Oh, oh man. Uh, mypainyourpain is. Wow. How does Obi-Wan react to all this? Weak from his injuries and being told not only that he almost died, but that he’s had soul withering for years without knowing, and that his own master and mentor is his soulmate? That’s quite the load to drop on him all at once… and does the council allow Qui-Gon to continue training him? So many questions!

his eyes slowly, Obi-Wan stared at the dim
ceiling in confusion while
smacking his dry, crusted lips together.

was white.

white of the Halls clearly, he had been here to often for comfort
really, sometimes for observation due to ‘Force’ related reasons
or so both Master and the healers said. But the last memory…

was sure I was going to die… I was bleeding so much and they
couldn’t staunch it…’ Obi-Wan’s slow mind pieced together the
last moments, the healers frantic voice, the whispered conversations
around him…


had resigned himself but clearly they had found a way.

despite feeling so weak, Obi-Wan felt good at the same time.

slightly, Obi-Wan could tell he was clean, redressed and under a warm

to be precise, Obi-Wan could smell the scent of vanilla the blanket
carried after he had rubbed it in with the oil since Qui-Gon had
given him a bottle of the stuff.

was a calming scent and Obi-Wan loved it but what was that doing in
the halls of Healing?

healers generally didn’t allow things like that unless you were a
long term patient.

to move, Obi-Wan paused again.

hand was stuck.

took him what felt like hours to turn his head to look, finding his
master head on the bed and
his hand latched onto Obi-Wan’s.

long have I been sleeping?’ Obi-Wan blinked slowly, staring at his
master’s form as he took in the ruffled hair.

all that Qui-Gon’s tunics never looked properly pressed, he was
meticulous about his hair, always keeping it half bound, always
properly brushed, no knots or snares in it unless they were caught
out without supplies.

right now it looked to be falling out of the half tie he had it in,
ruffled up and a bit greasy.

more than his own state alarmed him and he gave Qui-Gon’s hand a
tug, feeling a bit numb.

muttered, shifting a bit and Obi-Wan gave as harsh a tug as he could.

finally woke him and he lifted his head to squint in the dim room,
staring at Obi-Wan uncomprehendingly for a few seconds, almost
endearingly confused with red lines on his left cheek from where he
had been laying against the bed sheets.

then his eyes widened in surprise, his hand tightening on Obi-Wan’s
as he straightened up all the way. “Obi-Wan.” He breathed out,
standing only to sit on the bed, reaching out with his free hand to
cup Obi-Wan’s cheek. “You’re awake.” He rasped out in

slowly, Obi-Wan croaked then coughed and nodded, nuzzling against the

for the bed table, Qui-Gon pulled a bottle from it with water,
pressing the button of the head piece of the bed with one finger from
the hand holding the bottle.

seemed reluctant to let go of Obi-Wan’s hand.

the bed rose until Obi-Wan was half sitting and Qui-Gon placed the
bottle to his lip, gently tipping it until Obi-Wan could take tiny

bit of water ran down the sides of his mouth but honestly, Obi-Wan
was just grateful for the water.

took it away too early but Obi-Wan knew that was for the best.

too much after what was likely a medical coma wasn’t a good plan.

set the water away and then wiped the wet trails of Obi-Wan’s face,
watching him reverently with a small, relieved smile on his face.
“What happened?” Obi-Wan finally whispered out, moisture in his
mouth allowing him to speak.

question wiped Qui-Gon’s smile out of existence.

master was hesitating and it made Obi-Wan blink, feeling Qui-Gon’s
anxieties through tier bo-wait, their bond… it felt… different?


feel Qui-Gon’s guilt and worry as if it was his own almost.

do you remember Obi-Wan?” Qui-Gon murmured quietly finally,

his eyes, leaning into the hand, Obi-Wan mulled over that before
looking back at Qui-Gon. “Warehouse.” He mumbled out, licking his

slowly, Qui-Gon let out a deep breath. “…I jumped the blaster
padawan. We gave away our position to early and when the trandoshan-”

attacked you.” Obi-Wan rasped out, licking his lips again
heavily, the flash image of the woman with the glowing viroblade and
claws flashing in his mind.

Qui-Gon stared at him before nodding, smiling slightly. “And you
jumped in front of me… my brave Obi-Wan.” He murmured, leaning in
and pressing his chapped lips to Obi-Wan’s forehead.


was new.

yet it felt right, familiar…like coming home.

let out a soft noise, closing his eyes in response to it.

had a feeling what came after everything was said and done would lead
to confusion and pain, something had been done to him, Qui-Gon was
guilty and something had happened…

he would enjoy this comfort while it lasted, for as long as it

QuiObi with dead Obi-Wan?

only just stepped off the ship when an unsettling feeling shivers
down Qui-Gon’s spine, his aching hand clenching on his bag strap as
he glances at his equally tired teenage padawan, Anakin dragging his
feet as he follows beside Qui-Gon.

tries to shake it.

mission stress, it was a hard one, especially on Anakin as they
encountered a child smuggling slavery ring and its strained them

are both in requirement of sleep, of
showers or outright baths. They
both need food and Force Qui-Gon needs to cuddle with Obi-Wan because
honestly this mission has been crap.

thought makes him pause, headache throbbing at his temple that seems
to be growing.

shiver comes back even stronger and Anakin looks up at him, blinking
in confusion and opening his mouth only to be cut off as a female
voice calls for Qui-Gon.

Qui-Gon blinked as he saw Knight Bant, one of Obi-Wan’s knight

shiver was full blast back, fear curdling in his stomach as she raced
over to him with glossy eyes, the sign of tears on a mon calamari.
“Master Qui-Gon!” She paused in front of her, slightly out of
breath as she tried to gather it. Then she hesitated, staring up at
him with large eyes for several long minutes, seemingly floundering
for words.

sour curdling was making it hard for him to breath, this situation
was too…

He whispered shakily.

face fell, her double eyelids blinking as she looked between the two
before she let out a shuddering breath and pulled the world out from
under Qui-Gon and Anakin. “I’m so sorry Master Qui-Gon, but
Obi-Wan’s mission… it went wrong… Obi-Wan is dead.” She
whispered out, big
fat tears appearing in her large eyes.

stared at her, hearing Anakin snap out denials at her but… that
headache, that headache that had been plaguing him for days that he
couldn’t quite figure out but brushed aside as exhaustion and lack
of fluids.

Qui-Gon shifted his shields to reach for the pairbond between himself
and Obi-Wan.


didn’t notice himself fall, didn’t feel himself hit his already
tender knees on the temple hanger floor, didn’t hear either Bant or
Anakin cry out in alarm.

he could focus on… was the emptiness where Obi-Wan was suppose to
be, where he had been for the last four years since they initiated
the heart pairbond when Obi-Wan was thirty one and a fully fledged
knight well away from any influence Qui-Gon could have had on him so
no one could accuse them of indecency or Qui-Gon abusing the powers
he once had over Obi-Wan as his master.



is no body.

other knights on the same mission couldn’t retrieve the body.

two warring factions had unleashed an avalanche and while trying to
evacuate civilians Obi-Wan had been swept away.

they burn no body but hold a memorial yet as Qui-Gon leans heavily on
Anakin’s shoulder.

sixteen year old has been mute since they were told but has tuck to
Qui-Gon’s side like a bur, offering his silent and continued
support and Qui-Gon can not really say anything as he has not said
anything either.

be pulled from active missions for months, Qui-Gon knows this but it
is a numb feeling of knowing.

is standard practice however with bonded pair.

Obi-Wan’s former master and his heart bonded, his husband,
Qui-Gon should give his own speech but he can’t. It is too much for
his heart in this moment to stand and speak about Obi-Wan when the
pain spreads from his heart to every part of him and Qui-Gon knows
that the council is watching him, the mind healers are watching him,
is watching him but he can not bring himself to care.

Obi-Wan is not watching him.

raising the hand not on Anakin’s shoulder, Qui-Gon fisted it in his
tunic above his heart.


does not occur to anyone that Obi-Wan gets found after the avalanche.

does not occur to anyone that Obi-Wan gets settled in a wooden box as
is the traditions of the planet.

for four years… Obi-Wan lays dead in his wooden coffin.

QuiObi with dead Obi-Wan?

only just stepped off the ship when an unsettling feeling shivers
down Qui-Gon’s spine, his aching hand clenching on his bag strap as
he glances at his equally tired teenage padawan, Anakin dragging his
feet as he follows beside Qui-Gon.

tries to shake it.

mission stress, it was a hard one, especially on Anakin as they
encountered a child smuggling slavery ring and its strained them

are both in requirement of sleep, of
showers or outright baths. They
both need food and Force Qui-Gon needs to cuddle with Obi-Wan because
honestly this mission has been crap.

thought makes him pause, headache throbbing at his temple that seems
to be growing.

shiver comes back even stronger and Anakin looks up at him, blinking
in confusion and opening his mouth only to be cut off as a female
voice calls for Qui-Gon.

Qui-Gon blinked as he saw Knight Bant, one of Obi-Wan’s knight

shiver was full blast back, fear curdling in his stomach as she raced
over to him with glossy eyes, the sign of tears on a mon calamari.
“Master Qui-Gon!” She paused in front of her, slightly out of
breath as she tried to gather it. Then she hesitated, staring up at
him with large eyes for several long minutes, seemingly floundering
for words.

sour curdling was making it hard for him to breath, this situation
was too…

He whispered shakily.

face fell, her double eyelids blinking as she looked between the two
before she let out a shuddering breath and pulled the world out from
under Qui-Gon and Anakin. “I’m so sorry Master Qui-Gon, but
Obi-Wan’s mission… it went wrong… Obi-Wan is dead.” She
whispered out, big
fat tears appearing in her large eyes.

stared at her, hearing Anakin snap out denials at her but… that
headache, that headache that had been plaguing him for days that he
couldn’t quite figure out but brushed aside as exhaustion and lack
of fluids.

Qui-Gon shifted his shields to reach for the pairbond between himself
and Obi-Wan.


didn’t notice himself fall, didn’t feel himself hit his already
tender knees on the temple hanger floor, didn’t hear either Bant or
Anakin cry out in alarm.

he could focus on… was the emptiness where Obi-Wan was suppose to
be, where he had been for the last four years since they initiated
the heart pairbond when Obi-Wan was thirty one and a fully fledged
knight well away from any influence Qui-Gon could have had on him so
no one could accuse them of indecency or Qui-Gon abusing the powers
he once had over Obi-Wan as his master.



is no body.

other knights on the same mission couldn’t retrieve the body.

two warring factions had unleashed an avalanche and while trying to
evacuate civilians Obi-Wan had been swept away.

they burn no body but hold a memorial yet as Qui-Gon leans heavily on
Anakin’s shoulder.

sixteen year old has been mute since they were told but has tuck to
Qui-Gon’s side like a bur, offering his silent and continued
support and Qui-Gon can not really say anything as he has not said
anything either.

be pulled from active missions for months, Qui-Gon knows this but it
is a numb feeling of knowing.

is standard practice however with bonded pair.

Obi-Wan’s former master and his heart bonded, his husband,
Qui-Gon should give his own speech but he can’t. It is too much for
his heart in this moment to stand and speak about Obi-Wan when the
pain spreads from his heart to every part of him and Qui-Gon knows
that the council is watching him, the mind healers are watching him,
is watching him but he can not bring himself to care.

Obi-Wan is not watching him.

raising the hand not on Anakin’s shoulder, Qui-Gon fisted it in his
tunic above his heart.


does not occur to anyone that Obi-Wan gets found after the avalanche.

does not occur to anyone that Obi-Wan gets settled in a wooden box as
is the traditions of the planet.

for four years… Obi-Wan lays dead in his wooden coffin.

So I saw that latest murderhusband prompt and I’m wondering what happens next! And what happens with Padmé and the twins? Also we haven’t seen Ahsoka, Rex, or Cody in murderhusband yet. What do they think of the whole thing? Personally I’m hoping for a happy ending. :)

the cup of dark hot chocolate into Anakin’s trembling hands,
Obi-Wan gently stroked the curls out of the blonds face as he sniffed
and gave a little cough. Qui-Gon tucked his arm around the blond a
bit more, a silent comfort on one side of the couch as Obi-Wan sat
down on the other side of Anakin as the recently Fallen Jedi slowly
sipped at the dark chocolate Obi-Wan made for him.

Neither had tried
to force an answer out of Anakin as they knew nothing good would come
from it and had instead dragged him inside to their private apartment
of the Serenno palace of the Count.

Obi-Wan was pretty
sure Dooku had seen them but happily he had left them be.

Anakin had allowed
himself to be manhandled onto a couch, seemingly deflated where he
sat curled against Qui-Gon’s side as Obi-Wan quickly made a cup of
dark, hot chocolate for him to nurse.

But now came the
questions as to what had happened, how in Force name had Anakin…

Obi-Wan wasn’t
sure he wanted to know actually even as he gently stroked blond curls
while watching Anakin sip the hot chocolate, golden orbs focused in
the dark liquid.

pregnant.” He suddenly whispered.

Obi-Wan tensed
before slowly breathing out. “Alright. Congratulation Anakin.” He
whispered, smiling softly when his former padawan looked at him with
a surprised but pleased look.

Smiling shyly,
Anakin shrugged. “We didn’t plan it but… well she’s… and
we… but the council and Palpatine are playing tug-a-war with me.
And I keep dreaming about Padme…” His breath hitched hard.

Qui-Gon rubbed his
large hand along Anakin’s spine, rumbling deeply. “A vision?”
He questioned, eyes narrowed as yellow was bleeding out of Anakin’s

“I don’t know.”
Anakin whispered brokenly. “But its like when I dreamed about mom
and she… she died.”

Wincing with guilt
over Shmi’s death, Obi-Wan reached out and cupped Anakin’s face
in his hands, pulling him to face Obi-Wan once again so they could
press their foreheads together. Anakin stared at him with tired eyes
that flickered between yellow and blue as he sniffled slightly.

“I don’t want
Padme to die… I wanna raise our kid with her.” Anakin confessed
in a choked voice. “I wanna be happy with Padme and visit you and
be called dad… Obi-Wan I don’t know what to do.” He sobbed.

Qui-Gon stole the
cup before nodding, allowing Obi-Wan to drag Anakin into his lap as
the redhead crooned at the blond, rocking slowly as his sobs once
again grew in volume.

Meanwhile Qui-Gon
carefully got to his feet and moved on silent steps to the kitchen,
setting the half drunk cup aside before activating his comms and
calling a safe line, waiting as he listened to Anakin’s
heartbreaking sobs.

Finally the comm
was picked up.

“Commander Cody

Qui-Gon let a smirk
curl his lips. “Commander, it seems we have a gamma situation on
our hands, we need to push our plans a bit quicker into action.” He
drawled, glancing back to the couch to find Obi-Wan staring at him
with wide eyes. At that he softened his smile and gently stroked
their bond connection, silently responding to the fear Obi-Wan had
suddenly projected at him even as he tried to comfort Anakin with all
he could.

No, Cody had never
betrayed Obi-Wan, had only started working with Qui-Gon after Obi-Wan
had given into the bond because the commander cared for his General
as much as he did for his vode and it wouldn’t surprise Qui-Gon if
Cody and the rest of the 211th considered Obi-Wan part of
their makeshift clone family.

A look of relief
covered Obi-Wan’s face before he focused back on Anakin, murmuring
quiet nonsense to sooth him while the Sith went back to the comm.

“I see sir. A
gamma situation? Does that mean plan beta will be initiated?” Cody
questioned, his voice a cool edge.

Pressing his lips
together, Qui-Gon watched Anakin’s shuddering body, watched his
grandpadawan shaking body and felt his raw emotions warp the air with
despair. “I would prefer the alpha plan however if that is not
ready… then we will go with the beta plan. Can alpha plan be

There was silence,
the sound of Cody’s breathing and Anakin and Obi-Wan’s voices the
only thing filling the air.

“We have a Rooze
disease strain.” Cody finally said.

Qui-Gon felt the
urge to bark out a laugh but instead let out a hum. “Well then…
give him it. Plan Alpha it is.” He smiled at the wall, knew Obi-Wan
could feel the vindictive pleasure he had at the order.

But Palpatine had
gone too far.

Oh Qui-Gon knew
very well who would be threatening Padme life, knew he wanted to
isolate Anakin…

Qui-Gon would not
allow it.

Not his

So I saw that latest murderhusband prompt and I’m wondering what happens next! And what happens with Padmé and the twins? Also we haven’t seen Ahsoka, Rex, or Cody in murderhusband yet. What do they think of the whole thing? Personally I’m hoping for a happy ending. :)

the cup of dark hot chocolate into Anakin’s trembling hands,
Obi-Wan gently stroked the curls out of the blonds face as he sniffed
and gave a little cough. Qui-Gon tucked his arm around the blond a
bit more, a silent comfort on one side of the couch as Obi-Wan sat
down on the other side of Anakin as the recently Fallen Jedi slowly
sipped at the dark chocolate Obi-Wan made for him.

Neither had tried
to force an answer out of Anakin as they knew nothing good would come
from it and had instead dragged him inside to their private apartment
of the Serenno palace of the Count.

Obi-Wan was pretty
sure Dooku had seen them but happily he had left them be.

Anakin had allowed
himself to be manhandled onto a couch, seemingly deflated where he
sat curled against Qui-Gon’s side as Obi-Wan quickly made a cup of
dark, hot chocolate for him to nurse.

But now came the
questions as to what had happened, how in Force name had Anakin…

Obi-Wan wasn’t
sure he wanted to know actually even as he gently stroked blond curls
while watching Anakin sip the hot chocolate, golden orbs focused in
the dark liquid.

pregnant.” He suddenly whispered.

Obi-Wan tensed
before slowly breathing out. “Alright. Congratulation Anakin.” He
whispered, smiling softly when his former padawan looked at him with
a surprised but pleased look.

Smiling shyly,
Anakin shrugged. “We didn’t plan it but… well she’s… and
we… but the council and Palpatine are playing tug-a-war with me.
And I keep dreaming about Padme…” His breath hitched hard.

Qui-Gon rubbed his
large hand along Anakin’s spine, rumbling deeply. “A vision?”
He questioned, eyes narrowed as yellow was bleeding out of Anakin’s

“I don’t know.”
Anakin whispered brokenly. “But its like when I dreamed about mom
and she… she died.”

Wincing with guilt
over Shmi’s death, Obi-Wan reached out and cupped Anakin’s face
in his hands, pulling him to face Obi-Wan once again so they could
press their foreheads together. Anakin stared at him with tired eyes
that flickered between yellow and blue as he sniffled slightly.

“I don’t want
Padme to die… I wanna raise our kid with her.” Anakin confessed
in a choked voice. “I wanna be happy with Padme and visit you and
be called dad… Obi-Wan I don’t know what to do.” He sobbed.

Qui-Gon stole the
cup before nodding, allowing Obi-Wan to drag Anakin into his lap as
the redhead crooned at the blond, rocking slowly as his sobs once
again grew in volume.

Meanwhile Qui-Gon
carefully got to his feet and moved on silent steps to the kitchen,
setting the half drunk cup aside before activating his comms and
calling a safe line, waiting as he listened to Anakin’s
heartbreaking sobs.

Finally the comm
was picked up.

“Commander Cody

Qui-Gon let a smirk
curl his lips. “Commander, it seems we have a gamma situation on
our hands, we need to push our plans a bit quicker into action.” He
drawled, glancing back to the couch to find Obi-Wan staring at him
with wide eyes. At that he softened his smile and gently stroked
their bond connection, silently responding to the fear Obi-Wan had
suddenly projected at him even as he tried to comfort Anakin with all
he could.

No, Cody had never
betrayed Obi-Wan, had only started working with Qui-Gon after Obi-Wan
had given into the bond because the commander cared for his General
as much as he did for his vode and it wouldn’t surprise Qui-Gon if
Cody and the rest of the 211th considered Obi-Wan part of
their makeshift clone family.

A look of relief
covered Obi-Wan’s face before he focused back on Anakin, murmuring
quiet nonsense to sooth him while the Sith went back to the comm.

“I see sir. A
gamma situation? Does that mean plan beta will be initiated?” Cody
questioned, his voice a cool edge.

Pressing his lips
together, Qui-Gon watched Anakin’s shuddering body, watched his
grandpadawan shaking body and felt his raw emotions warp the air with
despair. “I would prefer the alpha plan however if that is not
ready… then we will go with the beta plan. Can alpha plan be

There was silence,
the sound of Cody’s breathing and Anakin and Obi-Wan’s voices the
only thing filling the air.

“We have a Rooze
disease strain.” Cody finally said.

Qui-Gon felt the
urge to bark out a laugh but instead let out a hum. “Well then…
give him it. Plan Alpha it is.” He smiled at the wall, knew Obi-Wan
could feel the vindictive pleasure he had at the order.

But Palpatine had
gone too far.

Oh Qui-Gon knew
very well who would be threatening Padme life, knew he wanted to
isolate Anakin…

Qui-Gon would not
allow it.

Not his

Murder husband- Anakin and Obi-Wan meet again. Lots of cuddles.

He can
breathe deeply, his lungs no longer feeling like there’s too little
oxygen around him as he takes breaths thanks to the healing Qui-Gon
has exposed him for.

makes it easier for Obi-Wan to move around Serenno, Qui-Gon trusting
him not to leave or interfere.

hard not to but…

wants to stay, he wants to be by Qui-Gon’s side and he’s so tired
of fighting the pull of the bond between them as he wishes to be held
by Qui-Gon and kept warm.

wants to feel happy and laugh as he used to with the older man and
sharing his bed…

Obi-Wan will admit anyone that asks him if he’s given in that yes,
he has. He’s weak but Obi-Wan has loved Qui-Gon for a long time and
the other had tiled his head up and promised him…

had promised that things would change for the better and for some
stupid reason, Obi-Wan believed the other was genuine in that desire,
that there would be a change and an end to the war currently ravaging
the galaxy.

just needed to… give in to him. Give in to the Force willed
lifebond that would eventually force them if they didn’t let it
occur naturally.

And to
be honest, Obi-Wan would rather let it be his own choice and happen
at his own pace.

So he
gave in.

He let
himself be weak and gave in.

least than it would be on his own terms instead of the Force.

And it
was good to be able to sit down on the outside of the mansion in the
sun to enjoy the soft breeze fluttering around, bringing the faint
scent of what smelled like a fruit orchid.

Qui-Gon would take him there?

would be nice to visit a fruit orchid not touched by the war and be
with Qui-Gon, maybe they could even have a picnic there?

would be lov- “OBI-WAN!”

flaring open in surprise and shock, Obi-Wan jerked to his feet at the
shout before yelping in utter delight as he was swept off his feet by
a blond missile who swung him around before wrapping him in a tight
hug, the taller man holding onto him trembling. “Anakin!” He

other Jedi was trembling, arm as tight as possible to a point where
it honestly ached a bit but Obi-Wan didn’t care at all as
he wrapped his arms around the other as tightly as possible in return
while muttering assurances and comfort to his former padawan.

ever do that again.” Anakin eventually hissed, settling Obi-Wan
down on his feet, resting their foreheads together while keeping his
arms around the shorter man. “I swear if you do I will… I will…
I will lock up all your teas and shove refuse to tell you where they
are for two weeks.” He swore.

faintly, Obi-Wan nodded, thinning his shields to gossamer threads for
Anakin to slip in, for the two to re-familiarize with each other as
they used to do.

a few moments, Anakin spoke again. “…You’re not coming home are
you?” He whispered.

the others shoulders, Obi-Wan made a low noise. “No, I’m staying
here. With Qui-Gon. I’m tired of running Anakin from something that
won’t be stopped and I’d rather do it on my own terms, because
there’s nothing that can break a Force willed lifebond short of
death.” He whispered.

at that, Anakin tightened his arms around the other, nestling him
against the blonds chest. “…Qui-Gon promised me I’d get to
visit any time I wanted to. He swore. I’m going to visit you often,
you hear me?” He said.

hoped you would, I could need a friendly face even if the Jedi Order
won’t know of me once they learn.” Obi-Wan laughed, on the verge
of a sob.

out shakily, Anakin just held his former master in the serene breeze
of Serenno. “Just stay safe
Obi-Wan, that’s all I ask for.”

Murder husband- Anakin and Obi-Wan meet again. Lots of cuddles.

He can
breathe deeply, his lungs no longer feeling like there’s too little
oxygen around him as he takes breaths thanks to the healing Qui-Gon
has exposed him for.

makes it easier for Obi-Wan to move around Serenno, Qui-Gon trusting
him not to leave or interfere.

hard not to but…

wants to stay, he wants to be by Qui-Gon’s side and he’s so tired
of fighting the pull of the bond between them as he wishes to be held
by Qui-Gon and kept warm.

wants to feel happy and laugh as he used to with the older man and
sharing his bed…

Obi-Wan will admit anyone that asks him if he’s given in that yes,
he has. He’s weak but Obi-Wan has loved Qui-Gon for a long time and
the other had tiled his head up and promised him…

had promised that things would change for the better and for some
stupid reason, Obi-Wan believed the other was genuine in that desire,
that there would be a change and an end to the war currently ravaging
the galaxy.

just needed to… give in to him. Give in to the Force willed
lifebond that would eventually force them if they didn’t let it
occur naturally.

And to
be honest, Obi-Wan would rather let it be his own choice and happen
at his own pace.

So he
gave in.

He let
himself be weak and gave in.

least than it would be on his own terms instead of the Force.

And it
was good to be able to sit down on the outside of the mansion in the
sun to enjoy the soft breeze fluttering around, bringing the faint
scent of what smelled like a fruit orchid.

Qui-Gon would take him there?

would be nice to visit a fruit orchid not touched by the war and be
with Qui-Gon, maybe they could even have a picnic there?

would be lov- “OBI-WAN!”

flaring open in surprise and shock, Obi-Wan jerked to his feet at the
shout before yelping in utter delight as he was swept off his feet by
a blond missile who swung him around before wrapping him in a tight
hug, the taller man holding onto him trembling. “Anakin!” He

other Jedi was trembling, arm as tight as possible to a point where
it honestly ached a bit but Obi-Wan didn’t care at all as
he wrapped his arms around the other as tightly as possible in return
while muttering assurances and comfort to his former padawan.

ever do that again.” Anakin eventually hissed, settling Obi-Wan
down on his feet, resting their foreheads together while keeping his
arms around the shorter man. “I swear if you do I will… I will…
I will lock up all your teas and shove refuse to tell you where they
are for two weeks.” He swore.

faintly, Obi-Wan nodded, thinning his shields to gossamer threads for
Anakin to slip in, for the two to re-familiarize with each other as
they used to do.

a few moments, Anakin spoke again. “…You’re not coming home are
you?” He whispered.

the others shoulders, Obi-Wan made a low noise. “No, I’m staying
here. With Qui-Gon. I’m tired of running Anakin from something that
won’t be stopped and I’d rather do it on my own terms, because
there’s nothing that can break a Force willed lifebond short of
death.” He whispered.

at that, Anakin tightened his arms around the other, nestling him
against the blonds chest. “…Qui-Gon promised me I’d get to
visit any time I wanted to. He swore. I’m going to visit you often,
you hear me?” He said.

hoped you would, I could need a friendly face even if the Jedi Order
won’t know of me once they learn.” Obi-Wan laughed, on the verge
of a sob.

out shakily, Anakin just held his former master in the serene breeze
of Serenno. “Just stay safe
Obi-Wan, that’s all I ask for.”

(Not sure if the prompt went through the first time) Qui-Gon has a soulbond with Obi-Wan that means he cannot form a full training bond with anyone else. Does he still request to train Anakin? What is the council’s reaction? Thank you for your writing!


something you do Qui-Gon.” Yoda’s ears twitched hard as Qui-Gon
stood there with his hands on Anakin’s shoulders, a frown on his
wrinkled face as he forewent formality. “A padawan you have. And a
soulbond. Ready your current padawan may be, but form another bond
you cannot.”

As the mans
padawan, Obi-Wan said nothing and kept his gaze on the tips of his
boots, hands clenched on own wrists and hidden by his robes.

“Anakin needs to
be trained.” Qui-Gon argued, more quietly at the reminder before
glancing at Obi-Wan and then back to Yoda. “And I may still be able
to form a second bond even with a soulbond, there are repor-”

“None which have
been confirmed.” Mace broke in.

“I wonder…”
Depa leaned back in her chair, watching Qui-Gon. “If your bondmate
feels overlooked. As your padawan he is forced to agree with you and
follow your lead…but as your bondmate…” She looked at Obi-Wan
who firmly kept his eyes on his boots still.

Qui-Gon jaw tensed
at that.

He would admit
that he could run rough shot over Obi-Wan at times since he was older
part and also the others master. And perhaps lately he had been
focused on his goal of getting Anakin into the Order but he
wouldn’t…they had worked on that right?

Obi-Wan would have
told him if he felt ignored?

After the soulbond
had become active at his padawans seventeenth birthday they had
WORKED on it…Obi-Wan would have told him, right?

‘…No he
wouldn’t have. Not as my padawan. And I haven’t given him my time
as a bondmate have I…’ He glanced at the other to find Obi-Wan’s
eyes not moving from those boots of his. But he had spent twelve
years with him, could spot the tenseness of the others shoulders,
could see the fine tremble of the others locked calves.

Obi-Wan was upset.

His hands tensed
on Anakin’s shoulders.


They are not going
to Naboo.

Obi-Wan is sure it
has something to do with the fact that he never once responded during
the whole Council meeting but he can’t bring himself to care as he
moves into their quarters and goes right for his old room.

Qui-Gon catches his elbow before he can reach the room however and
holds onto him, doesn’t let him leave. “Please.”

“…Now you want
to talk?” He mumbled, the bitterness of his voice catching even
himself off guard.

“Yes, I do. I’m
sorry, I should have done this earlier.” Qui-Gon carefully pulled
the other until Obi-Wan was standing in front of him, rubbing his
upper arms slowly.

Eyes firmly pinned
on the others broad chest, Obi-Wan pinched his lips together. “I
thought we agreed that you’d treat me like the adult I deserved to
be treated as and listen to me when it came to my visions even if you
don’t believe them?”

“We did, I’m
sorry Obi-Wan. I just was…caught up in…” Qui-Gon struggled to
put it into words.

“In Anakin.”
The redhead finally looked up, giving him a small glare. “I
understand your fascinating but you really went to far with that. Pod
race? Betting with him as a bonus? Taking his count without asking
either his mother or himself? Leaving his mother behind when he’s
clearly attached to her? He was former slave, there is so much that
could go wrong. I agree he needs training but why as a Jedi. Why
here. Why YOU?”

“No one else
were willing?” It came out as more of a question then a proper
answer and Qui-Gon inwardly winced at the weak answer, wondering
where his negotiation skills had gone.

“Oh right,
because you’ve talked to others about Anakin. No this is you
wanting to claim to be the master of the Chosen one. You KNEW they
wouldn’t agree. And now you’ve filled his head with ideas that
may be crushed, he’s just nine.” Obi-Wan looked away. “…And I
thought we were past the point where you try to leave me behind.”

Qui-Gon stared down at his padawan then wrapped him in his arms. “I
can only apologize for my behavior and promise to do better.”

“Don’t make
promises you won’t keep.” Obi-Wan growled out, tense in the
others arms.

Taking the braid,
he tickled gently at Obi-Wan’s nose with the soft strands to try
and lure a smile out of the other. “You won’t be my padawan for
much longer, I know that I…use it against you but soon it wont be a
thing I can use and you’d be my equal. The bond will…I mean…”
Qui-Gon sighed. “…I didn’t mean to hurt you again Obi-Wan.”

“You never MEAN
to, but you do. I’m sleeping in my old rooms tonight. Do whatever
you want.” Obi-Wan huffed, pulling away. “It shouldn’t be up to
me always to be the one to apologize and forgive. The soulbond won’t
go away. This is our lives. And I can’t always be the floor mat for

Qui-Gon sighed but
nodded. “I know. I know…I just…I’ll try to do better.”

“Master Yoda
says there is no try, good night Master Jinn.” Obi-Wan went to his
room, leaving Qui-Gon feeling bereft in the living room.

“I will
do better…”

(Not sure if the prompt went through the first time) Qui-Gon has a soulbond with Obi-Wan that means he cannot form a full training bond with anyone else. Does he still request to train Anakin? What is the council’s reaction? Thank you for your writing!


something you do Qui-Gon.” Yoda’s ears twitched hard as Qui-Gon
stood there with his hands on Anakin’s shoulders, a frown on his
wrinkled face as he forewent formality. “A padawan you have. And a
soulbond. Ready your current padawan may be, but form another bond
you cannot.”

As the mans
padawan, Obi-Wan said nothing and kept his gaze on the tips of his
boots, hands clenched on own wrists and hidden by his robes.

“Anakin needs to
be trained.” Qui-Gon argued, more quietly at the reminder before
glancing at Obi-Wan and then back to Yoda. “And I may still be able
to form a second bond even with a soulbond, there are repor-”

“None which have
been confirmed.” Mace broke in.

“I wonder…”
Depa leaned back in her chair, watching Qui-Gon. “If your bondmate
feels overlooked. As your padawan he is forced to agree with you and
follow your lead…but as your bondmate…” She looked at Obi-Wan
who firmly kept his eyes on his boots still.

Qui-Gon jaw tensed
at that.

He would admit
that he could run rough shot over Obi-Wan at times since he was older
part and also the others master. And perhaps lately he had been
focused on his goal of getting Anakin into the Order but he
wouldn’t…they had worked on that right?

Obi-Wan would have
told him if he felt ignored?

After the soulbond
had become active at his padawans seventeenth birthday they had
WORKED on it…Obi-Wan would have told him, right?

‘…No he
wouldn’t have. Not as my padawan. And I haven’t given him my time
as a bondmate have I…’ He glanced at the other to find Obi-Wan’s
eyes not moving from those boots of his. But he had spent twelve
years with him, could spot the tenseness of the others shoulders,
could see the fine tremble of the others locked calves.

Obi-Wan was upset.

His hands tensed
on Anakin’s shoulders.


They are not going
to Naboo.

Obi-Wan is sure it
has something to do with the fact that he never once responded during
the whole Council meeting but he can’t bring himself to care as he
moves into their quarters and goes right for his old room.

Qui-Gon catches his elbow before he can reach the room however and
holds onto him, doesn’t let him leave. “Please.”

“…Now you want
to talk?” He mumbled, the bitterness of his voice catching even
himself off guard.

“Yes, I do. I’m
sorry, I should have done this earlier.” Qui-Gon carefully pulled
the other until Obi-Wan was standing in front of him, rubbing his
upper arms slowly.

Eyes firmly pinned
on the others broad chest, Obi-Wan pinched his lips together. “I
thought we agreed that you’d treat me like the adult I deserved to
be treated as and listen to me when it came to my visions even if you
don’t believe them?”

“We did, I’m
sorry Obi-Wan. I just was…caught up in…” Qui-Gon struggled to
put it into words.

“In Anakin.”
The redhead finally looked up, giving him a small glare. “I
understand your fascinating but you really went to far with that. Pod
race? Betting with him as a bonus? Taking his count without asking
either his mother or himself? Leaving his mother behind when he’s
clearly attached to her? He was former slave, there is so much that
could go wrong. I agree he needs training but why as a Jedi. Why
here. Why YOU?”

“No one else
were willing?” It came out as more of a question then a proper
answer and Qui-Gon inwardly winced at the weak answer, wondering
where his negotiation skills had gone.

“Oh right,
because you’ve talked to others about Anakin. No this is you
wanting to claim to be the master of the Chosen one. You KNEW they
wouldn’t agree. And now you’ve filled his head with ideas that
may be crushed, he’s just nine.” Obi-Wan looked away. “…And I
thought we were past the point where you try to leave me behind.”

Qui-Gon stared down at his padawan then wrapped him in his arms. “I
can only apologize for my behavior and promise to do better.”

“Don’t make
promises you won’t keep.” Obi-Wan growled out, tense in the
others arms.

Taking the braid,
he tickled gently at Obi-Wan’s nose with the soft strands to try
and lure a smile out of the other. “You won’t be my padawan for
much longer, I know that I…use it against you but soon it wont be a
thing I can use and you’d be my equal. The bond will…I mean…”
Qui-Gon sighed. “…I didn’t mean to hurt you again Obi-Wan.”

“You never MEAN
to, but you do. I’m sleeping in my old rooms tonight. Do whatever
you want.” Obi-Wan huffed, pulling away. “It shouldn’t be up to
me always to be the one to apologize and forgive. The soulbond won’t
go away. This is our lives. And I can’t always be the floor mat for

Qui-Gon sighed but
nodded. “I know. I know…I just…I’ll try to do better.”

“Master Yoda
says there is no try, good night Master Jinn.” Obi-Wan went to his
room, leaving Qui-Gon feeling bereft in the living room.

“I will
do better…”

ohmygoodness that new piece with obi-wan accidentally creating a soul bond with qui-gon is so good! can we get the next scene where they deal with what happened in the council chambers?

Watching Obi-Wan for a long moment, Qui-Gon finally sighed. “I know
I messed up Obi-Wan, but not speaking to me is not going to help
anything.” He offered quietly.

The fresh knight, and how could he not become a knight when he had
slayed a Sith, stopped what he was doing in the kitchen to finally
stare at him. “…I’m waiting.” He finally said before
returning to the thing out of Qui-Gon’s view.

Watching the other a few more moments, Qui-Gon sighed. “If I’m
going to apologize, I’m going to do it to your face. Not while
you’re hiding out in the kitchen and thinking I won’t really mean
it.” He rumbled deeply.

That got Obi-Wan to drop what sounded like a small knife onto the
board, reaching for a kitchen towel and clean his hands slowly.
“…So if I come over there and sit down on the couch, you’ll
start talking?” He murmured quietly.

“Yes.” Qui-Gon rumbled, watching the other and feeling the
uncertainty pulse through their soulbond.

But slowly Obi-Wan did walk away from what he was doing towards
Qui-Gon, sitting down on the furthest end from the older man.

He wasn’t scowling, wasn’t glaring but he was anxiously gnawing
on his bottom lip which made the pink flesh go swollen and plump.

Reaching out Qui-Gon settled his thumb below the others bottom lip
and pulled it away from his teeth. “… Stop that.” He smiled
gently before reaching down and taking the others hands, stroking the
pale callused hands. “And I apologize for what I did. I acted with
haste and without care and opened up a painful chasm between us. I
wanted to make the council listen to me but in my, I admit egocentric
rush, I instead hurt someone that is precious to me.” He slowly let
go off one hand and cupped Obi-Wan’s face with his hand, stroking
his cheek. “You, my very clever once pupil and now my soulbonded,
and I can only hope that you see that I am genuine in my repentance.”
He whispered.

And there Obi-Wan went back to nibbling on his lower lip but only for
a few moments before he sighed quietly and squeezed Qui-Gon’s hand
as he leaned into the one on his cheek. “I won’t say I’m not
upset and you’re going to have to earn your forgiveness but… I
believe you weren’t intentionally trying to be cruel.” He half
smiled. “And you rushing in when it comes to the council isn’t
exactly new.” He added.

Qui-Gon winced at that.

Obi-Wan settled his free hand on Qui-Gon’s knee. “Just please, no
more using me as a pawn between the council and you. No more just
throwing me aside in an attempt to get one up on them. No more just
discarding my thoughts and emotions Qui-Gon. We’re tied together
for life now and I want this to be…” He let his words trail off.

“Healthy?” Qui-Gon added softly, smiling when Obi-Wan gave a slow
nod. “I want that too, I want this to work out and not be a
constant state of agitation and pain. I can’t promise to change my
behavior on the drop but… I will be more conscious of you, that I
can promise.” He leaned in slowly and pressed their foreheads
together. “Forgive this foolish old man this time?” He whispered.

Slowly, like the sun peeking out behind a rain cloud, Obi-Wan smiled
and pressed back gently. “Forgiven Qui-Gon.” He whispered back.

Force, this touch felt more intimate then any kiss or sexual
encounter Qui-Gon had ever had and he nuzzled their noses together