Hello! I love your stories so much and I’m so glad I stumbled upon your page! If you are still doing Trauma Breaks All, I’d love to see Obi-wan healing/being comforted by his battalion (cuddle pile!) or whatever you have planned next

Grunting slightly as a wet nose brushed against his face, Cody opened his eyes to a squint to be faced with the black menace Obi-Wan had apparently named Jinn, the dog staring at him in return before laying back down in the same position he had been in last night when they had gone to sleep.

Still staring.

‘I swear, if it wasn’t the General’s, I would have drop kicked that thing ages ago.’ Cody mused to himself as he tightened his grip on Obi-Wan, pulling the man more firmly against his chest.

Don’t get him wrong, he loved animals for the most sake, especially dogs.

But Jinn was uncanny at times, staring people down from the moment Obi-Wan had introduced the dog to him at the temple, sitting silently at Obi-Wan’s side with its head leaned on the Jedi’s leg.

Obi-Wan had explained that it had something to do with his training, the way Jinn was made to adapt to a persons mood, judge them if they needed help and blah blah blah.

Still didn’t make the dog less creepy to Cody.

Even if it did wake him from a nightmare.

Settling his face in Obi-Wan’s hair, Cody pushed away the faint memories of a crying, bloody Obi-Wan in his dream and settled with the warmth of his vode all around him along with his General at his chest.

The man had come late last night, shyly requesting if he could stay over at the 212th assigned bunks.

To stay in the troopers cuddle puddle if they were willing.

It had been such a shy request Cody had almost melted out of his boots while hastily assuring Obi-Wan that he was more than welcome and that the entire 212th would be happy to have him in their cuddle puddle.

Really, he should be thankful to Jinn, he knew the creepy little bugger was the only reason Obi-Wan was comfortable finally leaving the temple. And he was honored that the first place outside of the temple Obi-Wan choose to go was to the barracks, to see the 212th, to get comfort from his battalion.

He had of course been aware that Obi-Wan was leaving the temple, General Skywalker had been quick to inform the entire GAR, the Coruscant Guard in particular, that Obi-Wan was leaving, through some of the less used and almost secret tunnels of the temple that lead into the lower levels of Coruscant to avoid the press still camping on the temple’s doorstep.

It was so that the clone troopers could be on a lookout for the Jedi in case he needed help, if leaving the temple proved to be too much for Obi-Wan and he ended up needing someone to guide him back to the temple or a ride home.

But he hadn’t been aware that it was them Obi-Wan would go to.

It was apparently on the encouragement of the healers, that Obi-Wan try on his own to leave, to go somewhere he was familiar with and felt somewhat safe.

The healers orders were also the only reason Skywalker had remained behind as this was a trial test to see how far Obi-Wan had come in his healing process.

Though when he learned where Obi-Wan had gone, Cody contacting the other Jedi while searching out extra blankets and pillows for their additional member, the blond had gone from tense even in holo form to visibly relaxed, trusting his master into the troopers hands.

So Obi-Wan had stayed the night with them, curled up in the large hall they used for cuddle puddles with mattresses all over the floors and all the blankets and pillows they needed, curled into Cody’s chest with Longshot at his back under a mass of covers, leeching the heat of the people around him with Jinn settled at their heads.

Cuddle puddles were something all troopers cherished, a way to relax and decompress with their vode, to know they were safe and to find comfort in each other. To have their General in their pile…

Well, Cody was beyond thrilled.

Even if he had a nightmare with Obi-Wan in his arms, that familiar nightmare of troopers gunning down their Generals but so much worse with Obi-Wan’s face covered in tears and blood.

Glancing at Jinn, Cody grimaced at the dog. “Thanks.” He muttered.

Tilting his head, Jinn stumpy tail wagged, giving that demented, weird grin french bulldogs seemed to have.

“…You’re still creepy.” He huffed, quieting down as several vode and Obi-Wan shuffled or grunted in response to Cody talking, both dog and human deciding mutually it was quiet time for a while longer.

Trauma breaks all! A fluffy little friend for Obi! For me, having an animal to care about gets me out of bed at a reasonable time and gets me to take walks outside, which is good for my health and mindset. And a pet can be trained to snuggle often, which is just really nice. What new friend does Obi pick?!

Leaning forward on the couch, Obi-Wan frowned slightly as he studied the holo display Anakin had pulled up for him of suitable therapy animals.

Honestly, he was grateful that his opinion was being asked, considering how personal this was and he wasn’t just given one that he had to make space for in his life. But the others were right, a therapy animal could potentially help him quite a bit.

Even just an emotional therapy pet but the healers, when he spoke with them, seemed more inclined to also have a service animal.

To that, they had sent him a list of the different kinds of animals it was possible for Obi-Wan to get and keep in the temple and take with him on missions potentially in the future.

Anakin, when he learned the healers had given him a list, had excitedly pulled up the file and booted it up so they could take a peek at the possibilities.

“I’m guessing anything scaled is right out huh?” Anakin suddenly stated, Obi-Wan jerking to look at his former padawan in surprise. Anakin just smiled at the look. “I know you Obi-Wan, so anything scaled or insectoid in nature would be out from the get go, you don’t mind them but I don’t think you’d want to keep them around you for twenty four seven.” He added calmly.

Flustering a bit, Obi-Wan gave a small nod. “You’re right in that… I don’t mind the idea of an akk hound or so but…” He hesitated, glancing to the small images, shuddering slightly at the sight of a knee height insect that looked a lot like a centipede.

Honestly, Obi-Wan would prefer something fluffy but not super fluffy so… a short haired animal then.

“Cats are hard to train and are limited in what they could be trained in,” Anakin stated thoughtfully, peering at the felines before reaching out and tapping, grinning as he got to the functions and started removing by species the ones Obi-Wan wouldn’t want at all. “But there are a few on the list, so what do you think?”

Letting out a thoughtful hum, Obi-Wan googled a bit at what looked like a small horse before shaking his head. “No, no cats. I like them but… no.” He sighed before blinking and shifting forward to peer at the list.

Anakin paused scrolling, watching Obi-Wan carefully, taking in the interested gaze. “…See something you like?” He questioned softly.

Sucking thoughtfully on his bottom lip, Obi-Wan gave a small nod. “I think so, just… let me read?” Obi-Wan stated vaguely, smiling slightly when Anakin gave an agreeable nod and flopped back against the couch.

After a second of Obi-Wan reading, he felt the others flesh hand come up and slowly rub his back in even circles.

The touch was soothing and Obi-Wan had to resist the urge to just turn around and bury himself in Anakin’s chest, to cuddle.

His mind healer, Dora, had been telling him that the urge to cuddle was quite natural and encouraged him to act on it with those that were tactile in his life, to enjoy what was offered freely since it helped him.

“Humans thrive on touch,” Dora had stated softly, her silver eyes tracking Obi-Wan’s nervous finger movements. “We can become starved of it, leading to health issues, both mental and physical. So please, take comfort in those that offer you touch. Like Knight Skywalker.” She had urged with a gentle smile, her office smelling of vanilla and sugar thanks to her incenses.

‘Reading now, cuddles later.’ Obi-Wan firmly reminded himself even as he leaned back into the touch, Anakin pausing in surprise before shifting closer, his hand going back to slowly rubbing.

Unwinding with the touch, the stirrings of anxiety that had been building in his stomach fading, Obi-Wan went back to reading. ‘Highly intelligent and intuitive, french bulldogs are a small breed that are easy to train and pick up on the emotions of those around them. They handle small spaces with many people and can navigate with ease,’ Obi-Wan re-read before tilting his head, blinking at the dark eyed brown dog with white spots. ‘…It looks like its smiling…’ He noted, lips twitching faintly into a smile.

With everything going on in Tramua Breaks All, the council decide to give obi-wan a soft, fluffy, emotinal support/therapy animal

Pausing with the teacup to his lips, Obi-Wan slowly lowered his cup to stare at his hopeful former padawan before looking to Adi and Plo on the other couch across the caff table. “I’m… I’m sorry, what?” He stated unsurely. He certainly hadn’t heard what he thought he heard.

“A therapy animal,” Adi murmured, smiling faintly at him with her hands settled in her lap, having rejected the offer of tea earlier. “The healers and the council has considered the impact it would have and if you are open to it, it would be beneficial for your further healing.” She explained.

Glancing between the two fellow council members, Obi-Wan eventually turned his head to look at Anakin.

Instantly, the blond shifted out of the armchair to sit beside Obi-Wan on the couch. “I was looking over it too, there’s lots of different therapy animals, they help people cope,” Anakin explained, showing the had he had brought with him. On the pad, there were different animals from akk dogs, normal dogs to felines and even a rat. “Master Plo and Gallia approached me since I was already researching it.” He explained.

“You… were?” Obi-Wan blinked.

Smiling sheepishly, Anakin lifted the pad a bit before dropping it back on his lap. “They help with anxiety, depression and so many other things. And there are some that help you keep to routines or even seizures and honestly, those that have them only have praise for their therapy animals.” He explained.

Shifting a closer to Anakin, Obi-Wan peered down at the pad to take in all the animals, holding his cup tightly.

It was a bit… overwhelming.

The idea of having an animal, something he’d have to take care of and Obi-Wan swallowed thickly. What if he couldn’t, what if they got sick or injured or… or even died!?

A flesh hand gently covered his wrist and Obi-Wan looked up quickly, swallowing as he found Anakin staring at him sympathetically. “You don’t have to pick right now. Or even decide that you want one. You can say no.” Anakin stated quietly.

“Yes, as Knight Skywalker says, you do not have to agree to this,” Plo leaned forward. “We want your best Obi-Wan and your well being and health is our primary concern. So do not rush.” the kel dor stated quietly.

Adi nodded seriously, watching him with a small furrow between her brow, clearly worried about him.

He was making his issues other people’s burden once more and Obi-Wan glanced down at his now chilled cup of tea. “…I’m just not certain I… that I have the headspace to care for an animal.” He quietly admitted, rubbing at the rim of his cup with his thumb.

Anakin squeezed his wrist gently. “And you don’t have to decide for one right now. However, if you do decide to get one, I’m right here to help you,” He stated seriously and squeezed his hand with care before lifting the pad once more. “And there’s a lot of options that could help you. Animal’s don’t care or judge Obi-Wan, they love without compromise or judgment.” He murmured.

‘Without… judgment…’ Obi-Wan slowly lowered his eyes to the pad once more, setting his cup on the table to take the pad while nibbling his lips slowly.

There were a lot of animals just as Anakin said, fuzzy, scaled, hairless and so on.

‘I don’t have to decide now, I can think it over and… and maybe read a few articles too about it… if I give it serious consideration then Anakin won’t be on my case.’ Obi-Wan scrolled slowly, missing the pleased looks the three other Jedi exchanged over his head.

Maybe Ahsoka asks Bariss for some tips for dealing with Obi-Wan’s agoraphobic-like behaviors in Trauma Breaks All? Maybe they have Dex take-out in the 1000 fountain room?

It had been Bariss idea.

Ahsoka wasn’t sure what she’d do without her friend and all her helpful suggestions but she was totally going to use her next stipend on some millaflower tea for her.

“If Master Kenobi finds himself nervous at the thought of leaving his quarters, then make it safe for him. Take him a place in the temple first that you know won’t upset him and make it safe. He’ll only recover if he starts slowly getting help but part of getting help is also getting comfortable leaving his quarters again.”

Bariss stern voice had repeated for Ahsoka and after a day of thinking about it, Ahsoka had an idea and she had shanghaied Skyguy into it.

Anakin in turn had gone out of his way to fetch both Cody and Rex, people that were on Coruscant that weren’t busy and Obi-Wan knew and trusted with the lives of Anakin and Ahsoka, lives he put as precious even when he didn’t care for his own.

And while he fetched them, Ahsoka called Dex.

Now, Dex didn’t technically do take-out, though there were people who’d order at his diner and take the food with them in prepared boxes Dex had stashed under the diner counter.

But for Obi-Wan?

Yeah, Dex personally came to the temple with said boxes, the large diner owner slipping past the clones easily when Ahsoka called out to him, letting the troopers know that Dex was invited compared to the journalist camping on the temple doorsteps.

Dex easily handed over a large bag of takeout, one of his large hands coming up and rubbing between the tips of Ahsoka’s montrals, a worried smile under his bushy mustache as he greeted her.

On the house the besalisk had insisted, waving both of his left arms as Ahsoka fumbled for her credit chip. “Just tell Obi-Wan I said hello. And tell him I hope he enjoys the cake.” Dex boomed before hurrying back down the stairs, needing to return to his busy diner as it occurred to Ahsoka that he must either have called in a favor from someone to watch over it or actually shut down his diner for a few hours to deliver the goods personally.

Obi-Wan had good friends, friends that were worried.

Finally, things were ready.

She had picked out the Naboo garden, laid out a blanket, got the takeouts out and then sat down to wait, wiggling slightly on the blanket as she waited.

It felt like forever until she finally saw them.

Anakin in the lead, holding Obi-Wan’s hand with Rex and Cody following up the back. Obi-Wan was actually presentable, his hair had been combed back and while he wasn’t wearing the full Jedi apparel that he usually did, he was still wearing clean leggings, a sleeveless black shirt with a high neck and a sash around his waist with his belt and lightsaber hanging on.

He didn’t look too certain though, brows furrowed as he clung to Anakin’s hand, often glancing behind him at the two troopers before looking back to his former padawan, but when he saw her, his face lit up with surprise.

And when he saw the takeout containers…

His face transformed, the furrow falling away as a soft, surprised smile instead took its place as he was lead through the tallish grass until the four human males were standing at the edge of the large blue and white blanket.

“Ahsoka, what is…” Obi-Wan started, looking down at her with light bafflement and quiet delight in his eyes.

That look, even just the smallest glimmer of happiness, was enough to make Ahsoka’s work all worth it. So she beamed up at him. “I figured since we were in the temple, we could have a picnic, my clan had them all the time in the creche,” She chirped, pulling over the basket with drinks in it to pull out the thermos of tea. “I missed it.” Ahsoka shrugged, her lekkus twitching.

It wasn’t a total lie but she also knew that she was emotionally manipulating her grandmaster at the same time, pulling the childhood card as she was.

But Obi-Wan didn’t seem to realize that as his face softened even more, the man slowly settling down on the blanket, kneeling as he accepted a mug of tea from her, sniffing at the content.

Considering the first time she brewed tea for him, she managed to somehow turn it into an acidic experience, she didn’t blame him and she beamed when he took a big sip of the tea.

Anakin in the meantime flopped down on the blanket without a care, laughing as he laid on his stomach, taking up almost half the space by himself. “And you even conned Dex into giving you food. I swear Snips, you get snippier every day.” He remarked, playing along with the ‘spur of the moment’ picnic.

“So this is Dex diner food?” Cody questioned as he settled down beside Obi-Wan, settling in lotus position with Rex dropping down beside Anakin, an equally curious expression as Cody as they peered at the containers.

Obi-Wan visibly perked up at that, grabbing one of the containers while setting his mug down. “Yes, I meant to take you there but… well this is just as well, this is one of my favorite dishes actually.” Obi-Wan remarked, shifting closer to Cody while popping the lid off.

Ahsoka absently noted Rex resting a hand on Skyguy’s back but her focus was trapped on Obi-Wan, watching how content he looked to be showing Cody the food he liked, a spicy but sweet noodle dish with chicken and vegetables in it.

He was smiling and that made something inside of Ahsoka ache with joy and pride that her plan was working out.

Because Obi-Wan wasn’t looking around like a scared tooka or sitting quietly. He was engaging, smiling, eating and when one of the many temple tookas came over and Obi-Wan feed it a piece of chicken with a wide smile, Ahsoka knew it was a success.

Ahsoka was totally going to buy Bariss two bags of millaflower tea.

Can we see more Trauma breaks all? More hugs for Obi, please, because boy needs one

When Ahsoka had been assigned to Skyguy, she hadn’t known what to expect.

She had known that Yoda was honestly tricking the two Jedi, that Master Obi-Wan had been the one that expected to gain a padawan and Anakin hadn’t been prepared at all. She knew that things weren’t going to be easy.

But they had figured it out, found a rhythm and she had come to adore both of her masters.

Even if it was unofficial, everyone knew that Obi-Wan was her master almost as much as Anakin was.

And while in the start she had wondered if she’d ever get as close to her masters as Skyguy and master Obi-Wan was…

Well, she had never wished it as much as now as she watched master Obi-Wan slowly make himself a cup of tea, his entire demeanor seeming fatigued and overburdened, as if he had finally hit some invisible wall and could no longer pick himself up. ‘Or maybe… maybe its that he’s not hiding it anymore.’ Ahsoka’s mind piped up.

Both thoughts were depressing and Ahsoka wished she could do something, anything.

Anything but watching her grandmaster standing in the kitchen in his pj’s alone, his hair clearly bed ruffled and his hands shaking despite it being two pm, looking like he had just woken up and was only now getting out of bed.

She knew why of course. Anakin had spoken with her on the list of symptoms Obi-Wan had and she could recognize some of it from her classes.

He had depression at the very least and PTSD and it wouldn’t shock her if he also had anxiety and maybe even a touch of agoraphobia, seeing as Obi-Wan looked nervous anytime anyone spoke about leaving the quarters and even the temple at all.

The latter had actually been Barris who suggested, Ahsoka choosing to vent a bit to her friend on her own worries about master Obi-Wan.

And if Ahsoka was to speak bluntly, it wouldn’t shock her if he was worried about going outside of the temple, considering the war was outside of the temple. He would have to leave it to come face to face with it.

If he stayed in his quarters, then he could… well not ignore it but he wouldn’t have to be face to face with it.

Ahsoka understood that, even as it made her worried about him.

What could she do to help him though?

She wanted to help, but she was just… wait…

Blinking, a thought struck Ahsoka and before she could think too deeply about it, she crossed the floor quickly until she was beside the other, watching him pull his tea infuser out of the cup to place in the sink.

He jumped a bit when he noticed her beside him. “Ahsoka?” He murmured, a tad confused as he glanced to the couch. Obi-Wan hadn’t noticed her come over, clearly focused on his task. “Is there somethi-” Obi-Wan’s words cut off as she wrapped her arms around his waist, pressing her head to his shoulder.

He was stiff in her arms, and she wondered if she had made a mistake, panic growing only to breath out when he suddenly went lax, turning slightly in her grasp to hug her in return. “Just… thought you needed a hug master Obi-Wan.” Ahsoka whispered, deciding to be honest. “You just looked like you could do with a hug.” She peered up at him, noting that she didn’t have to look up as far as she had when she first became a padawan.

To her relief, Obi-Wan’s eyes turned from confused and worn to something softer and even better, a genuine if tiny smile crossed his face. “That so… well then, thank you Ahsoka. A hug is very nice, especially from you, dearest ‘Soka.” He murmured.

Ducking her head and hiding her face against his shoulder, Ahsoka made a low, relieved noise, clinging to the human.

She didn’t think hugs could save him or heal him, but maybe they could help him?

She hoped so.

She really did want to help her grandmaster so if this was all she could do, then she’d hug him every day as long as he wanted it.

Ahsoka would help him get better if it was the last thing she did in this galaxy.

In Trauma Breaks All is possible to see how the Senate is reacting? Or maybe see Obi-wan interacting with his friends or meeting with a jedi healer? Maybe Mace revealing his own feelings about how this is all happening to Ponds or one of his other clones, feeling to guilty to talk to another jedi? Maybe some protective Anakin or some jedi telling off the media for trying to hound Obi-wan? I don’t know I really just like Trauma Breaks All, all of your stuff really, I hope this spawns some ideas.

Waving lightly as Ahsoka sent him an uncertain, concerned glance,
Anakin just pressed assurance along their bond to make sure Ahsoka
didn’t feel too bad about going with Barris and the other padawans.

make sure that she did go.

would be better if she didn’t just drop in on Obi-Wan, Anakin had
let the troopers in earlier but that was because he wasn’t
comfortable leaving Obi-Wan fully alone even though he was sleeping.

wake before Anakin came back from helping Ahsoka in the salle and
speaking with the council.

Ahsoka eased up a bit and turned, following Barris with a bright
smile on her lips.

It was
enough to give Anakin some peace as he opened the door and stepped
in, giving Cody a greeting as the man stood at the end of the couch.
“Where did the others go?” Anakin glanced around, taking notice
that Rex was the only other trooper in the quarters, washing some

“Longshot, Killer and
Gregor went back to the barracks.” Cody stated, glancing at the
couch and then back to Anakin.

‘Aaah, they went to
inform the rest of the troopers.’ Anakin made a humming noise of
understanding, settling his boots aside and coming over, moving
around Cody to give Obi-Wan a smile. “Hey there master.” He
stated happily.

“Hey…” Obi-Wan
returned, curled up under one of the warm fleece blankets they had
bought when Anakin was still young, green with shaak on it and from
what Anakin remembered, extremely comfortable.

His smile dropped a bit
when he noticed Obi-Wan avoiding his eyes, Cody tensing slightly
beside him with some uncertainty in the commander’s Force aura.

about in confusion, feeling the tension in the air, Anakin kept his
face as calm as he could even as he inwardly puzzled out what was
going on.

then he took note of the abandoned cup and plate on the table, orange
peel still on the plate and it hit him.

hadn’t moved from the couch since he woke up most likely.

wasn’t feeling good, his mind was a fucking war zone of it’s own.

He was
still wearing his sleepwear and a robe that Anakin would bet that
Cody had helped him into, either him or Rex and the blanket covering
the other was most likely courtesy of one of the troopers too.

Obi-Wan was ashamed of himself, avoiding Anakin’s eyes as he played
with a thread of the blanket as Anakin took in the Obi-Wan’s

he had just been laying on the couch, most likely had only eaten when
prompted by Cody.

the troopers themselves were tense because they didn’t know how to
respond to the situation and weren’t sure how Anakin would respond.

sighing even as he knelt down, Anakin reached out and covered
Obi-Wan’s hand with his, ignoring the little flinch as he instead
smiled gently. “Obi-Wan… please look at me,” He whispered,
keeping his tone at his softest to make sure Obi-Wan didn’t read
something into his words that weren’t there, waiting until
hesitant, green eyes found him. “It’s alright.” Anakin
stated, taking on a slightly sterner voice.

bloomed in green eyes even as Obi-Wan swallowed. “I…”

Obi-Wan’s hand, Anakin smiled. “You’re having a bad time and
that’s alright Obi-Wan, you’re allowed to take a break and just…
lay there. You might be High General, you are a council member and
you are Master Kenobi, one of the best pilots and strategist of the
order with a silver tongue,” Each title had the other Jedi
flinching and it hurt to see but Anakin plowed on even as he felt
Cody and Rex protectiveness rising. “But you’re also Obi-Wan.”
He tacked on quietly.

blinked at him, eyes wet.

Obi-Wan, who likes to sit and have a cup of tea and a book, you’re
Obi-Wan, who has an allergy to hoi spice, you’re the Obi-Wan who
has a bad day and can be sick… and that’s alright Obi-Wan,”
Anakin squeezed his hand again, feeling a bit unnerved by the wetness
caught in Obi-Wan’s lashes as he stared at Anakin. “You’re
allowed to be sick and unwell, you’re allowed to take a break and

No one
said anything for several long minutes, Obi-Wan just staring at
Anakin before swallowing thickly.

his dry lips, Anakin carefully ran his thumb over the others
knuckles. “So if you need to lay on the couch and not do anything,
that’s what you’re going to do. If you need us all to bugger off,
that’s what we’re going to do and if you need a hug then, Force,
I am more than willing to give you that.” Anakin stated softly,
waiting on what Obi-Wan would say.

away, staring at the abandoned plate and cup, Obi-Wan’s lips
twitched with half formed words as he thought it over and Anakin
could feel Cody and Rex watching, the former standing behind Anakin
and the latter still in the kitchenette.

Anakin’s focus was on the man in front of him because he knew how
hard it was for Obi-Wan to ask for the things he needed.

Obi-Wan looked at him again, swallowing thickly. “Could…” He
trailed off, breath hitching.

Anakin encouraged, squeezing Obi-Wan’s hand again.

shuddering breath escaped Obi-Wan’s mouth. “Could you… sit on
the couch so I can have my head in your lap?” He finally got out,
the words strained, hesitant, as if Obi-Wan thought he was asking for
too much.

he raised one of the most tactile padawans in the temple, Anakin just
smiled and nodded, letting go of the hand. “Lift your head a bit?”
He murmured, sliding up onto the couch and shifting so under the
other’s raised head until he was under, effectively becoming
Obi-Wan’s pillow. “That okay?” He murmured, settling his mech
arm on the couch arm.

Obi-Wan paused before taking a deep breath. “Would you pet my
hair?” Obi-Wan forced out, sounding like he was pulling out the
words with pliers.

nothing, Anakin instead just started stroking his fingers through
Obi-Wan’s greasy hair, ignoring the texture to instead watch as
Obi-Wan slowly, steadily started to relax, the tormented and
faltering man settling his hand on Anakin’s knee.

Cody sat down at the foot end, smiling as Obi-Wan cautiously put his
feet in Cody’s lap, the commander quickly settling his hand on the
ankle, thumbing slightly at the ankle bump as Obi-Wan quietly

exactly healing but at least calming down.

I’ve been binging all your stories for weeks now and I love them so much! Could we get some more traumabreaks all? Maybe some more clones taking care of their favorite, broken jedi?

Everything was red.

was the lips of Satine and the first kiss Obi-Wan had ever gotten.

the color of Bruck Chun, his hair and face covered in his own red
blood as he died as a pawn to Xanatos.

the color of the Melida/Daan teens when he had first seen a fellow
sentient die meaningless death.

the color of the wine he had drunk and been poisoned with to the
brink of his own death.

the color of Maul’s skin and his eyes as they trained on Obi-Wan.

the color of his helplessness as he could only watch Qui-Gon’s

the color of lava that rises around him, Obi-Wan’s helplessness
growing as he looks into awful yellow mixed with red in a face that
is too familiar.

the color of his own body as he scream-”General!” Obi-Wan gasped
for air, eyes snapping open as he stared up into wide, concerned
amber eyes, Cody’s hands on his shoulder as Obi-Wan gripped the
commander’s wrist, blunt nails digging into the armor as Obi-Wan
gasped for air.

amber, orange, black… not red…

Obi-Wan sucked in one deep breath and held it for a second, closing
his eyes as he let it out through his nose forcefully.

forced his breathing to slow down as he repeated the action, still
clinging to Cody’s wrists as the commander held onto his shoulder.

Cody’s grip had eased gently and his thumbs were now rubbing slow
circles on Obi-Wan’s shoulder, the man muttering quiet words in

really but still appreciated until Obi-Wan managed to calm down
enough that his heart wasn’t threatening to beat out of his chest.

Obi-Wan managed to open his eyes to blink up at the other man, a
soft, pained little huff escaping him.

chest hurt from that and if his eyes were a bit wet, Cody didn’t
make a fuss about it.

the man carefully eyed him before nodding. “You with me now
General?” He murmured quietly, only reluctantly letting go when
Obi-Wan nodded and let go of the man’s wrist. “Good, was worried
there a moment…” He murmured, still closely watching Obi-Wan.

Obi-Wan pressed himself up on his elbows, sitting up in bed before
pausing and blinking up at the other man, question obvious on his

wry smile crossed Cody’s face. “We were worried, so we wanted to
see how you were doing. Forgive me if we’ve crossed the line sir.”
He murmured, offering Obi-Wan a hand when the Jedi continued pushing

the offered hand, Obi-Wan blinked at the man in bemusement. “We?”
He mumbled, brain still caught somewhere between sleep and his own
hyper awareness after the nightmare.

that was a nightmare, brought on by old PTSD and pain for sure.

of Obi-Wan was an exposed nerve and there was nothing to shield him
at the moment.

up the night robe, Cody helped Obi-Wan into the soft, beige cloth and
tied it around his waist, making Obi-Wan look a bit more presentable
compared to his striped pajamas. “We as in Rex, Longshot, Killer
and Gregor, we wanted to make sure you were alright and General
Skywalker was kind enough to let us in.” Cody explained, hesitating
before reaching up and finger combing Obi-Wan’s likely messy hair
into a semblance of order.

came to check on me?’ Obi-Wan blinked, feeling a bit speechless as
he stood there, letting Cody carefully fuss over him, the commander’s
brows drawn together in a thoughtful expression as he carefully
continued settling Obi-Wan’s hair before he nodded in satisfaction,
resting a hand on Obi-Wan’s shoulder to gently steer him out into
the living room area of the quarters.

breath hitched.

sun was beaming in through the open window, the scent of tea was in
the air along with some sweetly porridge smell and Obi-Wan could feel
his mouth watering to his surprise. But more than that, no red meet

Good morning!”

it’s good to see you!”

“General Kenobi, good morning.”

a chorus of greetings with white, blue, orange and amber, worried,
relieved faces turned to him, greeting him as Obi-Wan and Anakin’s
troopers gentle concern wrapped around him along with their comfort
at seeing him, Cody’s hand a steadying pressure on his shoulder
that kept him from falling apart again as his emotions went spastic
in his chest again.

Traumabreaksall, how are the other Jedi and clone troopers taking the breakdown of obi wan wherever they are? Are they harassed by reporters and protestors as well?

wasn’t much to do about it really.

sight of General Kenobi crying was not something that could be purged
from the holonet and therefore copies of it circulated the clones
feeds from the moment it was uploaded, all of them treating the clip
with respect as they more than anyone understood the privacy General
Kenobi was fond of.

was no way to scrub it from the wider net after all, so what harm was
it for the clones to see it.

know that someone out there care for them.

they knew it was for them, Obi-Wan Kenobi’s breakdown had been a
long time in the coming but the last push had been the death of one
of theirs, the last push had been Lamb with his bright eyes and
platinum blond curly hair,
the curiosity in those eyes that had endeared him to the General was
forever dimmed.

they knew it.

all, the triggering question had been about the clones and the audio
of the camera had picked up General Kenobi’s muffled voice as he
gave in to the trauma he had been going through.

name on his lips, the audio
of the cam barely picking up on it but just loud enough to make out
the tired, sore sobs and Lamb’s name.

vode knew that many forgot they were really humans and the troopers had a
complicated relationship to the war if they answered honestly.

it, they would not exist, but with it, they went to their death often, their
brothers and sisters went into war and it took
them from each other, ripped them apart and sent them screaming into voids no one listened to.

war was the cause of the traumas they went through, the bone breaking fear, the rapid aging
that many experienced growing pains from, the war could leave them
disabled and senseless, it left them dead
in mass cremation funerals.

even some of their own natural born commanders wasted
the troopers lives on foolish attacks.

consider their lives worth taking a more cautious approach, only
wanted the attack done as fast as possible to save more time so they
could go up against the CIS in another place and try and get another
victory for the Republic.

no concern for the broken and the injured troopers, for the death,
for the empty helmets gathered.

were many who envied the 212th,
as Commander Cody had showed them the memorial room of the
Negotiator, the helmet upon helmet with names, serial codes and dates
on, gently lit candles along with incense floating in the air to give
the room a soft light the harsh lights of electronic could not match.

helmets were clearly scuffed with battle and wear or even broken in halves with their paint
and others blank outside of the names and the dates.

A room
they knew General Kenobi had been spotted in, one of the pictures in
the feed of the man himself in the room, his hand resting gently on a
helmet as he stared at it.

vode knew the General cared, they had seen the copies of the bills
the Jedi was trying to write to ensure the citizenship of the
troopers once the war finally ended and they had seen the pictures of
the memorial room, the image of a grieving man that hit his limits.

they didn’t know what this breakdown would mean for him or for
them, so when General Windu had commed to the barracks, the vode had
showed up in force to keep the public away from the temple, be they there for malice or benevolence.

General cared enough for them to be the final straw that broke him
when his breakdown finally arrived, on public holo tv in full view of
the thousands who had tuned in for the interview of an ‘successful’

they would keep his safety and privacy their highest concern in

weren’t sure what would come, what the Jedi in the temple thought,
what the public would finally settle on though for now it was
curiosity and support as the Chancellor threw a tantrum calling the
breakdown fake.

they knew this, they would keep General Kenobi safe until he was
ready to return to battle with them once more.

Uh oh. That last line in traumabreaksall is more than a bit ominous. Sounds like Palpatine isn’t being nice. I’d love to find out what happens when they reach Coruscant. Do the troopers just follow their General to the Temple and never leave? I’m Plo would get a kick out of that. Thanks for sharing you’re wonderful fics, Moddy!

Thankfully, they get a shuttle line directly to the temple when they
reach Coruscant, not having to take a landing pad further from the
temple where anyone could potentially see them.

means that they can get Obi-Wan directly home and avoid any media or
crowds as General Skywalker had murmured about in worry.

He was

was a large crowd outside of the Jedi temple, with signs though this
time it luckily isn’t a protest against clones and makes Cody relax
as he watches the gathered crowd.

his own vode.

a bit provides him which battalion it is as he catches sight of the
maroon red color of the 91st Recon corps, lead by
Commander Ponds under General Windu.

91st are ground forces and therefore they are also good at
crowd control, so Cody is actually rather happy to see them guarding
the temple in an obvious show of force.

prowling quite clearly all around, keeping the crowd at a distance
from the doors and when they get closer, Cody can see much to his own
surprise, visible Jedi guards, their blank masks and white robe quite
clearly standing in the door openings in case anyone gets any ideas.

let other Jedi and vode pass, sometimes in escort with potentially a
senator or so but no one else gets up the stairs towards the guards.

No one
gets past the 91st.

the Jedi don’t need civilian traipsing around and making a ruckus
in their own home.’ Cody pursed his lips before glancing towards
seats where General Skywalker and Obi-Wan are currently sitting,
Obi-Wan with his head on his former padawan’s shoulder as the blond
runs his fingers slowly through red copper hair.

and gentle, a soothing motion to keep the man distracted.

Cody approves very much of.

needs the rest and the calmness.

the council has some good news.


slowly at the council members, Anakin opened his mouth before closing
it again and shaking his head. “I’m sorry, what?” He finally
got out, staring at Master Windu.

man shrugged, hands stapled in front of him as he sat reclined in the
chair. “Having a major breakdown, blaming everything on the Jedi
order and in particular Master Kenobi since of course, having a
breakdown like that on tv is a manipulation tactic and he’s not
really having a breakdown according to the chancellor.” Windu

his mouth then closing it again, Anakin let out a sharp breath.
“Alright, what are we doing then?” He finally settled on,
grateful that the 212th had made themselves at home in the
temple and had gently guided Obi-Wan away to the healers, Ahsoka popping up to walk alongside, distracting Obi-Wan with temple gossip.

didn’t need to hear this, Obi-Wan needed to focus on healing and
recovering, he needed to focus on himself for once.

not on the fact that the Chancellor was trying to throw a tantrum and
throw the media off his own tail in an attempt to keep a hold on his

is just it, we aren’t sure.” Plo offered calmly, only raising his
hands when Anakin shot him a disbelieving glare.

we intervene, it will be seen as a manipulation tactic, the best we
can do, is leave it be for now and let the Chancellor dig his
own hole.” Windu sighed deeply, rubbing his forehead.

faintly, Anakin pursed his lips only to look up when Yoda spoke.
“Speak Obi-Wan would have to the media if involved we wanted to be,
let him we can not, focus on healing Obi-Wan must. Fragile his mind
is now.” Yoda croaked out.

that… made more sense and reluctantly, Anakin nodded.

wasn’t stupid, he expected that eventually the council would speak
with the media but right now, Obi-Wan needed space and healing and if
they waited, then the media would be willing to take a statement from
any council member, not just Obi-Wan.

I loved the new chapter of trauma breaks all! They should organize a funeral for all the clones who died. Or make a memorial with their names and have a ceremony or something.

against the headboard as Helix took the blood samples over to his
terminal, Obi-Wan tiredly looked up at Cody, the commander settling
down at the edge of the bed to rest his hand on the Jedi’s leg.
“…Did you gather everyone’s helmet?” Obi-Wan whispered

Obi-Wan’s leg, Cody nodded slowly. “Everyone gathered and
accounted for, stored with the others for when you’re ready for the
wake.” Cody murmured quietly, all three of them pausing for a
second of silence before Helix resumed tapping at the keyboard.

out a shuddering breath, Obi-Wan nodded slowly.

had started it in the beginning of the war, as he lost men, good men,
that deserved recognition that he couldn’t bury or burn like he
would for his fellow Jedi in single pyres because the Senate didn’t
‘waste’ money on them.

was all one pyre for the clones.

these wonderful brave soldiers, who died for the ungrateful Senate
and Republic.

Obi-Wan had quietly spoken with Cody, gathering the helmets of the
troopers as the armor was the most valuable a clone had, it was
theirs to modify, theirs to scuff, theirs to care for and so their
helmets was gathered for the last vigil for the lost.

was becoming harder to do though, the storage room in the Negotiator
was getting very full with helmets, all carrying the marks of the men
who owned them and later on, once those men were lost to them, the
names or ID’s of those men were carefully carved into the helmets.

memorial for them.

was all Obi-Wan could give these men who had trusted him to lead them
to victory and life and yet he had failed them.

like he had failed young Lamb.

who was just starting to learn about the galaxy, fascination in his
eyes as he took in information and sensation away from Kamino.

who should never have been on a battlefield at all, too gentle by far
in the Force but with a good grasp of his weapon.

gently brushed his cheek, Obi-Wan focusing back on the moment as Cody
quietly but mournfully wiped beneath Obi-Wan’s eyes, the Jedi
barely feeling the tears leaking down his face. It was clear that he
was rubbed raw by everything but he was a General damn it, it was his
job to… to…

harsh hiccup escaped him, the desire to reach out and wrap his arms
around Cody was there but Obi-Wan couldn’t bring himself to ask or
even reach for that comfort and stability.

for him, he didn’t need to as Cody’s face transformed into
determination before he scooted closer on the bed and pulled Obi-Wan
into his chest, arms wrapped tightly around the Jedi as he tucked him
in and rubbed uneven circles on his back.

Obi-Wan’s ear, an even heartbeat sounded, a steady, comforting
sound as Cody shifted even closer, diminishing the strain on both as
he took all of Obi-Wan’s weight against him with ease.

glad I opted not to wear my armor for once,” Cody murmured, Helix
respectfully keeping his back to his commanding officers. “This
would be awkward if I was wearing the chest plate and all.” He
tried to inject some humor.

fell a bit flat but Obi-Wan still appreciated it as he continued
soaking Cody’s uniform grays darker with tears, a breathy sort of
laugh escaping him as he pressed his face closer. “I’ll pay for
the snot removal, later.” He got out shakily, sniffling sharply
when he felt Cody press a kiss to the top of his head.

didn’t notice the medbay doors opening, nor did he notice the
troopers entering turning on their heel and leaving without a word,
letting the General grieve in peace even though worry was obvious  on
their faces.

opted to head into his office once he couldn’t stay at his
terminal, still working away with the samples he had taken from

that there was much one could do for a mental breakdown though Cody
was hopeful that something could be prescribed for the Jedi.

if not, the vode would be there for the Jedi, as would his own former

the trembling, quietly crying man to his chest, Cody swore that he
was going to look out for this breaking apart man, who had been
pushed to his last bastion of strength and then beyond it.

woe be the one who tries to hurt him now.’ Cody’s eyes narrowed

Chancellor would be weathering the vode’s displeasure if he thought
he could make a fuss about Obi-Wan’s breakdown.