So in the Snails are Free, does Ani get to take Obi on that date?

Its not that they don’t notice of course.

Skywalker’s smile is just sometimes a tad too wide, has too many teeth. His hair seems to live on its own, as if there’s something there they can’t see that’s more. His eyes seem like they’re voids sometimes, too deep and yet not empty and his body sometimes seems too small for him, as if there’s something larger than life lingering just behind him.

Kenobi isn’t any better, not really.

The larger feeling isn’t there, not with him but his eyes… his eyes just sometimes seem to look too deeply, seem just a tad too large and too knowing at times and his smile too has grown, as if there’s too many teeth that have been sharpened in his mouth.

Jedi have always known there is more to them than to many others.

Have always known that Force sensitive are set slightly apart by the nature of what they are able to do and the things they can reach for, that they are something… more.

But the truth of it has never been narrowed down, not fully.

But Skywalker…

Skywalker has always seemed a tad different and his master started to follow him into the difference not that long ago.

As if they could see the things that the Force had hid before and if the truth is that Anakin Skywalker is the chosen one then… maybe that’s why.

Maybe the Force has decided to show Skywalker, his eyes sometimes lingering in places there is nothing, eyes on the ground where there seemingly isn’t anything and yet Jedi do not step in those spots, even before Skywalker’s eyes focused there.

It makes sense that the first to follow him would be his own master, Kenobi’s own eyes rapidly following the same spots at times.

Even in the council chamber, Kenobi’s eyes will flicker to the windows, as if something has moved, his eyes deeper than space itself as it tracks the path of something invisible for a few seconds before he focuses back on the meeting. Pretending he saw nothing, pretending the other council members aren’t watching him.

Both Skywalker and Kenobi are pretending.

Yet they are observing.

They watch, not simply these invisible things but also their fellow Jedi.

Seem to be waiting.

Waiting for what?

Its a good question.

Not even Yoda, the few times someone can prompt him to answer, has an answer to that.

So everyone waits and everyone observes, takes in the slightly too wrong look of Kenobi and Skywalker, takes in the feeling being observed and notes when their bodies seem to automatically avoid certain places.

As if their feet know to avoid stepping on something but their eyes can not see it.

“Obi-Wan! Come on! You know it took me weeks to get this reservation! And we’re shipping out tomorrow for that… that thing! The Naboo thing!” Skywalker groaned loudly, arms crossed over his chest as he stands at the doors of the south entrance.

Sighing, Kenobi bowed apologetic to Master Koon, the kel dor simply chuckling and waving him of as he’s not offended. Turning Kenobi makes his way to Skywalker, a small smile growing as Skywalker suddenly seems to smile wider and more ferociously than any human should be able to, both pausing in front of the doors as if they are waiting for something to pass, like a shadow over their face where nothing exists to create it. “I swear Anakin, I know I taught you patience as my padawan, Do you need a refresher?” The redhead scolded softly, stepping out with Skywalker, whose hair looks like its living.

“Oh come on master, I leave the patience to you.” The other winked, bringing his former master out into the sun of Coruscant.

awolJedi is the clone babies going to come out of the pods soon? It sounded like they were soon ready

Sitting up sharply in bed, Obi-Wan stared blankly at the wall for several seconds before throwing the covers of himself and sliding his feet into his slippers, hurrying out of his temporary bedroom by touch alone.

In the darkness, he fumbled for his robe on the hook by the doorway, throwing it on as he made his way through the halls.

On the way, an anxious Anakin appeared from his temporary room, looking just as sleep disheveled as Obi-Wan felt, the blond looking at him with wide eyes as he scratched nervously at his bare stomach.

The other had clearly not thought to throw on a robe like Obi-Wan had but had at least put on slippers and together, the two made their way to the Halls of healing, the insistent tugging of the Force pulling them along.

The Halls, due to the likelihood of injuries being high during the initial construction, had been one of the first places on the schedule to be built of the temple, along with temporary shelters, the creche, kitchens and of course the archives.

The temporary shelters, creche and halls had been the highest priority though and still bore signs of a rush job that Obi-Wan knew that would be worked on better now that things were settling.

But that was not why he and Anakin were in the Halls.

Because they could feel them, a tugging in their very souls and likely something the kaminoans had thought of when they cloned the Jedi.

The children were ready.

The clones of him and Anakin.

And Yoda, as when they arrived, the old man was already there, leaning on his cane as he stared into the Halls with an unfamiliar senior healer at his side and Master Che. When Anakin and he arrived, all three gave them looks of realization before Che started barking more orders. “All three of yours in the same night?” She finally turned back to them, cursing slightly. “This wasn’t going to be easy just with one of you.” She complained, huffing loudly before sighing and gesturing to her side for the unfamiliar healer at her side, causing the yellow zabrak to step forward.

“I’m healer Zora, they and them,” The zabrak smiled at them before lifting a pad to show them the readouts of the clones pods. “I’ve been in charge of the tubes for a while now, researching them and ensuring things proceed as they should. They’re all healthy,” They reassured at Anakin’s face turning slightly alarmed. “We just don’t… we’re not certain what to expect, with the children all being Force sensitive. Cloned Force sensitive are… difficult.” They finished with.

Now that, was an understatement if Obi-Wan knew something.

Scientists, both scrupulous and unscrupulous, had for decades tried to figure out Force sensitivity, simply cloning a Force sensitive didn’t always track and some of the experiments he knew had happened had actually leveled entire research facilities.

Maybe that’s why the Force has them there, maybe the clones know them in some way. Because as the tubes get drained, the babies in them simply squirm and wiggle, cry out with strong lungs that makes Obi-Wan’s breath hitch in return, Anakin shift forward and Yoda straighten from where he’s leaning on his cane.

Carefully, each of the bright little lights are placed into the arm of a waiting padawan healer, carefully cleaned and swaddled and when there aren’t enough, Obi-Wan steps forward and takes one of the babies that has been made of him, blinking down at eyes as green as his own.

“…Hello there, welcome to the galaxy little one.” He whispered, smiling slightly as the child squirmed in his arms.

For a moment, he couldn’t help but wonder how he’d feel if this baby had darker skin and green eyes, for a moment he wondered how Cody would have felt to be here with him.

Then he put that thought aside, grateful his beard hid the evidence of his blush as he moved to hand the child over to healer Zora for a weighing and measuring, the baby whimpering at the loss of Obi-Wan’s body warmth.

how’s the hunt for luke going in need for touch? i wonder if grogu is having as hard a time without his dad as din is without his kiddo…

Tucking Din’s leg, which had fallen out at some point back under their blanket, Paz reached out and stroked the others hair out of his face, observing the worn lines on his face.

But, well, at least Din was sleeping peacefully.

That bought a smile to Paz lips and he couldn’t resist leaning in to gently press a soft kiss to the apple of Din’s tanned cheek, feeling the scratch of stubble beneath his lips.

He wanted to linger in that moment, the softness, the sight of Din peacefully resting but Boba had called and therefore Paz straightened and put his helmet on, leaving his bond promised behind in their den to meet up with the other alpha.

Hopefully it meant good news, though it had been weeks since the two decided to try to find the Jedi.

Quietly, Paz closed the door behind himself, nodding to a passing guard in the slightly cool hall and made his way down the hall towards the throne room. Since Boba had added him to the scanner, Paz knew it would let him in as Boba also expected him and seeing as it was night time and only trusted people were left in the palace, Paz only worn his helmet, worn out thin sleep pants and a t-shirt that was frankly a tad too small.

Paz made a concentrated effort not to stretch in the thing, flushing a bit when a beta guard in the throne room suddenly perked up with interest, her eyes obviously tracing over the taut material and the bulk of his arms. She kept watching him closely as he crossed to the back of the throne to enter the King’s quarters and he could feel her eyes on him until the door closed behind him.

If Din had seen it, he would have gotten grumpy for sure, no one in the palace was ignorant that Paz and Din were bond promised after all.

Admittedly, it was a tad flattering to get the attention Paz had to admit, in the privacy of his own head. But there was only one person for him and that was Din, no one else measured up to the mighty beroya of the covert.

That he had managed to catch Din’s attention and keep it was not something he was willing to risk.

“Paz, there you are, I was wo-what the hell are you wearing?” Boba paused mid sentence, blinking bemusedly up at Paz from his position on the wing of the L shaped couch, his armor on its stand with Boba dressed in one of his black robes.

“My sleep wear?” Paz returned, equally bemused as he padded over and sat down near the other alpha. “I mean, I was in bed when you called. I’m honestly shocked it didn’t wake Din.” He shrugged a tad.

Boba eyed the hot pink if slightly faded t-shirt Paz was wearing that was clearly a size too small before letting out an amused snort with a head shake. “Well, I… anyhow, I found a lead on Skywalker, though I’m not sure its a valid one. I also sent a message to Organa that I want to speak with her brother.” He explained, looking down at the pad on his lap.

Leaning a bit forward to peer at it, Paz squinted a bit at the tiny letters on the tablet before shaking his head and looking back at Boba’s face. “A lead?” He questioned hopefully, settling a bit against the back of the couch.

Boba glanced at him, snorting at the sight of the t-shirt riding up on his stomach before he scrolled through his pad and brought up a map that he showed Paz.

Squinting at it, Paz let out a noise as he saw a tracked route leading from Coruscant to somewhere out along Outer Rims and he looked to Boba in confusion.

The man tapped his nail on the pad. “This? This is a shipping line from Organa to somewhere else. Medical supplies, freeze dried food along with long storage food, different fabrics, some motor parts for ships and speeders and sometimes other things are on the shipment list. I suspect she’s shipping supplies to her brother and his temple.” He explained to the mandalorian.

A noise of understanding escaped Paz. “That makes sense, I mean, they can’t make everything on one planet, wouldn’t have the resources to do that… could I take a look at the shipment lists?” He questioned.

Scrolling through the pad and bringing up the lists, Boba handed the pad to Paz to look through. “Organa might be willing to give us information or at least send Skywalker a message, if she decides to talk to me. If nothing less, her getting one to her golden brother would at least alert Skywalker to Din’s difficulties.” Boba murmured quietly as Paz read.

“Mmmn, hopefully. I don’t know much about this Skywalker but to take a adiik from an already injured omega…” Paz shook his head, grimacing.

He only looked away from the pad when the other let out a deep sigh. “Look, I’m not gonna defend Skywalker but… he’s not a bad person. Not really. I don’t really get what was going through his or Din’s head back on that cruiser but… there’s more to the story than what we get at least and if he knew the effect it would have on Din, I don’t think he would have done it.” Boba rubbed at his scarred face slowly and tiredly.

After weeks of a despondent Din, Paz wasn’t feeling quite so charitable however and only let out a vague noise of understanding, turning his attention back to the lists. As he did, he started to see a common denominator. “…There’s no fruit on this list.” He said slowly.

He felt Boba shift closer, but continued scrolling, flickering his eyes quickly over the letters.

“No vegetables either.” Paz mumbled, eyes widening with slight realization just as Boba let out a deep hum.

“They’re somewhere green. Green and fertile.” Boba stated with conviction, conviction Paz shared as excitement started to bubble in his chest.

Somewhere green and fertile in the outer rims that they could grow fresh produce.

‘Hold on adi’ika, soon your buir will see you again.’

Adiik = Child

Adi’ika = little one

Buir = parent

So, just a suggestion, but I feel like Hondo should show up in Distant pain. Just for fun lol. Because it feels like he and this Obi-Wan would have history.

If there was one thing Anakin hated dealing with, it was pirates.

In particular he hated dealing with Hondo Ohnaka.

But the man had information, Seperatist information that he was willing to give them… for a price of course and this time he had bounty hunters with him. It had taken a lot for Anakin not to go for Bane’s face when the duro had come stalking in after the jovial pirate, a pick in his mouth and his eyes barely glancing at them from under the stupid hat he had.

They were going nowhere fast, Hondo laughing as he waved his drink about, telling them about his ‘dear old mother’ and the crew and the bounty hunters leaned in the back with the troopers behind Qui-Gon and Anakin tense and keeping an eye on them in return.

Honestly, at this point, Anakin almost wanted to try jumping Hondo just to get him to shut the kark up as he set of an obnoxious laugh.

A laugh that cut of abruptly as Kenobi suddenly stepped in, Anakin’s lips twisting in discomfort at the sight of the redhead even as he felt Rex behind him shine a bit with relief. His men liked Kenobi way too much.

Then that feeling was washed away by the fear, alert and respect suddenly oozing of the other group, all of them suddenly at attention as Kenobi tucked his thumbs into his belt as he had a want for, brow raised as he peered at Ohnaka. “I wasn’t aware you were here Hondo.” He drawled.

Wait… what?

Anakin blinked, glancing quickly at Qui-Gon, to find his old master at an equal loss.

“Obi-Wan! Old friend, I was not aware you were here either!” Hondo laughed but he was no longer slouched in his seat but sitting up, his eyes on Kenobi, watching as he settled down on one of the chairs as if he was invited. “If I had known, I would have brought more guns!” He laughed but even Anakin could hear the shakiness.

Obi-Wan reached out and took Hondo’s drink right of the table, sitting back in his chair with a slouch as he sipped it. And Hondo said nothing, just grabbed a bottle instead and drank directly from it.

No, chugged it actually, eyes watching Kenobi still.

“Bane. Bossk. Sing. Embo.” Kenobi greeted in an easy but short tone, glancing at each in turn. He even received a form for greeting from each, Embo in particular as the kyuzo hunter reached his right hand up to his heart and bowed his head a tad.

A respectful greeting of all things.

What the kark.

Anakin wanted to demand answers but he knew that Kenobi was just as likely to punch him in the face if he tried that.

“You working for the separatists now?” Kenobi questioned, watching Ohnaka.

“No, no. Profits my friend! I have information on the CIS!” Hondo waved the bottle, laughing again. “A trade you see” He grinned at him with those stained teeth of his.

A small ‘uhu’ escaped Kenobi before he glanced at Qui-Gon. “We authorized for that?” He raised his brow.

“Within limits, yes.” Qui-Gon nodded, seemingly relinquishing the negotiation to Obi-Wan. Seeing as Hondo seemed to be both piss afraid of Obi-Wan and also respected him, that might be a good idea but kark did it burn Anakin.

Looking back to the pirate, Kenobi pointedly raised his brows at him. “Ah, see, old Hondo needs free passage. I have cargo to deliver but it requires me to pass through the Perlemian trade route. I want guarantees we won’t be stopped, simple as that.” Hondo beamed toothily, finally seeming at ease.

Honestly, that… wasn’t as bad as Anakin feared. He had been concerned over the amount of value Hondo potentially wanted for his information, hell, the guarantee that he could slip through a trade route without being stopped wasn’t so bad.

He wanted to sell something, clearly, but it was also illegal, therefore being stopped would be an issue. ‘Could be worse trades…’ He mused tiredly.

Obi-Wan however hummed, low and steady, eyes on the pirate as he drank slowly, clearly thinking. “…And is any of this cargo… live?” He questioned, his voice warping on the last word as his eyes narrowed a silver, ice sliding along the spine of everyone in the tent as the Force suddenly pressed down on them.

Instantly, Ohnaka set his bottle down while lifting his other hand, eyes never moving from the Jedi in front of him even as Anakin tensed up, his hand going towards his saber. “Hondo does not trade in live bodies, my friend, foolish youth taught me better, even my dear mother would agree,” He chortled before turning serious, much to the shock of the rest. “I swear, Master Kenobi, none of it is live. Not animal and not sentient.”

Tapping his finger lightly on the table, still staring at Ohnaka, Obi-Wan finally inclined his head.

It felt like the pirate finally relaxed too, a jovial smile back on his face as he picked his alcohol back up. “Come now friend, such tension between allies!” He laughed bawdily, yet he was still watching the redhead.

Hell, the bounty hunters were still too.

Paranoid bunch they were, had been keeping an eye on all of them, the Jedi in particular of course but they registered everyone as a threat.

Now they weren’t looking away from Obi-Wan Kenobi.

The biggest threat in their eyes.

“… My friend, you taught my old captain a good long lesson, I will never forget it.” Hondo stated suddenly and Kenobi smirked a tad before nodding, standing and picking up one of the unopened bottles the pirate had brought.

He saluted the pirate slightly then made his way out. “Master Jinn and Knight Skywalker will handle the rest, its a reasonable request after all for your information.” He drawled, disappearing out.

Hondo instantly chugged from his bottle then breathed out heavily, looking at the surprised faces of the two Jedi, his lips quirking a tad. “Anyone stupid enough to cross Kenobi, deserves their fate,” The pirate laughed, a tad shakily. “If they know his reputation that is. I know it, Ohnaka won’t cross him.”  

“…His reputation?” Qui-Gon tilted his head uncertainly.

“Jedi are feared because of their powers,” Bane croaked from the back, eyes on the tent flaps still. “Kenobi is feared in the underworld… because he doesn’t just have power… he’s feared because he can’t be stopped and if you’re his target… it be better to just give up.”

‘…What the hell is Kenobi.’ Anakin couldn’t help but wonder.

#dangerousgalaxy- what happens now that Palpatine is dead? How many other senators are dead? Do the clones send out a broadcast?

A shiver races down his spine and slowly, Obi-Wan places his cup down on the saucer, turning his head to meet Anakin’s eyes.

He and Ahsoka had been working on a puzzle set that Obi-Wan owned, just something meaningless but time consuming to preoccupy their time and since Ahsoka had sprained her left ankle, this was one of the better options.

Ahsoka too had paused, but kept her head down, lekkus twitching wildly.

Then all three had felt that, the cold tremble in the Force, as if something huge had happened.

Obi-Wan knew that Mace had already secluded himself into a Force muffled room due to the shatterpoints about to break but he had a feeling, with the way the Force had seemed to shake violently, that the poor man likely had a nosebleed by now.

None of them said anything though, Ahsoka placing a piece of the five thousand piece puzzle firmly into its place and then looking up at Anakin. “Your turn.” She stated quietly.

Clearly forcing himself back to the puzzle piece, Anakin eyed the pieces and found one to slot into place too, taking deep breaths.

Anakin had always been susceptible to the changes in the Force, being a son of it, so this had to be effecting him on a primal level Obi-Wan knew.

Least he was older now, the last time it happened had been when they went into that damn Sith temple and got separated. By the time Obi-Wan found his padawan again, the boy had a severe seizure and had bitten the inside of his own mouth, foaming with blood due to it.

Standing slowly, leaving his cup behind, Obi-Wan made his way to the door. “Obi-Wan.”

He paused at Anakin’s voice, turning around to peer at his former padawan as the blond stared at him. “…I’m not leaving the temple.” Obi-Wan murmured, watching both Ahsoka and Anakin purse their lips and exchange looks.

“…Alright. But we’ll both be cross if you leave the temple.” Anakin settled on, the two watching Obi-Wan pull on his boots but not his robe.

He gave them a small wave and then made his way outside to the empty halls.

Most Jedi had isolated themselves, knowing what was going on the moment the barrier had gone up around the temple.

Instantly, all shutters and doors had been closed, the shielding around the creche had become active and the creche masters had started the kids in on activities to keep them occupied, keep them as oblivious as possible to the coup. All masters were also keeping their padawans contained and active too, to keep their minds of what was going outside.

The padawans however were very aware of what was going on.

He knew that the temple guards had caught a few of them trying to leave, to help their troopers.

Making his way into the elevator, Obi-Wan breathed out heavily.

He understood the desire to help, he really did, he wanted to run to Cody’s side and make sure the other was alright, but…

The Jedi couldn’t.

If they involved themselves…

There was no saying what the end result would be and Jedi didn’t want power over the systems, regardless what some thought.

All they wanted was peace and justice and for people to damn well leave them alone.

Obi-Wan had to fight off a shiver of phantom hands on him and he took a sharp breath through his nose that he let out of his breath, forcing himself calm.

‘I’m just going to the stairs. I’m going to go to the stairs and wave in Ponds.’ Obi-Wan reminded himself sternly. He kept repeating it the entire way, waving to the temple guards at the door and feeling them keep an eye on him as he stepped out onto the staircase of the temple.

But there he stopped.

Technically, he hadn’t left the temple, not yet, keeping his promise to both Anakin and Ahsoka and also not alarming the guards.

He knew they would stop him if he really attempted to leave but he could feel their relief that he stopped on the top of the stairs.

Eyeing the area, feeling his the breeze ruffling his hair and smelling the under currant of smoke on the air, Obi-Wan waved as he spotted Ponds, the commander waving back and turning to one of the troopers beside him. Then he made his way to the stairs and started walking up, moving quickly.

It still took him a good five minutes, the stairs of the Jedi temple were big after all on all sides. Finally he reached Obi-Wan and saluted him. “General Kenobi, is there something wrong?” He questioned seriously.

As if neither of them could see the plumes of fire rising from not only the Rotunda but also several places of the Senatorial district.

But Obi-Wan simply shook his head. “No, not precisely. I was just… I wanted to ask how things were going… is… is Cody alright?” He questioned softly. He was very aware that Cody was the leader of this entire operation, was the Vod’alor, the brother’s chancellor.

He hadn’t been sure what to think about it when he found it out but it wasn’t up to him regardless… but it did give him hope, learning that Cody was in charge, after everything he and the others had done to keep the Jedi safe, Obi-Wan knew that Cody would keep them safe from such abuse.

After that shake of the Force though, Obi-Wan was worried.

Which left him standing on the top of the stairs, wrapping his own arms around himself as the slight chill of the breeze penetrated his tunic.

Ponds tilted his head before pulling of his bucket, giving Obi-Wan a sympathetic look. “Commander Cody is fine, they just finished up at the Rotunda and things should be under control soon.” He admitted softly, as if a full takeover of a government was common place.

It left Obi-Wan with true relief though and he smiled warmly at Ponds. “That’s good to know, I know a lot of Jedi are getting restless and I know Mace would like to see you so-” Obi-Wan paused as the Force suddenly gave a shrill cry.

The planet seemed to rock for a moment as the Rotunda east side suddenly blew out, the sound reaching all the way to the Jedi temple with ease as smoke and debris exploded out, much to Ponds and Obi-Wan’s shock.

Behind him, Obi-Wan could feel the guards step out too, equally shocked. “W-Was that suppose to happen?” Obi-Wan rasped out with wide eyes.

Ponds silently shook his head, staring too with equally wide eyes before he started barking commands to his men, the sentinels gently grasping Obi-Wan by the elbows to pull him inside.

All the meantime, black smoke swirled to the sky from the open hole of the Rotunda.

Docile doll, rex, cody and obi wan reunited?

Weeks of careful planning is a must, weeks of gathering intel, of resources poured into one missions, calling in favors, getting a ship that can bypass the Empire’s security, getting a basic trooper outfit, unpainted, getting falsified papers…

But they’re ready.

They’re going to do this for Obi-Wan’s sake.

To set Obi-Wan’s mind at peace, because Obi-Wan’s wide eyes is something the troopers are all too used to seeing when Vader marches in on a place that has rumored to have held Obi-Wan with Cody at his sake.

For him, they are getting Cody out.

Its not that they don’t want to, of course not, if they could, the would get all their brothers out of the hell that is the chips…

But they don’t have the resources for all of them, they can’t bring them all out, as much as they desperately wants to. To save every last one of their brothers from the Empire and the snake at the top, leading everything.

However, they can’t.

They don’t have the resources for it, they don’t have the space and they don’t have the manpower to do it.

They do bring some vod out of it, when they can, a squad they come over, knocking them out and taking them to the medbay of their ships, getting them dechipped and rescued. But not as many as they wished they could.

Cody however is bait and they all know it, he’s bait for Obi-Wan.

They had all known that from the moment they had seen the blank eyed Commander, their vod, marching beside Vader, as if he didn’t have morals anymore.

Cody had always had strong morals, had them from the moment he was decanted on Kamino and under General Kenobi, they had only been fortified as he learned and saw more of the world and of the Jedi behavior.

Cody was a man of honor, morals and justice.

The blank eyed man was not Cody.

Couldn’t be Cody.

But he would be Cody again.

That was why Rex was on Coruscant, dressed in the white of a shiny from salvaged armor, following the commander silently.

Around him, others from Homebase were following equally silent, all of them grim but determined.

The plan was simple.

Follow Cody until he was alone, hypo him, keep him in place until he was out, deprive him of armor in case of trackers and bring him to the ship they had bartered from a smuggler with the falsified papers.

Then they ran.

Cody was making it hard though, most of the day he had been with Vader, making it impossible to approach him and Rex honestly worried that if he got too close, Vader would feel that it was him.

It was one of those things, when Vader had been General Skywalker, had always been nice, that the man always knew who his troopers were and called them by name.

Now it was a nuisance.


So they had to use distance.

Only Lamb could approach without worry as Lamb was not part of the 212th or the 501st, he had been a shiny from 612th and therefore Vader had never meet him. So he had been set on trail duty for most of the day, keeping the other appraised through their private and protected comms.

They did have one scare, when one of Tarkin’s lackeys had tried to send them of to the other side of Coruscant but had managed to get out of it. By sending another team of troopers unfortunately, they didn’t like taking advantage of their own, mindwashed brothers but they didn’t have much choice.

They had to get Cody and they had to get him soon.

‘Hold on Obi-Wan… soon Cody will be home with us… just don’t do anything stupid.’ Rex bit his lips, eyes on the back of his black armored brother, wondering how many Jedi the other had murdered in his state.

Under Vader’s orders.

‘Force, I don’t ask for much, but please let it be zero.’ Rex swallowed.

YoungandFresh, oh pretty please! More!?

Scowling up at the trainer, who Boba was pretty sure was Priest and one of those damn Kyr’stad Kryze pretended to be better than despite being a part of, Boba pulled Din with him and away from the demagolka. “Don’t talk with him, he isn’t worth your air.” Boba growled faintly, smirking smugly when the shabuir turned red.

“Watch yourself, clone.” He hissed.

“Or what?” Boba sneered back, feeling Din tighten his grip on his hand. “You’d try decommissioning me? I think Buir would have something to say about that if you tried.” He mocked back, knowing he was threading a dangerous line.

His buir was very suspicious, not that Boba could blame him and he knew he owed his buir answers today.

After all, how often do impossible children just appear on Kamino after all and he wasn’t oblivious to the fact that he himself must have gone through a personality change when he was pulled back through time.

Priest snarled but didn’t raise his hand to Boba, regardless how much he clearly wanted to and the man stomped away instead.

“…Was that wise?” Din whispered, wearing Boba’s clothes, though modified to have a hood. He looked cute in the blue set.

Boba shrugged a tad and pulled his… his something closer.

In the future, they had been together, shared bed, shared the throne of Tatooine, even if Din didn’t claim it officially.

But Din and he were children now, thanks to that damn Jedi artifact that someone had tried to buy Boba of with. He knew he never should have touched the damn thing, especially not with little Grogu right there.

The artifact had seemed to melt and fade and Boba had felt a yank behind his navel in the strangest of manner, as if a hook had been placed inside of him.

The next thing he had known, he woke up on Kamino, so many years in the past that most of it was faded memories without clarity outside of the big events, panicked as he tried to find his Din and instead finding his buir in the living room.

For a few hours, he thought he had lost everything he had worked so hard to gain, even Din and yet somehow he couldn’t find it in himself to regret it wholly when his buir was right there, warm and alive as he clung to him.

Then he found Din in one of the lesser used hallways of the main cloning hub, confused, Grogu in his small arms and his brow eyes so wide and shaken as he nervously tugged at his hood to pull it into his face.

Boba couldn’t bring himself to regret anything then as he pulled both into as tight a hug as possible.

“Most likely not. But Priest is an asshole, he doesn’t deserve the air to breath.” He stated seriously, watching Din twitch a bit, brown eyes quickly flickering to the rows and rows of mirroring faces down below them in the mess hall.

Both of them could feel the clones below watching them in turn, some more obviously than others. Slowly, Din nodded and shifted closer to Boba, clingy and uncertain in a place he had no knowledge of with his usual defenses stripped away.

The loss of his beskar was a hard hit for Din and Boba wished he could help the other but neither of them were even closer to gaining their armors just yet.

But decades of mental conditioning wasn’t stripped from either despite their bodies being deaged and their memories becoming blurry, so Din’s desire to hide was understandable.

Boba was barely ten though and Din was eight, though tall for his age as he was half a head taller than Boba. Still a skinny twig though and Boba had to repress the need to feed the other with how gangly and bony Din was. It didn’t help that Din looked like a helpless tooka as he looked around with large brown eyes and tugged at his hood to cover his face as Boba took him on a tour of the facility, to get him familiarized as Grogu continued sleep, likely a response to whatever Force bullshit had sent them back like this.

Glancing back to see Priest back finally disappear around a corner, Boba pursed his lips. The trainers were curious about Din and Grogu too, the longnecks also as they really were impossible beings that had literally appeared out of nowhere but Jango was the one that was owed answers first, especially about how two impossible children had just appeared.

It made Boba curious actually, if there were now two Din’s in the galaxy or if the Din that existed somewhere in the galaxy had been pulled to Kamino.

Either option seemed weird but with Force artifacts and the Force weirdness, you could never make quite sense of things.

Dred Priest, the demagolka, had been the first to try and get some answers, the asshole thinking he could get away with threatening Boba since buir didn’t interfere when he abused the clones, though he had stopped the damn fighting ring those years back.

But Priest knew better than to actually lay a hand on Boba, both knew if he anyone touched Boba, Jango Fett would rain holy fire down on them and their death would not be swift.

“…We should go back to the quarters, I’d rather not have any of the other trainers jump us.” Boba decided on, Din letting out a soft noise before leaning in and pecking him on the cheek.

The affection was welcome and reassuring honestly, despite them being children and Boba squeezed the other hand, leading the other back the way they had come to bring him back.

Only to turn a corner and almost walk smack dab into Alpha-17, the clone staring down at Boba with his arms crossed over his chest, a squad of his own behind him. “Bob’ika.” He greeted coolly, eyes flickering to Din with en edge of curiosity and fascination for a child so different from them in features.

As a child, Boba had always been slightly scared of the Alpha class.

They had been bigger than his buir and none of them had seemed to harbor any warm feelings for Boba.

It was only later Boba realized that it was simply disinterest and the other coming of as looming in his head due to their sizes.

But Boba wasn’t just a little boy anymore and when Din ducked down and clung to his hand anxiously, Boba stepped more in front of his Din, staring up at him. “17.” He greeted back, lips pursed and eyes narrowed, the message clear.

Back off.

It took the man of guard, his brows raising in curiosity before he shifted to the side, the rest of the squad doing the same, allowing Boba to pull Din with him, Din tugging his loaned blue hood down into his face as he followed Boba.

Boba still felt the eyes in his back and he gnawed on the inside of his cheek, wondering what the kark he was doing.

And what he would do when the damn Jedi showed up.


Demagolka = someone who commits atrocities, a real-life monster, a war criminal

Shabuir = jerk but worse

Distantpain!! This is the Obi I need in my life. And I need to see him keep being a badass Jedi calling people out and deserving of all the clone love

Stepping into camp, Obi-Wan watched the faint dot of Slave 1 making its way into the atmosphere, calmly stroking Cotton’s head as he pursed his lips thoughtfully, the breeze ruffling his hair and the trees around the camp creaking almost ominously.

Talking with Jango had been… interesting.

Draining if Obi-Wan was honest, but hopefully his play at the galaxy’s fate would work.

The seeds were now sown and all Obi-Wan would have to do was to wait. Jango Fett was the child of farmers and the child of a Mand’alor, vengeance and rage had been sown into him by the Kyr’stad with the help of the Jedi, his farmer parents had nurtured his kindness that had almost died and Jaster Mereel had nurtured his honor and his battle prowess.

Life had tempered everything else.

All Obi-Wan would have to do now was wait for that mix to come to a conclusion now that he had watered those withered galek sprouts that would become mighty trees.

‘…Ugh, when did I become poetic?’ Obi-Wan grimaced a tad and continued moving into camp, waving as a few troopers stopped to greet him. They had obviously noticed him leaving but respected him enough to not follow him.

It was something he was grateful for if he was actually honest once in a while, having worked with too many assholes and imbeciles throughout his years.

Not all Jedi understood it when the need for secrecy was great and he certainly had no trust in Jinn or Skywalker to be secretive. Hell, if Jango Fett had been known to them, Jinn at least would flap his mouth at the rest of the council while Skywalker…

‘Its like having a damn mole in the temple, always opening his mouth to the Chancellor, as if he is required to know the internal workings of our temple.’ Obi-Wan’s lips twisted with disgust, glancing to where Skywalker and Tano were now laying in the grass, the older laughing at his padawan.

Obi-Wan froze a tad, watching as he gently patted Tano on the head, the girl grinning brightly back at him while flapping her hands playfully.

‘…Did I ever smile like that at Jinn?’ The redhead couldn’t help but wonder as Cotton chittered softly at him, rubbing her cheek to his, recognizing her human’s mood even as his face remain impassive.

He couldn’t remember being that free and happy looking around Jinn, not really.

There was always something holding him back, even as he played jokes and laughed at his master.

Always this aura of never being enough.

No, he didn’t think he had ever been that comfortable with Jinn, not like how Tano was with her master clearly. It almost made him envious.


Turning on his heel, Obi-Wan made his way to the mess tent instead of towards his own tent.

He needed something to do and the troopers in the kitchen were always happy for a pair of extra hands, it would serve as moving meditation. And the aura of the troopers around him always served to relax Obi-Wan.

He knew that Dogma and Zuru would be informed of where he was, so no need to tell them.

They would show up, likely with a cup of tea for him and their own hands to help the kitchen. ‘And some wonder why I like the vode so much… hardworking, loyal and warm in the Force, how can I be anything but happy to see them in return, when you always know what they want from you… and won’t abuse your trust.’

Pushing the tent flap out of the way, Obi-Wan let a small smile cross his lips as Wooley from 212th called out to him in greeting, the 212th apparently on kitchen duty for the day. ‘How can I do anything but trust these men, who deserve freedom.’ He lifted his own hand in greeting and padded between rows of tables and benches, heading into the kitchen to help.

The instant the soft conversation washed over him as he accepted a knife to start peeling vegetables and cutting them, Obi-Wan felt his shoulders lower as he started relaxing. There was nowhere he would like to be than right here, surrounded by vode.

‘After the war… maybe I could go with them, wherever they go?’ Obi-Wan mused as he got to work on a rutabega, smiling as he heard Zuru and Dogma scuttle in and get delegated to their own stations around him. ‘I’d like that…’

Hear me out, FertileWar since Obi is wary about trying to find his answers while Anakin’s around, he contacts his best friend and shadow-in-training Quinlan Vos to research for him. This is something he’s never experienced before (unless the Mandalore mission happened here too? Maybe he experienced flashes of it on Mandalore but the New Mandalorians don’t trigger it) And Quin has heard whispers that he only paid attention to BECAUSE of Obi. And it’s something like a force blessed hunt for a partner and now he’s got to make a choice on what to do

“So you basically want them to rail you against a flat surface, that’s what you’re actually saying.” Quinlan drawled, leaning away with a snigger as a bright red Obi-Wan reached out to try and cover his mouth.

“Shhhh! Not so loud you jerk.” He hissed, looking around the diner wildly.

Thankfully, no one seemed to be paying them any attention with the chatter of people and the sound of dishware being used. It also helped that both Obi-Wan and Quinlan were dressed as ordinary spacers instead of anything potentially interesting. Spacers in this diner were a dime a dozen it looked like as they floated in and out before disappearing back out with their ship into the stars.

Honestly, it was Obi-Wan’s luck that Quinlan needed a layover before he returned to the temple, the two being able to meet up and head into town.

It was some much needed privacy Obi-Wan needed to air what had been going on between him and the troopers and his desperate need for information, something Quinlan could get him since he was going back to the temple.

Obi-Wan on the other hand was not, he was likely stuck out in the mid-rims for at least another two months and he would go crazy if he didn’t have any information before that. Just anything to make sense of his situation.

Obi-Wan had attractions before, hell, he had been attracted to Satine Kryze for one, a few of his classmates and even some random people throughout his missions with his master.

But never like this, not like how he felt physically and almost spiritually drawn to his troopers and they in turn seemed drawn to him equally hungry.

There was something going on and Obi-Wan didn’t know what and that troubled him enough to effect his stress levels even more than what the war simply was doing.

Picking up a few root fries from his plate and dipping them in his shakes, Quinlan face went serious. “Though, I already got a few guesses to why things are going as they are.” He admitted, chewing on his foot.

Pulling his own milkshake closer, Obi-Wan raised his brows at that. “You do?” He questioned a tad doubtfully.

“Look, I’m not saying I know,” Quinlan waved the greasy fries at him before sighing deeply. “But you’re my friend, you have been since we were Initiates and I paid attention when there came any rumors regarding you.” He stated seriously.

Pausing, Obi-Wan set his milkshake down. “Rumors… about me?” He questioned, eyes narrowed in concern.

Glancing around the diner, Quinaln pursed his lips then leaned in, the windows glare glittering on his brown skin. “Look, be very careful about who you tell that you’re from Stewjon, okay?” He whispered. “The rumors might be true and if they are, then being from Stewjon makes you a target for full blooded mandalorians. I heard that there’s a rise of Death Watch in their sector and if they find you…” He grimaced.

Frowning heavily, Obi-Wan blinked. “…You think that’s why I react to them? Because they’re of Jango Fett’s blood?” He whispered.

Quinlan nodded slowly before sitting back, huffing slightly. “Look, I’ll look into it when I get back home, but based on the rumors I heard, apparently it was common for mandalorians to go to Stewjon and hunt themselves a ‘prize’.” He made quotation marks with his fingers at the mention of prize, giving Obi-Wan a meaningful look.

It sent a chill down Obi-Wan’s back, the phrasing not lost on him. “…Why?” He couldn’t help but whisper, feeling tense and uncomfortable.

Swirling his straw in the half drunk milkshake, Quinlan let out a deep breath then shrugged. “Look, I’m not sure this is true, I’ll do the research when I get home but… supposedly it had to do with fertility and the fact that Stewjon had equal warrior spirits to those from Mandalore. But I’m not certain,” Quinlan reminded him. “I’ll figure it out when I get home, alright, send you a message. In the meantime, you need to be careful Obi-Wan.” The shadow operative stated seriously.

Frowning, Obi-Wan nodded, looking down at his half eaten plate of fries and burger, he really didn’t feel all that hungry anymore and the idea that the only reason Cody and the others were looking at him like that was because of genetic was… discouraging.

‘No, no, I’m a Jedi, I can’t… damn it,’ Obi-Wan bit his lip brutally, bowing his head under Quinlan’s watchful eyes as he fought against tears. ‘Damn it all to Sithhells.’

Mandalorian time travel with Boba and Din? Child Din and Boba? 8D

His son had been behaving strangely all day, a mix between confused and awed and yet wholly grumpy and if Jango didn’t know better, he’d say it was hormones. Boba was after all in that stage of growing where humans started hormone production and it was normal for growing children’s personalities to be in flux.

But Jango did know better, which was why he was keeping a close eye on Boba.

Someone else might assume it was one of the other clones, having snuck into the apartment but that much at least Jango could tell. He would always know which one was Boba and one of the… the other ones.

Boba was unique and Jango loved his son with all his heart and all his soul.

This was his adiik, not one of his eyayah, he didn’t even need Boba to open his mouth to know that.

But that didn’t change that Boba was acting strange.

Yet he couldn’t make sense of it, as eyes just like his looked at him and somehow seemed both older and yet still young at the same time, as Boba pushed into his space and hugged Jango tightly around the waist, his small fingers pressing hard into his hip.

It hurt a tad and Jango was sure to have some tiny bruises later on but the desperation in the hug had Jango simply stroking Boba’s fluffy hair with a soft murmur of reassurance that he wasn’t leaving for a while. Honestly, after the failed hit on the Senator, he best stay put anyhow.

The Jedi were on his tail and he knew that Tyrannus had done his to keep Kamino hidden, so this was his best shot to avoid not only prison but also the rage of his employer.

Then Boba came back from a ‘walk’ into the facility with two other children that same day that weren’t clones, leading the bigger one into the room with a determined expression.

Two impossible children that just shouldn’t have been on Kamino.

One wide eyed, light brown child with a red outfit with impossible grass and earth stains, his hood pulled into his face and if his hands had been free, Jango bet that he would have been tugging it into his face.

But his hands weren’t free as Boba was holding tightly onto one of them, scowling at anyone that came close to the other child, even Jango. In the other hand, another child was held and this one was even more impossible than the first.

The first one was at least human, maybe a genetic mutation from Jango’s own stock, though unlikely as he knew that the Kaminoan’s would have culled such a different chi-clone.

The second was tiny and green, with big dark eyes and twitching ears, looking like that supposedly ancient Jedi that ran the Jedi order. It looked at Jango and cooed at him, wiggling little limbs.

Maybe… not a child but a baby?

It did seem smarter than a baby but if it was true how old the supposed grandmaster of the Jedi order was, then maybe this was a baby in terms of his kind.

“This is Din. He’s staying,” Boba announced in a demanding tone, staring up at Jango. Jango raised his brows at his son, which caused Din to let out a soft squeak and hide a bit behind Boba. Considering he was taller, Din had to hunch down a bit to manage. “Please buir, he has no where else to go.” Boba’s tone softened, an edge of desperation filling it.

‘I must be going soft.’ Jango internally sighed, even as he rolled up his sleeves. “Alright, he can stay… but I want and explanation Boba.” He stated sternly, hiding a smile when Boba instantly seemed to slump at the agreement.

Boba was very attached to this other child, it was clear in the way he behaved, the way he clung to the other and relaxed when Jango agreed to let him stay.

“Grogu too, he has to stay too.” Boba suddenly stated and the green baby cooed loudly, ears twitching. Well, that answered what the child’s name was too at least.

Well, he was already letting one child stay, what did a second one matter?

He hadn’t promised they’d stay forever after all, he wasn’t making a commitment just yet.

But he did need answers, about where these children came from, how Boba knew them, why his Boba had undergone such a change just overnight. ‘But not tonight.’ Jango noted to himself as he zeroed on in Din trying to hide a yawn, the way he clung to Boba’s hand and his minor trembles.

The child was exhausted. “I’m going to make some boiled mealgrains with honey, in the meantime, I want you to show Din the fresher and get him some clothes. His are dirty,” Jango instructed, Boba jerking a bit to look at his… friend? With narrowed eyes. “After that you are all three going to bed, understood?” He raised his brows.

He got one timid nod, a burble of spit and Boba’s cheerful agreement before his child towed the other two towards the fresher, his voice fading the further he moved away with the heavy rain of Kamino hitting the building.

‘…What in the galaxy have I agreed to now?’ Jango couldn’t help but muse as he made his way to the kitchen, shaking his head with a slight sigh. ‘Did I just adopt two new kids? On the demands of my own child?’ He couldn’t help but wonder with amused bewilderment.

Adiik = Child

Eyayah = Echos

Buir = Parent (dad)