bro I love your floralskin series so much, what happens after Obi-Wan and Cody talk about it???

Breathing thickly as he woke, his chest hurting and his eyes crusty, Anakin wondered for a moment what was wrong with him as he tried to push himself up onto his elbows only to drop with a deep groan as his head throbbed.

“Anakin?” There was a muffled voice and Anakin whined, covering his eyes with a hand as light shone into the room.

There was a click, the sound of rushing water and someone spitting and then he heard steps, a door closing behind the person. The bed dipped moments later, a warm and slightly smaller hand than his wrapping around his hand, lifting it gently from his face.

Squinting, Anakin peered blearily up at a worried looking Rex, his soulmate facial flower creased by the frown he was sporting. “I’d ask how you feel but its clear you’re not well.” He murmured quietly, raising his other hand to his Jedi’s forehead, letting out a soft hiss.

Normally, Anakin would marvel at the sight of Rex wearing one of Anakin’s tunic but he honestly felt too miserable to even contemplate it.’

“You got strong fever,” Rex murmured worriedly, moving his hands slowly around the others face before huffing slightly. “Okay, you are not leaving these quarters. That meeting with the council is canceled.” He stated seriously.

“But Obi-Wan… needs me…” Anakin swallowed thickly, struggling to get up once more only to groan as Rex placed a firm hand on his chest, pushing him back into the sheets.

“General Kenobi has all the information you could give him,” Rex stated sternly before softening. “Cyare, please. You have a bad fever and you’re clearly not feeling well. Rest, I’ll call the General and inform him and IF you are needed, they’ll comm you.” He assured.

Peering blearily at the other half of his soul, Anakin hesitated before nodding, giving a small grunt at how that made his head ache.

He was honestly miserable and the idea of doing anything, even leaving the bed, sounded like a horrible action.

So he let Rex call Obi-Wan to inform him of Anakin’s condition, quietly curling up in bed instead as he rolled onto his side.

How much time had passed by the time Rex returned to him again, Anakin wasn’t sure but he let out a grateful little noise when Rex pressed a cool gel pack onto his forehead. “I cooked some plain rice, do you think you could eat that?” Rex murmured.

Squinting at the small bowl in Rex lap, Anakin paused a bit. “…Is that Ahsoka’s treat bowls?” He questioned with some amusement as he took in the size and black décore on the white bowl.

Ahsoka had a few small bowls that she would fill with treats, trying not to eat too many at a time. It generally failed because she’d refill it more than twice but hey, Anakin wasn’t about to call her on that.

Rex let out a small chuckle, nodding. “Yeah, figured you wouldn’t want a lot of rice if you ate any at all. So, what do you say?” Rex lifted a spoonful of rice from it, offering Anakin the lukewarm grains.

Peering at it for a moment, Anakin let out a small huff before opening his mouth, chewing slowly when Rex popped it in.

He knew he should eat something and some rice wasn’t the worst thing to test. Obi-Wan used to feed him puffed rice crackers when he was younger but Anakin would often forget to buy them in for himself.

The rice however was fine and while it settled a tad heavily, he did empty the bowl.

When Rex tried to leave though, Anakin let out a soft whine and wrapped his arms around his captain’s waist, giving him a doe eyed look.

Rex hummed but set the bowl on the nightstand. Then he carefully tucked himself under the blanket, pulling Anakin’s head to his chest. “Alright, just until you fall asleep runi.” He whispered.

Anakin let out an agreeable noise to that, pressing his nose to Rex chest.

The other smelled nice and listening to Rex heartbeat was always nice. Hell, just sharing the bed with him was nice, despite Anakin being ill.

‘If only every day could be like this, even though I’m sick.’ Anakin mused to himself with a smile.

Runi = Soul

FloralSkin, GO Rex!! Convince Anakin to see Obi! Woo, be the brains of this operation! But also it’s really sweet how Anakin is so aware of Rex’s preferences and desires, even if Rex IS willing to be what he thinks Anakin needs! I love it; they’re adorable!

Curled into Cody’s side, Obi-Wan breathed slowly.

Rest came so uneasily lately and to have these precious few moments together in the calm… well, there was nothing in the galaxy he’d trade for these moments.

Spent in silence in what had become their quarters, tucked up on the couch together under a warm blanket, Cody’s fingers in his hair as a comfortable silence settled around them, one of Cody’s soap operas playing on the tv.

On the caff table stood abandoned plates and cups, empty of what they had once contained and settled into respective stomachs.

Nuzzling slowly under Cody’s arm, Obi-Wan hummed softly when the other scratched slowly at his scalp, Cody shifting to exchange which leg was suited over the other, most likely to avoid his leg falling asleep.

Obi-Wan was rather sure his own were already asleep, stretched out on the couch under the blanket.

Not that he was bothering to move them.

He could happily fall asleep like this, cuddled into his soulmate with his warmth wrapped around the Jedi.

Had actually done so several times, Cody was good at making Obi-Wan relax, despite the war and all the responsibilities he had.

“What do you think about what Skywalker had to say?” Cody’s quiet voice cut through the comforting daze.

Shifting, Obi-Wan made a contemplative noise, peering up at Cody. He had given up on making the other use Anakin’s first name, even in private. Getting the troopers past using General or Commander was hard enough and Obi-Wan figured that with time and personal interactions, they’d get to first names.

It wasn’t like Rex called him Obi-Wan to his face either, so he wasn’t going to push Cody too hard.

When Anakin, a bit shifty eyed and hesitant had come with Rex, Obi-Wan had to admit, he was worried what the blond had set on fire this time and really hoped the Chancellor wasn’t watching when Anakin set whatever it was on fire.


It was the Chancellor Anakin was shifty about.

Letting out a breath, Obi-Wan let his mind shift through the information Anakin had relayed to them with Rex quiet support, holding the others flesh hand in one of his ungloved ones. “If I’m being honest, I’m not sure. I believe Anakin,” He stated quietly, arching a bit when Cody rubbed down his back. “But the concept of severing a soulbond… its dark and terrifying. And not something spoken about lightly.” Obi-Wan frowned at the tv, watching the twi’lek actor dramatically fall over.

Cody hummed in agreement. “Sounds dark, made my gut clench up when Skywalker said it.” He grumbled.

Obi-Wan let out a deep breath and nodded.

Yes, the severing of soulbonds to create ‘new’ ones was something he had heard about before outside of fictitious settings of novels and tv. But only in the darkest of Force magic as a real thing, in almost forgotten holocrons that only whispered about the knowledge, ashamed of what they had done.

There had been a time when the Jedi didn’t allow for soulmates, a brief time.

Knights thinking that their devotion to the Order was more important and therefore severing their link.

It hadn’t ended well, becoming one of the Lost on purpose had… twisted them, destroyed them in ways that had horrified the Jedi that saw them, leaving a pulsing, infected gap in the Force where there had once been light.

And creating a new soulmate bond?

No, Obi-Wan did not like the sound of it and for as much as he knew the Jedi were not the only Force organization in the galaxy, it made him wonder where in the galaxy Palpatine would have heard about something so dark and the reality of it compared to silly if dark tv show and operas.

Wondered and worried.

He would need to inform the council, of that he was sure.

Aww, Ahsoka has her first flower in FloralSkin! That’s wonderful; I’m glad she’s finally experiencing this milestone! I love her reaction, and the absolute support from Anakin and Obi-Wan: they’re good masters! But speaking of them? Poor Obi-Wan is CLEARLY overworked, and Anakin knows it. I hope that between Anakin and Rex (and maybe Helix and Kix), they either figure out (probably unknowingly) how to circumvent Palpatine’s manipulations, or at least are able to give the two some time off!

Pausing in shock, Obi-Wan blinked at the other man as he stood in the doorway of the Nabooan office.

Cody just smiled kindly back at him, standing in only the bottom half of his armor, illuminated by a soft, glowing light further inside the office. “Hey there blossom.” He murmured.

Glancing out of the hallway and then back in, Obi-Wan slowly stepped in, letting the door close behind him. “One, call me that and I might hit you. Two, what is going on? I thought I was…” He trailed off.

He was suppose to meet with Senator Amidala, to get a few reports, go over some info from Naboo, not meet with Cody.

But there was no one in the Nabooan office except for Cody, the man standing in front of the window of the room, clearly waiting with most of the office being dark except for the light right over the door and what looked like candle light on the caff table further in.

Cody’s smile grew, stepping towards Obi-Wan to grasp his hand, tugging him closer to hug him, until he had Obi-Wan in his arms.

Obi-Wan automatically melted into his soulmate’s arm, trusting despite his surprise as he peered at Cody. “General Skywalker went to Senator Amidala. He was worried about you. I am too.” Cody stated softly, rubbing at his soulmate’s back as Obi-Wan stared at him. He didn’t like what he was seeing, the stress lines on Obi-Wan’s face was more pronounced than the week before, combine that with the paleness of his skin or the bags under his eyes, Obi-Wan looked horribly unwell.

Well, that wouldn’t do.

Cody endeavored to change some of that. “He asked her for help. So she arranged this, so we two could have a date.”

Obi-Wan stared at his soulmate for several long moments before looking around the office, visibly unbalanced from the unexpected situation, his hands hanging down limply by his sides even as he leaned into the hug.

‘Poor love, you’re that out of it?’ Cody lamented sadly to himself, not minding how slow on the uptake his Jedi was being. ‘You’ve been so stressed dear one that you can’t recognize or even reach for comfort?’ It hurt to see his love that addled.

The normally so sharp Jedi was so befuddled by the simple rip up of what he expected, having planned for a meeting with Senator Amidala only for it to be Cody and a date.

Slowly, Cody slid his hand to take Obi-Wan’s, rubbing his fingertips over the knuckles before pulling the other towards the caff table with the fancy couches stationed around it.

When General Skywalker had summoned him to the Naboo Senator office, Cody hadn’t known what to expect.

But to learn that Anakin had gone out of his way for Obi-Wan, to ask Senator Amidala for a favor so Obi-Wan and Cody could have time…

Well, it warmed Cody.

Oh, he knew it was for Obi-Wan’s sake more than his, Obi-Wan was Anakin’s former master after all. But it felt good to know someone else cared for his mate.

And Cody had pounced on the offer, gratefully accepting not only the time Senator Amidala had gotten them but also her office to have their date.

And he had also accepted Skywalker’s offer to get them food and comforts.

Seeing Obi-Wan only a few seconds on holo was not the same as seeing him in person and he had been worried about the obvious stress the other was under, wanting to at least comfort his riduur.

Which was why the caff table was covered in candle light, the blankets from Obi-Wan’s quarters were on one of the fancy couches and food from Dex diner was sitting innocently in their containers.

Obi-Wan let out a surprised but eager noise when he saw them, making Cody smile as he sat down on the couch and pulled the other into his lap, his Jedi melting into him.

Despite how confused he was, Obi-Wan’s body recognized the comfort offered to it and eagerly sought it, Cody wrapping himself around the other for a few seconds before grabbing one of the blankets Anakin had brought.

Tucking it around his Jedi, Cody pressed a kiss to Obi-Wan’s temple. “There we go. One easy, quiet date night for us. Comfortable and content, Senator Amidala said we could have the office until morning and Fox said he’d come by to wake us before things got too busy.” He whispered softly.

Shuffling in his lap to get comfortable, Obi-Wan let out an exasperated and yet undeniably fond huff, his face soft as he blinked between the candle covered caff table with food and his soulmate. “It seems I don’t have much else choice, you’ve all hoodwinked me pretty well.” He murmured, smiling to show his pleasure at the situation.

Smiling in turn, Cody nodded, pressing a kiss to the underside of Obi-Wan’s jaw. “Well and thoroughly caught love.” He agreed, unbearably fond of his Jedi.

His riduur.

My pain your pain: the new bondmates take time to examine the new aspects of their relationship, while the council starts their own investigation on soul withering, since science seems to have stalled.

Swirling the blood carefully, Che let out a low noise before showing
it to the zabrak beside her.

man stroked his chin, squinting at the blood before nodding and
turning to Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon, a warm smile on his face. “I have
to say once more padawan Kenobi, thank you for allowing these
questions and studies, invasive as they must feel to you. Thanks to
you, we have come further in understanding soul withering in the last
two months than we have in the five years I’ve been trying to make
heads and tails of it.” He murmured gratefully.

rubbing his inner arm, Obi-Wan gave a small nod.

He was
right, some of the questions were very invasive and Obi-Wan
had not liked answering them honestly.

the idea of leaving so many blank spaces in the understanding of soul
withering was leaving a bitter taste in his mouth too, so when soul
healer Francus came with a respectful bow and a request to them,
Obi-Wan had easily agreed despite knowing there would be very
invasive questions asked.

he had been right.

having mas-Qui-Gon here is making it a bit more berable.’ Obi-Wan
mused, glancing down as the man in question carefully took his hand
to lace their fingers together.

conversations, they had decided that in moments like this,
conversations about the soul withering with healers and in private,
they would be the soulmates they were to be.

missions, in the salle and in front of other Jedi and the council,
they would remain master and padawan until Obi-Wan was knighted and
was fully Qui-Gon’s equal and therefore no longer beholden to the

would be a tedious line to thread but Obi-Wan understood why they had

they were Jedi.

Qui-Gon had only been allowed to take Obi-Wan on because of the
unique situation they were in thanks to the soul withering.

the situation been any other, another master would have trained him
and even as it was, throughout his training, Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan had
been watched very closely by both healers and council members to
ensure that Qui-Gon was not taking advantage of Obi-Wan in any manner
or shaping him into an ‘ideal’ person.

grooming him.

idea still brought a chill down Obi-Wan’s back if he was honest but
considering how Qui-Gon had been behaving through the years, it was
clear he had done his best to ignore the soulmate aspect of their
relationship for as long as Obi-Wan was his padawan up until his

thought hit him and he glanced to see Che and Francus conversing once
more before focusing on his master and soulmate. “Qui-Gon, what
will happen on missions now?” He whispered quietly.

Obi-Wan’s hand carefully, Qui-Gon raised a curious brow. “In what
manner?” Qui-Gon questioned back, clearly a bit confused by the question since he thought they had already spoken about everything they needed.

his lips, flushing when the action made Qui-Gon glance at his lips,
Obi-Wan smiled awkwardly. “It’s just, before, we always had
separate beds…” He trailed off, watching Qui-Gon go from bemused
to suddenly bright red.

right…” Qui-Gon cleared his throat, turning his head to look at
the healers. “If you are done for the day, I would like to return
to our quarters with Obi-Wan, we still have things to discuss in
regards to our bond.” He stated as calmly and serenely as possible.

serenity was ruined by Che smirking knowingly at them and Francus
doing his best not to look at them with a pretend occupied look on
his face as he stared at something on his note taking pad. “Of course, if we need more tests conducted, we will send
a message Master Jinn.” Che stated playfully.

padawan and master scampered out of that room pretty quick after
that, Obi-Wan’s cheeks burning with red and Qui-Gon’s ears and
back of his neck quite noticeably a red color too.

Hello, I loved the snippet you posted for future QuiObi AU soulmate Mypainyourpain, could we get a continuation please? Maybe Qui Gon meeting with Obi Wan the first time?

soulmate is a Jedi.

that Obi-Wan is about eighty percent sure as he catalogs every pain
and scar he receives through the years, regardless how much it hurts
and how it sometimes tears at him and makes him cry silently into his
sheets at how bad it can be, that makes him proud.

proud to have a Jedi soulmate.

and a bit nervous as he’s not sure he will become one himself and
he wants so badly to be a Jedi for his soulmate, to be able to stay
in the temple.

knows that if he joins one of the corps he will most likely have to
leave the temple and yes, Jedi do leave the temple, but this is

are generally paired up for missions because of the pain of
separating them can
be vast once they have found each other… that’s why he has to
become a Jedi because if he doesn’t, the chance of meeting them is
reduced to ten percent.


are a few corps members in temple that are soulmated to Jedi but they
don’t go out on missions and have to make due though the occasional
explorer, healer or scholar can get lucky and be required to go with
their soulmate.

however, can feel
that he needs to become a Jedi knight.

has to.

the time limit is growing ever shorter, ever narrower and finally…
it’s done.

the last ditch, desperate pleading to Jinn will not bring him back
and Obi-Wan ends up on Bandomeer and among the Agricorps.

he mourns.

won’t meet his soulmate, Obi-Wan knows it even as he feels the
flicker of pain from some kind of injury along his side from his

then he gets kidnapped, cause Du Crion thinks he’s a padawan even
though he’s not.

that’s how life is, he gets stuffed in an explosive collar under
the eyes of slavers in the mine and the other captured don’t…

can feel their eyes, the way they listen warily to his voice.

an outsider to them and therefore not accepted into the warmth yet
and without the Force he can not get the blaster collar off and he
feels so tired and weak after just two weeks of this treatment, the
pain from the whips making him slow along with the lack of water and
food to go with the backbreaking work.

of course that is when he’s thrown at Jinn, crashing into the man’s
stomach while feeling his own ache.

I hit his lightsaber?’ Obi-Wan wondered blearily as he leaned
against the Jedi knight, exhausted and worn out, squinting a bit in
the dark cave.

ever so carefully, Jinn finally sets him down against the cave wall
and checks on him, hissing lightly as blue eyes squint in the dark.
“Force, he’s done a number on you child… we have to get out of
here and get you to a medic or healer.” The man mumbled, standing
and Obi-Wan felt a twinge in his knee that he didn’t think too much
of as the man strode towards the doors Du Crion had sealed.

would admit that between his injuries, his lack of water and food,
not to mention sleep along with what he thinks is a head injury,
Obi-Wan doesn’t quite remember the next few hours.

has a pretty decent memory of offering to blow himself up though so
Qui-Gon could escape?

the absolute look of horror and denial on the man’s face at the
suggestion as Obi-Wan presses himself against the sealed door.

that’s about it.

as he’s gingerly carried around by the older Jedi, Obi-Wan doesn’t
quite remember as his cheek rests on a warm shoulder that smells of
earth and sweat and an underlying smell of tea.

he knows that they’ve dealt with Du Crion.

knows that he’s a padawan and he knows that a medic has taken a
look at him, his injuries been taken care of with bacta and
medication and he knows that throughout it all, Qui-Gon has not left
his side.

outright carried him around against his chest with warm protective
arms around him the entire time if he had to go and it’s… it’s

enjoys the comfort.

much later, on the ship on their way back to Coruscant, tucked
up in the single bunk by Qui-Gon,
Obi-Wan swears he feels a shaking hand gently caress his hair and
knuckles down his cheek but convinces himself by morning that it’s
just a dream.

makes him sigh blissfully in contentment, a warm glow in his chest
that the dream provokes.

wonderful dream of his soulmates warm hand giving
him comfort.

that’s the kind of strained and tired dreams he gets, Obi-Wan
wouldn’t mind being bone weary a few more times.

Floral skin is amazing and I’d love to see a shot from the troopers view of things! Just what are they making out of all the flowers on their skin, do they even know what it is? Do they figure it out?

first time a flower appeared on a vod, there had been quiet panic all
over the training facility, everyone trying to hide the vod in
question from the longnecks to avoid the poor fuck getting
decommissioned like so many others for
minor things.

this time the Kaminoan only stares at the blooming flower on the back
of said vod before dismissing them back to their pod.

so the vod says when they return from
the examination,
looking battle shocked and a bit shaky as she wobbled into her pod
and hid under the blanket.

was only a few month’s old, even if his body showed a lot more
progress, but he still remembered the beautiful purple flower, still
remembered the quiet whispering of the vod around him as
she remained curled up in her pod, hiding away.

wondering, everyone thinking about
that flower and it’s meaning.

beautiful and breath taking in the sterile environment of Kamino’s
facility where all the color they really got were their uniforms and
the training simulations that sometimes provided holograms of the
galaxy outside Kamino.

buzz about it dies down after a few days and CC-2224 had to admit he
forgets it a little bit until another vod reports flowers along his

then another and another and another.

vod are covered in flowers even before they are decanted, beautiful
little marks that grow with them to fit the skin they are on,
beautiful flowers of all shapes and sizes frankly.

color’s of the galaxy in the shape of flowers they had never seen
but wished to, beautiful on dark skin as more flowers join the first
ones in different places. One vod even embarrassingly admits that he
has a flower on his decee of all things and CC-2224 wonders how the
hell that happened, a flower on your dick of all things.

CC-2224 gets his first mark, he wishes he knew botany but that’s
not part of their training. And yet he can’t help but hunger for
the information as he stares at the inside of his hands, the
and nicely
colored flowers
of blueish purple covering
the inside of his hands.

wants to know so badly, even
though sometimes a flower will appear for just a while and then just
as suddenly disappear much to the disappointment of the clone in
question, they still love these flowers.

a vod loses
the color of their flowers.

is a patchwork of flowers, beautiful and colorful, even a few on
their faces that everyone admires and tries to guess the names of
even if they don’t know but they can make them up!

the color
suddenly bleeds out and CC-2224 watches his vod turn as gray as their
food trays and collapse before anyone can catch them.

can only wrap blankets
around them and hold on as CC-2282 gasps and shakes, saying they feel
‘empty’ inside, as if something important has disappeared from
the galaxy.

are all on edge after that, wary, CC-2282 walks around with dead
amber eyes and soon enough they are gone from the pods, having walked
off the edge of the facility to fall into the ocean.

older vod whispers
maybe, just maybe the flowers are connected to someone else out in
the galaxy.

he gets scoffed at, ridiculed though gently as the vode around him
ribs him.

the thought takes a hold, grows slowly as they all contemplate it,
remembering the way the color drained from CC-2282’s body as they
cried in panic and fear, saying something was gone.

maybe that wasn’t something but someone.

connected to the flowers that every vod sports, someone out there,
someone that… is theirs?

doesn’t know what to make of it, doesn’t understand and Jango
Fett is not someone they can ask, the longnecks wouldn’t answer
them and the other trainers aren’t…

he has no desire to be decommissioned but CC-2224 has seen flowers on
their template, a small one on the back of his neck and it’s gray.
just maybe that thought is right then,
that the clones somehow still belongs in this galaxy.

someone also belongs to them.

a dizzying thought to him, laying in his pod while gently stroking a
bright yellow flower in the middle of his pecks with a soft smile.

is someone out there in the galaxy, someone CC-2224 belongs to and
they in return belongs to CC-2224 and that brings him warmth.

he is meant to exist, he belongs to this universe despite being a
clone of millions, despite being a physical copy. Despite
being knocked to the ground during training, despite blood filling
the floor in front of him as his gaze flickers dark…


Hiya, first time sending a prompt so sorry if I’m not doing this right. Can I get a continuation of Aging Heart? What happens next? Thanks for your amazing writing!!!

There are things in
boxes in their quarters and Obi-Wan sends Anakin an unsure stare as
he stands there in his sleeping clothes that the other must have
redressed him in sometime during the night when he fell asleep
against the other man.

Anakin stared back
before rubbing the back of his neck with a deep sigh. “Its…
things that I had at Padme’s apartment. We,” He paused, seemingly
searching for words before he made his way over to the bedroom door
and pulled Obi-Wan out from where he had stopped, stroking his hand
thoughtfully over a furred cheek. “We offically drew up the divorce
papers after you fell asleep. And she had Sabe and Rabe help pack up
my stuff.” He said quietly and a bit awkwardly.

Glancing towards
the boxes and than back up at Anakin, Obi-Wan opened his mouth before
closing it again.

Licking his lips
nervously, Anakin ran his hand through his perpetually messy curls.
“Look I know this is all really weird and I know its going to be
like it for a while but can’t we ju-”

“I don’t
understand.” Obi-Wan cut in, staring up at Anakin with wide eyes.

Huffing a bit,
Anakin rested his hand on the back of his neck. “We agreed that
soulmates comes first and I can’t be selfish about this even if it
hurts to choose because I know I love you both. But that’s just it,
you can still be friends even if you love someone and I’m not sure
I can imagine myself not loving you when you slot so perfectly in
with me.” Anakin managed to get out, trying to find the words to
make the other understand.

Focusing back on
Obi-Wan he couldn’t help but shift a bit in surprise because
Obi-Wan was shaking a bit, seemingly unconsciously as he went from
glancing between the boxes and Anakin as if he couldn’t believe the
other was there.

“I don’t get to
have the things I want,” Obi-Wan clenched his hands into his off
white sleeping tunic, staring at Anakin with confusion as he said
that. “I don’t get to keep the things that matters to me… I…”
He swallowed heavily, the sound echoing in the quarters.

Staring at the
other in shock, Anakin felt sudden and unexpected tears pressing
against the back of his eyes.

Because of course
that was why the other was shocked, because he couldn’t actually
believe that Anakin was there.

Obi-Wan Kenobi
expected nothing, didn’t ask for anything because he didn’t think
he would get it and time and time again he was left disappointed
because the galaxy left him with less than nothing even when
he should have had something.

“Oh Obi-Wan,”
He whispered with a choked voice, cupping the others cheeks as he
pressed their foreheads together. “I’m here, you get to keep me
if you want me. I promise you get to keep me.” Anakin swore to the

Still the other
looked so hesitantly as he slowly relaxed his knuckle white hands
from his shirt to wrap his arms around the others waist instead,
still shaking. “I do?” Obi-Wan questioned, utterly bewildered.

Letting out a
shaking breath, Anakin pressed a soft, chaste kiss to the others
lips. “You do. You get to keep me. I’m not going anywhere
Obi-Wan.” He pulled the other flush to him, tightening his arms
around the others waist.

Obi-Wan seemed
confused still and also overwhelmed, settling his head on Anakin’s
shoulder before clenching his eyes shut while taking several deep

Saying nothing,
Anakin rocked the other, letting it sink in.

Obi-Wan was going
to get something he wanted.

And by the Force if
it was in Anakin’s powers he’d make sure Obi-Wan kept it.

Hiya, first time sending a prompt so sorry if I’m not doing this right. Can I get a continuation of Aging Heart? What happens next? Thanks for your amazing writing!!!

There are things in
boxes in their quarters and Obi-Wan sends Anakin an unsure stare as
he stands there in his sleeping clothes that the other must have
redressed him in sometime during the night when he fell asleep
against the other man.

Anakin stared back
before rubbing the back of his neck with a deep sigh. “Its…
things that I had at Padme’s apartment. We,” He paused, seemingly
searching for words before he made his way over to the bedroom door
and pulled Obi-Wan out from where he had stopped, stroking his hand
thoughtfully over a furred cheek. “We offically drew up the divorce
papers after you fell asleep. And she had Sabe and Rabe help pack up
my stuff.” He said quietly and a bit awkwardly.

Glancing towards
the boxes and than back up at Anakin, Obi-Wan opened his mouth before
closing it again.

Licking his lips
nervously, Anakin ran his hand through his perpetually messy curls.
“Look I know this is all really weird and I know its going to be
like it for a while but can’t we ju-”

“I don’t
understand.” Obi-Wan cut in, staring up at Anakin with wide eyes.

Huffing a bit,
Anakin rested his hand on the back of his neck. “We agreed that
soulmates comes first and I can’t be selfish about this even if it
hurts to choose because I know I love you both. But that’s just it,
you can still be friends even if you love someone and I’m not sure
I can imagine myself not loving you when you slot so perfectly in
with me.” Anakin managed to get out, trying to find the words to
make the other understand.

Focusing back on
Obi-Wan he couldn’t help but shift a bit in surprise because
Obi-Wan was shaking a bit, seemingly unconsciously as he went from
glancing between the boxes and Anakin as if he couldn’t believe the
other was there.

“I don’t get to
have the things I want,” Obi-Wan clenched his hands into his off
white sleeping tunic, staring at Anakin with confusion as he said
that. “I don’t get to keep the things that matters to me… I…”
He swallowed heavily, the sound echoing in the quarters.

Staring at the
other in shock, Anakin felt sudden and unexpected tears pressing
against the back of his eyes.

Because of course
that was why the other was shocked, because he couldn’t actually
believe that Anakin was there.

Obi-Wan Kenobi
expected nothing, didn’t ask for anything because he didn’t think
he would get it and time and time again he was left disappointed
because the galaxy left him with less than nothing even when
he should have had something.

“Oh Obi-Wan,”
He whispered with a choked voice, cupping the others cheeks as he
pressed their foreheads together. “I’m here, you get to keep me
if you want me. I promise you get to keep me.” Anakin swore to the

Still the other
looked so hesitantly as he slowly relaxed his knuckle white hands
from his shirt to wrap his arms around the others waist instead,
still shaking. “I do?” Obi-Wan questioned, utterly bewildered.

Letting out a
shaking breath, Anakin pressed a soft, chaste kiss to the others
lips. “You do. You get to keep me. I’m not going anywhere
Obi-Wan.” He pulled the other flush to him, tightening his arms
around the others waist.

Obi-Wan seemed
confused still and also overwhelmed, settling his head on Anakin’s
shoulder before clenching his eyes shut while taking several deep

Saying nothing,
Anakin rocked the other, letting it sink in.

Obi-Wan was going
to get something he wanted.

And by the Force if
it was in Anakin’s powers he’d make sure Obi-Wan kept it.

Butterflyand Roses, Obi watching as Qui and Ani have time to build their own soulbond on a paradise type planet? Or even the three just cuddling up to enjoy each other’s presence in the force and their bonds.

Rolling onto his side and stretching slowly on the large towel he
laid on under a parasol, Obi-Wan gave a lazy smile as he caught sight
of Qui-Gon and Anakin down by the edge of the water, the larger man
gesturing to something laying on the sand.

Most likely some kind of ocean creature Anakin had never seen.

This was the only time they could really get Anakin to enjoy sand,
when they were on a beach with ocean surrounding them on every end,
the water endlessly fascinating the desert born young man along with
the creatures that came from it.

This had been exactly what they all needed.

A break from the temple, getting away to a little, cheap resort with
sun everywhere and beaches.

Not spas or casinos or anything expensive, just them three laying
around, relaxing together as they encouraged their soulbonds.

How Qui-Gon had convinced the council Obi-Wan did not want to know
but he was grateful for it as he watched Qui-Gon and Anakin nourish
their own platonic soulbond on the sandy beach of Natino, a small
island on the tropical part of Alderaan.

There were only a few huts on the island, far between each other with
a village and landing pad in the middle of the island where people
arrived or went to shop when they needed groceries or items but other
than that, guests were left to their own devices in isolation with
those they wanted to be with.

And Obi-Wan was loving it as he watched his two bondmates get so well
along, the jealousy a far of thing for even Anakin here with only the
three of them enjoying the sun and salty ocean.

And mentioning bondmates… Anakin was throwing the sand up as he ran
towards Obi-Wan’s shaded position with Qui-Gon coming sedately
behind him.

“Obi-Wan! Look what we found!” Anakin yelled, dropping on his
knees by the towel to show Obi-Wan a large conch in his hands, the
exterior pitch black but the inside showed a softer pink and golden
tone that was very pretty.

“Oh wow,” Obi-Wan took the shell from the others hands, carefully
turning it while avoiding getting poked by the conch spikes on the
outside. “That’s a pretty thing. Must be some kind of hermit crab
or snail den so we should probably throw it back out… or…” He
grinned at Anakin and Qui-Gon when the man arrived by the towels.
“Keep it as a nice souvenir.” Obi-Wan wiggled the conch at them.

quietly, Qui-Gon sat down on his own towel, nodding in agreement.
“That’s why I picked it up when I saw it,” He reached for the
bottle of sunscreen, waving it at Obi-Wan who shifted to give the
other his back while facing Anakin. “We saw some jellyfish too, I
believe they are bioluminescenc
so we should return to the beach come nightfall.” He added while
rubbing cold sunscreen onto Obi-Wan’s pale back.

out a hum while examining Anakin’s golden glowing skin in front of
him as the blond shook out his towel to get rid of sand, Obi-Wan
smiled to himself with the conch in his lap. “That does sound like
an idea. We could pack up a picnic basket and some drinks, come out
here with a large blanket to watch the bioluminescenc
He agreed.

Anakin, who had been pouting a bit, perked up in interest. “Picnic?”
He looked between them, the sun catching the colors of his soulmarks
as his olive skin glowed golden with health and warmth.

“Indeed, I can even make a few flatcakes and fill them up with
fruit and cream for dessert if you want Anakin.” Obi-Wan offered,
laughing when the other dropped down on his knees to press kisses all
over Obi-Wan’s face, Qui-Gon’s hands offering support from behind
at the onslaught of kisses and affection being lavished on him along
with exclamation of love.

Far away from those who would whisper poison into young ears, love
bloomed as bond tied the tree tighter than anyone would be able to
pull apart as Anakin was reassured of his life not only in Obi-Wan’s
life but also Qui-Gon.

Three souls,
belonging to each other despite it all.

Butterflyand Roses, Obi watching as Qui and Ani have time to build their own soulbond on a paradise type planet? Or even the three just cuddling up to enjoy each other’s presence in the force and their bonds.

Rolling onto his side and stretching slowly on the large towel he
laid on under a parasol, Obi-Wan gave a lazy smile as he caught sight
of Qui-Gon and Anakin down by the edge of the water, the larger man
gesturing to something laying on the sand.

Most likely some kind of ocean creature Anakin had never seen.

This was the only time they could really get Anakin to enjoy sand,
when they were on a beach with ocean surrounding them on every end,
the water endlessly fascinating the desert born young man along with
the creatures that came from it.

This had been exactly what they all needed.

A break from the temple, getting away to a little, cheap resort with
sun everywhere and beaches.

Not spas or casinos or anything expensive, just them three laying
around, relaxing together as they encouraged their soulbonds.

How Qui-Gon had convinced the council Obi-Wan did not want to know
but he was grateful for it as he watched Qui-Gon and Anakin nourish
their own platonic soulbond on the sandy beach of Natino, a small
island on the tropical part of Alderaan.

There were only a few huts on the island, far between each other with
a village and landing pad in the middle of the island where people
arrived or went to shop when they needed groceries or items but other
than that, guests were left to their own devices in isolation with
those they wanted to be with.

And Obi-Wan was loving it as he watched his two bondmates get so well
along, the jealousy a far of thing for even Anakin here with only the
three of them enjoying the sun and salty ocean.

And mentioning bondmates… Anakin was throwing the sand up as he ran
towards Obi-Wan’s shaded position with Qui-Gon coming sedately
behind him.

“Obi-Wan! Look what we found!” Anakin yelled, dropping on his
knees by the towel to show Obi-Wan a large conch in his hands, the
exterior pitch black but the inside showed a softer pink and golden
tone that was very pretty.

“Oh wow,” Obi-Wan took the shell from the others hands, carefully
turning it while avoiding getting poked by the conch spikes on the
outside. “That’s a pretty thing. Must be some kind of hermit crab
or snail den so we should probably throw it back out… or…” He
grinned at Anakin and Qui-Gon when the man arrived by the towels.
“Keep it as a nice souvenir.” Obi-Wan wiggled the conch at them.

quietly, Qui-Gon sat down on his own towel, nodding in agreement.
“That’s why I picked it up when I saw it,” He reached for the
bottle of sunscreen, waving it at Obi-Wan who shifted to give the
other his back while facing Anakin. “We saw some jellyfish too, I
believe they are bioluminescenc
so we should return to the beach come nightfall.” He added while
rubbing cold sunscreen onto Obi-Wan’s pale back.

out a hum while examining Anakin’s golden glowing skin in front of
him as the blond shook out his towel to get rid of sand, Obi-Wan
smiled to himself with the conch in his lap. “That does sound like
an idea. We could pack up a picnic basket and some drinks, come out
here with a large blanket to watch the bioluminescenc
He agreed.

Anakin, who had been pouting a bit, perked up in interest. “Picnic?”
He looked between them, the sun catching the colors of his soulmarks
as his olive skin glowed golden with health and warmth.

“Indeed, I can even make a few flatcakes and fill them up with
fruit and cream for dessert if you want Anakin.” Obi-Wan offered,
laughing when the other dropped down on his knees to press kisses all
over Obi-Wan’s face, Qui-Gon’s hands offering support from behind
at the onslaught of kisses and affection being lavished on him along
with exclamation of love.

Far away from those who would whisper poison into young ears, love
bloomed as bond tied the tree tighter than anyone would be able to
pull apart as Anakin was reassured of his life not only in Obi-Wan’s
life but also Qui-Gon.

Three souls,
belonging to each other despite it all.