For feralchild. Now that Obi-wan has so publicly been accepted, he’s painted a big target on his back. So he gets bullied a lot because he pissed off knights and apprentices who he made look bad with that stunt. Can we see Obi-wan dealing with it? Trying to be a good sith but still being a kid?

he knew it was coming.

Crion had allies
and even a few friends that liked him amazingly enough to Obi-Wan and
there was always jealousy going on when someone bettered their
position. Obi-Wan was not blind to the ones he had left behind who
had quietly jeered at him thinking he’d have to take the Inquisitor

Chun and Aalto Ser was quick to hiss at him when they could.

when Obi-Wan was with his new master all he experienced was the
glares in his back, no one dared to even as much as glare at him when
Qui-Gon was within hearing or sight as the tall master’s eyes
missed nothing.

Obi-Wan couldn’t stay at his master’s side
or the lavish apartment his master had at
all times, he
had lessons to go to, people to socialize with and his own things to
do when he had finished his training and chores.

so he finds himself being shoved to the wall by two knights glaring
down at him, a blond and a redhead respectively, amber eyes sparkling
malevolently at him as Obi-Wan glares back and bares his teeth at

a moment he has the flash image of a lion cub snarling back at male
lions bearing down on them with murderous intent.

but ultimately foolish.

can’t believe a little shit stain like you is the reason Xanatos
is dead, you were easily enough isolated.” One of them hissed, a
viroblade in his hand.

down at it, his pride bristling at the perceived insult of the other
not even bothering to pull his lightsaber, Obi-Wan snarled back. “He
was weak and I was strong. And you needed two
to take me and gang up on me, at least I went after Du Crion alone.”
He mocked.

received an enraged growl, one of the humans reaching for him only
for Obi-Wan to lash out with the Force, the tiny Force lightnings he
could manage enough to burn the nerves and make them wary.

also enraging them at the same time as Obi-Wan got his own medicine
in reply.

true lighting rains down on him and Obi-Wan’s knees hit the ground
harshly, marble floor just as unforgiving as gravel as Obi-Wan teeth
bite through his lip to keep his screams in. He will not scream for
them, he will have that much as he raises his head enough to glare.

still panting harshly as the lighting is let up moments later, both
of them smirking down at him.

say we carve him up and leave him as a corpse for the lothcats, a
puny macabre find for someone.”
The redhead grunted, playing with his blade.

the other rubbed his chin. “Or we drain him, he’s strong, you can
tell that much.” He drawled.

attention however was drawn further back in the hall as a dark shape
was making itself known. Amber and blood red was almost glowing in
the dark and Obi-Wan felt his heart thunder in his chest that had
nothing to do with the lighting and pain he had been exposed to.

it was excitement as Qui-Gon’s unforgiving stone face finally
emerged from the dark behind the two oblivious knights.

He whispered silkily, both of them going ramrod as Qui-Gon rested his
hands on their backs. “I give my warning to the temple at whole
through you two for attacking my apprentice.” That
was their only warning.

then they were screaming, collapsing to the floor while spasming and
kicking, put under Qui-Gon’s dark power as all color seemed to be
pulled from their hair.

in awe, the dark side crooning lullabies and promises in his ears,
Obi-Wan licked the blood off his lip and smirked when they urinated
under the pain and he was almost disappointed when Qui-Gon stopped,
leaving the two panting and shaking on the floor, alive.

his focus was all on his master as the man gracefully stepped over
the two bodies and the puddles around them, the man’s large hand
cupping his chin.

man’s thumb prodded at Obi-Wan’s bleeding lip, his own pursing
before running his hand gently through Obi-Wan’s hair.

felt his lip tingling, Qui-Gon’s Force wrapping around him as the
man healed Obi-Wan before drawing him into his stomach in a brief
hug. “Well, you lasted longer than I thought you would apprentice,
quite clever in avoiding difficulties but hopefully this will be
warning enough for everyone.” The man murmured, his deep brogue
soothing and warm to Obi-Wan.

the scent of the man’s musky cologne and tea which was trapped in
the cloth going up his nose, Obi-Wan relaxed at the offered safety
and warmth of
the other Sith.
“Thank you master.” He whispered quietly.

Qui-Gon continued stroking his apprentice copper
hair for a few more seconds, both ignoring the whimpers behind him
before he settled his hand on Obi-Wan’s shoulder, turning
him and then guiding
him with him through the hallway.

we alert someone?” Obi-Wan questioned, not bothering to glance back
it was obvious what he meant.

dismissively, Qui-Gon only squeezed his shoulder. “No, someone will
find them or they will make their own way. Regardless, my warning is
clear. You are off limit for anyone as they deal with me if they
touch you.” He drawled as they entered one of the larger halls,
passing statues of foregone Sith.

his lip, Obi-Wan had to hide a smile even as he leaned into the grasp
of his master and meet Chun’s enraged eyes across the hall with his
own smug ones.

the power at his fingertips…

better watch their back because Obi-Wan was going to become a force
to be reckoned with.

(I got an overactive mind and you all get this)

and red ringed eyes flickered
over the crowded
dining hall,
the young Initiate scanned the crowds for potential masters as
both young and old mingled during meal time even if they had their
own assigned tables and didn’t mix all that much.

was by no means a weak prospect for a master to guide but neither was
he exceptional in
the eyes of most Sith.
Just one of hundreds of younglings around his age or a bit older who
lacked a master to take them on and teach them.

was not to say that Obi-Wan was without prospects of course, he
had won too many a training duel and was too strong in the Force to
be utterly without prospects.

knew at least two interested Inquisitors who would take him on…

inquisitors. His
lip unconsciously curled into a sneer at the thought.

he took that offer,
he would become one and never rise to the rank of Darth, always be
looked at from the corner of the upper Sith’s echelons eyes and
dismissed for power and opportunity and
looked down on by everyone else.

if Obi-Wan was honest with at least himself, he wouldn’t settle for
just anyone.


master was not going to be just another face in a crowd of Sith, just
another red blade among the crowd.

master was going to be someone worth Obi-Wan’s devotion and not
just a teacher to guide him through a lackluster apprenticeship.

issue to that was that any Sith worth their salt at the moment was
already engaged with a padawan or did not want anymore as they
already had a legacy. ‘But if I were to get rid of the legacy…’
Obi-Wan had weighed his options carefully for
several weeks.

audacity to get rid of an older Sith and expose the weakness of
someone would gain him better than getting rid of an ongoing
apprentice and may actually endear him to his future master. Only
time would tell but it would give him an in if he choose carefully.

had already put aside both Windu and Nu, neither would take well to
Obi-Wan getting rid of their previous apprentices even if they fit
the criteria of what Obi-Wan wanted.

time was running short, he would turn fourteen
soon and it would be too late, he’d be sent away to some mercenary
company soon to be trained as a foot soldier and that was the last
thing he w-

ripple in the Force caught his attention, Obi-Wan’s head snapping
to the left with a crack that had another Initiate wincing at the
sound before glaring balefully at Obi-Wan.

didn’t notice, busy following the ripple.


overly tall human speaking with Yoda and Obi-Wan felt excitement
slither into his veins, a
giddy sort of insanity as Qui-Gon Jinn filled every criteria Obi-Wan
had for a future master. Power, poise, Force beauty, handsome enough
in Obi-Wan’s eyes, physical strength and reputation…

the legacy….

slowly turned his head to the left, finding the black head of a cocky
looking raven with an arrogant smirk upon his face, a circular scar
resting beneath an eye.

The Force hissed, the snake below his skin writhe and coiling in
preparation of attack. ‘Steady,’ He whispered back, eyes turning
a deeper red than amber and scaring a few of his age mates away from
him as he kept his eye on Du Crion. ‘Soon enough. Soon.’ He
promised himself and the snake, who reluctantly stilled.

his teeth in a predatory smile, Obi-Wan speared the meat on his plate
and bit into it, various ideas slipping through his mind.

yes, Obi-Wan knew what he wanted and he intended to have it, all he
had to do was kill Du Crion in a manner that would impress the Sith
lord he intended to have for his master and with the Force at his

was sure he would get exactly what he wanted.

What is happening with #murderhusband?

down on the grass, Qui-Gon opened his mouth only to snap it shut when
there was a little snarl from the person laying on the grass. “Don’t
touch me.” Obi-Wan hissed venomously,
the wind of Serenno fluttering his hair gently as
he remained buried in his arms, still laying on his stomach in the

down at his love in concern, Qui-Gon frowned slightly. “I was not
about to Obi-Wan.” He murmured quietly and
watching as the tense muscles of the others back slowly relaxed as
they sat in utter silence for a long few moments.

Obi-Wan let out a breath and lifted his head from his arms to look up
at the other man, squinting a bit.

dear, that explained the others bad mood.

Qui-Gon reached out slowly and settled his hand against Obi-Wan’s
forehead when
the other didn’t withdraw from him,
confirming his thoughts on a fever as he took in the purple spots
covering the others sweaty and flushed face as the former Jedi
allowed the touch.

had Ryloth pox.

have picked it up from the refugees that passed through here last
week, the incubation period is about right.’ Qui-Gon noted mentally
as he shifted closer and carefully prompted Obi-Wan to roll onto his
back instead of laying on the grass under the shade of the fruit
trees. With a little grunt Obi-Wan did as told and then let out a
soft noise of gratefulness as the Sith offered up his lap as a
pillow, settling his hand over the others eyes to provide more shade
for currently light sensitive eyes.

was always worse to get Ryloth pox as an adult, just like chickenpox.

told me you didn’t seem to be in the best of shape but I had no
idea you had Ryloth pox love,” Qui-Gon noted quietly. “You
should have come to me when the spots broke out, I
already went through them and have an immunity.”
He tacked on as the scent of the fruit orchard reached them.

licked his lips then sighed deeply. “It was just so noisy inside
with the babies and I was so warm…” He whispered.

stroked the others hair with the hand not currently covering up the
green eyes as he watched his love.

could imagine it got too much for Obi-Wan.

since the fall of Sidious, things were slowing down, becoming quieter
the galaxy if not in their home.

wasn’t really interested in keeping the war running now that his
master was out of the picture, not when Qui-Gon was looming over his
shoulder and thanks to Palpatine no longer being able to push the war
forward on both sides and keep the animosities going, tentative
negotiations were ongoing to separate those worlds that wanted to
leave the Republic and yet keep trade systems going.

was a messy affair and it made Qui-Gon happier than ever that he
didn’t have to deal with the damn politics.

result of it however meant that quite a few refugees were escaping
worlds on the CIS governed world, fearing slavery and instead moving
to Republican worlds and because of Qui-Gon, some of them passed
through Serenno as Qui-Gon did not
approve of slavery.

very public showdown he had with the Queen of
Miraj Scintel, had made that apparent and very few wanted to actually
upset Qui-Gon as he would bring his saber and his words with him.

now open presence on Serenno along with Senator Amidala and former
Jedi Skywalker was also helping making people more certain that
Serenno was a safe temporary shelter before continuing further into
the core worlds.

reluctantly accepted that.

like he could stop it, if Serenno wanted to leave the Republic, they
would have to find their own economy some way and tourists and trips
could fill in some gaps.

the others hair, Qui-Gon peered at the house and chuckled when he
heard a loud cry that was echoed by another.

seemed the twins were awake once more but beneath Qui-Gon’s hand,
Obi-Wan slept.

war was uncertain but…

were getting towards peace, maybe sometime soon… things could
settle into a quiet sort of peace.

could hope at least.

he knew that at the very least, he had his Obi-Wan with him.

What is happening with #murderhusband?

down on the grass, Qui-Gon opened his mouth only to snap it shut when
there was a little snarl from the person laying on the grass. “Don’t
touch me.” Obi-Wan hissed venomously,
the wind of Serenno fluttering his hair gently as
he remained buried in his arms, still laying on his stomach in the

down at his love in concern, Qui-Gon frowned slightly. “I was not
about to Obi-Wan.” He murmured quietly and
watching as the tense muscles of the others back slowly relaxed as
they sat in utter silence for a long few moments.

Obi-Wan let out a breath and lifted his head from his arms to look up
at the other man, squinting a bit.

dear, that explained the others bad mood.

Qui-Gon reached out slowly and settled his hand against Obi-Wan’s
forehead when
the other didn’t withdraw from him,
confirming his thoughts on a fever as he took in the purple spots
covering the others sweaty and flushed face as the former Jedi
allowed the touch.

had Ryloth pox.

have picked it up from the refugees that passed through here last
week, the incubation period is about right.’ Qui-Gon noted mentally
as he shifted closer and carefully prompted Obi-Wan to roll onto his
back instead of laying on the grass under the shade of the fruit
trees. With a little grunt Obi-Wan did as told and then let out a
soft noise of gratefulness as the Sith offered up his lap as a
pillow, settling his hand over the others eyes to provide more shade
for currently light sensitive eyes.

was always worse to get Ryloth pox as an adult, just like chickenpox.

told me you didn’t seem to be in the best of shape but I had no
idea you had Ryloth pox love,” Qui-Gon noted quietly. “You
should have come to me when the spots broke out, I
already went through them and have an immunity.”
He tacked on as the scent of the fruit orchard reached them.

licked his lips then sighed deeply. “It was just so noisy inside
with the babies and I was so warm…” He whispered.

stroked the others hair with the hand not currently covering up the
green eyes as he watched his love.

could imagine it got too much for Obi-Wan.

since the fall of Sidious, things were slowing down, becoming quieter
the galaxy if not in their home.

wasn’t really interested in keeping the war running now that his
master was out of the picture, not when Qui-Gon was looming over his
shoulder and thanks to Palpatine no longer being able to push the war
forward on both sides and keep the animosities going, tentative
negotiations were ongoing to separate those worlds that wanted to
leave the Republic and yet keep trade systems going.

was a messy affair and it made Qui-Gon happier than ever that he
didn’t have to deal with the damn politics.

result of it however meant that quite a few refugees were escaping
worlds on the CIS governed world, fearing slavery and instead moving
to Republican worlds and because of Qui-Gon, some of them passed
through Serenno as Qui-Gon did not
approve of slavery.

very public showdown he had with the Queen of
Miraj Scintel, had made that apparent and very few wanted to actually
upset Qui-Gon as he would bring his saber and his words with him.

now open presence on Serenno along with Senator Amidala and former
Jedi Skywalker was also helping making people more certain that
Serenno was a safe temporary shelter before continuing further into
the core worlds.

reluctantly accepted that.

like he could stop it, if Serenno wanted to leave the Republic, they
would have to find their own economy some way and tourists and trips
could fill in some gaps.

the others hair, Qui-Gon peered at the house and chuckled when he
heard a loud cry that was echoed by another.

seemed the twins were awake once more but beneath Qui-Gon’s hand,
Obi-Wan slept.

war was uncertain but…

were getting towards peace, maybe sometime soon… things could
settle into a quiet sort of peace.

could hope at least.

he knew that at the very least, he had his Obi-Wan with him.

In MurderHusband, is everyone safe or does Order 66 go through?

Watching the live
flatscreen event of the Chancellor’s funeral, Qui-Gon let out a
small hum of amusement that gained him a shocked look from Amidala
where she sat curled up in Anakin’s lap. His lips just twitched
even more at that as he remained leaning over the back of the couch.
“Come now, do you really expect me to be anything but amused at
Sidious fail?” He chuckled at her before yelping when Obi-Wan
suddenly had a hold of his lobe. “O-Obi-Wan!”

“Don’t taunt
her,” Obi-Wan said sternly, his lips a stern line and his eyes
narrowed at him. “She doesn’t need that stress and neither do we
honestly since not all of us were in the know about the full extent
of Palpatine’s betrayal against the Republic and us personally.”
He grunted out.

“Y-Yes love.”
Qui-Gon eeped out before letting out a gasp of relief and covering up
his ear when Obi-Wan let go off his lobe, hissing a bit as he rubbed

He sent Anakin a
small glare of embarrassment when the blond gave a little snigger
though he took note that Anakin did not lift his head from Amidala’s
shoulder. Obviously Anakin wasn’t doing so good with the revelation
of Palpatine’s betrayal as he was pretending to be and the fact
that the man was dying without proper repercussion and without anyone
knowing what he had been up to was really pissing the former Jedi

Rubbing his ear and
moving around the couch, Qui-Gon settled down on the couch with
Obi-Wan to pull the other against his side, sliding his arm around
the others shoulders to hold around him.

There was a moment
of resistance and then Obi-Wan melted to his side with a quiet noise.
“…What happens now?” He questioned quietly.

Feeling both
Amidala and Anakin’s eyes on him at the question, Qui-Gon let out a
small hum while rubbing his beard and chin slowly at the question.
“To be honest, Sidious was the driving force behind the CSI
unwillingness to work with the Republic and also the Republic’s
unwillingness to work with the CSI. I imagine there might be progress
now.” He mused since he was honestly just going to leave the entire
CSI in Yan’s hands.

He had what he

There was a soft
noise and he glanced over to the Naboo Senator.

She glanced up and
meet their eyes before shrugging. “I’m just reminded about the
various officials decrees that made it so much harder to achieve
peace,” Padme said softly, her hands absently playing with Anakin’s
shirt. “Like any meeting with the Separatists were illegal because
it would ‘legitimize’ them. Its so clear now in retrospect.”
She swallowed heavily. “We never questioned them too hard, never
really…” Padme breathed out heavily. “Sure we talked and
suspected but Stars…”

The three stared at
her, watching this determined, strong woman realizing how much she
had missed out on even when she thought her eyes were wide open and
watching everything suspiciously.

“He knew how to
pull the wool over the eyes of people,” Qui-Gon finally drawled.
“He hid even in the Force and no one knew who he was.” He
shrugged, trying to provide comfort to the lady since he knew how
hard she fought for her people.

“Its okay angel,”
Anakin whispered, stroking her belly gently as he tried to comfort
her. “I didn’t see it either and I was around him a lo-” He
shut up, suddenly tensing with his eyes going wide as Padme gave a
loud, embarrassed squeak.

“…I think my
water just broke.” She whispered.

“Well either you
wet yourself or the water broke because my lap is wet.” Anakin

“About time.”
Qui-Gon grunted before standing and moving to help the lady to her
feet. “Lets get you to the medic my lady, time to bring some life
into the universe.” He smiled gently as she clung to his arms,
providing the support as Obi-Wan quickly grabbed the comm to call for
the medics and mid-wife they had on standby.

Anakin just let out
a loud squeaky noise, still frozen in the chair. “Baby.” He
squeaked high pitch to a tone closer to what only canines could hear.