I want to know what’s going on with Dooku in Dangerous Galaxy!

Fixing his clothes first as he was watched by the room, Cody finally nodded to the trooper on the comm terminal, taking a deep breath as he focused on the platform, watching as Count Dooku came into view.

The man looked… calm, at ease, wearing his normal clothes, standing in a relaxed position with sharp eyes focused on Cody. “Ah, Vod’alor Kote. I must commend you on your… revolution. I did not see this coming,” The man smirked at him, seemingly impressed with what he saw. “Neither did I expect you to present an image fit to rule, your last display left a little to be desired.”

Honestly, if it wasn’t for his men, Cody wouldn’t have dressed up but this was good, even if it had taken Cody a while to get dressed as Tracker and Switch had insisted he couldn’t show to the meeting in just armor.

Something about playing the part as Vod’alor and honestly, Cody got it…but he didn’t have to like it.

So, he had waited until the two showed up with an outfit that didn’t make him look like just a common soldier among all his vode or like he was mimicking the Mandalorians. For all that they were based on one, they didn’t want to be Mandalorians, not anymore.

So, Cody had reluctantly dressed in the tight leather pants with matching black boots so polished they shone along with the tight long sleeved shirt. Thankfully though, there was armor to go with it, black greaves with silver designs and a good chestplate with the same black and silver details artistically painted in swirls and geometric designs and to cap it of, a blood red cape with silver fastenings.

It made him look dangerous, his belt containing obvious blasters and viroblades along with the hidden ones filling in that image.

Raising a brow, grateful the others had insisted he dress well, Cody crossed his arms slowly over his chest. “No, I imagine you didn’t… neither did Palpatine.” He drawled, trying to emulate the way he had seen Obi-Wan act when conversing with an enemy that wanted to negotiate.

Because that was what he suspected the other wanted, to negotiate.

Dooku paused, tilting his head before inclining it slowly. “Then you know.” He stated calmly.

“There was a reason we exposed him working with the CIS, we know.” Cody returned a tad dryly.

Honestly, not even half of Palpatine’s crimes had been aired to the public, if they had, there might have been calls for blood in the street for the Senate for not realizing it. And Cody would rather not have people like Bail and Padme in danger for being fooled by a man like Palpatine.

Letting out a low hum, Dooku stared at him, as if indecisive. “…Will the Jedi order’s service to the Senate continue? Will the clones be taking those services?” The man suddenly asked and if Cody had been holding anything at that moment, it would have gotten thrown at him.

As it was, Cody gritted his teeth so hard there was an audible click and he saw Helix wince on the other side of the room.

Dooku however, only cocked his head. “You must understand, I have to ask… there was after all, many reasons for me to leave the order…and not all of them had with disagreements for the future and the state of the order.” He continued, folding his hands in front of him and lacing his fingers.

Cody took a deep breath through his nose before shaking his head hard. “No. Those will not continue and if any of the Senators are discovered to be requesting them… they will be executed.” He stated sharply.

Dooku’s brows rose in surprise and slight disbelief.

“They have been warned. The Jedi council has been told to relay to all of their members to report any Senators that requests their services,” Cody continued darkly. “This has ended and anyone discovered to try and pressure the Jedi… will meet their end.”

Count Dooku gained an odd look, staring at Cody as if he couldn’t quite understand what was going on. “…Shockingly… I believe you, Vod’alor Kote, it is… good to know,” The man said slowly, a tad dazed sounding and Cody mentally sighed as he was reminded that this man was once part of the Jedi order, would have gone through the same thing Obi-Wan had at some point. Hell, Cody had discovered by looking at records that Palpatine himself had requested Dooku many times prior to his departure. “It also makes my job a tad easier.” The Count continued, oblivious to Cody’s knowledge and thoughts.

Rocking on his heels, Cody frowned slightly. “Your job?” He queried, mentally wishing for a large cup of caff, the kind with frothy blue milk in it and caramel syrup that Obi-Wan had given him on late night report work.

“Several leading members of the CIS wishes to speak with the new leadership of the Republic,” Dooku waved a hand. “They see the chance for more… equitable treatment now than before under new leadership.” He explained steadily, as if he moments before hadn’t been indicating the generational long abuse of the entire Jedi order, himself included.

This should surprise Cody but somehow… it didn’t.

Dooku had always been a calculated man in public from what Cody could tell, so that he could shuttle his emotions… well, it made sense.

But the CIS leadership wanting to talk to Cody… now there was a surprise.

Frowning faintly, he nodded slowly. “I see…” In a way, it made sense, new leadership, new chances after all and the CIS wanted equality for the outer and mid rim planets from the start. Unconsciously, Cody’s hand rose to rub his chin, Dooku watching him with curious eyes as the trooper, the leader in front of him, mimicked the gesture of his grandpadawan. If he had watched Dooku instead of thoughtfully staring slightly down, he would have seen the older man’s lips twitch in a faint smile at the gesture.

“I feel it fair to warn you, Vod’alor,” Dooku suddenly interrupted the others thought process, Cody’s head jerking up to look at him. “Not all wish to, they will continue to fight and Grievous… he listens to no one. He wants to maim and he still wants to bring down Jedi.” Count Dooku stated seroiusly.

Okay, that did not surprise him but… “Why are you informing us?” Cody frowned at him.

Holding out his hands as if in surrender, Count Dooku gracefully shrugged. “To show my sincerity with this offer. I am merely the messenger for the other planets that do wish to speak with you. And Grievous is a lose canon… I worry for what he might do to certain… members of my lineage.” The words were uttered steadily in a cold tone, as if unconcerned.

But Cody got it.


Grievous always tried to murder Obi-Wan and the realization hit deep and hard as he stared at Dooku. “…You do realize that if any of the Senators of the CIS were involved wi-”

“If you think I let them live long,” Cody was interrupted, Dooku’s lips twisting. “Then you’re more foolish than even Skywalker.” He drawled arrogantly, cocking his head.

For a moment, Cody wondered how much of that arrogance was a cover, a protection from the old hurts of the past.

Then he discarded the thought and nodded slowly. “I did notice there was some… missing members.” He smirked.

Cody got a smirk in return, Count Dooku shrugging slightly. “…They shouldn’t have touched the Order.” Was all Dooku said. The unsaid ‘they shouldn’t have touched my linage.’ Was in there somewhere.

To that, Cody had nothing to say. The two leaders of each factions continuing to make arrangement for later discussions, involving the leaders of the planets under the CIS that wished to speak.

For DangerousGalaxy, how do the meeting with the Council go? And do Cody and Obi-wan get a chanse to talk about, well, them?

Feeling himself flush as the entire council stood and bowed to him, Cody cleared his throat a tad nervously and lifted his hands. “Please, you don’t have to…” He trailed of, uncertain how to word himself only to relax when the Jedi exchanged quick looks and sat down in their chairs.

“Thank you for agreeing to see us, Vod’alor Kote, we understand your time must be… limited and that you were injured in the coup and therefore recovering.” Master Windu started, watching Cody with clear, brown eyes.

He looked rested.

They all did, slightly concerned but actually rested, the dark circles around the eyes many of them had sported easing with General Koon looking so relaxed in his holo from the ship above Coruscant. If Cody was to take a guess, Wolffe and the boys were taking good care of their buir.

Not that Cody was surprised really, Wolffe had practically been foaming around the mouth for a month now, after finding out how Plo had been hurt by Senators and Cody was willing to bet there were injuries and incidents the other wasn’t aware of… yet.

They would try to dig, so they knew how to help.

“Of course, Obi-Wan said that there were…concerns among the Jedi. I was more than willing to lay those to rest if I can,” Cody raised a hand to his chest, bowing slightly. “And I am in debt to the order for sending a healer my way, my CMO was quite insistent in drilling in that if it weren’t for them, I wouldn’t be seeing or hearing so well.” He smiled reassuringly.

He got a small, pleased smile from a few of them and Cody had to tell his heart to still at the sight of Obi-Wan’s soft smile at him.

“Right you are, concerned some of our members are,” Yoda finally croaked, sitting up a bit in his chair. Stars, the old man looked his age and yet somehow like the burdens of several lifetimes had been taken of his shoulders today and Cody felt his heart go out to him. “Hoping to lay them to rest we are, with your answers.” He continued, unaware of Cody’s thoughts.

It can’t have been easy for the old man, being unable to protect generation after generation of Jedi, to see his own padawans walk into the Senate, to know the younglings he was teaching might one day be in the Senate at the mercy of a Senator.

If he could lay the fears of the Order to rest, then by the Prime’s bones, Cody would. “Please, ask me anything that concerns you and the Order. I will answer.” He promised quietly, hoping his sincerity reached them despite the shields he knew to keep in place.

Wouldn’t do for Obi-Wan to realize his feelings after all.

Several council members traded glances but Cody kept his eyes on Yoda and Windu, focusing on the latter when he leaned forward.

He was honestly a bit grateful the master of the Order would stand for the talking. Yoda’s way of speaking was sometimes confusing and always headache inducing for Cody. “There has been questions raised about our… service to the Senate, now that you and the vode are in charge.” The man slowly stated and Cody had to fight not to curse or clench his hands. This was the council yes but the last thing he wanted was to scare these people, especially when he took note of Billaba’s robe being pressed in even if he couldn’t spot anything that should be doing it.

He imagined her young padawan, her son, was pressed to her side and listening, being edited out of the holo, likely by her own men.

Cody didn’t want to scare the youngling at all and he could understand that the order was leery and confused.

“Discontinued, any Senator that tries to request any of you are to be denied and reported to either a liason of the vode or directly to me.” He answered swiftly and grimly.

Instantly, several council members eased up, looking at Cody with undisguised hope. “Reported?” Windu continued, his hands clenched between his knees. He looked like a man that didn’t want to dare hope.

“The Senators have been told, in no uncertain terms, that any requests for…” Cody had to clench his teeth together for a moment, his fists gripping so hard they could all hear the plastoid creak before he managed to calm himself. “Personal meetings with any Jedi are to be preformed with at least two vode in the room and any found to be requesting… service, will find themselves put on a closed trial.” He stated darkly.

Actually, most of that was true, except for the closed trial part. Cody had made it clear to anyone with a history of requesting Jedi, that he would have them executed for rape, coercion and for the worst of them, torture.

That’s what Cody saw some of these karking kinks as, torture.

If you had consensual agreed to it, then sure, that was up to you and your lover but the Jedi had never consented to any of this. So yeah, Cody had made that clear.

Several Jedi slumped, Cody pretended not to see Ti desperately wipe at her face or how Fisto’s tentacles were quivering quite obviously as he stared at his own hands in his lap.

He did take the chance to glance at Obi-Wan, finding him smiling at Cody with wet eyes, full of gratitude and relief.

Moreover, looking at Yoda, the man slumped into his chair with his clawed hands pressed to his chest… well, Cody could only imagine the relief the Jedi council were feeling.

So he took a step forward, standing in the middle of the room, making sure he had their attention as he spoke again. “They will never again touch any of you, no one on Coruscant will. The vode won’t allow, I won’t allow it. You will never be subservient to the Senate in such a manner, ever again.” He promised fervently.

Never again, so Cody swore on his own life and the lives of his brothers.


Vod’alor = Brother’s captain (Siblings captain doesn’t roll quite as nicely. That’s the only reason its brothers)

Kote = Glory (many think this is suppose to be Cody’s name, felt appropriate to use here, as a ruler lol)

Buir = Parent

dangerousgalaxy. The senate is trying to use the clones the same way they use the Jedi now? That isn’t going to go over well. If they weren’t already angry enough to do something, they would be now. The guard is probably getting the worst of it, being the most visible to the senate, and the more famous units. How is Fox doing with this news? What about Rex and Bly?

Lowering his pad slowly, Cody stared at Helix, wondering tiredly how much information like this he could handle before his heart burst. “I’m sorry, what did you say?” He stated quietly.

“Chlamydia,” Helix repeated, sounding equally tired. “I got ping in my reports today, got confused for a moment since none of the other medics had logged anything about the vode but then… I noticed it was from the temple.” He rubbed his hand tiredly over his face.

Sitting back in his chair, Cody ran his hand over his face too.

Obi-Wan had chlamydia, his stint at the Rotunda had left even more marks than the visible ones. “…So that’s why I haven’t heard from him or seen him.” He whispered quietly, wishing more than ever that he could just… take a break.

But he couldn’t.

They were SO close.

So close to their goal, everything was in position, all the troopers on Coruscant had gone through the nanobot treatment and the ‘blanket’ was almost done.

When their operation went down, the slicers of the troopers were going to be set in motion, making it a blackout for all information to and from Coruscant, to avoid any senators sending of information or calling for aid.

Or for certain people to activate the clone chips of those that had yet to have it deactivated.

It didn’t change his desire to be able to take a break and go see Obi-Wan though, sit with him, have tea maybe.

‘Tea and hot scones… when this is all done… when… when the coup d’etat is done…’ Cody turned his head to look longingly at one of the floating gardens of Coruscant. Wrapped in a little protective bubble, clean and fresh with trees and plants and some of them even had running water.

He wanted to take Obi-Wan to one, sit with him in quiet peace, promise his Jedi safety.

Promise the entire order safety.

Sit with Obi-Wan with quiet calmness around them, fresh scones from one of Coruscant’s upper bakeries and tea and caff respectively for each of them, being able to relax for once in their damn lives.

And Cody also wanted the satisfaction of knowing he provided Obi-Wan safety. Perhaps a tad selfish of him, but his Jedi meant the world to him, to the entire 212th and Cody wanted the other to feel secure.

Especially on the planet where his home belonged.

To know that Obi-Wan could come and go without worry of being violated, of catching the eye of some sleazy Senator. That Obi-Wan could feel secure and happy that Anakin and Ahsoka was safe, that he could sit and read and not worry.

That Cody could sit with his Jedi and simply… exist.

‘…But not yet. There is still much to do before I rest and so little time.’ Cody turned his head back to Helix. “Alright, so we know why we haven’t seen our Jedi again, he’s likely resting and we know antibiotic messes with his systems,” Cody and Helix sighed together, equally fond and exasperated. “Now, has there been anymore information about the Senators that have started eyeing up troopers?” Cody returned to being the Vod’alor, being responsible and being there for the GAR.

Helix grimaced before nodding. “So far, they haven’t managed to single out a trooper, as far as we know. Fox has ensured that all of his guards are walking in groups of three or four, to prevent them being picked out by anyone with… suspect interests, but I doubt nothing has happened, there’s just too many of us and too many Senators for there to be no incident.” Helix stated grimly.

Cody had to agree to that, nodding slowly. ‘Fox must be very angry, I wouldn’t be shocked if there are more dead Senators now, he’s very protective of his boys.’

Likely, several troopers had experienced the same thing as the Jedi but were hiding it. Cody knew that Fox was trying his best to check with all his men, as were the other leaders but…

Well, unless the victims themselves stepped forward, figuring it out would be hard if a brother was hiding it.

‘But troopers wouldn’t be able to avoid medical help like Jedi do, healing using the Force and such… and vode aren’t meant to be alone. We’re raised together, train together, sleep together… die together. Its going to come out sooner or later, who has been hurt.’ It meant at the very least, no trooper had been injured as severely as the Jedi before had been.

No broken bones or large wounds but there were other ways to harm and hurt a person after all.

Cody once more glanced longingly at the floating garden closest to the barracks.

He had often felt that it was a deliberate taunt.

Placing the garden so close they could see it but knowing they weren’t allowed to enter it, not without special permission.

There were many days he wished he could go back to being just CC-2224, when the responsibilities laid heavy and hard, when the death of his own vode hurt just so much.

But in that moment… he wanted to be Cody.

To sit on the grass with a clear blue sky in the distance and Obi-Wan leaning against his side, warm and steady, his breathing slow and his heart calm.

‘…Soon.’ He reminded himself again, shaking himself slightly as he looked up at Helix standing in front of his desk. “I agree. That’s why we have to be ready. Those who have been hurt will need us, their vode, to help and care. Just as we’ve done for the Jedi. Hopefully, they’ll feel more comfortable coming forward once the Senators are dealt with or their natborn officers.” Cody stated calmly, his mind flashing to Tarkin.

Sighing, Helix nodded too before turning his head to look out Cody’s office window too. “…There’s a large, red sun setting,” He stated slowly, frowning slightly and Cody curiously peered at the setting sun too. Helix was right, it was bright red. “…The General once told me, that a red sun setting often proclaimed violence to come in many cultures.” Helix whispered, staring at the sun.

Cody tilted his head.

He wasn’t sure if he believed that, it was after all just a part of the celestial bodies with no thought of its own except for reflecting rays but…

Well, the sun wasn’t wrong.

Violence was coming for sure, Cody knew that several Senators would not be leaving the Rotunda come two days time, several would be ‘accidental’ casualties in the coup. Then there would be those that would fight, many of those would also die.

The memory of Obi-Wan’s broken body in his arms spurred Cody on and his lips pulled taut into a white, bloodless line. ‘They will all burn, I’ll make sure of that. They will rue the day they thought to touch a Jedi.’

“Ah, one more thing,” Cody returned his attention to Helix, the CMO tapping at his thigh plate slowly. “A few of the CIS Senators that we were going to take out are already deceased.” He stared seriously at Cody.

Cody cocked his brows in surprise. “Oh, natural deaths?” He wondered, a tad bitterly only to blink when Helix shook his head slowly, a smirk curling on his lips.

Only one word came from the medic. “Dooku.”

Freezing, staring at Helix, Cody breathed out. ‘…Former Jedi master, Yan Dooku… Oh.’

Dangerousgalaxy is Obi-Wan okay?

Tucking the blanket around himself as he stuck his feet into his slippers, Obi-Wan glanced around his room before carefully getting up. The last few days had not been the best and while unfortunate an unfamiliar it was still uncomfortable to learn that he had contracted chlamydia from the latest stint at the Senate.

‘Thankfully it takes me off the list for a good two week as I recover and take my antibiotic.’ Obi-Wan mused tiredly and a tad guilty as he padded out into the living room, smiling slightly as he took note of Anakin making breakfast while quietly chatting with Ahsoka. “Good morning.” He called out.

Both jumped a tad before smiling in return, though Anakin flickered his eyes searchingly over Obi-Wan for a moment. “Good morning master, how are you feeling?” He questioned, flipping on the water boiler since he was right beside it.

Sitting slowly down at the kitchen table, reaching out to rub Ahsoka’s monterals affectionately, Obi-Wan let out a small hum. “Tad achy.” He confessed quietly. He had long ago learned that lying bold faced to Anakin was a bad idea when it came to any STD’s he picked up.

It generally came back to bite him as Anakin always figured it out.

Anakin frowned but nodded with understanding. “Lets eat and then you can take your medication.” He murmured, turning to turning the flatcakes he was making.

Smiling wryly, Obi-Wan nodded, despite not Anakin looking at him anymore and gave Ahsoka another head rub. Then he got up and moved to make his tea, holding the blanket closed around him to keep warm.

Antibiotic always had a tendency to leave him feeling cold, something about his particular biology the healers said.

As he prepared his tea pot and strainer then poured the water in, Obi-Wan couldn’t help but wonder what Cody was doing.

Every Jedi knew that something was up, the troopers, subtle as most of them were or at least the high ranking ones, had tells that their Jedi could tell.

Everyone, from Mace Windu, to Aayla Secura, could report that something was going on and there were a few common themes. One was that they were all reporting to Cody, two was that it involved the Jedi order and three… the Senate.

The GAR was doing something about the Senate.

Normally, the Jedi would have taken care of that, a threat to democracy and to justice but…

These were their troopers and it was the Senate.

The Senate that regularly abused them, flaunted rules that normally would have gotten them jailed but that they got away with because it was the Jedi order they were doing it towards. Had they been anyone else…

The public outrage would have been tremendous.

But all the Senate really would have to do was to flaunt the old law and go ‘well, they are in servitude to the Republic, how can we not use their services when they’re there.’

Or well, that was what many Jedi feared would happen.

If they spoke up about the treatment happening on Coruscant by Senators… would the rest of the galaxy and even the very people on Coruscant simply… not care.

Just brush it away as so many injustices that happened.

After all, the Jedi weren’t that special.

The people might just decide that as long as they couldn’t see it, it didn’t matter to them and simply keep it to malicious gossip. It was one of the worries of the Order.

Some places didn’t give them even a mediocre of respect, which made negotiations difficult but if they lost even that small silver provided by being ‘warriors’ instead of a monastic order…

“…Obi-Wan, your tea,” A soft voice interrupted his flow of thought, Obi-Wan jerking a bit too, blinking at Anakin as the other peered back at him. “Its been two and a half minute.” The blond clarified carefully, giving him a small smile.

“Oh, thank you Anakin, I was lost in thought.” Obi-Wan smiled back, lifting the strainer out of the pot and putting the lid on.

Giving him a knowing look, Anakin didn’t say anything and simply placed a bowl of bacon down closest to Ahsoka, the flatcakes placed in the middle of the table. Instantly, with a happy noise, the togruta dug into the food, wiggling eagerly.

It made bot holder Jedi smile.

At the very least Ahsoka had a good appetite and they’d best feed her as much as they could while on planet.

Setting his pot down on the table, Obi-Wan collected a banana to slice onto his flatcake, knowing he needed the nutrients.

Bacon was too greasy for him anyhow, he wasn’t a savory and sweet kind, enjoyed them separated if he was honest but at least Anakin looked to be having fun as he added jam and bacon to his own and Ahsoka…

Oh dear, maybe they should have her visit the medics.

Obi-Wan felt his brows rise as she piled a steady amount of bacon higher and higher on her flatcake before folding and wrapping it, grinning almost evilly before taking a big bite out of it, giving both Anakin and Obi-Wan a wide eyed, but happy look over it.

Snorting, Obi-Wan poured himself a cup of his tea, chuckling as Anakin crooned about not being the only one with bad eating habits and Ahsoka trying to kick him under the table.

A small smile curled Obi-Wan’s lips as he watched them. ‘…It would be nice if… every morning could be like this…’ Obi-Wan thought wistfully, bringing his cup to his lips. ‘It would be nice if… if we were safe…’ He glanced to the window of the kitchen, the Rotunda large and ominous in the distance.

DangerousGalaxy- please tell me obi gets a hug or at elast some comfort after what happened. How does Anakin reatc to seeing his best friend beaten to a litteral pulp?

Pressing their foreheads together, Anakin wished he knew what to say, what to do as Obi-Wan shivered against him despite the warmth of their quarters wrapping around them.

Their quarters were always kept slightly warmer than the average temperature of the temple, Anakin’s desert upbringing leaving its mark to the point he preferred it warmer. Obi-Wan had never had an issue with it, wearing less layers inside their quarters if it got hot and therefore their quarters were kept nice and toasty for Anakin’s sake.

But now he was shivering, the two standing in the brightly lit living room together by the couch, pressed together for comfort since he was delivered to the temple by the commander.

You’d think after all these years, first as a padawan and then later as a knight and fellow victim, Anakin would know what to say to the other when things got bad.

But then again, no one really knew how to cope with how badly the Senators treated them, the truth of what was going on behind closed doors.

The Jedi order tried of course, they had healers and mind healers specializing in the trauma and aftermath of what was happening to them and continued happening and some Jedi saw those healers in particular more often than others.

There was a time period that Obi-Wan saw those healers in particular almost once a week, at the height of his popularity.

He didn’t see them now, mostly due to the war making it hard on Obi-Wan to keep appointments and talking through the issues.

Which was why Anakin simply kept his arms loosely wrapped around his master’s shoulders, their foreheads pressed together. Obi-Wan’s arms on the other hand was tightly wrapped around Anakin’s body, his fists clenched into the back of his tunic.

He hated this.

Being so helpless in the face of the pain all Jedi went through, from padawan’s to knights and to masters.

But especially Obi-Wan. Obi-Wan, who was so popular.

At the very least Ahsoka was a padawan, she couldn’t be requested, not yet and Anakin had done his best to shield her, though he had taken notice of several Senator watching her. Sentient that Anakin would make sure were gone before she became twenty.

Well, as long as the troopers didn’t beat him to the punch.

He’d been so worried when the other didn’t come home, had spent hours pacing, at his wits end when he remembered that Cody would help, Cody would be more than willing to help.

Every Jedi knew that the troopers were aware of what were going on, some less or more happy about it.

Anakin knew that many Jedi felt helpless and ashamed, weak in the eyes of those they were suppose to lead in war.

Others however were grateful as the troopers stepped in to help and protect them, telling lies to make them busy when they were requested.

It had not escaped the Order that certain Senate members were dying, some from ‘natural’ deaths seemingly and others the victim of a supposed serial killer, some of them very vicious deaths as this supposed serial killer seemed to be of a sadistic type.

The Coruscant Guards along with the Judaical were apparently investigating it but so far whoever was murdering Senate members were proving to be very clever about it.

Of course, seeing as it was murderers and not just one and they were internal to the case, it was no wonder that the Judaical weren’t making progress.

Anakin half suspected that any of the Judaical that did make progress were potentially silenced in some way.

They, the adults of the Jedi order that was, all knew the truth though, every time it got brought up, every Jedi exchanged knowing looks.

Kark, Anakin half suspected that even Ahsoka and a few of her friends had started figuring it out, mostly due to her knowing Obi-Wan’s schedule and knew he had been with some of those Senators prior to their death.

But they would never reveal the truth about what was really going on, not to the karking Senate, who sent them to Sith hells on the regular and many of them exposing them to it in their offices. No, the Jedi’s inability to say no didn’t mean that they had to be honest with the snakes in the Senate.

So, they kept the secret, leaned into the embraces of the troopers and trusted them where they couldn’t trust the majority of the Senate.

Only a few were willing to really stick up for a reformation on the way Jedi answered to the Senate and it wasn’t enough to make a true change, especially as many of those that were willing to stick up for them were often mid or outer core planets.

The core planets were unfortunately chalk full of Senators that felt quite content to abuse the Jedi’s inability to say no.

People like the one that had Obi-Wan this night.

The fact that there were still marks left on Obi-Wan, the faintest trace of swelling and a limp to his step…

It told Anakin everything he needed to know, that Obi-Wan’s night had been rough and difficult when even Helix couldn’t help him fully and Cody couldn’t deliver a wholly hale Obi-Wan back.

Rocking the two slowly from side to side, Anakin shifted his hands slowly to rub at the others back, feeling the other relax into the touch. “I-”

“No.” Obi-Wan shook his head as he interrupted, breath hitching a bit, the older man clenching his eyes shut as he tightened his grip almost painfully on Anakin.

The reaction made Anakin swallow thickly before he made a soft noise of agreement.

Obi-Wan didn’t want to talk about it, not now, maybe not in a long time and Anakin would respect that, sooner or later Obi-Wan might talk with him about it but for now, he needed more time to process what had happened.

‘My poor, poor master,’ Anakin’s eyes watered, swallowing thickly once more before closing his eyes too, simply standing with his arms around Obi-Wan, rocking slowly, the two wrapping each others in the safety of each others Force signature. ‘I can’t do this much more, please… someone, anyone… please. I can’t do this.’

Soooooo, Cody’s moving the time table up? Is he gonna have a meeting with the CCs and high ranking troopers on Coruscant right now to get the word out?

The room was quiet except for the flickering of the comm unit, every trooper unnaturally focused on the vod in the holo.

Cody had finally called Kamino, getting in contact with Alpha. “Look,” Alpha stared down at his hands, not looking at Cody or any of the other clones as he finally spoke. “You all know that Skywalker and I didn’t have the… best of relationship while we worked together.” He grumbled at a few snorts that echoed through the meeting room.

That was putting it mildly and everyone knew it.

There was a reason why Alpha had not gone with Anakin and Rex had become his second after all. As far as the other troopers were aware, Alpha only respected two Jedi, Obi-Wan Kenobi and Shaak Ti, the only two he had personally interacted with and gained respect with by being at their side.

After escorting Obi-Wan to the temple, leaving him in a shakily smiling Anakin’s care, Cody had returned, calling together the GAR clone command to forward their plans, bringing up his suggestions on how to take out a few of them and asking Fox for suggestion on how to take out the Chancellor as their seconds took charge in the meantime.

Cody could trust Waxer to keep order while he was busy airing his ideas on how to murder the Chancellor.

Depending on when they took him out, they’d have to either make it look natural or make painful, as many wanted to after hearing how Obi-Wan and Anakin had put their trust in the man, only to be gutted.

Cody had also taken the chance to call Kamino, getting in touch with Alpha, since he had put their plans in danger by shooting Burtoni.

He wanted answers, answers he knew he wouldn’t like but he still needed them, so he knew how to proceed.

Alpha ran a hand over his face, suddenly looking exhausted in the blue light of the holo. “…Did you all know he turned twenty that first year?” He rasped out, a few troopers stilling. “That was his first year as a twenty year old Jedi, first year he was unable to say no.” He stated quietly, as if pained by the information.

Rex let out a rush of air as several vode looked at each other with surprise.

Quite a few of them remembered how reckless and angry Anakin Skywalker the padawan had been.

There were still signs of that recklessness and anger of course but it wasn’t as obvious.


It suddenly made sense.

“…During the Seperatist invasion of Kamino, the first one that is,” Alpha stated, voice slow and steady. “There were three Jedi on Kamino. Shaak Ti, Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker.” His voice tapered of a bit, dropping his head to stare at his hands.

In the holo, they could see him picking at the armoring on top of his hand, rubbing at the blue paint on the top. “…They stayed a while.” Rex stated in remembrance, swallowing thickly when Alpha nodded, eyes still trained on his own hands.

“Burtoni was here too, due to the invasion, she hadn’t been able to leave, I don’t remember why she was here though. All three Jedi were dodging the longnecks too, I remember them seemingly disappearing sometimes after the attack, as if they didn’t want to be found.” Alpha murmured with bitter regret in his voice.

A few winced.

No, considering the unhealthy interest the kamioan had in them, no wonder they tried to disappear when the Senator was also there.

No one said a word though, waiting on Alpha to find the words he needed to explain. “Didn’t think much of it at the time if I’m honest… and then Burtoni came looking for them, Lama Su and Ko Sai at her heels.” He gritted his teeth, the sound loud enough to be caught in the holocall, grinding slowly and painfully.

No one wanted to ask what had happened.

They could guess, based on conjecture.

The kaminoans had always been disturbingly interested in Jedi and Force sensitive, they knew that. Hell, there had even been a period where the scientists had tried to replicate Force sensitivity in some of the clones.

None of those batches had come out well.

Of course, they were unaware that there were already Force sensitive clones, it happened among them but hidden from the eyes of the demagolka as the interest was disturbing and the young clones had caught on fast that they did not want that attention.

“She took them away.” Rex stated with certainty and Alpha nodded slowly, finally looking up, his gaze both guilty and angry. It was the helpless sort of rage that every Jedi serving trooper had felt when the truth came out.

“She did and I didn’t see them for four days, not until it was time for them to leave. Skywalker wasn’t moving right at the time, he was so pale and angry. But more than that, he almost looked… scared,” Alpha stated quietly, as if all of Anakin’s behavior in the early war made so much more sense. “Kenobi was almost normal by comparison but… he kept favoring his left side and I don’t know if I’m remembering it wrong but I could have sworn his hair was shorter and he too was so pale his freckles stuck out.” He murmured, as if saying it too loudly was too much for him.

Cody wanted to drop his head in his hands.

Or slam it on the table.

Considering what they knew, he could make a few adequate guesses.

Burtoni had come looking for the Jedi with a scientist and the minister, both Jedi were over twenty years of age and therefore unable to reject any request from a senator that wouldn’t leave permanent marks.

The next time Alpha saw either Jedi, they were hurt, pale and upset.

The longnecks had taken samples, most likely a lot of blood and done test on the Jedi, most likely in a twisted attempt to try and clone them or recreate Force sensitivity in clones.

Maybe other things too depending on what they had done and Cody knew he would have slicers get into the data banks of Kamino to find out.

It was one thing when it was Jango Fett, he had willingly donated his samples to be clone, was paid for it.

Hell, even the clones had some agency over the donation of ther sample, minor but some.

The Jedi however couldn’t say no.

How many other Jedi had Burtoni ordered around when she was back on Kamino?

Shaak Ti was there, stationed permanently.

How many experiments had the regal looking togruta been exposed to, how much blood had been taken from her?

What of those Jedi that came to supervise or refuel?

How many had Burtoni harmed?

“…Continue with the cloaking devise to make it seem like Burtoni is alive, I know its awful, but vote like she would have,” He murmured into his hands, feeling more than seeing Alpha tense up. “We’re moving the plans forward, operation Smoked vermin will be done by the end of the month. Just keep the illusion going for a month.” Cody sighed tiredly.

“…As you say Vod’alor.” Alpha murmured quietly, the tapping of a fist against a chestplate filling the air as Cody sought refuge in the darkness of his own hands.

Just quiet and darkness, just for a few moments.

So Cody is Vod’alor in Dangerous Galaxy? How does that happen? Is it because he took point in protecting their Jedi and the others followed? Or something else? I’m very curious!

Rubbing his face tiredly, Cody winced at how pale he looked in the harsh light of the medbay fresher’s mirror. Hell, he had dark bags beneath his eyes and looked slightly red rimmed, he looked quite the sight and Cody just let out a deep sigh before just splashing cold water in his face.

He hadn’t managed to get to sleep after Obi-Wan was settled, regardless how much he tried and Helix had offered him something to sleep on but…

It hadn’t felt right, to sleep when Obi-Wan had trusted him to look out for his six.

Instead, he had asked for a stim, justifying himself for Helix that he wanted to be awake and aware for Obi-Wan.

It was a bit of a cheap move to pull that one, he knew he should sleep, but with slumped shoulders, Helix had understood and given him one stim, just for the morning, just so he could escort Obi-Wan back to the temple.

Of course, he couldn’t leave without a parting, “As my Vod’alor commands.” The snarky little bastard.


Such a stupid title.

Brother captain.

He grumbled faintly before pressing his forehead to the cool surface of the mirror, wishing he had a cup of dark, newly brewed caff.

As the highest ranking clone, Cody had ended up being in charge of everything, especially since he had been the one to bring in the information about what was going on behind the scenes.

Of course, it was because Skywalker had needed his help but it made the others automatically defer to him.

Cody had been the youngest of the commander class and yet somehow he was the highest ranking of all of them.

Now he had a title that could bring a lot of trouble with it in the future, as every trooper looked to him.

Even Wolffe and Alpha deferred to him and it was so karking weird, considering how frankly horrible and authoritative those two in particular could get.

He wasn’t sure how he had gotten everyone’s respect enough for them to listen to him like this, to follow his orders as they planned for the fall of the Senate, for a coup d’état that they never outright stated who was taking over for the Chancellor they were going to depose.

Yet everyone looked to Cody, as if they knew it be him, calling him Vod’alor.

It couldn’t simply be that he was highest ranking in the GAR.

Okay, so sure enough, he had maybe, once or twice, slammed every commander of the troopers into the sparring mats.

Or maybe a few dozen times…

Okay, so Cody never lost a sparring match, got his nose broken, got a black eye, hell, Alpha had even broken his leg once and sprained his ribs, but Cody still won.

Looking at his own eyes in the mirror, Cody wondered if it was that. The fact that he had every other leader of the GAR yield to him at some point in time and had yet to lose since he was a blueback.

Since he gained his armor, Cody had not lost to one of his brothers.

So maybe that was why he was Vod’alor, maybe that’s why everyone looked to him, maybe it was because Cody showed that not only did he have the skills to backup his actions but also the leadership and had gained the respect of his fellow vode.

It was conjecture at best, speculations.

But it was the best Cody had and with a tired sigh, he straightened and stepped back out of the fresher, settling back down on the bed he had claimed earlier as he looked to his General.

He looked a lot better now, sleeping calmly if albeit a drugged calm.

The swelling had gone down but the bruising on his face was now apparent and Cody felt the bones in his hands pop when he clenched them into fists.

Rex had gotten back to him an hour ago, they had a name now and if it wasn’t for the fact that Cody wanted to stay at Obi-Wan’s side, he might have done something stupid like killing the bastard right at this moment.

But he wouldn’t.

He’d wait a few days, maybe a week and then, when no one could connect the bastard to Obi-Wan, then Cody would take great pleasure in killing the asshole.

A small, dark smile crossed his lips at the thought.

According to Fox, the Senate was growing paranoid, the whisper of a serial killer had started up due to the amount of brutal deaths the troopers couldn’t quite disguise as drug overdoses or natural causes.

But some of these bastard didn’t deserve a merciful death.

Hell, none of them would have gotten a merciful death if it was up to Cody but they couldn’t take out everyone in the same wa-hmm, actually, maybe there could be an explosion on Coruscant.

For half a minute, Cody sat back against the headboard and fantasied about the Chancellor office exploding, grinning like a lunatic to himself as he thought about it.

He’d bring it up with Cody and the others in command, see what they thought about the idea.

Maybe not the Chancellor office in particular but hell, maybe a banquet with certain people in attendance.

Maybe with a few warnings to certain people to not attend.

Either an explosion or a slow working poison that mimicked something natural.

Actually, that latter one did sound like a good idea for some of the idiots and Cody tapped his lip thoughtfully as he glanced at the chrono, mentally grumbling as he took in that it was still four am.

Still three hours until Helix said he could use the stim.

‘Well, maybe we could use a poison that made them choke on their own blood, have their lungs fill up.’ Cody mused to himself, trying to make the time flow a bit faster. He knew there were a few diseases that did that, they could release a false news that there was some kind of infectious disease on Coruscant and that the troopers avoided it due to their helmets filters.

Fantasizing about the demagolka choking to death on their own fluids was actually entertaining and Cody briefly mused on the idea of him becoming a bit sadistically inclined thanks to all of this.

Then he shrugged and tilted his head, watching Obi-Wan, letting the sound of his even breaths calm his own mind.

‘For them, I’ll be anything in this damn galaxy.’ Cody noted to himself, even as he also made note to talk with Alpha-17, because killing the damn longneck on Kamino had been a risk.

What happens next in Dangerous Galaxy??? How does Cody react to a crying Obi-Wan showing up at his door??

When the door opened, Cody thought nothing of it as he lifted his cup to his mouth and looked up, figuring it was just one of the 212th or 501st coming to see them and report. He ended up regretting it though as Longshot and Obi-Wan appeared in the doorway, the former with his arm around the latter.

But it was the appearance of his Jedi that sent Cody’s caff into the wrong pipe, his eyes watering as he hacked and choked despite jumping to his feet, the cup clattering to the floor as he forced his body to obey while making his way over. “General.” He gasped out, both from the shock and his impromptu coughing fit.

Obi-Wan looked a mess, his lip and face was swollen and bruising, his clothes was a rumpled mess and he had not missed that Obi-Wan was limping or the fact that Obi-Wan was leaning on Longshot arm.

And he was trembling.

For all the relief Obi-Wan’s eyes had, and concern at the coughing fit, he was trembling faintly, like a skittish, frightened tooka.

“Co-Cody, are you alright?” The man questioned and Cody had the hysterical urge to laugh as he instead reached out and cupped Obi-Wan’s cheek, hearing Rex quietly comm Helix behind him.

Obi-Wan flinched under the touch. “I think I should be the one asking that sir.” Cody breathed out, staring at the other.

He hadn’t known the other was ordered to the Senate.

He had heard from Ponds what had happened to his General, had known that Mace Windu had been to the Rotunda but no one had said…

No one had seen Obi-Wan at the Rotunda, he thought the other was sleeping in the temple for ka’ra’s sake!

‘But he was in the Rotunda. Someone hurt him. Someone hurt my General.’ Cody swallowed thickly and opened his mouth to apologize, only for Obi-Wan to beat him to the punch as he folded himself down, his aura that usually filled rooms to make him seem so much larger than life to every trooper seemingly disappearing as he dropped himself to Cody’s shoulder with his hands finding the plastoid chest piece to hold onto.

Their General, a cliff in the face of misery and pain, finally broke for the waves as a sob escaped the man, clinging to Cody with the fragility of a newborn skrill pup and Cody felt his heart break, the shattered pieces digging its way around his chest.

From the look on Longshot’s face, he wasn’t the only one as Cody carefully reached up and wrapped his arms around the other man, feeling how he was pressing his face to Cody’s armor.

It must hurt, a faint part of Cody pointed out that Obi-Wan’s face was swollen, beaten for sure and the skin must be tender but Obi-Wan couldn’t seem to get enough of pressing closer to Cody as the commander hugged him, murmuring nonsensical but hopefully comforting words into the Jedi’s hair.

There was a commotion further down the hall, and on instinct, Cody drew Obi-Wan further into the room, rocking slowly in what felt like a useless motion but hoped was helping.

Proved to be a good decision as Helix suddenly arrived, his blacks hastily done up and a medpack in his hands, his hair wild and his eyes wide. If Cody was to take a guess,  the other had either been sleeping or had been having some fun.

Didn’t matter now.

When the CMO’s of the 212th eyes fell on Obi-Wan pressed to Cody’s shoulder, his eyes widened, narrowing and then a cool professionalism entered them in seconds as he took a deep breath.

They all knew how Obi-Wan was, treating him different wouldn’t help.

No, it would make things worse and Helix was doing his best it seemed.

Longshot touched the medic’s shoulder and Cody watched as the vod quickly tied the others hair into the familiar bun the medic wore his hair in with a piece of string from his belt pouch, Helix giving a grateful nod before he approached and gently touched Obi-Wan’s shoulder.

Just as when Cody touched him minutes earlier, Obi-Wan flinched and reluctantly lifted reddened eyes to meet Helix, the medic’s expression wobbling before settling on a gentle expression. “Look’s like you could use a helping hand sir,” He murmured, lifting the first aid pack into view. Something told Cody it wouldn’t be enough. “Would you be willing to come to the medbay?” Helix realized it too.

But was willing to leave the decision in Obi-Wan’s hands.

After the night he had, Obi-Wan needed to be able to make choices and the troopers would make adjustment as needed.

Thankfully, Obi-Wan, after letting out a hiccuping cough, nodded slowly. “Y-Yes Helix, I…” Obi-Wan glanced nervously at Cody.

Settling his hand on the Jedi’s shoulder, feeling a flinch in the other despite Cody telegraphing his movements. “I’ll come with if you want.” Cody stated softly, smiling sadly when Obi-Wan desperately latched onto his arm.

As if to reassure himself that Cody would indeed come.

Shifting closer, Cody raised his arm so the other could lean on it instead, murmuring softly as they started walking through the suspiciously empty white hall, Helix leading them to the medbay.

He gave Rex and Longshot a burning glance over his shoulder, a silent order that both nodded grimly to.

Find out who had the General and find out now.

Because Cody’s priority was right here and now, with Obi-Wan as the other limped slowly at his side, Cody resisting the urge to bridal carry his Jedi and wrap him protectively away.

The Senate was going to burn.

So I’m a slut for angst and I love DangerousGalaxy so here’s a promt for you, if you still take them. If not, please ignore.So… Obi-wan going to Cody for comfort after an «encounter» with a senator that the vode couldn’t prevent. Perhaps he got snagged on after leaving Organa’s office, before someone could get up there to meet and escorts him. And the Guard tries to intervene but don’t wanna risk the senator getting annoyed or angry and taking it out on Obi-wan.And Anakin and the other jedi he’s close to are aren’t at the temple so he goes to the barracks, to his commander. And Cody taking care of him, maybe having a talk and Obi getting to have a good healty cry and sleep (and perhaps a hug and a cuddle. Force knows the man needs some positive touch)

Shivering faintly, his arms wrapped tightly around himself as he stared at his own reflection in the dark window, Obi-Wan swallowed thickly before reaching up to touch the split in his lip, hissing quietly at the pain.

The entire left side of his face hurt so badly and his lower half burned with every step he took but he had managed to ignore it as he moved further and further away from the office.

Until he saw himself in the window, Coruscant at night sprawled wide and neon lit on the other side.

He looked horrible.

Pale, his face red and swollen looking with his upper lip swollen and broken even if the wound had started scabbing over with his robes wrinkled and hastily done up.

If Anakin saw him like that… if the rest of the temple saw him…

Obi-Wan shivered.

It was wasn’t a secret among the older padawans and adults but he knew, had always known, that among the preteens of the order, from ten to twelve, the knowledge was there. An open secret to what really happened in the Senate but they tried to spare their younglings.

It was night now but there were night classes, younglings who were nocturnal, young padawans coming and going because of missions or the war.

Then there was Anakin, Anakin who Padme luckily saved more often than not from suffering in the same way, Anakin, who had thankfully yet to bare the consequences of an unwanted pregnancy and giving a child to the creche.

If he saw Obi-Wan like this…

He was already on edge from the war, Obi-Wan had barely been able to stop the other Jedi before when Obi-Wan was hurt in their duties to the Senate. He wasn’t ignorant that the Senator that had broken his leg during ‘play’ had disappeared only a few weeks later, Anakin playing clueless when asked about them.

Horrible liar, his boy, at least to Obi-Wan, who knew all his tells.

But that boy also knew all of Obi-Wan’s tells most of the time, despite Obi-Wan’s best sabacc face.

He couldn’t go to the temple, not like this and Dex’s diner was shut down for a few days to deal with an infestation on the street, so he couldn’t go to Dex either to ask for bacta.

Swallowing thickly, Obi-Wan’s mind raced as he frantically flickered his eyes over the wide expanse of Coruscant.

But then his eyes landed on another, unmistakable building, one of the three buildings one could never mistake on Coruscant these days.

The Rotunda, the Senate and… the army barracks.

Cody was there, Cody and the 212th.

Cody with his secure grip, Cody, who didn’t ask questions, Cody, who promised security with everything he was.

His feet were moving before Obi-Wan consciously decided on his action, the Jedi moving as quickly as he could without breaking into a run.

He absently noted a guard up on a higher level when he came out into the foyer, the trooper coming to a stuttering still with his focus clearly on Obi-Wan but he couldn’t stop, not when he saw several senators were still around, several aides, many of them pausing when they saw him.

Obi-Wan couldn’t take another round, not now, not like this, not when he felt like he was breaking apart.

And so he moved as quickly as his feet would take him without running, his speed walking getting him to the temple speeder he had parked earlier.

With fumbling hands, he managed to buckle himself up, pain lacing up his spine from sitting but he forced himself to ignore it.

In the blink of an eye he was outside of the barracks, pulling into one of the little used parking spots that mainly Jedi used, a part of him worried about the lapse of time he just had as he wondered if his commander was even awak- “General?” Obi-Wan looked up, shaking slightly as he he saw Longshot, the trooper standing in gray slacks in the doorway, likely having just returned from somewhere.

Longshot eyes widened as they meet his and he stepped out, making his way to Obi-Wan. “I-Is Commander Cody awake?” Obi-Wan questioned numbly, letting Longshot help him out of the speeder, wobbling slightly as the man supported him.

Troopers were safe, Longshot was safe and Obi-Wan felt his eyes well with tears he struggled to beat down.

“Yes sir, he’s doing some paperwork with Captain Rex, said that any vod that needed him was welcome. He’d more than welcome you.” Longshot eyes flickered over him, cataloging everything he saw and Obi-Wan felt wrath and worry echoing through the Force.

He also felt other troopers, curiosity and concern lacing them as they took in the Jedi but his focus remained on Longshot. “Can… would you take me to him? I…” Obi-Wan swallowed thickly. “…I need help.” He whispered, the words feeling like defeat in his mouth.

Longshot eyes however softened, his rage replaced by the urge to comfort along with that worry from the start. “Of course General. We’ll do anything for you.” He stated, carefully pulling him towards the barracks doors, his free hand pulling his comm from his belt.

Obi-Wan stepped into the warmth of the barracks foyer, brightly lit and welcoming to the Jedi and for the first time tonight, felt his worry and fear fade into the ether.

He was safe.

In a previous chapter of dangerous galaxy, you mentioned a feminization kink. Would it be possible to see something where one of the troopers find their Jedi having to suffer that? Like Mace or Kit?

Carefully tucking the robe back around the Jedi when it slipped down, covering him up again, Ponds heart raced as Mace flinched slightly beneath the touch and yet did nothing to try and escape from it.

His General was refusing to look at him, his eyes focused slightly too high up on the wall to be really looking at anything in particular as troopers quickly moved around the office. By the desk, Fox and Thorn were talking in hushed tones with another trooper over the cooling body of a Senator, the senator Ponds had shot only half an hour earlier.

An hour earlier, a panicked comm had come from Hawkeye, the trooper telling him that he’d seen General Windu enter the Rotunda with a Senator, the man’s face the picture of stone as the other man looked smug as he lead Mace through the halls.

It had sent the commander rushing into the Rotunda, wasting precious seconds in finding the Jedi as he traveled from the barracks and then searching through the Senate by asking uppity aides.  

Finally though, after asking a protocol droid in the hallway, he had gotten a lead on his Jedi and who he was with, Senator Dmitri.

Ponds had an excuse prepared and everything for why he was interrupting the ‘meeting’, had everything in place to cover up as he opened the office door and stepped in.

That plan had fallen to dirt as a red, choking haze had enveloped him when the situation hit him.

His General, on his knees in front of the Senator on the couch, undressed from his Jedi garment and yet not nude, the Jedi dressed up in a soft, peach pink lingerie as his head bobbed up and down, the Senator’s hand clenched on top of the bald head.

Mace’s clothes had been on the table, folded neatly, as if a mocking gesture that his normal garment were just there along with a pouch of what Ponds identified as makeup yet to be used.

Ponds had reached for his blaster before either realized that he was there, the haze of realization that this karking hut’uun had his General on his knees in sheer lace because he got off on humiliating the Jedi sending Ponds into a rage he didn’t know how to cope with outside of getting rid of the threat.

Which left them in this situation, Ponds having moved Mace away from the cooling body and him comming the guards for help. He had thrown the Jedi’s robe around him and covered him up as they waited, Mace simply thanking Ponds when the other fetched him some water.

If his complexion was lighter, Ponds would bet that the others cheeks would be darkened with a flush but as it was, the only flush was the others lips, swollen and flushed from what he had been forced to do.

Ponds didn’t regret it.

He would never regret getting rid of a threat against his Jedi.

But he did regret that he came this late, he did regret that Mace was forced to undergo what was clearly humiliating to him.

Glancing to Fox as he removed his gloves and tucked them into his belt, Ponds let out a deep, fortifying breath before reaching out slowly, carefully, grasping Mace hands with his. He held the Jedi master’s hands lightly with his, making sure the other knew he could break the hold if he wanted.

When Mace made no move to break the hold and even tilted his head slightly as if he was looking at Ponds from the corner of his eyes, Ponds started gently rubbing at the others knuckles. “…It will be alright General. We’ll make it alright.” Ponds whispered quietly, pitching his voice low as if to keep the conversation private despite knowing fully the other troopers in the room was listening.

Dark eyes flickered to his face fully, glanced away as if ashamed and then back, Mace’s hands tightening on his.

For a long minute, Mace simply sat there, staring at Ponds.

Then he shifted on the couch until he was facing his commander, leaning forward until his forehead was resting on Ponds pauldron.

His shoulders started shaking as he clung to the trooper’s hands, wet splashes hitting Ponds pauldron and slipping onto the blacks under to wetten it but no noise escaped the Jedi despite the tears being shed.

Swallowing thickly, Ponds glanced up at a distressed looking Hawkeye as he continued rubbing Mace’s hands, letting the Jedi take what little comfort he seemed willing to accept as he processed what had just happened.