
“Rain comes fast on Tatooine,
without a cloud in the sky, she’ll release everything she has.
I dont know when the tradition started,
but eventually, the people followed suit.
Life is hard here,
but when it rains,
for those few moments,
we scream to the stars
and then get back to living.”

Rain and Life on Tatooine bc I like making up Tatooine culture stuff. Another bit – you can always tell when you start thinking of Tatooine has home – cus when it rains it just clicks. 

Enjoy! Do not repost! 


Din learns hands-on the ins-n-outs of lightsaber duels from Master Luke

(and a Round 2:)

I have so many things I want to draw for Din going to Jedi school so @dinlukenation​‘s Dinluke Week was the push to get started. More student!Din to come 🤞