Hello Moddy, could we perhaps see more of #Uncertainbeginning, maybe the councils reaction to obi, or maybe qui-gon has to go on a schooltrip/assignment so dooku is left alone with obi, does he panic or…? thank you :)

Tucking the boy to
his chest, Yan sang quietly for him as he rocked him.

Obi-Wan blinked
sleepy eyes back at him while sucking on two of his fingers and it
didn’t take long for him to be asleep at all as he felt comforted
in the familiar mans arms.

“That wasn’t so
hard…” Yan noted quietly with a small smile before making his way
over to the travel cot settled by his meditation mat where he
carefully settled Obi-Wan down for his nap. When Qui-Gon had asked
him to look after Obi-Wan, Yan had been reluctant but understood the
others reasoning.

Obi-Wan needed to
be exposed to all kinds of Force signatures, that included the grayer
Force Yan was known for and it was a perfect time for that to happen
when Qui-Gon was taking his own padawan out on an excursion to a
museum with a few of the other knights.

Yan wasn’t
certain what he had expected but he had expected a lot more tears
once Qui-Gon was gone, Obi-Wan in his arms in a soft fleecy blue
onesie, this one actually without any animal appendages that Qui-Gon
seemed so fond of.

Obi-Wan had just blinked at him curiously and then started to wiggle
around in the mans arms until Yan placed him down on the play blanket
Qui-Gon had provided, starting to work on rolling onto his hands
ad feet and crawling as Yan
settled down on his meditation mat to keep an eye on the kid.

To his
surprise, Obi-Wan had crawled into the v of his legs and supported
himself against Yan’s thigh,
sitting against it with one of his toys that he started to chew on
while babbling at Yan and looking expectantly up at him.

had stared back, uncomprehending
and still surprised.

He had only grown
more surprised when Obi-Wan had pouted at him and then whacked his
thigh with the toy.

Which had prompted…

Well not a
conversation really but Yan had responded when Obi-Wan spoke,
enchanted by this daring little toddler who had come so far from
being so frightened of the world to this place where he would whack
Yan with his damn toy only to show it off while babbling excitedly at

softly at the memory, Yan almost wished he had a camera to film the
little ones tiny tantrum just
so he could show it to Qui-Gon when the other came to pick up

should check on what kind of food Qui-Gon has given me for Obi-Wan.’
The older master noted, pulling the bag
of provision.

A stack of diapers
of course was the first thing he saw, a tube he reckoned was powder,
baby wipes, a few more toys, a small blanket and a spare onesie in
pink and ah, there they were, four glasses and two bottles of milk
already prepared with a note attached to one.

Picking out the
note and one of the jars, Yan hummed.

the baby formula needs to be shaken vigorously
and heated before you give it
to Obi-Wan. If you can squirt it on your inner wrist without it
feeling warm you can give it to Obi-Wan. Two of the jars have mashed
tubers and carrot and two are mixed fruit mash. If
Obi-Wan falls asleep, let him nap but try to get one of the bottles
into him at least and one jar of baby food, the healers have enriched
them both. Have fun!-

a bit at the note, Yan took out a bottle and a jar.

if the healers wet so far as to enrich the food then Yan would do his
best to get at least this much into the little one by the time
Qui-Gon got back.

for now he was content to watch the travel cot for a bit as Obi-Wan
slept and to get some meditation done.

knew he wouldn’t get that peace once Obi-Wan was awake and
to his surprise Yan found he did not mind that too terribly.

Hello Moddy, could we perhaps see more of #Uncertainbeginning, maybe the councils reaction to obi, or maybe qui-gon has to go on a schooltrip/assignment so dooku is left alone with obi, does he panic or…? thank you :)

Tucking the boy to
his chest, Yan sang quietly for him as he rocked him.

Obi-Wan blinked
sleepy eyes back at him while sucking on two of his fingers and it
didn’t take long for him to be asleep at all as he felt comforted
in the familiar mans arms.

“That wasn’t so
hard…” Yan noted quietly with a small smile before making his way
over to the travel cot settled by his meditation mat where he
carefully settled Obi-Wan down for his nap. When Qui-Gon had asked
him to look after Obi-Wan, Yan had been reluctant but understood the
others reasoning.

Obi-Wan needed to
be exposed to all kinds of Force signatures, that included the grayer
Force Yan was known for and it was a perfect time for that to happen
when Qui-Gon was taking his own padawan out on an excursion to a
museum with a few of the other knights.

Yan wasn’t
certain what he had expected but he had expected a lot more tears
once Qui-Gon was gone, Obi-Wan in his arms in a soft fleecy blue
onesie, this one actually without any animal appendages that Qui-Gon
seemed so fond of.

Obi-Wan had just blinked at him curiously and then started to wiggle
around in the mans arms until Yan placed him down on the play blanket
Qui-Gon had provided, starting to work on rolling onto his hands
ad feet and crawling as Yan
settled down on his meditation mat to keep an eye on the kid.

To his
surprise, Obi-Wan had crawled into the v of his legs and supported
himself against Yan’s thigh,
sitting against it with one of his toys that he started to chew on
while babbling at Yan and looking expectantly up at him.

had stared back, uncomprehending
and still surprised.

He had only grown
more surprised when Obi-Wan had pouted at him and then whacked his
thigh with the toy.

Which had prompted…

Well not a
conversation really but Yan had responded when Obi-Wan spoke,
enchanted by this daring little toddler who had come so far from
being so frightened of the world to this place where he would whack
Yan with his damn toy only to show it off while babbling excitedly at

softly at the memory, Yan almost wished he had a camera to film the
little ones tiny tantrum just
so he could show it to Qui-Gon when the other came to pick up

should check on what kind of food Qui-Gon has given me for Obi-Wan.’
The older master noted, pulling the bag
of provision.

A stack of diapers
of course was the first thing he saw, a tube he reckoned was powder,
baby wipes, a few more toys, a small blanket and a spare onesie in
pink and ah, there they were, four glasses and two bottles of milk
already prepared with a note attached to one.

Picking out the
note and one of the jars, Yan hummed.

the baby formula needs to be shaken vigorously
and heated before you give it
to Obi-Wan. If you can squirt it on your inner wrist without it
feeling warm you can give it to Obi-Wan. Two of the jars have mashed
tubers and carrot and two are mixed fruit mash. If
Obi-Wan falls asleep, let him nap but try to get one of the bottles
into him at least and one jar of baby food, the healers have enriched
them both. Have fun!-

a bit at the note, Yan took out a bottle and a jar.

if the healers wet so far as to enrich the food then Yan would do his
best to get at least this much into the little one by the time
Qui-Gon got back.

for now he was content to watch the travel cot for a bit as Obi-Wan
slept and to get some meditation done.

knew he wouldn’t get that peace once Obi-Wan was awake and
to his surprise Yan found he did not mind that too terribly.

Hej Moddy, just a question, not a prompt: what is a anon privilege? Also sorry for all the prompts, I will try to hold back for a while :) p.s. make sure to relax and not overwork your head, drink some icetea og warm coco, depend on the weather in Norway, in Denmark we have rain (as allways). Love you Moddy, bye. :)

Naw, naw, you’re good on prompts. I don’t mind the amount people send in. And honestly anon privilege is just that.

The privilege to be anon or be able to send in a text if you’re not logged into your blog. Or even send one if you’re not a tumblr cause I know there’s one or two that does that.

However when that privilege gets abused to not take consequences for your actions, that’s when things get ruined. So honestly yeah. I do have 60 prompts though so we’ll see when I open up it again.

Hej Moddy, just a question, not a prompt: what is a anon privilege? Also sorry for all the prompts, I will try to hold back for a while :) p.s. make sure to relax and not overwork your head, drink some icetea og warm coco, depend on the weather in Norway, in Denmark we have rain (as allways). Love you Moddy, bye. :)

Naw, naw, you’re good on prompts. I don’t mind the amount people send in. And honestly anon privilege is just that.

The privilege to be anon or be able to send in a text if you’re not logged into your blog. Or even send one if you’re not a tumblr cause I know there’s one or two that does that.

However when that privilege gets abused to not take consequences for your actions, that’s when things get ruined. So honestly yeah. I do have 60 prompts though so we’ll see when I open up it again.

Hello moddy, I’m sorry for swamping you with prompts, but could you please continue uncertainbeginging, I really want to see more BBObi, and his reaction to qui-gon and dooku. Thank you <3

“Whose a lambi, a
sweet lambi~?” Qui-Gon cooed, gently wiggling Obi-Wan’s feet
before tucking them into the legs of the white, fluffy onesie and
then following the feet into the sleeves so he could button it all up
with a warm grin on his face. “Why you are!” He cooed.

Obi-Wan bubbled at
him, squirming on the couch he got changed on as he responded to
Qui-Gon’s obvious delight and adoration with his own delight as he
flailed his hands at the Jedi.

“I swear you
spoil the kid Qui-Gon.” Micah leaned against the kitchen doorway,
smirking at him as he had his arms crossed over his chest.

“And you don’t?”
Qui-Gon offered in an aside as he pulled the hood up on Obi-Wan’s
head so the little ears of the lamb rested along his head, Obi-Wan
trying to stick his foot in his mouth. “Don’t we all? We all
heard what the mind healers said, he needs affection to know he’s
safe and to stop thinking he’s going to hurt at all times.”
Carefully picking up the kid, Qui-Gon nosed down into the hood,
smelling baby powder and cleanness, no metal or weird pink

It was a nice
smell, a smell that just screamed baby.

“I’m not the
one buying him a new onesie every week.” Micah argued back, smiling
when Obi-Wan peered at him with those big green eyes.

“No, you just
find him soft toys.” Qui-Gon smirked at him, nuzzling Obi-Wan.

The little one was
on a shift schedule for a few of the knights and masters willing to
take him in thanks to the mind healers announcement that Obi-Wan
would associate the world with pain unless he was personally cared
for at all times for at least a few months.

A creche master did
not have the time for that however and so volunteers had been asked

Qui-Gon had been
the first on that list.

“…Well guilty
of tha-hey wait,” Micah squinted at Obi-Wan then laughed. “Oh no
he has a little bow?” He asked with some delight which had Obi-Wan
cooing in return.

“Yup.” Qui-Gon
gently tilted Obi-Wan to show the little green bow under his neck
that closed it up. It had been what cinched the deal for Qui-Gon when
he saw the outfit and had bought it the instant even though some of
the others were just as cute.

Snorting happily,
Micah grinned at him. “We gotta show him to Tahl and Master Dooku.
They are gonna love it Qui-Gon.” He chortled.

“Su-” Little
hands landed on his chin and Qui-Gon heart thudded hard in his chest
as he slowly turned his head to look down, finding Obi-Wan’s chubby
little hands pressed to Qui-Gon’s chin as he stared back up at the

Obi-Wan blew a raspberry at him before giggling. “Quis.” He
wiggled his feet.

Blinking a bit,
Qui-Gon swallowed hard. “What did you say Obi-Wan? Can you say that
again?” He rasped out, shaken to his core.

QuisQuisQuis!” He giggled.

Laughing in awe,
Qui-Gon bounced the boy. “That’s right. Quis, that’s me, I’m

A joyful squeal,
loud enough to hurt several people ears escaped Obi-Wan and he
flailed, repeating Qui-Gon’s abridged name.

“Micah! He said
my name!” Qui-Gon crooned, pressing his nose to Obi-Wan’s head
while hugging the squirming boy to his chest and twirling in place.
“He said my name!”

Pouting a bit as he
was a little put out, Micah still gave a warm grin. “Call me
envious but he’s wonderfully happy about his accomplishment at

Crooning louder,
Qui-Gon rubbed his nose to Obi-Wan’s little button nose while the
kid giggled and grabbed it, honking the broken nose while kicking his
legs. “Say it again, come on. Say Qui-Gon?”


“I gotta show
Yan!” Qui-Gon suddenly realized and before Micah could say
anything, the man was rushing out of his quarters with Obi-Wan
squealing delightfully at the speed they were rushing around with.

Racing to the salle
where he knew his master was sparring at this time of the day,
Qui-Gon pinpointed Yan out towards the back of the room and rushed
over to him, interrupting his old master’s sparring with Dyas.
“Yan, Yan you gotta see this.” He beamed at the older man who
raised a brow.

“Qui-Gon, what
are you doing, you don’t run into the middle of a sparr-”

“Quis!” The
childish cry cut through the reprimand and noise and Yan blinked,
letting his eyes drop to Obi-Wan, who blinked back at him then
reached up towards Qui-Gon instead. “Quis!”

Softening, Yan
reached out and gently stroked a chubby cheek. “Why would you look
at that, a word,” He cooed gently, chuckling a bit as Obi-Wan
grabbed his hand and gummed a finger. “What a smart little one you
are Obi-Wan.”

Beaming, Qui-Gon
held the little baby to his chest as praise was lavished on him,
Obi-Wan drooling and giggling in happiness, oh so different from the
frightened baby who expected pain that arrived in the temple.

Hello moddy, I’m sorry for swamping you with prompts, but could you please continue uncertainbeginging, I really want to see more BBObi, and his reaction to qui-gon and dooku. Thank you <3

“Whose a lambi, a
sweet lambi~?” Qui-Gon cooed, gently wiggling Obi-Wan’s feet
before tucking them into the legs of the white, fluffy onesie and
then following the feet into the sleeves so he could button it all up
with a warm grin on his face. “Why you are!” He cooed.

Obi-Wan bubbled at
him, squirming on the couch he got changed on as he responded to
Qui-Gon’s obvious delight and adoration with his own delight as he
flailed his hands at the Jedi.

“I swear you
spoil the kid Qui-Gon.” Micah leaned against the kitchen doorway,
smirking at him as he had his arms crossed over his chest.

“And you don’t?”
Qui-Gon offered in an aside as he pulled the hood up on Obi-Wan’s
head so the little ears of the lamb rested along his head, Obi-Wan
trying to stick his foot in his mouth. “Don’t we all? We all
heard what the mind healers said, he needs affection to know he’s
safe and to stop thinking he’s going to hurt at all times.”
Carefully picking up the kid, Qui-Gon nosed down into the hood,
smelling baby powder and cleanness, no metal or weird pink

It was a nice
smell, a smell that just screamed baby.

“I’m not the
one buying him a new onesie every week.” Micah argued back, smiling
when Obi-Wan peered at him with those big green eyes.

“No, you just
find him soft toys.” Qui-Gon smirked at him, nuzzling Obi-Wan.

The little one was
on a shift schedule for a few of the knights and masters willing to
take him in thanks to the mind healers announcement that Obi-Wan
would associate the world with pain unless he was personally cared
for at all times for at least a few months.

A creche master did
not have the time for that however and so volunteers had been asked

Qui-Gon had been
the first on that list.

“…Well guilty
of tha-hey wait,” Micah squinted at Obi-Wan then laughed. “Oh no
he has a little bow?” He asked with some delight which had Obi-Wan
cooing in return.

“Yup.” Qui-Gon
gently tilted Obi-Wan to show the little green bow under his neck
that closed it up. It had been what cinched the deal for Qui-Gon when
he saw the outfit and had bought it the instant even though some of
the others were just as cute.

Snorting happily,
Micah grinned at him. “We gotta show him to Tahl and Master Dooku.
They are gonna love it Qui-Gon.” He chortled.

“Su-” Little
hands landed on his chin and Qui-Gon heart thudded hard in his chest
as he slowly turned his head to look down, finding Obi-Wan’s chubby
little hands pressed to Qui-Gon’s chin as he stared back up at the

Obi-Wan blew a raspberry at him before giggling. “Quis.” He
wiggled his feet.

Blinking a bit,
Qui-Gon swallowed hard. “What did you say Obi-Wan? Can you say that
again?” He rasped out, shaken to his core.

QuisQuisQuis!” He giggled.

Laughing in awe,
Qui-Gon bounced the boy. “That’s right. Quis, that’s me, I’m

A joyful squeal,
loud enough to hurt several people ears escaped Obi-Wan and he
flailed, repeating Qui-Gon’s abridged name.

“Micah! He said
my name!” Qui-Gon crooned, pressing his nose to Obi-Wan’s head
while hugging the squirming boy to his chest and twirling in place.
“He said my name!”

Pouting a bit as he
was a little put out, Micah still gave a warm grin. “Call me
envious but he’s wonderfully happy about his accomplishment at

Crooning louder,
Qui-Gon rubbed his nose to Obi-Wan’s little button nose while the
kid giggled and grabbed it, honking the broken nose while kicking his
legs. “Say it again, come on. Say Qui-Gon?”


“I gotta show
Yan!” Qui-Gon suddenly realized and before Micah could say
anything, the man was rushing out of his quarters with Obi-Wan
squealing delightfully at the speed they were rushing around with.

Racing to the salle
where he knew his master was sparring at this time of the day,
Qui-Gon pinpointed Yan out towards the back of the room and rushed
over to him, interrupting his old master’s sparring with Dyas.
“Yan, Yan you gotta see this.” He beamed at the older man who
raised a brow.

“Qui-Gon, what
are you doing, you don’t run into the middle of a sparr-”

“Quis!” The
childish cry cut through the reprimand and noise and Yan blinked,
letting his eyes drop to Obi-Wan, who blinked back at him then
reached up towards Qui-Gon instead. “Quis!”

Softening, Yan
reached out and gently stroked a chubby cheek. “Why would you look
at that, a word,” He cooed gently, chuckling a bit as Obi-Wan
grabbed his hand and gummed a finger. “What a smart little one you
are Obi-Wan.”

Beaming, Qui-Gon
held the little baby to his chest as praise was lavished on him,
Obi-Wan drooling and giggling in happiness, oh so different from the
frightened baby who expected pain that arrived in the temple.

Hello moddy, I have ben rereading Slowlyblooming, and I really wish you would be kind and continue it, but I don’t know how. Maybe some more scenes with BBani and fresh omega knight obi, or ani’s reaction to people being interested in obi (his brother), or maybe some clone/obi with ani’s reaction :) I don’t know if it is possible since it is kind of old, but I hope you can <3 <3

Looking around with
a disturbed expression, Anakin wrapped his arms around himself in an
attempt to ward off his sense of unease.

But the room wasn’t
helping at all.

Going down into the
basement of the house in search of clues with his master he had not
expected to find this and Obi-Wan’s face was not helping him feel
any better.

Every spare piece
of wall was covered in images of the missing woman they were looking
for, her smiling or frowning or oblivious face plastered everywhere
except for some shelves and a table with items covering them.

It was clear she
had no idea the images were being taken.

Disturbingly enough
one of them was a clearly used pair of underwear held up in a gravity

“Take a good look
around padawan,” Obi-Wan said, his face tight and his scent sour.
“This is a cowards shrine to possession. Not love, never love.
Never brave enough to approach and speak to her but still demanding
her attention and her space by invading it.” He said tightly while
gesturing to the multitude of images covering the walls and the table
filled with items that could only either belong to her or have been
touched by her.

The young man
swallowed heavily and pressed closer to Obi-Wan’s side, rubbing his
own arms as he pressed into him, trying to provide comfort and hoping
the acrid smell lessened somewhat. “Do you think this guy took him?
The miner who owns this house?” He whispered, surprised at how
hoarse his voice came out.

Pursing his lips,
Obi-Wan wrapped his arm around Anakin’s shoulders. “Maybe but
stalkers are dangerous and unpredictable and he seemed to be utterly
loosing it around the edges now that he can’t fill his obsession to
see her. You saw him, walking around, mumbling to himself while
watching her house.”

Anakin nodded.

That was after all
why they had followed after him when he had gone home and snuck in
when he left because of the miners suspicious behavior. Glancing
about, he swallowed again, “What do we do about all of this?”

“We call the
local law. Stalking is against the law and he is clearly stalking our
missing Senator daughter.” Obi-Wan sighed.

Anakin nodded,
following Obi-Wan as they headed up the stairs, Obi-Wan already
pulling his comm of his belt to indeed contact the local police and
inform them about the issue. A shudder went Anakin’s spine as his
brain superimposed Obi-Wan’s face onto the pictures downstairs and
the makeshift alters, changing the items to belong to Obi-Wan

He wondered if his
master had people like that around, stalkers.

The idea chilled
him to the bond simultaneously as it made his metaphorical hackles

The idea was just
so disturbing and it was still disturbing when they left the house to
the police, the chatter on their comms informing both Obi-Wan and
Anakin that the miner was being taken into custody at work. Anakin
still couldn’t quite get the sour scent of Obi-Wan’s displeasure
out of his nose as he clung to the others hand, telling him that
Obi-Wan was still affected.

He tugged lightly
on his master’s hand, waiting until the other was looking down at
him as busy people passed around them on the street. “How about we
go and eat Master? I see a pancake house over there.” Anakin said

Obi-Wan hesitated,
knowing their mission took priority.

“We know this is
Miss Grona’s local community, she may have gone to the pancake
house and we could maybe pick up a lead there but regardless we do
need fuel to work, food and drink master.” Anakin cajoled as
sweetly as he could.

A reluctant smile
started at the corners of Obi-Wan mouth and before he could stop it,
Obi-Wan was smiling fully, fond and warm down at Anakin as he squeezed his
padawan’s hand before playfully tugging on his braid with his other
hand. “You and your pancakes,” He chuckled. “Oh alright, you
win, we can go get pancakes, get some food into us but we’re going
right back to work after and I will be talking with the waiter or
waitress that serves us if I can.” He said sternly, still smiling.

Anakin just nodded
eagerly, following his master and brother towards the pancake house,
the acrid smell finally gone from the omegas scent.

Only Obi-Wan’s
clean and sweet scent remained.

Hello moddy, I have ben rereading Slowlyblooming, and I really wish you would be kind and continue it, but I don’t know how. Maybe some more scenes with BBani and fresh omega knight obi, or ani’s reaction to people being interested in obi (his brother), or maybe some clone/obi with ani’s reaction :) I don’t know if it is possible since it is kind of old, but I hope you can <3 <3

Looking around with
a disturbed expression, Anakin wrapped his arms around himself in an
attempt to ward off his sense of unease.

But the room wasn’t
helping at all.

Going down into the
basement of the house in search of clues with his master he had not
expected to find this and Obi-Wan’s face was not helping him feel
any better.

Every spare piece
of wall was covered in images of the missing woman they were looking
for, her smiling or frowning or oblivious face plastered everywhere
except for some shelves and a table with items covering them.

It was clear she
had no idea the images were being taken.

Disturbingly enough
one of them was a clearly used pair of underwear held up in a gravity

“Take a good look
around padawan,” Obi-Wan said, his face tight and his scent sour.
“This is a cowards shrine to possession. Not love, never love.
Never brave enough to approach and speak to her but still demanding
her attention and her space by invading it.” He said tightly while
gesturing to the multitude of images covering the walls and the table
filled with items that could only either belong to her or have been
touched by her.

The young man
swallowed heavily and pressed closer to Obi-Wan’s side, rubbing his
own arms as he pressed into him, trying to provide comfort and hoping
the acrid smell lessened somewhat. “Do you think this guy took him?
The miner who owns this house?” He whispered, surprised at how
hoarse his voice came out.

Pursing his lips,
Obi-Wan wrapped his arm around Anakin’s shoulders. “Maybe but
stalkers are dangerous and unpredictable and he seemed to be utterly
loosing it around the edges now that he can’t fill his obsession to
see her. You saw him, walking around, mumbling to himself while
watching her house.”

Anakin nodded.

That was after all
why they had followed after him when he had gone home and snuck in
when he left because of the miners suspicious behavior. Glancing
about, he swallowed again, “What do we do about all of this?”

“We call the
local law. Stalking is against the law and he is clearly stalking our
missing Senator daughter.” Obi-Wan sighed.

Anakin nodded,
following Obi-Wan as they headed up the stairs, Obi-Wan already
pulling his comm of his belt to indeed contact the local police and
inform them about the issue. A shudder went Anakin’s spine as his
brain superimposed Obi-Wan’s face onto the pictures downstairs and
the makeshift alters, changing the items to belong to Obi-Wan

He wondered if his
master had people like that around, stalkers.

The idea chilled
him to the bond simultaneously as it made his metaphorical hackles

The idea was just
so disturbing and it was still disturbing when they left the house to
the police, the chatter on their comms informing both Obi-Wan and
Anakin that the miner was being taken into custody at work. Anakin
still couldn’t quite get the sour scent of Obi-Wan’s displeasure
out of his nose as he clung to the others hand, telling him that
Obi-Wan was still affected.

He tugged lightly
on his master’s hand, waiting until the other was looking down at
him as busy people passed around them on the street. “How about we
go and eat Master? I see a pancake house over there.” Anakin said

Obi-Wan hesitated,
knowing their mission took priority.

“We know this is
Miss Grona’s local community, she may have gone to the pancake
house and we could maybe pick up a lead there but regardless we do
need fuel to work, food and drink master.” Anakin cajoled as
sweetly as he could.

A reluctant smile
started at the corners of Obi-Wan mouth and before he could stop it,
Obi-Wan was smiling fully, fond and warm down at Anakin as he squeezed his
padawan’s hand before playfully tugging on his braid with his other
hand. “You and your pancakes,” He chuckled. “Oh alright, you
win, we can go get pancakes, get some food into us but we’re going
right back to work after and I will be talking with the waiter or
waitress that serves us if I can.” He said sternly, still smiling.

Anakin just nodded
eagerly, following his master and brother towards the pancake house,
the acrid smell finally gone from the omegas scent.

Only Obi-Wan’s
clean and sweet scent remained.

Hey I think tumblr ate my prompt, but I was hopeing you would continue peach baby, I just love when obi and plo have a son/father relationship, it is so sweet and sothing for my heart <3

Lifting the boy up
and settling him on his arm, Plo gave a deep rumble. “Alright, lets
get you to the healers while Qui-Gon goes to brief the Council on our
mission and its turnout.” He said with some cheer, rather eager to
get Obi-Wan looked at by said healer.

Giving an
exasperated sigh, Obi-Wan just allowed it, smiling wryly at everyone
as Plo descended the ramp into temple hanger B-21 with the almost
thirteen year old on his arm. Around them other Jedi, pilots and
mechanics were working, the noise filling the halls with droids
zipping back and forth as required.

Obi-Wan rather
suspected the kel dor was using the Force to make it easier to carry
him and Qui-Gon wasn’t even attempting to talk the man out of it as
he followed in a sedate pace behind him. “You know, you two could
have asked the halls to arrive with a hoverchair,” He said with
some amount of sarcasm. “It would have made this a lot easier.”

There was a little
chuckle behind them that both master and padawan ignored as Plo just
hummed instead. “Perhaps but this is quicker Obi-Wan, and I get the
enjoyment of a little peach baby for a few more years.” He chortled

Flustering a bit,
Obi-Wan gave an annoyed mumble and hid his face into the kel dor’s
shoulder, his cheeks burning with embarrassment. “I’m not a
baby.” He muttered into the fabric as they entered one of the

“Oh I know that.
But I do have to admit I do miss my little peach baby-Wan.” Plo
admitted softly, squeezing Obi-Wan’s thighs with his arm before he
flooded their bond with soft and genuine warmth that had Obi-Wan
embarrassment dampening slowly even as he kept his face against the

‘Smells like
cinnamon.’ Obi-Wan realized, pressing his face into it and Plo’s

“You spoil him,”
Qui-Gon chuckled, no sense of scolding or objection in his voice or
Force being and Obi-Wan dared to peek at the man over his master’s
shoulder, watching the man smile at Plo in utter amusement and maybe
a tinge of sadness? “He’s going to become a wee monster when he’s
a knight himself if you continue this.” The man was clearly teasing
even as he said it so Obi-Wan didn’t take his words to heart.

“Oh he deserves
it, having to wait on the healers to get his leg fixed after all,”
Plo chortled once more, clearly agreeing with Qui-Gon that he was
spoiling Obi-Wan. “Beside, we are only younglings and padawans once
in our life even if its for several years. Make the most of those
years one has I say,” He settled on as the elevator stopped. “Ah,
here’s our stop. I will see you later Qui-Gon. Obi-Wan lets get
your leg looked at and knitted with the bone knitter. I imagine
you’re ready to be walking again on your own legs.” He stepped
out of the elevator with a last wave to Qui-Gon.

Obi-Wan peeked over
the shoulder and gave Qui-Gon a shy wave and smile, beaming when the
man gave him a small wave goodbye in return before the doors closed
once more. “Yes Master, I think I rather am. Beside, it wouldn’t
be fun to limp around with the temporary cast for another week.” He
settled on, content even as he noted the amusement of other Jedi who
caught sight of them.

Why should he care?

Master Plo was
right, he was only this young once.

One day in the
future this would be a memory to look back on and laugh.

To look back on
with fondness and warmth on dark missions. To feel at ease with Plo’s
protective love wrapped around him in those memories.

He tightened his
grip around Plo’s neck and felt the kel dor gently run his free
claws through Obi-Wan’s short red hair in comfort, as if he could
hear what Obi-Wan was thinking.

One is only this
young once.

Even babies who
come out of peaches grown in a temple garden.

Hey I think tumblr ate my prompt, but I was hopeing you would continue peach baby, I just love when obi and plo have a son/father relationship, it is so sweet and sothing for my heart <3

Lifting the boy up
and settling him on his arm, Plo gave a deep rumble. “Alright, lets
get you to the healers while Qui-Gon goes to brief the Council on our
mission and its turnout.” He said with some cheer, rather eager to
get Obi-Wan looked at by said healer.

Giving an
exasperated sigh, Obi-Wan just allowed it, smiling wryly at everyone
as Plo descended the ramp into temple hanger B-21 with the almost
thirteen year old on his arm. Around them other Jedi, pilots and
mechanics were working, the noise filling the halls with droids
zipping back and forth as required.

Obi-Wan rather
suspected the kel dor was using the Force to make it easier to carry
him and Qui-Gon wasn’t even attempting to talk the man out of it as
he followed in a sedate pace behind him. “You know, you two could
have asked the halls to arrive with a hoverchair,” He said with
some amount of sarcasm. “It would have made this a lot easier.”

There was a little
chuckle behind them that both master and padawan ignored as Plo just
hummed instead. “Perhaps but this is quicker Obi-Wan, and I get the
enjoyment of a little peach baby for a few more years.” He chortled

Flustering a bit,
Obi-Wan gave an annoyed mumble and hid his face into the kel dor’s
shoulder, his cheeks burning with embarrassment. “I’m not a
baby.” He muttered into the fabric as they entered one of the

“Oh I know that.
But I do have to admit I do miss my little peach baby-Wan.” Plo
admitted softly, squeezing Obi-Wan’s thighs with his arm before he
flooded their bond with soft and genuine warmth that had Obi-Wan
embarrassment dampening slowly even as he kept his face against the

‘Smells like
cinnamon.’ Obi-Wan realized, pressing his face into it and Plo’s

“You spoil him,”
Qui-Gon chuckled, no sense of scolding or objection in his voice or
Force being and Obi-Wan dared to peek at the man over his master’s
shoulder, watching the man smile at Plo in utter amusement and maybe
a tinge of sadness? “He’s going to become a wee monster when he’s
a knight himself if you continue this.” The man was clearly teasing
even as he said it so Obi-Wan didn’t take his words to heart.

“Oh he deserves
it, having to wait on the healers to get his leg fixed after all,”
Plo chortled once more, clearly agreeing with Qui-Gon that he was
spoiling Obi-Wan. “Beside, we are only younglings and padawans once
in our life even if its for several years. Make the most of those
years one has I say,” He settled on as the elevator stopped. “Ah,
here’s our stop. I will see you later Qui-Gon. Obi-Wan lets get
your leg looked at and knitted with the bone knitter. I imagine
you’re ready to be walking again on your own legs.” He stepped
out of the elevator with a last wave to Qui-Gon.

Obi-Wan peeked over
the shoulder and gave Qui-Gon a shy wave and smile, beaming when the
man gave him a small wave goodbye in return before the doors closed
once more. “Yes Master, I think I rather am. Beside, it wouldn’t
be fun to limp around with the temporary cast for another week.” He
settled on, content even as he noted the amusement of other Jedi who
caught sight of them.

Why should he care?

Master Plo was
right, he was only this young once.

One day in the
future this would be a memory to look back on and laugh.

To look back on
with fondness and warmth on dark missions. To feel at ease with Plo’s
protective love wrapped around him in those memories.

He tightened his
grip around Plo’s neck and felt the kel dor gently run his free
claws through Obi-Wan’s short red hair in comfort, as if he could
hear what Obi-Wan was thinking.

One is only this
young once.

Even babies who
come out of peaches grown in a temple garden.