I would love to know your actual opinion on Anakin turning to the dark side. There was that episode in The Clone Wars where the Father told Anakin there would be grave consequences for his selfishness to not stay on Mortis. Therefore, was becoming Darth Vader imminent?Or would there just be another thing incoming had he not turned?Did the Father really have a hand in him turning or was that just a warning? Btw Obi Wan is my absolute favourite character and my blood boils anytime Anakin hurts him

Oh man like I really consider it
just a thing of free will.

the dark side is a choice one makes unless one is twisted by someone
else or injected with that weird poison from that dragon in the EU
legends and Anakin had choices and he had options. He had free will
and yes Palpatine manipulated the situations and pushed him and
outright groomed
him from a young age.

in the end he chose.

feel like if someone paid attention, if Anakin reached out to someone
(aka Obi-Wan) and told what was going on or even just let go of his
anger about things then he wouldn’t have fallen.

letting go of the Jedi to ‘just’ be Padme’s husband.

go of Padme to be a Jedi he so craved.

go of his rage about his mothers murder and torture, awful as that
was, normal grief can make people insane too without the Force powers
tacked on and a light and dark side.

in the end I think Anakin choose and he chose badly with so many
things conspiring against him.

won’t say he alone
was to blame.

mean fuck the Jedi did a lot of wrong (or more like the council with
their heads shoved up their asses really) and then there was
Palpatine and the war making everything worse but Anakin is in the
end the one who knelt before Palpatine, marched on the Jedi temple
and killed kids.

a bit like our world, you can chose to behave like a civilized person
or you can go murder someone.

chose, based on fear, anger and darkness and it killed almost all the
Jedi, doomed the galaxy into Palpatine’s tyrannical rule where he
instated slavery and made the world bleaker.

I would love to know your actual opinion on Anakin turning to the dark side. There was that episode in The Clone Wars where the Father told Anakin there would be grave consequences for his selfishness to not stay on Mortis. Therefore, was becoming Darth Vader imminent?Or would there just be another thing incoming had he not turned?Did the Father really have a hand in him turning or was that just a warning? Btw Obi Wan is my absolute favourite character and my blood boils anytime Anakin hurts him

Oh man like I really consider it
just a thing of free will.

the dark side is a choice one makes unless one is twisted by someone
else or injected with that weird poison from that dragon in the EU
legends and Anakin had choices and he had options. He had free will
and yes Palpatine manipulated the situations and pushed him and
outright groomed
him from a young age.

in the end he chose.

feel like if someone paid attention, if Anakin reached out to someone
(aka Obi-Wan) and told what was going on or even just let go of his
anger about things then he wouldn’t have fallen.

letting go of the Jedi to ‘just’ be Padme’s husband.

go of Padme to be a Jedi he so craved.

go of his rage about his mothers murder and torture, awful as that
was, normal grief can make people insane too without the Force powers
tacked on and a light and dark side.

in the end I think Anakin choose and he chose badly with so many
things conspiring against him.

won’t say he alone
was to blame.

mean fuck the Jedi did a lot of wrong (or more like the council with
their heads shoved up their asses really) and then there was
Palpatine and the war making everything worse but Anakin is in the
end the one who knelt before Palpatine, marched on the Jedi temple
and killed kids.

a bit like our world, you can chose to behave like a civilized person
or you can go murder someone.

chose, based on fear, anger and darkness and it killed almost all the
Jedi, doomed the galaxy into Palpatine’s tyrannical rule where he
instated slavery and made the world bleaker.

So you gave us your theory of Steeven Universe Gem Obi and Ani. How about some bending Obi and Ani!? Any underpowers? Or just mainstream power?

Considering the whole Avatar thing, I imagine Anakin would be the
Avatar actually but if you’re asking me what he’d be born as and
not what he figured out he could do with all those powers… I’m
thinking he’d be a firebender with the ability to metal bend. He
can also blood bend, fly and lighting bend as the Avatar but his main
is firebending. His temper can be close to the surface and slow to be taught
control, sometimes burning without control like a wildfire but yet…
yet he brings light and warmth when he stays in control, he brings

I’m tempted to say Obi-Wan is airbender considering his
spirituality and how he sees things but I don’t think that’s just
an air temple trait, I mean Uncle Iroh is plenty spiritual and he’s
in the spirit world too in a certain amount of control from what we
can see. I think Obi-Wan would be like that, not letting his bending
define him as a person. That said, I believe waterbending would be
his style, for what else is water if not patient if quick and
sometimes hard to forgive?

Don’t tell me Obi-Wan forgives off the bat, he remembers, he’s
patient and slowly water erodes even his emotions so he can forgive.
And like water Obi-Wan can be without mercy but just like water he
can feed the soil to where something can grow from. I also believe he can both spiritbend and bloodbend though he hides the latter and focuses on just being a waterbender.

So yeah, perhaps a bit poetic and surface analyzing but that’s my
take on them.

So you gave us your theory of Steeven Universe Gem Obi and Ani. How about some bending Obi and Ani!? Any underpowers? Or just mainstream power?

Considering the whole Avatar thing, I imagine Anakin would be the
Avatar actually but if you’re asking me what he’d be born as and
not what he figured out he could do with all those powers… I’m
thinking he’d be a firebender with the ability to metal bend. He
can also blood bend, fly and lighting bend as the Avatar but his main
is firebending. His temper can be close to the surface and slow to be taught
control, sometimes burning without control like a wildfire but yet…
yet he brings light and warmth when he stays in control, he brings

I’m tempted to say Obi-Wan is airbender considering his
spirituality and how he sees things but I don’t think that’s just
an air temple trait, I mean Uncle Iroh is plenty spiritual and he’s
in the spirit world too in a certain amount of control from what we
can see. I think Obi-Wan would be like that, not letting his bending
define him as a person. That said, I believe waterbending would be
his style, for what else is water if not patient if quick and
sometimes hard to forgive?

Don’t tell me Obi-Wan forgives off the bat, he remembers, he’s
patient and slowly water erodes even his emotions so he can forgive.
And like water Obi-Wan can be without mercy but just like water he
can feed the soil to where something can grow from. I also believe he can both spiritbend and bloodbend though he hides the latter and focuses on just being a waterbender.

So yeah, perhaps a bit poetic and surface analyzing but that’s my
take on them.

Do you think we should get a qui gon movie

Do I think…

Um I certainly think we should have
that before we have a damn Yoda stand alone.

Like what the heck?


I don’t wanna hear about the wrinkled
prune who became a Jedi when he was an adult. Seriously,
mr.nine.years.are.to.old can suck my left foot…or wait no, he might
be into that o.o


But yes, Qui-Gon before Yoda at least.

Do you think we should get a qui gon movie

Do I think…

Um I certainly think we should have
that before we have a damn Yoda stand alone.

Like what the heck?


I don’t wanna hear about the wrinkled
prune who became a Jedi when he was an adult. Seriously,
mr.nine.years.are.to.old can suck my left foot…or wait no, he might
be into that o.o


But yes, Qui-Gon before Yoda at least.

Question! Would you consider trans guy Jango that ends with the clones being female a genderbender? If so, what’s your opinion on this kind of gender switch?

…well you’re still basically asking me to turn Rex, Cody and all
the other troopers into girls aren’t you?

You’re honestly making this a bit complicated yikes, I mean in the
end the clones are different people then Jango even if the bodies are
the same with minor tweaks (like hair and eye color in the clones it

From my position you’re still asking for a genderbent story,
something I think I’ve made pretty clear I don’t really do.

Also, how does turning the vod army into ladies change the

They’re still being manufactured to die, pawns in the hands of

Question! Would you consider trans guy Jango that ends with the clones being female a genderbender? If so, what’s your opinion on this kind of gender switch?

…well you’re still basically asking me to turn Rex, Cody and all
the other troopers into girls aren’t you?

You’re honestly making this a bit complicated yikes, I mean in the
end the clones are different people then Jango even if the bodies are
the same with minor tweaks (like hair and eye color in the clones it

From my position you’re still asking for a genderbent story,
something I think I’ve made pretty clear I don’t really do.

Also, how does turning the vod army into ladies change the

They’re still being manufactured to die, pawns in the hands of