Can we please have more Twin Suns? It’s my favourite story and I can’t stop rereading it! I don’t have a specific Prompt I just crave more! :) :) :)

Smiling faintly, Ben bowed slightly for the council. “Thank you for
agreeing to see me masters.” He offered, his voice soft, all injuries healed up as best they could be.

He received gentle smiles in return.

“An audience you always granted will be Ben.” Yoda chuckled
quietly, watching him, seemingly curious as to what Ben wanted.
“Though curious we now are, a vision you have not have or more
worried you would be if informing us you were.”

Letting out a soft hum, Ben reached for his saber and stepped
forward, using the Force to pull Mace hand up.

Gently he placed his saber into the mans hand, letting his cool
fingertips brush the Korun’s heated skin. “I come to ask to be
released from my oath. I have walked the path true and I have walked
it until I could no more, now I request the council to release me
from my knight oath and let me walk away.” Ben stepped back,
smiling faintly at their stunned looks.

‘See Jocasta? Not everyone knew…’

Mace stared at the slender saber hilt in his hand, the sun catching
the silver details of it. “…Knight Skywalker, the council will
listen but…” He looked around the room to the rest of the stunned
members. “…We want to know why you leave us now?”

Shifting his hands into his sleeves while stepping back, Ben tilted
his head with a small hum and a smile. “Because I’m ready to go
now. There is no war to handle, only relief effort and I can do that
without being a Jedi. And I can’t keep true to my Jedi vow, so I’d
rather ask to released from them and go the path that leads me to

The council watched him quietly.

“And Commander Cody this path lays with?” Yoda questioned, tone

Ben laughed quietly but nodded. “I’m not afraid of my
attachments. I love Cody and he loves me, not for the skills I
possess or the title of Jedi knight I carry. But simply because of
who I am.” He tilted his head. “He makes me smile.”

His words were soft, the sun from the windows shining in on his
copper hair and pale skin as he stood there in front of the council,
unafraid of the future despite all that ailed him.

Mace looked around the rest of the council then he looked at the
saber in his hand.

Carefully he removed the kyber crystal out of it before standing and
moving to Ben, taking his hand and pressing the empty hilt back into
his hand. “The council… releases you from your oath, Ben
Skywalker and asks you to keep this. As a token of our goodwill,
after all, its only a casing now, not a weapon.”

Tucking the hilt on his belt, Ben reached up and pulled Mace down
enough to press a soft kiss to the Korun’s forehead. “May I never
need a weapon again.” He stepped back and bowed for them, a last
respectful master uttered by him before he turned and stepped out of
the council chamber and right into Cody’s waiting arms.

The clone commander wrapped his arms tightly around his redhead, a
wide smile on his face as he held tightly.

No more sharing with the Jedi Order.

Ben and he could be only them.

“Cyare.” Cody whispered, pressing a soft kiss to his lips.

With a wide smile, Ben cupped Cody’s face in his hands and pressed
their foreheads together. “Riduur.” He greeted in return, eyes


The sun shone down on two lazy shapes in the early morning light, the
tanned body curled up around a slimmer pale one in the bed.

Slowly green eyes opened and Ben smiled into Cody’s shoulder,
feeling their legs tangled together and skin stuck.

It was warm, comfortable and safe and with nothing pressing to do,
Ben let his eyes close again and fell back asleep, feeling utterly
content for what felt like the first time in two lifetimes.

Can we please have more Twin Suns? It’s my favourite story and I can’t stop rereading it! I don’t have a specific Prompt I just crave more! :) :) :)

Smiling faintly, Ben bowed slightly for the council. “Thank you for
agreeing to see me masters.” He offered, his voice soft, all injuries healed up as best they could be.

He received gentle smiles in return.

“An audience you always granted will be Ben.” Yoda chuckled
quietly, watching him, seemingly curious as to what Ben wanted.
“Though curious we now are, a vision you have not have or more
worried you would be if informing us you were.”

Letting out a soft hum, Ben reached for his saber and stepped
forward, using the Force to pull Mace hand up.

Gently he placed his saber into the mans hand, letting his cool
fingertips brush the Korun’s heated skin. “I come to ask to be
released from my oath. I have walked the path true and I have walked
it until I could no more, now I request the council to release me
from my knight oath and let me walk away.” Ben stepped back,
smiling faintly at their stunned looks.

‘See Jocasta? Not everyone knew…’

Mace stared at the slender saber hilt in his hand, the sun catching
the silver details of it. “…Knight Skywalker, the council will
listen but…” He looked around the room to the rest of the stunned
members. “…We want to know why you leave us now?”

Shifting his hands into his sleeves while stepping back, Ben tilted
his head with a small hum and a smile. “Because I’m ready to go
now. There is no war to handle, only relief effort and I can do that
without being a Jedi. And I can’t keep true to my Jedi vow, so I’d
rather ask to released from them and go the path that leads me to

The council watched him quietly.

“And Commander Cody this path lays with?” Yoda questioned, tone

Ben laughed quietly but nodded. “I’m not afraid of my
attachments. I love Cody and he loves me, not for the skills I
possess or the title of Jedi knight I carry. But simply because of
who I am.” He tilted his head. “He makes me smile.”

His words were soft, the sun from the windows shining in on his
copper hair and pale skin as he stood there in front of the council,
unafraid of the future despite all that ailed him.

Mace looked around the rest of the council then he looked at the
saber in his hand.

Carefully he removed the kyber crystal out of it before standing and
moving to Ben, taking his hand and pressing the empty hilt back into
his hand. “The council… releases you from your oath, Ben
Skywalker and asks you to keep this. As a token of our goodwill,
after all, its only a casing now, not a weapon.”

Tucking the hilt on his belt, Ben reached up and pulled Mace down
enough to press a soft kiss to the Korun’s forehead. “May I never
need a weapon again.” He stepped back and bowed for them, a last
respectful master uttered by him before he turned and stepped out of
the council chamber and right into Cody’s waiting arms.

The clone commander wrapped his arms tightly around his redhead, a
wide smile on his face as he held tightly.

No more sharing with the Jedi Order.

Ben and he could be only them.

“Cyare.” Cody whispered, pressing a soft kiss to his lips.

With a wide smile, Ben cupped Cody’s face in his hands and pressed
their foreheads together. “Riduur.” He greeted in return, eyes


The sun shone down on two lazy shapes in the early morning light, the
tanned body curled up around a slimmer pale one in the bed.

Slowly green eyes opened and Ben smiled into Cody’s shoulder,
feeling their legs tangled together and skin stuck.

It was warm, comfortable and safe and with nothing pressing to do,
Ben let his eyes close again and fell back asleep, feeling utterly
content for what felt like the first time in two lifetimes.

Twin suns! Oh pretty please!

One step at a time, careful and steady with his right hand on Mace
shoulder as support and Commander Snow trailing only five steps
behind while Ben was pretending not to see the trooper. One shuffled
step at a time, steady and slow and careful.

Quiet whispers of awe and shock at seeing him up and about.

Ben who found the Sith, Ben who died, Ben who came back from the
dead. Ben who was moving so very carefully and weakly.

But that didn’t bother Ben as he continued holding onto the Korun’s
shoulder while shuffling along slowly, grateful that Che had allowed
him to leave the Halls if only for the walk and with the stipulation
of a trusted master helping him.

“The Gardens, right?” Mace questioned carefully, their tempo set
to Ben’s needs. Force it was so strange not to feel like he was
brushing up against static when he was around Ben, all that chaotic
nature gone from the young man.

But it didn’t seem like it was doing Ben any harm.

“Gardens. I would like to have the breeze on my skin and just
breath.” Ben laughed quietly before tilting his head and giving a
smaller laugh. “Or I may be returning to the Halls in a few moments
depending.” He grinned.

Raising his brows, Mace gave the other a long look. “Oh?”

Grinning a bit, Ben nodded towards the end of the hall. “Three,
two, one.”

“BEN!” Anakin slammed around the corner, glanced about wildly
until his eyes landed on his twin and then he hurdled down the hall
towards the Korun and Ben.

Mace barely had time to move out of the way when Anakin crashed into
Ben, lifting his twin clean off the floor and up into his arms,
strong arms wrapped tightly around a narrow waist as Ben wrapped his
arms around the other in return.

“You are a terrible brother and I hate you.” The blond offered, a
bit muffled into the thin medical gown Ben was wearing. “Absolutely
hate you.” His declaration was slightly ruined by the sniffing he
was doing into the redhead’s shoulder.

“Yes I hate you too.” Ben laughed softly, feet dangling lightly
off the ground in the soft slippers he was wearing. “I hate you too
Anakin.” He nuzzled lightly into the dark tunic that smelled of
sweat and travel. “Welcome home brother.”


“For being run through with a lightsaber, you look pretty decent.”
Qui-Gon offered warmly as they crowded into the medical room that was
unofficially nicknamed ‘Ben’s room’ because of the amount he
had needed it throughout his apprenticeship.

With all the medication and then the occasional mishaps he had, he
had spent ample time in it.

Now he was spending it there because of how he had come back.

“Well considering I’m not dead, I’d say I look decent.” Ben
offered warmly as Anakin settled him into the bed, his brother taking
the slippers and settling them down by the end of the bed.

“Don’t make jokes about it Ben. You didn’t have to listen
to…” Anakin bit his own words of and just pushed the redhead into
bed and tucked the covers around him. “Just don’t okay.”

Giving the other an apologetic smile, Ben was about to say sorry when
Cody slipped in behind Qui-Gon, pulled off his helmet and dropped it
on the bed by his feet and then marched to him, grasping Ben by the
face and pulling him into a desperation laced kiss while stroking his
glove covered thumbs beneath Ben’s eyes.

The Jedi melted, giving a low, throaty noise that Cody swallowed
before the commander pulled back, giving him a long look. “NEVER do
that again…sir.” He whispered, swallowing heavily and Ben made a
low noise before he reached up, cupping Cody’s face and stroking
the scar that curved his eye.

“Oh Cody, I apologize. I never meant to scare you.” He whispered,
tugging him back into a small kiss and then glancing at the open door
where Jocasta was standing with her cane, giving him a knowing smirk.
“…Yes yes you old harpy, you were right.” He grinned sheepishly
then hid in Cody’s shoulder when she gave a wicked snigger as she
limped in.

But despite the blush that was spreading from his face to the back of
his neck and the laughter of the rest of his weird little family, Ben
couldn’t remember being happier then he was in that moment.

Twin suns! Oh pretty please!

One step at a time, careful and steady with his right hand on Mace
shoulder as support and Commander Snow trailing only five steps
behind while Ben was pretending not to see the trooper. One shuffled
step at a time, steady and slow and careful.

Quiet whispers of awe and shock at seeing him up and about.

Ben who found the Sith, Ben who died, Ben who came back from the
dead. Ben who was moving so very carefully and weakly.

But that didn’t bother Ben as he continued holding onto the Korun’s
shoulder while shuffling along slowly, grateful that Che had allowed
him to leave the Halls if only for the walk and with the stipulation
of a trusted master helping him.

“The Gardens, right?” Mace questioned carefully, their tempo set
to Ben’s needs. Force it was so strange not to feel like he was
brushing up against static when he was around Ben, all that chaotic
nature gone from the young man.

But it didn’t seem like it was doing Ben any harm.

“Gardens. I would like to have the breeze on my skin and just
breath.” Ben laughed quietly before tilting his head and giving a
smaller laugh. “Or I may be returning to the Halls in a few moments
depending.” He grinned.

Raising his brows, Mace gave the other a long look. “Oh?”

Grinning a bit, Ben nodded towards the end of the hall. “Three,
two, one.”

“BEN!” Anakin slammed around the corner, glanced about wildly
until his eyes landed on his twin and then he hurdled down the hall
towards the Korun and Ben.

Mace barely had time to move out of the way when Anakin crashed into
Ben, lifting his twin clean off the floor and up into his arms,
strong arms wrapped tightly around a narrow waist as Ben wrapped his
arms around the other in return.

“You are a terrible brother and I hate you.” The blond offered, a
bit muffled into the thin medical gown Ben was wearing. “Absolutely
hate you.” His declaration was slightly ruined by the sniffing he
was doing into the redhead’s shoulder.

“Yes I hate you too.” Ben laughed softly, feet dangling lightly
off the ground in the soft slippers he was wearing. “I hate you too
Anakin.” He nuzzled lightly into the dark tunic that smelled of
sweat and travel. “Welcome home brother.”


“For being run through with a lightsaber, you look pretty decent.”
Qui-Gon offered warmly as they crowded into the medical room that was
unofficially nicknamed ‘Ben’s room’ because of the amount he
had needed it throughout his apprenticeship.

With all the medication and then the occasional mishaps he had, he
had spent ample time in it.

Now he was spending it there because of how he had come back.

“Well considering I’m not dead, I’d say I look decent.” Ben
offered warmly as Anakin settled him into the bed, his brother taking
the slippers and settling them down by the end of the bed.

“Don’t make jokes about it Ben. You didn’t have to listen
to…” Anakin bit his own words of and just pushed the redhead into
bed and tucked the covers around him. “Just don’t okay.”

Giving the other an apologetic smile, Ben was about to say sorry when
Cody slipped in behind Qui-Gon, pulled off his helmet and dropped it
on the bed by his feet and then marched to him, grasping Ben by the
face and pulling him into a desperation laced kiss while stroking his
glove covered thumbs beneath Ben’s eyes.

The Jedi melted, giving a low, throaty noise that Cody swallowed
before the commander pulled back, giving him a long look. “NEVER do
that again…sir.” He whispered, swallowing heavily and Ben made a
low noise before he reached up, cupping Cody’s face and stroking
the scar that curved his eye.

“Oh Cody, I apologize. I never meant to scare you.” He whispered,
tugging him back into a small kiss and then glancing at the open door
where Jocasta was standing with her cane, giving him a knowing smirk.
“…Yes yes you old harpy, you were right.” He grinned sheepishly
then hid in Cody’s shoulder when she gave a wicked snigger as she
limped in.

But despite the blush that was spreading from his face to the back of
his neck and the laughter of the rest of his weird little family, Ben
couldn’t remember being happier then he was in that moment.

Ahh??? aHH?????? Um, //AHH??!??!?!?!?!?// Oh my god the latest Twin Suns chapter, oh my god?!?!?!?!? Twin Suns has ALWAYS been my favorite of your stories holy shit, I mean I absolutely love them all but Twin Suns will forever be the one nearest my heart especially with Ben’s interactions with Anakin and Cody and /holy shit/?!?!??!?!?! Please please please please PLEASE tell us what happens next!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The two stare at each other in the dark void where the only light
seemed to come from them, both faintly smiling as they take in the
differences and yet the similarities between the two.

The slender versus the broad, the thin versus the muscled, the curls
versus the straight and youth against age.

Yet the copper hair, the freckles, the mole, green eyes and hell,
even the shape of his nose remains the same.

“Is it done?” Obi-Wan questioned lightly, sitting cross legged in
the void.

“I think so…yes I believe so. Or it will be soon.” Ben hummed,
mimicking the position before looking around. “Am I dead?”

“I’m not sure. That question is far more… unsettling
considering I never existed in the first place really.” Obi-Wan
hummed. “Do you think you are dead?”

“I hope not. Mother would miss me and Anakin still needs me.” Ben
rested his hands on his thighs. “And Cody… I would have liked to
build a life with him.” He offered more quietly.

Obi-Wan quirked his lips a bit at that. “Then perhaps you should
turn back then.” He looked behind Ben.

Ben turned, blinking at the light shining far in the distance behind
him. “…Will it take me home?”

“It may. If you want it to. Will has a lot to do with what one can
do and can’t do, especially with the Force.” Obi-Wan hummed.

Staring at the light for a few moments, Ben got up and started
walking towards it, leaving Obi-Wan behind as the older man fades to nothing.


There’s screaming, it feels like its in his head but Ben can’t
quite… connect it to anything… or anyone?

Wait no, no Ben knows that scream, that scream is Anakin.

Is Anakin screaming in his head?

There is also the sound of lightsabers.

Of loud yells, enraged and Ben knows at least one of those too.

Mace Windu yells a lot when he does the Vapaad.

Gingerly he shifts and opens his eyes, staring at the dark ceiling of
the chancellor office, a breeze stirring his hair.

That makes him flop his head to look towards the window that’s
broken open at…wait, when did the window break open?

He can’t remember, his last memory was staring at Palpatine and


He’d been run through.

The Sith had run his saber through Ben’s chest and Anakin…

He reached out towards his twin and felt the other stutter to a halt,
shock and then pained relief and anger suddenly running through him
from the others side.

He’d apologize.


Ben shifted a bit more and looked towards the saber fight happening,
Mace and Depa working in tandem against the Sith with Shaak and Plo
providing backup when either falters. Master Jocasta is sitting
against the wall, a hand clamped to her hip as she watches with
narrowed eyes, burn marks clear on her fancy tunic.

And then her eyes land on him, going wide. “Ben?” Her whisper is
lost in the sounds of the fight but Ben can read her lips.

It makes him smile before he slowly and gingerly shifts, feeling the
hole of his tunics shift against his tender skin even as he gets to his feet
and pulls his own saber from his belt, moving slowly as his free hand
cups his chest.

It hurts still.

He’d check later as he moves with shuffling steps into the right
position, leaning on the Chancellor’s desk and waits.

The moment feels frozen as suddenly Master Windu and Billaba sees him
over Palpatine’s shoulder, their eyes going wide and shock pinging
through the Force. It distracts the Sith who turns around right in
front of Ben.

“Hello.” Ben offered in the sudden dim only broken from the wind
from the shattered window and then his saber as he activates it, the
blade piercing through Palpatine’s chest in a mirror to what he had
done to Ben what feels like hours before for the redhead.

Still staring at Ben, the man lets out a choked breath of air before
falling back to the floor.

Just like that the fight ends.

Ben lets his saber fall from his fingers and leans against the desk
once more, free hand cupping his chest as he raises his eyes to meet
his fellow Jedi’s and give a meek smile. “…I don’t feel so
good masters.” He offered before his eyes closed as his strength
falters him.

But he doesn’t hit the floor, warm arms wrap around him and cradle
him close. “Easy Ben.” Plo murmurs, his voice sounding off but
perhaps that was with exertion. “Lets get you to the healers little

“Mmmn…Okay. Lets go home? I think Anakin wants to yell at me…”
Ben made a low noise as Plo carefully picked him up.

“Yes, lets get you home child.”


“I don’t know what to say masters.” Che glanced to the medical
room where Ben was resting, eyes closed and a hand resting on his
stomach. “He should be dead. If a saber went through his heart he
should be dead. But the there’s only pink scar tissue on his chest
and his heart looks as healthy as its always been.”

“His Force presence has changed too, does that mean anything?”
Mace pointed out, frowning and looking to the mind healer who

“The chaotic nature of his Force is gone yes. At best we can figure
out it seems the chaotic nature swelled into healing him. But we
don’t know, at best we can figure out is that a Force miracle has
happened. We’ve never quite understood why Ben’s nature has been
so chaotic anyhow.” He shrugged, running his hand over his eyes and
then pinching the bridge of his nose. “Its times like this I wish I
was back on Jedha, at least Jedi didn’t come back to life there.”
He offered dryly.

Jocasta gave a quiet snort and then smiled when Ben looked at them
with tired, curious eyes. “I think I don’t care honestly. I’m
just glad he hasn’t left us quite yet.” And then she waved the
cane she was forced to use until her hip could be rehabilitated at
the knight. “Hey! No! You keep down!”

The rest of healers and Mace looked to the sheepish looking man who
had been about to push himself up with his elbows on the bed.

Slowly Ben lowered himself back down under several raised brows and
gave them his best smile that caused Che to quickly cover her mouth
to hide her snort though the twitching lekku’s gave her amusement

“Well, I’ll set an apprentice healer to guard his room. Its good
to know some things remains the same.” She offered dryly as Ben
tried to awkwardly reach for a mug of water as they watched while
remaining laying.

Mace snorted at all of them but moved into the room to provide help,
taking pity on the redhead who beamed gratefully up at him.

Some things never changed.

Ahh??? aHH?????? Um, //AHH??!??!?!?!?!?// Oh my god the latest Twin Suns chapter, oh my god?!?!?!?!? Twin Suns has ALWAYS been my favorite of your stories holy shit, I mean I absolutely love them all but Twin Suns will forever be the one nearest my heart especially with Ben’s interactions with Anakin and Cody and /holy shit/?!?!??!?!?! Please please please please PLEASE tell us what happens next!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The two stare at each other in the dark void where the only light
seemed to come from them, both faintly smiling as they take in the
differences and yet the similarities between the two.

The slender versus the broad, the thin versus the muscled, the curls
versus the straight and youth against age.

Yet the copper hair, the freckles, the mole, green eyes and hell,
even the shape of his nose remains the same.

“Is it done?” Obi-Wan questioned lightly, sitting cross legged in
the void.

“I think so…yes I believe so. Or it will be soon.” Ben hummed,
mimicking the position before looking around. “Am I dead?”

“I’m not sure. That question is far more… unsettling
considering I never existed in the first place really.” Obi-Wan
hummed. “Do you think you are dead?”

“I hope not. Mother would miss me and Anakin still needs me.” Ben
rested his hands on his thighs. “And Cody… I would have liked to
build a life with him.” He offered more quietly.

Obi-Wan quirked his lips a bit at that. “Then perhaps you should
turn back then.” He looked behind Ben.

Ben turned, blinking at the light shining far in the distance behind
him. “…Will it take me home?”

“It may. If you want it to. Will has a lot to do with what one can
do and can’t do, especially with the Force.” Obi-Wan hummed.

Staring at the light for a few moments, Ben got up and started
walking towards it, leaving Obi-Wan behind as the older man fades to nothing.


There’s screaming, it feels like its in his head but Ben can’t
quite… connect it to anything… or anyone?

Wait no, no Ben knows that scream, that scream is Anakin.

Is Anakin screaming in his head?

There is also the sound of lightsabers.

Of loud yells, enraged and Ben knows at least one of those too.

Mace Windu yells a lot when he does the Vapaad.

Gingerly he shifts and opens his eyes, staring at the dark ceiling of
the chancellor office, a breeze stirring his hair.

That makes him flop his head to look towards the window that’s
broken open at…wait, when did the window break open?

He can’t remember, his last memory was staring at Palpatine and


He’d been run through.

The Sith had run his saber through Ben’s chest and Anakin…

He reached out towards his twin and felt the other stutter to a halt,
shock and then pained relief and anger suddenly running through him
from the others side.

He’d apologize.


Ben shifted a bit more and looked towards the saber fight happening,
Mace and Depa working in tandem against the Sith with Shaak and Plo
providing backup when either falters. Master Jocasta is sitting
against the wall, a hand clamped to her hip as she watches with
narrowed eyes, burn marks clear on her fancy tunic.

And then her eyes land on him, going wide. “Ben?” Her whisper is
lost in the sounds of the fight but Ben can read her lips.

It makes him smile before he slowly and gingerly shifts, feeling the
hole of his tunics shift against his tender skin even as he gets to his feet
and pulls his own saber from his belt, moving slowly as his free hand
cups his chest.

It hurts still.

He’d check later as he moves with shuffling steps into the right
position, leaning on the Chancellor’s desk and waits.

The moment feels frozen as suddenly Master Windu and Billaba sees him
over Palpatine’s shoulder, their eyes going wide and shock pinging
through the Force. It distracts the Sith who turns around right in
front of Ben.

“Hello.” Ben offered in the sudden dim only broken from the wind
from the shattered window and then his saber as he activates it, the
blade piercing through Palpatine’s chest in a mirror to what he had
done to Ben what feels like hours before for the redhead.

Still staring at Ben, the man lets out a choked breath of air before
falling back to the floor.

Just like that the fight ends.

Ben lets his saber fall from his fingers and leans against the desk
once more, free hand cupping his chest as he raises his eyes to meet
his fellow Jedi’s and give a meek smile. “…I don’t feel so
good masters.” He offered before his eyes closed as his strength
falters him.

But he doesn’t hit the floor, warm arms wrap around him and cradle
him close. “Easy Ben.” Plo murmurs, his voice sounding off but
perhaps that was with exertion. “Lets get you to the healers little

“Mmmn…Okay. Lets go home? I think Anakin wants to yell at me…”
Ben made a low noise as Plo carefully picked him up.

“Yes, lets get you home child.”


“I don’t know what to say masters.” Che glanced to the medical
room where Ben was resting, eyes closed and a hand resting on his
stomach. “He should be dead. If a saber went through his heart he
should be dead. But the there’s only pink scar tissue on his chest
and his heart looks as healthy as its always been.”

“His Force presence has changed too, does that mean anything?”
Mace pointed out, frowning and looking to the mind healer who

“The chaotic nature of his Force is gone yes. At best we can figure
out it seems the chaotic nature swelled into healing him. But we
don’t know, at best we can figure out is that a Force miracle has
happened. We’ve never quite understood why Ben’s nature has been
so chaotic anyhow.” He shrugged, running his hand over his eyes and
then pinching the bridge of his nose. “Its times like this I wish I
was back on Jedha, at least Jedi didn’t come back to life there.”
He offered dryly.

Jocasta gave a quiet snort and then smiled when Ben looked at them
with tired, curious eyes. “I think I don’t care honestly. I’m
just glad he hasn’t left us quite yet.” And then she waved the
cane she was forced to use until her hip could be rehabilitated at
the knight. “Hey! No! You keep down!”

The rest of healers and Mace looked to the sheepish looking man who
had been about to push himself up with his elbows on the bed.

Slowly Ben lowered himself back down under several raised brows and
gave them his best smile that caused Che to quickly cover her mouth
to hide her snort though the twitching lekku’s gave her amusement

“Well, I’ll set an apprentice healer to guard his room. Its good
to know some things remains the same.” She offered dryly as Ben
tried to awkwardly reach for a mug of water as they watched while
remaining laying.

Mace snorted at all of them but moved into the room to provide help,
taking pity on the redhead who beamed gratefully up at him.

Some things never changed.

@sailorcrazypinklady Yes! This! All Of This! I 110% support this plan to be a TwinSuns enabler. Also, Ben. No. Ben, that is a Bad Plan.™ We do Not confront Dangerous, Evil, Sith Lords with designs on Galactic Domination in their own territory. And We Certainly Don’t Confront Them Alone! DO WE NEED TO HAVE A TALK ABOUT THIS?!?!?! Please Moddy may we have some more? (・ω・)

Ben is dead.

Anakin can only feel an empty spot in his mind where the bond that
always held him to Ben once was and he can’t move his eyes of the
comm of the Resolute as a dull thump comes thinny through the
systems. A body hitting the floor.

Ben’s body.

A spasm goes through his body and he swallows back the sour nausea he
can feel building inside him along with the rage as every clone
trooper under his command stand frozen, their eyes just as much
directed at the comms as Anakin’s are.

“Well, one less burden to hamper with.” The voice is unmistakable
Palpatine’s but Anakin can’t quite get it through his own mind
despite realizing it from the moment the comms had flashed with the
emergency Jedi broadcast code.

There’s a shift and then something soft slides against the floor.
“Dead as a shot bird.” The chancellor’s voice sounds gloating
and it takes Anakin a moment to realize that he must have kicked
Ben’s body, the soft shift was cloth and flesh against floor.

He can’t move though, reaching desperately out into the Force for
Ben still even as Qui-Gon rests a hand on his shoulder, the old man
looking pale.

Cody is standing by Rex, Anakin can barely see them from the
corner of his eyes.

The captain seems to be propping his vod up.

Right, Ben and Cody were… were… but Ben is now… gone.

“…Ben?” Finally escapes him in a quiet whisper as the comms
suddenly fill with the sound of a door slamming open and Mace Windu’s



They feel the life snuff out before they reach the office and it
feels like breath is stolen from their lungs, the chaotic Force
sensation that had always been Ben suddenly gone.

Not just leaving into the Force but gone as if its never existed.

Its enough to spur them on even faster and Mace will need a few long
hours of meditation later to purge the amount of rage that goes into
slamming the door open.


There will be no peaceful surrender.

Not when Ben lays by the desk in a limp pile of limbs, a clear hole
through his tunic and chest through the heart showing exactly how he
died for the Sith lord’s blade that was hidden right below their

Jocasta gives a pained cry but Mace can’t give her the space to get
to Ben as he engages Palpatine with Depa right behind him.

And then the Archivist tries to get in a hit too.

She’s not quick enough, whatever else can be said about Palpatine,
he is quick and blocks Mace saber only to then take out a good chunk
of Jocasta’s hip and almost takes her head if it hadn’t been for
Plo pulling her back and Shaak distracting him before he could

Mace and Depa work together, pushing the Sith back and away from the
others even as Plo props Jocasta against the wall before he joins his
fellow council members against the Sith threat.

Gripping her hip tightly, Jocasta hissed in pain before looking to
the pale face of her padawan from a distance. Ben looks peaceful almost, she could
almost convince herself that he was asleep if it wasn’t for the
hole through his chest.

There’s a mighty crash and she looks up, glaring at Palpatine as
wind rushes in from the shattered window as he barely misses cutting
of Depa’s arm.

Ben is gone but Jocasta takes a un-Jedi like glee in the fact that
Mace will not let Palpatine leave the office either.

@sailorcrazypinklady Yes! This! All Of This! I 110% support this plan to be a TwinSuns enabler. Also, Ben. No. Ben, that is a Bad Plan.™ We do Not confront Dangerous, Evil, Sith Lords with designs on Galactic Domination in their own territory. And We Certainly Don’t Confront Them Alone! DO WE NEED TO HAVE A TALK ABOUT THIS?!?!?! Please Moddy may we have some more? (・ω・)

Ben is dead.

Anakin can only feel an empty spot in his mind where the bond that
always held him to Ben once was and he can’t move his eyes of the
comm of the Resolute as a dull thump comes thinny through the
systems. A body hitting the floor.

Ben’s body.

A spasm goes through his body and he swallows back the sour nausea he
can feel building inside him along with the rage as every clone
trooper under his command stand frozen, their eyes just as much
directed at the comms as Anakin’s are.

“Well, one less burden to hamper with.” The voice is unmistakable
Palpatine’s but Anakin can’t quite get it through his own mind
despite realizing it from the moment the comms had flashed with the
emergency Jedi broadcast code.

There’s a shift and then something soft slides against the floor.
“Dead as a shot bird.” The chancellor’s voice sounds gloating
and it takes Anakin a moment to realize that he must have kicked
Ben’s body, the soft shift was cloth and flesh against floor.

He can’t move though, reaching desperately out into the Force for
Ben still even as Qui-Gon rests a hand on his shoulder, the old man
looking pale.

Cody is standing by Rex, Anakin can barely see them from the
corner of his eyes.

The captain seems to be propping his vod up.

Right, Ben and Cody were… were… but Ben is now… gone.

“…Ben?” Finally escapes him in a quiet whisper as the comms
suddenly fill with the sound of a door slamming open and Mace Windu’s



They feel the life snuff out before they reach the office and it
feels like breath is stolen from their lungs, the chaotic Force
sensation that had always been Ben suddenly gone.

Not just leaving into the Force but gone as if its never existed.

Its enough to spur them on even faster and Mace will need a few long
hours of meditation later to purge the amount of rage that goes into
slamming the door open.


There will be no peaceful surrender.

Not when Ben lays by the desk in a limp pile of limbs, a clear hole
through his tunic and chest through the heart showing exactly how he
died for the Sith lord’s blade that was hidden right below their

Jocasta gives a pained cry but Mace can’t give her the space to get
to Ben as he engages Palpatine with Depa right behind him.

And then the Archivist tries to get in a hit too.

She’s not quick enough, whatever else can be said about Palpatine,
he is quick and blocks Mace saber only to then take out a good chunk
of Jocasta’s hip and almost takes her head if it hadn’t been for
Plo pulling her back and Shaak distracting him before he could

Mace and Depa work together, pushing the Sith back and away from the
others even as Plo props Jocasta against the wall before he joins his
fellow council members against the Sith threat.

Gripping her hip tightly, Jocasta hissed in pain before looking to
the pale face of her padawan from a distance. Ben looks peaceful almost, she could
almost convince herself that he was asleep if it wasn’t for the
hole through his chest.

There’s a mighty crash and she looks up, glaring at Palpatine as
wind rushes in from the shattered window as he barely misses cutting
of Depa’s arm.

Ben is gone but Jocasta takes a un-Jedi like glee in the fact that
Mace will not let Palpatine leave the office either.