ground with Jango and the kaminoan’s were supposedly on the Jedi’s
side. Any moment any of them could turn on him and the clones would
follow the orders from Jango or the kaminoan’s for now.

couldn’t consider this safe territory.

meant he would have to keep his dig through the archives brief.

so Obi-Wan set a timer on his comm and clenched it tight in his flesh
hand as he plugged his mechanic one into the wall, slicing his way
into the terminals to dig through the kamino’s barriers and safety.

needs answers, answers before the council members arrive.

needs answers to who
ordered the army and for what reason.

general reason is obvious, war but there is more here, the Force
tells Obi-Wan to look
and that is what he’s going to do with the days he has until the
council arrives to take their own look in person at the clones and to
listen to Jango Fett.

already know that Sidious is the real puppet master behind the clone
army, using Sifo-Dyas as a scapegoat… but… where did all the
money come from? And can I prove it is the Chancellor who has his
sticky fingers in this?’ Obi-Wan frowns his mind scanning through a
wealth of information.

he is looking for key words.

containing Sith, Jedi, Bounty hunter o-


pauses and goes back to the information.

66: Execute the Jedi Order.-

words physically throws Obi-Wan back into the world of flesh and
living, fighting against his gag reflexes as he stares wide eyed at
the wall.

was only order 66. What are the others?’ Obi-Wan forces his bodily
under control and throws himself back into the world of digital
information and machines, going back to order 66.

ends up physically ill before the end, coating the durasteel floor of
his room with bile and water as the extent of what he finds hits him.

upon order, to execute traitors, execute the Senate, execute
villagers until a Jedi gives themselves up, execute the troopers
themselves… and the base for all these orders.


urge to vomit again is strong as it hits him just how deeply the
troopers have been tampered with.

like me. They’re just like me. Weapons to be in someones hands,
slaves to be, modified and under someone else yoke.’ He thought as
he shook, on his knees in front of a pile of bile, staring at his own

fleshy and pink and the other shiny exposed metal.

galaxy wasn’t a fair place, there was always someone out to get an
advantage, to get riches and power. The
galaxy was always hungry for the pain of the innocent, the abused
were always humiliated a step further and someone always made a
credit of the pain.

were always more willing
to do anything to get those
riches and that power,
including creating such a humongous force to do their dirty work for
them to
clear out planets and innocent lives, to sweep them under the carpet
of ashes and darkness in a hail of weapons and explosions.

abuse the clones, to modify them, to pervert nature, to accelerate
their growth and put biochips
in them.

silver and warm flesh clenched into tight fists as
Obi-Wan stared down at his trembling hands.
I won’t let it happen. I promised myself and them, I wouldn’t let
it happen.’ Obi-Wan let out a small growl and wiped his mouth,
staggering to his feet as he went to rinse his mouth.

had work to do and that didn’t mean he could stay on his knees
feeling sorry for himself or others.

was time to copy the proof and get it in front of the council.
‘Whatever the cost to me, they will never be used in a war. Not on
my watch. I’ll take over Kamino if I have to.’ Obi-Wan thought
grimly as
outside the walls of the facility, thunder cracked and wind whipped
the mighty ocean of Kamino into froth.

#UncertainBeginnings Obi-wan seeing the Tubbies(clones still in their pods(Is that what they are called?) and just wants to protect all the clones because they are sorta like him. Also more Jango please.

his hand to the glass, Obi-Wan held his breath as the life inside it

a baby, just a little being not yet fully aware or alive, waiting to
be ‘born’ in a way or decanted as the kaminoan’s said.

these bubbling tubes that gave of heat when you got close enough,
filled the room with warmth, were filled with little babies that were
going to get accelerated growth to make them older than they really

were already adults in this facility that were really only ten,
despite their mind and bodies being the full part of at least
eighteen or twenty years of age.

be part of the army Palpatine had arranged for, a giant army made to
conquer and die.

had the man gotten the amount of money to create all these beings

kaminoan’s did not work for free, their cloning was an expensive
service, especially with the amount of troopers that had been ordered
and it was leaving Obi-Wan feeling rather faint with worry.

ignored the sound of the door opening behind him and the hesitation
of the other before quiet steps filled the room.

even look away when the steps stopped as the person reached his side.
“…I did some research, a lot of the others who worked for him
has… disappeared.” Jango stated quietly.

was rather obvious.

just let out a soft hum, watching the little life inside the tube.

metal arm ached.

these little lives… messed with, their DNA changed from their
originator, made to be someones else tool, someone else weapon…

knew what that felt like, he had spent so long thinking about it,
trying to get some understanding to the whole why
and how and then accepting himself.

there were so many clones…

barely meet a small handful of
them and they were all different, all unique.

tried to be uniform, no doubt taught by fear and control that they
had to be identical.

had not escaped Obi-Wan’s notice that there were no
genetic difference, not even a minor tweak. They all
looked like Jango down to the smallest detail.

the Force and without knowing them, it would be nary impossible to
tell them apart.

Obi-Wan had come to know them.

of them had softer voices, some had more abrasive personalities that
they tried to hide and others were softer, smiled more readily.

were all different.

do you intend to do about that?” Obi-Wan finally answered Jango.

a bit, Jango ran his hand over his short hair. “I guess… I don’t
have a lot of choices frankly, considering what you’ve shared with
me.” He grimaced, Obi-Wan could see his reflection in the tube.

Jango did not have many choices, not with Boba.

could stay off the Sith’s radar, of that Obi-Wan had no doubt
believing, but what kind of life would that be for a child, even for
a bounty hunter child?

would have to work with the Jedi, with the Republic and more
importantly, with Yan himself who had once been part of the
of Galidraan.

sometimes, for love and to protect the ones you loved, you did things
that made you unhappy to keep them safe, Obi-Wan was familiar with
that concept, after all, his arm was a proof of that as he had
detonated parts of it for Qui-Gon and still suffered for the

still could not wear derma to cover up the metal.

are you going to do with the clones?” Obi-Wan questioned, changing
the subject as he watched the bounty hunter in the glass reflection
to catch his reactions.

made a startled noise and then
shrugged. “Nothing, they’re
mine to
do anything about.”
He answered dismissively.

at that, Obi-Wan stared at the child, this life that so callously
would be thrown into misery if no one cared. “…I wasn’t the
Jedi’s either and yet they intervened for me,” Obi-Wan murmured,
raising his metal hand to rest both against the warm tank, one hand
able to feel it and the other one only being warmed by it. “Someone
has to care because
no one deserves to be reduced to a weapon.” He whispered, the memory of what he was suppose to be lodged in his heart painfully.

wouldn’t be the first time the Jedi had taken in the unwanted,
abused or misused, or even all three at once.

were a lot of clones though and Obi-Wan wasn’t certain how he could
swing it for the council and then there were the kaminoan’s.

had the horrible suspicion that while they produced good results,
there were people who were… different to Jango from his genes.

needed to find them and save them.

much to do… and so little time.’ He thought to himself, almost
feeling faint, too little sleep and not enough food in his worry.

he had to keep going.

Obi-Wan thought, as he bolstered himself with the Force, watching the
tiny life in front of him with a thoughtful bounty hunter at his

#UncertainBeginnings pls Obi wan’s reaction when he first saw Kamino and the clones? Did Dooku leave the order?

galaxy continues on, the worlds spin and the Jedi continue wandering
out into the galaxy to do their duty as requested by the Senate
though honestly, Obi-Wan has never heard the any missions being
rejected frankly.

when they should have.

galaxy grows darker but there is a spark of light.


continues to grow and prosper and become a beacon that Obi-Wan can’t
help but adore and maybe spoil a bit under Qui-Gon’s giant nose as
he gives the boy treats and trinkets when he returns from long

Anakin is quite good at fixing up his arm too though Obi-Wan still
mourns the lack of tactile sensation from the fingers even though
Anakin has tried to experiment with sensors.

just not the same as proper fingers even though it works slightly.

the galaxy continues onward and the years roll by and Obi-Wan has no
idea how it came to this but he’s staring at rows and rows of
identical men in white armor with Yan at his side and he can feel the
heat below his skin.

been working hard in the shadows.

knew the other had been up to something but this was beyond anything
he had expected and he feels nauseous and obviously Yan notices how
sick Obi-Wan is feeling as he places a hand in the low of his back to
support the young knight out of view from the Minister.

meeting Jango is…

Jango hates them and the way he stares at Yan…

has to send Yan away before giving Jango his attention again.

Mando’a crosses his arms over his chest, muscles flexing slightly
through the blue shirt. “So, what do you want Master Jedi?” He
questioned, clearly struggling to keep a polite tone.

a bit, Obi-Wan tasted the words he wanted to say on his tongue before
sighing tiredly and sitting down slowly on the closest chair, staring
at Jango. “…He’s going to betray you.” He stated frankly,
for the first time what he had found out much to his own horror and
still uncertain how to deal with it, revealing to Jango that he knew
exactly who had hired the bounty hunter.

instantly he
a tense bounty hunter on his hands, amber
narrowed at Obi-Wan.


for a dip, in for a dive.’ Obi-Wan rolled his shoulders before
shrugging. “Palpatine is not a man one can trust, he may have given
you what you wanted for as long as you were useful but your
usefulness is clearly coming to an end and he can’t have people out
there knowing the truth.” He stated calmly.

eyes were still narrowed at him and a hand dropped down to the man’s

Obi-Wan was to take a guess, he’d say there was a blaster there but
he didn’t make a move to defend himself, only stared mutely at

man who held his life currently in his hands before he slowly sat
down across from Obi-Wan. “…I’m listening.” He murmured.

up, Obi-Wan ran his mech fingers through his hair, letting out a
huffing breath while ignoring the way Jango’s eyes flickered to the
metal. “Most people in the galaxy has forgotten what a Sith is, but
you’re both Mandalorian and smart, so yo-”

know what a Sith is,” Jango snapped in. “The
darjetti were never forgotten by the Mandalorian-wait, are you
telling me that Palpatine…” He trailed off, staring at Obi-Wan.

his lips humorlessly, Obi-Wan wiggled his mech fingers at the man,
derma only covering to his wrist at the moment.
“His apprentice took my arm off, it was one of the sacrifices I
made to figure things out and keep those I cared for safe…
something I imagine you can understand.”

both glanced towards what was likely Boba’s room, Jango’s jaw and
knuckles white with tension.

looked like he wanted to slug Obi-Wan and escape.

won’t care about Boba, Boba doesn’t know about him, but you do,”
Obi-Wan stated quietly and calmly. “If I were you, I’d run but
he’d chase you. You’re a clever man however and your reputation
is quite strong. If anyone could stay under a Sith’s radar without
being Force sensitive, you would be one of them.” He shrugged
before sitting back in the chair.

jaw muscle was jumping, his eyes flickering between the door, Obi-Wan
and the window where the rain was pounding.

the dice was in Jango’s hand and Obi-Wan would have to act

maybe… I can prevent a war before it even breaks out.’ He
wondered shakily as he thought of all those armored men for what
other purpose did an army have than war and Obi-Wan sent a prayer to
the Force for leniency and mercy.

So for Uncertain beginnings, does Qui-Gon try to talk to Obi or is he just focusing on teaching Anakin?

didn’t know how he got there.

wasn’t Quinlan suppose to look after him!?

however he had ended up on the old couch in Qui-Gon’s quarters.
That old monster that he sometimes fell asleep on after long study
periods and Qui-Gon had carried him to bed from.

he couldn’t just sneak out either because Qui-Gon was awake and
waiting, holding out a cup of tea mutely to him when Obi-Wan sat up
and took in where he was, a pounding headache thanks to the laced
alcohol so he had one hell of a hangover.

far they had been sitting on the couch mutely for what felt like a
horrendous amount of time, the sounds of a wakening temple reaching
them and the sun shining in from the living room window in orange and
yellow glow.

to the cup in his lap, Obi-Wan opened his mouth to try and get out
when Qui-Gon suddenly spoke. “When you were found… it was I who
found you.” He whispered and Obi-Wan looked at the other, hunching
a bit in on himself.

knew this.

had talked about this, why was Qui-Gon…

words dried in his mouth as he caught wind of the others expression
as Qui-Gon pulled a crate out from under the caff table, gently
taking the lid off to reveal baby items of all things. “What I
didn’t tell you… was that I was the one who took care of you,”
Qui-Gon continued softly, pulling a little pale
blue onesie
with animal ears on the a hood and a little tail, a lamb onesie. “You
were so scared of everything because of the life you had led until then
that we couldn’t put you in the creche, so I volunteered to take
you in, take care of you. You honestly went on shift for a few
Knights but I was the one who held you the most, your crib was in my
bedroom.” He confessed quietly.

throat went tight, he didn’t know what to say to the other. Qui-Gon
had taken care of him, had been the one to change his diapers and
hold him when he was just scared of the world?

felt like screaming suddenly as he shakily put the cup on the dark wooden caff table.

didn’t know how to explain it once
I finally had you back, as my padawan,”
Qui-Gon continued, his voice nary a whisper as Obi-Wan continued to
coil tighter in on himself. “To explain how I loved you from the
moment you opened your eyes and saw the sun for the first time when I
held you in my arms.” The Jedi master swallowed harshly, as if his
throat was suddenly too narrow just
like the former padawan’s felt in that moment,
too tight.

didn’t know what to say but he no longer felt like screaming.

crying though.

might be a very real thing.

seemed to find his voice again. “You were so scared of the world
and yet you sought safety in me when I introduced you to the world
outside your tube, scared
of light, scared of sound and yet you curled into my chest and sought
warmth until I had to give you to the creche when you were
socialized, promising you’d be my padawan after Xanatos only for…
all the mess to happen and me to forget my promise.
Then you were my padawan suddenly
and I hurt you again
and again and again
and I just… didn’t know how to mend the bridges again.” He

The tears
dripped down Obi-Wan’s face and that would do no favor for his

wryly, Qui-Gon stroked the little lamb ears while glancing at
Obi-Wan’s stunned expression. “When you were with me… I bought
several soft outfits for you. The council didn’t approve of course
but you were still so new and scared of the world, the tube and the
pain was
you knew… and I splurged with my own credits for soft and warm things.” He held out the
onesie for Obi-Wan to take.

numb hands, Obi-Wan did, stroking the soft fabric with his fingers as
his lips reluctantly twitched a bit as he imagined himself as a
little blue lamb, soft ears and a little tail.

he glanced at Qui-Gon as the man drew something else out of the box,
a deep blue blanket with soft white stars on it.

used to be your baby blanket while you were with me. I kept it all
when I handed you back to the creche except for your soft toy, a
lothcat,” Qui-Gon chuckled shakily, rubbing his thumb over a faded
star where the blue had started to bleed out into the white. “I’d
wrap you up in this and one of your onesies and hold you to my chest
where the sound of my breathing and heartbeat would still even the
sorest of your cries when you were overwhelmed or scared.” He
murmured quietly.

shakily, Obi-Wan opened his mouth. “Then why did you do that?” He
questioned pitifully, both of them knowing what ‘that’ was.

sadly, Qui-Gon huffed. “Because I’m stupid and I panicked.
Because I promised Anakin’s mother to make sure he was safe…”
He confessed. “And in that moment I forgot to keep you safe.” He
reached out slowly then hesitated before he touched Obi-Wan, staring
at him.

Obi-Wan stared at the hand before whimpering and pushing into it.

shaking large hand stroked over Obi-Wan’s hair dropping
down to wipe Obi-Wan’s tears
“…I don’t know how a parent is suppose to feel…but I know
this, I would be honored
to have been your father and
I’m so sorry
I hurt you.”
Qui-Gon choked out.

into sobs, Obi-Wan leaned into him, his body trembling.

didn’t know what else to do but cry in that moment.

was so tired and the sound of Qui-Gon’s heart was familiar as were
the arms that wrapped around him, holding him tightly.