QuiObi with dead Obi-Wan?

only just stepped off the ship when an unsettling feeling shivers
down Qui-Gon’s spine, his aching hand clenching on his bag strap as
he glances at his equally tired teenage padawan, Anakin dragging his
feet as he follows beside Qui-Gon.

tries to shake it.

mission stress, it was a hard one, especially on Anakin as they
encountered a child smuggling slavery ring and its strained them

are both in requirement of sleep, of
showers or outright baths. They
both need food and Force Qui-Gon needs to cuddle with Obi-Wan because
honestly this mission has been crap.

thought makes him pause, headache throbbing at his temple that seems
to be growing.

shiver comes back even stronger and Anakin looks up at him, blinking
in confusion and opening his mouth only to be cut off as a female
voice calls for Qui-Gon.

Qui-Gon blinked as he saw Knight Bant, one of Obi-Wan’s knight

shiver was full blast back, fear curdling in his stomach as she raced
over to him with glossy eyes, the sign of tears on a mon calamari.
“Master Qui-Gon!” She paused in front of her, slightly out of
breath as she tried to gather it. Then she hesitated, staring up at
him with large eyes for several long minutes, seemingly floundering
for words.

sour curdling was making it hard for him to breath, this situation
was too…

He whispered shakily.

face fell, her double eyelids blinking as she looked between the two
before she let out a shuddering breath and pulled the world out from
under Qui-Gon and Anakin. “I’m so sorry Master Qui-Gon, but
Obi-Wan’s mission… it went wrong… Obi-Wan is dead.” She
whispered out, big
fat tears appearing in her large eyes.

stared at her, hearing Anakin snap out denials at her but… that
headache, that headache that had been plaguing him for days that he
couldn’t quite figure out but brushed aside as exhaustion and lack
of fluids.

Qui-Gon shifted his shields to reach for the pairbond between himself
and Obi-Wan.


didn’t notice himself fall, didn’t feel himself hit his already
tender knees on the temple hanger floor, didn’t hear either Bant or
Anakin cry out in alarm.

he could focus on… was the emptiness where Obi-Wan was suppose to
be, where he had been for the last four years since they initiated
the heart pairbond when Obi-Wan was thirty one and a fully fledged
knight well away from any influence Qui-Gon could have had on him so
no one could accuse them of indecency or Qui-Gon abusing the powers
he once had over Obi-Wan as his master.



is no body.

other knights on the same mission couldn’t retrieve the body.

two warring factions had unleashed an avalanche and while trying to
evacuate civilians Obi-Wan had been swept away.

they burn no body but hold a memorial yet as Qui-Gon leans heavily on
Anakin’s shoulder.

sixteen year old has been mute since they were told but has tuck to
Qui-Gon’s side like a bur, offering his silent and continued
support and Qui-Gon can not really say anything as he has not said
anything either.

be pulled from active missions for months, Qui-Gon knows this but it
is a numb feeling of knowing.

is standard practice however with bonded pair.

Obi-Wan’s former master and his heart bonded, his husband,
Qui-Gon should give his own speech but he can’t. It is too much for
his heart in this moment to stand and speak about Obi-Wan when the
pain spreads from his heart to every part of him and Qui-Gon knows
that the council is watching him, the mind healers are watching him,
is watching him but he can not bring himself to care.

Obi-Wan is not watching him.

raising the hand not on Anakin’s shoulder, Qui-Gon fisted it in his
tunic above his heart.


does not occur to anyone that Obi-Wan gets found after the avalanche.

does not occur to anyone that Obi-Wan gets settled in a wooden box as
is the traditions of the planet.

for four years… Obi-Wan lays dead in his wooden coffin.

QuiObi with dead Obi-Wan?

only just stepped off the ship when an unsettling feeling shivers
down Qui-Gon’s spine, his aching hand clenching on his bag strap as
he glances at his equally tired teenage padawan, Anakin dragging his
feet as he follows beside Qui-Gon.

tries to shake it.

mission stress, it was a hard one, especially on Anakin as they
encountered a child smuggling slavery ring and its strained them

are both in requirement of sleep, of
showers or outright baths. They
both need food and Force Qui-Gon needs to cuddle with Obi-Wan because
honestly this mission has been crap.

thought makes him pause, headache throbbing at his temple that seems
to be growing.

shiver comes back even stronger and Anakin looks up at him, blinking
in confusion and opening his mouth only to be cut off as a female
voice calls for Qui-Gon.

Qui-Gon blinked as he saw Knight Bant, one of Obi-Wan’s knight

shiver was full blast back, fear curdling in his stomach as she raced
over to him with glossy eyes, the sign of tears on a mon calamari.
“Master Qui-Gon!” She paused in front of her, slightly out of
breath as she tried to gather it. Then she hesitated, staring up at
him with large eyes for several long minutes, seemingly floundering
for words.

sour curdling was making it hard for him to breath, this situation
was too…

He whispered shakily.

face fell, her double eyelids blinking as she looked between the two
before she let out a shuddering breath and pulled the world out from
under Qui-Gon and Anakin. “I’m so sorry Master Qui-Gon, but
Obi-Wan’s mission… it went wrong… Obi-Wan is dead.” She
whispered out, big
fat tears appearing in her large eyes.

stared at her, hearing Anakin snap out denials at her but… that
headache, that headache that had been plaguing him for days that he
couldn’t quite figure out but brushed aside as exhaustion and lack
of fluids.

Qui-Gon shifted his shields to reach for the pairbond between himself
and Obi-Wan.


didn’t notice himself fall, didn’t feel himself hit his already
tender knees on the temple hanger floor, didn’t hear either Bant or
Anakin cry out in alarm.

he could focus on… was the emptiness where Obi-Wan was suppose to
be, where he had been for the last four years since they initiated
the heart pairbond when Obi-Wan was thirty one and a fully fledged
knight well away from any influence Qui-Gon could have had on him so
no one could accuse them of indecency or Qui-Gon abusing the powers
he once had over Obi-Wan as his master.



is no body.

other knights on the same mission couldn’t retrieve the body.

two warring factions had unleashed an avalanche and while trying to
evacuate civilians Obi-Wan had been swept away.

they burn no body but hold a memorial yet as Qui-Gon leans heavily on
Anakin’s shoulder.

sixteen year old has been mute since they were told but has tuck to
Qui-Gon’s side like a bur, offering his silent and continued
support and Qui-Gon can not really say anything as he has not said
anything either.

be pulled from active missions for months, Qui-Gon knows this but it
is a numb feeling of knowing.

is standard practice however with bonded pair.

Obi-Wan’s former master and his heart bonded, his husband,
Qui-Gon should give his own speech but he can’t. It is too much for
his heart in this moment to stand and speak about Obi-Wan when the
pain spreads from his heart to every part of him and Qui-Gon knows
that the council is watching him, the mind healers are watching him,
is watching him but he can not bring himself to care.

Obi-Wan is not watching him.

raising the hand not on Anakin’s shoulder, Qui-Gon fisted it in his
tunic above his heart.


does not occur to anyone that Obi-Wan gets found after the avalanche.

does not occur to anyone that Obi-Wan gets settled in a wooden box as
is the traditions of the planet.

for four years… Obi-Wan lays dead in his wooden coffin.

Obi-Wan found that he could not turn away from the light glowing in the distance… no matter what the council or Master Qui-Gon said. Living yet dead

his master call his name once
more in a more urgent tone,
Obi-Wan wanted to turn away from the glowing light he could see in
the distance but…


was so far away but for each time Obi-Wan died, he had seen it become
bigger and stronger and by this point he was starting to get rather
sure that that light was a person somewhere out in the galaxy.

wanted to find them.

they were he wanted to find them and pull them close, bask
in the warmth of their light that Obi-Wan wasn’t sure but seemed to
gain strength with each of his deaths and
that meant they were connected.


was a tug, Obi-Wan could feel someone tugging at him and then firmly
being pulled back with more strength as if someone had reached out
and taken a hold of his shoulders, his eyes snapping closed as nausea
became apparent and pain.

whimpered and opened his eyes, blinking up at a relieved looking
Qui-Gon with the council members peering down at him, his body
gathered in his master’s lap with his arms tight around him, one
large hand supporting the back of his neck.

Obi-Wan choked out, his head hurting so badly and his tongue feeling
swollen in his mouth.

Qui-Gon breathed out, pulling him closer and hugging him as much as
supporting him. “You
had a seizure… I’m going to put you asleep now and take you to
the healers, alright?” Qui-Gon said in a serious tone.

slowly, confused and aching and regretting his decision to move his
head, Obi-Wan let out a soft noise as he wondered what was wrong with

Came the Force suggestion from his master, sending Obi-Wan deeply
asleep without a fight.


Obi-Wan go lax in his lap, Qui-Gon relaxed slowly as he probed his
padawan’s health through their bond, feeling the ruptured organs
being fully healthy and working once more. ‘Poison… how did I not
notice he was poisoned… how did he not notice!? Is he so used to
dying he doesn’t feel them anymore?’ Qui-Gon desperately pulled
the warm body closer to him.

He looked up at the deep rumble, meeting Mace eyes as the council
members slowly pulled back a bit, hands slowly removing themselves
from his back where they had provided additional aid to bring Obi-Wan
back from his own head. “That wasn’t a seizure…he died.
And then he came back.”
Mace frowned at him.

its not the first time this has happened.” Qui-Gon admitted
quietly, knowing he couldn’t hide it from the council as he looked
back down at Obi-Wan’s smooth face, wiping away the line of blood
at his padawan’s mouth.

green hand sporting tree claws gently picked up Obi-Wan’s long
braid, rubbing it lightly. “Dies he does? And come back? Told us
before you have not?” Yoda quietly asked.

first time I became aware of it, Obi-Wan was thrown off a waterfall,
falling on sharp rocks below,” Qui-Gon murmured quietly while
stroking Obi-Wan’s little beauty mark. “I thought I’d failed
again, that I had lost my padawan. But then he sat up, gasping for
air and grimacing in pain… but I knew
he had been dead, if only for a few minutes but he had been dead and
gone… and I knew I couldn’t tell anyone. Can you imagine what
would happen if they learned he can die and come back?” Qui-Gon
looked at Yoda, eyes begging his grandmaster to understand.

thoughtfully rubbed Obi-Wan’s thin but long braid, the evidence of
his apprenticeship. “Hmm, see I do. Fear for him to become a
science experiment you do.” He stated before moving towards his
chair, crawling up on it.

the other council members followed suit, each looking both disturbed
and interested.

isn’t aware you know, does
he?” Jocasta asked quietly, folding her hands in her lap.

his head, Qui-Gon stood with the heavy weight of his padawan against
his chest. “No, I’ve covered for him when I could and looked
after him as best I can. Monitored him when he came back… Masters
he’s not doing it on his own, I don’t know how but its not dark.”
He implored them to understand.

dark it was, felt it we would have.” Yoda hummed, ears twitching.

should keep this off record,” Plo murmured, sitting back in his
chair with his claws tapping together. “For Obi-Wan’s own safety
we should indeed pretend it never happened…” He frowned deeply.

could have collapsed in gratefulness as each council member quietly
agreed, each of them worried for what could happen to a member of
their order should his condition become public knowledge. ‘Its
going to be alright Obi-Wan, we’ll look after you…’

Obi-Wan found that he could not turn away from the light glowing in the distance… no matter what the council or Master Qui-Gon said. Living yet dead

his master call his name once
more in a more urgent tone,
Obi-Wan wanted to turn away from the glowing light he could see in
the distance but…


was so far away but for each time Obi-Wan died, he had seen it become
bigger and stronger and by this point he was starting to get rather
sure that that light was a person somewhere out in the galaxy.

wanted to find them.

they were he wanted to find them and pull them close, bask
in the warmth of their light that Obi-Wan wasn’t sure but seemed to
gain strength with each of his deaths and
that meant they were connected.


was a tug, Obi-Wan could feel someone tugging at him and then firmly
being pulled back with more strength as if someone had reached out
and taken a hold of his shoulders, his eyes snapping closed as nausea
became apparent and pain.

whimpered and opened his eyes, blinking up at a relieved looking
Qui-Gon with the council members peering down at him, his body
gathered in his master’s lap with his arms tight around him, one
large hand supporting the back of his neck.

Obi-Wan choked out, his head hurting so badly and his tongue feeling
swollen in his mouth.

Qui-Gon breathed out, pulling him closer and hugging him as much as
supporting him. “You
had a seizure… I’m going to put you asleep now and take you to
the healers, alright?” Qui-Gon said in a serious tone.

slowly, confused and aching and regretting his decision to move his
head, Obi-Wan let out a soft noise as he wondered what was wrong with

Came the Force suggestion from his master, sending Obi-Wan deeply
asleep without a fight.


Obi-Wan go lax in his lap, Qui-Gon relaxed slowly as he probed his
padawan’s health through their bond, feeling the ruptured organs
being fully healthy and working once more. ‘Poison… how did I not
notice he was poisoned… how did he not notice!? Is he so used to
dying he doesn’t feel them anymore?’ Qui-Gon desperately pulled
the warm body closer to him.

He looked up at the deep rumble, meeting Mace eyes as the council
members slowly pulled back a bit, hands slowly removing themselves
from his back where they had provided additional aid to bring Obi-Wan
back from his own head. “That wasn’t a seizure…he died.
And then he came back.”
Mace frowned at him.

its not the first time this has happened.” Qui-Gon admitted
quietly, knowing he couldn’t hide it from the council as he looked
back down at Obi-Wan’s smooth face, wiping away the line of blood
at his padawan’s mouth.

green hand sporting tree claws gently picked up Obi-Wan’s long
braid, rubbing it lightly. “Dies he does? And come back? Told us
before you have not?” Yoda quietly asked.

first time I became aware of it, Obi-Wan was thrown off a waterfall,
falling on sharp rocks below,” Qui-Gon murmured quietly while
stroking Obi-Wan’s little beauty mark. “I thought I’d failed
again, that I had lost my padawan. But then he sat up, gasping for
air and grimacing in pain… but I knew
he had been dead, if only for a few minutes but he had been dead and
gone… and I knew I couldn’t tell anyone. Can you imagine what
would happen if they learned he can die and come back?” Qui-Gon
looked at Yoda, eyes begging his grandmaster to understand.

thoughtfully rubbed Obi-Wan’s thin but long braid, the evidence of
his apprenticeship. “Hmm, see I do. Fear for him to become a
science experiment you do.” He stated before moving towards his
chair, crawling up on it.

the other council members followed suit, each looking both disturbed
and interested.

isn’t aware you know, does
he?” Jocasta asked quietly, folding her hands in her lap.

his head, Qui-Gon stood with the heavy weight of his padawan against
his chest. “No, I’ve covered for him when I could and looked
after him as best I can. Monitored him when he came back… Masters
he’s not doing it on his own, I don’t know how but its not dark.”
He implored them to understand.

dark it was, felt it we would have.” Yoda hummed, ears twitching.

should keep this off record,” Plo murmured, sitting back in his
chair with his claws tapping together. “For Obi-Wan’s own safety
we should indeed pretend it never happened…” He frowned deeply.

could have collapsed in gratefulness as each council member quietly
agreed, each of them worried for what could happen to a member of
their order should his condition become public knowledge. ‘Its
going to be alright Obi-Wan, we’ll look after you…’

Perhaps in Living yet Dead, Obi senses Ani being born when he dies.

Waking with a gasping breath,
Obi-Wan shuddered heavily before rolling onto his side and retching
up whatever he had in his stomach at the moment onto the bedroom
floor. Coming back alive was never a pleasant thing regardless how he
had died.

being poisoned was one of Obi-Wan’s least favorite as sometimes he
vomited blood onto his own clothes which was harder to explain
depending on the amount than a few blood spots here and there on his
body he could wave away as injuries to his master.

yet this was not only poisoning but something else…

could feel it, something had changed, something in the entire wide
galaxy had been changed and it niggled in the back of his mind in the
oddest of manners that whispered ‘yours’ but that didn’t really
make sense.

onto his knees slowly, Obi-Wan shakily reached for his comm to
contact his master and tell him about the poison, pausing a bit
before looking at the vomit on the floor.

I’m lying once again though to be fair, its more like omitting
certain facts to him.’ Obi-Wan noted blandly to himself before
struggling onto his feet to sit on the bed while calling.

didn’t dare reach for the water in case the water too had been
poisoned just like Obi-Wan’s breakfast served to him by the monarch
of water’s servants.

master paitently listened to him as Obi-Wan explained with a raspy
voice. “I see, so there’s a puddle of your stomach content and
poison on our floor then?” Qui-Gon noted quietly, obviously doing
his best not to be heard. “But at least you threw it up before it
could affect you, you are certain you are alright?”

out habit despite his master not being there to see it, Obi-Wan
smiled wryly. “Yes Master, I feel a bit shitty from throwing up of
course and some side effects of the poison I would imagine but else
I’m quite alright.” He stated.

all, he’d already died and come back alive so if he wasn’t
alright then he would be after his next

that he’d tell his master that.

well stay in our quarters Obi-Wan, if they believe they have murdered
you, we may have an advantage… but please get away from the pool of
vomit or get one of the cleaning droids to clean it up.” Qui-Gon
noted, sending his concern and warm affection through their bond.

a bit, Obi-Wan stood on wobbly legs. “I might just shower first
master, I… um I got a bit on myself you see…” He glanced down
at the sick coating his tunic and grimaced.

dear, yes, go shower Obi-Wan and please, stay out of trouble
padawan.” Qui-Gon rumbled deeply, Obi-Wan easily imagining the warm
smile on the man’s lips and the glittering blue eyes.

be fair master, trouble usually finds me.” Obi-Wan replied with a
small laugh before turning his comm off and wobbling over to a
terminal, ordering in a cleaning droid before moving on to the
fresher to take his damn shower and get his tunic and leggings

more he sent his gratitude to whoever had assigned them these
quarters for the royal coronation of the monarch of waters on Tukata
as generally they were not this lavishly equipped to deal with all
their needs.

was half tempted to crawl into the tub of water and soak but best not
lest he drown.

rather not give Qui-Gon a heart attack because that had actually
happened once before and Qui-Gon thought he’d brought Obi-Wan back…
maybe he had?

was hard for Obi-Wan to tell but regardless, sonic shower and clothes
in the laundry machine.

still that odd little niggling of change throbbed in the back of his
mind, a small light somewhere out there in the galaxy…

Perhaps in Living yet Dead, Obi senses Ani being born when he dies.

Waking with a gasping breath,
Obi-Wan shuddered heavily before rolling onto his side and retching
up whatever he had in his stomach at the moment onto the bedroom
floor. Coming back alive was never a pleasant thing regardless how he
had died.

being poisoned was one of Obi-Wan’s least favorite as sometimes he
vomited blood onto his own clothes which was harder to explain
depending on the amount than a few blood spots here and there on his
body he could wave away as injuries to his master.

yet this was not only poisoning but something else…

could feel it, something had changed, something in the entire wide
galaxy had been changed and it niggled in the back of his mind in the
oddest of manners that whispered ‘yours’ but that didn’t really
make sense.

onto his knees slowly, Obi-Wan shakily reached for his comm to
contact his master and tell him about the poison, pausing a bit
before looking at the vomit on the floor.

I’m lying once again though to be fair, its more like omitting
certain facts to him.’ Obi-Wan noted blandly to himself before
struggling onto his feet to sit on the bed while calling.

didn’t dare reach for the water in case the water too had been
poisoned just like Obi-Wan’s breakfast served to him by the monarch
of water’s servants.

master paitently listened to him as Obi-Wan explained with a raspy
voice. “I see, so there’s a puddle of your stomach content and
poison on our floor then?” Qui-Gon noted quietly, obviously doing
his best not to be heard. “But at least you threw it up before it
could affect you, you are certain you are alright?”

out habit despite his master not being there to see it, Obi-Wan
smiled wryly. “Yes Master, I feel a bit shitty from throwing up of
course and some side effects of the poison I would imagine but else
I’m quite alright.” He stated.

all, he’d already died and come back alive so if he wasn’t
alright then he would be after his next

that he’d tell his master that.

well stay in our quarters Obi-Wan, if they believe they have murdered
you, we may have an advantage… but please get away from the pool of
vomit or get one of the cleaning droids to clean it up.” Qui-Gon
noted, sending his concern and warm affection through their bond.

a bit, Obi-Wan stood on wobbly legs. “I might just shower first
master, I… um I got a bit on myself you see…” He glanced down
at the sick coating his tunic and grimaced.

dear, yes, go shower Obi-Wan and please, stay out of trouble
padawan.” Qui-Gon rumbled deeply, Obi-Wan easily imagining the warm
smile on the man’s lips and the glittering blue eyes.

be fair master, trouble usually finds me.” Obi-Wan replied with a
small laugh before turning his comm off and wobbling over to a
terminal, ordering in a cleaning droid before moving on to the
fresher to take his damn shower and get his tunic and leggings

more he sent his gratitude to whoever had assigned them these
quarters for the royal coronation of the monarch of waters on Tukata
as generally they were not this lavishly equipped to deal with all
their needs.

was half tempted to crawl into the tub of water and soak but best not
lest he drown.

rather not give Qui-Gon a heart attack because that had actually
happened once before and Qui-Gon thought he’d brought Obi-Wan back…
maybe he had?

was hard for Obi-Wan to tell but regardless, sonic shower and clothes
in the laundry machine.

still that odd little niggling of change throbbed in the back of his
mind, a small light somewhere out there in the galaxy…

Alivebutlost- Obi-Wan’s not gonna die is he? Cause that sounded pretty ominus I admit in the last chapter.

this me?’

stared at his hands, feeling dirt beneath his cheek as his ears rang,
staring at his own hands that laid in front of him on the ground.

he in the catacombs of the Sith temple?


Jedi spirit…

no this wasn’t that memory.

much earth, not enough dust and his face throbbed with pain like…

dripped into his eyes and Obi-Wan groaned before giving a cry as he
was pulled up by a hand in his hair, feeling some strands pulled from
his scalp as his head was pulled up high enough to stare at a
wrinkled old face wearing a brown cloak.


He was
speaking to someone and Obi-Wan’s eyes flickered to the space the
Jedi was looking, eyes widening up as he saw Knight Krell.

besalisk was nodding, saying something in return but Obi-Wan’s ears
were ringing. Why wasn’t the Sith attacking the Jedi…

narrowing slowly as
understanding bloomed, Obi-Wan let himself go lax.

was a memory.


one that sealed away all that he had
once been before the Jedi reformed him.

was working with the enemy and these were the moment before his
memories were sealed and he was taken away to that sterile Jedi bay
and told he was one of them while never truly fitting in among them.

bared his teeth as the youth he had once been realized that Krell was
a traitor only to have his head jerked even further back by the Jedi
who stared at him with dispassionate eyes.

knew this one.


One of
the twelve Jedi council members and on the kill list of every Sith in

prey of every Sith but at this moment the Jedi had turned the tables
for Obi-Wan was only an apprentice against a Master Jedi. Here
Obi-Wan was the helpless prey, the smaller spider caught in the
webbing of a far larger spider and helpless as its legs were ripped

and on his knees Obi-Wan could do nothing as the man coated his
fingers in blood from Obi-Wan’s own wound and drew symbols on his
forehead, the wet fingertips feeling like ice. ‘I’m
gonna kill you. I’m gonna kill you one
day, I’m going to be free one day and I’m going to kill
you.’ Obi-Wan glared up at
the Jedi as best he could with
blood in his eyes.

He was
going to twist this old mans neck, make him choke on his own blood
just like Qui-Gon had showed him how
to so long ago when he became the mans apprentice.

he didn’t have those memories… those memories were about to be
sealed away right now and Obi-Wan closed his eyes.

was a flash.


the page, Qui-Gon started on the next chapter of the Champion
of Coruscant only to freeze
when the Force swelled around Obi-Wan and the redhead jerked in bed
and gave a cry, black seals appearing on his forehead as the machines
monitoring Obi-Wan squealed too.

to his feet as the healers slammed into the room and pull away the
sheets to rip open the medical gown Obi-Wan wore, Qui-Gon could only
watch as the heart rate monitor squealed before going silent.

only watch the healers gather the Force to jolt Obi-Wan’s entire

numbly registered the arrival of Yan and Anakin, felt himself wrap
his arms around the boy as Obi-Wan’s mouth was pried open to force
air tubes down.

body jolted once more before
the beeps of the monitor returned to the room, Obi-Wan’s pale chest
covered in burning red hand prints.

Alivebutlost- Obi-Wan’s not gonna die is he? Cause that sounded pretty ominus I admit in the last chapter.

this me?’

stared at his hands, feeling dirt beneath his cheek as his ears rang,
staring at his own hands that laid in front of him on the ground.

he in the catacombs of the Sith temple?


Jedi spirit…

no this wasn’t that memory.

much earth, not enough dust and his face throbbed with pain like…

dripped into his eyes and Obi-Wan groaned before giving a cry as he
was pulled up by a hand in his hair, feeling some strands pulled from
his scalp as his head was pulled up high enough to stare at a
wrinkled old face wearing a brown cloak.


He was
speaking to someone and Obi-Wan’s eyes flickered to the space the
Jedi was looking, eyes widening up as he saw Knight Krell.

besalisk was nodding, saying something in return but Obi-Wan’s ears
were ringing. Why wasn’t the Sith attacking the Jedi…

narrowing slowly as
understanding bloomed, Obi-Wan let himself go lax.

was a memory.


one that sealed away all that he had
once been before the Jedi reformed him.

was working with the enemy and these were the moment before his
memories were sealed and he was taken away to that sterile Jedi bay
and told he was one of them while never truly fitting in among them.

bared his teeth as the youth he had once been realized that Krell was
a traitor only to have his head jerked even further back by the Jedi
who stared at him with dispassionate eyes.

knew this one.


One of
the twelve Jedi council members and on the kill list of every Sith in

prey of every Sith but at this moment the Jedi had turned the tables
for Obi-Wan was only an apprentice against a Master Jedi. Here
Obi-Wan was the helpless prey, the smaller spider caught in the
webbing of a far larger spider and helpless as its legs were ripped

and on his knees Obi-Wan could do nothing as the man coated his
fingers in blood from Obi-Wan’s own wound and drew symbols on his
forehead, the wet fingertips feeling like ice. ‘I’m
gonna kill you. I’m gonna kill you one
day, I’m going to be free one day and I’m going to kill
you.’ Obi-Wan glared up at
the Jedi as best he could with
blood in his eyes.

He was
going to twist this old mans neck, make him choke on his own blood
just like Qui-Gon had showed him how
to so long ago when he became the mans apprentice.

he didn’t have those memories… those memories were about to be
sealed away right now and Obi-Wan closed his eyes.

was a flash.


the page, Qui-Gon started on the next chapter of the Champion
of Coruscant only to freeze
when the Force swelled around Obi-Wan and the redhead jerked in bed
and gave a cry, black seals appearing on his forehead as the machines
monitoring Obi-Wan squealed too.

to his feet as the healers slammed into the room and pull away the
sheets to rip open the medical gown Obi-Wan wore, Qui-Gon could only
watch as the heart rate monitor squealed before going silent.

only watch the healers gather the Force to jolt Obi-Wan’s entire

numbly registered the arrival of Yan and Anakin, felt himself wrap
his arms around the boy as Obi-Wan’s mouth was pried open to force
air tubes down.

body jolted once more before
the beeps of the monitor returned to the room, Obi-Wan’s pale chest
covered in burning red hand prints.