I think we need some ADHD!Obi fun facts. Can we have our ADHD boy spouting off some facts?

Scratching and rubbing slowly with his fingers on the small back, Qui-Gon absently wondered how in the world his padawan could be comfortable as he glanced away from his pad to look down at the other.

The teen had laid out over Qui-Gon’s lap on his stomach, legs resting on one side of the couch with his feet swaying slightly in the air as his elbows were settled on the other side of the older Jedi’s lap as Obi-Wan absently read from his pad. How that didn’t strain his neck or stomach, Qui-Gon had no idea as Obi-Wan looked quite at peace.

It was almost humorous really and Qui-Gon wished he could get a picture taken of the two.

After Obi-Wan’s fit a few days ago, Qui-Gon had pulled Obi-Wan out of class for a few days to aid his padawan, Master Ferreno guiding the yavinese man through several exercises that would help Obi-Wan.

It had helped, particularly talking with Obi-Wan while keeping their bond wide open so his padawan could feel Qui-Gon’s every emotion.

The good, the bad and the neutral.

It made it very hard for Obi-Wan’s rejection sensitive dysphoria to convince him that Qui-Gon was going to send him away when he could feel every emotion his master had, none of which contained any anger at Obi-Wan.

Only sorrow and concern.

It was a trick Qui-Gon would remember for the future, for the next time Obi-Wan’s ADHD symptoms kicked in to throw obstacles in his path towards knighthood.

Maybe he could even open the bond fully when Obi-Wan had pa- “A duel between three people is called a truel.” Obi-Wan sudden voice interrupted Qui-Gon’s contemplation.

Slowly, the Jedi master lowered the pad he hadn’t been reading, staring at his padawan. “…What?” He questioned, bemused, his free hand pausing on Obi-Wan’s back.

Shrugging, Obi-Wan glanced at him before focusing back. “Truel. And bullfrogs don’t sleep.” The boy continued.

Amused more than anything, Qui-Gon started rubbing the others back again, knowing how well Obi-Wan responded to physical affection when he wasn’t in a sensitive phase. “Indeed? Anything more you want to tell me?” He smiled, making a mental note to look up the truel thing.

Not that he didn’t believe Obi-Wan but he was rather curious where in the world such a word had come to be and if there were historical accounts of truel.

It was rather common for three people sometimes to duel in the salle, usually one against two in tag teams but he had never heard anyone call it a truel.

“The square watermelons you saw on our last missions aren’t edible,” Obi-Wan eyes were for the most part on his pad, though he clearly wasn’t reading and kept glancing at Qui-Gon to see his reaction, the boy reaching slightly out in their bond to gauge Qui-Gon’s mood. “They’re utterly ornamental.” Visibly relaxing when all he could feel from Qui-Gon was amusement, Obi-Wan smiled shyly at him.

Chuckling faintly, Qui-Gon opened their bond, ensuring Obi-Wan could feel he wasn’t hiding any displeasure at the others information. “Interesting… and too bad, I wanted to eat one.” He pouted a bit.

Wiggling a bit on Qui-Gon’s lap, Obi-Wan rolled onto his back, grinning when Qui-Gon patted at the teens tummy instead. “There’s a red flower on Merco-Xani that smells like chocolate, its named chocolate cosmos.” He settled his pad on his chest, humming faintly when Qui-Gon paused.

Glancing to his plant shelves, Qui-Gon mused. “Is it rare? Maybe I could grow one…” Not because he was particularly fond of chocolate himself but Obi-Wan had a sweet tooth…

Giggling at that, Obi-Wan shrugged. “I’m not sure but master, its not edible!” He grinned up at him.

Bopping the other on the nose with a chuckle, Qui-Gon winked. “But it will smell nice. That’s all it has to do.” He teased back.

Laughing, Obi-Wan rolled back onto his stomach on Qui-Gon’s lap, getting comfortable once more.

For several long minutes, it was quiet, Qui-Gon watching Obi-Wan and Obi-Wan reading his pad, seemingly out of random facts to give as the master went back to his own pad.

And then…

“Tyromancy is the practice of predicting the future in cheese.” Came a cheerful chirp, Qui-Gon choking on his own spit with a surprised laugh.

You know, I just can’t resist the thought any longer and I don’t know if you’ve written about it already, but… The Force sometimes helps with keeping Jedi awake when needed, at least as long as they’re on missions. But once they’re home and safe, they crash and crash *hard.* This has become a common problem especially with Yoda, who at times have accidentally frightened younglings and Padawans. Much to the annoyance of the other Masters.

It is not uncommon for Jedi to keep themselves going with the Force.

The stronger the Jedi, the longer they can keep themselves awake and going on pure willpower of the Force.

But that doesn’t mean that the bodies natural needs doesn’t eventually catch up with one in the end.

The Force can let you push past natures boundaries…but not forgo them entirely and eventually it will demand sleep and food with a vengeance. It can therefore be wholly natural for a Jedi to sleep for full day if they have indeed challenged nature by remaining awake beyond their natural limits.

The food is an easy thing to beat.

There are special food pellets for such occasion, the necessary calories in those that beats the impulse and keeps one from eating all day.

But sleep is not so easy to control or fight.

Which is why you can find Jedi asleep in the halls, garden or library.

Its honestly quite normal, finding a Jedi knight or master leaning against a wall in the hall, laying in the gardens or with their heads on the table in the halls.

Never padawans though.

Their masters will always collect them and take them to bed and thankfully, initiates are not taught such skills, only padawan’s and up.

Of course, sometimes, you could mistake certain, older members for being… not asleep but something wholly different.

And therefore the tradition of grandmaster of the order scare has been in effect for the last two hundred years.

It practically an initiation by this point.

Master Yoda will fall asleep in his hover platform, silent as the grave and not visibly breathing from what most can tell.

It never fails to freak the padawans that find him, much to the annoyance of other masters.

But hey, how are you suppose to complain when everyone else is also sleeping around the temple!

“MASTER WINDU!!!” Jerking to a bit at the loud cry, Mace turned in surprise as young padawan Kenobi came barreling down the hall, Depa pausing beside him as they watched the young boy race their way, eyes wide in horror.

“Padawan Kenobi, what in the world are yo-” Mace started, frowning as the boy practically tripped over his own feet, face flushed from running.

Kenobi’s cry however cut him off. “MASTER YODA IS DEAD!” He gasped out, coming to a skidding stop in front of him, the boy latching onto Mace sleeve to tug, pointing back the way he had come, eyes wide and glistening.

Depa paused, her eyes wide too only for both padawan’s to gasp when when Mace let out a mumbling curse and pinch the bridge of his nose. “That old bastard, again?” He hissed before sighing, looking at his senior padawan and then down at young padawan Kenobi. “Alright younglings, lets go tend to him and I’ll explain. Lead the way Padawan.” He sighed, settling his hand reassuringly on the trembling boy’s shoulder.

Clearly confused, still horrified looking, Obi-Wan glanced at the uncertain Depa then squared his shoulders and started walking, leading Mace and Depa to the hallway.

As expected, they found the grandmaster of the Order in a darkened hallway, hovering in the middle of it with his head resting on his chest and from this angle, Mace could understand why young Kenobi had assumed Yoda to be dead.

Mace had done the same once.

Depa let out a squeak when she saw the old man, covering her mouth with wide eyes only to squeak again when Mace let out another curse. Obi-Wan just trembled, as traumatized as every other youngling when they found him.

Stepping forward, Mace grumbled loudly as he grabbed the hoverpad and pulled it, huffing in relief when it came easily.

Sometimes the karking old man locked the platform so he would stay in place.

Turning his head, he sighed deeply. “He’s asleep. He’s been keeping awake with the Force and now its demanded its pound.” Mace explained tiredly to both padawan’s.

Both teens paused, Depa’s hands lowering to reveal her O shaped mouth and Obi-Wan stopping his trembling from the sheer surprise as he looked between Mace and Yoda. “…A-Are you sure?” He whispered.

Mace sighed then reached up and tugged on Yoda’s ear under the horrified looking padawans, both near human’s eyes going wide when when Yoda grumbled and waved a hand only to go still moments later.

“…Pretty sure, yes.” Mace grumbled, pulling the platform with him to drag him to Mace room, mentally cursing Yoda out while making a note to himself to inform Qui-Gon that his padawan came over Yoda.

‘Every fucking time. Every motherfucking time.’ Mace grumbled to himself, dragging the platform with two padawans following him like ducklings.

Itswith blood: what’s up there? is Obi adjusting?

There are so very many things Obi-Wan Kenobi has to learn about the
modern world and he’s very confused by many of them, confused, but

only in the sense of technical advancement and things he just never
got to learn like how to use the sonic fresher that Qui-Gon had to go
through step by step or teach him how the laundry chute worked.

also concept within the order, the culture of the temple, the people
he was introduced to, the overwhelming amount of Force sensitive
people, the general impression they left, the idea of light being

one leaves a bad taste in his mouth and he’s often gotten into
debates with Qui-Gon about it that basically boiled down to ‘the
council says’ or ‘tradition dictates’ and that leaves an even
worse taste in his mouth to the point he now debates with several of
the more willing council members.

tends to leave Obi-Wan with a headache and them looking thoughtful
and bewildered.

especially confused Yoda as what came from Obi-Wan, came directly
from ancient members of the Je’daii temple, few years before the
first Jedi were formed as Master Viruta could remember the whispers
about a schism a few years before he died.

about the council, thankfully, they have yet to assign them a mission
as Jedi normally go on according to Master Qui-Gon, because Obi-Wan
has a lot to learn about interacting with people still and skills
that one needs in the modern world that Qui-Gon is doing his best to
teach him.

also discovered that Obi-Wan can not read or write modern
galactic basic.

has learned the ancient dialects his ghostly family of Je’daii
members has taught him, all three of them at one point working with
him to teach him the alphabet, words and sentences as they wrote with
coals from the fire that kept Obi-Wan warm and Obi-Wan repeated and
learned what they wrote.

that became yet another thing Obi-Wan had to learn before he could
learn with the other padawans, a good long month of being taught
before he cautiously entered classes, depending on where his
assessment put him they either placed him with the youngest or his
own age mates.

It was
a bit odd sitting in a room with children half his age, trying to
learn galactic law or making sculptures with the Force.

survival classes, dueling, katas and literature now that he knew the
basic was going splendidly for him, though less said about the
writing part of literature and poems the better.

did not like writing poems.

He did
like reading them and had spent a full two minutes just staring at
all the selves when Qui-Gon took him to the archive, eyes wide as he
took in how big it was, filled to the brink with information as
Qui-Gon just watched him in fond amusement before gently pulling him
along out of the doorway so he wasn’t in the way for other Jedi

And he
had even managed to make friends in the older classes!

Vos and Bant Eerin were quickly becoming some of his best friends
despite Obi-Wan being a bit socially challenged due to his prolonged
isolation within the Je’daii temple, sometimes missing certain
social cues, especially with Bant as he wasn’t familiar with the
facial expression of a mon calamari.

He was
learning though and making a new home in the Jedi temple, Master
Patia, Viruta and Martiza visiting as often as they possibly could,
making him feel even more at ease in the temple as his family wasn’t
utterly gone.

everyone is as accepting of his presence at Qui-Gon’s side or in
the order though.

Chun was a bitter and brute fellow padawan as was Obi-Wan’s title
now, his braid tucked behind his ear and hidden in his shoulder
length hair that Qui-Gon had carefully cut and then braided the
little tail that showed he was a padawan.

jealous,” Quinlan had said when Obi-Wan brought the name up as they
settled in to meditate in one of the gardens, popping a green berry
into his mouth that he had snagged from one of the closest bushes.
“He tried to become Jinn’s padawan himself when he was around
twelve but failed and failed badly as Master Jinn wanted nothing
to do with him. He was almost sent away when Knight Krell took him on
and I guess he’s still a jealous little bully twat.” He shrugged
as Obi-Wan watched him in bemusement.

have to look up what bully and twat was later on he decided before.

maybe ask Qui-Gon.

hurt, he likes it when I ask questions.’ Obi-Wan mused to him, half
smiling as he felt Qui-Gon’s excitement enter their bond, the older
man clearly up to something.

now, Obi-Wan decided that the best he could do was to continue
learning and adapt to the world before he decided what his path in
this galaxy was, his eyes fluttering shut as he let himself sink into
the Force with a soft exhale.

In seeyouagain can we have obi and qui spend an afternoon together or even a full day catching up in one of the flower gardens, picking flowers to lace into each others hair. Just being sweet on each other. Maybe lunch?

Unable to do anything but laugh, Qui-Gon had to settle his sandwich back down on the plate he had taken from the closest refectory for their little impromptu reunion picnic, catching up with what the other had been up to since last. “You did not Obi-Wan, please tell me you didn’t?” He continued laughing hard, feeling his eyes tear up.

Laughing with Qui-Gon, Obi-Wan swished the juice in his bottle a bit. “I’m sorry to say I did spend a full two weeks hiding in a well eating food pills and mealbars until the locals forgot I was ever around or at least didn’t look for me. Came out of the well soggy and muddy.” He wrinkled his nose.

Snorting deeply, wiping at his eyes, Qui-Gon coughed as he tried to imagine his once oh so impeccable padawan and the now so beautiful knight sitting beside him hiding out in a damn well. “W-Well at least it wasn’t a sewer this time but please do tell me you managed to get a bit out of the well?” He grinned at the other, watching how the sun shone through the others copper hair through the glass panels high above them.

Choosing to have a picnic in the garden as a way to reconnect was turning into a wonderful occasion and Qui-Gon could feel warmth settle low and heavy in his stomach from the utter joy that suffused the Force around them.

Snorting too, Obi-Wan took a sip of juice and shook his head. “No, I’m sorry to say I was in that well the full two week without getting out of it at all. I’m really sorry for what I did to that well…” He trailed off, grimacing a bit.

Wrinkling his big nose, Qui-Gon paused. “I do hope it wasn’t a drinking well?” The master queried cautiously.

“Thankfully, no,” Obi-Wan grinned wryly at him before shrugging. “No it was a well to water the plants around. It was much too mineral infused for it to be drinkable but it made for very good plant water. Before they got angry at me, the president was bragging about how the well water aided them in growing their crops.” Waving his bottle at the man, Obi-Wan eagerly explained.

Lifting the sandwich, sure he wouldn’t have a laughing fit and choke on it, Qui-Gon nodded as he continued watching how the sun played on the others face and hair before frowning. “You should eat you know, not just drink.” He pointed out with a deep rumble.

Wrinkling his nose, Obi-Wan stuck his tongue out before reluctantly picking up one of the small triangle squares of cucumber sandwiches while settling down the bottle of juice he was enjoying. “I know but food really doesn’t appeal right now.” He sighed.

Pausing, Qui-Gon stared at his former padawan before chewing and swallowing. “Did… something bad happen on the mission Obi-Wan?” Questioning gently, Qui-Gon reached out to rest his hand on the others knee.

Staring down at the hand, Obi-Wan opened his mouth then sighed. “Not this one, the one before.” He plucked a bit at the bread before taking a reluctant bite of food.

Shifting closer on the grass, Qui-Gon switched what hand held the roasted bantha meat sandwich and wrapped his arm around the others shoulders to lean Obi-Wan against his side. “If you don’t want to speak about it, that’s fine Obi-Wan.” He murmured softly, daringly pressing a kiss to Obi-Wan’s temple.

“I’d rather talk about what’s going on here if I’m frank…” Obi-Wan ran his fingertips on Qui-Gon’s kneecap, settling his head on the older Jedi’s shoulder. “Am… am I reading too much into this or are we on a date Qui-Gon?” He asked softly.

‘Courage, courage in the face of this beautiful creature…’ Qui-Gon reminded himself as he let his nose linger in the others spicy smelling hair. “It can be a date if you want it to be Obi-Wan, I’d be content with your friendship but I wouldn’t say no to a date.” He finally stated in a hopeful, quiet tone.

The faint noise of Jedi talking and the artificial breeze through brush and trees was the only noise for a few moments with the far away sound of a waterfall before Obi-Wan finally breathed out heavily and turned his head up, pressing a kiss to Qui-Gon’s jawline. “I’d like that. I’d very much like that.” Obi-Wan murmured in a smug, happy voice before nuzzling his nose against the bearded cheek.

Chortling, Qui-Gon squeezed the other to his side and ducked his head down, nuzzling their noses together in a bunny kiss as it was so cutely called. “Then, consider this a first date Obi-Wan. The first of many to come.” The older man murmured before gently brushing the back of their hands together to encourage Obi-Wan to eat a little bit more of the cucumber sandwich in his hand.

He got a wrinkled nose in reply but Obi-Wan did take a bite and settle into Qui-Gon’s chest.

Moddy, in HoarderSeer we left off with Obi agreeing to go off of Coruscant, Is Bant the healer going with him or is it someone else? He wanted to go somewhere green, where did they send him? Naboo is a terrible decision since the Chancellor would definitely still have spies on his home planet, so a satellite temple? Maybe sending him to Ahch-To would be best, it’s in the Unknown space so only jedi know how to travel there and Obi would be occupied by studying the first Jedi temple…

Waddling along with his hands cupping his stomach, Obi-Wan let out a soft huff of tiredness but did not stopping.

He had insisted to healers, Cody, Qui-Gon and Anakin that he would be able to walk from the quarters to the hanger on his own without a stupid hoverchair though he had accepted taking a few breaks on the way and leaning on Cody’s offered arm for support..

After much debate it had finally been decided where Obi-Wan would go into semi hiding and to be fair, he was quite happy with the choice.


A core world close enough to Coruscant should Obi-Wan need to return, it was a clean environment with wonderful medic’s and it was friendly towards both Jedi and clones with Breha being more than happy to keep it off the books that Obi-Wan was there.

All for the safety of not only Obi-Wan and Cody along with the rest of the 212th that would slowly arrive as to not draw attention but more importantly, the safety of the babies.

Technically the rest of the 212th didn’t need to come but Boil was going for his little ones and the rest wanted to look after their pregnant vode, ensure their safety and comfort.

“You should have taken the hoverchair love.” Cody’s emphatic voice cut in through his musing as Obi-Wan turned his head enough to glance up at him, letting out a soft whimper.

Tucking his arm around the others waist in response to the whimper, Cody’s face twisted in worry. “Let’s get you to the bunk alright? You can settle down and take a small nap.” He murmured with concern.

Huffing a bit, feeling out of breath, Obi-Wan nodded as they stepped into the ship, moving towards the bunk while hearing the low murmur of troopers in the front with Qui-Gon. Normally Obi-Wan would go greet them but he was honestly tired. “I’m starting to think there is merit in healer Tan-Tanos suggestion of removing them at one point to let them finish developing in incubators.” He panted.

At six months, Obi-Wan was very heavy with his quadruplets, his back and ankles hurt all the time and he wasn’t sure he’d be able to carry to full term.

Nodding, Cody swiped his hand over the door lock for what would be their bunk until Alderaan and winced when he saw the thin, ship standard bunk. ‘Obi-Wan’s back is going to murder him.’ He thought in horror even as he lead his cyare over to the bunk to settle him down.  “That does sound like a good plan.” He agreed out loud, not voicing his concern over the bunk.

The bunk would be much too thin, too hard and too stiff for Obi-Wan’s tenderized body to handle well at all and he wasn’t sure if there was anything he could do for his sweet love, resigning himself to just giving the man back rubs when he was awake. ‘He’s going to give himself headaches from the lack of sleeping well.’ He grimaced to himself even as he brushed his hand along Obi-Wan’s jaw, feeling coarse beard brush his skin.

“Would you grab my body pillow?” Obi-Wan questioned with a small voice, pouting a bit as he peered up through his fringe.

Perking up and looking around, Cody grabbed the large, red body pillow that had been a gift from Senator Amidala.

Setting it on the bunk, Cody knelt down and undid the others low boots since Obi-Wan had issues bending, setting them aside while mentally reminding himself he’d need to pull out the bantha slippers Obi-Wan walked in most of the days so he could wander the ship without having to fight with a pair of boots.

Meanwhile Obi-Wan was sliding himself out of his robe and folding it with a soft noise, settling it aside as the man stood.

Helping Obi-Wan settle down on his side with the body pillow tucked against his body once he was comfortable, Cody leaned in and stole a soft kiss from the others lips with a small smile as Obi-Wan got comfortable with the body pillow.

It would provide some aid and support and it had a built in heat that worked to ease the soreness of muscles but the moment they were on Alderaan, Cody was getting his love into a tub. ‘All this because of you all,’ The commander thought fondly as he passed his hand along the swollen belly that contained their four children. ‘I have to say it is worth it and I hope Obi-Wan thinks the same.’ He smiled soppily to himself before leaning in and nuzzling his and Obi-Wan’s noses together. “I’ll go to the cockpit and speak with Longshot and Gearshift, I think they got first watch on the pilot duty and I believe General Jinn is there too.” Cody stated quietly.

Catching Cody’s hand, covering it with his, Obi-Wan nodded slightly. “My things are here, so he must be. He refused to let me carry a full bag of items if I wasn’t going to take a hoverchair.” Obi-Wan whispered tiredly and at this point it was honestly for the best.

It was just too much for Obi-Wan’s body right now and he couldn’t keep pushing himself.

About to get up and leave, Cody paused when Obi-Wan tugged on his arm. “Hmm?”

“Eat.” Obi-Wan smiled, pushing Cody’s favorite chocolate bar with peanuts and nougat filling. “You haven’t had lunch but this will have to do for now.” He settled on.

Softening, the clone leaned in and kissed his Jedi sweetly, stroking his cheek while accepting the candy. “I’ll eat.” He promised quietly, hoping that despite the small blaster strapped to Obi-Wan due to Force osik that made his love a hoarder was just a precaution and not set in durasteel.

Hello Moddy :) I sincerely admire your creativity, your writing style and your English! It’s awesome! Just love most of your works! I have a question regarding #reachingthesun – at the beginning of the story was mentioned Obi-Wan having visions, is it something ominous or dangerous? How is the relationship with Qui-gon going? And if Anakin has dreams of his mother does Qui-gon let him act on it or does Anakin go to Obi-Wan for advice?

he could even ring the bell, a shout caught his attention.

door is open, just come in!”

at the door, Anakin blinked, hesitating before palming the reader and
indeed the door slid open, his lips twitching into a small smile as
the first thing he saw was Obi-Wan in a pink and black spotted
headscarf on and a clearly worn in and
sheer beige tunic,
his rust
leggings pulled up to his knees leaving his bare calves and feet on
display as
he mopped the floor with a nice black and red colored mop handle and the
bottom made up of a piece of green and white tinged cloth Anakin
would assume was removable.

his toenails are purple… and glittery.’ Anakin noted absently as
he stepped in and removed his boots, taking notice of how efficantly Obi-Wan was mopping
the floor. “Is this a bad time to visit?” He questioned quietly,
taking note of how easily the stains on the others tunic was apparent
and being quietly grateful for Qui-Gon agreeing to let him have black
for his outfit considering how much Anakin worked with engine and
droid oils and grease.

no. Well as long as you don’t walk through the wet spots but I can
wait until you sit down on the couch.” Obi-Wan smirked in amusement
at him, pausing mid stroke to lean on the
handle, waiting until Anakin was indeed sitting on the black leather
couch with his feet pulled up under him, the padawan glancing about

had a rather sophisticated design for his quarters clearly.

black leather couch with two matching recliners, glass caff table
with a few magazines on it and a cup of half drunk tea, shelves with
little cheap but clearly loved knickknacks, bookshelves with actual
paper books from what Anakin could see, holonovels on another and
then came the influences of a young padawan in a few things here and

were also a few paintings.

Obi-Wan chuckled out as he spotted Anakin gazing at a particular
painting of a water world from the sight of it. “My friend, Bant,
she gave me that after she visited her home world. Though I don’t think
you came here look at my taste of interior decorations or just for
pleasantries,” Obi-Wan swished around the black recliner before
freezing and turning to Anakin again before the blond could open his
mouth. “Force where are my manners, do you want something to drink?
I’m being a terrible host.” He winced.

his head quickly, smiling to assuage the guilt clearly displayed on
Obi-Wan’s face, Anakin couldn’t help but be amused by his lineage
brother. “No, I didn’t come here for tea, I wanted to speak with
you. You’re right about that.” Anakin worried his bottom lip.

that he was sitting on Obi-Wan’s couch…

he was uncertain, he shouldn’t be here, he should be speaking to
his master even though the man would make the same answer as the last
few times he had gone to Qui-Gon.

he didn’t even know that Anakin was here! Master Ruta had dismissed
him when he had showed her clear understanding of the source material
and he had just taken the shot, knowing that Ahsoka would be at her
own lessons and Obi-Wan would potentially be alone which would give
Anakin a chance for a private conversa-

had a vision, didn’t you.” Came Obi-Wan’s calm, certain voice
that was in no way a question and Anakin looked up quickly.

had paused again, standing by the recliner still, watching Anakin
with a serene expression. He could do nothing but nod at that,
swallowing lightly and then relaxing when the knight just smiled
slightly at him.

out, Anakin reminded himself that Obi-Wan had told him to come if he
wanted. That the other wasn’t about to scold him or brush him off.
“I… keep dreaming about my mother, she’s screaming in pain and
she’s somewhere dark…” He mumbled out, tugging lightly at the
hem of his dark tunic.

glanced up when he heard a considering hum. “Have you called your
mother?” Obi-Wan asked, cleaning around the recliner.

don’t have a number to her, Watto sold her to someone else and
didn’t get a new number for her.” Anakin explained, swallowing
heavily. That had hurt so badly, Qui-Gon had managed to save up
credits to convert to peggat to free his mother but by the time they
had it, Shmi had been sold since Watto fell on bad times.

they couldn’t even get in contact with Watto, his shop was gone and
no one knew where he was.

see…” Obi-Wan paused, frowning a bit at the floor before looking
at Anakin. “…How worried about her are you? On a scale from one
to ten?” He asked softly in a coaxing tone.

Anakin confessed, gnawing on his bottom lip once more. It was a habit
of his when he was uncertain unfortunately and both his worry and him
confessing to the other was making him uncertain.

leaned on the handle again. “…I believe I have a few knight
friends who are going out to the rims, some of them owes me favors…
and I have some smuggler friends too… and maybe Dex.” Obi-Wan
frowned a bit, staring out into the air.

letting go of his abused lip, Anakin blinked at the other Jedi. “Um,
what are yo-”

Obi-Wan chuckled, smiling at him. “If we are to find your mother to check on her, I
imagine we’re gonna have to pull in some resources.” He winked,
as if he hadn’t just thrown the biggest and best surprise in months
at Anakin.

in his throat, Anakin could only beam at Obi-Wan as the redhead
continued washing the floors, letting him work undisturbed for the
rest of his floor wash.

Hello Moddy :) I sincerely admire your creativity, your writing style and your English! It’s awesome! Just love most of your works! I have a question regarding #reachingthesun – at the beginning of the story was mentioned Obi-Wan having visions, is it something ominous or dangerous? How is the relationship with Qui-gon going? And if Anakin has dreams of his mother does Qui-gon let him act on it or does Anakin go to Obi-Wan for advice?

he could even ring the bell, a shout caught his attention.

door is open, just come in!”

at the door, Anakin blinked, hesitating before palming the reader and
indeed the door slid open, his lips twitching into a small smile as
the first thing he saw was Obi-Wan in a pink and black spotted
headscarf on and a clearly worn in and
sheer beige tunic,
his rust
leggings pulled up to his knees leaving his bare calves and feet on
display as
he mopped the floor with a nice black and red colored mop handle and the
bottom made up of a piece of green and white tinged cloth Anakin
would assume was removable.

his toenails are purple… and glittery.’ Anakin noted absently as
he stepped in and removed his boots, taking notice of how efficantly Obi-Wan was mopping
the floor. “Is this a bad time to visit?” He questioned quietly,
taking note of how easily the stains on the others tunic was apparent
and being quietly grateful for Qui-Gon agreeing to let him have black
for his outfit considering how much Anakin worked with engine and
droid oils and grease.

no. Well as long as you don’t walk through the wet spots but I can
wait until you sit down on the couch.” Obi-Wan smirked in amusement
at him, pausing mid stroke to lean on the
handle, waiting until Anakin was indeed sitting on the black leather
couch with his feet pulled up under him, the padawan glancing about

had a rather sophisticated design for his quarters clearly.

black leather couch with two matching recliners, glass caff table
with a few magazines on it and a cup of half drunk tea, shelves with
little cheap but clearly loved knickknacks, bookshelves with actual
paper books from what Anakin could see, holonovels on another and
then came the influences of a young padawan in a few things here and

were also a few paintings.

Obi-Wan chuckled out as he spotted Anakin gazing at a particular
painting of a water world from the sight of it. “My friend, Bant,
she gave me that after she visited her home world. Though I don’t think
you came here look at my taste of interior decorations or just for
pleasantries,” Obi-Wan swished around the black recliner before
freezing and turning to Anakin again before the blond could open his
mouth. “Force where are my manners, do you want something to drink?
I’m being a terrible host.” He winced.

his head quickly, smiling to assuage the guilt clearly displayed on
Obi-Wan’s face, Anakin couldn’t help but be amused by his lineage
brother. “No, I didn’t come here for tea, I wanted to speak with
you. You’re right about that.” Anakin worried his bottom lip.

that he was sitting on Obi-Wan’s couch…

he was uncertain, he shouldn’t be here, he should be speaking to
his master even though the man would make the same answer as the last
few times he had gone to Qui-Gon.

he didn’t even know that Anakin was here! Master Ruta had dismissed
him when he had showed her clear understanding of the source material
and he had just taken the shot, knowing that Ahsoka would be at her
own lessons and Obi-Wan would potentially be alone which would give
Anakin a chance for a private conversa-

had a vision, didn’t you.” Came Obi-Wan’s calm, certain voice
that was in no way a question and Anakin looked up quickly.

had paused again, standing by the recliner still, watching Anakin
with a serene expression. He could do nothing but nod at that,
swallowing lightly and then relaxing when the knight just smiled
slightly at him.

out, Anakin reminded himself that Obi-Wan had told him to come if he
wanted. That the other wasn’t about to scold him or brush him off.
“I… keep dreaming about my mother, she’s screaming in pain and
she’s somewhere dark…” He mumbled out, tugging lightly at the
hem of his dark tunic.

glanced up when he heard a considering hum. “Have you called your
mother?” Obi-Wan asked, cleaning around the recliner.

don’t have a number to her, Watto sold her to someone else and
didn’t get a new number for her.” Anakin explained, swallowing
heavily. That had hurt so badly, Qui-Gon had managed to save up
credits to convert to peggat to free his mother but by the time they
had it, Shmi had been sold since Watto fell on bad times.

they couldn’t even get in contact with Watto, his shop was gone and
no one knew where he was.

see…” Obi-Wan paused, frowning a bit at the floor before looking
at Anakin. “…How worried about her are you? On a scale from one
to ten?” He asked softly in a coaxing tone.

Anakin confessed, gnawing on his bottom lip once more. It was a habit
of his when he was uncertain unfortunately and both his worry and him
confessing to the other was making him uncertain.

leaned on the handle again. “…I believe I have a few knight
friends who are going out to the rims, some of them owes me favors…
and I have some smuggler friends too… and maybe Dex.” Obi-Wan
frowned a bit, staring out into the air.

letting go of his abused lip, Anakin blinked at the other Jedi. “Um,
what are yo-”

Obi-Wan chuckled, smiling at him. “If we are to find your mother to check on her, I
imagine we’re gonna have to pull in some resources.” He winked,
as if he hadn’t just thrown the biggest and best surprise in months
at Anakin.

in his throat, Anakin could only beam at Obi-Wan as the redhead
continued washing the floors, letting him work undisturbed for the
rest of his floor wash.

In hoarderseer what did obi wan give jango and boba, if jango is still alive. Did jango tisk Jedi?

the stick of incense in the bowl of sand in the window sill, Obi-Wan
shot the two troopers a small smile. “I have to admit, I’m
grateful you two aren’t hovering.” He murmured as he returned to
the couch, bringing with him the musky scent of the incense.

snorted. “You’re delicate, not utterly disabled.” He said

Jinn and Skywalker have been worried about you, haven’t they?”
Cody instead asked, stroking the others red hair out of his eyes to
tuck it behind his ear, fingers lingering on Obi-Wan’s warm skin.

his nose while leaning into Cody’s side, Obi-Wan nodded with a
sigh. “Its the amount of kids,” He confessed, settling his hand
on his stomach. “That’s what has them so on edge and I understand
it, but I just…” Obi-Wan grunted.

getting you frustrated.” Helix summarized, frowning a bit as
Obi-Wan nodded.
He would have to speak with both Jedi before he left with the
commander, stress from others was the last thing Obi-Wan needed and
that included stress from being fussed over too if it was making him

medic watched closely as Cody rubbed the Jedi’s lower back, Obi-Wan
visibly relaxing into him and that was good because Helix hadn’t
liked the blood pressure result he had gotten when Obi-Wan allowed
him to do a few tests.

his head, Helix glanced towards the fancy black bowl with little
mournful looking golden wolves howling around the bottom of it with
the simple incense stick stuck in the white sand inside. “Its a
pretty bowl General.” He noted, wanting to change the subject even
as he promised himself to speak with Skywalker and Jinn.

faintly, Obi-Wan settled his head on Cody’s shoulder. “It’s a
mourner bowl from Stewjon, I take it out for special occasions,” He
smiled slightly at Helix, a smile tinged with sadness. “Thank you
though, I bought it the single time I visited my home planet.”

troopers exchanged surprised looks before Cody continued teasing his
fingers through his lover’s hair. “Mourner bowl? What…” He
hesitated, unsure how to ask why
Obi-Wan had it out without being too intrusive.

is the anniversary for the first Geonosis attack,” Obi-Wan answered
easily, sighing. “The first battle that kick started this whole war
and so many died that day that I just…” He breathed out heavily,
staring at Cody’s thigh before slowly petting it.

made a noise of realization and recognition. “Ah, of course,” He
grunted. Honestly the fact that he had forgotten was a wonder.

in the stress of learning of the four babies the date had slipped
Helix mind?

all, all troopers knew the date their template had died, Jango
decapitated on Geonosis.

Boba got taken care of.’ Helix mused to himself as Cody gently
coaxed Obi-Wan to lay down and put his head in the commander’s lap.
Last Helix heard, Boba was currently going to school on Concord, some
kind of security detailed academy from what Alpha shared.

towards the mourner bowl, Helix looked
back at his General hopefully
as the gentle musk scented smoke wafted in towards them.
“Sir… would it be possible for me t-”

Jedi cut in, a gentle smile on his face as he glanced at the medic
without lifting his head from the lap it was resting it. “If you
wish to put an incense stick to mourn and remember Helix, you are
more than welcome to do so.” He murmured in a tender tone.

swelling, Helix stood and moved towards the bowl.

had no relationship to Jango, to Boba.

without Jango, Helix would not exist and for that he was grateful
despite the systematic slavery
the clone army really was.

he was alive, he existed and he would be free some day to make his
life as he wished with his brothers.

my brothers.’ Helix noted mentally as he lit the incense, glancing
back at Obi-Wan and Cody because Rex was right, the two were
basically married and that made Obi-Wan a brother in law. Watching
Cody place his free hand over the tunic covered stomach while his
other continued slowly stroking the red hair of the Jedi, Helix knew
that a storm was coming as the council was at that moment informing
the Senate that General Kenobi was not returning to the battlefield
for months to be.

they would be ready for it.

themselves and for their new brother and the potential nephews and
nieces they would be uncles and aunts to when they arrived.

Helix knew they would be ready for the storm as they were only in the
eye of it now.

eye of calm.

In hoarderseer what did obi wan give jango and boba, if jango is still alive. Did jango tisk Jedi?

the stick of incense in the bowl of sand in the window sill, Obi-Wan
shot the two troopers a small smile. “I have to admit, I’m
grateful you two aren’t hovering.” He murmured as he returned to
the couch, bringing with him the musky scent of the incense.

snorted. “You’re delicate, not utterly disabled.” He said

Jinn and Skywalker have been worried about you, haven’t they?”
Cody instead asked, stroking the others red hair out of his eyes to
tuck it behind his ear, fingers lingering on Obi-Wan’s warm skin.

his nose while leaning into Cody’s side, Obi-Wan nodded with a
sigh. “Its the amount of kids,” He confessed, settling his hand
on his stomach. “That’s what has them so on edge and I understand
it, but I just…” Obi-Wan grunted.

getting you frustrated.” Helix summarized, frowning a bit as
Obi-Wan nodded.
He would have to speak with both Jedi before he left with the
commander, stress from others was the last thing Obi-Wan needed and
that included stress from being fussed over too if it was making him

medic watched closely as Cody rubbed the Jedi’s lower back, Obi-Wan
visibly relaxing into him and that was good because Helix hadn’t
liked the blood pressure result he had gotten when Obi-Wan allowed
him to do a few tests.

his head, Helix glanced towards the fancy black bowl with little
mournful looking golden wolves howling around the bottom of it with
the simple incense stick stuck in the white sand inside. “Its a
pretty bowl General.” He noted, wanting to change the subject even
as he promised himself to speak with Skywalker and Jinn.

faintly, Obi-Wan settled his head on Cody’s shoulder. “It’s a
mourner bowl from Stewjon, I take it out for special occasions,” He
smiled slightly at Helix, a smile tinged with sadness. “Thank you
though, I bought it the single time I visited my home planet.”

troopers exchanged surprised looks before Cody continued teasing his
fingers through his lover’s hair. “Mourner bowl? What…” He
hesitated, unsure how to ask why
Obi-Wan had it out without being too intrusive.

is the anniversary for the first Geonosis attack,” Obi-Wan answered
easily, sighing. “The first battle that kick started this whole war
and so many died that day that I just…” He breathed out heavily,
staring at Cody’s thigh before slowly petting it.

made a noise of realization and recognition. “Ah, of course,” He
grunted. Honestly the fact that he had forgotten was a wonder.

in the stress of learning of the four babies the date had slipped
Helix mind?

all, all troopers knew the date their template had died, Jango
decapitated on Geonosis.

Boba got taken care of.’ Helix mused to himself as Cody gently
coaxed Obi-Wan to lay down and put his head in the commander’s lap.
Last Helix heard, Boba was currently going to school on Concord, some
kind of security detailed academy from what Alpha shared.

towards the mourner bowl, Helix looked
back at his General hopefully
as the gentle musk scented smoke wafted in towards them.
“Sir… would it be possible for me t-”

Jedi cut in, a gentle smile on his face as he glanced at the medic
without lifting his head from the lap it was resting it. “If you
wish to put an incense stick to mourn and remember Helix, you are
more than welcome to do so.” He murmured in a tender tone.

swelling, Helix stood and moved towards the bowl.

had no relationship to Jango, to Boba.

without Jango, Helix would not exist and for that he was grateful
despite the systematic slavery
the clone army really was.

he was alive, he existed and he would be free some day to make his
life as he wished with his brothers.

my brothers.’ Helix noted mentally as he lit the incense, glancing
back at Obi-Wan and Cody because Rex was right, the two were
basically married and that made Obi-Wan a brother in law. Watching
Cody place his free hand over the tunic covered stomach while his
other continued slowly stroking the red hair of the Jedi, Helix knew
that a storm was coming as the council was at that moment informing
the Senate that General Kenobi was not returning to the battlefield
for months to be.

they would be ready for it.

themselves and for their new brother and the potential nephews and
nieces they would be uncles and aunts to when they arrived.

Helix knew they would be ready for the storm as they were only in the
eye of it now.

eye of calm.

Obi-Wan works on slowly regaining his memories with Anakin tagging along. Maybe he combines more neutral techniques from the Jedi with Sith practices. Obi has always been more of a scientist.

down in front of his master, Anakin tilted his head curiously as he
watched the other meditate.

felt different from how everyone else among the Sith meditated.

Anakin were to describe it… being beside Qui-Gon was like listening
to an ocean in storm but Obi-Wan…

was like a rock skipped
over a lake,
its dept hidden
until you dared to step into it and find out, deceitfully serene with
roots at the bottom you would get tangled up in and drown if you
dared to dive to far down.

assumed that had to do with his past years as a Jedi, the other
combining things to make himself better and choosing which parts he
wanted to keep as he reintegrated into the temple.

back, Anakin beamed as Qui-Gon joined them in the meditation chamber
and squawked quietly when the man leaned
down to ruffled his
hair. “How is he doing?” The older sith questioned quietly with a
small smile on his lined face as
he rested his hand on Anakin’s head.

good, he’s been meditating for a good two hours but he said he
would be earlier.” Anakin shrugged then giggled a bit when Obi-Wan
picked that exact moment to open his eyes and give them a lazy smile.

Ani, master Qui-Gon,” He hummed out thickly before clearing his
throat and getting up to stretch steadily and carefully until his
spine popped. “Oh that’s so much better.”

some more as he held out his hands, Qui-Gon pulled Obi-Wan up on his
feet. “I’m sure it feels that way. I have to say, your meditation
was interesting.” He raised a brow as Obi-Wan pulled Anakin up.

Obi-Wan shrugged. “I’m trying to mix my Sith memories and my Jedi
memories. Its a bit difficult but I am making some head ways in
remembering,” He said before giving the other a wryly shy smile.
“Like the fact that you once spent three days helping me go to the
fresher because I was sick with the Anatollan flue and every time I
got up my muscles would cramp up on me.”

let out a surprised huff then pulled Obi-Wan into a hug with a laugh.
“Of course its the embarrassing memories for you that you manage to
find first though being fair, to me it was just a part of being your
master. Everyone gets sick.” He ruffled Obi-Wan’s hair.

wryly with pink still in his cheeks, Obi-Wan shrugged. “Maybe but
at least the Jedi training was good for something with it allowing me
to go this deep into my own subconscious to re-find those old

heavily, Qui-Gon kept an arm around Obi-Wan while placing his hand on
Anakin’s shoulder as they made their way out of the meditation
chamber. “I would have preferred the Jedi to never have gotten
involved in your life.” He growled out while holding both younger
men close to him.

said nothing but through their bond, Anakin could feel his conflicted
emotions. ‘Best not say anything.’ Anakin grimaced to himself
before beaming up at Qui-Gon. “Are we going to Dex? Is that why
we’re here?” He chirped to distract the man.

yes, I’m here to bring you both to Dex,” Qui-Gon was smiling
again as he moved them around a group of giggling apprentices. “Dex
has been asking to see you since I told him you were back.” He told
Obi-Wan fondly.

would love that.” Obi-Wan noted, eyes widening.

still has your favorite noodle dish,” Qui-Gon teased playfully
before pinching Anakin’s cheek playfully. “And I commed him ahead
so he has already started on your slow cooked bantha stuffer
with pickled
vegetable filling.” He winked at the other.

Anakin latched onto Obi-Wan’s hand with a big grin on his face.
“Its a filled pancaked with glazed slow cooked bantha meat and
vegs, its really spicy but you can have a bite of mine to see if you
like it!” He said in excitement, uncaring of the masters glancing
at him in exasperation at the level of noise.

good kiddo, I can’t wait to see Dex again.” Obi-Wan agreed warmly
as Anakin pressed up against him.

he did, he felt something of hard metal in the others belt. ‘Huh…
that feels like a holocron.’ He blinked curiously before getting
distracted as Feemor suddenly grabbed him from behind and lifted the
boy up on his shoulders, joining the three with a happy greeting.