can we have more of the A/B/O Jangobi? I just want to see them happy with their baby!

Smiling goofily as he rested his head on Obi-Wan’s belly, Jango couldn’t believe how his life had turned out like this.

Laying on the couch in the Jedi temple, between his mate’s legs, his head resting on the clearly pup swollen belly with Obi-Wan fingers scratching and massaging Jango’s scalp as the Jedi watched his silly little musical show with several pillows behind his back as he was more reclined than laying flat.

Or well, not silly really, but not Jango’s thing at least.

No, Jango’s thing was more feeling how big and warm his mate was, the sensation of his pup beneath his cheek as they moved, Obi-Wan’s sweet scent wrapped around them and the affection that seemed to just linger in the air somehow.

He never expected his life to go this way.

He had thought it be him and Boba, that was all there would be of his pack, a clan of two and no more.

And now he had an intimate pack consisting of Obi-Wan, Boba, Anakin and Rex as the others mate and external pack consisting of a thousand of vode and Jedi, the entire temple becoming a place of safety and warmth.

A proper Clan.

And getting to know the Jedi culture was also something he had come shockingly to appreciate actually.

If the Mandalorians of old had known what Jango knew now… well, he knew quite a few that would have been chasing down Jedi for courtship instead of battle for sure with the parallels that could be drawn between true Mandalorians and Jedi.

Both swore oaths to live by, both would protect their adiik with their lives, took in foundlings that became kin just as fiercely as any born to them, both protected their own people and both were people that could be marginalized by the rest of the galaxy, people as often turning on true Mandalorians as they did on Jedi.

To know that so much of the old hate was made on prejudice… it was strange to think and Jango wondered what Jaster would have said to all of it if he had survived Montross betrayal.

‘…He’d have been fucking thrilled and harassed the scholars in the temple,’ Jango thought some amusement tinged with sadness.

The years had taken the bitterness and anger, had dulled it so only the fond memories remained, but the sadness would always be there.

He’d always miss his adoptive dad, just as he missed his biological parents, just as he missed Arla and often wondered what kind of aunt she’d have been for Boba.

A gentle hand ran over his cheek, catching his attention as he shifted to peer up at Obi-Wan, the other staring down at him with a questioning, saddened gaze. “Your scent shifted, what were you thinking of?” He asked quietly.

Rubbing his cheek down against the belly, Jango let out a deep sigh. “I was just… contemplating how my father and sister would have reacted to all of this. That’s… all.” He rumbled out.

Obi-Wan’s eyes turned sad before he smiled comfortingly down at Jango, running his hand through his mate hair once more, purring quietly.

Jango couldn’t change the past.

The past would forever be stained in blood, pain and betrayal of the worst kind but he had the future in front of him. He wouldn’t soil the future by letting the past taint it, missing and mourning his past family was fine.

But he had a future family to think of.

And new pups that would come.

Catching Obi-Wan’s free hand, Jango brought it to his lips and pressed a soft kiss to the knuckles, rubbing the pale hand slowly as he held onto it, letting his mate comfort him along with the soothing feel of the pup beneath his cheek.

This was all he needed, Jango Fett had everything he had ever wanted.

A mate and his adiik, all safe and sound.

And he would fight tooth and nail to ensure it would remain that way.

Sweet honey: a lot of things are going to down and everyone is happy! How does Padma handle finding out that Anakin is bonded to someone else? How would she react? Is she happy for him or does this possibly change something for her? P.S. love your writings they are all amazing!!

Trying not to show how twitchy he was, Anakin shifted closer to Rex as they followed Obi-Wan and Jango through the Senate, the redhead more familiar despite Anakin having visited often.

But Anakin had always gone straight to the Chancellor, that was the path he was familiar with.

Obi-Wan was now officially a Senate liaison, having been taken off active duty due to his pregnancy and because of that, he would now be showing up in the Rotunda more often than not. Thankfully, today he was only here to observe the Senate meeting.

Jango, in full armor, was going with him because he was a protective bastard and as his mate, had full right to follow Obi-Wan anywhere in the Senate.

He acted very much like a bodyguard, scowling at everyone that looked at Obi-Wan the wrong way or too long, his helmet thumping on his thigh as it hung from his belt, clearly wanting everyone to see his face.

Jango was nothing if not a fastidious mate.  

But so was Rex, who was sensing Anakin’s discomfort at being in the Rotunda.

After the failed heat, the two had cuddled together for a long time before Rex had quietly asked what Anakin wanted to do now that his heat was over.

That of course, had been very simple for Anakin now that his body didn’t hurt at the slightest touch to his most sensitive areas, which oddly enough included his armpits that had kept itching and burning for some odd reason.

He wanted to get bonded.

Rex had balked a bit, eyes wide as he clenched his arms around Anakin, panicked about the pain it would cause.

Bonding with an omega in heat was preferred due to the pain bonding could cause, both from biting through the gland and the bond slotting into place.

But why Rex thought that Anakin would be more sensitive to that than he himself, Anakin had no idea.

Rex didn’t have those omega prejudices many worlds had from old so it had surprised and honestly offended Anakin.

Until Rex had explained nervously that only a few hours ago, Anakin was crying if Rex so much as brushed against his bonding gland and that the last thing the alpha wanted after seeing that, was to cause more pain and discomfort.

It mollified Anakin, slightly.

And he had managed to talk Rex into it once he assured the other that he wasn’t as sensitive anymore.

It still had hurt like a bugger, something Rex had agreed with after Anakin returned the favor but Force, a mating bond was like nothing Anakin had suspected and yet everything at the same time.

Of course, that also meant that everyone was now able to smell Rex and Anakin on each other and knew they were now mates and coming to the Rotunda meant Senators… Senators like Padme Amidala, who had been staring at him from one of the higher floors for what felt like hours.

Even from a distance he could feel her shock and hurt, though he wasn’t sure why, she was the one that had distanced herself first when it was clear he was an omega.

And he knew that somewhere in this building, the Chancellor lurked, like a snake waiting to strike.

It was strange to think that once, that man had been a friend but once Anakin’s status had come out…

He would never forget the desire in the old man’s eyes and the slimy feeling it gave down his back.

A hand wrapped around his, forcing Anakin’s attention to the here and now as he glanced to his side, Rex peering up at him with a small frown that turned into a smile when Anakin squeezed his hand in return.

It didn’t matter now.

Anakin was bonded, neither Padme or the Chancellor mattered to him anymore, at least not in a mating situation.

Because Anakin was spoken for by a man he knew would always do his best by Anakin.

He hoped he could do his best by Rex too.

In sweethoney. What happens during Anakin’s heat.

Shuddering heavily, Anakin let out a small whimper as Rex touched his hip. “Noooo.” He whined, wincing when Rex hands instantly shot off him, feeling guilty but his skin felt too much.

He had thought his heat would be nice, to share it with Rex but it seemed that his heat was not going to be one of the pleasant ones this time.

He was so sensitive that even his own shirt felt uncomfortable rubbing against his chest, his nipples actually hurting at the brush and he didn’t want to talk about his genitalia at all and how his boxers felt to his skin!

Yet at the same time he was horny and it was an awful feeling to be horny, upset and sensitive at the same time and he wanted to throw up a bit too if he was honest and all he really wanted was for Rex to hold him and yet at the same time he knew that if Rex touched him it would make him cry out again.

“Love?” Rex whispered worriedly, voice gruff as the alpha was being effected by the hormones.

And Force, having Rex call him that made him want to melt even as he felt too sensitive for anything. Shivering, Anakin shifted himself away from Rex chest to look up at him, sweating heavily inside the nest he had invited Rex into.

Worried amber meet his, Rex hands hovering as if he wanted to touch but was unsure how to.

Shaking his head, Anakin let out a small whimper. “Its not a good heat. Bad heat. My skin… it feels too much.” He shuddered.

Rex eyes narrowed with realization, his eyes streaking over the other. “Okay, okay love. Tell me what to do, tell me how to touch you that won’t hurt you?” He whispered, tone assertive and yet vaguely pleading.

It almost made Anakin start sobbing, how considerate the alpha, his alpha, was. There were many alphas, subpar as Jango would call them, that wouldn’t care and would just roll an omega onto their stomach and take their pleasure.

Rex, just like Jango, was a good alpha.

And he cared. “Don’t…” Anakin licked his lips, breath hitching a bit his inside spasmed. “Don’t touch my hips, or my bonding gland…and try not to brush my upper chest area or the nipples?” He ventured finally, shivering a bit as Rex hand finally came down to slowly rub through Anakin’s sweat soaked hair.

“Okay. I can do that.” Rex agreed softly and Anakin realized, that while the other still smelled of pheromones and lust, he didn’t smell as strongly of it.

Rex focus had shifted, his body simply reacting to the pheromones Anakin was giving out but his focus was on Anakin’s comfort.

Only Anakin’s comfort.

He felt tears well up in his eyes at that before he whimpered and pressed closer, Rex petting the back of his nape a bit and then moving his hand back up in his hair.

“Can I touch your back, or would that make things worse?” Rex whispered, never once assuming he knew better or trying to control Anakin.

“Just… try not to go too low.” Anakin swallowed, feeling miserable as he had wanted a nice heat with Rex.

Bonding with him on the table and all.

But if Rex as much as brushed his bonding gland now, Anakin knew he’d scream.

A warm, steady hand slowly rubbed along his spine, the pressure increasing when Anakin arched into it but stopping at about waists level before going up again, repeating the action slowly and steadily.

Never too low, Rex other hand in his hair, providing comfort as Anakin clung to his alpha as best he can.

He had been sure before he let Rex into the room to share his heat.

Now he knew beyond doubt or question.

Rex was the man he would mate and marry and as long as Rex too wanted it, he’d give the man as many pups in the future as they could handle. Hell, fill the creche for all Anakin cared, he was fertile, he could give as many pups as possible and love them all with Rex.

His mate.

Hi there! Hope your quarantine is going ok 🥰. I just binge read Sweethoney, and I was wondering if you could write more? Anything you want

Having a mate could be hard sometimes, after all, you were two different people and had different opinions as Jango and Obi-Wan had already experienced.

They had their share of fights and compromises and boundaries had to be put into effect all the time.

Jango had to know when he had to step back and let his mate be a Jedi and Obi-Wan had to know when to step back and let Jango be a bounty hunter. And both had to understand that they couldn’t step on each others toes when it came to their respective ‘children’ so to speak. Anakin wasn’t a child anymore but it still applied to him just as it did to Boba.

That could cause friction of course, with both Obi-Wan and Jango being strong willed and opinionated people.

It wasn’t easy to make such a relationship between such people work always.

However, it could also be beautiful to have a mate like that.

Cracking open the can of beer he had been given, Jango glanced up at his mate uncertainly. “Are you sure you’re fine with me drinking?” He questioned seriously.

They had this discussion before, when Obi-Wan first became his mate.

The only stipulation Obi-Wan had back then was that they weren’t to become drunk in front of Boba and frankly, that was something Jango agreed with.

He didn’t want Boba to see him acting peculiar or see his father drop dead drunk. He wanted his pup to have a good role model for drinking and only occasionally had something to drink, maybe a glass of wine with dinner or a bottle of ale.

The occasional whiskey for a celebratory purpose.

And if he was honest, he wanted to support his mate too, he knew that Obi-Wan enjoyed a fine vintage and the occasional drink too. But pregnancy didn’t allow for that, a fetus didn’t ask for the amount of alcohol.

It could take damage from one drink, never mind several. So yes, Jango had wanted to support the other and had intended to go on the wagon so to speak, not drinking as long as Obi-Wan was carrying.

So, Obi-Wan handing him a cold one out of nowhere was a surprise even if Jango appreciated it.

It was especially surprising since Boba was right there, furiously working on his homework that his teachers had given him as he sat on the floor with the work on the caff table, a book propped up against a pitcher of peach tea Obi-Wan had made for the boy.

Rolling his eyes, Obi-Wan carefully sat down against him on the squishy leather couch. “Jango, if I wasn’t fine with you drinking some alcohol, I wouldn’t get one for you.” He stated solemnly, nuzzling into the mandalorian’s shoulder with a small smile.

Sipping, Jango eyed him before humming slightly and settling back against the couch, sliding his arm around the others shoulders. Instantly, Obi-Wan made himself comfortable against Jango’s chest with a content little huff, rubbing his cheek to Jango’s collarbone.

Taking another sip, Jango noted that the can was condensing against the heat of his hand. ‘Can’t put it on the table without a coaster, would ruin the wood.’ He inwardly sighed. He’d hate to leave behind water damage on Obi-Wan’s nice, polished dark wood table.

Not that he was going to complain.

Hell, he had a cold beer in hand, brought to him by a mate that was being cuddly and was relaxing with said mate all but clinging to him.

And then Obi-Wan all but climbed into his lap, throwing his legs up over Jango’s knee to press into his side and chest even more.

Chuckling softly, Jango rubbed his cheek against the top of the others head. “Cuddly mate.” He whispered fondly, ignoring Boba rolling his eyes at them as he turned the page of his pad book.

“Mhmm, I am. So give me all the cuddles and I might give you a back rub before bed.” Obi-Wan teased playfully.

Having a mate could be beautiful and Jango wouldn’t trade his life for anything.

What happens next in Sweet Honey? Its my fave. Any update on Rex and Ani’s heat or Obi’s pregnancy? Thanks for the awesome fics!!

Humming faintly as warm arms wrapped around him, Obi-Wan tilted his head to allow Jango to nuzzle into his neck. “Good morning mate.” He murmured quietly, huffing happily as his stomach pudge was lightly palmed.

“Morning,” Jango rumbled back, nuzzling more into Obi-Wan’s neck with a pleased sigh. “Wondered where my shirt had gone.” He teased lightly, settling to just hold Obi-Wan.

Chuckling, stirring around the scrambled egg, Obi-Wan gave a light shrug. “Didn’t want to bother with the tunic this early, got nothing to do after all, so unless a message pings in, I’m not leaving the quarters yet.” He hummed.

Jango nosed behind his ear, a pleased chuckle huffing out when Obi-Wan shivered contently. “Good, figured since we were on Coruscant, I could take you on a date then later tonight.” He muttered.

Pausing at the thought, Obi-Wan blinked before beaming. “That does sound lovely, we haven’t had any real dates, so having one now sounds wonderful.” He chirped, ignoring Jango’s sudden silence.

He knew that the lack of courting bothered Jango at times but he wasn’t about to let that twist his mates knickers.

“Boba can manage without supervision but Bant is in the temple and wouldn’t mind helping him if he wants to move around the temple,” He continued, not wanting Jango to get lost in his own thoughts and blame himself. It wasn’t like he planned the clone army or war, so their sudden mating wasn’t something Obi-Wan blamed on him. “Its hard for even experienced Jedi to find their way around sometimes.” He instead confessed.

Huffing faintly at that, Jango nodded, resting his chin on Obi-Wan’s shoulder. “Makes sense, I’ve been trying to familiarize myself but… one corridor often looks the same as the others unless it got decoration. Aren’t there maps?” He sighed heavily.

Pulling over the plate he had readied earlier, Obi-Wan pushed the done scrambled egg onto it. “I mean there are, Jedi are encouraged to use their Force senses for it though. Its a none threatening way for Jedi initiate to reach out and hone their ability to both trust the Force and also find directions with it.” He stated, chuckling faintly when Jango muttered to himself.

“Can you download the maps for me? I don’t have voodo-force abilities.” He stated dryly.

Pushing the other back a bit so he could bend and check the stove for the heated bacon, Obi-Wan hummed in agreement. “Course, I’ll download it for you and Boba. Be careful not to let anyone slice it from you though, that kind of information can be… dangerous in others hands.” He stated.

There was an understanding grunt that was broken by a cry, both of them swinging around to find Boba with his hands over his eyes. “I saw nothing!” The boy squeaked out.

Blinking as they straightened, Jango and Obi-Wan exchanged bemused looks. “Boba’ika, what in the world…” Jango stated out in puzzlement, the two watching as Boba peeked through his fingers ever so cautiously.

The boy let out a deep breath, dropping his hands. “Oh thank the code, for a second there it looked like you two were…” He trailed off, nose scrunching up in an adorable grimace that Obi-Wan had no intention of telling him was adorable.

He knew the other prided himself on trying to be terrifying.

Pausing a bit, Obi-Wan thought back to the position they had been in and promptly flushed.

Jango however raised his brows and crossed his arms over his chest, a small smirk on his chest. “Whatever were you thinking we were up to Boba?” He questioned, full well knowing what their kit thought.

Boba turned bright red, even the tips of his ears turned red Obi-Wan noticed before he muttered and hurried over to the cupboards to get plates. “Lets just eat, I wanna go see Caleb, he promised to show me something super secret.” The boy huffed, ears and the back of his neck still red.

Unable to help himself, Obi-Wan let out a slightly amused snort, exchanging grins with Jango.

The life of a parent were never dull.

‘And we’re about to add more to our life,’ Obi-Wan thought to himself, hand dropping to his stomach as he pulled the stove door open with his other hand, retrieving the bacon for their breakfast. ‘We’ll never have a dull moment with our kits.’

in sweethoney, how does Anakin’s heat go with Rex? 🥺 these two are so sweet to me and I need to know more pretty please

Nuzzling into Obi-Wan’s neck as the older omega was hugging him,
Anakin ignored Jango and Rex talking in quiet, even tones a bit
further down the hall.

Anakin was more occupied by the comfort of his… well, they had a
strange relationship honestly, Obi-Wan was a mix between a parent and
a brother at the same time and the definition of their relationship
in regards to pack was always hard to verbalize.

But it
all boiled down to two omegas, family, caring for each other and damn
it, Anakin wanted hugs before he went into his heat and was left in
the heat room with Rex.

ever since he got pregnant, Obi-Wan had become slightly more tactile,
much to Anakin’s joy.

that Obi-Wan was cold, it was just that Obi-Wan was a slightly
more reserved person most of the time and that was fine.

was just a very tactile person.

reluctantly, he pulled back and grimaced down at the amused looking
redhead. “You’re going to be fine Anakin, the rooms here are
properly equipped and you’ve both taken anti-contraption shots. Rex
is going to be good to you and you’re going to be good to him.”
Obi-Wan assured, patting the younger man on the cheek.

again, Anakin shrugged. “I know that, Rex is my alpha and I love
him. I just don’t like heat, it sucks.” He huffed, ignoring Rex
very pointedly puffing up a bit and Jango rolling his eyes in

going to suck less with an alpha to help.” Obi-Wan teased, laughing
when Anakin gave a grumpy little whine.

though, both Rex and Anakin stepped into the heat room, Anakin making
a beeline towards the bed to start setting up his nest, rubbing his
hands and cheeks on the pillows and sheets to ensure they would smell
like him.

It was
a decent room with no window to avoid an accidental breakout, about
one and a half the size of the common bedroom with a fresher
attached, it had a bed, a counter for supplies, a fridge and a sink.

Anakin went to the bed to get it ready, Rex locked the door behind
him, punching in the code the two had decided on and which Obi-Wan
had been informed of in case of an emergency, then he made his way
over to the supplies, settled on the counter by the little fridge.

there was standard stuff, water, some juice, ration bags and dried
fruit but Anakin had picked out a few extra bits that he found extra
comforting during heat.

leathers, a bag of caramelized grasshoppers, a bag of jerky though
those were for Rex and a box of cheese crackers.

would do for the three to four day heat Anakin said he usually had
and Rex nodded in satisfaction to himself, picking up the bag of
jerky to sniff at only to drop it when Anakin let out a distressed

sharply, sharp instinct on guard, Rex warily let his eyes roam only
to relax, an exasperated smile crossing his face as he saw Anakin
holding his arms open, sitting on the edge of the bed with his mixed
colored nest of sheets and pillows.

Anakin whined impatiently, tapping his foot impatiently as he kept
his arms open.

his head, both amused and endeared by the action, Rex made his way
over and let Anakin pull him down into his lap, the two exchanging a
brief kiss before Rex was pulled to add his scent to the nest. “I
was just checking our supplies you know.” He stated quietly,
chuckling as Anakin nuzzled against his neck while rubbing their
combined hands over the blankets.

nest making now, cuddles now, then you can be a good alpha and check
the food.” Anakin huffed before pressing a soft kiss to Rex pulse
point, pausing a bit.

his hand over the blond curls, Rex let his hand trace down slowly,
curiously finding Anakin’s mating gland.

It was
swollen and red and when Rex gently pressed on it with his fingertip,
Anakin let out a sharp whine, so obviously quite tender too. “Last
chance to back out ner jetti.” Rex murmured quietly, his hand
lingering on the gland, feeling the heat throbbing beneath his touch.

Want you. Only you.” Anakin whispered, capturing Rex chin with his
hand and pulling the clone captain into a deep kiss, the sweetness of
his heat scent wrapping around his chosen alpha and mate.

SweetHoney: i think you may have updated this recently, but its the prompt that started it all for me and I can’t get enough!! can we get some more AniRex time? We know Anakin is approaching his heat, is it his first real heat? If it is, doesnt that mean it will be Rex’s first time helping him through it? How do they stumble their way through that? (First times can be awkward and scary)

Breathing out heavily and flopping face down onto the couch when the
door closed, Anakin let out a small, embarrassed whine while dragging
one of the decorative cushions over.

whined even louder when a reassuring hand started rubbing at his
curls, lifting his face from the cushions he had buried his face in
to peer up at his mate, Rex smiling sympathetically down at him.
Though Anakin wasn’t oblivious to the slight flush of the captain’s
tanned cheeks.

know.” Anakin huffed out, shifting up enough so Rex could sit down
and then pointedly putting his head in the others lap.

yeah, totally,” Rex agreed, glancing to the closed door of the
quarters where Jango and the rest had gone out. “Well, except for
Boba. But the other two for sure.” He tacked on after a second.

had rather loudly been talking about going to see Dex, pointedly
pushing his mate to the door while Boba followed with high interest
in having junk food.

least Boba seemed oblivious, thankfully.

I really smell that much?” Anakin sniffed at himself before
grimacing and sending his mate a pleading look.

his fingers through Anakin’s short hair, Rex let out a soothing
rumbling noise. “Not really but I guess just like me, Obi-Wan is
sensitive to your changes and Jango… well he’s a bounty
hunter.” Rex shrugged awkwardly, as if that explained it all.

maybe it did?

then again, Jango was head of the pack, of the intimate pack of
Anakin. Maybe he was getting as tuned to Anakin as Obi-Wan was as a
pseudo parent in a manner?

a bit, Anakin settled again, his head on Rex lap. “Maybe he can
read Obi-Wan enough to get the situation…” He muttered, Rex
letting out a thoughtful hum before nodding, agreeing with his cranky
mate. “But we really should do what Obi-Wan clearly intended for
us,” He pointed out, rolling his eyes lightly when Anakin gave him
a confused look. “We need to talk about what comes next.” Rex
explained patiently.

Sitting up, face flushing slightly, Anakin rubbed the back of his
neck and damn him for being so pretty with that flush darkening his
sun tanned skin.

was head over heels for this omega for sure and he had a feeling he’d
be it even if Anakin wasn’t an omega. Reaching out, He rubbed at
the others cheek with the back of his knuckles, smiling slightly.
“Hey, its alright. We’ve… well we’ve done this outside of
heat.” He stated softly.

Anakin slumped a bit before shifting closer, resting his head on Rex
shoulder, his cheeks still a pink color.

said,” Rex continued, resting his hand on Anakin’s thigh, smiling
at the sight of sun caught in golden short hair. “We don’t have
to mate for your heat.” He tacked on softly, willing to let Anakin
have a way out if he didn’t want to share his heat.

do want to share my heat with you though. I just… I’ve never had
a person there for my heat. It… Obi-Wan says its different when
you’re in heat, everything… narrows down in a way.” Anakin
nervously played with Rex hand, running his fingertips along the top
of his head.

his hand and catching the wandering one, Rex squeezed the others
hand. “Okay, okay. Then I need to get an alpha contraception shot
from the Halls here at the temple, I don’t trust condoms
considering Obi-Wan and Jango right now.” He stated wryly, grinning
when Anakin snorted in agreement.

right. I’ll take a contraception shot too but Obi-Wan has that in
the bathroom so I can get it here,” Anakin rubbed his fingers
through his hair before snorting at Rex surprised look. “Just cause
he has them doesn’t mean he always remembers to use them.
Apparently Jango is a… distraction.” He grinned toothily.

heavily, Rex slowly shook his head before snorting and tilting his
head enough to peck Anakin on the cheek, giving his braid a playful
tug. “I guess we… got it then. We just need to prepare. Will you
have your heat here?” They both glanced towards Anakin’s bedroom.

the Jedi squeezed Rex hand. “I would be more comfortable
there but… well, Boba and Jango are around here and I kinda don’t
want Obi-Wan to hear us either. So I think I’ll requisition one of
the heat rooms and bring my nesting items.” He stated quietly,
pressing into Rex side.

on pressing a kiss to Anakin’s temple, Rex just cuddled his tall
omega mate with a small smile of understanding.

To him
it was fine whatever Anakin wanted, it was his heat, his choices and
Rex would be there for it.

And if
he was a tiny bit nervous over the fact that he was actually going
through with bonding with his mate?

everyone had nerves and his eagerness made up for any form of

He was
going to mate his Jedi.

A2nt chance of more RexAni in the sweethoney verse? Or something with Padme?

Catching his mate’s hand, Rex
quickly pulled Anakin into the
dark alcove they were about to pass and
dragged the other down before Anakin could question him, pressing his
nose into Anakin’s neck as the commander made a little squeak noise
of confused shock.

his action, Rex was also listening for the others, hearing Jango and
General Kenobi continue on, Boba talking about something but Rex
focus was on his squirming
mate because….

what in Sithspit name are you-”

his mate off, Rex growled softly, gently, just enough to make the
omega shut up and listen, because
Jango’s bones knew Anakin could be stubborn.
“You’re closing in on a heat Anakin, I can smell it on you.” He
whispered. It was only the cusps of heat but after this much time
spent intimately aware of Anakin and his almost musky sweet smell,
any changes were obvious to the clone captain.

low, shocked noise escaped his pretty mate. “What? But I’m still
on… that’s out of schedule,
I shouldn’t be entering heat for another few wee-” Anakin pressed
his hand to his mouth to muffle the little moan he almost let out,
feeling Rex rasp his teeth over his bonding gland.

know what to tell you mate,” The captain mumbled, eagerly huffing
in the changed scent, taking in as much of Anakin’s heat scent that
he could, his hands coming to linger on Anakin’s hips as he gently
licked and nibbled on the barely swelled gland.

could imagine biting down on it, binding his mate to him, Anakin’s
heat warm body wrapped around him and karking hell, Rex breath
hitched at the idea.

General Kenobi around, smelling his pregnancy changed hormones was
doing things to Rex head clearly because he could imagine his own
mate full of pup and that was a bad

they were in a war and Obi-Wan’s pup was an accident.

Rex was a clone, he could die literally any moment and so could
Anakin as they fought on the front lines.

three, both he and Anakin were both far too young even
with the advanced aging the longnecks had done on the clones.

stop him from gently mauling the bonding gland with his lips and
tongue though, Anakin a boneless weight against himself and the wall,
only kept up by Rex with his hands limply holding onto the captain’s

Anakin sighed gustily, his hands lazily trailing down Rex back,
caressing his spine until he reached down and cupped the alphas arse,
pulling him hard into his own body, both of them hissing at the
contact between their bodies.

off Anakin pheromones and proximity, Rex almost jumped a mile into
the air when a voice cleared itself, both alpha and omega throwing
themselves out of each others space even though Anakin couldn’t go
anywhere with his back already to the wall.

thundering, both flustered men stared at General Windu, the man standing there with
raised brows and a little twitch on his lips as he glanced at the two
disheveled looking males. “Ah, m-master Windu, I can… explain,
that is… um…” Anakin trailed off as Windu raised his brows even

do believe, the best thing to do right now, is to follow after your
master and his mate, hmm?” The fellow omega stated, a small smirk
crossing his thin lips as he stepped back. “And get to the privacy of
your own quarters, I don’t mind anyone… canoodling as one might
say but maybe not in the public hallways and making enough of a
ruckus to be spotted?” He drawled.

faces burning, both nodded quickly and stepped out of the alcove, Rex
feeling quite a bit like a scolded pup as Anakin bowed to the man and
then quickly fled down the hall after Jango and Obi-Wan with Rex hot
on his steps.

turned the corner and froze as a bark of laughter followed from
behind them, both of them pausing to stare at each other before
Anakin, his face still hot red and his cheeks flushed, shook his
head. “This never
happened, alright?” The blond whispered, pushing his braid behind
his ear.

Rex mumbled, rubbing the back of his sweaty neck.

one would believe them anyhow he thought ruefully to himself, trying
to banish the embarrassment of being caught in the act by someone
that high ranking.

Sweethoney: 2 things, can Pong Krell get tossed off a cliff, and can we see more Mace? He needs some premium alpha attention, too. And there’s nothing wrong with how he looks, poor thing, makes me sad that he thinks that!

not that he’s unused to alpha attention.

actually, that’s exactly what he is, Mace Windu is not
conventionally attractive in the omega standards of attractive.

he had been a beta, he could have struck in quite well he thinks and
if he had been an alpha…

not sure actually but people have made assumptions and comments when
they don’t know he’s been able to hear them.

by the standard of a pretty, sweet lapful omega?

he is not the standard of an attractive omega by any leap of

is taller than many alphas, his muscles are of the broader kind, not
a graceful dancer or swimmer kind
though he’s not
directly barrel chested either
and his stern demeanor puts
many people off, even fellow Jedi, who all-through they respect him,
are wary about getting close to him in normal situations.

as the master of the order, this is not a situation he is unused to.

position awards him a lot of responsibility and not many friends

even fewer suitors.

Commander Ponds is not deterred by any of that, not by the social
desire for the graceful,
petite, demure and shy omega,
none of which Mace is except for being an omega, for
Mace Windu has never in his adult life apologized for existing or for
being exactly who he is.

Ponds seems to… like


he is, the flicker of amber eyes flickering in his direction with
fondness and warmth in the Force from Ponds very telling to the Jedi,
but there is also Ponds
actions, the way he gently ensures that Mace has food, he hands him
tea and caff, seemingly instinctively knowing which to get him, shows
up when Mace is uncomfortable around alphas in the GAR that aren’t

Mace is… not used to it, not used to an alpha showing genuine
attention to him.

more from him without
asking for it as Ponds doesn’t want to overstep boundaries and
being respectful of the limits Mace seems to have when he’s so new
to this attention.

why he’s here, sitting on Obi-Wan’s couch, having tea served to
him by his fellow omega while Jango watches curiously from the
kitchen table where he is helping Boba with homework.

it’s not obvious by any means, but Mace is Force sensitive and he
can feel the peeked curiosity
of the bounty hunter and he can feel the side gazes sent their way.

is not a coward and therefore he asks bluntly as Obi-Wan carefully
sits down on the couch while as discreetly as possible rubbing his likely sore hip.
“How do I deal with alpha attention?” He rumbled out, cupping his
tea in his hands as he peered at the other.

felt more than he saw Jango suddenly snap his attention on them
firmly, the alpha now attentive and clearly listening too as Obi-Wan
paused before he slowly picked up his own cup. “Undesired attention
or…” He trailed off, raising his brows at Mace as the pregnant
omega took a sip of tea.

down, Mace took a few seconds to take his own sip of tea too, to give
himself time to gather his thoughts. “…Ponds has asked for
nothing but I know he is interested and I…” He hesitated, once
more feeling the shift in Jango’s emotions as the man clearly
relaxed at the sound
of a troopers man.

trust in the troopers as alpha was quite interesting Mace would say.

face however was the real interest, seeing how it softened with both
sympathy and understanding. “And you are interested in return. I
see, well, I’m not about to judge you for that.” Obi-Wan smiled
slightly, his free hand coming to find his own stomach subconsciously
as he lifted his tea with the other to take a sip.

do I…” Mace breathed out, unsure what he was asking for.

faintly, Obi-Wan lowered his cup to his lap, settling it on his knee
as Boba took Jango’s attention by asking a question about something
in his books. “I’d advise
talking to Ponds, see what you two want. If it’s something
permanent you should take it slow, ease into…” He hesitated, Fett
snorting in the kitchen.

got a wry smile out of Mace too, Jango and Obi-Wan had literally gone
from almost trying to kill each other during the Amidala mission to
mates in less than a week.

in less than a year, Kenobi was pregnant.

‘slow’ had not been in their vocabulary.

then again, they had slotted together so nicely too, so Mace wasn’t
about to blame them.

they argued but as far as Mace understood, arguing was normal in
couples and it was about finding compromises
and shared goals, about figuring out what fit for both and talk out
the things that didn’t.

I mean is…” Obi-Wan hesitated, tapping his nails on the cup with
a small frown before nodding, seemingly satisfied as he looked up
with a warm smile at Mace. “Is that communication is paramount, if
you don’t talk, things stagnate and become difficult. Talking about
the things you expect, what you see for the future is important and
you can’t let things fester. I admit I’m not always the best at
that,” Here Jango snorted deeply, making it clear he was still
listening and Obi-Wan’s ears turned a bright red but he still
powered on. “But luckily I have a mate that’s very good at
knowing when I’m letting things fester.” He smiled sheepishly.

Mace took a slow sip of tea, letting that thought mull around as he
let Obi-Wan pout at Jango.

that means I need to talk with Ponds
about… expectations… and maybe ask Vos about flirting? He’s
pretty good at it…’ Mace pondered to himself, quietly letting
Jango, Boba and Obi-Wan’s words float over him.

Hi, I know you just updated SweetHoney but I will reread a series from the beginning too once an update hits and I noticed in one update that it was mentioned that Jango was going to let the chips be known to a few clones and let it spread or just tell them…did he do any of that or do the clones still have the chips? Thanks in advance

in his blaster polishing as he spotted a Wolfpack trooper making his
way towards him, Jango narrowed his eyes before straightening when he
saw it was Wolffe himself, the commander removing his helmet as he
got closer with his functioning eye focused on him.

trooper stopped in front of Jango, the Mando’a peering up at the
commander from the crate he had picked out.

had figured that sitting out in the sun for once and getting some
work done before they packed up once again and Jango returned to
Obi-Wan, his mate having Boba with him as he played relief effort in
his current state.

Resolute was of course with the Negotiator since Anakin was still a
padawan, so they were all drifting in space but Plo Koon had
requested Jango to arrive and supervise and observe the training of
his men, to see if they needed any refreshers.

far Jango had not observed anything, the Wolfpack were superior
soldiers still though some of the shiny’s as the men called them
were a bit lacking.

experience couldn’t fix and getting their armor scuffed up. And
some help of their vode of course, that helped a lot.

had been intending to help with some blaster training once he was
done polishing his weapon but… well… it seemed Wolffe had
something to say.

it’s such a nice day for a blaster makeshift blaster range too.’
Jango mentally griped with annoyance. The sky was clear, the grass
was low, the sun was high in the sky over them and the sight was
clear even without a scope, ideal!

Commander however glanced around, pointedly taking note of where the
Jedi in the camp were and as he did, Jango got a view of the side of
his head.

scalp scar.

shoulder sunk a bit with sudden understanding and a tiny bit of

could never be quite sure about all the troopers, some of them had
taken the news of the biochips very personally, especially when some
of the more technical advanced troopers sliced into the kamino’s
databases and found the orders themselves.

half expected to be challenged for alpha pack rights and honestly
just slugged for what he almost did to the Jedi, while Jango himself
wasn’t too fond of them in the beginning and still was a bit iffy
on most of them… the troopers had adored them from the get go of
their first meeting.

beta or omega, they adored each Jedi with a fervent display that
Jango would almost call cultish.

without worship that was.

adored them more than they worshiped really.

that oddball Pong Krell and Quinlan Vos, they’re acquired tastes so
far as I’ve seen.’ Jango thought to himself as Wolffe started to
finger spell as he spoke.

in the mess tent, fresh if you’re interested Mand’alor.”
Wolffe drawled out as his fingers moved. -All
vode cleared, wolfpack safe. News?-

rubbing the rag along the blaster, eyeing it before putting it in the
holster, Jango casually began finger spelling back as he pretended to
stretch. -Good,
safe then, less pawns for darjetii. No news. Returning to mate and
kit.- Jango dropped his arms and stood, his back and karking hip
cracking as he did, though his armor muffled it. “Sounds good,
could do with some caff to oil my joints before I take off.” He
drawled in an equal tone to Wolffe, sounding bored almost.

commander nodded before giving a brief salute of respect to Jango’s
title and then he was off, making a beeline for Koon.

watched for a moment before deciding to indeed get himself some caff,
he was going to karking need it and he could honestly use the energy
before he was on his way to his pregnant mate.

and a shower, Boba, a nice snuggle, hair ruffle for Anakin, pretend I
can’t smell Rex on him…’  Jango felt an involuntary smile cross
his lips at the thought, tucking his thumbs into his belt as he made
his way towards the mess tent, easily avoiding a few troopers lugging
around supplies around the camp.

wasn’t what he had thought would happen on the day he held Boba in
his arms.

had thought that was it, after all, he hadn’t found a fitting mate
and Boba had been perfect, beautiful and tiny in his arms.

now I’m having another and I have an adoptive kit… kark, life
works in mysterious ways huh.’ He mused as he pushed the tent flap
aside, the smell of caff and cooking food washing over him along with
the low hum of working men with the clatter of tools.

how he wouldn’t have it any other way.