For the SithandChild series: Sith aren’t really well known for being so patient with kids. And I bet Sidious isn’t very happy with all his Sith underlings being all hearteyes! over baby!Obi. And it seems like Qui-Gon is trying to get rid of Sidious. Maybe we can see something come out of that?

The Zabrak pushed open the door without consideration for the meeting
inside, his face a thundercloud as he made his way to Serenus despite
the Count’s eyebrows going high in disapproval and the shocked
faces of the Senate members.

Serenus himself raised a puzzled eyebrow and leaned in to listen, his
face turning into a thundercloud too at what the tattoo covered man
was telling him before he quickly stood. “It appears Obi-Wan is
missing.” The sith surveyed the Republic and Jedi, his eyes glowing
in contempt and anger.

The apprentice trades a glance with the master, the two of them
engaging in none verbal communication before the tall sith focuses on
the Supreme Chancellor. “Give him back.” With that Qui-Gon swirls
out of the room, Maul on his tail even as Dooku stands slowly.

“It seems the negotiation will have to wait.” He offers almost
peacefully if it wasn’t for the way he’s clenching his right hand
on his belt as if he wishes he was wearing his lightsaber. “We
shall resume once we have located young Kenobi.” With that he
follows after the other two.


“Sidious has clearly taken him.” Qui-Gon growled at Yan as the
two went through the security footage. Maul, Savage and Asajj were
already trying to locate any signs of Obi-Wan where the child was
last seen. “If he has hurt him…”

“Patient Qui-Gon, it may be the Jedi.”

“They wouldn’t risk the treaty, not when its so close to being
done. Anakin may be overeager and prone to acting out but not here,
not now.” Qui-Gon clenched his hands on the desk and breathed out
sharply. “That leaves Sidious.”

“Sidious?” Both turned in surprise, Yan still in the chair and
Qui-Gon standing by the desk, to find Anakin standing in the doorway
with Kit Fisto right behind him.

“Ah, revered Jedi. I see you’ve come along to…” Yan let the
words linger in the air. Hinder or help, it was up to them.

“Obi-Wan needs to be found, regardless what.” Anakin stepped into
the office. “Both Master Yoda and Master Mace agreed and we have
orders to help.”

Yan and Qui-Gon exchanged long looks at that before the taller man
focused back on the two Jedi. “Then it behooves you to know that
Sheev Palpatine is also Darth Sidious, and he is currently very
unhappy about the peace being negotiated.” Qui-Gon gave the Jedi a
sharp smile.

It was almost amusing how Anakin’s eyes widened in horror.


“And we can be sure that he is the one that has Obi-Wan because it
would serve both the function of destabilizing the negotiation and
show his displeasure with his former apprentices.”

“I…what?” Anakin wheezed.

Kit was blinking rapidly, as if trying to make sense of what he had
been told by rapid eye movement alone.

“He trained both Count Dooku and Darth Maul. He broke the rule of
two from the line of Bane. From there Yan taught me and Asajj and
Maul has taught Savage.” The tall Sith waved them off. “History
lesson done, we have a Obi-Wan to find. Anything Yan?”

“No.” The older man growled. “The cameras cuts out for ten
minutes while Obi-Wan is in the gardens. When they come back online,
Obi-Wan is gone and there’s no sign of a skirmish.”

“Theories? Obi-Wan would not have gone willingly with a stranger.”

“Drugs. He’s a child. Easy to pick up, easy to silence and easy
to carry away if you’re swift and use the Force. Especially if the
person is stronger then him.”

“You think he personally involved himself?” Qui-Gon frowned.

Yan shrugged a bit. “For the price of the galaxy and the
destruction of the Jedi? Yes.”

“Wait!” The blond was looking between the two older men. “Are
you honestly trying to get us to believe that our supreme chan-”

“If you believe it or not does not matter to me boy.” The Count
of Serenno stood, surveying Anakin with a look of contempt. “What
matters to me is that Obi-Wan gets found in a healthy condition. The
Jedi have lost their way but if I can make a piece of the galaxy
where I can do my research and be free of them, then I am content.”

When the two Jedi looked to him, Qui-Gon shrugged. “The galaxy
requires balance. To much darkness or to much light is not balance.
But for now Obi-Wan is our main concern.”

Usually one to take lead, Anakin instead looked to Kit for guidance
since the other was a council member and actually one Anakin

“Finding young Kenobi is more important then our…suspicions.”
The Nautolan settled on, nodding. “Suggestions?”

“Start where he was last seen. Maul, Savage and Asajj are out
questioning people.”

“If the Supreme Chancellor really i-”

“He won’t help us.” Qui-Gon laughed at Anakin and his naivety
“He wants this meeting to fail. He hasn’t killed Obi-Wan because
Obi-Wan is still a wonderful bargining chip. But if Obi-Wan is in a
healthy condition, I’m a banthas uncle…no, he needs to be found
and found swiftly. Or else we will have a corpse on our hand.”
Yellow eyes focused on the Jedi and they barely resisted the urge to
step back. “And if that happens, there will be a mountain of
corpses once I’m done getting my revenge.”

For the SithandChild series: Sith aren’t really well known for being so patient with kids. And I bet Sidious isn’t very happy with all his Sith underlings being all hearteyes! over baby!Obi. And it seems like Qui-Gon is trying to get rid of Sidious. Maybe we can see something come out of that?

The Zabrak pushed open the door without consideration for the meeting
inside, his face a thundercloud as he made his way to Serenus despite
the Count’s eyebrows going high in disapproval and the shocked
faces of the Senate members.

Serenus himself raised a puzzled eyebrow and leaned in to listen, his
face turning into a thundercloud too at what the tattoo covered man
was telling him before he quickly stood. “It appears Obi-Wan is
missing.” The sith surveyed the Republic and Jedi, his eyes glowing
in contempt and anger.

The apprentice trades a glance with the master, the two of them
engaging in none verbal communication before the tall sith focuses on
the Supreme Chancellor. “Give him back.” With that Qui-Gon swirls
out of the room, Maul on his tail even as Dooku stands slowly.

“It seems the negotiation will have to wait.” He offers almost
peacefully if it wasn’t for the way he’s clenching his right hand
on his belt as if he wishes he was wearing his lightsaber. “We
shall resume once we have located young Kenobi.” With that he
follows after the other two.


“Sidious has clearly taken him.” Qui-Gon growled at Yan as the
two went through the security footage. Maul, Savage and Asajj were
already trying to locate any signs of Obi-Wan where the child was
last seen. “If he has hurt him…”

“Patient Qui-Gon, it may be the Jedi.”

“They wouldn’t risk the treaty, not when its so close to being
done. Anakin may be overeager and prone to acting out but not here,
not now.” Qui-Gon clenched his hands on the desk and breathed out
sharply. “That leaves Sidious.”

“Sidious?” Both turned in surprise, Yan still in the chair and
Qui-Gon standing by the desk, to find Anakin standing in the doorway
with Kit Fisto right behind him.

“Ah, revered Jedi. I see you’ve come along to…” Yan let the
words linger in the air. Hinder or help, it was up to them.

“Obi-Wan needs to be found, regardless what.” Anakin stepped into
the office. “Both Master Yoda and Master Mace agreed and we have
orders to help.”

Yan and Qui-Gon exchanged long looks at that before the taller man
focused back on the two Jedi. “Then it behooves you to know that
Sheev Palpatine is also Darth Sidious, and he is currently very
unhappy about the peace being negotiated.” Qui-Gon gave the Jedi a
sharp smile.

It was almost amusing how Anakin’s eyes widened in horror.


“And we can be sure that he is the one that has Obi-Wan because it
would serve both the function of destabilizing the negotiation and
show his displeasure with his former apprentices.”

“I…what?” Anakin wheezed.

Kit was blinking rapidly, as if trying to make sense of what he had
been told by rapid eye movement alone.

“He trained both Count Dooku and Darth Maul. He broke the rule of
two from the line of Bane. From there Yan taught me and Asajj and
Maul has taught Savage.” The tall Sith waved them off. “History
lesson done, we have a Obi-Wan to find. Anything Yan?”

“No.” The older man growled. “The cameras cuts out for ten
minutes while Obi-Wan is in the gardens. When they come back online,
Obi-Wan is gone and there’s no sign of a skirmish.”

“Theories? Obi-Wan would not have gone willingly with a stranger.”

“Drugs. He’s a child. Easy to pick up, easy to silence and easy
to carry away if you’re swift and use the Force. Especially if the
person is stronger then him.”

“You think he personally involved himself?” Qui-Gon frowned.

Yan shrugged a bit. “For the price of the galaxy and the
destruction of the Jedi? Yes.”

“Wait!” The blond was looking between the two older men. “Are
you honestly trying to get us to believe that our supreme chan-”

“If you believe it or not does not matter to me boy.” The Count
of Serenno stood, surveying Anakin with a look of contempt. “What
matters to me is that Obi-Wan gets found in a healthy condition. The
Jedi have lost their way but if I can make a piece of the galaxy
where I can do my research and be free of them, then I am content.”

When the two Jedi looked to him, Qui-Gon shrugged. “The galaxy
requires balance. To much darkness or to much light is not balance.
But for now Obi-Wan is our main concern.”

Usually one to take lead, Anakin instead looked to Kit for guidance
since the other was a council member and actually one Anakin

“Finding young Kenobi is more important then our…suspicions.”
The Nautolan settled on, nodding. “Suggestions?”

“Start where he was last seen. Maul, Savage and Asajj are out
questioning people.”

“If the Supreme Chancellor really i-”

“He won’t help us.” Qui-Gon laughed at Anakin and his naivety
“He wants this meeting to fail. He hasn’t killed Obi-Wan because
Obi-Wan is still a wonderful bargining chip. But if Obi-Wan is in a
healthy condition, I’m a banthas uncle…no, he needs to be found
and found swiftly. Or else we will have a corpse on our hand.”
Yellow eyes focused on the Jedi and they barely resisted the urge to
step back. “And if that happens, there will be a mountain of
corpses once I’m done getting my revenge.”

I love your MirrorAU! Could you write Qui-gon seeing Obi-wan struggling and instead of trying to get him to Fall, he tries to help him cope? I’d just really love to see Jedi!Obi-wan with Sith!Qui-gon, and Obi-wan not Fall.

are we going?”
Qui-Gon glanced over his shoulder at the Jedi standing in the cockpit
doors, Obi-Wan looking drawn and a bit pale as he stared out at the
space passing by the ship. He’d
been asleep when Qui-Gon had carried him to the ship in the temple
hanger but had clearly woken some time between then and now.

he’s speaking again…’ The other man stood from the chair and
moved to the other man, cupping his narrow face in a broad hand.
“Somewhere you might feel better.”

other was visibly confused but to tired to argue even as Qui-Gon
tucked an arm around his shoulders and drew him against Qui-Gon’s
broad chest.

He questioned against the ridiculous expensive silk of the Sith’s

clear that…the temple was making you…ill.” Qui-Gon started
slowly, almost haltingly as if he couldn’t believe what he was

everyone wanted me to fall…” Obi-Wan questioned as he fisted his
hands into the silk.

not break. That was breaking you.” Qui-Gon teased long copper
hair strands with his fingers, feeling the silky texture. “I was
not seeking a mindless puppet.” He grumbled.

blinked. That almost sounded like the Sith cared.

were are we going?”

summer home. Its on one of Serenno’s moons, a gift from my former

blinked at that, shifting against the warm chest he had become
familiar with. Some dying part of him wondered if this was how his
Qui-Gon would have felt to be close to, this warm and nice smelling.

rest of him just tiredly leaned against this
Qui-Gon. “And the other
sith lords just agreed to let you take me away…?”

are mine.” The arms were now wrapped possessively around the copper
haired. “They have no say.”

Obi-Wan had nothing to say to that.


slept an entire day and an entire night cycle.

contemplated waking him, watching the Jedi sleep in the middle of the
bed, curled up on his side with his knees pulled up to his stomach.
In the end he decided against it and had let him as the day of
Serenno’s moon passed
by slowly with rain falling outside the home.

filled his day with checking on the house, sparring, having his own
meals and hearing about the local towns before he joined his Jedi in
bed, pulling the slighter body against his. He had been about to drop
of to sleep himself when Obi-Wan had shifted and curled around him,
burying his sleeping self against the sith in quiet, sleeping need.

getting soft.’ Qui-Gon grunted as he adjusted his hold ever so
slightly for boths comfort.

woke alone in bed, to the sound of the fresher.

loath to admit it even to himself but he was relieved when Obi-Wan
followed him around for the start of the day before sliding away and
going outside to the gardens, actually
doing something after eating.

kept a discreet eye on the Jedi from a window, watching him sit at a
pond and feed the fish in it pellets, sun warming the others exposed
freckled skin.

things could go back to normal with no one else around.

also brought Qui-Gon to a revelation.

didn’t want this Obi-Wan to fall.

still wanted to keep him for sure, wanted to own him as he always
wanted to own his own universe Obi-Wan. But he no longer wanted green
eyes to turn yellow.

is not good.” He grumbled before mentally calculating if he could
get away with claiming he wanted to keep a Jedi ‘pet’.

would convince some.

power display. Holding Obi-Wan as his ‘pet’. Qui-Gon smirked a
bit to himself and looked back out to see Obi-Wan roll his leggings
up before dipping his feet in the pond, smiling a bit at the fish
nibbling at his toes.

one should shine that brightly in the Force.” The Sith grumbled to

I love your MirrorAU! Could you write Qui-gon seeing Obi-wan struggling and instead of trying to get him to Fall, he tries to help him cope? I’d just really love to see Jedi!Obi-wan with Sith!Qui-gon, and Obi-wan not Fall.

are we going?”
Qui-Gon glanced over his shoulder at the Jedi standing in the cockpit
doors, Obi-Wan looking drawn and a bit pale as he stared out at the
space passing by the ship. He’d
been asleep when Qui-Gon had carried him to the ship in the temple
hanger but had clearly woken some time between then and now.

he’s speaking again…’ The other man stood from the chair and
moved to the other man, cupping his narrow face in a broad hand.
“Somewhere you might feel better.”

other was visibly confused but to tired to argue even as Qui-Gon
tucked an arm around his shoulders and drew him against Qui-Gon’s
broad chest.

He questioned against the ridiculous expensive silk of the Sith’s

clear that…the temple was making you…ill.” Qui-Gon started
slowly, almost haltingly as if he couldn’t believe what he was

everyone wanted me to fall…” Obi-Wan questioned as he fisted his
hands into the silk.

not break. That was breaking you.” Qui-Gon teased long copper
hair strands with his fingers, feeling the silky texture. “I was
not seeking a mindless puppet.” He grumbled.

blinked. That almost sounded like the Sith cared.

were are we going?”

summer home. Its on one of Serenno’s moons, a gift from my former

blinked at that, shifting against the warm chest he had become
familiar with. Some dying part of him wondered if this was how his
Qui-Gon would have felt to be close to, this warm and nice smelling.

rest of him just tiredly leaned against this
Qui-Gon. “And the other
sith lords just agreed to let you take me away…?”

are mine.” The arms were now wrapped possessively around the copper
haired. “They have no say.”

Obi-Wan had nothing to say to that.


slept an entire day and an entire night cycle.

contemplated waking him, watching the Jedi sleep in the middle of the
bed, curled up on his side with his knees pulled up to his stomach.
In the end he decided against it and had let him as the day of
Serenno’s moon passed
by slowly with rain falling outside the home.

filled his day with checking on the house, sparring, having his own
meals and hearing about the local towns before he joined his Jedi in
bed, pulling the slighter body against his. He had been about to drop
of to sleep himself when Obi-Wan had shifted and curled around him,
burying his sleeping self against the sith in quiet, sleeping need.

getting soft.’ Qui-Gon grunted as he adjusted his hold ever so
slightly for boths comfort.

woke alone in bed, to the sound of the fresher.

loath to admit it even to himself but he was relieved when Obi-Wan
followed him around for the start of the day before sliding away and
going outside to the gardens, actually
doing something after eating.

kept a discreet eye on the Jedi from a window, watching him sit at a
pond and feed the fish in it pellets, sun warming the others exposed
freckled skin.

things could go back to normal with no one else around.

also brought Qui-Gon to a revelation.

didn’t want this Obi-Wan to fall.

still wanted to keep him for sure, wanted to own him as he always
wanted to own his own universe Obi-Wan. But he no longer wanted green
eyes to turn yellow.

is not good.” He grumbled before mentally calculating if he could
get away with claiming he wanted to keep a Jedi ‘pet’.

would convince some.

power display. Holding Obi-Wan as his ‘pet’. Qui-Gon smirked a
bit to himself and looked back out to see Obi-Wan roll his leggings
up before dipping his feet in the pond, smiling a bit at the fish
nibbling at his toes.

one should shine that brightly in the Force.” The Sith grumbled to

That last mirror!verse snippet was great! 10/10 it brought up more obi being bound from the force. How does that affect his meditation? Does it make it harder to release his emotions to the force? Will that be something that could be a potential Fall problem? Like cause he’s stuck in that AU and that’s gotta fuck up him daily…

“…Please stop. I’m having issues enough meditating if you’re
also going to be pushy.” Obi-Wan opened his eyes and twisted his
head to glare at Qui-Gon, barely holding onto his sanity as it was.
Without the Force it was so much harder to release his emotions to
it, instead of releasing them they seemed to linger inside of him,
itch and claw to be felt and heard.

And Qui-Gon didn’t help but constantly interrupting him when he

“Your meditation is annoying. I don’t like it, you feel
so…compliant when you’re done.” Qui-Gon drawled against his
shoulder while nuzzling slowly against his shoulder, sitting behind
Obi-Wan. “I like your emotions better.” He nuzzled into the
others neck.

Obi-Wan prayed for patience even as he pushed away from Qui-Gon and
stood, walking away from the Sith. He moved to the kitchen and put on
the kettle, huffing under his breath before he took several deep

He wondered what his Anakin was doing.



“Calm down Skywalker, this is not the behavior of a Jedi knight.”



Pulling tea from the cupboards, Obi-Wan mentally recited the code in
his mind until two hands pinned him to the counter, a large and warm
body pressed against his back.

“Really Obi-Wan, ignoring me doesn’t work you know.” Qui-Gon
chuckled, his breath brushing the wisps of copper hair.

“I had to try didn’t I. Kark let me go you idiot.” Obi-Wan
shoved Qui-Gon’s hand out of the way and escaped over to the pot,
carefully measuring up the right amount of tea for the pot.

“Temper…” Qui-Gon smirked at him. Despite muted, he could
almost feel the electric sensation of Obi-Wan’s anger in the air.
It wasn’t quite the same as his Obi-Wan but it was…delicious.

Obi-Wan blinked then lifted a trembling hand to his face, taking
several shallow breaths of air as he did. “…What do you even want
from me, I feel like I’m going insane.” He whispered shakily. “Is
that what you want? My insanity?”

Qui-Gon’s large hand wrapped around his wrist and pulled him away
from the pot and the whistling kettle, pulling him against his chest
as he stared down at Obi-Wan. “What I want? I want you. I want you
fallen and for myself.” He ran a thumb over Obi-Wan’s cheek. “I
want you to look at me and…see him.” Obi-Wan stared back at him.

“But you’re NOT him. You will NEVER be my Qui-Gon. I don’t even
understand why you want to…”

“Because I loved my Obi-Wan. And I could love you.” Qui-Gon
caressed the skin of the others cheek slowly. “You’re everything
he was only lighter. Just as gorgeous and warm.”

“So you’re going to reduce me to your bed mate?!”

Qui-Gon gave him a contemptuous look. “If you’re anything like my
Obi-Wan, you know better then that.”

The Jedi looked away. “…He was…”

“I don’t need sex. Neither did Obi-Wan. Neither do you I bet.”
Qui-Gon growled then stroked Obi-Wan’s face slowly, letting go of
his wrist. “Obi-Wan. Just…give in?”

“…No.” Obi-Wan stepped back and picked up the kettle to pour
into the pot with the tea, taking a shuddering breath. He’d almost
leaned into those hands, he’d almost…

‘I need to get away soon or else…’ Obi-Wan swallowed.

That last mirror!verse snippet was great! 10/10 it brought up more obi being bound from the force. How does that affect his meditation? Does it make it harder to release his emotions to the force? Will that be something that could be a potential Fall problem? Like cause he’s stuck in that AU and that’s gotta fuck up him daily…

“…Please stop. I’m having issues enough meditating if you’re
also going to be pushy.” Obi-Wan opened his eyes and twisted his
head to glare at Qui-Gon, barely holding onto his sanity as it was.
Without the Force it was so much harder to release his emotions to
it, instead of releasing them they seemed to linger inside of him,
itch and claw to be felt and heard.

And Qui-Gon didn’t help but constantly interrupting him when he

“Your meditation is annoying. I don’t like it, you feel
so…compliant when you’re done.” Qui-Gon drawled against his
shoulder while nuzzling slowly against his shoulder, sitting behind
Obi-Wan. “I like your emotions better.” He nuzzled into the
others neck.

Obi-Wan prayed for patience even as he pushed away from Qui-Gon and
stood, walking away from the Sith. He moved to the kitchen and put on
the kettle, huffing under his breath before he took several deep

He wondered what his Anakin was doing.



“Calm down Skywalker, this is not the behavior of a Jedi knight.”



Pulling tea from the cupboards, Obi-Wan mentally recited the code in
his mind until two hands pinned him to the counter, a large and warm
body pressed against his back.

“Really Obi-Wan, ignoring me doesn’t work you know.” Qui-Gon
chuckled, his breath brushing the wisps of copper hair.

“I had to try didn’t I. Kark let me go you idiot.” Obi-Wan
shoved Qui-Gon’s hand out of the way and escaped over to the pot,
carefully measuring up the right amount of tea for the pot.

“Temper…” Qui-Gon smirked at him. Despite muted, he could
almost feel the electric sensation of Obi-Wan’s anger in the air.
It wasn’t quite the same as his Obi-Wan but it was…delicious.

Obi-Wan blinked then lifted a trembling hand to his face, taking
several shallow breaths of air as he did. “…What do you even want
from me, I feel like I’m going insane.” He whispered shakily. “Is
that what you want? My insanity?”

Qui-Gon’s large hand wrapped around his wrist and pulled him away
from the pot and the whistling kettle, pulling him against his chest
as he stared down at Obi-Wan. “What I want? I want you. I want you
fallen and for myself.” He ran a thumb over Obi-Wan’s cheek. “I
want you to look at me and…see him.” Obi-Wan stared back at him.

“But you’re NOT him. You will NEVER be my Qui-Gon. I don’t even
understand why you want to…”

“Because I loved my Obi-Wan. And I could love you.” Qui-Gon
caressed the skin of the others cheek slowly. “You’re everything
he was only lighter. Just as gorgeous and warm.”

“So you’re going to reduce me to your bed mate?!”

Qui-Gon gave him a contemptuous look. “If you’re anything like my
Obi-Wan, you know better then that.”

The Jedi looked away. “…He was…”

“I don’t need sex. Neither did Obi-Wan. Neither do you I bet.”
Qui-Gon growled then stroked Obi-Wan’s face slowly, letting go of
his wrist. “Obi-Wan. Just…give in?”

“…No.” Obi-Wan stepped back and picked up the kettle to pour
into the pot with the tea, taking a shuddering breath. He’d almost
leaned into those hands, he’d almost…

‘I need to get away soon or else…’ Obi-Wan swallowed.

Mirror Sith au! How is Obi-Wan settling into being stuck with a Sith version of his former master? Is Qui-Gin trying to subtly turn him? Or is he still just playing house with him?

He refused to say he flopped tiredly.

Sith Lords do not flop like tired bantha’s.

Except when they were done dealing with border disputes and slicing
through guards to finally come home to their own quarters and lavish
couch and bed. Force, a bath would not go amiss honestly along with a
warm meal.

Perhaps a change of cloth too, he was sure there was till blood on
his robes and tunic.

There was a soft sound of a door opening and hesitation in the Force
before quiet steps moved past the couch towards the kitchen.
‘Obi-Wan. The other Obi-Wan. Not my Obi-Wan but the Jedi.’
Qui-Gon thought tiredly yet still reached out blindly, catching the
wrist of the man with his eyes still closed.

“Come here…” He tugged, feeling the barest hint of hesitation
before the Jedi did as told, moving to sit on the couch.

No, that wouldn’t do.

Qui-Gon growled and pulled until the man was sitting on his lap,
surprise and not a small amount of discomfort jagging its way through
the Force from the Jedi but Qui-Gon didn’t care.

It wasn’t his Obi-Wan but it was still soothing.

He half expected the other to lean in and run his fingers through his
hair and scalp, teasing him about taking advantage of an old mans
weakness if Qui-Gon continued keeping his eyes closed.

Qui-Gon almost had the shock of his life when he did open his eyes
though to the clean shaven face of the Jedi. If it wasn’t for the
green, wary eyes watching him, he could for a moment actually
convince himself that it was his apprentice.

His spitfire apprentice with a wide grin and a streak of blood across
his cheek. His Obi-Wan who’d one day make a marvelous Sith lord the
day he was ready to let go of him.

Yet the wary green eyes pulled him back.

This was not his apprentice, this was the Jedi who’d fallen
through. The mirror image that was a distorted form for Obi-Wan.

“…You shaved.” He offered.

“I…yes. I needed a change.” Obi-Wan offered in return, a small
frown on his face before blinking when the sith reached out, cupping
his chin and stroking the cleft. Yellow eyes almost greedily took in
the features.

Such a small thing. Shaving away facial hair.

Such a large impact. It could fully change a persons features, hide
away a cleft, the dimples and the shape of the jaw. Made someone look
older and more defined.

The man in front of him looked younger.

“You look like him. Right up until the day I placed him in his
tomb.” Qui-Gon offered in a half explanation, feeling the other
tense beneath his touch. “The only thing different is the amount of
grey at your temples.” He continued quietly, reaching up with his
free hand to stroke the others greying hairs.

His eyebrows furrowed a bit. “How can you be so similar yet so

“…I make the same question when I look at everything here.”
Obi-Wan offered in return. “Everything here is wrong.” He looked
away, dislodging Qui-Gon’s hand from his face.

“You could belong here. Accept new teachings and become part of the
Sith Empire.” Qui-Gon sat up.

Obi-Wan closed his eyes.

“Did he love you?”

The question escaped him before he couldn’t even think to censor

He felt more then he saw Qui-Gon cock his head. “Did you love

That got Obi-Wan to bow his head. Oh he had loved his master more
fiercely then anything in the entire galaxy. So fiercely he that the
death of the man had almost shattered him, young and foolish as he
was it had brought him to the darkside and then back.

The two fell silent, each contemplating what had been lost.

Mirror Sith au! How is Obi-Wan settling into being stuck with a Sith version of his former master? Is Qui-Gin trying to subtly turn him? Or is he still just playing house with him?

He refused to say he flopped tiredly.

Sith Lords do not flop like tired bantha’s.

Except when they were done dealing with border disputes and slicing
through guards to finally come home to their own quarters and lavish
couch and bed. Force, a bath would not go amiss honestly along with a
warm meal.

Perhaps a change of cloth too, he was sure there was till blood on
his robes and tunic.

There was a soft sound of a door opening and hesitation in the Force
before quiet steps moved past the couch towards the kitchen.
‘Obi-Wan. The other Obi-Wan. Not my Obi-Wan but the Jedi.’
Qui-Gon thought tiredly yet still reached out blindly, catching the
wrist of the man with his eyes still closed.

“Come here…” He tugged, feeling the barest hint of hesitation
before the Jedi did as told, moving to sit on the couch.

No, that wouldn’t do.

Qui-Gon growled and pulled until the man was sitting on his lap,
surprise and not a small amount of discomfort jagging its way through
the Force from the Jedi but Qui-Gon didn’t care.

It wasn’t his Obi-Wan but it was still soothing.

He half expected the other to lean in and run his fingers through his
hair and scalp, teasing him about taking advantage of an old mans
weakness if Qui-Gon continued keeping his eyes closed.

Qui-Gon almost had the shock of his life when he did open his eyes
though to the clean shaven face of the Jedi. If it wasn’t for the
green, wary eyes watching him, he could for a moment actually
convince himself that it was his apprentice.

His spitfire apprentice with a wide grin and a streak of blood across
his cheek. His Obi-Wan who’d one day make a marvelous Sith lord the
day he was ready to let go of him.

Yet the wary green eyes pulled him back.

This was not his apprentice, this was the Jedi who’d fallen
through. The mirror image that was a distorted form for Obi-Wan.

“…You shaved.” He offered.

“I…yes. I needed a change.” Obi-Wan offered in return, a small
frown on his face before blinking when the sith reached out, cupping
his chin and stroking the cleft. Yellow eyes almost greedily took in
the features.

Such a small thing. Shaving away facial hair.

Such a large impact. It could fully change a persons features, hide
away a cleft, the dimples and the shape of the jaw. Made someone look
older and more defined.

The man in front of him looked younger.

“You look like him. Right up until the day I placed him in his
tomb.” Qui-Gon offered in a half explanation, feeling the other
tense beneath his touch. “The only thing different is the amount of
grey at your temples.” He continued quietly, reaching up with his
free hand to stroke the others greying hairs.

His eyebrows furrowed a bit. “How can you be so similar yet so

“…I make the same question when I look at everything here.”
Obi-Wan offered in return. “Everything here is wrong.” He looked
away, dislodging Qui-Gon’s hand from his face.

“You could belong here. Accept new teachings and become part of the
Sith Empire.” Qui-Gon sat up.

Obi-Wan closed his eyes.

“Did he love you?”

The question escaped him before he couldn’t even think to censor

He felt more then he saw Qui-Gon cock his head. “Did you love

That got Obi-Wan to bow his head. Oh he had loved his master more
fiercely then anything in the entire galaxy. So fiercely he that the
death of the man had almost shattered him, young and foolish as he
was it had brought him to the darkside and then back.

The two fell silent, each contemplating what had been lost.

With your mirror!verse, Whats Obi-wans reaction to seeing Yoda , the most consistent thing in his life, as this absolutely terrifying Sith Lord. QG’s been dead for years, theres abit more separation between M!Q and normal Q, were as with Yoda, that is the Grandmaster that sits on the same Council as Obi-wan. That has got to be hard to deal with.

He almost can’t breath.

He is frozen.

He can’t MOVE.

He can only stare at the vision of Yoda that is NOT Yoda.

Bile claws at the back of his throat as the green being watches him
in return, a small smirk that Obi-Wan associates with mischievous
pranks but he knows that here means something else. The beings yellow
eyes glance over him before dismissing him.

Obi-Wan still can’t move out of the door frame. Even as Qui-Gon’s
hand came up and settled firmly on his shoulder to tug him into the
room, he can’t move for his own power.

The darkside corruption is clearly visible on the old trolls skin,
blackened veins around the mans eyes and lips and yet the other
looked more healthy then Obi-Wan ever remembered his own being. It
almost looked like the darkside was doing Yoda physically good.

“So the Jedi this is. Adult Obi-Wan he looks like.” Yoda grunted.

Obi-Wan’s ears were RINGING.

“He certainly does resemble him.” Another voice offered calmly
and Obi-Wan shifted to glance at the corrupted version of Mace Windu,
gritting his teeth together to try and hold himself together.

“He does.” Qui-Gon agreed. “He is currently still sedated and
Force blind. He is of little danger like this.”

“Underestimate him you should not.” Yoda warned, watching Obi-Wan
struggle. “But a point you have, Force blind he is.”

“So I can keep him then?”

Keep him, like some sort of pet. Some sort of pathetic stray the
other had brought home.

A sharp pang went up his spine, reminding him how the other had
kissed along the inner side of his wrist.

No, not a stray pathetic lifeform. A slave to a Sith’s desire.

Obi-Wan’s entire body tensed. His eyes flickered to Qui-Gon’s
belt where his lightsaber hung. For a moment he thought about
stealing it, if only to end his own life but that was not a very Jedi
thought and he forced himself to relax, forced his mind to THINK.

Qui-Gon had yet to push himself on Obi-Wan. Hadn’t even tried to
hurt him.

No the man seemed to be COURTING him of all things. Logic returned to
the proceeding of Obi-Wan’s mind and he looked back to Yoda slowly,
ignoring the rest of this quasi Sith council wearing the faces of
those he had once trusted.

“Calm himself he can.” Yoda snorted in disgust. “Hard task you
will have if you intend to turn him. Without Force he is yet his
anxiety and fear he has let go of.”

“I don’t intend to turn him. He’s fine as is as he will never
be the same spark as my apprentice was.” Qui-Gon shrugged.

Obi-Wan just continued staring at Yoda. “Lost in darkness some
souls may be. Fear the shadows, I shall not.” He said quietly,
talking for the first time. “Your counterpart told me that. I don’t
fear death and I don’t fear you.”

“Foolish that is. Many things can be done beside death.”

“Then I’ll accept that. I do not fear you.” Obi-Wan tilted his
head up, holding his chin high.

“Hmm…turn him you might have to Lord Qui-Gon.” The green
skinned pretender of his great grandmaster smirked at Obi-Wan.
“Powerful Sith he would be.”

Qui-Gon’s large hand closed around Obi-Wan’s shoulder. “We’ll

With your mirror!verse, Whats Obi-wans reaction to seeing Yoda , the most consistent thing in his life, as this absolutely terrifying Sith Lord. QG’s been dead for years, theres abit more separation between M!Q and normal Q, were as with Yoda, that is the Grandmaster that sits on the same Council as Obi-wan. That has got to be hard to deal with.

He almost can’t breath.

He is frozen.

He can’t MOVE.

He can only stare at the vision of Yoda that is NOT Yoda.

Bile claws at the back of his throat as the green being watches him
in return, a small smirk that Obi-Wan associates with mischievous
pranks but he knows that here means something else. The beings yellow
eyes glance over him before dismissing him.

Obi-Wan still can’t move out of the door frame. Even as Qui-Gon’s
hand came up and settled firmly on his shoulder to tug him into the
room, he can’t move for his own power.

The darkside corruption is clearly visible on the old trolls skin,
blackened veins around the mans eyes and lips and yet the other
looked more healthy then Obi-Wan ever remembered his own being. It
almost looked like the darkside was doing Yoda physically good.

“So the Jedi this is. Adult Obi-Wan he looks like.” Yoda grunted.

Obi-Wan’s ears were RINGING.

“He certainly does resemble him.” Another voice offered calmly
and Obi-Wan shifted to glance at the corrupted version of Mace Windu,
gritting his teeth together to try and hold himself together.

“He does.” Qui-Gon agreed. “He is currently still sedated and
Force blind. He is of little danger like this.”

“Underestimate him you should not.” Yoda warned, watching Obi-Wan
struggle. “But a point you have, Force blind he is.”

“So I can keep him then?”

Keep him, like some sort of pet. Some sort of pathetic stray the
other had brought home.

A sharp pang went up his spine, reminding him how the other had
kissed along the inner side of his wrist.

No, not a stray pathetic lifeform. A slave to a Sith’s desire.

Obi-Wan’s entire body tensed. His eyes flickered to Qui-Gon’s
belt where his lightsaber hung. For a moment he thought about
stealing it, if only to end his own life but that was not a very Jedi
thought and he forced himself to relax, forced his mind to THINK.

Qui-Gon had yet to push himself on Obi-Wan. Hadn’t even tried to
hurt him.

No the man seemed to be COURTING him of all things. Logic returned to
the proceeding of Obi-Wan’s mind and he looked back to Yoda slowly,
ignoring the rest of this quasi Sith council wearing the faces of
those he had once trusted.

“Calm himself he can.” Yoda snorted in disgust. “Hard task you
will have if you intend to turn him. Without Force he is yet his
anxiety and fear he has let go of.”

“I don’t intend to turn him. He’s fine as is as he will never
be the same spark as my apprentice was.” Qui-Gon shrugged.

Obi-Wan just continued staring at Yoda. “Lost in darkness some
souls may be. Fear the shadows, I shall not.” He said quietly,
talking for the first time. “Your counterpart told me that. I don’t
fear death and I don’t fear you.”

“Foolish that is. Many things can be done beside death.”

“Then I’ll accept that. I do not fear you.” Obi-Wan tilted his
head up, holding his chin high.

“Hmm…turn him you might have to Lord Qui-Gon.” The green
skinned pretender of his great grandmaster smirked at Obi-Wan.
“Powerful Sith he would be.”

Qui-Gon’s large hand closed around Obi-Wan’s shoulder. “We’ll