*flails incoherently about Dangerous Galaxy* oh man oh man, that is AMAZING. Cody is FURIOUS. And Longshot, Rex, and Helix are too. Someone’s gonna die for thiiiiiis.How hurt IS Obi-wan? Like, he took a few good hits to the face, and there’s clearly damage from the sexual assault, but what else is he hiding? The way he’s moving and acting it was worse than usual (or what passed for usual in a situation like this) and what ever techniques he usually uses to get through aren’t enough now. Seems like the creep that got to him took out a lot of rage? Bet they blamed Obi-wan for some business that’s going south because of the war or something like that…

Feeling his mouth drop open in shock, Cody stared at Helix for a long moment, struggling before he finally spat out a response. “What?” He rasped.

Grimacing, Helix glanced to the medbed, their comatose General deep breath seemingly giving him strength. “Cock and ball torture, from what I treated, that’s my assumption on what happened, with the swelling and the… the marks.” Helix repeated, stuttering slightly as he grimaced with disgust.

Running his hand over his face, Cody opened his mouth then closed it again, feeling like he had been hit.

Fractured left leg, anal tears, bruising and swelling over his face, rubbed raw wrists and ankles and now this.

When Helix informed him that whoever had their Jedi had used little to no lube and certainly had not stretched him, he thought that was the worst but this was so much more worse.

‘Sadism.’ His mind pointed out, rather unnecessarily.

Cody knew there were people who enjoyed sadomasochism, hell there were people of the other inclination too even, who enjoyed pain and with consent and proper care, sure, that was fine. He didn’t want to know the details but hell, what happened in someone else life with consent was their thing.

But Obi-Wan’s consent…

He swallowed thickly, feeling sick and let out a noise when Helix guided him to sit down on the other bed beside Obi-Wan’s. The grip of the medic’s hands on his shoulder was grounding and Cody forced himself to breath.

He was now grateful that Obi-Wan was in a drugged sleep, Helix having offered it when Obi-Wan curled uncertainly into the crisp bed, glancing around the empty medbay after treatment in a privacy room, Cody holding his hand on the other side of a curtain.

Normally, the medbay would have been full of the other medics and COM’S, brushing up on their skills or helping troopers that had issues that were more chronic, but the medbay of the barracks had been empty when they arrived.

Cody suspected that the news of Obi-Wan arriving had made the entire barracks around and that, as a sign of respect and for the Jedi’s comfort, any unfamiliar medics had cleared out, which seemed to be all of them and supported Cody’s theory that Helix had been sleeping, the 212th medics off duty.

So, for now, the other medics had cleared out.

Just for as long as the Jedi was in house and in need of healing.

Looking to Obi-Wan, Cody let out a deep breath as he stared at the still swollen face of the man as Helix carefully withdrew to check on Obi-Wan. He knew that it would take a few hours before the swelling and bruising would disappear even with treatment but Cody…

The Jedi didn’t deserve this.

The clones didn’t deserve it.

Fox had quietly informed him that a few of the Senators had gotten rough with a few of the shinies on the Guard, so now that was something to be on guard for too. “…One month.” He murmured, Helix pausing in his checks to look at Cody.

The two stared at each other before Helix glanced down at their Jedi, his face tightening before he nodded. “Yes, Vod’alor.” He murmured, his lips twitching with amusement at Cody’s grimace.

A few of the battalions had taken to calling him that lately, vod’alor, as if the title meant anything.

‘Ah, but Mand’alor meant nothing until people were made to respect it, no?’ A voice suspiciously like Alpha-17 barked in his head.

Ugh, he wasn’t dealing with this tonight of all nights and he was almost relieved when his comm rang.

Raising it, Cody felt himself freeze as he took in the number.

Kark, it was Skywalker and Cody glanced quickly to Obi-Wan before answering the comm.

Instantly a frazzled Anakin appeared, Ahsoka peeking around his elbow with wide, worried eyes. “Commander, is Obi-Wan with you?” The blond instantly asked, shifting nervously before looking down at Ahsoka. “He was suppose to… Ahsoka and he had a duel set up on the sky roof but… maybe he forgot it and is with you?”

The Jedi sounded so painfully young that for a moment Cody forgot that technically he was older than Cody. His heart lodged in his throat as he stared at the man, then he glanced to the side again, looking at Obi-Wan’s healing face.

“…I’m sorry sir, but the General was at the Rotunda. He’s here in the barracks now.” Cody stated, tone grim and he closed his eyes when Ahsoka covered her mouth and ducked behind Anakin’s back.

That answered his question on if the commanders knew exactly what was going on.

Anakin’s face fell. “But… he didn’t come home.” The man stated slowly before furrowing his brows.

Then he closed his eyes tightly as realization hit him.

The only reason Obi-Wan wouldn’t return home was if he was injured, if he didn’t want to show his face. “He’s in the medbay, isn’t he?” Anakin whispered.

Unhappily, Cody nodded. “Yes sir. I’m sorry sir.” He whispered, knowing how useless those words were and yet needing to say them.

Anakin said nothing, only ran his hand over his face, shiny nails on display for Cody to see and remember he had an ally in the Senate. “I… just look after him. If he’s not coming here, it means he doesn’t want me to see how he looks. Dex has his diner closed down, he normally goes there when things get… when things are rough.” The blond stated haltingly.

The diner?

Well, the besalisk was friendly, they knew that.

But it was still an odd choice… until Cody realized that Obi-Wan didn’t trust anyone else not to spread gossip and was trying to avoid the temple and in particular Anakin, seeing him in such a state.

So instead of asking questions, he nodded. “Helix has him covered. I’ll stay too,” He promised when Anakin opened his mouth. “I’ll be on the bed beside him, waiting until tomorrow.” He promised the other man.

Anakin shifted before nodding. “Thank you commander. I’ll… see you both tomorrow then.” He whispered, sounding drained and small before he hung up.

Cody stared at his comm link then sighed deeply.

One month.

Just one month.

They’d have to accelerate their plans.

Glancing at Obi-Wan’s face, staring at the bruises and dark marks, taking in the gauze wrapped around wrists, Cody steeled his determination.

One month and the Senate burned.

That fan art by Kyitsya, the one about the separatists capturing Obi-wan, could you write something about that? Something Obikin maybe?

Hurrying through the hall, Anakin could feel his heartbeat in his ears as prisoners ran past him and the troopers in a bid for freedom, a few of them glancing warily at the Jedi and the GAR troopers but for the most part ignoring them.

And Anakin ignored them in return, having been the one to open the cells to cause maximum amount of confusion and havoc for the fucking Separatists to deal with.

He had only one goal.

To find Obi-Wan, the others Force aura muffled and unmoving and so far away still despite Anakin and the troopers with him rushing.

Two months ago, Obi-Wan had gone missing during a battle, much to the consternation of many and the obvious concern of his men, especially Cody as the commander had Obi-Wan’s lightsaber in his hand and had it resting on his belt ever since then.

And yet they hadn’t been left to ponder or search for long before they knew who had him.

General Tavok, one of Dooku’s more rational and cunning subordinates, had managed to capture Obi-Wan and the CIS hadn’t wasted a moment in announcing that to the galaxy at large.

Obi-Wan had looked beaten but chipper, sniping at Dooku with a cocky grin on his lips despite the swollen left eye he sported and the blood staining the left side of his neck and tunic in a large pool that made Anakin suspect a head wound that had bleed freely.

It had been a relief, to see Obi-Wan well despite his injuries on his knees beside Dooku on the podium, to hear him sassing Dooku as he always did on the battlefields…to begin with at least.

But then Dooku had begun his speech, revealing his plan as Ventress had lumbered into view with needle and thread in hand, declaring the Negotiator’s most dangerous weapon was his words, words Dooku was going to have silence to prevent him from ‘lying’.

Anakin had never seen his master react as he had at that moment, the redhead looking like he was on the verge of a panic attack as two other burly men had grabbed his shoulders, holding him still as a rather tall female held his head still for Ventress.

She had smirked at him, as Obi-Wan, wild eyed with his panic, had hissed at her in return.

He would never forget the sounds Obi-Wan made, as the witch had closed his mouth with the Force and tortuously slowly started to stitch Obi-Wan’s mouth shut, helpless and yet unable to look away, his hands clenching and unclenching with Ahsoka staring in horror beside him as her grandmaster’s mouth was sewed shut.

Someone had gagged in the room as Obi-Wan screamed, the sound muffled behind his closed lips as Ventress continued sewing, using double stitches, if it was to prolong the pain or ensure he wouldn’t be able to open his mouth, Anakin was uncertain.

All he was certain of, was of Obi-Wan’s pain, his panic, how blood had started to run down into his beard, how it had dripped from his disheveled beard hair and onto his creased and dirty tunic.

It had taken half an hour for Ventress to finish sewing Obi-Wan’s mouth shut, the woman clearly enjoying the entire process, taking her time, ensuring Obi-Wan would hurt as she used several small stitches before finally declaring herself done to Dooku.

The men had let go of Obi-Wan and Obi-Wan had slumped to the ground, shaking, his breath going fast, clearly still panicking as muffled whimpers and cries escaped him still.

That had been almost two months ago and Anakin shuddered to think what condition Obi-Wan was in, it was why he had left Ahsoka with Rex in the distraction attack outside the city, to ensure the forces would be spread and the rescue team could get to Obi-Wan.

Finally they got to where Obi-Wan’s Force aura was and Anakin felt as if he had been punched as Cody bared orders for the rest of the troopers to set up guard, realizing from Anakin’s actions that they were in the correct place.

But Anakin couldn’t focus on the commander following only a step behind him because this was an isolation cell hall, he recognized them vaguely from his slavery years, having only seen them but never entered them thankfully.

They were used for slaves that didn’t obey, slaves that were to be used for certain purposes that you didn’t want to give lasting damage to and Anakin knew that these kinds of cells were listed on the Sentient rights act as barbaric and against Sentient rights.

He had once thought the whole thing was hypocritical, considering the Senate didn’t reach out to try and disband slavery but at least the Sentient rights act made people aware what was illegal.

Right now, Anakin just wished he didn’t know though as he saw the single shape in the first cell that was simply it with the light from the hallway. “No…” He whispered, stepping in quickly, wincing at the tiny, barred cell that contained only the person it was suppose to house, not a window or a light in sight.

Obi-Wan was laying on the floor, his hands bound together, shirtless and bootless and while he was breathing, he showed no other sign of consciousness despite the light in the room and like this, Anakin could see how gaunt Obi-Wan had become along with all the injuries the other had gained on his upper body at least.

Nausea welled up in Anakin even as he forced it away to drop down at his master’s side and roll him onto his back, the hairs on the back of his neck rising as the older man never made a sound.

Glazed, empty eyes stared back at him, Obi-Wan seemingly not even realizing he was being touched.

His mouth was still stitched shut, the stitches clearly infected and swollen with pus leaking from them, blood crusted in his wild beard with a little tube placed between his lips in the middle that Anakin had suspicions about but wasn’t certain.

His horror growing, Anakin stripping his robe off to wrap around his master. “Obi-Wan… Obi-Wan, please…” He whispered, desperate for a reaction as Cody stood in the doorway, the man’s own horror and helpless rage joining Anakin’s as Obi-Wan gave no response, not even when Anakin lifted the too light form to carry him.

Even a whimper would have soothed their fears.

But the redhead in his arms gave no indication of awareness, despite blinking slowly in the light as Anakin realized what Obi-Wan had done.

Obi-Wan had separated his mind from his body to protect himself. Anakin had learned about this technique a long time ago, Obi-Wan himself teaching him it with a warning about the dangers of this particular act. It was called escapism, diverting your mind from your body to avoid extreme and prolonged boring or unpleasant situations.

Like torture.

The torture Obi-Wan had clearly been subjected to at the hands of the Separatists, maybe to get information or maybe for sick, twisted amusement.

Anakin didn’t know which of them it was but he could see the result as he hurried out into the hallway, intent on getting Obi-Wan far, far, far away from the cell and to safety instead, to the healers as Anakin didn’t dare touch in fear of harming his master more than he already was.

Please tell me Obiwan gets rescued soon in Kyber Tears! Anakin is going to absolutely lose it when they find him, won’t he

Its not Obi-Wan he finds, but Obi-Wan’s lightsaber when the Force finally prods him along after meditating deeply.

But that’s enough for Anakin as he carefully retrieves the lightsaber out of the Chancellor’s desk drawer after he had pried the false bottom out, staring blankly at the saber before slowly raising his head to look at Commander Cody.

The man had stuck to his side ever since the rest of the Jedi had appeared, rightly recognizing that out of everyone, Anakin would be the one to find Obi-Wan’s location. Or in this moment, Obi-Wan’s lightsaber at least, the twin kybers murmuring to each other, soft hope and pain echoing between them.

He already knew it was Obi-Wan’s saber and yet he still lit it up, the soft, off-pink color confirming for Cody too, that this was Obi-Wan’s saber if the hilt alone hadn’t.

Cody was a man for details, hyper competent.

It was one of the reasons he got along with Obi-Wan so much.

Flickering the blade off, Anakin ran his thumb over the hilt while staring at it before slowly looking around the office. “…The Chancellor of the Republic has Obi-Wan’s lightsaber in his office drawer, under a false bottom that I had to pry loose… opinions?” He stated slowly, his voice gruff as he focused on the Commander.

Standing at attention, his arms tucked behind his back in parade rest, Cody’s helmeted face was directed at Anakin but he could imagine the expression beneath it as the other man’s Force aura rolled with wrath, fear and a hurried sense of worry. “That the Chancellor is involved in some capacity,” The Commander answered promptly. “He’d have no reason to hide a lightsaber beyond not wanting attention to the situation sir.” He answered promptly.

A part of Anakin wanted to weep, another part wanted to scream and the third wanted to sigh tiredly because the Chancellor’s interest in Obi-Wan was something he had been disturbed by before. But now…

He looked back down at the lightsaber. “…If I move, you follow. I won’t pause for anything but Obi-Wan.” Anakin stated quietly.

He heard an affirmative but didn’t focus on it, once more develing into the Force, this time with a conductor in his hand.

A Jedi’s lightsaber was alive in some manners, the kyber in them bonding with the Jedi that had them.

But Obi-Wan’s lightsabers in particular had always felt alive to Anakin.

And the moment he delved into the Force, he felt Obi-Wan, sparking, alive in his mind but also hurting, his soul almost fading in and out in the Force.

‘Obi-Wan!’ Anakin’s eyes flashed open, moving for the door on autopilot as Cody followed on his tail.


Blinking blearily, Obi-Wan wondered how he looked to anyone else as he watched Palpatine open the container to the machine collecting his blood.

‘Blood loss would ensure my skin would be even paler than normal, I must also have a darkening around the eyes and I am aware that my lip is split… and then there are the tear tracks on my face and the cold sweat.’ Obi-Wan mused.

It was an odd thing to muse about, maybe a sign of blood loss , as he watched the Sith levitate what must be around a tea cup worth of blood and for a morbid moment Obi-Wan wondered if the other was going to drink it.

“Such precious liquid, just like your tears.” Palpatine mused, his eyes once more lightning up in yellow as he was clearly channeling the Dark, his index right finger extended to the floating ball of blood.

Watching with detached interest, Obi-Wan settled his head back against the wall, too tired to really banter back.

Even the ‘great’ Obi-Wan Kenobi hit limits after all and he hadn’t ate or drank anything since his capture, the IV did not count and neither did the blood he had swallowed when Palpatine had hit him and at least one if not two days had passed since his capture.

He halfway expected nothing to happen only for his eyes to widen when something did.

Every part of what was happening in front of him screamed of wrong as the blood started to glow, the light deep inside of it and spreading red all over the cell, lighting up Palpatine’s face and Obi-Wan’s breath hitched.

He could feel the aching deep inside of him, as if his own body was revolting to the sight of what was happening in front of him.

The pain was spreading, Palpatine face turning gleeful as the brightness of the blood was increasing and Obi-Wan gave a cry of pain, pressing his head back against the wall as it seemed to expand and contract at the same time.

And then he slumped, eyes wide in terror and shock as the blood did indeed become a kyber crystal.

A screaming, dripping piece of black kyber crystal that slowly oozed with blood that pooled on the ground.

“Oh, now this is a beauty.” Palpatine cackled, yellow eyes avaricious and wide, his teeth bared in a facsimile of a smile, clearly marveling at the bleeding crystal floating at his Force touch.

It was so wrong, it was nauseating to even look at what the Sith had in his grasp even without the Force and Obi-Wan couldn’t help but retch, clenching his hands into the manacles.

Palpatine’s eyes flickered to him, a mad smile on his lips. “Oh, don’t you worry my pretty little star child,” He reached out, running his free hand in a mockingly tender touch along Obi-Wan’s jaw. “We will create many more beauties together.” Palpatine crooned sickeningly before laughing loudly, his eyes returning to the kyber he had created.

Kybertears: Well… if there’s no rescue yet, can we at least see what Obi Wan is going through in the meantime?

Raising his chin from his chest, Obi-Wan blinked the blurriness as best out of his eyes as he could.

Not that it was working all that good for him, between the blood loss and the pain currently stealing all his senses in the dark, seeing clear was not something he could hope to do.

And the occasional red flashes along with the beeps, as much as they broke out the monotony, did not count proper light or distraction from his situation.

His mind was buzzing as he squinted into the cell, trying to see anything.

Not that it would help him right now if he could.

Not after what Palpatine had done to him.

Swallowing thickly, Obi-Wan tried to ignore the throbbing in his body.

Not that he really could, the harness wrapped around him to keep him upright was doing a bang-up job of both reminding him and being uncomfortable after all.

‘How long have I been here?’ He couldn’t help but wonder, mouth dry as he smacked his lips together.

He couldn’t tell if it had been an hour, five or a full day?

Maybe longer.

It had to be longer with what had been done to him, Obi-Wan knew that he had passed out at some point and he had woken up in the harness with Palpatin.

The door snapped open and Obi-Wan couldn’t help the instinctual flinch at the light and the shape standing there.

It was Palpatine of course, the man looking… frazzled?

Squinting more at him, Obi-Wan let out a small noise as he stepped in, his robe as fancy as always. “It seems I underestimated just how much young Skywalker cares for you. I may have to move you before I was ready to.” Palpatine stated, almost cheerfully but…

This wasn’t the first time Obi-Wan had been captured, he had seen Ventress stressed and he had seen Dooku stressed.

And while a good actor, Obi-Wan could see the tightness at the corner of the man’s eyes and the way the corner of his lips were twitching.

Laughing breathlessly, even as the man tapped at the IV bag connected to Obi-Wan’s left hand, Obi-Wan gave what he hoped amounted to a smile at the Sith. “Anakin does like to put wrenches into plans.” He rasped agreeably, ignoring the black straps and the manacles keeping him upright, barely seeing them from the corner of his blurry eyes.

Palpatine let out a hum, stopping fully in front of him as he moved down to the display machine and the readouts of his heart, reaching out easily and backhanded Obi-Wan across the face.

Wincing, the taste of blood blooming in his mouth, Obi-Wan sluggishly turned his face back to the Sith while wondering if he should be grateful for the blood moistening his mouth finally, watching dazedly as he tapped at the machine before he checked on the machine pumping Obi-Wan’s blood.

It was enough to make Obi-Wan focus and look down to where his legs were suppose to be.

Where they had been before Palpatine had taken a red lightsaber to both his legs and cut them off at the thighs, leaving Obi-Wan a double amputate.

Looking down past the black straps of the harness holding him afloat at the covered stumps of his legs with the wires full of blood leading from them, Obi-Wan shook before clenching his eyes shut.

He didn’t want to see the black medical harness strapped over the beige tunic, he didn’t want to see the medical blue caps covering his stumps, he didn’t want to see the machines holding him alive and draining him for blood as his heart beat.

And he certainly did not want to see Palpatine.

‘Least the scars under my feet or the missing toes will never be an issue again.’ He couldn’t help but hysterically think before wincing as as his chin was grabbed, leveled up to face Palpatine once more.

He forced his eyes open, trying not to show Palpatine too much weakness as the man started speaking. “Your boy is a menace, he’s ransaking the Rotunda for you, but by the time he realizes you are gone, it will be too late for you,” Palpatine’s yellow eyes lit up, a smug sneer gracing the man’s face as he reached out and tugged lightly on one of the tubes of blood from Obi-Wan’s stumps. “With every beat of your heart, blood fills the chamber and you will be far gone before the first chamber is full, I will hide you away in the galaxy and no one will rescue you, not even your ‘sainted’ Jedi Order.” He laughed.

A sickening feeling turned Obi-Wan’s stomach.

And yet at the same time he simply smiled in return at Palpatine, his lack of self preservation kicking in as always. “Then you’re just as much a fool as Ventress and Dooku are on the field, because Anakin will never stop, if there is one thing that boy is, its tenacious.” He murmured, keening with pain when his head was slammed back against the wall by an invisible force.

Everything was blooming in pain and tears slipped down Obi-Wan’s face once more, kyber dripping onto the floor below where his legs had once been.

‘I wonder what more I’ll loose before Anakin and Cody finds me…’ He couldn’t help but breathlessly muse, feeling Palpatine mess with the straps and manacles.

Ahhhh, your new work, lordofgrief?, is amazing. Can we get more? Is Anakin really dead or was it just a ruse to mess with Obi-Wan (since I don’t think Palpatine would approve of his chosen apprentice getting killed after all the work he’s put into grooming him)? If Anakin is still alive, how would he take learning Obi-Wan fell because he thought Anakin died?

Blink of an eye, Obi-Wan was at Anakin’s side.

Another blink and he was
gone before anyone could move, back to where he had been standing
before only to now be kneeling, Anakin Skywalker’s body gathered in
his arms as he kneels in the sand and presses their forehead’s
together, headless of the dried and wet blood flaking off on him and
soaking his sleeve and forehead.

The Negotiator does not
seem to care, pressing his and the fallen Jedi’s forehead’s
together in what many would recognize as a keldabe kiss, his
shoulders shaking slightly as he whispered words only for the man he
was holding with his right hand threaded through matted curls to hold
Anakin Skywalker’s head up.

Only the brush of the wind
and the hum of the dune disturbed them, Obi-Wan letting out a
shuddering breath as he opened his eyes, blood rolling down from the
corner of his golden eyes.

Slowly, gently, he lowered
the man back down to the ground and settled Anakin’s body against
the warm sand, missing the sight of the silver band wrapped around
Anakin’s flesh wrist.

What does a dead body need
a Force inhibitor?

Obi-Wan did not see that

He carefully arranged
Anakin’s fallen body before standing, staring at Rex with eerie
yellow eyes swimming with blood and heartache. “…Watch over him.
I’ll be done in a few moments, I only have to retrieve something.”
He murmured, turning around to turn his eyes up on Grievous instead.

Some wisdom must still be
in the cyborg, because he did not resume his taunting.

“You have something that
belongs to Anakin,” Obi-Wan noted, his voice bland in contrast to
the burning of yellow as the blood continued to drip from his eyes
like tears. “Give it back or I will come take it back.” He
finally sighed out.

He didn’t sound angry,
he didn’t seem wrathful.

He only sounded sad and
broken in a way that hurt more than any anger ever could and Cody had
to restrain his reactions from physically flinching at his General’s
tone, his hands tightening on his blaster until the knuckles hurt.

A smarter man would have
thrown the saber at that point to get Obi-Wan’s eyes of them.

“Come and claim it
then.” Grievous wheezed out.

Rex had barely slipped
down on a knee by his General, removing his helmet to get a good look
while gently checking pulse of his General and got a face full of
sand for his effort.

The clones could do
nothing but watch as Obi-Wan once more disappeared from view but this
time the sand turned blank underneath his path, the force and heat of
it turning it to glass as he crashed into the droid army.

Large swaths of droids
went flying without Obi-Wan physically doing anything, the man
lifting his hands and crushing the magna guards as one, his shadow
cast large down the dune as metal squealed in protest as it was
crushed with the Force, leaving General Grievous without any support.

Grievous barely had time
to raise his arms to activate the sabers before he was seize by an
invisible Force, the man snarling and kicking his legs as he glared
down at Obi-Wan.

The Jedi said nothing,
only kept his hand raised as he stared right back up at the CIS
general, the sun drying the falling blood on his face, flaking it as
it mixed with Anakin’s blood on Obi-Wan’s face. It made him look
even eerier than the still fresh blood falling from his eyes swimming
with the blood.

“Drop it. Or I will cave
in your chest.” Obi-Wan murmured, blood dripping from his bearded
chin and onto his tunic, patches of sweat beneath his armpits and
collar clearly visible in the light.

A wheeze escaped Grievous,
his leg kicking out sharply and almost hitting Obi-Wan and the Jedi
sighed deeply. “I warned you.” He whispered quietly, barely heard
over the sounds around.

Everyone watched as the
man slowly curled his hand into a fist, watched as Grievous let out a
roar of pain with his chest plate clearly curving in, the white metal
slowly giving for the invisible Force

“Give me Anakin’s
saber.” Obi-Wan stated once more, voice cold.

Somehow that was worse,
the lack of any wrath in his voice made it clear that every move of
this grief broken man was calculated and steady.

The metal gave a sharp
cracking sound as a rib suddenly snapped in the kaleesh rib cage,
making every trooper wince even as they did nothing to interfere,
some morbidly wonder if Grievous ribs were made of bone or metal and
just how much power their General was using.

But that seemed to be the
last inch needed as Grievous roared with pain, clearly there were
still some nerves left in the cyborg. “AH! FINE! Have it your way,
you zucca swine!” He roared, dropping the sabers in his hands.

None of them touched the
ground, five of them floating to Cody’s reach with the commander
grabbing them quickly even as he warily stared up at his General.

But Anakin’s saber
remained floating in front of Obi-Wan, allowing the man to gently
grasp his weapon brother’s saber and hook it to his own belt. “…If
you thought that would get you clemency, you were very mistaken.”
Obi-Wan stated blandly before focusing right back, tightening his
grasp, Grievous roaring with pain as his limbs started to twist and
curl, bending towards his own torso.

Troopers watched in
horrified shock as they for the first time realized just how in
control every Jedi they had ever meet were.

Because there was no mercy
in Obi-Wan Kenobi right now, not after having witnessed the broken
body of his former padawan.

Worse yet, there was no
fear or anger either.

Only a broken man and Cody
couldn’t help but fear what came after.

He had walked in on too
many broken brothers in the aftermath of putting their blasters in
their mouth, the apathy eating them from inside until they just
couldn’t manage forward and he desperately wondered what in Jango’s
bones name he was suppose to do to keep his
General alive now that Rex had lost his.

Focused on the horrifying
scene and sounds in front of them, none of them saw blue eyes open
slowly to squint, Anakin Skywalker taking a small, gasping breath of
air through bruised airways, the nanites in his system finally
stopping their function of mimicking a dead body.

I’m gonna need some dets on how Rex reacts in Fallen for you, pretty please?

up at the medbay ceiling, Anakin thumbed lightly at Obi-Wan’s nape
as his fellow Jedi slept against his chest as
Anakin observed the faint shadows the dim lights allowed, needing the
distraction it gave him.

position was honestly making Anakin’s still sore back hurt but he
wasn’t about to move when Obi-Wan was sleeping peacefully. He’d
just wait for either Helix or Bandaid to finally come back and ask
for some kind of painkiller, though it made him curious if it was
taking time for the bacta bandages on his back to heal him.

it’s the acid they used, wouldn’t shock me if the chemical blend
was causing issue for the bacta…’ Anakin mused tiredly, glancing
down at the still greasy hair laying on his chest.

that he was any better honestly.

weren’t in any shape for real showers just yet and the medics had
just done a cursory cleanup to avoid grit and dirt in any wounds
being trapped in with the bacta.

he nor Obi-Wan smelled great just yet.

we can shower after the surgery… hope they got supporter bars in
the medbay fresher.’ He glanced towards the fresher door, frowning

now that he was thinking, he wasn’t sure if the medbay fresher had
a shower at all.

he hoped they didn’t have to go all the way to the closest lockers
for a wash, that would suck balls.

faintly, Anakin looked back down at Obi-Wan’s profile, barely able
to see the tip of his nose and the scraggy beard. ‘He’s gonna
need to shave, there are bald patches… Force he’s not gonna be
happy about that, another thing they’ve taken from him.’ He
grimaced to himself, a beard could be regrown of course but it was
still not something Obi-Wan had wanted and consented to.

his grip around the other a bit, Anakin let out a shuddering breath.
‘I’m sorry, I’m sorry Obi-Wan. I should have… I’m not gonna
let them hurt you again, I’ll be both sword and shield, I’ll hide
you from anyone who even looks at you badly.’ Anakin promised both
Obi-Wan and himself.

the dim of the medbay, his eyes glowed in honey golden, his pupils
just for a moment slitting as he listened to the raging dragon in his
chest that snarled at the galaxy at large.

dare they hurt Obi-Wan, how dare they try to take Anakin’s master,
how dare they harm him.

belonged to Anakin and only to Anakin, no
was to hurt him.

again.” The fallen knight hissed quietly into the others hair
before letting out a shuddering breath when Obi-Wan let out a small
whine. ‘No, no calm down. He won’t want… I’m sorry Obi-Wan.’
Anakin took another deep breath through his nose and out his mouth
before pressing his lips to Obi-Wan’s forehead, feeling the other
calm down again.

was a relief when Helix returned, Anakin finally being able to
request a sleeping aid that the medic understandingly gave him,
infusing it into the Iv line so he wouldn’t drop off so sharply.

was a bliss to welcome sleeps dark embrace, finally letting go of his
own hyper awareness and pain to the darkness of a well deserved rest.

for just a few hours for their broken bodies and mind.


gonna kill them.” Rex voice was calm, icy as Hoth’s winter storms
and his eyes like the magma of
Mustafar even in the blue tinged holo that Cody was speaking to.

his hands were balled into fists, one around his helmet and the other
along his hip as he stared straight at Cody.

I don’t care what I need to do, I’m going to kill them. Every
last one of them.” Rex stated again, his left eye twitching.

back in the chair, ignoring the window where black space drifted
slowly with glittering stars, Cody just nodded. “You think I’m
about to stop you? Me of all people?” He raised a brow, feeling the
tight kit skin of his scar tissue drag when he did.

vod stared right back at him before relaxing, letting out a sigh and
rubbing his face with a hand. “No, no I didn’t think you would.
Do you have any information, anything to go on?” Rex righteous
anger melted for weary exhaustion.

than the CSI make of the ship the Generals arrived in, no.” Cody
grimaced and rubbed his face, leaning his elbows on his knees. “I
didn’t want to get a report from them now, considering they have to
debrief the high Generals I didn’t want to…” He breathed out

silence of the comm rooms prevailed for a couple of minutes before
Rex sighed. “Just as well for now I guess. We’ll figure it out
Cody.” He promised and Cody smirked at that.

I know, I’m not letting them get away with this. Never.” He
promised determinedly before straightening, putting on a small smile
that clearly confused Rex. “But maybe, despite the situation, you
should inform the rest of the 501st
that their General is alive?” Cody teased faintly.

a bit, lips pulling into a wry grin, Rex shrugged slightly as he
started to slowly relax. “You know, we actually never believed he
was dead. Fives and Echo had bets going on that he ran off to become
a pirate or lost his memory…” He trailed off, grimacing. “I’m
not looking forward to telling them the truth, I think they
constructed the stories to avoid thinking… well this.” The
captain sighed.

got that, wanting to believe their General had run of to become a
pirate was a better story than thinking he was being tortured.

they had needed to tell themselves it to sleep.

slowly, Cody got up. “Well, you should still tell them all. It be
good for morale to have them back, despite it all. You got our
coordination and path?” He tilted his head.

I’ll let Jesse plot out a course for us to meet up and return to
Coruscant together. More man power to look after them after all.”
Rex saluted Cody and the commander automatically saluted back before
the comm call ended.

in the comm room, Cody stared at the holo projector for a long moment
before letting out a long breath and writing in the comm codes for
the Jedi temple.

had put it off long enough, it was time to inform the High Generals.

and blood goddesses be with us all.’ Cody sent off the prayer as
the call was picked up five minutes later, a bit of distortion doing
nothing to hide all eleven councilors either sitting or standing as
they picked in.

You’re really good at hurting Obi-Wan even if it’s just implied and I love to have that combined with Polarspaz fallen Anakin listening to Obi-Wan getting tortured during clone wars. Pretty please?

could forgive Anakin for not noticing at first considering he was in
pain himself from the injuries he sustained while being captured,
hungry, thirsty and tired as he drowsed against his own arm since
they were pulled up over his head.

Anakin hadn’t noticed the first whimpers in his humid, dirty cell
as he stood barefoot on the dungeon stones.

the second round of whimpers roused him from his sedative
lifting his cheek from his arm to blink bleary into the room with the
faint light from the window behind him giving him enough light to

he couldn’t see anything but the cell across from him where a
sleeping drunk was curled up under a blanket.

noise came again and this time it was accompanied with the sounds of
echoing, loud and sadistic laugh before a cry echoed along it.

in his chains as
his body started to fight the sedative their captors kept them on,
Anakin felt his eyes grow wide because he recognized the voice.


were hurting him, they were hurting his master somewhere out there
enough for him to hear them all the way down the hall, Obi-Wan who
had a high pain threshold from a long life as a Jedi, Obi-Wan who
Anakin had once removed shrapnel from the man’s arm without the
redhead making a single sound despite how deep it sat, despite how
painful it was.

tightening into the chains, Anakin couldn’t help but snarl deeply
as he trembled not from pain, lack of food or water but from pure,
unadulterated rage,
through the sedatives in his veins faster than the sun chased away
dew on his old home planet.

not unlike a Tatooine night from just a few years ago, filled his
chest, filled him with energy as if he had touched a live wire
because Obi-Wan was now screaming and Anakin couldn’t stand

a roar he pulled the chains out of the ceiling above him, scattering
metal and stones down on himself without a care because Obi-Wan was
screaming and the Force was filled with his pain as Anakin slammed
his shoulder into the metal door, uncaring of the pain and injury he
inflicted on himself.

and rage is a hell of a drug.

makes you ignore your own discomfort and pain as
stones hit you and you wreck the chains that hold you down. Hysterical strength some would say.

Dark side however?

opium in the veins, glitterstim that makes you slam bodies into the
walls, a snarl of blood thirst on your lips as you snap necks and
make your way towards where your master Force being trembles with

Force pull drags the door off it’s hinges in a scream of twisted
metal and bright sparks that protest against it’s treatment but
Anakin is far beyond caring as he is wrath incarnate as his eyes
finally lock onto his master.

he was angry before, he is a pulsing live volcano now as his eyes
take in his master’s condition, how Obi-Wan lays nude in fetal
position on the stony ground, his bruised and beaten body bearing the
signs of torture, of acid rubbed into open wounds, burns
and cuts,
of pinkish ooze between his thighs and under him and the word ‘whore’
carved into his flesh. His pale hips are covered in hand shaped red
marks and gouges
and if it wasn’t clear before, he knows exactly what they’ve done
to his master.

doesn’t remember what he did, he doesn’t remember moving.

only becomes conscious of himself and of Obi-Wan as he leaves the
cells into the light, splatters
of blood
not his or Obi-Wan coating himself and the redhead he’s carrying
bridal style wrapped in an unfamiliar black cloak.

a severed finger in Obi-Wan’s hair and Anakin brushes it away
absently with the Force as he looks around and then steals away into
the night, pausing only to look at himself in the reflection of a

eyes ringed with red stare back at him before Anakin turns away and
continues moving, gravel biting at his bare feet as he uses the Force
to force one of the larger shuttles open.

the moment, Anakin is beyond caring that he’s Fallen.

Obi-Wan is shaking in his arms, only half aware with blood slowly
dripping down his legs mixed with semen and he needs medical

he will care later, maybe once he is calm and no longer starving and
hurting himself as he places Obi-Wan carefully down in the co-pilot
seat, the redhead slumping and whimpering unconsciously.

doesn’t care now as he sits down in the pilot seat and engages the
shuttle, getting them the hell out of Dodge,
knowing that he has done something terrible back in that cell, the
severed finger a clear indication that of that terrible thing even
if Anakin’s mind has blacked it out.

out of the atmosphere, Anakin engages the autopilot and
stands once more, moving to pick up his master as gently as possible
to move to the small medbay.

will fall apart later, he’ll understand the actions later.

right now he needs to treat Obi-Wan as the man has finally fallen
unconscious, the gaunt and pale man looking like the depiction of
death under his copper red hair which makes Anakin wonder how long
they had been captives and how quickly he can find someone from the GAR or get back to Republic space.

Obi-Wan from the black cloak, Anakin can’t help a stray thought of
disappointment for not making the pain last longer as he takes in the torture of his master.

should have made them scream.

#kybertears- Flash forward to the future again, Ani finds out about Obi’s past.

be honest, Anakin hasn’t given his master’s tears much thought
since he first saw them.

just… part of Obi-Wan.

when he’s sent to Ilium for his second lightsaber crystal and walks
through the caverns and faces his own uncertainties, he doesn’t
really put much thought into it.

until he’s fifteen and is watching Obi-Wan lean against the
cruiser’s little window to peer out it, watching the passing stars
with calm eyes.

eyes are sparkling just like his tears, when they drop and glow and
brighten. It’s the only thing that reveals what he can do until he
is doing it and Anakin can’t help but wonder because as a child he
thought it was something all
Jedi could do only for Mace Windu of all people to gain a mildly
panicked look and drag him into a small study room, telling him
firmly to not
speak to his friends about it.

had been eleven and rather confused, a bit frightened as the Master
of the Order had held onto his shoulders.

to his credit, seemed to recognize he had frightened Anakin and had
knelt down, quietly explaining to Anakin that what Obi-Wan could do
was something only
he could do and that it was dangerous for the news to spread.

telling even another padawan was something Anakin should not
do, especially not in an open hallway where anyone could hear.

that Anakin could understand, it was like when his mother had quietly
told him not to tell Watto that they had gotten a tip from one of the
customers coming into the store, so they had a little bit more to buy
food for themselves occasionally or even a blanket or new clothes.

sweets that Watto did not know about that the customers handed Anakin
for being such a good helper when they were buying things and Anakin
managed to fix something, a filter or a small engine, that they
thought were broken forever.

Skywalker knew how to keep a secret and if Windu said that telling
people could get Obi-Wan in trouble, then he knew how to keep his
mouth shut about it.

exhale of relief still echoed sometimes in his mind, the way dark
eyes had closed with that obvious
and shoulders slumped, the master of the order nodding slowly.

small motor from a mouse droid in his lap as he watched the other,
Anakin took a deep breath for
what are you?” Anakin finally ventured, smiling a bit when Obi-Wan
jumped somewhat in surprise, looking towards him. ‘That consumed in
your own thoughts huh.’ He mused even as he continued watching the
other man framed by stars outside.

Obi-Wan licked his lips before sighing. “I’m a Stewjon star child
if you absolutely want to know padawan.” He answered a tad wryly.

a bit, Anakin quickly skimmed his mind before shaking his head. “I
don’t think I’ve ever heard of star children.” He mumbled out,
frowning faintly as he fiddled with the motor on his lap, wishing he
had his own tools instead of the ones loaned to him to fix it by the

faintly, Obi-Wan huffed.”Honestly, Anakin, I would have been
shocked if you knew since that knowledge has been suppressed for
safety sake.” He sighed deeply.

flashed in Anakin’s mind, the faint look of panic, the way the dark
hands held onto his shoulders as his frown deepened while staring at
his master.

trying to figure out what to say, Obi-Wan nibbled on his bottom lip.
Star child is… unique,” Obi-Wan seemed a bit bothered, rubbing
the back of his neck as he stared out the window, trying to escape
Anakin’s scrutinizing stare rather
obviously, not much the silver tongued negotiator in this moment.
“We only come from Stewjon but the thing is that we’re not a race
but… an event?” He shrugged a bit at Anakin’s confused look.

event?” Anakin blinked, hands
pausing in their rather automatic cleaning of the motor parts.

out heavily, Obi-Wan nodded. “An event. We are
born just as any other human to our human parents but then our bodies
somehow changes, a Force nexus happens and
as Force sensitive, we respond to it. Some
also say that the Force pulls star materials into us and makes us
part of the galaxy in a wholly different way to
what our parents originally are,
which is where our names comes from, Stewjon star child, who cries
kyber instead of having water tears when it drops.”
He tapped his nails on the shuttle window, the little clicking noises
echoing a bit.

slightly, the teen rubbed his chin before tensing a bit as
a thought occurred to him, Windu’s
face once more flashing in his mind.
“You have a lot of scars that you cover up.” Anakin stated
quietly, clenching
his hands on the motor as that worry Windu had was suddenly thrown
into horrifying realization along with Obi-Wan’s old scars.
could be cried from pain, not only sadness as Anakin’s first
lightsaber crystal had been made with.

his arms defensively around himself, Obi-Wan breathed out heavily.
“Kyber is worth a lot you know, not just to Jedi but to others too.
On the black market you could make a killing with it.” He whispered

what happened in your early years?” Anakin asked quietly.

Force seemed to freeze before Obi-Wan closed his eyes and pressed his
forehead to the window, taking in the coolness. “…You know, I
didn’t join the Jedi until I was five years of age when I was
rescued and
brought to the temple.”
Obi-Wan whispered into the silence, answering
in a round about way without actually outright stating in details
what had happened to him.

heart jumped in his chest and before he knew it he was standing by
Obi-Wan’s side, holding onto his arm while looking him in the eye,
absently noting he was almost taller than the man.

gave him a tight smile, his lips slightly swollen and red from him
worrying them with his teeth and his eyes were misting slightly over
but no tear fell, Obi-Wan long ago having mastered his reactions to
things that bothered him to keep tears in.

had used to bother Anakin, made him sulk about how emotionless his
master was to the Chancellor but now… it made sense. Obi-Wan had
to control himself because if he cried at the wrong moment, he would
be exposed.

his grip on the others hand, Anakin made the horrifying conclusions
as all the little breadcrumbs came together.

won’t let another hurt you master. No one is going to make you cry
again.’ Anakin pressed his forehead to the others shoulder while
holding his hand, swearing into the Force.

one was going to hurt Obi-Wan again, Anakin was going to kill them
before he allowed it.

For feralchild. Now that Obi-wan has so publicly been accepted, he’s painted a big target on his back. So he gets bullied a lot because he pissed off knights and apprentices who he made look bad with that stunt. Can we see Obi-wan dealing with it? Trying to be a good sith but still being a kid?

he knew it was coming.

Crion had allies
and even a few friends that liked him amazingly enough to Obi-Wan and
there was always jealousy going on when someone bettered their
position. Obi-Wan was not blind to the ones he had left behind who
had quietly jeered at him thinking he’d have to take the Inquisitor

Chun and Aalto Ser was quick to hiss at him when they could.

when Obi-Wan was with his new master all he experienced was the
glares in his back, no one dared to even as much as glare at him when
Qui-Gon was within hearing or sight as the tall master’s eyes
missed nothing.

Obi-Wan couldn’t stay at his master’s side
or the lavish apartment his master had at
all times, he
had lessons to go to, people to socialize with and his own things to
do when he had finished his training and chores.

so he finds himself being shoved to the wall by two knights glaring
down at him, a blond and a redhead respectively, amber eyes sparkling
malevolently at him as Obi-Wan glares back and bares his teeth at

a moment he has the flash image of a lion cub snarling back at male
lions bearing down on them with murderous intent.

but ultimately foolish.

can’t believe a little shit stain like you is the reason Xanatos
is dead, you were easily enough isolated.” One of them hissed, a
viroblade in his hand.

down at it, his pride bristling at the perceived insult of the other
not even bothering to pull his lightsaber, Obi-Wan snarled back. “He
was weak and I was strong. And you needed two
to take me and gang up on me, at least I went after Du Crion alone.”
He mocked.

received an enraged growl, one of the humans reaching for him only
for Obi-Wan to lash out with the Force, the tiny Force lightnings he
could manage enough to burn the nerves and make them wary.

also enraging them at the same time as Obi-Wan got his own medicine
in reply.

true lighting rains down on him and Obi-Wan’s knees hit the ground
harshly, marble floor just as unforgiving as gravel as Obi-Wan teeth
bite through his lip to keep his screams in. He will not scream for
them, he will have that much as he raises his head enough to glare.

still panting harshly as the lighting is let up moments later, both
of them smirking down at him.

say we carve him up and leave him as a corpse for the lothcats, a
puny macabre find for someone.”
The redhead grunted, playing with his blade.

the other rubbed his chin. “Or we drain him, he’s strong, you can
tell that much.” He drawled.

attention however was drawn further back in the hall as a dark shape
was making itself known. Amber and blood red was almost glowing in
the dark and Obi-Wan felt his heart thunder in his chest that had
nothing to do with the lighting and pain he had been exposed to.

it was excitement as Qui-Gon’s unforgiving stone face finally
emerged from the dark behind the two oblivious knights.

He whispered silkily, both of them going ramrod as Qui-Gon rested his
hands on their backs. “I give my warning to the temple at whole
through you two for attacking my apprentice.” That
was their only warning.

then they were screaming, collapsing to the floor while spasming and
kicking, put under Qui-Gon’s dark power as all color seemed to be
pulled from their hair.

in awe, the dark side crooning lullabies and promises in his ears,
Obi-Wan licked the blood off his lip and smirked when they urinated
under the pain and he was almost disappointed when Qui-Gon stopped,
leaving the two panting and shaking on the floor, alive.

his focus was all on his master as the man gracefully stepped over
the two bodies and the puddles around them, the man’s large hand
cupping his chin.

man’s thumb prodded at Obi-Wan’s bleeding lip, his own pursing
before running his hand gently through Obi-Wan’s hair.

felt his lip tingling, Qui-Gon’s Force wrapping around him as the
man healed Obi-Wan before drawing him into his stomach in a brief
hug. “Well, you lasted longer than I thought you would apprentice,
quite clever in avoiding difficulties but hopefully this will be
warning enough for everyone.” The man murmured, his deep brogue
soothing and warm to Obi-Wan.

the scent of the man’s musky cologne and tea which was trapped in
the cloth going up his nose, Obi-Wan relaxed at the offered safety
and warmth of
the other Sith.
“Thank you master.” He whispered quietly.

Qui-Gon continued stroking his apprentice copper
hair for a few more seconds, both ignoring the whimpers behind him
before he settled his hand on Obi-Wan’s shoulder, turning
him and then guiding
him with him through the hallway.

we alert someone?” Obi-Wan questioned, not bothering to glance back
it was obvious what he meant.

dismissively, Qui-Gon only squeezed his shoulder. “No, someone will
find them or they will make their own way. Regardless, my warning is
clear. You are off limit for anyone as they deal with me if they
touch you.” He drawled as they entered one of the larger halls,
passing statues of foregone Sith.

his lip, Obi-Wan had to hide a smile even as he leaned into the grasp
of his master and meet Chun’s enraged eyes across the hall with his
own smug ones.

the power at his fingertips…

better watch their back because Obi-Wan was going to become a force
to be reckoned with.