
“Very Generous”

You know when babies come up to you and gift you things, and you don’t know what to do? (At least I don’t).

Anyway, Grogu has a collection of pretty rocks/trinkets from all the places he and Din have visited, and he was playing with them on the floor when he decided to give Dad one of the pretty shiny ones. Din is mostly bemused…he doesn’t really get it.


So there are two tropes i need you to consider for this, the ‘Obi wan flirts a lot and  Obis saber likes Cody , ones.
Close your ayes and just…imagine,  Obi wan’s Light saber being just as  flirty if not more than him, except it’s relay bad at complimenting  humans.
That and Obi wan being just an enabler troll  that translates for it.