
not pictured: boba gawking/blushing at his camera feed hehehh

vague bg story: Boba Fett is a renowned marine biologist nicknamed the Bounty Hunter for ‘hunting’ down (catch and release only) and holding the record number of new deep sea species discovered. One day he comes across two new creatures he’s not so sure he wants to share with the world just yet. For one thing, no one would believe him (no he won’t admit he was so dumbstruck at the encounter that he forgot to hit record on his camera feed, he’s a PROFESSIONAL) and for another, he kind of selfishly maybe wants to get to know them on his own first. For science reasons, of course.

But then the decision’s taken out of his hands when rival researcher Gideon, a scientist with MUCH more questionable ethics, manages to capture Grogu, and Boba and Din work together to get him back while also navigating the unwanted attention from both sensationalist news and the science community going batshit crazy over the existence of merpeople. Not to mention their growing feelings for each other and all the complications an interspecies relationship entails


happy mermay! I have some more ideas for this AU like boba in his research getup, or scuba gear so he can hangout with Din in his natural environment 😀 Maybe go on some romantic dates, Din showing off some beautiful coral reefs while Grogu is in the background munching away on some frogs (or just fish…do frogs live near coral? i have no idea lol)