Candle in the Dark: Does Obi-wan eventually learn about the slave chips? Does he go visit the clones on his own? Does he meet Bail or Padme at some point? Love your work.

Scowling faintly as he continued wrapping the cooling bandage steadily around the others ankle, Obi-Wan shot the blond a scolding look before focusing back as he got an apologetic, sheepish grimace in return.

Feeling a bit cooped up, Anakin had dragged Obi-Wan to the salle for katas and when Obi-Wan, a tad shyly, had offered to spar, the other had jumped on the offer so quickly Obi-Wan barely had time to get the words out.

Anakin being, well, Anakin, decided to show off.

It seemed regardless what universe he was in, that part of Anakin would never change and in a way it was soothing even as Obi-Wan bandaged the others ankle.

Honestly, the other had only strained his ankle, not sprained it, but to be on the safe side, Obi-Wan wanted to ice it down and give the ankle a bit of support.

And Anakin had given into Obi-Wan’s request for some reason.

Of course, Obi-Wan had been unaware that he had been giving Anakin puppy eyes, causing the Sith to give in due to how cute the other had looked.

Which was why the two were sitting on one of the salle benches with Anakin’s left foot in Obi-Wan’s lap, his boot and sock on the floor as the Jedi worked.

“You shouldn’t be such a show off.” Obi-Wan finally mumbled, ignoring a few sniggers and snorts around the salle from others.

It was an inconceivable idea really, Anakin Skykwalker not trying to show off when he wanted to impress someone, but well, Obi-Wan was allowed to try and drill some sense into the other.

Grimacing again, Anakin reached out and patted the other on the head. “I know, I know. I’m sorry Obi-Wan, I didn’t mean to scare you.” He stated softly, his tone gentle.

Pursing his lips, Obi-Wan refused to say anything more.

If he denied that he had gotten scared when Anakin toppled over, the other would give him a knowing look.

And if he agreed, he’d be bundled up in the quarters again.

If he was honest, he didn’t despise the care the others were showing him but… well, not today.

Today was one of his better days and he didn’t want to be bundled away.

He had a lot of those bad days and wanted to enjoy one of his better days.

Qui-Gon and Anakin had informed him that the troopers in this universe had biochips in their heads, had even showed him the one Cody had gotten operated out of his head a few days ago. Seeing that chip, Obi-Wan had felt a well of despair open up under him.

Because it made him aware of just how little control his own troopers and the rest of the GAR had on that day.

Learning that each and everyone of them must have gotten locked up in their own heads by simple words, that potentially they could have been screaming in their own heads as they murdered the Jedi they had served with.

And it had gotten Obi-Wan to think more about the day it all went down.

He had been on Boga, he had no way of really avoiding a blast that day and he had no warning due to the lack of maliciousness in the Force, the troopers simply turning in the blink of an eye, unwilling pawns in the Sith’s game.

But the blaster cannon had missed Obi-Wan, racing up the rock wall, an obvious target in a calculated speed, the troopers had missed.

His Cody, capable and among the best of the troopers, had missed the obvious target with a laser cannon.

It made him wonder things, things that made his heart hurt and made him want to seek out this galaxy’s Cody, despite the anxieties the idea gave him.

He wasn’t ready for that.

At the very least he needed more time to psych himself up for it.

A gentle hand found his shoulder and Obi-Wan looked up, finding Anakin watching him with a deep, worried frown.

To his embarrassment, Obi-Wan realized he had been sitting, staring at the others foot without moving for who knew how long and quickly he tied the bandage and let Anakin take his foot back, the other sitting up properly to press their shoulders together. “…One step at a time Obi-Wan, in your own pace.” The blond whispered, not asking what the other was thinking but knowing it was hurting the Jedi.

Pressing his head to the others shoulder, Obi-Wan nodded tiredly before smiling slightly. “Want to go to the south planetarium?” The redhead offered quietly, not ready to return to the quarters and Qui-Gon just yet.

Smiling automatically at the offer, Anakin pulled on his sock and then carefully his boot afterward. “Sounds great.” Anakin murmured agreeably, pulling Obi-Wan up with him and tucking the other close as they left the salle.

‘I’ll see Cody soon enough… but not today. Not this week… but maybe this month.’ Obi-Wan settled on, pressing close to Anakin for the warmth as he wondered, not for the first time, about the ease in which he was settling in a new universe.

Candleinthedark, Depa said, tie him to you. Is that something Qui can do while waiting for Obi-Wan to wake up, or does Obi-Wan have to be awake? Will Qui have Anakin not be present next time Obi wakes up? I love this AU so much!

The fact that he’s carrying the
Jedi through the temple physically instead of having him on a
stretcher is not something Qui-Gon cares to explain to anyone who
sends him looks. He will carry this one any time of the day or night,
Anakin following beside with the IV stand as Che had allowed for
Obi-Wan to be removed from the Halls.

the council saw it, the Halls was a security risk for him, it was
better for Obi-Wan to be removed from the Hall room to Qui-Gon’s
quarters where he would be able to keep an eye on the Jedi at all

the quarters could be personally locked down, the windows and the
doors would not open for Obi-Wan unless Qui-Gon allowed it.

couldn’t give Obi-Wan an inhibitor, it would only cost them the
very, very fragile trust Obi-Wan might give them when he woke up.

that Qui-Gon though the other trusted them at all

Qui-Gon wasn’t that stupid
but he suspected the tuckered
out Jedi in his arms was in shock, still shaken, scared and new to
this world as he was.

would have to deal with this traumatized Jedi as best they could,
while simultaneously keeping him.

expected at least two escape attempts, not including the rather hare
brained desperate run for the window to try and jump out.

are you going to figure out if the bonds work with him? Aren’t they
decaying master?” Anakin questioned quietly as they stepped into
the elevator.

glancing at the boy, Qui-Gon let out a deep rumble. “Meditation.
And yes, they are, our Obi-Wan has been gone too long for the bonds
to be anything but decaying. But if the
bonds function with this
Obi-Wan, they can most likely be reviewed.” He
murmured quietly, glancing at the IV bag and frowning a bit.

still had some hours to go.

it wouldn’t take that long but Che had warned them that Obi-Wan’s
body was having issues taking in fluids and therefore the drip had
been adjusted to a much slower pace than the initial one.

had started it at a faster pace only to check again before she let
Qui-Gon take the redhead, discovering that Obi-Wan wasn’t taking
the fluids in as he should.

a slow, steady pace with the stern warning to have Obi-Wan drink
something, anything, when he was awake.

this Obi-Wan was anything like his Obi-Wan, then he would prefer tea.

would make a pot of it once he Obi-Wan
woke up but for now he was going to settle the small redhead on the
couch and meditate.

was going to do exactly as Depa had told him, tie the Jedi to him.

he took time to gently tuck Obi-Wan in on the couch, carefully
settling him with a comfortable pillow beneath his head on the red
leather couch with a blanket wrapped carefully around the small,
malnourished body, his hands lingering to gently stroke Obi-Wan’s
hair out of the way.


then, once Obi-Wan was comfortably tucked up and covered, did Qui-Gon
settle in to meditate with his hand settled on Obi-Wan’s cheek,
kneeling beside the couch between the glass caff table with his eyes

could hear Anakin shuffle around but ignored it, focusing on that
brilliant little flicker of Light beside him.

candle in the night really, but still light and warm.

difference, the brightness made it easier to focus on Obi-Wan, made
it easier to ignore all the Sith around as he continued slowly
working, gently pushing Obi-Wan’s weak shields out of the way.

worried him the way the Jedi didn’t even put up a token fight,
seemed to just fold at the mental probings and
let Qui-Gon advance. But at least it allowed Qui-Gon to find what he
needed, a bond, broken, old, decaying.

bond, or at least his alternative self’s bond.

a twisted thing, decayed and withered, blackened and lined with
sickly shade of red and a burning shade of orange, death and grief
and pain.

Jinn in the other universe must have been long dead for the bond to
be in such a state, but at least it gave Qui-Gon a chance to
carefully try reviving it, pulling his own decayed bond to his own
Obi-Wan and carefully trying to put the ends together.

bonds resist, at first and Qui-Gon feels pain,
he can feel his physical body hitch it’s breath with the pain but
doesn’t focus on that as he instead desperately pulls the pain that
is reaching for Obi-Wan to himself, absorbing not only the pain on
his side but also the pain on Obi-Wan’s side.

the outside, his breath is ragged and Anakin can only watch as his
old master grits his teeth with the pain, his nails curling to dig
slightly into Obi-Wan’s cheek and the meat of his own palm, sweat
gathering on the large forehead.

the inside, Qui-Gon is desperately pulling and trying to mend at the
same time, the bonds still resisting until suddenly they aren’t.

they seamlessly combines into one whole bond and suddenly they pulse
with life, trembling like a great dog shaking it’s fur out as the
blackened colors of their bond now turns a vibrant shade of green.


then it rapidly diminishes, the bond shrinking in size.

Qui-Gon is grimly satisfied as he observes the bond shrink.

part he expected if he managed to revive it, after all, the Jedi does
not trust him and he does not know the Jedi, not really.

need trust to grow.

Qui-Gon can be patient, surfacing from his meditation, he finds
himself settling as he feels the bond between them pulse with
information from Obi-Wan’s sleeping mind.

can be patient as he slowly eases Obi-Wan into trusting them and he
will handle the emotional turmoil and trauma Obi-Wan is most
assuredly going through.

all, only the stupid didn’t take care of those that belonged to

Happy New Year Moddy!! In Candleinthedark, do they find out why Obi-Wan is so scared of Anakin? Though to be honest I’d read every piece in this AU no matter what, so I’m on board with whatever you want to write for it!

the end, it’s clear that the hyper vigilance Obi-Wan has been
sporting since he woke up is taking it’s toll and it’s only by
the grace of Anakin having been staring the Jedi down that the
redhead doesn’t fall off the bed when he ends up fainting as the
young Sith shoots
across the floor and catches him by grabbing both ends of the blanket
around him, holding the wrapped up Jedi before
gently lowering him to lay on the bed instead.

over, Che quickly got to work as
Anakin stepped back to give her space,
healer giving
him a fast checkup before grunting loudly and turning to glare at the
council, yellow eyes narrowed dangerously. “Has he eaten at all?”
She snapped out.

his head, Qui-Gon moved over. “He only woke up today, Helix, my
medic, had him set up with a banana
bag since he’s missing nourishment but that’s all since he was in
a coma until today.” He explained
quietly, head held high as he gave her a small glare in response for
the underhanded accusation.

annoyed huff escaped the woman. “That does explain things… as I
stated, he is malnourished, which
is most
likely the coma doing it though
I can’t be sure since he won’t answer questions and forcing him
to do so is counter productive for his mental health and trust.”
She moved around, pulling an IV stand over and quickly getting
Obi-Wan connected to it. Then
she moved to fetch a IV bag that she set up in the stand, adjusting
it to a slow and steady drip.

that mean that he’s going to have difficulties eating?” Anakin
suddenly asked, fighting not to flinch under the sudden, full
attention of the entire Sith council. He was still a young apprentice
in some ways despite becoming a knight and lord a year ago.

pressed her index and pointer finger to Obi-Wan’s neck, a small
frown on her face. “Potentially, it is hard to say until he’s
eaten something, regardless, I suggest easy and bland meals in small
portions to start him off with. Porridge, cut up fruit, light
soups, broths,
egg and that sort of thing,” She turned back to the IV drip, eyeing
it before adjusting it to a slightly faster drip, nodding in
satisfaction before turning, giving them all a long look. “However,
what is to happen to him now?”

The question and
implication behind it had Qui-Gon bristling. “He stays with me,
that’s what.” He snapped out before glaring at the council,
daring them to contradict him.

Yoda’s ears rose and
Mace glared equally hard back at him, the black veins around his eyes
appearing from his overuse of shatterpoint for a second before he
relaxed and letting out a deep breath. “Fine, he stays with you. If
the bonds are a viable sector for this Jedi, yours and Skywalker
would be the deepest.” Mace crossed his arms over his chest.

“Then he is a prisoner
of the Sith temple?” Che injected herself once more, looking
between them.

Pausing, everyone looked
at each other.

Normally, A found Jedi
deserved no quarter.

But this Jedi wasn’t
just a common Jedi.

It was Obi-Wan.

An Obi-Wan from another
universe who was also a Jedi, sure.

But still an Obi-Wan, like
their Obi-Wan, who had wormed his way into everyone’s heart, who
had created a bond to every living Sith in the temple, whose natural
defense mechanism had kicked in when he turned seven and made
everyone part of his ‘clan’ so to speak.

“If we were to put a
Force inhibitor in him, a collar or a drug,” Shaak spoke up slowly,
the togruta rubbing her left lekku slowly while ignoring the way
everyone threw her sharp looks. “We would loose any grounds we
might have potentially gained with him by treating him. He will not
trust us. Our best option is to keep a close eye on him, monitor him
and keep him to Qui-Gon’s side. He will not trust us, he’s
clearly been through a traumatic experience and by the way he refuses
to look at Skywalker, I would hedge a bet that, just as Obi-Wan once
intended to do here, this Obi-Wan did
train his own Skywalker.” She stated, glancing about to see if
anyone would argue.

did, only fell thoughtful themselves.

they agreed, it was clear that Kenobi had an issue with Anakin, he
was the only one he refused to look at even if what everyone else got
was a short glance.

It was

my counterpart hurt him in some way.” Anakin stated, frowning
heavily, staring down at the passed out Jedi before reaching out and
gently stroking red tresses out of Obi-Wan’s face, pausing when the
man flinched at the touch.

faintly, Depa nodded. “It is likely to conclude that. Regardless,
in whatever universe he’s from, it’s clear that Obi-Wan survived
to become far past his twenties, unlike our own. There will be
discrepancies, especially since he is a Jedi but we will have to move
slow. In the meantime,” The council master turned to Qui-Gon,
staring at him. “You are our best bet to keep him here in the
temple, try working on the bond for now, see
if it can be used. If so… tie him to you.” She stated sternly.

Qui-Gon settled down at Obi-Wan’s bedside, curling his hand
possessively around the Jedi’s bare ankle.

didn’t need to be told that.

Obi-Wan belonged to them now, not whatever universe he came from.

he belonged here.

Ok in feral child what’s going on now after Obiwan and Cody have shacked up? Like Cody getting a special ritual tattoo to be tracked and protected by Obiwan? Anakin and the lineage also gives Cody the shovel talk because they see all?

be honest… Cody admits, if only to Rex, that he half expects
General Jinn or Commander Skywalker to come tearing through the Morti
the morning after he has bedded the General, Cody not having been shy
about leaving marks.

while the troopers don’t notice because Obi-Wan wears his full set
of clothes, Jinn and Skywalker gets to see what Cody sees.

in his leggings and undershirt, the hickeys and bites on his neck

two days later, having been in both Sith’s company without Obi-Wan,
neither have done anything and Cody wants to ask why but at the same
time does not because he actually doesn’t want to experience this
‘shovel’ talk thing people talk about.

though, it seems Jinn has had enough on the third day of how tense
Cody is in their company as he sighs loudly and turns around from the
terminal, giving Cody a dull look. “Commander, we are not going to
you, would you please calm down and stop feeling like a skittish
rabbit in the Force?” He drawled out, simply raising his brow when
Cody flustered.

looks up from where he’s sitting on Rex lap, curiously perusing a
pad as he watches his grandmaster and the commander.

a very tactile young man and it’s not the first time he’s done
this with the Captain or any of his battalion actually, as long as
they’re accepting of it, Anakin Skywalker can and will
close in and sit on laps or lean over shoulders or outright lay out
over laps if possible.

a bit on his feet, Cody opened his mouth then closed it, denials
would not help him.

been rather wary around the two men after all.

have seen General Kenobi in his under tunic, right sir?” He finally
cautiously ventured.

had both of the man’s bushy brows raising, pure surprise flashing
over the craggy face before amusement flashed in amber eyes. “Is
what this is about? Where Obi-Wan finds his pleasures and desires?”
The man laughed, not mocking though, it was warm, amused and a bit
exasperated. “Commander Cody, I haven’t been able to stop Obi-Wan
from his desires since he was a preteen, so why would I care if you
are what he wants.” He grinned warmly, arms crossing loosely over
the barrel chest, expensive
fabric pulling taunt and shining a blood red under the command room

if we were cautious,” Skywalker spoke up this time, leaning into
Rex chest like a big feline wanting pets. “It’s not like we can
issue any threats. Your his,
we can’t touch what’s his without him knowing and he won’t be
happy about that. He’s possessive over people.” The man informed
matter of fact.

a bit, Cody looked between them uncertainly. “So neither of you
would give me a… shovel talk?” He ventured slowly, an
odd emotion in his chest that he thought might be overwhelming

blinked at him before Anakin shook his head. “Why should we? If you
hurt Obi-Wan, he’d take his own revenge. And honestly, I don’t
see you as the kind of person that would hurt Obi-Wan on purpose.”
The blond honestly looked a bit confused, peering at Cody as if he
was the oddity.

a bit overwhelmed with
more than just relie,
Cody just set his helmet on the table behind him and leaned back for
support, blinking a
bit stupidly at the two.

faintly, the
noise amplified by the broken nose,
back to his terminal, typing something in
as he
started to drawl. “We trust Obi-Wan too much to
do that, he has a good head and he wouldn’t be possessive over you
for no reason. Now, if you were a one night stand…
that would be different. Then you’d have to watch your back. But
you’re not. And Obi-Wan can decide for himself if he needs revenge
or to discipline you,” The man paused, staring at the screen before
looking over his shoulder at Cody. “That said, if you feel
uncomfortable with the current arrangement, you will have to tell
him. He doesn’t enjoy forcing himself on someone unwilling and
would take it badly to learn down the road that you did not want the
current engagement you now have.” With that Jinn was done, turning
properly back to the screen.

just shrugged, watching the two Sith bemusedly as Anakin returned to
his pad, the blond Sith no longer caring to for anything else while
rubbing his head to Rex shoulder until the man started petting his
blond curls.

Cody tried to absorb the information he was just given.

the implications.

if the two Sith were right… that meant that Obi-Wan didn’t just
trust him in the professional context… but also the personal, the
softer parts of him.

that trust extended not only to Obi-Wan but to parts of his lineage.

might be watched, but neither Anakin or Qui-Gon would do anything
towards him and might actually listen to him more because of the
trust Obi-Wan had in him.

that… was an overwhelming realization, that he had the ear of some
of the most powerful people in the galaxy.

from being nothing, just clones, just products
to… to this.

took a deep breath through his nose and then snapped to attention as
Obi-Wan entered the room, feeling those golden eyes on him.

could panic and think about this later.

now he would be the commander Obi-Wan had come to know and trust.

could do that quite easily, after all, this was what he had been
breed to be.

Well fuck, poor Obi, how’s being in a Sith universe going to be for him? Candleinthedark

the man down
on the crisp,
white bed,
Qui-Gon only very reluctantly stepped back as the Jedi sat quietly on
the bed, his bare feet swaying slightly and his head tilted down as
he pulled his hands into his lap, grasping them together nervously.

council had demanded the medical check on this Jedi Obi-Wan, needing
some facts and since Obi-Wan would clearly not answer any questions
nor did they expect him to answer truthfully, it was decided to bring
him to Che.

she had commandeered one of the private medical rooms to give this
Jedi Obi-Wan a full checkup, the council and Anakin following her and
Qui-Gon as the man carried their little prize.

course, that hadn’t stopped other Sith from watching and observing
as Qui-Gon carried Obi-Wan around, curiosity thick in the air through
the marble halls of the Sith temple.

he stepped back from
the bed now,
Qui-Gon observed the Jedi and took notice of something… peculiar.

was small.

than he should be that

but the age and the beard was the same as his old apprentice,
or so
Qui-Gon had thought but his brain hadn’t accepted what
was clearly different before
the sleeves had rolled over Obi-Wan’s wrists but now it
was suddenly brought into stark view. The way the legging pooled down
around his ankles, the amount of time the sleeves of the tunic had to
be rolled up, the way the black tunic outright swamped Obi-Wan…

was much too small for
his age, a surviving Jedi with a beard made sense but this size did

make sense.

yet at the same time…

Che was scanning Obi-Wan, taking in details of the Jedi with firm,
no-nonsense hands, ignoring the Jedi’s flinches and taking blood
sample when needed and saliva sample. She then started undressing him
and tense as Obi-Wan was under the touch, he didn’t protest.

red, swollen eyes barely glanced up, fright and confusion still in
them but also exhaustion and Qui-Gon couldn’t help but notice how
Obi-Wan avoided looking at Anakin at all.

had briefly glanced at everyone but

made him wonder…

Qui-Gon had something wholly else to notice as Obi-Wan’s body was
bared to them and in the light they could all see the almost
scar crossing from the right shoulder and down the side.

Qui-Gon had not seen it earlier when he had been there as Helix
undressed the Jedi, he had no idea.

the dimness of the Maverick medbay lights?

it was there and they could all see it.

placed her hand on it and Obi-Wan flinched visibly, his hands turning
into fists as the twi’lek slowly shifted to look around Obi-Wan at
his back.
“…This is a lightsaber scar.” She noted, a trace of disbelief
and a large amount of wonder in her voice.

understood, the council muttering behind him as Anakin shifted beside

little Jedi shouldn’t be alive, the bisection would have gone
through organs and tissue, the shock alone should have killed a
person even with immediate medical aid.

yet he was alive.

he’s small… maybe around a meter and fifty six cm’s tall? A bit
more?’ Qui-Gon narrowed his eyes slowly, curious as he wondered if
the transportation between universe had an impact on Obi-Wan’s size
or if the Force had to use what matter that
was missing to
save Obi-Wan’s life and therefore Obi-Wan was smaller than his Sith
counterpart in every way and the wound that should have killed him
was so faint it was almost untraceable.

did you survive this?” Che questioned, pressing her fingers under
Obi-Wan’s chin
to force his eyes up to
meet her yellow ones.

reluctantly meet her eyes, flinching hard and pulling back a bit on
the bed to
escape her hand.
“…Don’t know. Wasn’t there when I last saw…” Obi-Wan
mumbled, reticent clearly and Qui-Gon exchanged a look with Yoda.

this Jedi meant that they couldn’t just… demand things.

thought I’d be working on gluing a damaged Jedi back together like
he was a wolf pup.’ Qui-Gon thought to himself before moving in
when Che moved back to run the blood and saliva test.

large hands, Qui-Gon cupped Obi-Wan’s face, ignoring how he
flinched once more. That was normal for the Jedi clearly so he wasn’t
about to call attention to it and frankly, to Obi-Wan, he was in the
camp of the enemy.

would be on guard too if he was in his situation.

he rubbed Obi-Wan’s cheeks with his thumbs, rubbing through the
beard gently in a soothing slow motion and
like a skittish animal, Obi-Wan slowly and reluctantly relaxed,
leaning into the touch as if he didn’t know better.

the relaxing motion going, Qui-Gon hummed ever so quietly under his
breath, feeling Obi-Wan slowly tip forward until his forehead rested
against Qui-Gon’s chest.

didn’t expect this calm and peace to last of course, this was a
Jedi, startled, scared and potentially broken as he was, it still
made him the enemy of the Sith and that meant that they would have to
convince this little Jedi to stay.

the old bonds…’ Qui-Gon pondered to himself, mind wondering and

So I feel like something saucy is coming up in Feral child. Am I right?

into the room, Cody glanced about then focused on his General.
“…Captain Rex has returned to General Skywalker’s side sir.”
He murmured, making his way over to his Sith, watching how the
holomap light played over the others face.

sent shadows playing over the man’s face, made lines that weren’t
there but the darkness also made those golden eyes seemingly glow in
the dark.

hummed slightly.

the time Cody had been gone, leading his brother away, Obi-Wan had
removed his outer tunic, leaving him in the rich black cotton tank
top beneath his layers and the dark leggings, his
hair hanging loose down his back, brushing slightly below his
shoulder blades in soft waves from his braid.

even the boots were removed, set by the chair.

made the Sith look… soft.

it was a privilege to see this, of that Cody was certain and he and
the other Sith members were the only one who got to see this feral
man like this, undressed and almost soft.

made Cody want to muss up the hair of this powerful and dangerous

thought with Obi-Wan dressed like this never failed to make Cody’s
breath quicken and his pulse race.

at the map quickly, Cody raised his brows at the sight of both Nal
Hutta and Kamino, the two planets capitals zoomed in on. “Sir?”
He murmured quietly, stepping closer.

a philosophy of Sith is to take
what we want,” Obi-Wan hummed then chuckled quietly. “And
I will claim both Nal Hutt and Kamino as mine.”
He grinned slyly.

pulse beating in his ears, Cody moved before he could think twice,
the curl of those impish lips, the words and the flashing eyes
causing him to drop his helmet to the floor, sacrilege for a vode
really as he reached out and grabbed Obi-Wan by his shoulder, turning
the surprised man around as he pinned Obi-Wan to the holo display,
caught between the cold metal and Cody’s hard armor as the clone
bore down on him, Obi-Wan’s hands caught on the pauldrons of Cody’s

together, Cody’s knee pressed between Obi-Wan’s legs as arousal
thrummed between them, Obi-Wan looking startled but not angry or
upset as Cody slid his hand into that loose, long hair, catching it
to hold the other in place.

they both stared at each other, both wondering what the next move
was, waiting for the other to break this second.

heavily, Obi-Wan stared up at Cody. “…Are you going to hurt me?”
He murmured finally, tone low and intimate, caught
in Cody’s grasp and yet not fighting.

wouldn’t shock Cody if the other hadn’t been feeling his emotions
since the day he landed on Kamino, close to a month ago now.

the question,
Cody tightened his grip on the others hair ever
so slightly,
just enough to give the threat but
not harm.
“Only if you want me to.” He whispered in return.

flash of heat went off in those yellow eyes, Obi-Wan staring at him
breathlessly and Cody couldn’t help but wonder if he miscalculated
when Obi-Wan spoke, low and intent, attention grabbing as always.
of privates rooms… nothing can change, nothing will change. I’m
still Darth Carrion, I am the feral child and High General…” He
tightened his grasp on on the holomap display. “But… maybe with
you…” He hesitated.

felt his grip on the others hair ease as he leaned in, brushing their
noses together slightly. “I’m not here to tame you…Obi-Wan,”
The name brought another one of those flashes of heat in golden eyes,
Obi-Wan’s eyes unwaveringly
stuck on Cody. “I’m here because you told me Sith take what they
want and I am as close to a Sith without training… so that means I
can take what I
right?” His lips brushed against Obi-Wan’s, the contact nerve
wracking and electrifying all at once.

could feel the others beard on his own skin, smell the oil the other
must use on it and he wanted to close that last distance.


waited, feeling Obi-Wan’s hands ease from their grip, slowly
stroking down the chest plate before fumbling around to the right
side, Obi-Wan reaching out his left to wave at the door, simply
shutting it down so no one could slice it open.

soft click echoed in the room among the beeps of terminals, the sound
of the chest plate disengaging from the magnetic. “Yes, yes you are
Cody.” Obi-Wan whispered softly, the breath and heat of it washing
over Cody’s face before the Sith closed that last distance, kissing
his commander as the chest plate got pushed out of the way by nimble
hands eager to explore.

happened in the command room was between him, Obi-Wan and the
unseeing terminals around them, armor and cloth discarded by curious

For the sith!qui and jedi!obi, please can we see Obi-wan wake up? Maybe while Qui-Gon’s in the meeting and Obi-wan fucking panics about being surrounded by sith? Maybe he nearly (or does) kill someone?

world of the living and the aware comes slowly to the Jedi Master and
honestly, at first, he does not think he’s living at all, gently
swaying as he is, not in pain and the last images being of the
burning yellow eyes and the red saber coming
towards him.

Obi-Wan does not think he’s alive.


with the soft murmur of voices around him.

slowly, steadily, he becomes more awake, more aware and the voices
around him become familiar.

enough to send ice through him as he also feels the Force.

and terrible and he feels so small and fragile as he realizes he’s
in the arms of QuiGon,
able to forget how safe he used to feel in those arms and how he no
longer felt safe anywhere after order 66 and what An-Vader had done
to their home.

is familiar and yet not and Obi-Wan can’t.

a second the arms around him tighten, those impossible and dark arms
and then Obi-Wan flails, kicks out, catching someone with his bare
foot as he falls to marble floor of an impossible room, his body sore
and now hurting from the abrupt fall.

Obi-Wan doesn’t focus on that, he’s disoriented, scared and in
pain and he needs to escape and there are people behind him and in
front of him that are just impossible.

the door is expected and therefore Obi-Wan moves forward, scatters
onto his knees and hands and jerks forward, trying not to take notice
of the men and women around him that are so painfully familiar and
yet preposterously

almost there, almost at the window, gathering the Force to blow it
out and jump when…


voice booms behind him, painfully familiar and strong and Obi-Wan
spent over a decade listening to that voice, the lessons and the
orders, the chastisements and the praise.

so he listens.

at least his body listens as his mind flails in panic, sinking down
powerlessly between two of the chairs.

the chair’s of Yaddle and Saesee, his hand weakly resting on the
iktotchi man’s chair as his shoulders slumped and he focused his
eyes down, unable to look up, unable to see.

wasn’t right.

was all dark, even… even…

warm, large and familiar hand settled on the top of his head, gently
petting and Obi-Wan flinched beneath it, causing the hand to pause
before it slowly shifted to his shoulder and Obi-Wan could hear the
rustle of cloth behind him, feel the slight pressure of the hand on
his shoulder.

person behind him was kneeling down.

mounts in Obi-Wan’s stomach as he feels the hand slowly, but
adamantly turning him, Obi-Wan’s hand coming off the chair as he is
turned around on his knees to face the room instead of being able to
stare into the wall.

doesn’t want to see.

has to see.

yellow eyes stares at him from a face that’s painfully familiar and
Obi-Wan doesn’t know what to do.

cry, his entire body shaking as
silent tears rushed down his face.


all the times for the Force induced coma to stop, this was the last
thing Qui-Gon wanted but the Force barely had a moment to whisper a
warning before Obi-Wan suddenly jerked to in his arms, the small body
kicking out and catching Anakin hard in the shoulder, sending the
blond to the floor with surprising strength.

likely Force or hysteria induced.

had fallen from his arms, flopped to the ground in one stunned moment
and then quick as a hrosma
tiger he had bounced to all four and moved as fast as his panic
stricken body and mind allowed him.

council had been on their feet but no one wanted to harm this little
Jedi light, not with who he was.

Qui-Gon had done the only thing he could think to do.

yelled for Obi-Wan to stop with Force command in his voice.

the shock or the command caused the Jedi to falter, sinking to his
knees at the chairs and not a moment too late because Qui-Gon could
guess what Obi-Wan had been about to do, making his way to the window
as fast as he was while gathering Force.

then Obi-Wan had just remained there, slumped, panting, shaking as
Qui-Gon closed the distance, ready to sooth a startled beast.

had flinched under the touch.

then he had cried when Qui-Gon finally had him turn around, never
saying a word with a hopelessly broken and despairing look in his

can’t help but think back to how he found the other, the burned and
sooty clothes, the ash, minor injuries and now he wonders where this
Obi-Wan came from, what had happened to him even as he reaches up
with large hands, slowly stroking the tears away from the others

flinches again, slamming his eyes shut as a muffled low whimper
escapes him, clearly a noise made in response to touch.

Qui-Gon never expected holding a Jedi Obi-Wan would be easy, but this
wasn’t what he expected even as he slowly, carefully drew the other
man to him and stood with him in his embrace, the man’s arms
trapped against Qui-Gon’s chest and his legs hanging powerlessly

fight utterly gone for now as Obi-Wan cried into Qui-Gon’s chest.

For feral child could we see them go to war with the hutts and get anakins mom back. Also maybe with some Cody/Rex/obi wan starting to get close??? I love the idea of Obi Wan getting smitten and possessive of the clones

in through the open door with his helmet under his arm in a copy of
his vod, Rex sent Cody a questioning look, the older vod simply
shaking his head while tightening his grip on his helmet.

had no idea what this was about anymore than Rex did clearly.

had simply been summoned to General Carrion’s side and Rex wasn’t
sure what to make of it.

they all belonged to Kenobi, it was clear that the man had intended
for Rex and his men to belong mostly to Anakin Skywalker, be his men…
his friends as Anakin put his claim on them, like an over-sized cat
laying over their laps.

wouldn’t shock Rex if the other blond tried to rub his scent on
them in a manner of speaking.

what did the High General want?

with the explicate order to not let Anakin know that Rex was going to
see Obi-Wan, to come while the other Sith was asleep.

was odd, but Rex wasn’t scared.

wasn’t like the longnecks.

he was worried, standing there in the darkened command room, no one
but him, Cody and Kenobi in the room, the man standing over a holo
display with the blue lights of it casting shadows over the redhead’s
face as the only real light of the room as he leaned his hands on the
metal to bend over it, clearly observing Nal Hutta.

had looked it up the moment he could once he knew they were going

were after all going to war there and a good captain knew the

approached the man without fear, coming to a still at Kenobi’s side
and Rex followed his vod, quietly settling too.

said anything, after all, Kenobi knew they were there and was staring
at the planet, clearly thinking.

he finally sighed and lifted his eyes, peering at them, eyes
glittering faintly in the dark not unlike a nocturnal predator. “You
are both aware why we’re going to Nal Hutta?” He murmured.

and Rex exchanged quick looks before both nodded. “Yes sir, was
kind of hard to ignore you and General Skywalker’s conversation on
the bridge.” Cody stated, his tone low and steady.

quirked his lips at that, looking back at the display, his expression
somehow darkening even further. “I hate hutt’s. So does Anakin.
Even before I found my little monster, I hated them. But that is
neither here nor there, I’m only going to war for his sake.” He

couldn’t help but wonder about family that would do that for you,
would go bracing into war, fire in their eyes and violence in their

would have to be a unique and deep kind of bond and affection, that
he knew for sure and he couldn’t help but feel… envious.

he didn’t doubt his brothers would do quite a bit for him.

they were also trained by the kaminoan’s, there were things they
were… raised not to do.

have someone like Kenobi on their side now was a blessing he would
never forget, after losing so many vode before.

what did all of this have to do wit-

issue is that I’m not certain Shmi Skywalker is alive.” The words
came out measured from the Sith and Rex started, his nostrils flaring
before his eyes narrowed in sudden understanding.

had seen Anakin’s face when Obi-Wan had announced where they were
going, he had seen the undisguised and desperate hope on the other’s
face and he knew,
he knew what it was like to loose someone and curse the ones who had
taken them from you.

he knew what it was like to hurt.

while Rex had not been able to lash out, Anakin Skywalker would
certainly be allowed to lash out.

he would, if his mother was dead, if hope was ripped so cruelly
and abruptly out of Anakin’s hands…

would lash out with all the rage of the two suns he had once come

eyes were suddenly squarely focused on Rex. “I need you to watch
his back Captain, when Anakin lets go, he also becomes reckless. He
will end up in danger of being shot in the back as he exhausts
himself in pure rage and grief and I won’t be able to watch his
back as I have before and neither will Qui-Gon. So I need you to
watch his back, you and your brothers because right now, with a war
on my hands, I will not be able to. Can I trust you to watch his back
Captain Rex?” He murmured in that even, steady tone.

his eyes seemed to be trying to look through Rex, to scan every part
of his being.

didn’t cower though, only clicked his heels together and saluted,
nodding firmly.

eyes lingered on him before slowly, steadily, General Kenobi’s lips
quirked into a small smile. Then he turned to Cody. “I will need
you to watch my back on the other hand,” He raised a hand when Cody
opened his mouth. “Please, let me finish Commander Cody. There will
come a time that I may be… indisposed during battle, when that time
comes, I expect you to watch my back and to lead. If I become
indisposed, it will all be in your hands Cody.” He murmured, his
voice softer.


ears sharpened a bit, throwing a quick glance Cody’s way.

in the darkness of the room with only the holo display as their
source of light, Rex could see the faint flush of Cody’s ears and
the back of his neck and he knew his vod.

heard the tone too, that fondness in the General’s voice.

Cody clearly liked
that fondness.

well, well, Rex mentally rubbed his hands together as Cody responded
positively to the request. It seemed that Rex would have to create a
little betting pool with the rest of the captain’s and commanders

with Cody?

were only a matter of time before they happened.

In FeralChild, you’ve mentioned Jango Fett several times, but we have yet to see him. Is he dead or alive? If alive, does he still reside on Kamino or is he on the run? Does Boba exist and if so, is he with Jango?

down in front of the uniquely
dressed child
on one knee, Obi-Wan let his eyes trail over the now extremely
familiar features, ignoring how tense Cody was behind him as he took
in Boba Fett, the only unaltered
Jango Fett had asked for as his own as part of his payment apparently
for doing this entire thing.

was young, looking at him with wide amber eyes of his family line and
chubby cheeks, his hair feathering out around his head in a soft

he clearly knew who Obi-Wan and a little listen to the young ones
thoughts made Obi-Wan aware that Jango had tried to keep himself and
the child separated from the Sith, in particular Obi-Wan.

were worried Obi-Wan would take him away.

slightly, Obi-Wan slowly bowed without taking his eyes off the boy.
“Hello there young one, where is your father?” He murmured,
feeling more than seeing Cody practically collapse behind him.

had made no disguise of his claim to the clones, he called them his
and despite sharing custody as he said, that still meant they were
his in part.

with Boba…

was not Obi-Wan’s, regardless how much he put his claim on the
other clones.

wasn’t the same as them.

belonged to his father, was loved by his father, cared for and taught
by his father.

Force did not give Obi-Wan the young Boba Fett.

Cody understood that from the simple words.

to overcome his fear, Boba quickly bowed to Obi-Wan in return,
keeping his eyes on the Sith too and therefore almost falling on his
face but he was smart.

take your eyes off someone you suspect as an enemy.

the shooting range Lord Carrion, I
can…can lead you there?” The boy twisted his hands into his blue
shirt, eyes wide. It was so hard for the young to hide their

didn’t blame him for his fear.

would have been fearful too if someone threatened to take him away
from Qui-Gon and he had been a teen at least.

Obi-Wan shook his head while brushing off his tunic. “No need,”
He murmured, Boba tense as he looked up at the man. “Tell your
father young Boba that if he wishes, he can come by my quarters later
for a chat. That is only
if he wants, I require no visit from him if he does not desire to go.
You have a nice day child.” Obi-Wan hummed, resisting the urge to
reach out and ruffle that soft hair.

unlike the young clones, was scared of him.

would not react well to the playful touch and Obi-Wan wasn’t about
to make him even more uncomfortable and so he instead made his way
around the child and continued on with Cody following him.

said anything for several minutes as they walked through the halls
until finally Cody murmured. “Thank you.” He whispered.

behind him, Obi-Wan pondered what kind of relationship the clones had
with Boba, the only one given to Jango. Then he decided it did not
matter, if they wanted to foster a relationship with the child, that
was fine by him

out a low hum, Obi-Wan finally gave a small shrug and gestured for
the other to walk beside him instead of behind. “I’ve told you
before, you’re not a slave and you don’t have to walk behind me
when we’re in safe territory, there is no need to guard my back
here. As for Boba,” Obi-Wan trailed off, Cody sliding in beside him
instead of behind. “Boba is not like you or anyone else. He does
not belong to me. He belongs to his father and the Force does not
tell me to claim him as my own.” He shrugged, licking his fangs a

shot him a curious side look at that before nodding slowly. “So if
the Force hadn’t told you that we were yours…” He hesitated.

Obi-Wan shook his head. “Oh, you’d still be all mine. I was here
first, no one else had any claim on you. I would have claimed you all
out of sheer fascination and later kept you all because you liked
me.” He grinned at the other, flashing his fangs like a predator.

just chuckled, not quelled by the look or the words. “I’m glad
you did then sir, it’s nice to have someone who doesn’t care for
the decommissioning around…” He eased off and Obi-Wan felt an
inward stab.

many troopers had been decommissioned?

many vode had Cody lost?

strict were the rules and how many had lived under the fear?

did not like that thought one bit.

are safe now, they’re all mine now.’ He reminded himself even as
he took a step closer to Cody so their shoulders occasionally bumped
in the wide hallway, Cody noticing and sending him a small smile as
his gratefulness oozed in the Force.

wasn’t sure he deserved that… but he would accept it still.

all, they were his.