PLEASE, how does obi-wan’s visit to kamino go in fresh and young? how does he react to din and grogu? and does their presence change his relationship with jango, now that he’s kinda-sorta adopted a jedi youngling, do they actually talk to each other or is it just more of the same?? also, how do the troopers react to din and grogu? i know we saw a little bit already, but i’d love to see more of their interactions

Okay, so, Din wasn’t actually quite sure what was going on. Boba had of course tried to explain, as he always did when Din encountered things he didn’t really understand in the grander universe even back on Tatooine and now on Kamino but… Well, Din’s head was already sort of aching with the idea of time travel and the changes in their bodies, not to mention the lack of helmet.

So far, Grogu was the one that had changed the least, if he had even deaged at all.

The idea that they were some thirty years into the past or something like that kind of broke Din’s mind as he relied on Boba.

In their child body.

With Grogu.

Apparently, this was the planet where Boba had been born. Or decanted as he had said, as Boba was a clone and while Din had been aware of that for a while now, it was still strange to see so many with a face almost identical to Boba.

Not to mention meeting Boba’s buir.

Then there was the lack of his Din’s helmet, which had Boba had tried to help him with by giving him clothes with hoods on for now, promising him that he’d get him one of the cadet helmets.

Apparently there were helmets here that should fit Din and he’d be so grateful to have one but he knew better than to push, even though his skin crawled any time someone that wasn’t Grogu or Boba looked too closely at his face.

Then Boba was trying to explain to Jango about how they arrived only to end up crying, considering he hadn’t seen his buir in almost thirty years, that was also understandable, so Din hadn’t scolded or thought any ill of his Boba at that.

Boba more than anyone deserved to cry in the arms of his buir, having actually seen the man be decapitated after the stories he had told Din.

But when he finally started in on the story, Jango closing his eyes with a small groan as the story of ‘time travel’ passed his lips, they had been interrupted.

By a Jedi.

A redhead, sopping wet from the rain of Kamino and Jango had suddenly turned from a caring and soft buir to a cold and calculated bounty hunter, something Din recognized from his own days and Boba had turned as pale as he could, watching everything with reddened, panicked eyes as Din moved out of the way, nervously standing between the Jedi and the doors as Boba and Jango stood in front of the Jedi.

When Boba tried to speak up, the Jedi seemed bemused by it all, looking closely at Boba as if he was a puzzle, giving Din the same penetrating glance and when he looked at Grogu on the couch, watching it all quietly…

Well, the Jedi seemed to stiffen and then he turned glacially polite, excusing himself, Jango making no move to stop him.

Something that sent Boba into a panic, Din could tell by the way his eyes widened and his lips twisted, even without the scars to give them its usual shape.

So, when Boba yelled, Din acted. “Din! Stop him!” Boba yelled as the Jedi made a move towards the door, passing Din.

Now, you could not accuse Din of being stupid but… well, he was only human and he might have panicked a tad too when Boba yelled. Which explains why he’s currently wrapped around the Jedi’s leg, eyes wide, staring up at the redhead before looking at Boba and his buir.

Everyone paused at that, staring at Din sitting on the Jedi’s foot, even the Jedi looked a tad lost as he stared down at Din.

“… I did mean shoot him with the blaster on the table.” Boba stated a tad weakly, rubbing slightly at his red, swollen eyes.

“…I panicked.” Din squeaked, still clinging to the Jedi’s leg and then blinking when there was a coo. All four looked to the noise, finding Grogu wrapped around the Jedi’s other leg, the kid blinking up at them all with wide eyes as his ears wiggled happily.

Alright, that was something Din was used to at least, Grogu moving silently and quickly without notice and he smiled shakily at his adiik, still clinging to the Jedi’s leg in case he tried to move.

Though, really, if the Jedi wanted him of off, he could easily manage it Din figured… least it buy Boba a few seconds?  

Scratching at his hair, Boba blinked several times. “…I really, really did mean to stun him but I guess this works too since he stopped.” He stated in bemusement before walking over and carefully helping Din up.

Well, at least the Jedi had stopped, staring at them in utter bemusement now, blinking between the three time travelers.

“…I have the feeling that at least you,” Here the Jedi pointed at Boba. “Know what’s going on, as your buir,” All three mandalorians jumped a bit in surprise at the mando’a coming from the Jedi. “Looks about as lost as I feel.” He raised one, perfectly manicured brow at them.

“Don’t worry, we’re all confused.” Din whispered, shrinking a bit under the intent look of the Jedi and ducking behind Boba’s back when the other moved in front of him.

Stroking his beard, the man raised both brows as Din peeked up over Boba’s shoulder. Likely, Boba was glaring at the Jedi and Din pressed his cheek to Boba’s shoulder, feeling warm at the protectiveness of the other. Boba was always kind and good to him, even when Din himself didn’t know what to do.

“Yes, I can see that… well then, how about I hear you out… if you can explain to me why a Jedi youngling is on the planet, in your care.” The Jedi finished a tad more sternly. Din reached down and picked up Grogu, nervously cuddling his adiik to his child.

“If you’re willing to listen, sure Kenobi.” Boba shot back with a little growl, clearly upset with him for staring at Din.

“You’re making deals I’m not sure you can hold there Bob’ika.” Jango, his buir sighed loudly and Din glanced nervously at the man, finding him shaking his head.

Then Jango chuckled a tad as Boba guiltily looked back at him. “I know buir but… this is important… please?” Boba whispered, biting at his lips. He looked nervous and Din eased Grogu into one arm so he could reach out and hold Boba’s hand, squeezing the tiny hand in his.

All of this was strange and new and Din wasn’t quite sure where he fit in but… as long as he had Boba and Grogu… he could figure it out.

Even if the way the Jedi were looking at all three like they were a puzzle was a bit disconcerting

for distant pain, does obi-wan ever confront the council (or maybe anakin or qui-gon) about ashoka’s presence in the battlefield? or does he work it out some other way? maybe some protective obi-wan and him bonding with ashoka? (this is such a great series, i’m in love with your writing Ɛ>)

Admittedly, Obi-Wan was avoiding the girl.

Though if asked, he would deny it and claim he was busy and it wasn’t like she was generally in the same area as him.

Mostly because Obi-Wan could sense her and easily managed to avoid going where she was for the most part.

She brought up unpleasant memories and feelings for him, feelings he’d rather not have to confront while he was still preparing to tear into the rest of the council. Or rather, one council member.


His top lip curled as he thought of his grandmaster and all the little threads the old man had pulled on for too many years.

From learning that the old man had managed to send people away from Initiate Kenobi, to reserve him for Jinn when the man didn’t even want a padawan, to many actions throughout Obi-Wan’s youth, to Naboo and then this.

A young padawan, an underage padawan, in the active war zones.

They couldn’t stop masters from taking padawans, that wasn’t how the Jedi worked, but they were suppose to be left behind from the active and terrible war zones.

Ahsoka Tano was underage by the definition of her race, as a togruta she had to be seventeen as togrutas matured slightly quicker than most human races.

Not to mention that she was Anakin Skywalker’s padawan.

One of the most active Jedi General’s in the entire war, being in the thickest of fights.

The things she would have seen, the amount of lives she would have felt be lost…

Obi-Wan fought the urge to vomit, Cerasi’s empty eyes flashing in his mind.

‘What the hell am I suppose to do?’ He buried head in his arms, ignoring the sensations of the troopers concern floating around him. Being in the mess tent was honestly easier than being anywhere else, the amount of people around him thankfully distracting.

Plus, the troopers always made him feel better.

Their presence was soothing.

It didn’t quite bring his mind of the fact that his own fucking great grandmaster had sent an underage padawan to one of the most active war generals. Anakin Skywalker couldn’t keep her trapped on the ship at all times.

Hell, he knew from Depa that she unfortunately had to bring her padawan with her.

Young Caleb was also a minor, but Depa tried to shield him, leave him on the ship or in camp if possible.

She didn’t actively bring him into the thickest of the fights she was in and Depa was also delegated to smaller battles, more a General placed to hold positions once a planet was won, partly in due to her previous injuries and the coma she had been in.

‘What is he thinking!?’ Obi-Wan bit at his bottom lip so hard it started bleeding, grunting slightly at the pain. He ignored Cotton’s worried chirping in his ear, the little insistent nudging at his cheek and ear as she tried to get his attention.

He was too busy thinking.

Obi-Wan couldn’t understand what in the world Yoda was thinking.

He cared about the young of the Jedi order, he always had, he wouldn’t risk them needlessly and by sending Ahsoka Tano to Anakin Skywalker, he was clearly risking her life.

That was the sticking point of it all, the who she was sent to.

The most active of the Jedi Generals they had become, someone close to the Chancellor, who accepted or was sent to some of the most dangerous battlefields of the entire war. Well, at least the public side of the war.

There were the blackops missions, the secret ones, that the public didn’t get to know.

Some of those were even more dangerous.

But Obi-Wan had never brought anyone with him that was underage for those, hell, he even made Zuru stay back for those.

He had never been comfortable with the GAR but understood the need, despite how suspicious their origins were.

So he made sure to leave Zuru in places he would be safe, kept him out of the worst lines of fire if possible and made Zuru simply deliver him or pick him up most of the time.  

“General?” A low, warm voice interrupted Obi-Wan’s circling thoughts. A voice Obi-Wan had started to listen to, even if he consciously didn’t realize it and therefore, he raised his head to blink up at Commander Cody.

The man smiled back at him and sat a cup down in front of the Jedi. Picking up the cup, Obi-Wan blinked into it for a moment then looked up at Cody in surprise. “This is…” He trailed off, too shocked to finish his sentence.

Cody’s smile grew a tad. “Spicy starva tea, Zuru told me you enjoy drinking it,” The commander nodded a tad. “Said it helped with your appetite and that you also enjoyed the flavor.” He tacked on.

Nodding slowly, Obi-Wan took a small sip of it, letting the flavor wash over his tongue. “How?” He wondered.

Spicy starva was from Stewjon and the export of it had become restricted before even the war due to the strict regulations of Stewjon itself.

To have it now…

He couldn’t help but smile, Cotton nuzzling up under his ear as her friend’s mood lifted slightly. “Thank you Cody, this… this is a rare treat for me.” He murmured quietly, looking up at him.

Cody’s lips quirked slightly. “You’re welcome… and there’s a cuddle puddle tonight, just so you know.” He tacked on a wink for Obi-Wan before saluting and making his way to the tent flaps.

‘A cuddle puddle? They consider this area safe then?’ Obi-Wan blew on the tea as he mulled over it, taking a small sip to savor the tea. ‘…It tastes like…’ Smiling into the cup, Obi-Wan settled with the warm weight of Cotton around the neck.