Hello moddy, I have ben rereading Slowlyblooming, and I really wish you would be kind and continue it, but I don’t know how. Maybe some more scenes with BBani and fresh omega knight obi, or ani’s reaction to people being interested in obi (his brother), or maybe some clone/obi with ani’s reaction :) I don’t know if it is possible since it is kind of old, but I hope you can <3 <3

Looking around with
a disturbed expression, Anakin wrapped his arms around himself in an
attempt to ward off his sense of unease.

But the room wasn’t
helping at all.

Going down into the
basement of the house in search of clues with his master he had not
expected to find this and Obi-Wan’s face was not helping him feel
any better.

Every spare piece
of wall was covered in images of the missing woman they were looking
for, her smiling or frowning or oblivious face plastered everywhere
except for some shelves and a table with items covering them.

It was clear she
had no idea the images were being taken.

Disturbingly enough
one of them was a clearly used pair of underwear held up in a gravity

“Take a good look
around padawan,” Obi-Wan said, his face tight and his scent sour.
“This is a cowards shrine to possession. Not love, never love.
Never brave enough to approach and speak to her but still demanding
her attention and her space by invading it.” He said tightly while
gesturing to the multitude of images covering the walls and the table
filled with items that could only either belong to her or have been
touched by her.

The young man
swallowed heavily and pressed closer to Obi-Wan’s side, rubbing his
own arms as he pressed into him, trying to provide comfort and hoping
the acrid smell lessened somewhat. “Do you think this guy took him?
The miner who owns this house?” He whispered, surprised at how
hoarse his voice came out.

Pursing his lips,
Obi-Wan wrapped his arm around Anakin’s shoulders. “Maybe but
stalkers are dangerous and unpredictable and he seemed to be utterly
loosing it around the edges now that he can’t fill his obsession to
see her. You saw him, walking around, mumbling to himself while
watching her house.”

Anakin nodded.

That was after all
why they had followed after him when he had gone home and snuck in
when he left because of the miners suspicious behavior. Glancing
about, he swallowed again, “What do we do about all of this?”

“We call the
local law. Stalking is against the law and he is clearly stalking our
missing Senator daughter.” Obi-Wan sighed.

Anakin nodded,
following Obi-Wan as they headed up the stairs, Obi-Wan already
pulling his comm of his belt to indeed contact the local police and
inform them about the issue. A shudder went Anakin’s spine as his
brain superimposed Obi-Wan’s face onto the pictures downstairs and
the makeshift alters, changing the items to belong to Obi-Wan

He wondered if his
master had people like that around, stalkers.

The idea chilled
him to the bond simultaneously as it made his metaphorical hackles

The idea was just
so disturbing and it was still disturbing when they left the house to
the police, the chatter on their comms informing both Obi-Wan and
Anakin that the miner was being taken into custody at work. Anakin
still couldn’t quite get the sour scent of Obi-Wan’s displeasure
out of his nose as he clung to the others hand, telling him that
Obi-Wan was still affected.

He tugged lightly
on his master’s hand, waiting until the other was looking down at
him as busy people passed around them on the street. “How about we
go and eat Master? I see a pancake house over there.” Anakin said

Obi-Wan hesitated,
knowing their mission took priority.

“We know this is
Miss Grona’s local community, she may have gone to the pancake
house and we could maybe pick up a lead there but regardless we do
need fuel to work, food and drink master.” Anakin cajoled as
sweetly as he could.

A reluctant smile
started at the corners of Obi-Wan mouth and before he could stop it,
Obi-Wan was smiling fully, fond and warm down at Anakin as he squeezed his
padawan’s hand before playfully tugging on his braid with his other
hand. “You and your pancakes,” He chuckled. “Oh alright, you
win, we can go get pancakes, get some food into us but we’re going
right back to work after and I will be talking with the waiter or
waitress that serves us if I can.” He said sternly, still smiling.

Anakin just nodded
eagerly, following his master and brother towards the pancake house,
the acrid smell finally gone from the omegas scent.

Only Obi-Wan’s
clean and sweet scent remained.

Hello moddy, I have ben rereading Slowlyblooming, and I really wish you would be kind and continue it, but I don’t know how. Maybe some more scenes with BBani and fresh omega knight obi, or ani’s reaction to people being interested in obi (his brother), or maybe some clone/obi with ani’s reaction :) I don’t know if it is possible since it is kind of old, but I hope you can <3 <3

Looking around with
a disturbed expression, Anakin wrapped his arms around himself in an
attempt to ward off his sense of unease.

But the room wasn’t
helping at all.

Going down into the
basement of the house in search of clues with his master he had not
expected to find this and Obi-Wan’s face was not helping him feel
any better.

Every spare piece
of wall was covered in images of the missing woman they were looking
for, her smiling or frowning or oblivious face plastered everywhere
except for some shelves and a table with items covering them.

It was clear she
had no idea the images were being taken.

Disturbingly enough
one of them was a clearly used pair of underwear held up in a gravity

“Take a good look
around padawan,” Obi-Wan said, his face tight and his scent sour.
“This is a cowards shrine to possession. Not love, never love.
Never brave enough to approach and speak to her but still demanding
her attention and her space by invading it.” He said tightly while
gesturing to the multitude of images covering the walls and the table
filled with items that could only either belong to her or have been
touched by her.

The young man
swallowed heavily and pressed closer to Obi-Wan’s side, rubbing his
own arms as he pressed into him, trying to provide comfort and hoping
the acrid smell lessened somewhat. “Do you think this guy took him?
The miner who owns this house?” He whispered, surprised at how
hoarse his voice came out.

Pursing his lips,
Obi-Wan wrapped his arm around Anakin’s shoulders. “Maybe but
stalkers are dangerous and unpredictable and he seemed to be utterly
loosing it around the edges now that he can’t fill his obsession to
see her. You saw him, walking around, mumbling to himself while
watching her house.”

Anakin nodded.

That was after all
why they had followed after him when he had gone home and snuck in
when he left because of the miners suspicious behavior. Glancing
about, he swallowed again, “What do we do about all of this?”

“We call the
local law. Stalking is against the law and he is clearly stalking our
missing Senator daughter.” Obi-Wan sighed.

Anakin nodded,
following Obi-Wan as they headed up the stairs, Obi-Wan already
pulling his comm of his belt to indeed contact the local police and
inform them about the issue. A shudder went Anakin’s spine as his
brain superimposed Obi-Wan’s face onto the pictures downstairs and
the makeshift alters, changing the items to belong to Obi-Wan

He wondered if his
master had people like that around, stalkers.

The idea chilled
him to the bond simultaneously as it made his metaphorical hackles

The idea was just
so disturbing and it was still disturbing when they left the house to
the police, the chatter on their comms informing both Obi-Wan and
Anakin that the miner was being taken into custody at work. Anakin
still couldn’t quite get the sour scent of Obi-Wan’s displeasure
out of his nose as he clung to the others hand, telling him that
Obi-Wan was still affected.

He tugged lightly
on his master’s hand, waiting until the other was looking down at
him as busy people passed around them on the street. “How about we
go and eat Master? I see a pancake house over there.” Anakin said

Obi-Wan hesitated,
knowing their mission took priority.

“We know this is
Miss Grona’s local community, she may have gone to the pancake
house and we could maybe pick up a lead there but regardless we do
need fuel to work, food and drink master.” Anakin cajoled as
sweetly as he could.

A reluctant smile
started at the corners of Obi-Wan mouth and before he could stop it,
Obi-Wan was smiling fully, fond and warm down at Anakin as he squeezed his
padawan’s hand before playfully tugging on his braid with his other
hand. “You and your pancakes,” He chuckled. “Oh alright, you
win, we can go get pancakes, get some food into us but we’re going
right back to work after and I will be talking with the waiter or
waitress that serves us if I can.” He said sternly, still smiling.

Anakin just nodded
eagerly, following his master and brother towards the pancake house,
the acrid smell finally gone from the omegas scent.

Only Obi-Wan’s
clean and sweet scent remained.

Hi Moddy I hope you’re well :) I had prompted something a while ago but I’m not sure if it got eaten. It was for slowlyblooming, I’d love to see Ani’s reaction to Obi showing interest in an alpha (even just casual hey look (s)he’s really cute). I was interested in Quinlan Vos being the alpha but it’s up to you and who you think would fit best. Thank you Moddy and if you’d gotten this already and didn’t like it sorry for the repeat and please ignore this. Have a great night/day!

Glancing at his
master, Anakin stiffened when he saw the other seemed to be utterly
entranced by Quinlan Vos and the way the man was flexing his muscles
while sparring with Aayla. Now Anakin wasn’t Obi-Wan’s alpha, far
from it but he was his master and… well…

Ever since Obi-Wan
presented he had been very protective of the other, remembering the
tears on the others face as he sobbed his way through a painful heat
with no relief far from the temple in a room where everything was
unfamiliar and unsafe for the omegas instincts.

So it was only
natural that Anakin was reacting to the fact that Obi-Wan was showing
even a passing interest in any alpha.

Slowly he shifted
out of his stance and tugged on the others sleeve, teeth gritted when
the other jumped a bit and turned wide eyes on Anakin before flushing
deeply which was followed by Obi-Wan rubbing his neck. “Apologies
Anakin, I was…”

“I know what you
were doing.” Anakin noted a bit dryly, trying to keep his tone even
before nodding towards the door. “We should leave.”

Watching Obi-Wan
glance back at Quinlan, Anakin’s stomach squirmed uncomfortably.

“Master, are you…
that is are you interested in Knight Vos?” He questioned quietly,
biting at his lips.

Flushing at the
question, Obi-Wan rubbed the back of his neck bashfully. “Well he
is a handsome man but not in the way you’re thinking Anakin. Its
just… heat gets lonely.” He confessed quietly to his padawan and
brother in all but blood. “And painful sometimes and I was just…”
He sighed.

Blinking at that,
Anakin slid his arm around Obi-Wan’s shoulders. “You want someone
to help you through it.” He concluded.

That gained him a
small nod and Obi-Wan glancing up at him. “Don’t think too badly
of me Anakin but Vos is an old friend, he would help me and not
expect… well I’m not looking for a steady relationship right now
and I don’t think he would be my alpha but we’re compatible
enough for him to ease my heat and as my friend he’d be happy to
fill in for it.” He sighed quietly.

“He’d be stupid
not to.” Anakin snorted and squeezed the other to his side, taking
note of how much taller he was getting then Obi-Wan. At the omegas
look he hastened to explain. “Its just that everyone thinks you’re
beautiful master, I haven’t meet an alpha yet who doesn’t at
least find your scent, looks or wits attractive.” He added.

“You flatter me
Anakin.” Obi-Wan chortled quietly, ears and cheeks flushing

“Not really, I’m
being honest. You’re an attractive man Obi-Wan and those who don’t
find your looks to pipe their interest find your mind to be your best
feature. Others enjoy your scent.” Anakin shrugged a bit, a small
flush on his cheek.

Raising his brow,
Obi-Wan smiled a bit at him. “Is that why you always try to rub
your scent all over me when we leave the temple?” He teased.

Smiling wryly and
squeezing his arm around the others shoulders again, Anakin nodded.
“I don’t like it when they get like that about you. You’re
usually there to do a job, you’re not there for them to… well
yeah.” The padawan sighed. “…Does it bother you?” He
questioned in a small voice.

“Not… bother.”
Obi-Wan hummed. “But I do hope you understand I’m able to protect

Wrinkling his nose
at that, Anakin nodded quickly. “Of course I do. That doesn’t
mean I don’t want to do my part for you. You’re… dear to me,
you’re pack.” He huffed.

Smiling softly at
that, Obi-Wan gently bumped his head against the others shoulder. “Oh
dear one, sweetheart you are.” He chuckled softly as Anakin blushed
in obvious pleasure at the term of endearment.

Hi Moddy I hope you’re well :) I had prompted something a while ago but I’m not sure if it got eaten. It was for slowlyblooming, I’d love to see Ani’s reaction to Obi showing interest in an alpha (even just casual hey look (s)he’s really cute). I was interested in Quinlan Vos being the alpha but it’s up to you and who you think would fit best. Thank you Moddy and if you’d gotten this already and didn’t like it sorry for the repeat and please ignore this. Have a great night/day!

Glancing at his
master, Anakin stiffened when he saw the other seemed to be utterly
entranced by Quinlan Vos and the way the man was flexing his muscles
while sparring with Aayla. Now Anakin wasn’t Obi-Wan’s alpha, far
from it but he was his master and… well…

Ever since Obi-Wan
presented he had been very protective of the other, remembering the
tears on the others face as he sobbed his way through a painful heat
with no relief far from the temple in a room where everything was
unfamiliar and unsafe for the omegas instincts.

So it was only
natural that Anakin was reacting to the fact that Obi-Wan was showing
even a passing interest in any alpha.

Slowly he shifted
out of his stance and tugged on the others sleeve, teeth gritted when
the other jumped a bit and turned wide eyes on Anakin before flushing
deeply which was followed by Obi-Wan rubbing his neck. “Apologies
Anakin, I was…”

“I know what you
were doing.” Anakin noted a bit dryly, trying to keep his tone even
before nodding towards the door. “We should leave.”

Watching Obi-Wan
glance back at Quinlan, Anakin’s stomach squirmed uncomfortably.

“Master, are you…
that is are you interested in Knight Vos?” He questioned quietly,
biting at his lips.

Flushing at the
question, Obi-Wan rubbed the back of his neck bashfully. “Well he
is a handsome man but not in the way you’re thinking Anakin. Its
just… heat gets lonely.” He confessed quietly to his padawan and
brother in all but blood. “And painful sometimes and I was just…”
He sighed.

Blinking at that,
Anakin slid his arm around Obi-Wan’s shoulders. “You want someone
to help you through it.” He concluded.

That gained him a
small nod and Obi-Wan glancing up at him. “Don’t think too badly
of me Anakin but Vos is an old friend, he would help me and not
expect… well I’m not looking for a steady relationship right now
and I don’t think he would be my alpha but we’re compatible
enough for him to ease my heat and as my friend he’d be happy to
fill in for it.” He sighed quietly.

“He’d be stupid
not to.” Anakin snorted and squeezed the other to his side, taking
note of how much taller he was getting then Obi-Wan. At the omegas
look he hastened to explain. “Its just that everyone thinks you’re
beautiful master, I haven’t meet an alpha yet who doesn’t at
least find your scent, looks or wits attractive.” He added.

“You flatter me
Anakin.” Obi-Wan chortled quietly, ears and cheeks flushing

“Not really, I’m
being honest. You’re an attractive man Obi-Wan and those who don’t
find your looks to pipe their interest find your mind to be your best
feature. Others enjoy your scent.” Anakin shrugged a bit, a small
flush on his cheek.

Raising his brow,
Obi-Wan smiled a bit at him. “Is that why you always try to rub
your scent all over me when we leave the temple?” He teased.

Smiling wryly and
squeezing his arm around the others shoulders again, Anakin nodded.
“I don’t like it when they get like that about you. You’re
usually there to do a job, you’re not there for them to… well
yeah.” The padawan sighed. “…Does it bother you?” He
questioned in a small voice.

“Not… bother.”
Obi-Wan hummed. “But I do hope you understand I’m able to protect

Wrinkling his nose
at that, Anakin nodded quickly. “Of course I do. That doesn’t
mean I don’t want to do my part for you. You’re… dear to me,
you’re pack.” He huffed.

Smiling softly at
that, Obi-Wan gently bumped his head against the others shoulder. “Oh
dear one, sweetheart you are.” He chuckled softly as Anakin blushed
in obvious pleasure at the term of endearment.

(You have md addicted to omega obi wan, sorry for all the prompts 😂) Yoo wrote a couple of pieces where obi was an omega in a universe where omegas present late, and ani ended up being with him when he DID present, and you left it pretty vague in re. to ani’s designation. WHAT about him being an alpha, but instead of wanting obi as an omega he smells him and gets super protective? Palps says something wrong maybe and ani’s instantly on “protect omega brother/parent” mode

Obi-Wan eventually just sighed and shifted a bit, grunting at his
padawan. “So what do I owe the pleasure of having an alpha flop all
over me to rub their scent on me this time? I mean its not
like someones tried abducting me lately.” The man wiggled a bit and
smirking at Anakin as best he could.

Anakin just made a huffing noise and nuzzled into the chest of
Obi-Wan’s tunic while tightening his grasp on the other as if he
was scared Obi-Wan would just disappear into thin air somehow.

The sixteen year old had just stormed into their quarters and flopped
down, his aura exploding of protective alpha and some anger as he
rubbed his scent all over Obi-Wan. Not really an unusual occurrence
but it mostly happened on mission not that a sixteen year old alpha
was that intimidating to most pirates or slavers that tried to abduct
Obi-Wan or the Senators and guards that tried flirting with him.

But it was an instinct thing really.

Something Anakin was more then aware off and could be forgiving off
as he had his own unique instincts as an alpha that was much harder
for Anakin to figure out with so few omegas around.

Lifting one hand, Obi-Wan started to rub at the others spine steadily
and purred softly in reassurance as he would like to get up and
actually do stuff.

After what felt like about half an hour, Anakin finally seemed to
relax and sit up enough to let Obi-Wan sit up too, leaning against
his arm. “So?” Obi-Wan noted, smiling gently at him to encourage
an answer.

“Just…” Anakin huffed a bit then pressed his nose to Obi-Wan’s
arm. “…The Chancellor said something about royalty keeping omegas
locked up as concubines and how some Senator’s would pay a planet’s
ransom for you… it was just… it was upsetting for one.” He
shrugged a bit and looked at Obi-Wan with narrowed blue eyes. “They
can’t have you. You’re not a breeding mare, you’re a Jedi
knight and my master. You don’t even want kits.”

Obi-Wan let out a deep breath at that before gently capturing
Anakin’s hand and squeezing it. “One, thank you for telling me
Anakin, I know that must have been hard. Two, he’s not wrong
precisely. You know as well as I do that… well omegas aren’t
really all that common, some don’t reach adulthood even.” He
added carefully.

Anakin growled faintly, shifting closer.

Smiling meekly at that, Obi-Wan pulled the other closer and pressed a
soft kiss to the others forehead. “But they won’t get me Anakin,
I got you looking after me after all.” He teased gently. “I got
an alpha brother looking after me, don’t I?” He smiled at him.

Anakin stared at him before nodding firmly, smiling back at him.

Obi-Wan pulled his padawan close to him, tucking him beneath his chin
and nuzzling him faintly. “And you’re right. I don’t want kits,
I’m quite happy as I am right now.” He murmured quietly. “Being
a Jedi, fighting to make things better though I admit I wish we could
do more without the Senate being involved.” He sighed.

Petting his master’s knee gently, Anakin made a considering noise.
“…The Jedi order really can’t do anything without the approval
of the Senate, can it?” He mumbled.

“No… we’re too closely tied into the Senate for us to act on
our own.” Obi-Wan sighed again before pushing Anakin back and
getting up, smiling down at him. “Now, I’m going to go get
started on lunch. Join me if you have a mind.” He laughed, heading
for the kitchen.

Anakin made a startled noise then jogged after him. “I want spicy

(You have md addicted to omega obi wan, sorry for all the prompts 😂) Yoo wrote a couple of pieces where obi was an omega in a universe where omegas present late, and ani ended up being with him when he DID present, and you left it pretty vague in re. to ani’s designation. WHAT about him being an alpha, but instead of wanting obi as an omega he smells him and gets super protective? Palps says something wrong maybe and ani’s instantly on “protect omega brother/parent” mode

Obi-Wan eventually just sighed and shifted a bit, grunting at his
padawan. “So what do I owe the pleasure of having an alpha flop all
over me to rub their scent on me this time? I mean its not
like someones tried abducting me lately.” The man wiggled a bit and
smirking at Anakin as best he could.

Anakin just made a huffing noise and nuzzled into the chest of
Obi-Wan’s tunic while tightening his grasp on the other as if he
was scared Obi-Wan would just disappear into thin air somehow.

The sixteen year old had just stormed into their quarters and flopped
down, his aura exploding of protective alpha and some anger as he
rubbed his scent all over Obi-Wan. Not really an unusual occurrence
but it mostly happened on mission not that a sixteen year old alpha
was that intimidating to most pirates or slavers that tried to abduct
Obi-Wan or the Senators and guards that tried flirting with him.

But it was an instinct thing really.

Something Anakin was more then aware off and could be forgiving off
as he had his own unique instincts as an alpha that was much harder
for Anakin to figure out with so few omegas around.

Lifting one hand, Obi-Wan started to rub at the others spine steadily
and purred softly in reassurance as he would like to get up and
actually do stuff.

After what felt like about half an hour, Anakin finally seemed to
relax and sit up enough to let Obi-Wan sit up too, leaning against
his arm. “So?” Obi-Wan noted, smiling gently at him to encourage
an answer.

“Just…” Anakin huffed a bit then pressed his nose to Obi-Wan’s
arm. “…The Chancellor said something about royalty keeping omegas
locked up as concubines and how some Senator’s would pay a planet’s
ransom for you… it was just… it was upsetting for one.” He
shrugged a bit and looked at Obi-Wan with narrowed blue eyes. “They
can’t have you. You’re not a breeding mare, you’re a Jedi
knight and my master. You don’t even want kits.”

Obi-Wan let out a deep breath at that before gently capturing
Anakin’s hand and squeezing it. “One, thank you for telling me
Anakin, I know that must have been hard. Two, he’s not wrong
precisely. You know as well as I do that… well omegas aren’t
really all that common, some don’t reach adulthood even.” He
added carefully.

Anakin growled faintly, shifting closer.

Smiling meekly at that, Obi-Wan pulled the other closer and pressed a
soft kiss to the others forehead. “But they won’t get me Anakin,
I got you looking after me after all.” He teased gently. “I got
an alpha brother looking after me, don’t I?” He smiled at him.

Anakin stared at him before nodding firmly, smiling back at him.

Obi-Wan pulled his padawan close to him, tucking him beneath his chin
and nuzzling him faintly. “And you’re right. I don’t want kits,
I’m quite happy as I am right now.” He murmured quietly. “Being
a Jedi, fighting to make things better though I admit I wish we could
do more without the Senate being involved.” He sighed.

Petting his master’s knee gently, Anakin made a considering noise.
“…The Jedi order really can’t do anything without the approval
of the Senate, can it?” He mumbled.

“No… we’re too closely tied into the Senate for us to act on
our own.” Obi-Wan sighed again before pushing Anakin back and
getting up, smiling down at him. “Now, I’m going to go get
started on lunch. Join me if you have a mind.” He laughed, heading
for the kitchen.

Anakin made a startled noise then jogged after him. “I want spicy

BB!Ani in slowlyblooming was so cute… can we have more of him & Obi? Maybe when they get questioned by the healers after getting back to the temple?

Putting the blood sample into the analyzer, Mira hummed thoughtfully.
“I have to admit, you picked a lousy point to hit full presentation
but congratulation Knight Kenobi.” The healer offered, giving him a

It served to make Obi-Wan give a dour look in return. “Picking
indicates I had a choice.” He muttered dryly even as he continued
pulling his clothes on properly. Behind the examination table, Anakin
sat on one of the chairs suited against the wall, swinging his legs
back and forth slowly while watching both his master and the healer.

Laughing quietly, the rodian nodded. “Yes, yes, true. But
considering the circumstances of your presenting, you seem to be in
full health with nothing going wrong. You don’t seem to have
contracted a heat instability nor have you been bonded to an outside
force which is only a good thing.” She turned back to her console
when it pinged.

“That’s thanks to Anakin, my padawan looked after me and ensured
I drank and ate for the… entire affair.” Obi-Wan sighed, cheeks
turning pale pink as he tried not to be embarrassed.

It was only nature after all.

…Horrible, sticky nature… ugh.

“I kept the door locked.” Anakin chirped happily then smiled at
his master when Obi-Wan sent him a little grateful smile.

“Yes you did Anakin and while I’m sorry that you had to see me in
such a state, I’m grateful for what you did for me and for sticking
close to me even though I’m mortified you saw me like that.” He
noted with much warmth, unable to express just how indebted he felt
to Anakin for his help and nonjudgmental attitude to the entire

Mira made a clicking noise with her tongue at that. “Interesting…”
She mused, rubbing her chin while narrowing her galaxy sparkled blue
eyes at them.

“What?” Obi-Wan tied his obi in place to keep his tunics closed.

“Well, you hadn’t mentioned that earlier but it does indicate
that Anakin will not be a beta when he eventually presents.” She
chuckled, glancing at the terminal for the readout and nodding in
satisfaction. “And your blood test has come out positive too. We’ll
be giving you the standard omega immunization shots now that you’ve
presented and try the standard suppressors unless they prove to have
any side effects for you.” She reached for the right vials and a
hypospray to prepare it.

Sitting back down when the healer said that, Obi-Wan pulled his
sleeve up for the hypospray she would set. “And what does it
indicate then?” He glanced at Anakin who tilted his head curiously

“Well.” Mira grinned at Anakin. “His behavior in caring for you
indicates that he could be an omega, seeking to protect a fellow
omega by keeping the door locked and ensuring you have food and
water. But his desire to remain close to you can also indicate an
alpha. He could go either way, but a beta would not be as attuned as
you insinuate that he was to the actual heat you were in.” She
swabbed the injection site with a disinfected ball of cotton.

Grunting a bit as the hypo was set, Obi-Wan nodded slowly at that.
“Guess that makes sense… regardless, he’s my padawan.” He

Mira just laughed at that and handed Anakin a lolly from a jar,
giving him a wink when the blond accepted it. “For taking care of
your master so well oh great padawan.” She teased, setting down the

“Why thank you kind healer.” Anakin chirped happily and removed
the wrapper to stuff it into his mouth.

Obi-Wan shook his head, smiling as he pulled his sleeve back down.

What a silly padawan he had.

BB!Ani in slowlyblooming was so cute… can we have more of him & Obi? Maybe when they get questioned by the healers after getting back to the temple?

Putting the blood sample into the analyzer, Mira hummed thoughtfully.
“I have to admit, you picked a lousy point to hit full presentation
but congratulation Knight Kenobi.” The healer offered, giving him a

It served to make Obi-Wan give a dour look in return. “Picking
indicates I had a choice.” He muttered dryly even as he continued
pulling his clothes on properly. Behind the examination table, Anakin
sat on one of the chairs suited against the wall, swinging his legs
back and forth slowly while watching both his master and the healer.

Laughing quietly, the rodian nodded. “Yes, yes, true. But
considering the circumstances of your presenting, you seem to be in
full health with nothing going wrong. You don’t seem to have
contracted a heat instability nor have you been bonded to an outside
force which is only a good thing.” She turned back to her console
when it pinged.

“That’s thanks to Anakin, my padawan looked after me and ensured
I drank and ate for the… entire affair.” Obi-Wan sighed, cheeks
turning pale pink as he tried not to be embarrassed.

It was only nature after all.

…Horrible, sticky nature… ugh.

“I kept the door locked.” Anakin chirped happily then smiled at
his master when Obi-Wan sent him a little grateful smile.

“Yes you did Anakin and while I’m sorry that you had to see me in
such a state, I’m grateful for what you did for me and for sticking
close to me even though I’m mortified you saw me like that.” He
noted with much warmth, unable to express just how indebted he felt
to Anakin for his help and nonjudgmental attitude to the entire

Mira made a clicking noise with her tongue at that. “Interesting…”
She mused, rubbing her chin while narrowing her galaxy sparkled blue
eyes at them.

“What?” Obi-Wan tied his obi in place to keep his tunics closed.

“Well, you hadn’t mentioned that earlier but it does indicate
that Anakin will not be a beta when he eventually presents.” She
chuckled, glancing at the terminal for the readout and nodding in
satisfaction. “And your blood test has come out positive too. We’ll
be giving you the standard omega immunization shots now that you’ve
presented and try the standard suppressors unless they prove to have
any side effects for you.” She reached for the right vials and a
hypospray to prepare it.

Sitting back down when the healer said that, Obi-Wan pulled his
sleeve up for the hypospray she would set. “And what does it
indicate then?” He glanced at Anakin who tilted his head curiously

“Well.” Mira grinned at Anakin. “His behavior in caring for you
indicates that he could be an omega, seeking to protect a fellow
omega by keeping the door locked and ensuring you have food and
water. But his desire to remain close to you can also indicate an
alpha. He could go either way, but a beta would not be as attuned as
you insinuate that he was to the actual heat you were in.” She
swabbed the injection site with a disinfected ball of cotton.

Grunting a bit as the hypo was set, Obi-Wan nodded slowly at that.
“Guess that makes sense… regardless, he’s my padawan.” He

Mira just laughed at that and handed Anakin a lolly from a jar,
giving him a wink when the blond accepted it. “For taking care of
your master so well oh great padawan.” She teased, setting down the

“Why thank you kind healer.” Anakin chirped happily and removed
the wrapper to stuff it into his mouth.

Obi-Wan shook his head, smiling as he pulled his sleeve back down.

What a silly padawan he had.

So, idea that just came to mind, is that omegas don’t present until a later age than is typically written, say about 25 or something. Thus Obi-Wan experiences his first(maybe) heat after (maybe a few days or weeks after) Qui-Gon dies, how does Anakin react? This is totally up to you if you want to write it or not; but I love your stories anyways! Thanks!

Obi-Wan remembered the week after turning twenty.

They’d just come back from the outer rims, his master had been
reporting and Obi-Wan had frankly been dosing a bit beside the man,
just so exhausted and aching, in desperate need of a shower as he
struggled not to sway on his feet.

Until he noticed Master Mace watching him closely with a small frown
on his face.

That had brought him back to the council chamber and made him feel
small under the alphas confused look and obviously it had made his
master take notice because the man had stopped mid-word to question
what was going on.

“Forgive me master Qui-Gon but… your padawan just turned twenty,
did he not?” Mace rubbed his chin slowly.

Frowning, Qui-Gon nodded while glancing down at the man by his side.
“Yes. Obi-Wan did.”

It had been a nice birthday actually, Qui-Gon got him a slice of cake
and a pair of new red leather boots that fit Obi-Wan to the t.

“Yet he hasn’t…presented yet.” Mace continued, tone more

Each of the council members suddenly seemed more alert and Qui-Gon
stared at Mace before looking at Obi-Wan with a wide eyed look.

Obi-Wan just stared back. “…No?” He offered confusedly in the

He’d blame a tired mind but at the moment he hadn’t considered
the implications.

He hadn’t presented yet at the age of twenty.

Only omegas presented that late, their bodies needing the extra time
to adjust and evolve and a biological preventive measure from early

Their missions had suddenly taken a sharp left turn, certain planets
no longer inside their range while others were more welcoming. Places
where omegas and coming omegas were revered and others were they were
little more then bonded and barefoot.

It was the latter Obi-Wan was no longer going to.

And the temple around him had change too.

Not majorly but… well apparently as a coming omega there were…

He wasn’t required to bond or mate or give any pups but the
potential was there and it was one the Order would not deny him if he
was to fulfill.

Qui-Gon was quick to scare of anyone trying to frazzle him or force
his decisions though so that was something Obi-Wan would always be
grateful for.

Until he lost his master.

Until he was alone when he presented.

Well not utterly alone and wasn’t that just mortifying.

“Its okay master Obi-Wan.” Anakin tried to sooth him, sitting
beside him while offering him little bits of chocolate pieces as
Obi-Wan shuddered through the heat, feeling the ache, the slickness
and the need yet being unable to get what he needed. “I’ve been
around omegas in heat before, its okay if you’re embarrassed.”

Whimpering a bit, Obi-Wan only tugged the electrolyte drink closer to
him and sipped slowly, shivering harder.

What he wouldn’t give to be back in the temple… or with a master
who could put him in a partial coma until they got back to the

But nope, all Obi-Wan had was a young padawan, an emergency heat shot
from a medic on site to help him keep his mind, absorption pads and
some chocolate.

Great first heat…

So, idea that just came to mind, is that omegas don’t present until a later age than is typically written, say about 25 or something. Thus Obi-Wan experiences his first(maybe) heat after (maybe a few days or weeks after) Qui-Gon dies, how does Anakin react? This is totally up to you if you want to write it or not; but I love your stories anyways! Thanks!

Obi-Wan remembered the week after turning twenty.

They’d just come back from the outer rims, his master had been
reporting and Obi-Wan had frankly been dosing a bit beside the man,
just so exhausted and aching, in desperate need of a shower as he
struggled not to sway on his feet.

Until he noticed Master Mace watching him closely with a small frown
on his face.

That had brought him back to the council chamber and made him feel
small under the alphas confused look and obviously it had made his
master take notice because the man had stopped mid-word to question
what was going on.

“Forgive me master Qui-Gon but… your padawan just turned twenty,
did he not?” Mace rubbed his chin slowly.

Frowning, Qui-Gon nodded while glancing down at the man by his side.
“Yes. Obi-Wan did.”

It had been a nice birthday actually, Qui-Gon got him a slice of cake
and a pair of new red leather boots that fit Obi-Wan to the t.

“Yet he hasn’t…presented yet.” Mace continued, tone more

Each of the council members suddenly seemed more alert and Qui-Gon
stared at Mace before looking at Obi-Wan with a wide eyed look.

Obi-Wan just stared back. “…No?” He offered confusedly in the

He’d blame a tired mind but at the moment he hadn’t considered
the implications.

He hadn’t presented yet at the age of twenty.

Only omegas presented that late, their bodies needing the extra time
to adjust and evolve and a biological preventive measure from early

Their missions had suddenly taken a sharp left turn, certain planets
no longer inside their range while others were more welcoming. Places
where omegas and coming omegas were revered and others were they were
little more then bonded and barefoot.

It was the latter Obi-Wan was no longer going to.

And the temple around him had change too.

Not majorly but… well apparently as a coming omega there were…

He wasn’t required to bond or mate or give any pups but the
potential was there and it was one the Order would not deny him if he
was to fulfill.

Qui-Gon was quick to scare of anyone trying to frazzle him or force
his decisions though so that was something Obi-Wan would always be
grateful for.

Until he lost his master.

Until he was alone when he presented.

Well not utterly alone and wasn’t that just mortifying.

“Its okay master Obi-Wan.” Anakin tried to sooth him, sitting
beside him while offering him little bits of chocolate pieces as
Obi-Wan shuddered through the heat, feeling the ache, the slickness
and the need yet being unable to get what he needed. “I’ve been
around omegas in heat before, its okay if you’re embarrassed.”

Whimpering a bit, Obi-Wan only tugged the electrolyte drink closer to
him and sipped slowly, shivering harder.

What he wouldn’t give to be back in the temple… or with a master
who could put him in a partial coma until they got back to the

But nope, all Obi-Wan had was a young padawan, an emergency heat shot
from a medic on site to help him keep his mind, absorption pads and
some chocolate.

Great first heat…