Ourcollar: I feel like the Jedi all rolling their Force power and concentration into one point is kinda a bad idea? I hope not but I kinda have a feeling it will.

you ever gone swimming and been overwhelmed by a wave?

been swimming outwards or even standing in the water to your chest
and suddenly a wave crashes into you that brings you tumbling about
in the water, disorienting you and shocking you awake at the same
time as
it closes around you?

was the best way to explain what happened with the Force as the Jedi
used Cody as the
catalyst for deactivating each and every biochip in the troopers all
over the galaxy, the wave of the Force rising and cresting out from
Coruscant to do what the meditating temple asked of it.

that was honestly suppose to be it.

the council, who were directing the flow of the Force, noticed
something else in the immense ocean of the Force with
the power of so many Jedi and so much light shining out.

that was
suddenly exposed by the massive amount of light,
spread like oil in water over
Coruscant with cold lines even hooked into the temple somehow,
dark side of the Force
taking over, gathering and breaking out into a malevolent storm
instead of the placid if overwhelming wave it had been when the Jedi
were just wanting to ensure the clones free will.

wasn’t even a conscious

was just the Force gathered in such strength when they turned their
attention on that darkness and suddenly it all just exploded outward
so much power on one singular point.

to them, as
a certain Sith grasped at his chest and fell tho the floor of his
each council member gave a cry as blood burst from their nose and
thanks to the massive Force eruption.
Cody however got an eyeful of all of it, the clone trooper rising in
worry to catch his own general as each of the Jedi in the chamber
fell to the floor, curling in on themselves as
they quickly lost consciousness.

kark, oh kark!” Cody hissed, Obi-Wan tucked to his chest as the
redhead struggled for consciousness and he was not the only one.
“Kark what happened!” He snapped out while wiping at his own lip
where blood had started oozing minutes before.

desperately reached for Obi-Wan’s comm and called General
Skywalker, hearing a sluggish voice that turned alarmed when the
commander explained why he was the one calling.

alright stay with them Commander, I’… e chu ta! I’m bringing
healers and sentinels!” Anakin hung up without waiting on a
response, leaving Cody with a room of passed out and bleeding Jedi
and his lover tucked up against Cody’s chest.

his eyes to the others face, Cody ran a finger along a bare and cold cheek.
“Kark love, what have you done now?” He whispered worriedly.
“Fool ner jet’ika, if you put yourself in danger…’ Cody
trailed off before sighing and just burying his face in the others
long hair, hands trembling in helplessness.

was one of the things he hated with the Force.

own inability to use and understand.

would have been such a weapon but more than that, it would allow him
to understand Obi-Wan so much more, would allow him to understand
what was happening at this moment because for all he knew, their
jet’ika and all the high generals might be dying right for his

you dare leave us.’ The commander thought, brushing the simple but
elegant collar they had made for him, the gem resting beautifully in
the hollow of Obi-Wan’s throat. ‘Not
now, not when we have you so close to healthy and happy, not when the
war might actually have a conclusion with us surviving… don’t you
dare Obi-Wan.’ Cody pressed his lips to Obi-Wan’s temple, rocking
slightly with emotion.

should be helping the rest of the council, should be checking on them
and their health though he could hear that they were all breathing
and a quick visual confirmed that they were. But Cody couldn’t
bring himself to leave Obi-Wan’s side, the shallow breath and pallor of the skin scaring the battle hardened Commander.

his lover’s side was not possible, not when he felt so shaken and sore himself, his
head frankly pounding just as General Yoda had warned him of.

he may not even be able to get to his feet if he tried so he remained
where he was until Skywalker and a team of masked and white clothed
sentinels arrived with the healers rushing to the fallen council

then did Cody reluctantly let go of Obi-Wan, let Anakin help him up
on shaking feet so a toydarian healer could aid the commander because
apparently Cody was going into shock?

about that.’ Cody mused tiredly before closing his eyes, falling
prey to a Force suggestion as Skywalker continued propping him up
until he could be laid down on one of the hover stretchers as the
council members had been moments before.

Hi moddy! If #EverYours is still open. What about sub Obi falling into forced subspace by an asshole when theyre on a mission and Qui gon going ballistic someone do that to his sweetling?

are risks as a Jedi, they are all aware of it, they stories of what
can go wrong get whispered in the halls along with classes on trauma
and how to avoid situations like kidnappings to the best of their

even the best Jedi fail at times.

is why Qui-Gon is desperately trying to find his padawan, his sub
before something terrible happens to him.

seen the way the prime minister had eyed Obi-Wan, the lusty glint in
the man’s eyes and the malicious intent in the Force once Obi-Wan
had politely but firmly rebuffed the man. In the confusion of the
failed assassination attempt on the Empress he had taken his chance
to grab something else he wanted.


left Qui-Gon running through the cavernous halls beneath the palace
his saber in hand for light,
letting the Force guide him through the maze of halls and caves to
find his Obi-Wan. Yet when he finds him…

Master Jedi! I was wondering if you would catch up.” The prime
minister sneered at him, pale purple eyes wide and crazed as he held
a blaster in one hand and had Obi-Wan’s braid wrapped around his
other as Obi-Wan knelt at
the man’s feet.

being exposed as a traitor to his Empress had snapped what little
sanity the man had.

have you done to my padawan Plummer?” Qui-Gon glared as hair raised
on the back of his arms at the silence of the cave, raising his saber
high for light. Obi-Wan would never meekly kneel at the feet of an
abductor and conspirator to a governmental coup.

laughed, his voice echoing in the dusty caves. “Don’t you mean
your sub?”
The prime minister sneered, pulling on the ginger
braid that he had wrapped taunt around his fist not unlike how
Qui-Gon would occasionally.

jags through Qui-Gon’s stomach as Obi-Wan’s head is pulled back,
his eyes finally apparent, Obi-Wan’s eyes glazed and distant with a
heavy black
collar practically pulling him
down again. “What
have you done to him?” Qui-Gon whispered, his voice quiet.

first sign of doom if you knew the man.

Jinn was not a quiet man unless he was trying to be stealthy… or
when he was a rage.

the former prime minister did not know the Jedi master and only
laughed. “Do? All I had to do was wrap his braid around my fist and
force him to his knees, such a slut.” He sneered, the Force oozing
with lie.

a whole lie no but something wasn’t right about what the other had

growled and flickered his hand, a rock from the floor slamming into
Plummer’s head which had him dropping the braid. Wasting no more
time as Obi-Wan fell to the ground like a puppet cut of its strings,
Qui-Gon jumped forward and bisected the man with a deep snarl, the
cool sense of justice unleashing in his chest even as some part of him told him that vengence was not a Jedi’s way but Obi-Wan…

villain dealt with, Qui-Gon turned to his Obi-Wan and dropped to his
knees by him, desperately getting the bulky collar off him and
throwing it aside before checking over the other. “Obi-Wan,
sweetheart, can you hear me?” He spoke as he supported the other
against his chest, running his hands up and down the others body.

his padawan’s arm he found an injection mark and with a deep snarl,
Qui-Gon swept Obi-Wan into his arms and stood.

rapid descent into subspace was unnatural with someone unknown and he
was right that it wasn’t natural. Obi-Wan was drugged.

poor sub, his sweet imp.

takes hours for Obi-Wan to start surfacing, long after the medics
have checked him over and the Empress has retired for the night,
dismissing Qui-Gon in a callow manner as if his padawan is not laying
unresponsive much to the medics confusion though they confirm a drug
working away in his systems as Obi-Wan is kept under observation in
the medical rooms of the palace until Qui-Gon can retrieve him.

his love in his lap on the silken, ostentatious couch, Qui-Gon
carefully suited Obi-Wan until he’s settled in the V of the
master’s legs, his back to Qui-Gon’s chest and his head resting
on the man’s collarbone.

Obi-Wan’s comfortableness, Qui-Gon hooked his chin onto the
redhead’s shoulder and sinks himself into his meditation to help
Obi-Wan filter out the sedatives with unknown properties that’s
keeping him in subspace, trying to ignore the red marks of the heavy

had discussed collars, tentative but excited but now…

worried for what Obi-Wan would feel now.

wouldn’t blame him if he turned away from collars.

passed by until Obi-Wan finally let out a low, strained noise which
firmly yanked Qui-Gon out
of his meditation to find Obi-Wan squirming in panic. “Shh, I’m
here. I’m here my Obi-Wan.” He rumbled, turning the other until
they could see each other.

at each other for several moments, Obi-Wan let out a hitched breath
and buried himself in Qui-Gon’s shirt, tears darkening the beige
fabric. “Qui! I thought… he was going to…” Obi-Wan gasped
into his tunic, hands fisted in the fabric.

know, I know my Obi,” Qui-Gon replied heavily, cupping the back of
the others head and stroking his back. “Its okay, I came for you.
I’ll always come for you. Sweetheart, my dear imp.” He cooed
promisingly as Obi-Wan shuddered against him.

out a sharp keening noise, Obi-Wan lifted red eyes from the chest.
“And he sent me into sub
Like it was nothing!” He was shaking like a leaf.

forced you into it. There’s a difference, I will never force you
into anything sweet Obi-Wan.” Qui-Gon peppered sweet, chaste kisses
all over the others face. “Never. You will always be safe with me,
it will always b-”

sane and consensual.” Obi-Wan hiccuped, his shaking subsiding a
tiny bit.

softly, cupping the others wet cheeks, Qui-Gon nodded. “Always.”
He promised.

Hi moddy! If #EverYours is still open. What about sub Obi falling into forced subspace by an asshole when theyre on a mission and Qui gon going ballistic someone do that to his sweetling?

are risks as a Jedi, they are all aware of it, they stories of what
can go wrong get whispered in the halls along with classes on trauma
and how to avoid situations like kidnappings to the best of their

even the best Jedi fail at times.

is why Qui-Gon is desperately trying to find his padawan, his sub
before something terrible happens to him.

seen the way the prime minister had eyed Obi-Wan, the lusty glint in
the man’s eyes and the malicious intent in the Force once Obi-Wan
had politely but firmly rebuffed the man. In the confusion of the
failed assassination attempt on the Empress he had taken his chance
to grab something else he wanted.


left Qui-Gon running through the cavernous halls beneath the palace
his saber in hand for light,
letting the Force guide him through the maze of halls and caves to
find his Obi-Wan. Yet when he finds him…

Master Jedi! I was wondering if you would catch up.” The prime
minister sneered at him, pale purple eyes wide and crazed as he held
a blaster in one hand and had Obi-Wan’s braid wrapped around his
other as Obi-Wan knelt at
the man’s feet.

being exposed as a traitor to his Empress had snapped what little
sanity the man had.

have you done to my padawan Plummer?” Qui-Gon glared as hair raised
on the back of his arms at the silence of the cave, raising his saber
high for light. Obi-Wan would never meekly kneel at the feet of an
abductor and conspirator to a governmental coup.

laughed, his voice echoing in the dusty caves. “Don’t you mean
your sub?”
The prime minister sneered, pulling on the ginger
braid that he had wrapped taunt around his fist not unlike how
Qui-Gon would occasionally.

jags through Qui-Gon’s stomach as Obi-Wan’s head is pulled back,
his eyes finally apparent, Obi-Wan’s eyes glazed and distant with a
heavy black
collar practically pulling him
down again. “What
have you done to him?” Qui-Gon whispered, his voice quiet.

first sign of doom if you knew the man.

Jinn was not a quiet man unless he was trying to be stealthy… or
when he was a rage.

the former prime minister did not know the Jedi master and only
laughed. “Do? All I had to do was wrap his braid around my fist and
force him to his knees, such a slut.” He sneered, the Force oozing
with lie.

a whole lie no but something wasn’t right about what the other had

growled and flickered his hand, a rock from the floor slamming into
Plummer’s head which had him dropping the braid. Wasting no more
time as Obi-Wan fell to the ground like a puppet cut of its strings,
Qui-Gon jumped forward and bisected the man with a deep snarl, the
cool sense of justice unleashing in his chest even as some part of him told him that vengence was not a Jedi’s way but Obi-Wan…

villain dealt with, Qui-Gon turned to his Obi-Wan and dropped to his
knees by him, desperately getting the bulky collar off him and
throwing it aside before checking over the other. “Obi-Wan,
sweetheart, can you hear me?” He spoke as he supported the other
against his chest, running his hands up and down the others body.

his padawan’s arm he found an injection mark and with a deep snarl,
Qui-Gon swept Obi-Wan into his arms and stood.

rapid descent into subspace was unnatural with someone unknown and he
was right that it wasn’t natural. Obi-Wan was drugged.

poor sub, his sweet imp.

takes hours for Obi-Wan to start surfacing, long after the medics
have checked him over and the Empress has retired for the night,
dismissing Qui-Gon in a callow manner as if his padawan is not laying
unresponsive much to the medics confusion though they confirm a drug
working away in his systems as Obi-Wan is kept under observation in
the medical rooms of the palace until Qui-Gon can retrieve him.

his love in his lap on the silken, ostentatious couch, Qui-Gon
carefully suited Obi-Wan until he’s settled in the V of the
master’s legs, his back to Qui-Gon’s chest and his head resting
on the man’s collarbone.

Obi-Wan’s comfortableness, Qui-Gon hooked his chin onto the
redhead’s shoulder and sinks himself into his meditation to help
Obi-Wan filter out the sedatives with unknown properties that’s
keeping him in subspace, trying to ignore the red marks of the heavy

had discussed collars, tentative but excited but now…

worried for what Obi-Wan would feel now.

wouldn’t blame him if he turned away from collars.

passed by until Obi-Wan finally let out a low, strained noise which
firmly yanked Qui-Gon out
of his meditation to find Obi-Wan squirming in panic. “Shh, I’m
here. I’m here my Obi-Wan.” He rumbled, turning the other until
they could see each other.

at each other for several moments, Obi-Wan let out a hitched breath
and buried himself in Qui-Gon’s shirt, tears darkening the beige
fabric. “Qui! I thought… he was going to…” Obi-Wan gasped
into his tunic, hands fisted in the fabric.

know, I know my Obi,” Qui-Gon replied heavily, cupping the back of
the others head and stroking his back. “Its okay, I came for you.
I’ll always come for you. Sweetheart, my dear imp.” He cooed
promisingly as Obi-Wan shuddered against him.

out a sharp keening noise, Obi-Wan lifted red eyes from the chest.
“And he sent me into sub
Like it was nothing!” He was shaking like a leaf.

forced you into it. There’s a difference, I will never force you
into anything sweet Obi-Wan.” Qui-Gon peppered sweet, chaste kisses
all over the others face. “Never. You will always be safe with me,
it will always b-”

sane and consensual.” Obi-Wan hiccuped, his shaking subsiding a
tiny bit.

softly, cupping the others wet cheeks, Qui-Gon nodded. “Always.”
He promised.

Care for me- Anakin finds out that his sub was once a slave. He also finds out that Obi, unlike the rest of the Jedi never met his birth family.

Shrugging a bit,
Obi-Wan continued to play with Anakin’s curls. “To be honest
Anakin, I never really cared to look for them since they abandoned me
on the steps of the Jedi temple.” He confessed to the confused

The conversation
had started with Anakin and Obi-Wan talking about some of Obi-Wan’s
rather failed missions and from there had somehow gotten to the point
of talking about family since Anakin had discovered that Obi-Wan had
been a slave for a short period which had of course reminded the
blond about his life before the Jedi and of Shmi.

Which had lead to
Anakin asking about the others family.

Shrugging a bit,
Obi-Wan had teased the curls in Obi-Wan’s hair. “I don’t really
know Anakin, the Jedi found me on the steps of the temple one morning
in a basket with a blanket wrapped around me and that was all. I was
named in the Temple tradition of all abandoned kids.” He explained
carefully to him.

Frowning deeply at
the ceiling. “So you mean to tell me you have… no idea? No desire
to… but what if they didn’t abandon you, what if the Jed-”

“Finish that
sentence and you’re sleeping on the couch.” Obi-Wan said blankly,
staring at his lover. “And I thank you not to repeat that horrid
rumor.” He added bitingly at the startled expression on Anakin’s

“I… what?”
Anakin shifted, sitting up to peer at him.

“The Jedi have
never stolen a child in their life and the fact that you would would
repeat it in the temple of all places is damn horrifying Anakin. And
don’t tell me you weren’t about to say that, I know you. If I had
known you even had a shred of belief in it, I would have disabused
you of that notion long ago.” Obi-Wan huffed, looking away.

Shifting closer to
Obi-Wan, Anakin cupped Obi-Wan’s face. “I-I’m sorry Obi-Wan. I
guess I’ve been listening to rumors to much. Of course the Jedi
don’t steal kids…” He whispered before pressing their foreheads
together. “I’m sorry.” He mumbled quietly.

Still frowning but
allowing Anakin close, Obi-Wan gave a reluctant nod. “You know
those rumors were started by people who despise us. I know I’ve
talked about it before. I was abandoned on the steps of the Jedi
temple one freezing morning by a person in a cloak. Nothing more and
nothing less Anakin.”

‘I was
abandoned.’ Were the words Obi-Wan didn’t say and Anakin quietly
tucked the other close to him again as he stroked his sides slowly
and tenderly to give comfort to his sub. Of course he didn’t want
to look for people who had just left him, especially when they didn’t
even come inside but left him on the top of the stairs.

Pressing a kiss to
the others prickly cheek, Anakin gave a nod. “I’m sorry love.”
He whispered, gently playing with the collar now in necklace form,
feeling Obi-Wan relax into him at the sensation.

“Just… don’t
go around repeating those rumors Anakin. They’re harmful and
dangerous, especially in the current climate… not to mention we
have more than just a few younglings whose families weren’t fans of
the Force and tried to force them into not using it… by any means.”
Obi-Wan sighed quietly, head settled on the blonds shoulder.

“…Like Initiate
Aphra’s leg scars?”

“…Like Initiate
Aphra’s leg, yes…”

“Oh.” Anakin
whispered, curling more around Obi-Wan as they sat there for a long
moment. “…Just to be fair Obi-Wan, I didn’t really believe it
as much as repeat the rumor.” He whispered into the others pale
neck, feeling Obi-Wan’s hand return with a silent acceptance to
stroking the curls once more.

Care for me- Anakin finds out that his sub was once a slave. He also finds out that Obi, unlike the rest of the Jedi never met his birth family.

Shrugging a bit,
Obi-Wan continued to play with Anakin’s curls. “To be honest
Anakin, I never really cared to look for them since they abandoned me
on the steps of the Jedi temple.” He confessed to the confused

The conversation
had started with Anakin and Obi-Wan talking about some of Obi-Wan’s
rather failed missions and from there had somehow gotten to the point
of talking about family since Anakin had discovered that Obi-Wan had
been a slave for a short period which had of course reminded the
blond about his life before the Jedi and of Shmi.

Which had lead to
Anakin asking about the others family.

Shrugging a bit,
Obi-Wan had teased the curls in Obi-Wan’s hair. “I don’t really
know Anakin, the Jedi found me on the steps of the temple one morning
in a basket with a blanket wrapped around me and that was all. I was
named in the Temple tradition of all abandoned kids.” He explained
carefully to him.

Frowning deeply at
the ceiling. “So you mean to tell me you have… no idea? No desire
to… but what if they didn’t abandon you, what if the Jed-”

“Finish that
sentence and you’re sleeping on the couch.” Obi-Wan said blankly,
staring at his lover. “And I thank you not to repeat that horrid
rumor.” He added bitingly at the startled expression on Anakin’s

“I… what?”
Anakin shifted, sitting up to peer at him.

“The Jedi have
never stolen a child in their life and the fact that you would would
repeat it in the temple of all places is damn horrifying Anakin. And
don’t tell me you weren’t about to say that, I know you. If I had
known you even had a shred of belief in it, I would have disabused
you of that notion long ago.” Obi-Wan huffed, looking away.

Shifting closer to
Obi-Wan, Anakin cupped Obi-Wan’s face. “I-I’m sorry Obi-Wan. I
guess I’ve been listening to rumors to much. Of course the Jedi
don’t steal kids…” He whispered before pressing their foreheads
together. “I’m sorry.” He mumbled quietly.

Still frowning but
allowing Anakin close, Obi-Wan gave a reluctant nod. “You know
those rumors were started by people who despise us. I know I’ve
talked about it before. I was abandoned on the steps of the Jedi
temple one freezing morning by a person in a cloak. Nothing more and
nothing less Anakin.”

‘I was
abandoned.’ Were the words Obi-Wan didn’t say and Anakin quietly
tucked the other close to him again as he stroked his sides slowly
and tenderly to give comfort to his sub. Of course he didn’t want
to look for people who had just left him, especially when they didn’t
even come inside but left him on the top of the stairs.

Pressing a kiss to
the others prickly cheek, Anakin gave a nod. “I’m sorry love.”
He whispered, gently playing with the collar now in necklace form,
feeling Obi-Wan relax into him at the sensation.

“Just… don’t
go around repeating those rumors Anakin. They’re harmful and
dangerous, especially in the current climate… not to mention we
have more than just a few younglings whose families weren’t fans of
the Force and tried to force them into not using it… by any means.”
Obi-Wan sighed quietly, head settled on the blonds shoulder.

“…Like Initiate
Aphra’s leg scars?”

“…Like Initiate
Aphra’s leg, yes…”

“Oh.” Anakin
whispered, curling more around Obi-Wan as they sat there for a long
moment. “…Just to be fair Obi-Wan, I didn’t really believe it
as much as repeat the rumor.” He whispered into the others pale
neck, feeling Obi-Wan’s hand return with a silent acceptance to
stroking the curls once more.

Maybe in Care for Me Ani can take Obi out for a date? Maybe pamper him? Maybe show a little of his dark, possessive side with the softer bit only Obi gets to enjoy?

With the down time
from the undercover mission that Obi-Wan had tallied in, Anakin
actually feels pretty secure in trying to plan a proper date for the
two on Coruscant. And after these long weeks away from Anakin,
sharing space with bounty hunters and scum that he can’t trust,
fearing any moment he’d be discovered, Obi-Wan needs pampering.

Or at least that is
Anakin’s humble opinion as he brushes his fingers through Obi-Wan’s
hair as Obi-Wan hooks his arm into Anakin’s as they walk slowly

In civilian clothes
with Obi-Wan beardless, if growing a nice stubble and Anakin tying
his hair away from his face, no one gives them two looks as they
somehow manages to fly under the radar while making their way towards
the Moon Rogue salon.

The first day
Anakin had struggled with an idea how to really pamper his tense sub
with everything he had gone through, figuring he was deserving of
letting go but had a hard time figuring out what to offer outside of
their usual scene.

And lo be that it
worked too, it wasn’t that but Anakin wanted Obi-Wan to really
relax, ease out the sore muscles and whirling mind.

But then he had
heard two knights chattering about hot springs, foot rubs, massages,
facials and something called fish pedicures that Anakin had no idea
what was.

The idea of someone
else touching Obi-Wan also sent his blood roaring but…

The hot spring
sounded like a beautiful idea, as did the foot rub and hey if they
had a sauna then Anakin wasn’t about to say no.

Peering around when
they entered, Anakin grinned at Obi-Wan’s approving noise and
carefully tugged him towards the reception where a pretty blue
twi’lek was sitting, working away at her terminal in a clean outfit
in a meek shade of pink. “Excuse me miss, we have an appointment
under the name Walker for two?” Anakin offered up the moment she
gave her their attention.

“Oh! Of course.”
She looked up their appointment, squinting a bit before nodding and
giving them a beautiful, white smile as she reached down into a
drawer beside her, pulling out a keycard. “Here you go, this is to
your changing room with lockers for your valuables, your changing
room is number eight and you will have it to about three pm. You will
find robes and slippers in there along with towels and a fresher.
Please take a quick rinse before you use any of the facilities Mr
Walkers so lessen the germs you bring with you to the water. Please
go right in over to the left and enjoy your stay.” She chirped.

Nodding a bit as he
took the key, Anakin lead Obi-Wan to the door gestured to them and
found room eight rather easily.

“Did you book us
as if we were married?” Anakin looked up from his examination of
the sterile locker with a generic bench in the middle and a fresher
to the left at Obi-Wan’s voice, blinking at his sub as the other
peered at him in return.

He shrugged. “Yeah,
I mean… if we weren’t Jedi…” He let his words trail off
before reaching out and stroking his fingers over the necklace,
turning it into a collar to cover the others throat. “But we’re
as good as to me…” Anakin smiled slightly.

Obi-Wan stared in
return before softening, pulling Anakin down into a long, drawn out
kiss that had Anakin’s toes curling as he reveled in Obi-Wan’s
unconditional love for him.

“Well then Mr
Skywalker, lets get ready and see if the any of the hot
springs are available?” Obi-Wan whispered against his lips, eyes
sparkling and lips lightly bruised, shiny and pinking from the all
too brief kiss.

Snorting, Anakin
passed his fingers tenderly over the others stubbled cheek. “Well
its not like I got any good alias. Walker seemed good enough to at
least get me to respond should it be anything.” He offered in a wry
tone, flipping the tag to show the possessive A with the smaller O in
the arches.

He could show it of
here, could show anyone who looked that Obi-Wan was his, that they
lived a certain life-style even if they weren’t engaging it in
front of them.

After all there was
no harm as long as they didn’t do anything for Obi-Wan just to be
wearing his collar and hey, most would likely pass it of as some kind
of fashion statement with a pendant if they weren’t in the know
about the kind of relationship Anakin and Obi-Wan had.

Giving Obi-Wan one
more kiss, he helped undress the other and had the favor returned,
both eager to shower off and get to the hot springs.

Because both of
them did after all deserve a good pampering by each other.