Hello, Moddy!! I was rereading Cultureofslaves (which is awesome), and the sharing food part reminded me that Yaddle sneaks candy into younglings’ pockets. What would Anakin’s reaction to that be?

around the corner as fast as he could, Anakin shot down the hallway
with a wide grin on his face as he aimed for one particular door as
knights of all races jumped out of his way. They were much too used
to the young Skywalker’s behavior to even bother grumbling and some
of them were honestly amused by it though the stiffer and more rule
oriented ones did make tutting noises of disapproval.

didn’t care as he finally reached Obi-Wan’s knight quarters and
knocked on it quickly, waiting for there to be a ‘come in’ call
from somewhere inside before letting himself in with a thumbscan.
“Obi-Wan!” He cried in delight, throwing his boots off as fast as
he could before launching himself at the man rising from the couch.

had barely managed to take two steps from it with an amused look on
his scruffy face.

in surprise while quickly raising his arms, Obi-Wan caught his
younger lineage brother and gave him a hug. “I see you finally
heard I was back in the temple.” He teased the fourteen year old,
grinning down at the boy as he waddled back to the couch and sat
Anakin settling in his lap as he did back on the Nubian cruiser so many years ago now.

teen took the moment to take in the changes, Obi-Wan’s hair now
properly grown out from the awkward padawan cut but the other was
apparently trying for a beard, the scruff still to far off to be
considered dignified, it did make Obi-Wan look older though.

was really
much too
big for it really but Obi-Wan was a sucker for his lineage brother
and let him use his lap. “Yup! Qui-Gon told me after breakfast and
I don’t have morning classes,” Anakin beamed brightly before
reaching into his pocket and holding up a handful of candies. “Look
what Master Yaddle gave me!” He beamed.

at that, Obi-Wan eyed the
precious gift of wrapped candies in the others hand. Normally Yaddle
did this for the younger Initiates more than older padawans but
Anakin was a special case ever since the young boy had come racing
after Yaddle after getting candies the first time, eagerly gifting
her sugar crusted insects or maybe it was chocolate?

couldn’t remember but unofficially, that made her part of their
little ‘family’ in Anakin’s young mind and the two had kept up
their little sweet gifting since then.

honestly, Obi-Wan didn’t mind, out of many masters, Yaddle never
forgot herself.

remembered being stuck for ages in that cave, surviving all those
long years alone.

understood when fellow knights came home hurt, both physically and
mentally and she understood that padawans required assurances.

wasn’t the only special case after all, Obi-Wan still found the
occasional sweet in his own pockets and he was sure he wasn’t the
only knight.

remembered those who hurt and kept a soft spot for them, reminding
them that someone was actually thinking about their pain and wanted
to cheer them up.

shaking himself, Obi-Wan raised a brow at Anakin. “That’s very
kind of her, as usual. You do remember to thank her right? Not just
slide sweets back into her pockets?” He drawled and sniggered when
Anakin pouted.

the candy back in his pocket, Anakin flickered his finger over
Obi-Wan’s nose tip. “Of course I do! I’m not a little kid
anymore.” He huffed and crossed his arms over his chest.

don’t I know it, you’re getting much too big for lap sitting
really.” Obi-Wan groaned dramatically and flopped back before
laughing when Anakin yelled in denial and then went for Obi-Wan’s
sides with his quick hands.

in shock and throwing the other to the other end of the couch,
Obi-Wan jumped to his feet and grabbed a pillow instead. “Oh no!
You come here and start a tickle war and I will end it with a pillow
war, I swear Anakin Skywalker.” Obi-Wan threatened with a wild grin
crossing his face, stealthily summoning pillows from the bedroom even
as Anakin grabbed the remaining couch pillow.

You and what army is gonna end that old
man?” Anakin taunted, turning tense and leery when Obi-Wan’s eyes
glittered in mischievous delight.

one!” Obi-Wan sent the pillows, each hitting Anakin in the back and
sending him sprawling face first into the couch.

a few moments Obi-Wan stood there with Anakin face down and butt up
in the couch before the blond groaned loudly and Obi-Wan cackled in
utter delight.

king of this quarter!”

Prompt where Obi Wan shaves for a mission and pretends to be a pleasure slave and all of a sudden every vode just realised just how hot he is and grows super possessive.

Sometimes the General would look
at them, need in his eyes and desperation for touch and love before
it was shaken off his face and he’d hide with his Jedi veneer and
his beard as it made it harder to really make sure.

But Cody was rather sure that
the General wanted them.

All of them.

Longing and need.


But he wasn’t sure until the
moment his insane General had accepted the mission the other high
General’s gave him, having to go undercover as a pleasure slave to
be able to infiltrate and though they verbally did not protest, none
of the 212th
looked too happy with their General even as he directed them to get
to the closest planet where Obi-Wan could pick up the supplies he
would need.

The mission however became a
blessing in disguise.

For Obi-Wan was required to
shave his beard away, exposing his expression and suddenly making him
seem so…


Soft, his hair feathering out
around his hair, his defined jaw open to gaze with a stubborn looking
chin and adorable dimples as eyes that suddenly seemed so much larger
and more open peered at them practically shyly.

Cody could see it as each vode
caught on, watching their Jedi equally hungrily as he looked at them
with longing, each
of them becoming aware of the Jedi on a wholly another level as they
prowled closer to him every day, predatory but caring at the same
time as they would never wish to harm their Jedi, their General.

But oh do they want him and
knowing that he wants them?

That’s flattery considering
they are clones who wear the same face, that Obi-Wan sees them and
can want them when a lot of sentient of the galaxy seem to think they
are robots in flesh and not real people.

Their want for Obi-Wan
does not
get any better as the Jedi robes were shed for a gossamer pair of
balloon pants in red with a golden belt and golden
circles at the ankles,
several layers giving the illusion of actual covering though Cody was
rather sure one wrong move would expose what Cody hoped would be
underwear and soft
red slippers covered Obi-Wan’s feet.
Black eyeliner made the Jedi’s eyes pop and seem even larger with a
slight flush added to the cheeks as old scars were dusted with a
shiny golden powder on that milky pale skin.

The vode’s hands itched to

The final piece went on.

A black collar, bulky in nature
with a golden tag in the front, laid claim to that slender neck. Cody
didn’t approve of it, yes the collar looked fetching and Obi-Wan
would look wonderful in a collar but not black and not that big.
Something more jewel toned but for now the collar remained black and
bulky as it claimed the Jedi’s neck.

And someone was going to get to
see that, to maybe lay claim to Obi-Wan if
they weren’t careful.

Someone not
from the vode.

They all disapproved, their
touch covetous as they rested hands on those bare shoulders, their
gloves coming away stained with glittering powder and Obi-Wan’s
body heat as green
eyes trailed their forms in return.

“I’m coming with you,”
Cody growled, his tone leaving no room for argument even as Obi-Wan
opened his mouth only to close it sharply when the Commander closed
his hand around the Jedi’s wrist. “General, we aren’t letting
you go alone,
not like this.” Cody pointedly trailed his eyes up and down the
mans body, his eyes lingering at the groin and nipples before
focusing on the collar.

Finally he slowly slid his eyes
to Obi-Wan’s mouth, imaging it swollen and red, pouting before he
meet Obi-Wan’s gaze, the Jedi staring at him with those seemingly
huge eyes enhanced
by makeup.

“…As you wish Commander,
however you must disguise yourself to
be able to wander without suspicion…”

Cody was gratified to hear that
breathless tone in their
Jedi’s voice even
as he nodded in agreement with his eyes still focused on that bulky
collar that Obi-Wan wore,
their pretty Stewjoni flower that they would be happy to nourish if
he let them.

Prompt where Obi Wan shaves for a mission and pretends to be a pleasure slave and all of a sudden every vode just realised just how hot he is and grows super possessive.

Sometimes the General would look
at them, need in his eyes and desperation for touch and love before
it was shaken off his face and he’d hide with his Jedi veneer and
his beard as it made it harder to really make sure.

But Cody was rather sure that
the General wanted them.

All of them.

Longing and need.


But he wasn’t sure until the
moment his insane General had accepted the mission the other high
General’s gave him, having to go undercover as a pleasure slave to
be able to infiltrate and though they verbally did not protest, none
of the 212th
looked too happy with their General even as he directed them to get
to the closest planet where Obi-Wan could pick up the supplies he
would need.

The mission however became a
blessing in disguise.

For Obi-Wan was required to
shave his beard away, exposing his expression and suddenly making him
seem so…


Soft, his hair feathering out
around his hair, his defined jaw open to gaze with a stubborn looking
chin and adorable dimples as eyes that suddenly seemed so much larger
and more open peered at them practically shyly.

Cody could see it as each vode
caught on, watching their Jedi equally hungrily as he looked at them
with longing, each
of them becoming aware of the Jedi on a wholly another level as they
prowled closer to him every day, predatory but caring at the same
time as they would never wish to harm their Jedi, their General.

But oh do they want him and
knowing that he wants them?

That’s flattery considering
they are clones who wear the same face, that Obi-Wan sees them and
can want them when a lot of sentient of the galaxy seem to think they
are robots in flesh and not real people.

Their want for Obi-Wan
does not
get any better as the Jedi robes were shed for a gossamer pair of
balloon pants in red with a golden belt and golden
circles at the ankles,
several layers giving the illusion of actual covering though Cody was
rather sure one wrong move would expose what Cody hoped would be
underwear and soft
red slippers covered Obi-Wan’s feet.
Black eyeliner made the Jedi’s eyes pop and seem even larger with a
slight flush added to the cheeks as old scars were dusted with a
shiny golden powder on that milky pale skin.

The vode’s hands itched to

The final piece went on.

A black collar, bulky in nature
with a golden tag in the front, laid claim to that slender neck. Cody
didn’t approve of it, yes the collar looked fetching and Obi-Wan
would look wonderful in a collar but not black and not that big.
Something more jewel toned but for now the collar remained black and
bulky as it claimed the Jedi’s neck.

And someone was going to get to
see that, to maybe lay claim to Obi-Wan if
they weren’t careful.

Someone not
from the vode.

They all disapproved, their
touch covetous as they rested hands on those bare shoulders, their
gloves coming away stained with glittering powder and Obi-Wan’s
body heat as green
eyes trailed their forms in return.

“I’m coming with you,”
Cody growled, his tone leaving no room for argument even as Obi-Wan
opened his mouth only to close it sharply when the Commander closed
his hand around the Jedi’s wrist. “General, we aren’t letting
you go alone,
not like this.” Cody pointedly trailed his eyes up and down the
mans body, his eyes lingering at the groin and nipples before
focusing on the collar.

Finally he slowly slid his eyes
to Obi-Wan’s mouth, imaging it swollen and red, pouting before he
meet Obi-Wan’s gaze, the Jedi staring at him with those seemingly
huge eyes enhanced
by makeup.

“…As you wish Commander,
however you must disguise yourself to
be able to wander without suspicion…”

Cody was gratified to hear that
breathless tone in their
Jedi’s voice even
as he nodded in agreement with his eyes still focused on that bulky
collar that Obi-Wan wore,
their pretty Stewjoni flower that they would be happy to nourish if
he let them.

Hej moddy :) I really hope you will continue peachbaby, maybe showing snippets/scenes of obi and plos lives together as master and padawan. Or maybe the clone war is set earlier in this universe, and plo will be a general and obis master at the same time, the wolfpack would diffently be very protective of sweet little peach obi :) Thank you very much!

Squinting at the arguing pirates,
Obi-Wan chewed on the gag stuffed into his mouth while checking on
the bond he had with his master.

Plo felt calm if a bit worried so
Obi-Wan was pretty sure that meant that the man was closing in on
their position even as he was worried about his padawan’s

For the most part Obi-Wan was actually

Yes he was bruised and he most likely
had a concussion from when he had been blaster whipped by the wookie.

It was
a wookie! They were strong and the butt of the blaster had been
really painful.

back of his head, which had been sticky a few hours ago, had turned
kind of crusty and Obi-Wan had the horrible suspicion that it was
coated in dried blood that tugged on his scalp. And he had a nasty
headache too from the hit.

figured that along with a concussion, the wookie had opened up a
rather large cut considering it felt like some of the blood had
coated rather far down his tunic too.

maybe he couldn’t quite see either, vision blurry.

he had a concussion for sure.

the pirates were arguing pretty loudly about him and his fate.

some more on the gag and ignoring how dry his mouth was, Obi-Wan
settled his temple against the wall and let out a deep breath as he
tried to chase away the pain in his head. That didn’t go too well
considering his mind was all tumbled around but it was worth a shot
and he let out a deep breath again as he instead drew comfort from
the cold duracrete wall to provide some aid.

It was
certainly better than nothing.

say we just sell him to a slaver.” One spoke up loudly and Obi-Wan
jumped a bit, looking up to watch the weequay. “Just look at that
blood he leaked all over? What kind of human has purple blood. We can
already get a good price out of him for being Force sensitive and a
Jedi, he’s young and strong but whatever he got running in his
veins? Well I bet we can find something looking for a special little
pearl. The crowning gem for someone.” She leered.

two humans looked to be considering the idea while the wookie snorted
in disgust to make certain they knew his opinion on such practices
before shrugging and gurgling out an answer that sounded like

Well, that truly did send panic through
Obi-Wan and he desperately latched onto his bond to Plo, tugging on
it with fear making him well and truly upset.

And Plo responded with his own worry
and determination.

He was on his way.

And he was running to get to Obi-Wan but he was far away at the moment.

Trembling from pain, fear and
exhaustion, Obi-Wan bit down hard enough to bleed from his lip into
the gag in his mouth, the fabric staining purple as he pressed his
back to the wall and prayed to the Force that Plo would come first.

He lost that hope as the wookie turned
to him and lifted him up with a tight grasp on his neck, growling at
the others.

“Narda’s right. He’s gonna need
to be cleaned up if we’re gonna sell him.” One of the two humans
agreed and now that he was standing on trembling legs, Obi-Wan could
tell they were twins from sight.

“So hose him.” The weequay
shrugged. “Keep the clothes though, we don’t want people to think
we’re lying so clean the blood out of his uniform thing.” She
smirked, lifting Obi-Wan’s lightsaber off a desk by her side.
“Though this will be a pretty good clue too, will earn us some
money as I know a few hutt collectors of Jedi stuff.” The woman and
most likely captain laughed.

‘Master I’d very much like to be
rescued right about now.’ Obi-Wan shook heavily as he was dragged
away by the wookie to get hosed down, hopefully he’d get there
before he was undressed because one of the twins were starting to
gain a rather leering look on his face and that was starting to scare
Obi-Wan he had to admit. ‘Master please… I’m scared.’ He sent
along the bond as he stumbled alongside his pirate captor.

Hej moddy :) I really hope you will continue peachbaby, maybe showing snippets/scenes of obi and plos lives together as master and padawan. Or maybe the clone war is set earlier in this universe, and plo will be a general and obis master at the same time, the wolfpack would diffently be very protective of sweet little peach obi :) Thank you very much!

Squinting at the arguing pirates,
Obi-Wan chewed on the gag stuffed into his mouth while checking on
the bond he had with his master.

Plo felt calm if a bit worried so
Obi-Wan was pretty sure that meant that the man was closing in on
their position even as he was worried about his padawan’s

For the most part Obi-Wan was actually

Yes he was bruised and he most likely
had a concussion from when he had been blaster whipped by the wookie.

It was
a wookie! They were strong and the butt of the blaster had been
really painful.

back of his head, which had been sticky a few hours ago, had turned
kind of crusty and Obi-Wan had the horrible suspicion that it was
coated in dried blood that tugged on his scalp. And he had a nasty
headache too from the hit.

figured that along with a concussion, the wookie had opened up a
rather large cut considering it felt like some of the blood had
coated rather far down his tunic too.

maybe he couldn’t quite see either, vision blurry.

he had a concussion for sure.

the pirates were arguing pretty loudly about him and his fate.

some more on the gag and ignoring how dry his mouth was, Obi-Wan
settled his temple against the wall and let out a deep breath as he
tried to chase away the pain in his head. That didn’t go too well
considering his mind was all tumbled around but it was worth a shot
and he let out a deep breath again as he instead drew comfort from
the cold duracrete wall to provide some aid.

It was
certainly better than nothing.

say we just sell him to a slaver.” One spoke up loudly and Obi-Wan
jumped a bit, looking up to watch the weequay. “Just look at that
blood he leaked all over? What kind of human has purple blood. We can
already get a good price out of him for being Force sensitive and a
Jedi, he’s young and strong but whatever he got running in his
veins? Well I bet we can find something looking for a special little
pearl. The crowning gem for someone.” She leered.

two humans looked to be considering the idea while the wookie snorted
in disgust to make certain they knew his opinion on such practices
before shrugging and gurgling out an answer that sounded like

Well, that truly did send panic through
Obi-Wan and he desperately latched onto his bond to Plo, tugging on
it with fear making him well and truly upset.

And Plo responded with his own worry
and determination.

He was on his way.

And he was running to get to Obi-Wan but he was far away at the moment.

Trembling from pain, fear and
exhaustion, Obi-Wan bit down hard enough to bleed from his lip into
the gag in his mouth, the fabric staining purple as he pressed his
back to the wall and prayed to the Force that Plo would come first.

He lost that hope as the wookie turned
to him and lifted him up with a tight grasp on his neck, growling at
the others.

“Narda’s right. He’s gonna need
to be cleaned up if we’re gonna sell him.” One of the two humans
agreed and now that he was standing on trembling legs, Obi-Wan could
tell they were twins from sight.

“So hose him.” The weequay
shrugged. “Keep the clothes though, we don’t want people to think
we’re lying so clean the blood out of his uniform thing.” She
smirked, lifting Obi-Wan’s lightsaber off a desk by her side.
“Though this will be a pretty good clue too, will earn us some
money as I know a few hutt collectors of Jedi stuff.” The woman and
most likely captain laughed.

‘Master I’d very much like to be
rescued right about now.’ Obi-Wan shook heavily as he was dragged
away by the wookie to get hosed down, hopefully he’d get there
before he was undressed because one of the twins were starting to
gain a rather leering look on his face and that was starting to scare
Obi-Wan he had to admit. ‘Master please… I’m scared.’ He sent
along the bond as he stumbled alongside his pirate captor.

What’s happening in SlaveCulture moddy? I’m very interested in the culture :) maybe Obi lectures a Padawan class about slaves ? Or Ani is worried when he sees Mace flirt or touch Obi tenderly ?

everyone sit down and be quiet or I will have you in cleaning
detention with Madam Nu in the library.”

head snapped up from the pad he had been examining about etiquette
among Coruscant elites like Senators and instead focused to the front
of the classroom where Obi-Wan was settling a bag on the desk and
looking at everyone seriously, his hair still in that awkward cut
where he was growing it out from being a padawan.

looked good, was smiling at them.

It had
been a few days since Anakin had seen the other since the mans
knighting ceremony
and the meditation class
but Obi-Wan had looked proud and happy back then and had even winked
at Anakin before he had been lead away by the Council to speak about
future assignments
and Qui-Gon had gently lead Anakin back
to the creche.

As far as he knew, Obi-Wan had moved
into the knight dorms and was now fully operating as a Jedi of knight
ranks even if he still wasn’t fully in active field missions just
yet because the healers had not cleared him.

So he was very happy to see the other
and even happier when Obi-Wan gave him a little side wave and wink.

“Now, I am knight Kenobi. Some of you
may have heard of me but we are here to have a lesson.
Not talk about my exploit. I trust everyone understands that and
won’t be trying any rumor or story questions since I’m covering
this class as a personal favor for Knight Vos.” He threw his eyes
around the room, lips pursing as he gave several of the more
rebellious looking stern looks until they quailed under his gaze.
“Good, today’s subject is slavery on the outer rims.” Obi-Wan
turned to the board behind him, flipping it on.

in his seat tensed, feeling eyes on him but he ignored them like
Obi-Wan had taught him on the
Nubian cruiser with the handmaidens and Padme all around.

Obi-Wan moved around the desk and perched his ass on it, watching
them while crossing his arms over his chest. “Who among you outside
of Initiate Skywalker are
aware or heard the rumor I
was a slave once?” He questioned, his face a bland
mask as he stared all of them down. “No one? Really.”
Obi-Wan’s brows rose.

one by one hands rose until the entire class had their hands up.

gave a deep snort. “Thought so. At least now you’re honest. Point
of the matter though, I was and that’s why Vos asked me to take
this class. We are here to speak about slavery through the galaxy.”
His eyes glittered as he slowly looked over them. “And believe me,
it will be an in dept conversation about different kinds of slaves,
treatment of them and what you should do for them.” Obi-Wan said

sat a bit straighter, he knew the answer to all of these, he’d seen
it but he could tell that it would all be hard conversations,
especially for his classmates.

to hear and understand.

sense Vos asked Obi-Wan to cover this particular lesson… wait is he
going to include brothel slaves and bed slaves?’ He wondered in
some horror.

start with the kind of slave I was to be.” Obi-Wan lifted a remote
and clicked it, his face stone as an old image of him appeared
wearing only a white loincloth and a collar, stars, Anakin could
already see the gaping holes of the heels. “I was to be a bedroom
slave, to be sold for highest price and therefor valuable without any
marks on my skin, therefor the
kind of punishments were limited but… violent, like hamstringing as
I was exposed to.” Obi-Wan said in a steady voice.

was total silence in the room, everyone staring in some amount of

that’s one way to get everyone to understand.’ Anakin thought
with some amount of hysterical horror.

What’s happening in SlaveCulture moddy? I’m very interested in the culture :) maybe Obi lectures a Padawan class about slaves ? Or Ani is worried when he sees Mace flirt or touch Obi tenderly ?

everyone sit down and be quiet or I will have you in cleaning
detention with Madam Nu in the library.”

head snapped up from the pad he had been examining about etiquette
among Coruscant elites like Senators and instead focused to the front
of the classroom where Obi-Wan was settling a bag on the desk and
looking at everyone seriously, his hair still in that awkward cut
where he was growing it out from being a padawan.

looked good, was smiling at them.

It had
been a few days since Anakin had seen the other since the mans
knighting ceremony
and the meditation class
but Obi-Wan had looked proud and happy back then and had even winked
at Anakin before he had been lead away by the Council to speak about
future assignments
and Qui-Gon had gently lead Anakin back
to the creche.

As far as he knew, Obi-Wan had moved
into the knight dorms and was now fully operating as a Jedi of knight
ranks even if he still wasn’t fully in active field missions just
yet because the healers had not cleared him.

So he was very happy to see the other
and even happier when Obi-Wan gave him a little side wave and wink.

“Now, I am knight Kenobi. Some of you
may have heard of me but we are here to have a lesson.
Not talk about my exploit. I trust everyone understands that and
won’t be trying any rumor or story questions since I’m covering
this class as a personal favor for Knight Vos.” He threw his eyes
around the room, lips pursing as he gave several of the more
rebellious looking stern looks until they quailed under his gaze.
“Good, today’s subject is slavery on the outer rims.” Obi-Wan
turned to the board behind him, flipping it on.

in his seat tensed, feeling eyes on him but he ignored them like
Obi-Wan had taught him on the
Nubian cruiser with the handmaidens and Padme all around.

Obi-Wan moved around the desk and perched his ass on it, watching
them while crossing his arms over his chest. “Who among you outside
of Initiate Skywalker are
aware or heard the rumor I
was a slave once?” He questioned, his face a bland
mask as he stared all of them down. “No one? Really.”
Obi-Wan’s brows rose.

one by one hands rose until the entire class had their hands up.

gave a deep snort. “Thought so. At least now you’re honest. Point
of the matter though, I was and that’s why Vos asked me to take
this class. We are here to speak about slavery through the galaxy.”
His eyes glittered as he slowly looked over them. “And believe me,
it will be an in dept conversation about different kinds of slaves,
treatment of them and what you should do for them.” Obi-Wan said

sat a bit straighter, he knew the answer to all of these, he’d seen
it but he could tell that it would all be hard conversations,
especially for his classmates.

to hear and understand.

sense Vos asked Obi-Wan to cover this particular lesson… wait is he
going to include brothel slaves and bed slaves?’ He wondered in
some horror.

start with the kind of slave I was to be.” Obi-Wan lifted a remote
and clicked it, his face stone as an old image of him appeared
wearing only a white loincloth and a collar, stars, Anakin could
already see the gaping holes of the heels. “I was to be a bedroom
slave, to be sold for highest price and therefor valuable without any
marks on my skin, therefor the
kind of punishments were limited but… violent, like hamstringing as
I was exposed to.” Obi-Wan said in a steady voice.

was total silence in the room, everyone staring in some amount of

that’s one way to get everyone to understand.’ Anakin thought
with some amount of hysterical horror.

Hey! I love your blog! Can you expand on that fic where Obi-Wan was taken as a slave as a teen Padawan? Maybe him being saved by someone?

slowly, the first thing Obi-Wan felt was the throbbing of his body
and the coldness of a metal floor he was laying on. The next thing
was the faint vibrating hum of ship engines and than the sounds of
claws on metal and whimpering growls.

didn’t take a genius to realize what had happened at that point as
Obi-Wan forced a swollen eye open to stare into the darkness of a
ships hold, the Force far away and his arms tightly restrained behind
his back.

In the
dimness he could see that he was in a cage that was maybe half a
meter high and half a meter wide, far too small for a human to really
be in but the smugglers he and master Qui-Gon had been investigating
had stuffed him in one with no care.

a deep breath, Obi-Wan smelled the scent of fur and urine and sighed
quietly to himself.

that along with the noises he could hear confirmed to him that he had
been taken by the animal smugglers they had been investigating.

they don’t just smuggle animals.’ Obi-Wan thought dryly to
himself, not bothering to try and sit up with how small the cage he
was in was. It made him sympathetic to all the animals around him as
he didn’t imagine they were given enough space either.

not to be fearful, Obi-Wan instead cataloged his own injuries from
the fight with the smugglers and hoped that Qui-Gon would find him

long it took for someone to come into the hold and the lights to
brighten Obi-Wan wasn’t sure of but it finally allowed Obi-Wan to
see what kind of animals that were being smuggled.


felines that were rare in the galaxy as they only existed on certain
planets despite being transported around the galaxy. The problem was
that when they were transported, it was usually as singular units
despite being animals who thrived in groups and therefor didn’t
multiply even when kept as spoiled pets of rich bastards.

were handsome creatures though, Obi-Wan had to admit as he stared at
the only one he could see properly, an adult that was roughly around
Obi-Wan’s shoulder height with deep blue eyes and fur that was
pitch black. The fluffy fur however was matted from being in a cage
and it was laying down with its ears pinned, looking about as
miserable as Obi-Wan.

then the sight was blotted out as a slaver stopped in front of
Obi-Wan’s cage, a nikto
smirking down at him with a
hyposhot in his hand. “Hello little Jedi, got your next little shot
to keep you from using those nifty powers of yours until we arrive at
the Invisible Market.” He leered at Obi-Wan.

cold sweat break out over his body, Obi-Wan only stared back mutely
and sent a quick prayer to the Force that Qui-Gon would find him
sooner rather than later as the fresh inhibitor shot was set by the


to when he heard a blaster shot, Obi-Wan lifted his head from his
arms to give a bleary blink at the door.

he sat up as other slaves around him did the same, each one wondering
what was going on, if there was a thief in the mistress household or
if the guards were dealing with one of their own having a fit of some

then Obi-Wan heard something familiar that he hadn’t heard in over
two years that had him jerking to his feet, the manacles around his
wrist rattling and the
putrefied wounds of his back breaking open and oozing.

telltale hum of a lightsaber.

He whispered, staring at the doors as more blaster shots echoed.

was an echoing whisper from the other slaves at his statement, hope
on many’s face, hope for rescue, for freedom.

his breath, Obi-Wan listened to the noises of the lightsabers come
closer and closer until there was a lull.

then the door opened.

out his breath all at once Obi-Wan felt his eyes fill with tears.
“Master.” He whispered.

stood there, grayer than
the last time Obi-Wan remembered but there as he turned his saber off
and hooked it onto his belt, marching
forward in front of Obi-Wan.

hands cupped Obi-Wan’s gaunt face, the two putting their foreheads
together. “Obi-Wan.” The older Jedi murmured, voice hitched. “My
padawan.” He didn’t seem to know what else to say and Obi-Wan
didn’t need him to say anything.

he placed his hands over those warm broad hands, shaking as tears
rolled down his face as he
heard other Jedi approaching the other slaves. Two years of pain and
suffering and Qui-Gon had finally found him and Obi-Wan wasn’t sure
what to do except cling to the man.

It all
happened in a blur from him after that, the only certain thing being
Qui-Gon always within touching distance, his hand holding Obi-Wan’s
in reassurance until they were on the Jedi ship. Obi-Wan thought he
saw Knight Labooda but he wasn’t sure and he didn’t recognize the
other Jedi despite their kind smiles for him as
they had the manacles removed and the Force returned to Obi-Wan.

then it was time for the healer to take a look at him in the medical

on the bed, Obi-Wan clung to Qui-Gon’s hands as the shirt was cut
off him, trembling faintly as the layers were peeled off his back.

Force.” The healer hissed at the state of Obi-Wan’s back while
Qui-Gon stared at telltale scars of Obi-Wan’s arms, chest and back.
He looked gray but Obi-Wan squeezed down on his hands, smiling when
he caught Qui-Gon’s eyes again.

found me.” He whispered.

found you.” Qui-Gon smiled tremulously
back, leaning forward to rest their foreheads together again. “I’ll
always find you Obi-Wan.”

Hey! I love your blog! Can you expand on that fic where Obi-Wan was taken as a slave as a teen Padawan? Maybe him being saved by someone?

slowly, the first thing Obi-Wan felt was the throbbing of his body
and the coldness of a metal floor he was laying on. The next thing
was the faint vibrating hum of ship engines and than the sounds of
claws on metal and whimpering growls.

didn’t take a genius to realize what had happened at that point as
Obi-Wan forced a swollen eye open to stare into the darkness of a
ships hold, the Force far away and his arms tightly restrained behind
his back.

In the
dimness he could see that he was in a cage that was maybe half a
meter high and half a meter wide, far too small for a human to really
be in but the smugglers he and master Qui-Gon had been investigating
had stuffed him in one with no care.

a deep breath, Obi-Wan smelled the scent of fur and urine and sighed
quietly to himself.

that along with the noises he could hear confirmed to him that he had
been taken by the animal smugglers they had been investigating.

they don’t just smuggle animals.’ Obi-Wan thought dryly to
himself, not bothering to try and sit up with how small the cage he
was in was. It made him sympathetic to all the animals around him as
he didn’t imagine they were given enough space either.

not to be fearful, Obi-Wan instead cataloged his own injuries from
the fight with the smugglers and hoped that Qui-Gon would find him

long it took for someone to come into the hold and the lights to
brighten Obi-Wan wasn’t sure of but it finally allowed Obi-Wan to
see what kind of animals that were being smuggled.


felines that were rare in the galaxy as they only existed on certain
planets despite being transported around the galaxy. The problem was
that when they were transported, it was usually as singular units
despite being animals who thrived in groups and therefor didn’t
multiply even when kept as spoiled pets of rich bastards.

were handsome creatures though, Obi-Wan had to admit as he stared at
the only one he could see properly, an adult that was roughly around
Obi-Wan’s shoulder height with deep blue eyes and fur that was
pitch black. The fluffy fur however was matted from being in a cage
and it was laying down with its ears pinned, looking about as
miserable as Obi-Wan.

then the sight was blotted out as a slaver stopped in front of
Obi-Wan’s cage, a nikto
smirking down at him with a
hyposhot in his hand. “Hello little Jedi, got your next little shot
to keep you from using those nifty powers of yours until we arrive at
the Invisible Market.” He leered at Obi-Wan.

cold sweat break out over his body, Obi-Wan only stared back mutely
and sent a quick prayer to the Force that Qui-Gon would find him
sooner rather than later as the fresh inhibitor shot was set by the


to when he heard a blaster shot, Obi-Wan lifted his head from his
arms to give a bleary blink at the door.

he sat up as other slaves around him did the same, each one wondering
what was going on, if there was a thief in the mistress household or
if the guards were dealing with one of their own having a fit of some

then Obi-Wan heard something familiar that he hadn’t heard in over
two years that had him jerking to his feet, the manacles around his
wrist rattling and the
putrefied wounds of his back breaking open and oozing.

telltale hum of a lightsaber.

He whispered, staring at the doors as more blaster shots echoed.

was an echoing whisper from the other slaves at his statement, hope
on many’s face, hope for rescue, for freedom.

his breath, Obi-Wan listened to the noises of the lightsabers come
closer and closer until there was a lull.

then the door opened.

out his breath all at once Obi-Wan felt his eyes fill with tears.
“Master.” He whispered.

stood there, grayer than
the last time Obi-Wan remembered but there as he turned his saber off
and hooked it onto his belt, marching
forward in front of Obi-Wan.

hands cupped Obi-Wan’s gaunt face, the two putting their foreheads
together. “Obi-Wan.” The older Jedi murmured, voice hitched. “My
padawan.” He didn’t seem to know what else to say and Obi-Wan
didn’t need him to say anything.

he placed his hands over those warm broad hands, shaking as tears
rolled down his face as he
heard other Jedi approaching the other slaves. Two years of pain and
suffering and Qui-Gon had finally found him and Obi-Wan wasn’t sure
what to do except cling to the man.

It all
happened in a blur from him after that, the only certain thing being
Qui-Gon always within touching distance, his hand holding Obi-Wan’s
in reassurance until they were on the Jedi ship. Obi-Wan thought he
saw Knight Labooda but he wasn’t sure and he didn’t recognize the
other Jedi despite their kind smiles for him as
they had the manacles removed and the Force returned to Obi-Wan.

then it was time for the healer to take a look at him in the medical

on the bed, Obi-Wan clung to Qui-Gon’s hands as the shirt was cut
off him, trembling faintly as the layers were peeled off his back.

Force.” The healer hissed at the state of Obi-Wan’s back while
Qui-Gon stared at telltale scars of Obi-Wan’s arms, chest and back.
He looked gray but Obi-Wan squeezed down on his hands, smiling when
he caught Qui-Gon’s eyes again.

found me.” He whispered.

found you.” Qui-Gon smiled tremulously
back, leaning forward to rest their foreheads together again. “I’ll
always find you Obi-Wan.”

Obi-Wan was captured in his mid to late teens by slavers and it was a few years before they got him back. That’s why he’s so late, relatively speaking, reaching knighthood.

Looking around the bath house made with fancy ass colored glass and
carved stone, Anakin turned wide eyes on his master as Obi-Wan was
undoing his belt and sash with practiced ease. “We get to use this
entire space all to our self master?” He questioned a bit

Obi-Wan chuckled faintly, nodding. “The foreman apparently wants to
make a good impression on us. Usually there would be many others in
here depending on the membership requirement but he shut down the
bath house for us for the duration of however long we use.” He
hummed, taking a deep breath. “And to be honest, I frankly want to
take a bit of advantage of the offer considering the last few weeks
we’ve had.” He settled on a bit dryly.

Grimacing but nodding in understanding, Anakin plucked at the muddy
patch on his tunic that was only one among many. “Yeah, that does
actually sound nice to be able to use all the amenities… but I
didn’t bring any clean tunics master!” He looked up in alarm.

Laughing a bit, Obi-Wan winked at him. “Then its a good thing I
did. I knew you wouldn’t think of it so I packed your spare set
with me along with towels and soaps. So you’re going to be properly
clean Anakin.”

Perking up and quickly getting out of his boots, belts and sash,
Anakin wiggled eagerly at the idea of finally getting clean from
swamp wandering. He suspected he was growing mold in some of his
crevices damn it.

On the other side of the bench, Obi-Wan was dropping his dirty things

It was the first time Anakin had seen the other fully shirtless and
the ten year old felt the saliva of his mouth suddenly dry out at the
amount of scars covering the others chest and arms.

And the most telltale of them around his wrist, the evidence of
manacles with long gauging white lines going up the under arm.

Obi-Wan had once been cuffed hard enough to leave scars and like an
animal trying to gnaw off the trap keeping him, Obi-Wan had clawed
around the area the manacle had been in a desperate attempt to remove

Then nausea made its way into him as Obi-Wan turned around to check
in the bag for their towels and soaps he had brought with, long thick
lines of pink scar tissue lined the entire back, no patch left

Some of them were puckered in a way Anakin knew meant the wounds had
been left to fester and rot with no medical aid provided.

Obi-Wan turned back, towels in hands only to freeze a bit at the
others pale expression. “Anakin?” He whispered.

Anakin slowly looked up at him, shaking. “…You’ve been
whipped.” He whispered.

The two stared at each other for a long moment before Obi-Wan sighed
heavily and sat down on the bench, settling the clean towels aside so
they wouldn’t be soiled, patting the bench for Anakin to sit down.

Sitting down without looking, Anakin stared at the other Jedi with
wide eyes, trying to cling to the contents of his stomach as his mind
conjured all kinds of scenarios.

Obi-Wan took a deep breath and settled his elbows on his knees as he
leaned forward, lacing his hands together. “You’ve noticed that
all my friends are knights Anakin, right?” He started carefully,
smiling when Anakin gave a shaky nod. “Most of them have been
knights for years and yet I was a padawan despite being the same age
as them. Do you have any suspicions on why?” He asked carefully.

“…I don’t know.” Anakin whispered, biting his lips. “But I
got suspicions.” He added.

Nodding at that, Obi-Wan took a deep breath. “When I was seventeen
Anakin, Qui-Gon and I was on the outer rims, investigating an animal
smuggling ring. Its a common practice, smuggling exotic or endangered
animals to either be kept as pets or hunt on. What we didn’t know
however at the time was that… they also smuggled people.” Obi-Wan
trailed off a bit, hands tightening on each other as Anakin felt his
heart thundering in his chest.

“…You got caught.” He whispered.

There was a slow nod. “I got caught.” Obi-Wan confirmed quietly.
“And by the time master figured out what had happened, I was being
shipped away with several animals out of the planet and then out of
the system. Since I was kept drugged, I don’t really know how many
days went by on the trip but… it took Qui-Gon and the Order two
years to find me and rescue me.” Obi-Wan said, his voice low.

Two years as a slave.

Two years were plenty enough for horrible things to happen to cause
the scars of Obi-Wan’s body and Anakin reached out, clinging to the
others upper arm while staring at him.

Obi-Wan looked at him, seemingly world weary before he suddenly
smiled. “I need you to know this Anakin. Whatever happens, the
Order doesn’t leave their members behind if they can help it. If
you ever get separated from me, if you ever get caught and brought
from me… I’m going to look for you. The Order always looks for
their members until they can confirm death for the burial rites and
to whisper their names to the memory moths.” He slowly loosened his
hands from each other, cupping Anakin’s cheek with his hand. “I’ll
always look for you regardless what happens Anakin.” He added.

Wrapping his both his hands around the thick scar tissue of Obi-Wan’s
wrist, Anakin gave a nod of understanding while letting out a shaky

Underneath his hands, Obi-Wan’s pulse felt strong and steady.