Ahhh so pleased that Obi has gotten Quinlan to free Shmi in #lupinecopper! Sounds like Obi and Qui are going to Naboo without Anakin, I hope when they get there Padme isn’t too horrible to Obi and that Qui survives the fight with Maul. I need to see a happy Jedi family of Qui, Obi and Anakin!!! I LOVE your work!!!!!

Frowning slightly to himself as he listened to his master and the captain talk about the return trip to Naboo and what they were going to do, Obi-Wan glanced around while discreetly trying to sniff the air.

For some reason he had an odd feeling in his chest ever since they left Coruscant.

Nothing he could really put his finger on, just something strange echoing in his chest and became stronger the further away from Coruscant they got.

The feeling made him cross his arms over his chest as he mulled over it.

For all that it wasn’t an outright bad feeling, it made him feel wary at the very least, as if he was to be on guard and it made his wolf instincts sit up and take notice.

It was almost as if…

Suddenly Obi-Wan snapped to, eyes narrowed and his sudden jerk had both the captain and his master focusing on him. “Obi-Wan?” The tall Jedi stated curiously.

Baring his teeth as he raised his nose to the air, Obi-Wan took a deep breath, singling out the scents before he started marching through the ship, Qui-Gon following him with an air of concern and curiosity as Obi-Wan let out a contentious, low growling noise.

Generally, Obi-Wan was pretty good at hiding his wolf characteristic until they were in the temple, a place where everyone already knew and no one would expose him to the outside world.

But at the current moment all his canine aspects were on display that were possible in his human form.

And Qui-Gon realized why when Obi-Wan reached in past a protesting astromech to draw a yelping Anakin Skywalker out from the astromech station, the boy dangling like a naughty pup in the padawan’s grasp.

Shaking the boy, Obi-Wan glared down at him, though Qui-Gon noted with relief that the boy looked far from fearful and just looked sheepish instead, tanned cheeks flushed as he peered up with large, blue eyes. “Anakin Skywalker,” Obi-Wan hissed, teeth clenched. “You are suppose to be in the Jedi creche.” He growled out.

Squirming in the grasp, Anakin pouted at him. “But I was suppose to go with!” He protested.

Obi-Wan opened his mouth only to snap his mouth shut when Qui-Gon settled a warm, large hand on his shoulder. “Suppose to go with us Anakin?” Qui-Gon rumbled, Obi-Wan shooting the other an offended look even as he tried to calm down, noting the curious and alarmed Nabooean beyond the open door of the astromech room.

Hopefully none of them realized the connection between Obi-Wan’s behavior and a werewolf.

Most people never meet werewolves really, most of them did their best to hide themselves due to predjuces.

Squirming until Obi-Wan set him on his feet, Anakin nodded. “Uhu, something said I had to go too.” The boy stated, pouting still as he crossed his arms over his chest.

Pausing at that explanation, Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon exchanged uncertain looks.

Something had told the boy to come with, both could tell that Anakin wasn’t lying to them but that would mean the Force had potentially told Anakin to go with them.

And that was… disturbing.

The idea of needing a nine year old in a battle zone was not something Obi-Wan appreciated.

Sighing deeply as Qui-Gon thoughtfully rubbed his beard, Obi-Wan reached out and pulled his pup to him. “…Okay but you’re sticking close to either me or master Qui-Gon, understand Anakin? No wandering off, we’re going into an active battle zone with very bad people.” Obi-Wan stated seriously.

Perking up, clearly relieved he wasn’t being scolded, Anakin nodded seriously as Obi-Wan’s hand came to hold onto the back of the boy’s neck, as if he was holding onto the scruff of a pup.

He deflated at Obi-Wan’s next words. “And you are so grounded when we get back to the temple.”

Repercussion for actions were always a must and Obi-Wan refused to let the boy get away with this as he guided Anakin out of the mech room to the room the Jedi shared instead, sighing deeply as Anakin pouted to himself.

Force save him from impetuous pups.

In lupine copper please tell me obiwan is able to free Shimi I don’t want her to die from sand people and just want her to be happy. Also hope you’re doing well moddy.

Stretching his legs out on the bed as he hooked his comm to his belt, Obi-Wan let out a deep breath through his nose as he resisted the urge to go shower, squinting faintly as his eyes once more adjusted to the dimness inside his nest and not the bright glow of his comm.

He felt unclean but a shower wasn’t going to fix that feeling since it was purely a psychological feeling and not a physical one after what he had just done, what he had asked his friend to do.

Obi-Wan had just asked one of his friends, maybe his best friend, Quinlan, to drop by Tatooine for ‘repairs’ on the official report and unofficially buy someone.

A sentient person, who by all rights should have rights but didn’t due to the hutts and the slave trade that the Republic didn’t dare try to untangle lest they get into a war with said hutts.

And the Jedi weren’t allowed to officially touch with a ten foot pole by the Senate, though the Jedi tried their best on the sly without being too obvious.

It was one of the things that made the Jedi better at times, particularly young knights on their first missions in the universe.

By all rights, the systematic slavery of the outer rims should be illegal, but due to it being hutt space, it was allowed to thrive with other outer rim planets joining in and the Republic not stepping in to aid said planets and the people caught up in it.

‘Not that its much better in the core, not really,’ Obi-Wan thought bitterly to himself as he carefully ran his hand through Anakin’s hair as the pup continued sleeping peacefully, not having been disturbed by Obi-Wan’s conversation. ‘Indentured servitude is still slavery only by another name considering some of those contracts are impossible to complete for whoever signs them.’ The only difference was the obviousness of it and the name.

Grease the right palms and the law looked away for even obvious slaves to come onto Coruscant and into the household of those who held power.

Did it make Obi-Wan bitter?


Could he do much about it?

Unfortunately no and it chafed at his very bones as his canine parts snarled and rattled in unhappiness that echoed through his soul.

But he was a Jedi, not a politician as much as he tried to broker peace when he was sent to various systems with his master and oversee elections some places, some of them rigged. He was not the law and unfortunately he could not change the law either.

Looking down at the blond head of the pup resting in his nest, it almost made Obi-Wan want to try and take over an office just to try and change the law.

But the Senate was a many headed snake that moved too slowly for someone like him to do real change, which would frustrate him even more.

The only way for something to really happen would be for someone with proper power to step in.

And unfortunately, mid rim planets did not have much power in the Senate.

You’d need a core planet to start the ball rolling.

Wrapping himself around his pup, Obi-Wan let out a deep, shaking breath.

At the very least Quinlan would get Anakin’s mother to safety, the combined funds of Quinlan and Obi-Wan should be more than enough for Shmi Skywalker, especially since Quinlan knew how to barter.

Aaaand if Obi-Wan thought to hard about what Quinlan was going to barter for, he was going to be sick so he best stop thinking about that at least for now as he instead focused on Anakin.

The slow, steady breath, the warmth of the pup in his nest, the soft scent of the fresher soaps kept in his and Qui-Gon’s fresher due to Obi-Wan’s sensitive nose and the even thumps of Anakin’s heartbeat.

Focusing on that, it was enough to get Obi-Wan to settle, at least for now as he slowly rubbed Anakin’s hair, the dimness and comfort of his nest settling Obi-Wan to drowse, knowing that he would soon enough be on his way to Naboo with his master.

Obi-Wan best enjoy what time he had with his pup as he wouldn’t see the other for a good week until he returned, considering what that rather moronic queen had done in the Senate, Obi-Wan might be gone even longer.

‘Honestly, who advised her to ask for a vote of no confidence?’ Obi-Wan grumbled inwardly. ‘Whose to say the next Supreme Chancellor would be any more helpful to Naboo than Valorum, who asked for a personal favor to have the Jedi check Naboo out?’ He huffed, bemused by the Nabooan idiocy.

But then again, idiots were in power all over as Obi-Wan had learned, be it the Jedi temple or out in the outer rims milk farms.

Always one moron in power in every ruling body.

I love so MANY of your stories and right now I want to see where AWOL is going. If the Senate group is the distraction, how did the Kamino raid go? I can’t wait until the little cadets show up and the twins have a creche group of hundreds. Will someone attack the diplomatic group and those Masters remind the Senate how Bamf those Masters are despite pretty feathers?I can feel for Padme, but she neglected her children and husband who was giving all up to be with her… More pls

Huffing faintly with relief as the communication hub powered down, Obi-Wan peered at the others.

To be frank, they hadn’t thought this far because they weren’t sure what was going to happen once they were on Coruscant but so far they hadn’t ended up jailed just yet or attacked despite glares and an uneasy Senate.

No plans ever really survived contact with the enemy, so beyond ‘get on Coruscant and keep the galaxy eye on us and not any potential distress signals from Kamino.’ there hadn’t really been any plans on their end.

Cody and the council masters going with the troopers to Kamino however had several plans that Obi-Wan had been faintly aware of.

But Cody and the other vode were now done, all the young clones, at least by the vode standard with the speedy aging, liberated from Tipoca City, the samples of DNA the kaminoans had were destroyed to avoid them creating more and the planet were in full information blackout as the younglings and older vode were being transported to Vercopa, post haste.

Which meant that the Jedi on Coruscant could also leave.

But not obviously.

Ever since they landed, their rented apartment in the Senatorial district had been under watch at all times by several factions, from bounty hunters, senate owned guards, spies and the Coruscant guard, though the latter were there to pretend they were still serving the Senate.

But Fox was doing his to keep the Jedi safe for his brothers more than anything.

‘And I imagine lately because he’s getting along with Plo and Depa.’ Obi-Wan thought in amusement to himself, having found the Commander in deep conversation with both at separate occasions.

Maybe he should warn Commander Wolffe that his vod looked like he was about to either steal his buir or that he’d have more brothers adopted by his Jedi and would have to share the man even more?

Honestly, if it could breath and talk and stayed still for longer than ten minutes, Plo was bound to adopt it at some point Obi-Wan had come to learn, much to his own amusement as he got to learn just how many creche younglings Plo had come back with.

And no one would be forgetting ‘Plo’s bros’ nose art anytime soon, considering how many depictions of the Wolfpack and Plo with those words were on different ships in various sizes.

Someone cleared their throats and Obi-Wan focused back, looking to Oppo as the thisspiasian flickered his tail. “It seems we can now make preparations to leave, not that it would take long should we request Commander Fox help I would imagine.” The man mused, looking to Plo and Depa.

Both looked to each other before both also nodded. “Fox is quite capable, as most of the officers of the vode,” Depa agreed softly, Obi-Wan absently reaching up to pet Stass head as she tiredly rested it on her shoulder. “I’ll contact him, hear if he could find us a ship and where we should go to get off Coruscant.” She stood, moving to away so Stass could rest.

Honestly, the sooner they left, the better in Obi-Wan’s eyes.

He wanted to go home and looking at the old temple was causing a melancholic ache in his chest most days, being in the Senate caused frustration and some anger and talking to Padme…

He’d rather not honestly.

“I rather imagine we’ll be sneaking about a bit,” Plo mused, tapping his claws on his knee. When the others shot him a look, except for Depa and Stass, he shrugged. “We wouldn’t want to alert our little audience to our escape now, would we.” He stated with some amusement.

Snorting, Obi-Wan agreed, reaching out and carefully shifting Stass to lay her head in his lap as she fell properly asleep. “True. I guess we’ll be jumping out some windows or something in the middle of the night… bugger that.” He sighed.

Flickering his tail on the floor, Oppo sighed too. “At least we aren’t going through the sewers, nasty business that… especially for me.” He sent them all a look, Plo, Mace and Obi-Wan grimacing in agreement.

At least they had boots on their feet compared to Oppo slithering through the sewers.

“Window’s it is.” Mace agreed before giving Stass a glance and shrugging, laying down on the other side of Obi-Wan on the couch and using the rest of his lap, much to the bemusement of the stewjoni as Plo snapped a picture for prosperity.

(distant pain) How does Dooku feel about Obi-Wan ? Have they met ? Maybe even before tcw ?

Swaying lazily back and forth over the open pit, his arms crossed over his chest, Obi-Wan glared quietly at the man standing in front as blood was rushing to his head and mentally he was cursing out Ventress for having him swinging over a damn open pit upside-down of all things.

Dooku stared calmly back at him, his hands resting on a snake headed cane and his cloak fluttering slightly in the breeze that echoed through the cave system.

For several long, uncomfortable minutes, neither said anything until Dooku seemed to have enough. “Grandpadawan.” He greeted calmly.

“Grandmaster.” Obi-Wan bit out, wishing he could regulate his blood flow but that was a bit hard with the Force inhibitor in his system, once more a curtsy of Ventress.

She had gotten the drop on him, much to Obi-Wan’s annoyance.

Dogma and Zuru were going to be unbearable motherhens when he got out of here, he just knew it, Dogma in particular.

The other had taking to questioning Zuru about the things Obi-Wan got up to and while Zuru had been somewhat desensitized to his actions and behavior, Dogma had certainly not and would regularly be making distressed, clicking noises when Zuru informed him of past missions.

And after swaying over a black hole in a cave system, upside down with Count Dooku in front of him, both of them were sure to turn into motherhens again.

“It is a shame that Qui-Gon did not see fit to introduce us sooner,” Dooku drawled, Obi-Wan eyes narrowing faintly at the mention of his former master. “Not that you seem to have a good relationship with your former master.” The man tacked on.

Letting out a hissing breath between his teeth, Obi-Wan glared at the older man. “Well gee, I wonder why, repudiation has a tendency to leave a bad taste in people’s mouth you know.” He drawled.

Dooku hummed faintly, tapping his glove covered fingers on his cane. “Indeed, I heard about the… incident,” He stated a tad delicately, looking away as if the cave wall was fascinating. Obi-Wan almost snorted at him. “A damn shame really, Skywalker is an uncouth thug, little more than a power house with little to bring to our lineage.” He stated,

Trying not to feel nauseous with all the head having gone to his head, Obi-Wan let out a dark laugh. “Oh right, our lineage. You have no claim on it anymore after turning your back on us all,” Obi-Wan continued to mirthlessly laugh, keeping his eyes on Dooku’s darkening face. “Tell me, how sweetly does the dark side sing to you? How many Jedi have you killed? Kin slayer.” Obi-Wan sneered at him.

Opening his mouth, Dooku had clearly been about to reply when the vitriol of the last two words hit him, the man jerking back as if electrocuted as he stared at Obi-Wan.

Snorting, Obi-Wan stared at the man. “You have no claim to our lineage anymore, you traitor to everything, even the family we are suppose to be. Force sensitive have few friends in this galaxy and now you, raised in the temple, turn on us too. Begone from my sight, I have no camaraderie with you.” He stated darkly.

Obi-Wan might be on the edges of the temple, for all that he was a council member. His work as a shadow operative had isolated him away from many outside of his crechemates and Quinlan but he was still a Jedi.

And he’d be a Jedi until the day he died.

Visibly shaking himself, Dooku put on the best sneer he could, despite Obi-Wan seeing he was unnerved beneath his mask. “I see, so you throw loath in with the Order and the dying Republi-”

“I throw my loath in with my family,” Obi-Wan replied steadily, the cave breeze rustling through his hair. The family he had grown up with and the family he had found. “As all Jedi should.”

If Obi-Wan could have seen himself, he would have noted that his eyes were almost glowing as he stared Dooku down.

Unsettled, Dooku simply sneered at him before turning, heading towards the cave mouth. “Maybe you’ll come around in an hour or so, if you’re still alive. After all, the lungs do not enjoy weight on them.” He drawled as he stepped out.

Snorting quietly, Obi-Wan looked up at his tied up legs. “…Kark Ventress for taking my weapons… even my boot knife.” He grumbled.

Sightlessbird – the last update was just *chefs kiss* I was wondering about who is in charge of the 212th? Do the 501st and 212th still work as closely? I can just imagine Cody being all super protective over Obi-Wan

Pressing his fist to his mouth to prevent the other from seeing his smile, Qui-Gon couldn’t help but ponder what a delight karma could be even as Anakin moaned into his arms, the knight having laid his arms on the table and his head on his arms as he started recounting his padawan’s deed.

Anakin, wonderful as he was and a good padawan, was not a grand diplomat and often he had stepped on the toes of the people they were supposed to be investigating or helping as a young teen.

He had of course become better with age but young Anakin had been… blunt.

Yes, blunt was the word.

A diplomatic word.

So often, Qui-Gon had been required to run, Anakin tucked up under his arm with an angry mob under his arm as they ran from everything from a royal or senator’s guard to the thugs hired by a weapon or drug dealer Anakin had either insulted or enraged in some manner.

It made for an interesting few years, that was for sure, until Qui-Gon had finally managed to teach Anakin at least some diplomacy and drop his reckless bluntness for some caution.

Though, admittedly, Obi-Wan’s recklessness was… worrying.

Dropping his hand and opening his mouth, finally feeling like he wouldn’t bust out laughing, Qui-Gon paused as Cody arrived, the man setting a cup of tea down. “Ah, thank you Cody. Sapir?” He stated hopefully, smiling thankfully when his commander nodded.

Force, Qui-Gon abhorred this war and yet… meeting Cody and the other troopers almost, almost made him glad.

It was a complicated place to be.

Loving the troopers and yet abhorring the war, though he knew the troopers themselves had complicated emotions about the war.

Without it, they would not exist. And yet with it, they died and further more, many treated them as if they were less than sentient.


So many things were complicated.

Picking up the cup, Qui-Gon peered at his former padawan, giving into his urge to smile just a little bit as Anakin glared sullenly up at him from his arms. “My best advice would be to speak to him, sit down and meditate, however,” He raised one hand when Anakin sat up suddenly, mouth open. Thankfully, the other’s mouth shut at that though he still glared at Qui-Gon. “However,” He repeated, grateful Anakin could still listen to him. “Every padawan is unique, they require different handling. Young padawan Kenobi is not Ahsoka,” He pretended not to notice the flinch, all too aware of how Anakin’s heart still hurt for his former padawan. “Speak with him first and if you require, I will speak with him later on, perhaps he can meditate with me.” He offered.

Honestly, when he had arrived, he had not expected this.

He had been interested in meeting his new grandpadawan but to have Anakin practically ambush him at the shuttle and drag him away before Qui-Gon could meet the boy…

Honestly, now Qui-Gon was even more interested in meeting young Obi-Wan.

He sounded like an interesting and energetic child.

And to have a naturally formed Force bond… the will of the Force were truly mysterious.

Taking a sip, grateful he had waited long enough as the tea didn’t hurt his mouth, he glanced in concern at Captain Rex sitting on a crate. “However, maybe you should tend to your captain?” Qui-Gon mused, a tad worried.

The blond truly looked a bit hollow, staring out into the air blankly with a vague look of horror.

Turning in his chair, Anakin stared at his captain before looking at Qui-Gon. “…Master, Rex became like this because of Obi-Wan. He was crying earlier when Obi-Wan announced bombs were ‘fun’.” Anakin twitched a bit.

Pausing, Qui-Gon stared at Anakin before looking at Rex again, feeling Cody shock. “…Perhaps I can speak with young Kenobi soon. For Captain Rex’s sanity sake.” The older man finally settled on, seeing the usually so unshaken captain in such a condition was a tad… disturbing.

And impressive.

Young Obi-Wan had managed something no one else so far had done in the time Qui-Gon had known Rex.

‘I can’t wait to meet him.’ Qui-Gon mused, wondering if his grandpadawan would cause the rest of his hair to go gray.

Hi! In AwolJedi, how does Obi-Wan’s talk with Padme go? Is she angry at Anakin and wants the twins back? Does Cody rescue Obi-Wan from the conversation with Padme, or does Cody maybe get dragged into the conversation with them?

‘How in the Force name did I end up here?’

The sentence kept repeating in his head as he sipped slowly at his tea, feeling Padme stare at him. The office had been cleared out by everyone but one of her handmaidens, the lady standing by the door and a blocker had been activated on her desk.

She didn’t want anyone to hear what was being discussed.

“Obi-Wan, could you please make Anakin see sense?” Padme suddenly questioned, her hands resting on the desk.

That made Obi-Wan pause, the cup slowly lowering to stare at the woman in question. Had she just…

Seeing that she had his attention, Padme leaned forward. “Please, I don’t want a media circus about us, I just want him and the kids to come home but he won’t listen to me.” She murmured quietly, eyes large and slightly glistening.

In any other case, Obi-Wan might have let a cooler head prevail, he might have kept to the side and tried to negotiate a solution to such a conundrum.

But in this one, he was personally invested.

And Padme seemed to have no idea just how personally invested he was as he placed his cup down on the table stationed with the chairs.

Did she really think that he and Anakin hadn’t spoken?

Where in the galaxy did she think he had gone and he quickly had to review his memories, to check if Anakin had mentioned to her in any of the instances he had been in person for where he and the kids were.

He had assumed he would have told her…

But maybe paranoia had kicked in.

And maybe the troopers had requested Anakin not to say anything?

So far, just like Ilum, Vercopa coordinates were a secret, to keep the Jedi and the troopers there safe just as they kept Ilum’s crystals safe. No off-worlders were bought to the world and all trade happened on a moon a few clicks away.

Knight Ina and her padawan, masters Morana, Firava and Nurdina was actually stationed there, they was delighted. A real people persons, being rechanged by being around people… extroverts Obi-Wan believed he had heard someone call it.

Shaking his head slowly, Obi-Wan watched him before sighing deeply. “Senator Amidala, who do you think advised Anakin when he made his decision to leave?” Obi-Wan questioned, brow raised as she paused in surprise. Clearly it hadn’t occurred to her that Obi-Wan and Anakin had been in touch before Anakin wanted to come to Vercopa.

“You…” She trailed off, brown eyes widening in realization.

Standing, pushing the chair he had been occupying back, Obi-Wan peered down at her as she stared speechlessly back. “Anakin has been my number one priority since the invasion of Naboo, and while I many a time have failed him, I no longer carry any loyalty to the Republic and Senate as a whole,” He stated calmly as she fumbled to stand too, her stare turning into a glare. “He is still my number one priority, his happiness matters to me, which is why I never interfered in your relationship before… but you no longer make him happy. So I will give him all the tools I have to aid him in his time of need. He is my brother, in all but blood and I will fight for him.” He said firmly, the two staring at each other.

“You…” Padme breathed out, looking at a loss for words.

Settling his hands into his sleeves, Obi-Wan let out a deep breath while bowing slightly. “I. You can not deny that Anakin had all the rights in the world to leave. If you wish to make everything a media circus and excruciating, that is up to you but Anakin is allowed to leave and is within his right to doubt your ability to take care of children, considering your behavior.” He stepped back.

Padme’s eyes grew watery. “They’re my children too.” She bit out.

Nodding, Obi-Wan stared at her. “Yes, they are,” She looked surprised by his concession. “But you also left them alone, it took you a while to notice they were gone. You may do as you wish Senator Amidala, you and Anakin can find a solution. I hope you can find one that is fine for you both.” Obi-Wan settled on before turning, heading for the door.

He was so tired of Coruscant.

#SnowWhitePurity- Anakin cannot wait to be knighted, just not for the reasons Palpatine believes.

Staring dreamily into the air with a half-grin on his face as he thought about his most favorite store on the entire planet as rain pounded against the window in front of him, Anakin mentally reviewed what he would get Obi-Wan for his birthday next week.

There was the peach colored satin babydoll nightie with spaghetti straps that had no lace but little sheer panels here and there for decorations, the adorable knee length blue silk robe to lounge around the quarters with flowers embroider all over, oh or the two piece bralette and shorts with a tiny bit of soft lace.

He thought that was also cotton, it was so soft to touch but he couldn’t be sure until he asked the clerk at the store, potentially Haran or Marcell, he had become pretty familiar with most of the staff

Force, he couldn’t wait until he was knighted to finally ki- “My boy?” The probing words broke through his words, Anakin snapping out of his day dreaming to smile sheepishly at the Chancellor.

The man was peering over his cup at the Jedi, one brow raised. If Anakin had been paying proper attention, he would have noted that the man’s other hand was fisted on the desk. “Apologies Chancellor, I was thinking about something.” Anakin stated, lifting the cup hurriedly to take a sip of the tea.

He barely managed to contain his grimace at the taste.

Tea was grass water and not even Obi-Wan could get him to like it without copious amount of honey in it.

But he couldn’t insult the Chancellor since this was imported tea from Naboo, very pricey.

And very kind of the man to share.

“May I ask about what?” Palpatine smiled kindly, leaning back in his leather chair.

If Anakin was being honest, he was a bit envious, that chair looked like it hugged a body in all the right ways and supported a human body, clearly made for the Chancellor.

When Anakin didn’t answer for a moment, flushing a bit, Palpatine chuckled. “I assure you, I wouldn’t repeat anything you share with me my dear boy, humor an old man that likes to see you flourish.” He smiled kindly at Anakin.

Rubbing the back of his neck with his free hand, Anakin smiled wryly. “Well, I was just thinking about how close I am to be knighted really.” There, a white lie.

There was no way he would tell the Chancellor about Obi-Wan’s predilections.

Not that there was anything wrong with them but it felt sacred, intimate.

Something only between Anakin and Obi-Wan.

And honestly, if Anakin was honest, he was a bit possessive over who got to see Obi-Wan in his silky things, he adored that Obi-Wan felt comfortable enough to walk around their quarters in his nightwear.

Palpatine brightened at that, smiling more widely. “Ah yes, you are going through your trials yes? Your master finally saw your potential I see.” He warmly stated.

About to concur, Anakin paused at the latter part of the others sentence with a small frown. “I… sure, yeah.” He sipped his tea, lips pulling a bit taunt at the bitterness as he glanced away to study one of the paintings in the office, one he had seen a thousand times before.

He therefore missed Palpatine’s eyes narrowing thoughtfully at his response and by the time he looked back, Palpatine was smiling again. “I didn’t mean it as a slight to Master Kenobi, I just find your potential to become a knight rather obvious Anakin.” He murmured gently.

Smiling a bit at that, tilting his chin up confidently, Anakin settled his now empty cup on the table beside him. “Thank you Chancellor, that is kind of you to say. But Master Obi-Wan sees my potential too, he just knows that the trials can be long and arduous and wanted to make sure I’d manage, that’s all.” Anakin laughed, missing the frustration building in the others eyes.

Things were not going according to the old Sith’s plans and he did not know why.

I really love AWOL Jedi!! I could totally see Padme being more interested in her job/work than Anakin and the twins. Could we see the next part please? The Jedi in the Senate and maybe Padme trying to talk to them about Anakin and the twins?

Letting out a heavy breath, Obi-Wan rubbed his temples as they stepped out of the platform and into the hallway.

“That could have gone worse,” Depa stated tiredly behind him, everyone pausing to stare at her. She snorted at them. “It could have gone better too, but considering they’ve yet to try and jail us…” She trailed off, brows raised at them.

Sighing, rubbing his forehead with an obvious vein ticking at his forehead, Mace nodded slowly. “True, I frankly expected them to try that the moment we disembarked.” He stated wryly as they started moving once more.

Oppo gave an agreeing snort as they moved out into the hall, silently agreeing not to speak too loudly as the senators around them came from their pods.

A mix of glares and furtive stares were leveled upon them, not that they had expected anything else and never before had Obi-Wan been as happy to know that the troopers were on their side.

Should something happen, the Coruscant guard would aid them get away.

As it was, the plan was if the Senate called for their arrest and it became unavoidable, Commander Fox would take them in only for the Jedi to ‘escape’ from custody, to avoid bringing down the displeasure of the Senate on the CG.

After all, the Jedi were known for being wily.

Normally, at this point, Jedi would mingle with the high and mighty but this time they weren’t negotiating for others but themselves, so they stuck together, quietly trying to gather some energy from each other before once more into the breach they went.

Honestly, after so long, Obi-Wan had forgotten how unreasonable politicians could be when they were upset and thankfully the Jedi weren’t really out after anything, though if they could establish some trade routes with some planets, that wouldn’t be the worst.

But for now, they could finally breath even as they kept aware of the senators and their aids around them, the vigilant sensation never quite fading as they were in ‘enemy’ territory so to speak.

Mace and Depa quietly spoke with each other, both making plans for food to be bought to them with the clear intention of asking the others what they wanted.

However that plan was a bust as Plo suddenly got very interested in his claw decoration, fixing it with care. “On your left Obi-Wan.” The older master murmured quietly, as if Obi-Wan couldn’t sense the determined person marching towards him in the Force, a slight warning echoing around them.

Shifting slightly, enough so he could glance, Obi-Wan almost groaned as he took in the sight of Padme Amidala, wearing a beautiful gradient dress from light sky blue at the top of the heart neckline to the blackest midnight at the ankles of the flaring skirt. She wore no jewelry and only a light layer of makeup, but her hair was set up in several braids with decorations inserted into it that Obi-Wan suspected held shield tech just as the Queen of Naboo’s headdresses had.

All in all, she made a beautiful and dignified vision.

And a determined one as she made her way to the Jedi delegation with her entourage scrambling after her. “Master Kenobi!” She snapped out, watching him closely as Obi-Wan turned and gave her a light bow.

“Senator Amidala.” He greeted steadily, watching her closely as whispers hissed through the crowds at her approach.

After all, everyone knew that she had married a former Jedi.

It made Obi-Wan wonder if anyone knew Anakin was angling for a divorce or that she no longer was in the possession of her children.

They hadn’t been long enough on Coruscant or talked with anyone familiar enough to learn what rumors were circling.

Force, did Obi-Wan wish he had the chance to speak with Dex, Dex knew every rumor that echoed through Coruscant, be it the high society or the underground, the diner owner was well connected.

“Would you be amendable to a discussion?” Padme ventured, chin tilted stubbornly and oh, Obi-Wan recognized that position. It was one of someone that wouldn’t give up until they got what they wanted. “A private one?” She tacked on as her handmaiden and Jar Jar finally caught up to her.

It was the last thing Obi-Wan wanted to do, he knew what she wanted to speak about but still he inclined his head. “Of course, but later. We are after all still in session.” He stated, watching her conflicted expression before she nodded too.

‘Hopefully, Cody and the others will be done before that time comes…’ Obi-Wan couldn’t help but hope, watching her march away once more.

Hi, Moddy! So what is Cody planning in AWOLJedi? Because he’s definitely got something up his sleeve!

Stroking his fingers through Leia’s hair almost obsessively as he rested his mech hand on Luke’s stomach as the two slept on either side of him on the couch, Anakin stared at the TV, feeling like he couldn’t even blink.

Even Rex hand on his shoulder wasn’t helping him calm down and he was half tempted to ask Kix for a sedative of some sort.

‘I wasn’t this nervous during the war even, so why am I this nervous now?’ Anakin swallowed heavily.


What?” Anakin stared at his former master, eyes wide. When he had followed his former master back to his newly opened quarters, Cody already sitting on the couch with a pad on his lap, this was the last thing he had expected. “I’m sorry Obi-Wan, repeat that?” He rasped.

Adjusting his sleeves, Obi-Wan eyed the golden rim of his tunic before looking back at Anakin. “We’re preparing a delegation to head to Coruscant to speak to the Senate,” He repeated before turning his head to look at Cody. “I don’t like this tunic Cody, its too… much.” He sighed deeply.

The commander turned his head, eyeing Obi-Wan’s gold hemmed tunic with golden and blue embroideries. “Maybe, but that’s what we have sir, we have to use what we have and we have to make a commotion.” He stated quietly.

Blinking, Anakin looked between them. “…What is going on?” He puzzled, wondering what in the world Cody had spoken to Obi-Wan about.

Sitting on the couch arm, Obi-Wan let out a deep sigh. “Normally, we wouldn’t even think about returning to Coruscant now that we’re off it, especially since we’re still building and getting comfortable, however…” He glanced imploringly at Cody.

Sighing deeply, Cody turned enough that he could look at Anakin over the back of the couch. “There’s a lot of vode on Kamino, we want them out, we don’t want our adik to be weapons in the hands of a Senate that doesn’t care about them.” He stated bluntly.

Blinking again, Anakin slowly made his way over to sit down in the stiff armchair Obi-Wan now owned, missing the old one back in the old temple. “You’re… creating a distraction?” He glanced between them.

Both men nodded. “Half of the council is going to Coruscant, the rest is staying here,” Obi-Wan confirmed quietly. “Meanwhile, a team of shadows combined with knights are going to Kamino with Yoda and the entire 327th to meet Shaak. They, along with every capable vode there, will be bringing all the younger ones here.” Obi-Wan explained steadily.

“And we’ll destroy the genetic samples the longnecks have, to avoid them just replicating new clones.” Cody tacked on, eyes on Anakin.

Rubbing his chin slowly, Anakin gave a small nod. “That… that could work, with the amount of clones on Kamino, that’s quick work because even the younger ones would be able to help.” He mumbled to himself, hardly feeling the warm sunlight coming in through Obi-Wan’s window.

This was just too serious a subject, his mind occupied with everything that could go wrong instead of the sensations around him.

“Keep the eye of the senators on the Senate and the galaxy on Coruscant… and an information blackout from Kamino I bet?” He glanced at the two, lips quirking wryly when both smiled slightly at him. “Hey, I went to war, I didn’t forget despite acting like an ass.” He chuckled.

Chuckling with him, Obi-Wan nodded. “Oh I know. That’s also why this is a thing,” He lifted his sleeves, showing off the gold ringed sleeves with blue patterns stitched on. “Everyone is wearing something ostentatious looking, keep everyone talking.” He added.

Peering at Obi-Wan, Anakin couldn’t help but smirk at him. “Let me guess, Plo’s going to Coruscant then.” He fibbed.

Both Obi-Wan and Cody stared at him before cracking up in amusement.


Due to his current… well, his situation with Padme and the kids, Anakin had been forbidden to leave Vercopa.

He had wanted to though, to go with Obi-Wan and seeing him in the pod in the Senate with Plo, Depa, Stass, Oppo and Mace made him wish even more he had gone with them because even on holo view he could see the glares they were getting from the Senators closest to them.

Obi-Wan hadn’t been joking either.

For Jedi, the entire group was dressed to the nines. Master Oppo had gone the traditional route, his clothes only slightly finer than usual but his beard and hair was decorated with beads and silver threads that glimmered in the light as was common among high standing thisspiasian.

Depa like Obi-Wan had opted for silky looking tunics and leggings, the midnight black tunic clearly embroider in a shining white thread that took Anakin a long moment to realize was spun diamond of all things.

Plo was wearing his usual purple and golden robe over a clearly new, silky outfit in his usual style, though his mask was decorate with gems compared to his normal sight.

Stass had also gone traditional, her headdress even more elaborate than the normal tholothian headdress she wore, the tails of it decorated in spirals with black gems that seemed to suck in the light only to make them pop with yellow gems beside them again.

Mace was honestly the most boring of them all, not that it surprised Anakin, he was wearing mostly red with white details, though his boots were his familiar black ones with his black belt breaking the color of red. Though apparently the cut of it was all Korun styled from what Obi-Wan had mentioned to him before they departed.

All in all, if it wasn’t for the obvious show of sabers on their waist and their familiarity to the Senate, no one would be able to guess they were Jedi.

‘They came to impress and distract… and they’re doing it for sure.’

SIGHTLESSBIRD IS ADORABLE. how do obiwan and fox know each other??? also rex wanting to get this shiny commander into armor is so cute. can we see more obiwan-clone interactions??

Glaring into his drink, Fox resisted the urge to smash his fist into someones face. Preferably Skywalker’s face but honestly, anyone would do right now or slam his head onto his own desk.

Though he’d rather not mess up his durasteel desk and send things clattering to the ground, he didn’t like picking things up from the floor when he had so much paperwork to do. Though drinking rotgut in his office wasn’t going to lead to paperwork being done.

But with the emotional state he was in, there was noway there would be any work done.

‘What kind of psycho takes a thirteen year old out in a war zone,’ He growled internally as he stared at the rotgut, one eye twitching. ‘Especially a blin-’ Fox cut that thought off abruptly, a wave of shame passing through him as he let out a shuddering breath.

If Obi-Wan had heard his thought, he would have given him a doe eyed look with his large off colored eyes.

Just because he was blind didn’t make him useless or make him any less of a Jedi than the others.

But Fox… Fox couldn’t help but worry.

After all, he had been there when Obi-Wan had blinded, in the start of the war, the start of Fox own career on Coruscant.

Just a little boy, no older than Fox himself really and yet chubby and wide eyed like the adiik back on Kamino before the accelerated growth made them grow to adults. ‘But some are never really adults, are they?’ Fox questioned bitterly.

But Obi-Wan…

Nausea rose in the back of Fox throat as his memories brought up the sight of a crying redheaded child, screaming as a red saber slashed over his face, the training saber of a fellow initiate from the temple firmly blinding Obi-Wan.

Fox could never forget the almost sweet smell of burning flesh or the feeling of Obi-Wan’s small body in his arms as he carried the boy to the medic, the feeling of his little hand in his as Nico tended to Obi-Wan’s clearly damaged eyes.

Or the smile the boy had for him when he came to visit Fox and Fox alone in the Senate, cane in those small hands that Fox had held.

A hand settled on his shoulder, Fox jerking a bit in surprise to look up at Thorn, the other standing beside Fox at the desk with a small smile as he held up a…  “Is that spiced Corellian Whiskey?” He inquired incredulously.

Chuckling, Thorn carefully pushed the glass of rotgut out of the way. “Figured you deserved the good stuff, since Rex sprung the news on you.” He stated, setting down two glasses.

Fox watched as the other poured half a glass for each. “Where did you even…” He didn’t really want to ask, plausible deniability after all.

Thorn shrugged. “General Tholme was by, grouchy as all hells as usual but he said we deserved it for putting up with politicians.” He grinned as Fox snorted quietly at that, a reluctant, amused twitch turning his lips up.

Slowly, Fox picked up the glass, sniffing at the spiced whiskey before sighing and taking a sip.

It burned almost unpleasantly down the throat but the spice settled on his tongue evenly, the taste lingering with a pleasant tingle down his back.

Thorn peered into his glass, blinking a bit before looking at Fox. “…I think he gave us the good shit.” He stated with surprise.

“General Tholme and Gallia are decent.” Fox stated, smirking slightly when Thorn enthusiastically nodded before taking a large sip of drink only to end up choking and coughing a bit due to the heat it brought.

Fox just leaned back in his chair and watched with amusement as Thorn tried not to die from the alcohol.

‘…Give me a call soon Obi-Wan. I’m worried about you kiddo,’ Fox sipped slowly as Thorn sat his ass down on the edge of Fox desk, wheezing faintly even as he stared at his glass with wanting eyes, clearly intent of finishing it off despite giving himself a coughing fit. ‘…Maybe I should get him some water before he dies. More paperwork for me if he does.’ Fox thought dryly.