hey there! just got caught up, is there any chance that you’d continue distant pain at some point? 👁 the obi-as-a-vod-but-also-fucked-up-bc-of-qui-gon-and-yoda-being-an-arse is absolutely fucking deliiiightful

Frowning as he came to a stop, Obi-Wan looked around the camp.

Everything looked like normal.

Trooper bustling around, Skywalker and Tano using some time to work on her studies and thankfully keeping out of Obi-Wan’s path, Qui-Gon meditating by the century large tree on the west side…

But the Force was prodding Obi-Wan to look.

Look past the obvious, look past the easy.

Around his neck, Cotton gave a curious little chitter and Obi-Wan reached up on auto-pilot to gently scratch at her feathered head. With the Force quietly prodding at him, Obi-Wan looked, reaching into the Shadows and undercover skills he had earned through a decade of pain and torment.

And he found what was different.


The Shiny carrying a crate.

Obi-Wan made sure not to look right at them after catching what was unusual.

The shiny was moving far too fluidly, like a veteran, to be what he was pretending to be. But when he paused and put down the crate at his feet, a few clicks from where he had started and pulled his helmet off for a few seconds, Obi-Wan could confirm that the person was indeed a clone.

He wore the same face, a tad more lined than a shiny should have but that could be a defect in the cloning process, it had happened before. But the way he was messing with the helmet…

Obi-Wan eyes narrowed slightly.

Then they widened with realization as he took in that the crate was medical supplies and food.

There was only one person that could pass for a clone and yet not be a clone as no deserter clone would ever come close to the GAR if they could help it. And Obi-Wan knew this was no clone as the equipment was clearly unusual for him and he moved too fluidly in his armor to be a shiny and even then, as a shiny, they should be used to the helmet… unless they had another type of helmet they were prior used to.

Jango Fett.

‘But Jango Fett died on Geonosis… didn’t he?’ Obi-Wan continued watching him, watching where he was going.

If he remembered right… no one had found the man’s body or armor afterward.

Or his ship.

It had been assumed that Boba Fett had run of with it, taken his buir’s body for burial somewhere and the ship to fly away, much to the discomfort of many Jedi aware of it, Mace the foremost since he was the one to dispatch of Jango Fett.

He was just a child after all and none of the Jedi had the resources or time with the war to find him, despite being uncomfortable with the idea of the child just drifting around after what had happened.


‘If its him, how did he survive. I know he was injured, I saw Mace saber pass through his throat…’ Obi-Wan puzzled even as he quietly started following the man without being obvious, slipping in and out of view when he turned, likely feeling Obi-Wan tracking him.

But Obi-Wan had not been a shadow or a bloody hand for the council and the Senate’s worst missions for no reason and therefore Jango did not see his tail, despite his suspicion to having one.

By the time Jango made his way out of the camp and started ditched the shiny armor in the forest on the north of the camp, Obi-Wan was already in the trees above the man when he entered the forest. He had realized the former Mand’alor prospect destination and decided to beat him to the punch, quietly following him while masking his being, moving around the tents and jumping up into the branches a full minute before the man arrived.

He also saw how Jango had survived.

The armor fully removed bared his throat and now Obi-Wan could see his throat was covered in machinery, black and silver but not too bulky, clearly knitting his throat and likely working as a voice box, so he could talk.

Expensive tech, either Jango had shelled out after some expensive jobs or from the Kamino job or someone owed the man the debt of a lifetime. Not just anyone could get their hand on the kind of tech that had likely saved Jango’s life after Geonosis.

‘But how did Boba get his father to a facility in tim-carbonite,’ The realization hit Obi-Wan hard but not out of nowhere. It wouldn’t be the first time a critically injured person had been put in a stasis, even carboon freezing, to keep them alive for a medic to arrive and a bounty hunter like Jango for sure had a carbonite chamber in his ship. ‘So he likely saved his father by using Slave 1’s carbonite chamber…’

Obi-Wan stared at the man, watching as he left the armor pieces behind and continued going with the crate, likely to return to Boba.

Above him, Obi-Wan contemplated, rubbing his chin before slowly moving forward, using the Force to keep silent while moving from tree to tree as he fell back on his black ops skills, silencing his comm and pressing Cotton gently on the muzzle to remind her to be quiet.

Obi-Wan had no information right now beyond Jango being alive and likely deciding that stealing from the GAR to supply himself and Boba was easier than getting supplies from the local… but he would get it.

Obi-Wan Kenobi always got his information, one way or another.

Okay, really, how did Anakin and Qui-Gon know Obi-Wan had returned in major star?

Crawling into the bed with the exhausted Obi-Wan, Anakin only spared Qui-Gon a glance before burying himself into the other Jedi, taking in the scent and feel of mom finally being back after so long. He had missed Obi-Wan so much.

Which was why he had stationed R2 down in the hanger, the astromech giving in after a bit of pleading from the blond.

And after the first week of antsy probing at his comm, Qui-Gon had been clued in, both of them keeping an eye on the hangers and R2’s information.

Honestly, the two hadn’t expected the late night call, the two arriving from a late excursion out to the slums as Anakin and Qui-Gon had been investigating a drug ring mission the two had been handed.

An on Coruscant mission, easy for a fresh padawan with their home in sight, learning to work with their masters on a planet where Jedi were known and at least somewhat respected.

It was only luck that the two had arrived and about to prepare for bed when R2 commed Anakin, informing him that Obi-Wan was back.

His mom was back and with a little whimper, Anakin nuzzled into the warm, softness of the others body.

After a moment, he felt the bed dip as Qui-Gon settled down too, pressing both Obi-Wan and Anakin towards the wall as they squished in, the bed really too small for all three of them, especially as both Anakin and Qui-Gon were being careful of Obi-Wan’s braced arm.

But they made due, mostly by tangling legs and tucking and folding themselves.

Qui-Gon turned the lights of the room off with a bit of Force use and drew the blankets up around them, his long, warm arm tucked over Anakin and settled around Obi-Wan.

Finally, things went quiet, his dad a warm furnace on one side and his mother a quiet, steadily breathing comfort in front of him, Anakin able to hear the steady drum of Obi-Wan’s heart like this.

“…You know, don’t you.” Qui-Gon’s deep brogue disturbed the silence.

Anakin just nodded quietly into Obi-Wan’s chest, fisting the other Jedi’s shirt in his hands.

“Thought as much, started to suspect when you got so upset at him being sent of…” Qui-Gon murmured, pressing a kiss to the top of Anakin’s head. “How long have you known?” He questioned.

Thankfully, Qui-Gon didn’t sound upset or disappointed, Anakin relaxing slowly as he realized his dad wouldn’t tell the council. “Before you took me on. Long before… I think two or three years.” He admitted shyly into the dark.

A quiet chuckle echoed into the bedroom, full of warmth and affection. “Clever little boy. But with a mom like this, how could you be anything but clever.” Qui-Gon teased quietly.

Snuggling up between them, Anakin smiled shyly into Obi-Wan’s chest, grateful for the darkness as he didn’t want Qui-Gon to see how much he was flushing at the praise. “Heard some creche masters talk about it… and then I narrowed down the possibilities. Had to be humans. Had to be males after what I heard and um… well you two showed up at my lessons.” Anakin squirmed a bit.

Qui-Gon tightened his grip around them, easing when Obi-Wan gave a little mumble. “I see… hmm, if it wouldn’t expose us, I would have had a small conversation with the creche masters… they shouldn’t be gossiping where initiates can hear them.” He grumbled, disapproval dripping of him.

Shrugging, uncaring since it allowed him to figure it all out, Anakin just settled, wondering if Qui-Gon would tell Obi-Wan in the morning, content to just feel safe and loved between his parents on the bed.

And maybe a bit squished. “…You need a bigger bed.” Anakin pouted, his pout growing as Qui-Gon just chuckled quietly into the dark night.

Please don’t leave us hanging!! What happens to ObiWan in the hanahaki verse??

There’s a terrifying moment as he wakes, a moment where Obi-Wan
wonders how he’s still alive and if the fact that he’s alive
means the surgery to remove the foliage from his lungs was preformed
while he was unconscious and couldn’t protest.

Desperately he delves into the Force and finds…finds…

He finds he still loves Anakin.

He finds that while he has a breathing mask on his face, his breath
is easier then it has been in months. Obi-Wan stares up at the
ceiling in confusion as he slips from the Force before he takes
notice of a heavy, warm grip around one of his hands.

Slowly he manages to tilt his head towards the hand that feels the
grip, staring at the slumped blond head resting on his bed with a
hand wrapped tightly around Obi-Wan’s.


His heart gives a little thump that and he tries to pull the hand
closer to him as he remembers…

The move wakes the blond and he sits up hurriedly, eyes wild before
relaxing when he sees Obi-Wan’s open eyes.

“Obi-Wan, thank the Force.” He rasped out before leaning up and
pressing a swift kiss to Obi-Wan’s forehead, the scratch of
stubble’s telling him that its been a few days.

He made a quiet questioning noise that had Anakin pull back. “L-Let
me go find Che alright? I’ll be right and then I’ll help you to
your quarters if she lets you go.” He smiled nervously, stroking
Obi-Wan’s hand.

But Obi-Wan tightened his grip on Anakin’s hand, staring at him.
“…Again.” He rasped out.

“What?” The blond blinked down at him again.

“Say… it… again.” Obi-Wan wheezed out into the mask and
Anakin’s face lit up in understanding before turning slightly shy.

He leaned down, pressing his lips to the others ear. “I love you
Obi-Wan. I love you with all you are and all you can be and if you
love me then you can have me and… and… you coughed up all the
flowers.” He nuzzled lightly at the shell of the ear, laughing
shakily. “That was kriffing terrifying.”

Closing his eyes, Obi-Wan felt a few faint tears leaking down his
face before opening them again. “Padme?” He whispered, tone
questioning and he smiled slightly when he heard the others breath
hitch in surprise.

“…Of course you knew.” Anakin shuddered before nuzzling lightly
at the ear. “She… She said she could share me with you…if you
wanted me. If you’d still have me then.” He swallowed, holding
his breath.

Squeezing Anakin’s hand, Obi-Wan hummed in utter relief.
“…Always, always want you. Can share.” He laughed shakily.

Pulling up a bit, Anakin took a tissue off the table beside the bed
and dried Obi-Wan’s face with his mech hand, being as gentle as he
could. “Then you can have me. As soon as you can come out of here
that is. Che said your lungs are…well they’re weak.” He smiled

“Is okay… because you love me.” Obi-Wan smiled up at him, eyes
half closed.

“Sap.” Anakin whispered, finally letting go of the fear that had
hooked into him the moment Obi-Wan had passed out in the grass of the
room of a thousand fountains.

Please don’t leave us hanging!! What happens to ObiWan in the hanahaki verse??

There’s a terrifying moment as he wakes, a moment where Obi-Wan
wonders how he’s still alive and if the fact that he’s alive
means the surgery to remove the foliage from his lungs was preformed
while he was unconscious and couldn’t protest.

Desperately he delves into the Force and finds…finds…

He finds he still loves Anakin.

He finds that while he has a breathing mask on his face, his breath
is easier then it has been in months. Obi-Wan stares up at the
ceiling in confusion as he slips from the Force before he takes
notice of a heavy, warm grip around one of his hands.

Slowly he manages to tilt his head towards the hand that feels the
grip, staring at the slumped blond head resting on his bed with a
hand wrapped tightly around Obi-Wan’s.


His heart gives a little thump that and he tries to pull the hand
closer to him as he remembers…

The move wakes the blond and he sits up hurriedly, eyes wild before
relaxing when he sees Obi-Wan’s open eyes.

“Obi-Wan, thank the Force.” He rasped out before leaning up and
pressing a swift kiss to Obi-Wan’s forehead, the scratch of
stubble’s telling him that its been a few days.

He made a quiet questioning noise that had Anakin pull back. “L-Let
me go find Che alright? I’ll be right and then I’ll help you to
your quarters if she lets you go.” He smiled nervously, stroking
Obi-Wan’s hand.

But Obi-Wan tightened his grip on Anakin’s hand, staring at him.
“…Again.” He rasped out.

“What?” The blond blinked down at him again.

“Say… it… again.” Obi-Wan wheezed out into the mask and
Anakin’s face lit up in understanding before turning slightly shy.

He leaned down, pressing his lips to the others ear. “I love you
Obi-Wan. I love you with all you are and all you can be and if you
love me then you can have me and… and… you coughed up all the
flowers.” He nuzzled lightly at the shell of the ear, laughing
shakily. “That was kriffing terrifying.”

Closing his eyes, Obi-Wan felt a few faint tears leaking down his
face before opening them again. “Padme?” He whispered, tone
questioning and he smiled slightly when he heard the others breath
hitch in surprise.

“…Of course you knew.” Anakin shuddered before nuzzling lightly
at the ear. “She… She said she could share me with you…if you
wanted me. If you’d still have me then.” He swallowed, holding
his breath.

Squeezing Anakin’s hand, Obi-Wan hummed in utter relief.
“…Always, always want you. Can share.” He laughed shakily.

Pulling up a bit, Anakin took a tissue off the table beside the bed
and dried Obi-Wan’s face with his mech hand, being as gentle as he
could. “Then you can have me. As soon as you can come out of here
that is. Che said your lungs are…well they’re weak.” He smiled

“Is okay… because you love me.” Obi-Wan smiled up at him, eyes
half closed.

“Sap.” Anakin whispered, finally letting go of the fear that had
hooked into him the moment Obi-Wan had passed out in the grass of the
room of a thousand fountains.

Please please please don’t let anak in go dark in soulmate au? Tempted yes, but realizes it would hurt obi more if he turned than if he didnt? Other masters being protective of obi because he has been hurt before?

The chest rose and fell beneath his
hand, his thumb slowly caressing the silken skin with a steady touch.
He almost imagined he could feel the letters though there wasn’t
really a rise to it, just smooth skin as his back scar warmed at the

“Mmmn?” Obi-Wan shifted under his
touch, yawning a bit.

Anakin pressed his lips against the
others temple, murmuring a soft reassurance that had the other asleep
again, at ease under Anakin’s touch. It made him smile to see
Obi-Wan ever so at ease at his touch and company.

Weeks of careful courting, of talking
Obi-Wan out of his fears and sliding in closer to him had finally
allowed him a spot in a shared bed to hold the other closer then

It made it easier for Anakin to
remember the other was alive, uninjured or care for bruises and cuts.
Made it easier to forget his nightmares of Obi-Wan dying.

They felt like his nightmares, felt like his
visions of his mother.

He pressed his lips to the others
shoulder, taking a deep breath as Obi-Wan’s screaming echoed in his
head for a few seconds. If he lost Obi-Wan now that he finally found
out that the other was his soulmate, the other half of him that would
guard his back…he didn’t know what he would do if he lost him.

“Mmmn?” Obi-Wan made a low noise
and turned his head, peering at him with sleep slitted eyes.
“Anakin?” He yawned.

“Sorry, did I wake you?” Anakin
murmured back, wincing when he noticed he had dug his fingers into
the others rib cage, easing his grip quickly.

The older man gave a low hum before
turning onto his side, allowing Anakin to keep his hand on the
soulmark as he peered at him with a sleepy kind of interest that
demanded nothing and could be turned away with platitudes.

Obi-Wan never demanded anything. Never
wheedled for answers.

He respected privacy and assumed Anakin
adult enough to bring the important things to him if necessary.

Treated him like an equal part of the
relationships and his emotions as valid, letting him decide which
ones to share with Obi-Wan.

The knight leaned in and kissed the
other slowly, didn’t deepen it because he was pretty sure Obi-Wan
had sleep breath. “I just…I’ve been having nightmares, that’s
all.” He offered after pulling away. “Its not…important. I can
figure it out.” He smiled to assure.

Obi-Wan blinked at him before turning
around until he could tuck himself against Anakin’s chest, curling
an arm over his side and rest his hand on the scar tissue that had
once been his name. His touch was warm and careful, a gentle caress
of fingers s he settled. “Alright, but lets go back to sleep, its
the middle of the night Ani.” He yawned.

“Alright Obi-Wan.” He smiled,
melting for the shortened form of his name.


‘You could save him.’

Anakin curled more in on himself in the
council chair.

‘Have you ever heard the story of
Darth Plagueis the wise?’

He clenched his eyes shut, seeing
Obi-Wan’s surprised eyes when Anakin had gotten a council chair.
His screams echoing in Anakin’s ears.

‘Its a sith legend.’


He felt like he was being split into

Between his soulmate and the desire to
save him.

He needed to save him!

He needed…

‘A fragile heart are those with their
soulmates names on their chest Anakin. Yours will guard your back and
lucky you will be to find them.’ His mother’s laughing voice,
soft and caring with her own hand over her chest.

That snapped him back.

A fragile heart.

Obi-Wan’s fragile heart. What would
Anakin’s betrayal do to that heart?

It would shatter the heart, break it in
two. Obi-Wan wouldn’t die from whatever Anakin couldn’t save him
in his dreams from, he’d fade away, die another type of death far
worse, the soul wasting death he had seen some slavers do after
discovering their names on slaves they had killed or sold.

It would be the highest betrayal to

Anakin looked up as the council doors
opened and stood up when he saw Master Windu and Master  Gallia.
“Master’s, I have disturbing news that I feel the council should

Both turned to him, Windu’s face as
always a study of stoicism but Gallia’s face open and curious. It
made it easier to tell them what he had been told.

From there it felt like the galaxy had
been kicked in the ass, everything going high speed.

Battle on Coruscant, the order 66 going
live and being killed before it reached all troopers and his Obi-Wan
safe and sound in his arms after a victory against Grievous, scorch
marks on his tunic and face but wholly alive in Anakin’s arms.

Smiling up at him.

His dreams silenced, no more nightmares
of a screaming Obi-Wan in the wake of the Republic standing tall and
war crimes of Senator’s being held to account as the CSI
surrendered, unable to find military leadership on level with Count
Dooku and Grievous.

And Anakin couldn’t care less as he
laced his fingers with Obi-Wan’s and tucked his head under his
chin, held him tightly in the privacy of their own quarters.

Please please please don’t let anak in go dark in soulmate au? Tempted yes, but realizes it would hurt obi more if he turned than if he didnt? Other masters being protective of obi because he has been hurt before?

The chest rose and fell beneath his
hand, his thumb slowly caressing the silken skin with a steady touch.
He almost imagined he could feel the letters though there wasn’t
really a rise to it, just smooth skin as his back scar warmed at the

“Mmmn?” Obi-Wan shifted under his
touch, yawning a bit.

Anakin pressed his lips against the
others temple, murmuring a soft reassurance that had the other asleep
again, at ease under Anakin’s touch. It made him smile to see
Obi-Wan ever so at ease at his touch and company.

Weeks of careful courting, of talking
Obi-Wan out of his fears and sliding in closer to him had finally
allowed him a spot in a shared bed to hold the other closer then

It made it easier for Anakin to
remember the other was alive, uninjured or care for bruises and cuts.
Made it easier to forget his nightmares of Obi-Wan dying.

They felt like his nightmares, felt like his
visions of his mother.

He pressed his lips to the others
shoulder, taking a deep breath as Obi-Wan’s screaming echoed in his
head for a few seconds. If he lost Obi-Wan now that he finally found
out that the other was his soulmate, the other half of him that would
guard his back…he didn’t know what he would do if he lost him.

“Mmmn?” Obi-Wan made a low noise
and turned his head, peering at him with sleep slitted eyes.
“Anakin?” He yawned.

“Sorry, did I wake you?” Anakin
murmured back, wincing when he noticed he had dug his fingers into
the others rib cage, easing his grip quickly.

The older man gave a low hum before
turning onto his side, allowing Anakin to keep his hand on the
soulmark as he peered at him with a sleepy kind of interest that
demanded nothing and could be turned away with platitudes.

Obi-Wan never demanded anything. Never
wheedled for answers.

He respected privacy and assumed Anakin
adult enough to bring the important things to him if necessary.

Treated him like an equal part of the
relationships and his emotions as valid, letting him decide which
ones to share with Obi-Wan.

The knight leaned in and kissed the
other slowly, didn’t deepen it because he was pretty sure Obi-Wan
had sleep breath. “I just…I’ve been having nightmares, that’s
all.” He offered after pulling away. “Its not…important. I can
figure it out.” He smiled to assure.

Obi-Wan blinked at him before turning
around until he could tuck himself against Anakin’s chest, curling
an arm over his side and rest his hand on the scar tissue that had
once been his name. His touch was warm and careful, a gentle caress
of fingers s he settled. “Alright, but lets go back to sleep, its
the middle of the night Ani.” He yawned.

“Alright Obi-Wan.” He smiled,
melting for the shortened form of his name.


‘You could save him.’

Anakin curled more in on himself in the
council chair.

‘Have you ever heard the story of
Darth Plagueis the wise?’

He clenched his eyes shut, seeing
Obi-Wan’s surprised eyes when Anakin had gotten a council chair.
His screams echoing in Anakin’s ears.

‘Its a sith legend.’


He felt like he was being split into

Between his soulmate and the desire to
save him.

He needed to save him!

He needed…

‘A fragile heart are those with their
soulmates names on their chest Anakin. Yours will guard your back and
lucky you will be to find them.’ His mother’s laughing voice,
soft and caring with her own hand over her chest.

That snapped him back.

A fragile heart.

Obi-Wan’s fragile heart. What would
Anakin’s betrayal do to that heart?

It would shatter the heart, break it in
two. Obi-Wan wouldn’t die from whatever Anakin couldn’t save him
in his dreams from, he’d fade away, die another type of death far
worse, the soul wasting death he had seen some slavers do after
discovering their names on slaves they had killed or sold.

It would be the highest betrayal to

Anakin looked up as the council doors
opened and stood up when he saw Master Windu and Master  Gallia.
“Master’s, I have disturbing news that I feel the council should

Both turned to him, Windu’s face as
always a study of stoicism but Gallia’s face open and curious. It
made it easier to tell them what he had been told.

From there it felt like the galaxy had
been kicked in the ass, everything going high speed.

Battle on Coruscant, the order 66 going
live and being killed before it reached all troopers and his Obi-Wan
safe and sound in his arms after a victory against Grievous, scorch
marks on his tunic and face but wholly alive in Anakin’s arms.

Smiling up at him.

His dreams silenced, no more nightmares
of a screaming Obi-Wan in the wake of the Republic standing tall and
war crimes of Senator’s being held to account as the CSI
surrendered, unable to find military leadership on level with Count
Dooku and Grievous.

And Anakin couldn’t care less as he
laced his fingers with Obi-Wan’s and tucked his head under his
chin, held him tightly in the privacy of their own quarters.

omg your beta!Obi-Wan story was both adorable and heartrending because like. on the one hand yay, Cody is treating Obi-Wan super well and on the other hand nay, people fucked Obi Wan over already (though thats pretty true to basically all iterations of Obi-Wan i suppose…) Do you think you could write some more about their relationship and/or them finally bonding properly???

Just like that its over.

Just like that the war ends.

Obi-Wan can hardly breath as he and Anakin stares at each other,
shock on their faces before they both break down into a mixed state
of crying and laughter. Then Anakin drags his former master into his
arms and hugs the beta as tightly as he can, one large hand clenching
into the blood soaked mess of copper hair.

“Are you alright Obi-Wan?” Anakin whispered, ignoring the dead
bodies of the Supreme Chancellor and Count Dooku as he tucked his
friend as close as possible.

“No. But I’m still alive.” Obi-Wan whispered back, shaking a
bit. “You know, I thought it was some kind of twisted joke when
Palpatine was the one who had me abducted.” He laughed breathy,
shaking harder. “That he was the sith lord…he was going to
torture me and have me delivered to the Jedi doorstep as a way to
antagonize you into Falling…”

“Traitorous snake…” Anakin growled then glanced at the body.
“…What do we do now?”

“…We lie. Supreme Chancellor Palpatine became the victim of the
Separatists, an unfortunate demise.” Obi-Wan swallowed. “Its not
ideal, but it puts the blame off us if we indicate that it was the
failure of his personal guards and not ours. You came to see your
friend for support and found him dead by Count Dooku’s hand.”
Obi-Wan breathed out.

Anakin tightened his arms on Obi-Wan and he hissed in pain.

The arms instantly eased and the blond gave Obi-Wan a sharply worried
look. “Lets get you to the temple, the healers will need to look
you over.”

“And Cody?” Obi-Wan questioned hopefully.

Anakin grinned at that and nodded, helping the other to his feet and
wrapping Obi-Wan’s good arm around his shoulders. “And Cody.”
He agreed, happy that his old master had found happiness with the

They moved past the lightsaber marked bodies, Anakin pulling his comm
off his belt as Obi-Wan clung to him. It was time to put on a act.


Okay, the war was not over so easily.

There were outrages and screams about the lack of Jedi guards for the
Supreme Chancellor, only to be pointed out that the man himself did
not wish for said guards that had been offered and what else were the
Jedi if not beholden to the Senate?

Mon Mothma was quickly elected as the new Supreme Chancellor and had
accepted her own Jedi guards as a show of faith in their Order.

Grievous was trying to rally the CIS but was faltering as he had not
the same level of trust from them as Dooku had, more and more planets
were asking for an accord with the Senate again.

A few battles here and there still happened with the most stubborn of

Obi-Wan however saw none of this, first in the bacta tank of the
Halls and then in a bed of the ward, tucked up under several blankets
with Cody at his back, the alpha arms tight around his waist and face
buried in his neck.

At one point Mace had come to see Obi-Wan. “…I saw nothing. I’m
going to turn around and by the time I turn back there’s still
going to be nothing to see.” The Korun had said and Cody had taken
the chance to quickly slide out of bed.

Mace had acted like he had honestly not seen anything and Obi-Wan
wondered what he was missing while contained in the medical ward.

If Mace Windu of all people was willing to ignore something as
obvious as Cody in the same bed as an injured Obi-Wan…

He commed Anakin the moment he could.

“I don’t know what to tell you Obi-Wan. The council seems to be
pulling their collective heads out of their asses slowly but surely.”
The blond shrugged and looked to the side before back at him.
“Between you and me, I think Kit, Aayla and Bly has something to do
about it.”

“Oh? I mean I knew there was something but…really? Kit has a
traditional view for all his easy-goingness.” Obi-Wan shifted a bit
as Cody slid a pillow behind his back, sending the other a grateful
look before focusing back on Anakin.

“I honestly don’t know what to tell you. It might be a mix of
everyone finally starting to relax from the war and certain members
spearheading a change.”

“Certain members?” Obi-Wan questioned in amusement.

“Its not me.” Anakin laughed. “For once its not me getting up
in the Council. I’m on thin enough ice as it is. How are you
though? Are you healing well?”

“The healers has allowed me back in the room with the strong
suggestion I take it easy. Before you ask, Cody is in here with me.
He’s looking after me.” He colored a bit as Anakin sniggered.

“Good, someone has to make sure you relax. Take it easy Obi-Wan,
let us do the mop up work and between you and me? Let Cody take care
of you.” He winked then turned off the call.

“…That boy.” Obi-Wan snorted then smiled when Cody settled down
with him, tucking his arms around the beta.

“You love him.” Cody smirked then nuzzled into his neck. “But
he’s right about something.”

“Oh?” Obi-Wan hummed.

“Let me take care of you.” Cody murmured, giving the others neck
a little nip, Obi-Wan’s breath stuttering to a still before looking
at Cody with wide eyes.

The alpha looked calm, gently rubbing the Jedi’s sides. “I want
to. There’s no war now. There’s just…us. If you still want me
that is.”

“If I still want you…” Obi-Wan gave a breathy laugh then
shifted painfully as best he could to get closer to Cody and expose
his neck to the other. “Yes Cody.”

“Ner Jetii.” The man kissed along the expanse of skin. “Cyare…”
He grasped Obi-Wan’s hand and rested his lips against the claiming
point, letting Obi-Wan have a few more moments to rethink.

The Jedi squeezed the commanders hand tightly. “Please…” He

Cody pressed another soft kiss to the point and then bit in, breaking

His Jedi.

His Obi-Wan.

His mate.

Obi-Wan grunted then relaxed, pressing his head back against the
clones shoulder as he went lax as Cody carefully licked the skin and
cleaned it up, the sting painful but not directly unpleasant.

“Going to return the favor?” Cody questioned softly against the
pale skin.

smiled a bit and slowly shifted around until he could face Cody. He
then lifted the others tanned hand to his lips and pressed a kiss to
its knuckles, placing the others hand to his chest as he leaned in,
finding the right spot. “Ner kar’ta.
Ner riduur.” He whispered before biting down.

Cody’s hand clenched into into the
fabric on his tunic with a low, surprised hiss before he relaxed, his
free arm coming up around Obi-Wan’s waist to hold him close.

“Ner Jetii. Ner riduur.” He
returned quietly, knowing the unspoken promise that lingered between
them as Obi-Wan pulled back slowly, green eyes sparkling at Cody.

He’d spend the rest of his existence
making sure those eyes sparkled like that forever, he promised
himself that.

omg your beta!Obi-Wan story was both adorable and heartrending because like. on the one hand yay, Cody is treating Obi-Wan super well and on the other hand nay, people fucked Obi Wan over already (though thats pretty true to basically all iterations of Obi-Wan i suppose…) Do you think you could write some more about their relationship and/or them finally bonding properly???

Just like that its over.

Just like that the war ends.

Obi-Wan can hardly breath as he and Anakin stares at each other,
shock on their faces before they both break down into a mixed state
of crying and laughter. Then Anakin drags his former master into his
arms and hugs the beta as tightly as he can, one large hand clenching
into the blood soaked mess of copper hair.

“Are you alright Obi-Wan?” Anakin whispered, ignoring the dead
bodies of the Supreme Chancellor and Count Dooku as he tucked his
friend as close as possible.

“No. But I’m still alive.” Obi-Wan whispered back, shaking a
bit. “You know, I thought it was some kind of twisted joke when
Palpatine was the one who had me abducted.” He laughed breathy,
shaking harder. “That he was the sith lord…he was going to
torture me and have me delivered to the Jedi doorstep as a way to
antagonize you into Falling…”

“Traitorous snake…” Anakin growled then glanced at the body.
“…What do we do now?”

“…We lie. Supreme Chancellor Palpatine became the victim of the
Separatists, an unfortunate demise.” Obi-Wan swallowed. “Its not
ideal, but it puts the blame off us if we indicate that it was the
failure of his personal guards and not ours. You came to see your
friend for support and found him dead by Count Dooku’s hand.”
Obi-Wan breathed out.

Anakin tightened his arms on Obi-Wan and he hissed in pain.

The arms instantly eased and the blond gave Obi-Wan a sharply worried
look. “Lets get you to the temple, the healers will need to look
you over.”

“And Cody?” Obi-Wan questioned hopefully.

Anakin grinned at that and nodded, helping the other to his feet and
wrapping Obi-Wan’s good arm around his shoulders. “And Cody.”
He agreed, happy that his old master had found happiness with the

They moved past the lightsaber marked bodies, Anakin pulling his comm
off his belt as Obi-Wan clung to him. It was time to put on a act.


Okay, the war was not over so easily.

There were outrages and screams about the lack of Jedi guards for the
Supreme Chancellor, only to be pointed out that the man himself did
not wish for said guards that had been offered and what else were the
Jedi if not beholden to the Senate?

Mon Mothma was quickly elected as the new Supreme Chancellor and had
accepted her own Jedi guards as a show of faith in their Order.

Grievous was trying to rally the CIS but was faltering as he had not
the same level of trust from them as Dooku had, more and more planets
were asking for an accord with the Senate again.

A few battles here and there still happened with the most stubborn of

Obi-Wan however saw none of this, first in the bacta tank of the
Halls and then in a bed of the ward, tucked up under several blankets
with Cody at his back, the alpha arms tight around his waist and face
buried in his neck.

At one point Mace had come to see Obi-Wan. “…I saw nothing. I’m
going to turn around and by the time I turn back there’s still
going to be nothing to see.” The Korun had said and Cody had taken
the chance to quickly slide out of bed.

Mace had acted like he had honestly not seen anything and Obi-Wan
wondered what he was missing while contained in the medical ward.

If Mace Windu of all people was willing to ignore something as
obvious as Cody in the same bed as an injured Obi-Wan…

He commed Anakin the moment he could.

“I don’t know what to tell you Obi-Wan. The council seems to be
pulling their collective heads out of their asses slowly but surely.”
The blond shrugged and looked to the side before back at him.
“Between you and me, I think Kit, Aayla and Bly has something to do
about it.”

“Oh? I mean I knew there was something but…really? Kit has a
traditional view for all his easy-goingness.” Obi-Wan shifted a bit
as Cody slid a pillow behind his back, sending the other a grateful
look before focusing back on Anakin.

“I honestly don’t know what to tell you. It might be a mix of
everyone finally starting to relax from the war and certain members
spearheading a change.”

“Certain members?” Obi-Wan questioned in amusement.

“Its not me.” Anakin laughed. “For once its not me getting up
in the Council. I’m on thin enough ice as it is. How are you
though? Are you healing well?”

“The healers has allowed me back in the room with the strong
suggestion I take it easy. Before you ask, Cody is in here with me.
He’s looking after me.” He colored a bit as Anakin sniggered.

“Good, someone has to make sure you relax. Take it easy Obi-Wan,
let us do the mop up work and between you and me? Let Cody take care
of you.” He winked then turned off the call.

“…That boy.” Obi-Wan snorted then smiled when Cody settled down
with him, tucking his arms around the beta.

“You love him.” Cody smirked then nuzzled into his neck. “But
he’s right about something.”

“Oh?” Obi-Wan hummed.

“Let me take care of you.” Cody murmured, giving the others neck
a little nip, Obi-Wan’s breath stuttering to a still before looking
at Cody with wide eyes.

The alpha looked calm, gently rubbing the Jedi’s sides. “I want
to. There’s no war now. There’s just…us. If you still want me
that is.”

“If I still want you…” Obi-Wan gave a breathy laugh then
shifted painfully as best he could to get closer to Cody and expose
his neck to the other. “Yes Cody.”

“Ner Jetii.” The man kissed along the expanse of skin. “Cyare…”
He grasped Obi-Wan’s hand and rested his lips against the claiming
point, letting Obi-Wan have a few more moments to rethink.

The Jedi squeezed the commanders hand tightly. “Please…” He

Cody pressed another soft kiss to the point and then bit in, breaking

His Jedi.

His Obi-Wan.

His mate.

Obi-Wan grunted then relaxed, pressing his head back against the
clones shoulder as he went lax as Cody carefully licked the skin and
cleaned it up, the sting painful but not directly unpleasant.

“Going to return the favor?” Cody questioned softly against the
pale skin.

smiled a bit and slowly shifted around until he could face Cody. He
then lifted the others tanned hand to his lips and pressed a kiss to
its knuckles, placing the others hand to his chest as he leaned in,
finding the right spot. “Ner kar’ta.
Ner riduur.” He whispered before biting down.

Cody’s hand clenched into into the
fabric on his tunic with a low, surprised hiss before he relaxed, his
free arm coming up around Obi-Wan’s waist to hold him close.

“Ner Jetii. Ner riduur.” He
returned quietly, knowing the unspoken promise that lingered between
them as Obi-Wan pulled back slowly, green eyes sparkling at Cody.

He’d spend the rest of his existence
making sure those eyes sparkled like that forever, he promised
himself that.

Oh please please please continue your dimension jumping Obi-Wan shot? With Qui-Gon and perhaps the council?

have to thank Kix, I imagine he was the one who taped the cover over
the drip?” A soft voice croaked and Qui-Gon almost dropped his
datapad from exhausted surprise, looking into drowsy green eyes.

awake.” He said needlessly before putting the pad aside and sitting
up more in his chair. “Yes, Kix did. I…” Qui-Gon wasn’t sure
what to say to this man.

man who knew him. Who looked like a adult version of his padawan. Who
was currently being treated for dehydration and sunburns, showing
mental strains Qui-Gon had only seen in hard-weathered veterans until
the Clone wars had begun.

alright, this is a very strange situation.” Obi-Wan hummed then
licked his lips. “…There wouldn’t be anything to drink would
there? I know the drip is doing some of the work and I can smell
bacta but some water would be nice.” He looked up at Qui-Gon with
those pretty green eyes and Qui-Gon smiled at the familiarity of it.
“Of course Obi-Wan, I’m afraid it will only be a little bit, Kix
claims you will need time to adjust to it so not to make yourself

He got
up and fetched cup with a straw in it that he put on the table beside
the bed, carefully helping Obi-Wan sit up by levering the bed.

you feel well enough to hold the cup?” He murmured, watching the
redhead honestly think it over before shaking his head. “Alright,
here.” The Jedi master held the straw to Obi-Wan’s lips, watching
him carefully suck the water down until it was gone.

you.” The older man was gratified to hear Obi-Wan’s voice sounded

Obi-Wan. I…can call you Obi-Wan can’t I?”

long as I can call you Qui-Gon.” The copper haired master chuckled,
hands resting in his lap. “I imagine you’ve informed the council
about me?”

once Kix had you suited here I took contact with them. I was…unsure
of how to proceed.” He hesitated.

I can imagine, its not often a dimension traveler drops in
unannounced, especially not escorted by sith magic.” The younger
one snorted. “Honestly, what was that man thinking.
Ancient sith magic from bygone ages, he could have brought anything
to this galaxy, a ancient
horror from the wild spaces, a black hole, a deathly sith bent on
galaxy destruction or even a unstable Jedi…or a fruit stand for all
he knew.”

always enjoyed experiments.”

so do I but I know about taking safety precautions. And my
experiments only ever endangered me, unlike the strays you insisted
on taking in. Honestly that nexus cub you brought to the temple…”

felt as if his heart could burst. But he reigned it in with all the
stoic Jedi calm he could, only giving Obi-Wan a bland smile. “Live
in the moment Obi-Wan.”

snorted then focused on him. “…I noticed your reaction to me, I
would assume this means I’m not…among the living here anymore.”

older man sighed then shook his head. “No. You…perhaps you went
to Naboo?”

we traded places then. In my world, you died. I was knighted after
killing the sith apprentice and Yoda severed my braid. In this
dimension I died…and so the net sprawled on without me,
fascinating.” Obi-Wan mused.

exactly what I would have called the occasion.” Qui-Gon forced a
lightness to his words only to get a brittle smile from the redhead.
“No, not what I would really call it either when you died…I was
very lost. A fresh knight with a ten year old padawan and no where to
turn to when I didn’t know what to do.” He chuckled quietly.

left you with Anakin then.” Qui-Gon sighed.

I imagine the council wants to meet me?”

are going to Coruscant, the ship moving in hyperspace as we speak.
Yoda was…instant that we come straight to them.”

was always fond of the old troll…it would be nice to see him…its
also nice to see you Qui-Gon, its been…many years since I saw you.”

many, how old are you Obi-Wan?” Qui-Gon had tried to determined
that himself but it was not easy despite the start of grey in the
others hair.

nine. I aged well.” He teased the older man. “But then again, so
did you. You don’t look much older then last time I saw you despite
at least ten years having passed.”

come from a long lived race, you know that Obi-Wan.” He chuckled
tiredly and leaned on the bed a bit, smiling softly at the memories
their conversation provoked. Soft memories from a bygone age that his
padawan and he had shared.

not really my Obi-Wan.” He sighed.

you’re not my Qui-Gon.” Obi-Wan smiled. “But we are someones
Obi-Wan and someones Qui-Gon, so we could try to be friends at

like the sound of that.” Qui-Gon sat up and offered his hand to the
other. “Qui-Gon Jinn, Master Jedi.”

Kenobi at your service, also a Jedi Master.” Obi-Wan grasped the
hand, grinning softly as he held onto that large hand. “A pleasure
to meet you.”

pleasure is all mine.” The tall man chuckled, squeezing that hand
in his own.

Force seemed to hum in pleasure around them and for the first time in
what felt like years, Obi-Wan felt honest to Force safe.


know. I haven’t been back here since every Jedi in my own galaxy were
brutally murdered.” Obi-Wan said almost casually as the stood on
the steps of the Jedi temple, staring up at it with his shields
raised as high as he could.

froze at the reference to Obi-Wan’s own dark galaxy and looked slowly
at the almost to casual looking Jedi Master behind him.

found bodies all over the temple. All ages, initiates, padawans,
knights, masters…even the corps members. Youngest to oldest,
slaughtered in our own home.” Obi-Wan’s voice faded away and he
looked down, a tremble going through his shoulders.

wasn’t even a conscious thought as Qui-Gon stripped his robe of and
wrapped it around the copper haired man, Anakin watching them from
the top of the stairs. He rubbed at the others upper arms. “Deep
breath Obi-Wan, release what you can into the Force…this must be
difficult, I can’t even begin to understand how difficult it must
feel. But I’m here and every other Jedi in the galaxy is here.
Just…reach out.” Qui-Gon murmured.

green eyed man looked up at him with a distant, almost lost
expression on his face then did as told, reaching out to all those
brilliant lights out there, eyes closing as he felt them, there
…alive …brilliant points in the Force.

haven’t felt another Jedi like this in so long…I’d forgotten what
home felt like.” He whispered to Qui-Gon.

you need to lean on me, do it. You deserve even a small break.” The
ramifications were hitting Qui-Gon full force. A Obi-Wan Kenobi from
a different dimension where the Jedi order had been murdered in their
own home, oldest to youngest. Force, what had happened to the very
youngest of their order, the toddlers and babes?

didn’t dare to entertain that thought to long as he slowly guided
Obi-Wan after him up the stairs and into the temple, feeling the
other clench his hand into Qui-Gon’s arm often as he did, his hands
hidden by Qui-Gon’s larger robe with the sleeves covering them up.
Obi-Wan even lifted the hood to hide, his expression pale as he took
in people and places and through the mans impressive shields, Qui-Gon
sometimes caught the pain the other was barely keeping in and

kept shooting the man looks too, his brows furrowed as he was
obviously catching onto what the other Jedi was doing. Then again,
Anakin was a supernova in the Force. It had taken Qui-Gon years to
teach Anakin the same kind of finesse with the Force that he had
managed to teach padawan Obi-Wan, Anakin’s own powers and his
upbringing being a additional hurdle, not to mention Qui-Gon’s
overpowering grief at the time.

the only reason he got out of bed those first few years was Anakin
and then the mindhealers he had finally sucked up and visited.

have done that way before I even meet Anakin.’ Qui-Gon thought
ruefully before squeezing Obi-Wan’s hand and settling into a lift
with the two. “How are you holding up?” He murmured quietly, his
voice a soothing rumble.

keep seeing corpses on the ground one moment and then remembering I’m
not in my own dimension anymore. Does that answer you?”

a way. It does tell me you might need the mindhealers as much as I

went to the mindhealers?” Obi-Wan looked up, his stoic face falling
away to shock. “I tried so hard to convince you in my own dimension
that you needed to go to one.”

yes you did…and I went after your death. I was…very lackluster.”
Qui-Gon sighed.

he means is he was very depressed and I think the only reason he
sometimes got out of bed to eat breakfast was because I was there.”
Anakin piped in ‘helpfully.’

that.” Qui-Gon grumbled then looked back to Obi-Wan when the other
squeezed his arm.

glad you finally went. Master Yoda said you should have gone there
way before I became your padawan even. I’m glad there is a version
that exist that did.” He gave the other a careful smile, corner of
his lips curling up.

returned the smile.

course they couldn’t remain in the lift forever and made their way to
the council chambers, Obi-Wan growing tenser for every moment as his
breathing speed up and when the doors finally opened, Obi-Wan’s
shields wobbled as a
image leaked through the until now durasteel tight shields.

chambers, yet not it, full of little bodies of all races on the
floor, unseeing little eyes of initiates as Yoda knelt by one.

cursed in Huttnese as he felt the other gasp for breath, ignoring the
roll of confusion and horror flickering through Force, grabbing the
other my the shoulders. “Obi-Wan breath.
He demanded as Anakin leaned against the doors of the chamber, face
pale and eyes wide in horrified surprise.

Obi-Wan wheezed and glanced up at Qui-Gon, a glazed look entering his
eyes as his knees started to buckle, his shields going ever more
chaotic, glimpses of war and pain and death
escaping him as he started to broadcast.

Qui-Gon wove the Force compulsion into his words and caught Obi-Wan
as the mans eyes rolled into the back of his head, not offering even
a token protest as he collapsed against Qui-Gon’s larger bulk.

was a stunned silence as Qui-Gon held him, everyone trying to absorb
what had happened.

the best place to meet our new guest this would appear to be.” Yoda
stood slowly from his chair, hobbling over to them to peer up at
Qui-Gon. “Much this Obi-Wan Kenobi has experience.” The green
Jedi looked to the council room, eyes on the floor. “Much he has
seen. Pain he has gone through. Perhaps to your quarters a safer
place would be.” The Grandmaster looked up at Qui-Gon as Depa was
talking softly to Anakin, carefully coaxing the young knight to stand
upright despite not looking much better herself.

I’m…starting to realize just how bad the war got for him.”
Qui-Gon tightened his grasp around the other man. “…He’s going to
need a lot of help.”

so, for war veterans.”

Jedi Knight Xanatos has an urge to protect his baby brother Obi-Wan. Bonus point if you add Feemor!! <3

“Hey, hey its alright
Obi-Wan. Just focus on me.” Xanatos murmured, carefully but
effectively rolling the bandage around the eleven year olds ankle
while taking several deep breaths through his nose.

Fever and drug glazed eyes
watched him in return, “…Master Qui-Gon says we’re in so much
trouble.” He mumbled and Xanatos laughed quietly, ignoring the
shaky quality of his own voice, reaching out and gently rubbing the
dirt of Obi-Wan’s cheek. “I bet he does.” He smiled before
jerking and pulling his lightsaber at the sound of boots on gravel,
relaxing only when he saw Feemor come around the corner of the
burning palace.

“Xanatos, thank the
For-Obi-Wan?” The blond’s relief turned into a breath of shock and
he moved in beside the raven haired Knight, taking in the sight of
Qui-Gon’s youngest padawan sweaty and tired face as he knelt down.
Obi-Wan continued leaning against the broken debris of the once so
gorgeous fountain.

“What happened?” He
looked to Xanatos when it was clear Obi-Wan could no longer hold his
eyes open.

“He took a poisoned slug
meant for me.” Xanatos pointed up towards the fifth floor with a
broken window panel. “And fell out the window, I barely caught him
before he could hit the ground.” Xanatos murmured while sending
wordless assurance to Qui-Gon through their pairbond, to far away to
do anything else. “He got separated from Qui-Gon when the terrorist
cell attacked the palace. Master went to protect the Queen and her
consort. Obi-Wan said he had been on his way to find us.” He
glanced at Obi-Wan and cursed quietly at the shallow breathing. “He
broke a ankle in the fall as well, we have to get him out of here,
hopefully to a healer.”

“If you carry him, I’ll
take point and make sure nothing slips by and we’ll find Master
Qui-Gon at least.” Feemor stood and Xanatos nodded, quickly
shifting and getting the copper haired teen on his back. The limp
weight made him bite back a curse.

“Hold on little brother
padawan.” He murmured, feeling Obi-Wan’s head resting on his
shoulder even as he raced after Feemor, the hum of the others
lightsaber filling the air with more then the crackle of fire and
cries of the hurt.