So in the Snails are Free, does Ani get to take Obi on that date?

Its not that they don’t notice of course.

Skywalker’s smile is just sometimes a tad too wide, has too many teeth. His hair seems to live on its own, as if there’s something there they can’t see that’s more. His eyes seem like they’re voids sometimes, too deep and yet not empty and his body sometimes seems too small for him, as if there’s something larger than life lingering just behind him.

Kenobi isn’t any better, not really.

The larger feeling isn’t there, not with him but his eyes… his eyes just sometimes seem to look too deeply, seem just a tad too large and too knowing at times and his smile too has grown, as if there’s too many teeth that have been sharpened in his mouth.

Jedi have always known there is more to them than to many others.

Have always known that Force sensitive are set slightly apart by the nature of what they are able to do and the things they can reach for, that they are something… more.

But the truth of it has never been narrowed down, not fully.

But Skywalker…

Skywalker has always seemed a tad different and his master started to follow him into the difference not that long ago.

As if they could see the things that the Force had hid before and if the truth is that Anakin Skywalker is the chosen one then… maybe that’s why.

Maybe the Force has decided to show Skywalker, his eyes sometimes lingering in places there is nothing, eyes on the ground where there seemingly isn’t anything and yet Jedi do not step in those spots, even before Skywalker’s eyes focused there.

It makes sense that the first to follow him would be his own master, Kenobi’s own eyes rapidly following the same spots at times.

Even in the council chamber, Kenobi’s eyes will flicker to the windows, as if something has moved, his eyes deeper than space itself as it tracks the path of something invisible for a few seconds before he focuses back on the meeting. Pretending he saw nothing, pretending the other council members aren’t watching him.

Both Skywalker and Kenobi are pretending.

Yet they are observing.

They watch, not simply these invisible things but also their fellow Jedi.

Seem to be waiting.

Waiting for what?

Its a good question.

Not even Yoda, the few times someone can prompt him to answer, has an answer to that.

So everyone waits and everyone observes, takes in the slightly too wrong look of Kenobi and Skywalker, takes in the feeling being observed and notes when their bodies seem to automatically avoid certain places.

As if their feet know to avoid stepping on something but their eyes can not see it.

“Obi-Wan! Come on! You know it took me weeks to get this reservation! And we’re shipping out tomorrow for that… that thing! The Naboo thing!” Skywalker groaned loudly, arms crossed over his chest as he stands at the doors of the south entrance.

Sighing, Kenobi bowed apologetic to Master Koon, the kel dor simply chuckling and waving him of as he’s not offended. Turning Kenobi makes his way to Skywalker, a small smile growing as Skywalker suddenly seems to smile wider and more ferociously than any human should be able to, both pausing in front of the doors as if they are waiting for something to pass, like a shadow over their face where nothing exists to create it. “I swear Anakin, I know I taught you patience as my padawan, Do you need a refresher?” The redhead scolded softly, stepping out with Skywalker, whose hair looks like its living.

“Oh come on master, I leave the patience to you.” The other winked, bringing his former master out into the sun of Coruscant.

In the Snails Are Free can we get some cute courting between Anakin and Obi-Wan Please?

“I’m sorry.” Anakin croaked out, peering blearily up at his Obi-Wan as the other set down a glass of water and a bowl of soup on the caff table.

Pausing, clearly startled, Obi-Wan’s three eyes blinked at him for several seconds before the other shook his head. “Now, what in the world are you apologizing for Anakin, for getting sick?” Sinking down on the couch beside the other, Obi-Wan gently had the blond lean against his side, smiling slightly as a few of Anakin’s tentacles wrapped weakly around his waist.

“I was…,” Pausing as a coughing fit overcame him, Anakin whined pitifully as Obi-Wan rubbed his back, his chest aching heavily. “I was suppose to take you out. To Dex. To…” To take him on the date that wasn’t quite a date because neither Obi-Wan or Anakin seemed to be able to say as much.

Even though both of them knew that they were dating at this point.

Waiting until Anakin collapsed against his side, Obi-Wan stroked the slightly sweaty hair out of the way. “Oh Anakin, I don’t blame you for getting sick and we can go on… we can go to Dex at any time. Your health comes first.” He scolded faintly before picking up the soup bowl, carefully pressing it into Anakin’s hands.

Grimacing slightly but raising the bowl to his lips, Anakin sipped slowly.

Thankfully, it was a thin soup, made with chicken and some thin noodles. It also brought back memories of Obi-Wan making the soup when Anakin was sick when he was young or when the weather was cold.

On the latter though, they’d also have bread to go with the soup, soaking it all up, the bread making it all more filling.

“Still…I know you were looking forward to it, so I was I.” Anakin lamented, his throat feeling a tad better for the warm liquid.

Both ignored the shadow of the giant snail’s tail suddenly passing by their balcony, Obi-Wan just gently hugging Anakin to his side. “I was. But as I said, we can go to Dex at any time. It wasn’t deeply necessary for us to go today.” He tugged playfully on a blond curl.

Snorting slightly, realizing that Obi-Wan wouldn’t accept Anakin taking on the blame, Anakin instead focused on slowly finishing of the soup so he could lay back down again.

He was honestly miserable and if he was to take a guess, it meant that while this was a cold, it was also a otherworld cold at the same time.

Just karking great.

Didn’t help that along with the couch, fever and normal body aches, his tentacles also ached and he had developed a purple rash everywhere that itched at times.’

“Besides,” Obi-Wan’s voice had turned soft, prompting Anakin to look at him, finding Obi-Wan watching him with tender eyes. “I don’t mind looking after you.” He murmured quietly, fingers brushing gently over Anakin’s cheek.

Feeling a tad gooey at that, Anakin couldn’t help but grin goofily at his master, his mate, setting down his soup bowl so he could cuddle in closer.

Laughing, Obi-Wan pressed a chaste kiss to Anakin’s cheek, his long hair brushing against Anakin’s neck before the redhead carefully prompted the knight to lay down, his head resting on Obi-Wan’s lap.

Oh, that was real nice as Obi-Wan instantly sliding his fingers into Anakin’s hair, slowly massaging the other scalp as Anakin let out little, happy noises between coughs.

Don’t get him wrong, he still felt terrible…but at least he wasn’t alone.

So does Anakin make his move? Does Obi-Wan realize he is attracted to his (unknown to him) mate? How do our boys proceed? Is Obi still getting headaches? Have we made friends with the giant slug? The Snails Are Free

Chewing slowly and thoughtfully as he observed the other, ignoring the sounds of quiet conversations and the click of cutlery on plates, Anakin finally reached out with one of his smaller tentacles and brushed Obi-Wan’s hair out of his face, tucking it behind the others ear as the other gave a startled little noise, blinking at the blond with all three eyes.

“Your hair is getting long, it suits you.” Anakin noted, smiling contently.

Snorting faintly, Obi-Wan set his cutlery down and reached for his wine glass. “I was thinking of having it chopped when we got back to the temple.” He stated a tad wryly, the top of his cheeks notably red as he sipped and Anakin had to fight his own emotions as he noticed the table to the left once more staring at Obi-Wan as he slowly swallowed.

Honestly, when Obi-Wan said he wanted to have some fancier dining, Anakin hadn’t minded it too much.

He was very aware that Obi-Wan quite heartily enjoyed greasy fast food, their trips to Dex with the mountains of food Obi-Wan would sometimes order, being quite revealing in Obi-Wan’s taste.

So if he occasionally wanted to enjoy something a tad fancier, Anakin didn’t mind.

At least Obi-Wan’s definition of fancy was well made food with good ingredient and not fucking gold on food, Anakin never got over his revulsion when rich people did that and he knew Obi-Wan too had a hefty dislike of it.

It was a rather fancy place compared to what Anakin usually preferred. Decorated with what looked like real woods and plants around instead of durasteel and imitation plants or holo projectors, live servers instead of droids and semi shielded tables all around.

It was even mostly full of sentients, sitting in fancy clothes as they dined. On any other day, he might have actually enjoyed the difference compared to Dex Diner.

But seeing people in this restaurant stare at Obi-Wan like they wanted to eat him, instead of their fucking food…

Well, Anakin had the distinct desire to either stab them or throw salt in their eyes. Any eyes he himself was attracting was ignored, he didn’t have eyes for these idiots and the fact that they were mooning at Obi-Wan was frankly pissing Anakin of enough for his tentacles to start shifting in shade.

Something he hadn’t been aware of until Obi-Wan pointed it out, curiously eyeing the grey tentacles turning white as they twitched about. Anakin had to bullshit a bit there, telling Obi-Wan that the it was just all the attention when they were there to eat while being grateful that Obi-Wan no longer got headaches from unexpected eldritch changes.

Not technically a lie, they were being stared of by the clientele of the upper scale restaurant after all.

They all knew who Obi-Wan was, the two Jedi having helped mopping up the insurrection of the planet, a group of dissatisfied outsiders more than anything, and saved the Council of Elders in one fell swoop.

Letting Obi-Wan believe it was because he was annoyed over the attention when he was hungry was easier than letting him know that Anakin was kriffing jealous as fuck and a tad angry the people were being so obvious when Obi-Wan had no interest back.

That and he was a bit terrified that Obi-Wan would return interested if he knew just how much some of these assholes wanted him.

Instead of voicing any of that, Anakin just grinned a tad in response. “I’d rather you didn’t. Never seen you with properly long hair, think you’d look good though but its up to you.” He shrugged absently, absently twirling his fork through the pasta on his plate.

Chuckling faintly, Obi-Wan picked his cutlery back up and cut a nice piece of meat, carefully running it through the sauce. “You like it huh… well, we’ll see. I might keep it, it depends on how much of a hassle it feels like.” He stated a tad thoughtfully.

Anakin couldn’t help but notice that the tips of Obi-Wan’s ears were red too now. ‘…Cute.’

Please, please, can we have more about the the snail are free AU? Because I’m dying for it!! ❤️❤️

His master is asleep.

Its a beautiful sight honestly and Anakin can’t help but smile as he sits across for the sleeping man, the crackling of the fire along with the sounds of insects in the night the only thing disturbing the peace.

Well, disturbing was pushing it.

It was honestly a nice background noise if Anakin was asked. The night was slightly chilly, which was why they had built the fire and they were really here just to observe the peace of the planet supposedly.

It was turning out to be a nice time.

A nice climate, green fields with lakes, nothing too otherwordly around them.

Just him and his master and the friendly locals that let the two Jedi observe their worlds and make notes.

Being paired up with his master despite being knighted was something Anakin would never take for granted, to be able to watch the other sleep peacefully.

Obi-Wan had admitted, flushed and a tad shamefully, that he slept better when Anakin came with him on missions. Having another person to run the other world things he saw to be able to confirm if it was real or not, bringing Obi-Wan peace in a way he couldn’t explain.

Anakin got it though.

He slept better when Obi-Wan was with him to, though for other reasons.

‘He looks peaceful… warm and peaceful, all three of his eyes closed.’ Anakin tilted his head before shifting slowly, moving around the fire as quietly as he could.

Once close enough to the others bedroll, he reached out and gently pushed Obi-Wan’s hair out of his face, grinning when all Obi-Wan did was breath out at the touch. He could have used his tentacles of course, they were long enough to reach, but using his hands for this…

Well, it felt nicer.

Unable to resist, Anakin played with the copper hair stroking his fingers into the others red mop. ‘He has a mullet…’ He noted with some amusement.

It didn’t look too bad on Obi-Wan honestly but still, a mullet was…

Well, mullets were kind of… odd.

It wasn’t really all that flattering on Obi-Wan if Anakin was honest and there were many styles the other could pull off a lot better than this, ‘business in the front, party in the back’ situation he seemed to go with.

It was okay for a knight in their experimental days but Obi-Wan was a master, a young one for sure but still a master. Some layer of dignity was required, though Obi-Wan managed to hold onto it.

But that was everything BUT the mullet honestly.

‘I wonder how he’d look with long hair. Maybe braided?’ He paused, staring at his master, going a tad glassy eyed as he let his imagination take him away.

Preoccupied with his thoughts, Anakin almost jumped out of his skin when a warm, callused hand wrapped around his wrist. He almost punched out of sheer habit but was grateful he held it in as he looked down into Obi-Wan’s sleepy eyes.

The other was somewhat awake, his hand wrapped around Anakin’s wrist. “Ah, master…” He stammered.

Obi-Wan just gave a soft, sleepy smile and tugged lightly on the blond’s wrist. “Come on… no need for a watch. Sleep.” He whispered, raising his blankets invitingly.

How could Anakin resist such an invitation?

Summoning his own bedding, Anakin slipped himself in under Obi-Wan’s blanket, pressing himself to the other’s warm chest. It felt so nice.

Obi-Wan’s warm arm came down around him with the blanket, the fire heating his back. He could hear Obi-Wan’s steady heartbeat at the same time, a beautiful music.

Mixed with the insects and the crackling of fire…

Anakin felt himself relax, wrapping his tentacles around his Obi-Wan. “Warm…”

“Mmmn… you are.” Obi-Wan sighed happily in sleepy agreement, his face pressed to Anakin’s growing curls. Warm and happy against Anakin’s own frame.

This was even more beautiful, though Anakin mourned not being able to watch Obi-Wan’s face as he slept peacefully, not a vision in sight and not a nightmare to be found.

‘Sleep my master… you deserve it,’ Anakin pulled the other in closer, holding him tightly. ‘You deserve all the rest and warmth in the world.’

In The Snails Are Free how does Ani start courting his mate and when does he realize Obi is his mate?

Hindsight makes him feel a bit stupid honestly.

After all, outside of Obi-Wan, no other Jedi or Force sensitive can see the other world, not like Anakin can and even those that suspect it can not see or feel what the two can and while some would argue that Obi-Wan could see because Anakin was his padawan and had told him…

Well, Anakin wants to facepalm as he holds onto his master with his tentacles as the other continues to haggle for the tea he wanted.

Obi-Wan is his mate and the Force practically cackles in his ear at the realization and tells him ‘Ding ding ding! We have a winner, finally, you made the connection. Congrats.’

Glancing at the other, moving a bit closer to the stand to avoid the wookie barreling through the market place, Anakin finds he doesn’t mind the idea so much as Obi-Wan’s large middle eye blinks slowly, his face flushed with excitement as he accepts the deal and pays for his tea.

His first mission paired back up with Obi-Wan had been rather smooth sailing much to Anakin’s surprise as his first four solo missions were one clusterfuck after another.

But at least this had been smooth and easy, just witnessing a planet joining the Republic, the deliverance of the standard Republican Senate pack and taking in who became Senator for the planet to join the Senate on Coruscant.

Just one neat, easy package and for once an easy mission Anakin was grateful to have with little otherwordly influences, unlike his last mission alone.

“We should get ready and head to the transport hub,” Anakin noted calmly, tugging lightly with his tentacles around the others waist but without any real power. He didn’t want Obi-Wan to stumble. “If we walk, its going to take us a good half hour, maybe more if there’s a holdup.” He noted when Obi-Wan opened his mouth to argue.

Obi-Wan closed his mouth instantly, looking a tad sheepish as Anakin had him clocked.

Smiling in amusement, Anakin accepted the bag from the rodian vendor for Obi-Wan, putting a hand on the others shoulder to propel him away. “I know you want to visit every stall but we really don’t have time mas-Obi-Wan.” He amended at the others pointed look.

Though honestly, it made him glow with happiness to call the other by his name, Obi-Wan’s need to ensure they were on equal level now making him even happier.

Smothering a longing glance at the stalls, Obi-Wan let out a deep sigh. “You’re right. Suppose I could return here one day.” He noted quietly, leaning into Anakin’s side when the other didn’t remove his hand.

Humming faintly, Anakin chanced wrapping his arm fully around the others shoulders along with the tentacles around the others waist. “Well, I did promise to visit every star when I was a child,” He stated thoughtfully, smiling when Obi-Wan sent him an amused glance, clearly remembering the childish promise of a young Anakin. “Suppose we could visit them together and come back here if we took a small break. I mean, we do get decompression time back at the temple.” Anakin noted, his stomach tingling when Obi-Wan laughed happily.

“That is true, I wouldn’t mind repeating all this.” Obi-Wan agreed genially.

Well, that tingling was turning into butterflies with the unsaid promise of the two of them traveling together some day in the future.

Not for missions but for pleasure, Obi-Wan enjoying seeing new things and researching said things and Anakin wanting to explore the galaxy.

Tightening his grip on Obi-Wan, guiding him around a rowdy group of clearly already drunk humans that were singing off key, Anakin and Obi-Wan exchanged an amused look as they noted law enforcement coming towards them.

Some things never changed, regardless where you went in the galaxy.

#TheSnailsAreFree- Ani is finally able to pursue his former master, but first has to deal with his master’s wounded heart:

How long it took for the other to calm down, sitting there in the dark with the hitched breaths of Obi-Wan’s sobs echoing and the warm tears wetting Anakin’s neck and tunic, Anakin wasn’t sure but finally the other was quiet, curled into Anakin’s chest as he breathed slowly.

Hell, Anakin was almost thought the other was asleep but a little squeeze of his tentacles got him a small, questioning noise as he watched the skycar lines outside, far away from the temple.

So, still awake, just… hiding.

‘Well, he did breakdown crying in my lap. I wouldn’t be so high and mighty either then.’ Anakin mused to himself as he shifted a bit to get more comfortable. “…Master?” He murmured quietly.

That got him a tiny flinch. “…Yes Anakin?” Obi-Wan rasped out.

He sounded tired but that seemed pretty on par with him having spent who knew how long crying against Anakin’s neck.

But if Anakin let him sleep, Obi-Wan would pretend this moment never happened.

That was what he did before except to reassure Anakin he was alright, then he’d go on ignoring what had happened, as if it hadn’t happened.

And that was unacceptable to Anakin.

Shuffling the other a bit, Anakin pushed the other back with his hands while keeping a hold with his tentacles, cupping the others chin so Obi-Wan couldn’t turn away. He was honestly grateful for the night vision he had gained at this point, it allowed him to see Obi-Wan rather clearly as the other stared back at him uncertainly with red rimmed eyes.

Still not quite able to pull back, still not quite gathering himself to create distance between himself and Anakin.

Absently, he noted the little coil of his braid peeking out of Obi-Wan’s closed fist even as he raised his other hand to gently smooth over Obi-Wan’s wet cheeks, watching as he closed all his eyes at the touch.

It made him smile slightly, the automatic reaction.

“…You going to tell me why you were sitting here in the dark?” Anakin finally murmured, keeping his voice low, as if this moment was too precious for loud words.

To break this vulnerability Obi-Wan had shown.

And asking outright why he was crying would never work.

Obi-Wan was generally emotionally stable and always tried to reach out to Anakin, but when it came to the tender spots, the deep hurts, Obi-Wan had always needed time to distance himself from them to talk about them.

Like the death of Qui-Gon or his early padawan years.

Now that had pissed Anakin off, to learn the man he had practically hero worshiped had treated any child, especially Obi-Wan, in such a manner and Anakin had sworn to himself if he was ever someones teacher, he would be better.

Obi-Wan tried looking away but with Anakin’s grip on his chin, that wasn’t doable and Obi-Wan simply ended up shifting a bit instead, the older man huffing as he closed his red rimmed eyes a bit, as if praying for patience or fortitude. “I…” He swallowed, Anakin able to feel it as much as he saw it as he was holding onto the others chin.

“Master?” Anakin prompted, frowning when the other flinched.

“…I’m not though, not anymore.” He finally whispered, opening his eyes to give Anakin a defeated look.

Blinking, Anakin stared speechlessly at the other, the coils of his tentacles tightening in surprise. “Wha-”

“Oh, that came out wrong,” Obi-Wan rubbed at his middle eye with the palm of his hand. “I… you’re a knight now, a fresh knight. When I was your master, I knew I’d see you. I knew where you were but… you’ll leave now. You’re a knight. Our missions won’t be combined, not anymore. I just…” Obi-Wan’s lips quivered.

This was not how Anakin had anticipated things going, he had anticipated confessing, wrapping the other into his arms and kissing him… well maybe not, Obi-Wan was sure to have some injections that Anakin would persist in overcoming of course.

But with Obi-Wan’s reaction… it was clear he wasn’t ready for that.

No, what Obi-Wan needed was reassurance that Anakin wasn’t simply going to disappear from his life.

Cupping the others face, Anakin smiled at him. “You dolt,” He stated easily, laughing when Obi-Wan eyes went wide in shock. “You will always be my master. I will be sent on a few solo missions, that is the nature of Jedi, but if you think you’re getting rid of me and the headaches I bring that easily, you’re even sillier than I thought.” He grinned at Obi-Wan.

Obi-Wan started him.

Faux relaxing, leaning back against the couch, Anakin raised his brows at Obi-Wan. “And honestly, you’re the only one I can nag for thin flatcakes with candied pallums in and I can’t very well give up that.” He drawled.

Obi-Wan blinked before letting out a small huffing laugh that turned into a belly laugh after a few moments, the other dropping against him as Anakin squeezed his arms around Obi-Wan, smiling slightly into the others hair.

No, Obi-Wan wasn’t ready for a confession just yet.

But… soon.

And until then, Anakin would sate himself with hugs.

#theSnailsAreFree- Ani gets knighted and Obi gets a big surprise.

Gently caressing the piece of hair in his hand, Obi-Wan tried not to let his own emotion swallow him up, even as the large eye in the middle of his forehead didn’t seem to care and was continuously dripping a blue tinged fluid.

It could be tears or it could be something else, Obi-Wan wasn’t sure and he didn’t want to know as he sat desolate on his couch, the room dark and an empty beer on his caff table.

Anakin was finally a knight.

It had happened so much faster than Obi-Wan expected. ‘Nineteen… Nineteen and he finished all the trials, nineteen and he’s no longer my padawan,’ He swallowed heavily as he stared at the braided coil in his hand, his mind flashing back to the chamber as Anakin, smiling softly, had pressed the hair into his hand after Obi-Wan cut it. ‘I should be proud, he’s one of the earliest to be knighted ever but…’

All it left Obi-Wan with was a sense of hollowness.

Pride too of course, pride and sadness.

He’d always be proud of Anakin and how far he had come.

He knew that his knighting hadn’t been a unanimous decision, some still feeling that Anakin had more to learn about letting go and controlling himself in the face of attachment but Anakin had completed his trials, all of them, though some with less finesse than others.

Not that Obi-Wan had completed all of his trials, Obi-Wan had been knighted by slaying the first Sith in a century, becoming the famed Sith Slayer of the temple.

A difficult thing when he was also grieving and becoming the master to a frightened former slave that he had to coax, teach and reassure all at the same time.

In the beginning Anakin hadn’t even called him master, Obi-Wan offering him another title to reassure him.

And he had spoken to Anakin’s teachers too, to ensure they understood that Anakin would have difficulties with the title, that it wasn’t a sign of disrespect but that Anakin’s life had left scars.

Thankfully, most had accepted that and those that didn’t…

Well, Obi-Wan had taken on the tutor roles for Anakin or found others to do it if he didn’t have the skill required for a very good reason until Anakin got more comfortable with what master meant in the Jedi Order.

And now all that was over.

‘He’s still my former padawan, still… still part of my lineage, and we’re friends.’ Obi-Wan swallowed, trying to reassure the frisson of anxiety deep in his stomach and mind that told him he’d never see his padawan again.

But it would take a long time.

Anakin was now a knight, he’d move out and no longer be as ever present in Obi-Wan’s life, leaving Obi-Wan behind.

“…Fuck.” Obi-Wan whispered, covering his mouth with his free hand as tears finally welled up in his normal eyes, flowing over as he blinked heavily.

He was so grateful Anakin had decided to go celebrate with the few friends he had managed to make, Dara and Tru at the very least as far as Obi-Wan knew, maybe a few more that he was associated with more than friends.

He didn’t want Anakin to see him like this, moping like the world was coming apa-

The door behind him snapped open, Obi-Wan letting out a muffled gasp as he quickly dried his eyes as best he could, the blasted third eye refusing to stop dripping. “Hey master! I got Dex’s, figured you might not have eaten!” Anakin’s voice boomed out, slightly slurred but not heavily, indicating he hadn’t drunk much.

“S-Sounds great!” Obi-Wan called back, bewildered but happy to hear his padawan.

‘Former padawan.’ His mind ruthlessly reminded as he hoped his voice wasn’t effected by the tears.

Anakin’s Force aura flashed with something, the other going quiet but for the quick shuffling of him getting his boots off and hanging his robe likely and Obi-Wan fiercely tried to still the his own tears, shove his emotions into the Force so he could stop leaking before Anakin came around the couch corner to see him.

No luck, Anakin with the familiar takeout bag from Dex stood there finally, his brows furrowed as Obi-Wan clearly hadn’t managed to keep his voice steady enough to fool the other.

The sight of Obi-Wan’s face had Anakin’s eyes widening, the other dropping the bag on the floor as he dropped to the couch, his tentacles coming up around Obi-Wan, dragging him right into Anakin’s lap so he could wrap his arms around him. “Master!”

The concern was unbearable and the little control Obi-Wan had managed to shore up, broke.

Obi-Wan broke, tears once more coming from all his eyes as Anakin pulled him in tightly and hugged him, rocking him with the smell of smoke and alcohol caught in the others clothes along with Obi-Wan’s hands caught between them, one still holding onto the braid with all its decorations.

Obi-Wan would miss this.

So with the Snails are Free, is Anakin realizing that Obi is his mate or is he clueless? What kind of disparaging comments is Palpatine making about Obi?

Cup paused mid air, Obi-Wan blinked at his padawan as the other stared at him wide eyed from the door, his back pressed to it and clearly upset though Obi-Wan could feel nothing through their bond. “Anakin?” He murmured, setting his cup down while standing up.

“The giant one talks.” Anakin hissed, his eyes flickering to the balcony as a shadow passed by their quarters.

Freezing, Obi-Wan blinked back at his padawan as tentacles flickered agitately around before wrapping firmly around Anakin. “Excuse me?” He choked out.

“It talks,” Anakin hissed again, twitching a bit against the door. “It talked to me and it understands basic though what the hell it talks I have no idea but I understood it.” He shuddered a bit.

Ignoring his tea, Obi-Wan made his way to his padawan instead, quickly pressing his hand to the others forehead and then grabbing his hands, turning them over and pressing his fingers to the others pulsepoint. “Are you alright?” Obi-Wan questioned quickly. ‘He was just suppose to go to the Senate! Meet with the Chancellor as always! Why… why the hell would that giant thing talk to him?!’ Obi-Wan couldn’t help but wonder but Anakin’s health came first.

Too busy trying to check on the other, he didn’t see Anakin’s eyes soften slightly, his attention only drawn up once the others tentacles wrapped tightly around him as they often did during sleep or when Anakin was feeling clingy.

Which, fairly, he might be feeling right now.

But it least it seemed like Anakin was calming down, his pulse was higher than normal but not as high as when Obi-Wan first put his fingers to them and while he still looked disturbed, he didn’t look like he was about to have a panic attack.

Hell, he had opened up on their bond a bit, the feeling of unease lingering in their bond from Anakin, not that Obi-Wan was much better. “I’m… well, not fine but I’m not hurt physically or mentally.” Anakin breathed out, dropping his head back against the door to peer down at his master.

‘Force, he’s gotten so tall. Damn it, how do I keep inviting tall people into my life?’ Obi-Wan mentally huffed, a stray thought in the moment of absurdity. “Well, there’s that,” Obi-Wan chose to respond with, squeezing tanned hands carefully. “What did it say?” He opted next.

Huffing a bit, Anakin grimaced at him.

The action had Obi-Wan brow furrowing a bit. “…Padawan?” He prompted carefully.

That got him a bigger grimace, as if Anakin was sulking “It called me a hatchling.” He finally admitted.

“…A hatchling?” Obi-Wan blinked, pulling his hands back to stroke his beard thoughtfully, frowning heavily. “That’s… it called you a hatchling… did it say anything more?” He glanced at the other, peering up through his bangs.

Anakin nibbled on his bottom lip before sighing and nodding. “A blind hatchling. It said it was strange to see such a blind hatchling walking around without a care.”

Obi-Wan sensed there was something Anakin wasn’t saying but from the way the others cheeks colored, it was best not to prod the wompa.

For all Obi-Wan knew, the giant slug thing could have called him something worse than blind. “A blind hatchling… maybe its referring to the other sight? You have been seeing more and more increasingly but there seems that there might be… more?” He theorized, peering at his senior padawan.

Shrugging slightly, Anakin wiggled his feet out of his boots finally, stepping away from the door and shrugging his robe off to hang up. “Maybe, don’t really care right now. The way its voice just rumbled through me was disconcerting.” Anakin grumbled.

Through you?” Obi-Wan balked, following when Anakin started walking to the couch since the others tentacles were still wrapped around his waist, not that he wanted to leave his padawan alone right now anyhow.

Huffing, Anakin sat down on the first couch, pulling Obi-Wan in close the moment the sat down too so he could settle his head on his master’s shoulder. “Yeah, it was really weird. It was like a sonic shower but instead of being on the outside to vibrate the dirt off, it felt like it was all over me and inside.” He sulked quietly.

Blinking, Obi-Wan absently wrapped his arm around the other, rubbing his fingers through Anakin’s short hair before tugging the string out of the others nerf tail, teasing the long hair too. “How… disturbing.” He mused, falling quietly, missing Anakin glancing at him while enjoying the scalp massage.

‘…Obi-Wan must never know it said I strutted around. I do not strut. I stride.’

#thesnailsarefree: how are the boys holding up? Is Anakin going to be knighted soon? Is Palpatine scheming behind the scenes? Are we close to the clone wars? Has Ani’s monster side claimed Obi as his?

Peering sleepily down at his waist, Obi-Wan mentally wondered when this had become the norm as the shimmery white tentacle tightened its grip around him, the warmth of the person sharing the same bunk as him comforting along with the surprisingly reassuring presence of the tentacles wrapped around him.

‘Oh, right about the time Anakin developed more other features. Right.’ Obi-Wan yawned sleepily, the amused thought reminding him of the initial reaction to the additions.

That had been one hell of a morning when Anakin had come running out of his bedroom in the temple, yelling for Obi-Wan in a high pitched, frightened voice that had Obi-Wan almost running into the door of his own bedroom in his haste to get to the other.

It had taken Obi-Wan hours to get Anakin to properly calm down after, his own heart beating a mile a second as the sight of Anakin having tentacles coming from his armpits as if they were additional arms. They were just as thick as Anakin’s arm at the forearms closest at the torso in the same shimmery white color as Anakin’s head tail but with shimmery gray circle markings over them on the top and he had suckers in a darker gray color on the underside like an octopus would.

Which was strange, considering Anakin’s headtail seemed to be more related to the slugs around the temple but Obi-Wan wasn’t about to make comments about that when Anakin was having a panic attacked mixed in with body dysmorphia due to having gained tentacles.

Pinky had also been distressed by both Anakin and Obi-Wan, the little critter chirping and whimpering in Obi-Wan’s neck as Anakin cried and flailed his tentacles around.

But, as with everything else from Obi-Wan’s third eye to Anakin’s own headtail, they got used to them and Anakin adapted to them quite remarkably Obi-Wan would say, using the additional appendages on the sly when anyone was watching and more obvious when it was just the two of them.

One of the things they had early learned was that, when sharing a bed with Obi-Wan as they often had to do during missions, the tentacles would wrap themselves around Obi-Wan.

Latching on tightly, as if he would disappear in the night.

The first time it had happened, Anakin refused to look Obi-Wan in the eyes and had tried to tie his own tentacles to his body come night.

Which Obi-Wan had promptly scolded him for of course.

He didn’t mind the experience, it was odd yes but frankly, he’d rather have Anakin wrap them around him in his sleep than the other doing something that could potentially damage him. And the tentacles had required bacta after Anakin’s little stunt, the skin red and irritated from the material and harshness Anakin had treated them with.

The skin was shockingly delicate if Obi-Wan was honest.

Not something he was used to thinking with Anakin but well, a little adjustment period.

Still, it was strange just how comfortable he now was with the tentacle.

Petting the white appendages around his waist and stomach, Obi-Wan glanced at the chrono, grunting when he noted it was the middle of the night still.

He could feel the rumbling of the hypermotor that was still in use, which meant that they were in a hyperlane and still far from their destination.

In the hollow of his neck, Pinky gave a sleepy chirp, nuzzling slowly into him in a comforting motion. “I know, I know.” Obi-Wan mumbled, reaching up with his other hand to carefully rub at the slug’s head with a gentle rubbing motion.

The action had displaced him a bit as Anakin’s coils tugged him back into his body, the blond letting out a soft mumble as he spooned more up against the warmth of the Obi-Wan’s body, an arm coming up to flop over Obi-Wan’s chest.

‘I’m going to miss this when he’s knighted…’ Obi-Wan paused, letting out a shaking breath as he let the thought linger a bit. Then he let it go into the Force.

He wouldn’t loose Anakin just because he became a knight, they’d still be former master and padawan and they would become equals and hopefully friends at that point but…

He’d miss this, this comforting feeling of being together, because he doubted they’d get as many missions together and Anakin would be going for solo missions as all fresh knights were to.

Which meant that Obi-Wan would have to enjoy this for as long as it lasted, slowly rubbing at the tentacles wrapped around him until he fell asleep once more.

Ani and Obi talk in the Snails are free about the dogs. Those dogs seem like they have been twisted in the Force? Maybe it was a Sith stronghold in the past?

Staring at each other as their transport finally left the planet’s atmosphere and went from a bumpy ride to smooth, neither Anakin and Obi-Wan didn’t seem to know what to say.

Those dogs… they weren’t right and both knew it, the Force warning them not to let the animals know that they could see them and that was for the best since one, there were just too many of them for two Jedi to deal with and two, they didn’t seem harmful.

No, if anything, it seemed like a symbiotic relationship with the nobles and sentients of the planet, being feed and pampered in return for protection even if they were horrifying to look at.

But why.

That was what was plaguing both Jedi.

Why the creatures looked like that, why the nobles had them, why the Force had warned them…

And what had happened to them to transform them into twisted, horrific sights in the hidden world Anakin and Obi-Wan could see.

Finally, Obi-Wan let out a small breath, leaning forward with his elbows on his knees. “They gave me a headache.” He murmured, his voice pitched deeper than normal due to the shock of the animals still lingering.

His third eye blinked slowly.

Anakin’s notice was on the words however. “They did? You haven’t had headaches in several weeks though.” Anakin frowned deeply, rubbing his own arms. He was grateful they had their own cabin on the transport.

It wasn’t often they did and he was going to take advantage of that as he sat back on his own bunk, pressing his back to the cold wall, his skin feeling heated beneath his tunic and leggings. Honestly, he had been feeling heated ever since he saw the ‘dogs’.

But now it was more concerning to hear that his master was having headaches again.

Lowering his head, Obi-Wan rubbed at his temples with his hands, sighing deeply. “It is disappearing, however, you are right, I haven’t had a headache from looking at the other world in weeks.” He frowned at the durasteel floor.

Anakin watched the other, taking in the shadows underneath his eyes and the paleness of his skin.

Now that it was mentioned, he could tell that Obi-Wan was indeed not feeling his best, though the other was hiding it from their bond. “Master…” He grumbled, disapproving.

Glancing at his padawan, Obi-Wan’s lips quirked a bit. “I didn’t want to distract you, we were already unnerved as it was.” He stated reassuringly, easing his tight grip on his side of the bond, allowing Anakin to feel how uncomfortable he was.

Wincing, Anakin pushed himself off his bunk and moved to Obi-Wan’s instead, settling a hand on the back of Obi-Wan’s head.

He had gotten pretty adapt at handling Obi-Wan’s headaches from the other vision and carefully, he brought the Force to bear, cooling down Obi-Wan’s aching head.

And Anakin could see the effect it was having, Obi-Wan’s shoulders loosing and his head dropping slightly. “You didn’t have to padawan, I would have cooped…” Obi-Wan whispered quietly.

“You would, I know,” Anakin stated quietly in return. “But I don’t like leaving you in pain when I can help you master.” He tacked on, rubbing his fingertips into the others hair to tease at the others scalp.

It made Obi-Wan chuckle and Anakin half expected a scolding about attachment or frivolous Force use that never came.

Instead Obi-Wan listed slightly towards him until his head was resting on Anakin’s shoulder and for several minutes, the two sat together even as the announcement came that they would be entering hyperspeed in a bit.

“…They had to be Force twisted, right?” Anakin questioned quietly, unwilling to remove his hand fully from his master and instead settling his arm around him, eyeing the others side profile.

“Potentially… we’ll research it when we come home Anakin, for now… we can only need focus on getting home.” Obi-Wan stated, reaching up to stroke Pinky’s head in a gentle, petting motion, the snail tucked into his neck still as the ship finally entered hyperspeed.