So in Vaderkin’s gift maybe Anakin makes Obi tea and they talk. Perhaps Obi talks about the reason he hasn’t fled. (Tattoos? Likely to be killed? Stockholm?)

Pressing the cup into Obi-Wan’s hands, Anakin sunk down on the couch beside the Jedi, watching the fascinated expression on the others face as Obi-Wan sniffed at the content of the cup. Then he took a slow sip, eyes closing with clear pleasure as the tea flowed over his tongue.

Well, it seemed this was indeed high quality tea as Anakin was promised by the vendors, so he wouldn’t have to hunt them down and give them a lesson on not to cheat Darth Vader.

With the assurance that the tea was good, he held up an arm and smiled, actually smiled when Obi-Wan instantly slid in under it and settled against him, slowly sipping as he tucked his feet up on the couch too.

Bare toes wiggled against one of the throw pillows.

‘I can never get over that he actually likes going around barefoot.’ Anakin grimaced to himself, slowly teasing the tattoos visible through the gossamer sleeves of Obi-Wan’s shirt. “You know… Fisto has a point.” He murmured quietly, removing his eyes from the others feet to his eyes instead.

Obi-Wan blinked up at him, pausing before shrugging as he realized what Anakin was on about. “You’d find me if I left. I know there’s trackers in not only my collar but also in the tattoo runes, yes?” He quirked a brow at Anakin, his clever little Jedi.

Grasping one of Obi-Wan’s hands, teasing the slender wrist while inwardly grimacing at the sight of scars on the wrist from the prolonged binder use, Anakin shrugged. “Yes but you could still try running, and keep running. You’re smart enough to do it and powerful enough.” He pointed out steadily, peering at his little Jedi.

Taking another sip, clearly trying to delay for time to think, Obi-Wan stared into his cup before sighing. “Because I don’t want to.” He finally admitted.

Stroking the others wrist slowly, Anakin mutely prodded him on as he rubbed his thumb over the inside of his wrist.

His pulse was rising a bit.

Obi-Wan was nervous and therefore he was mute and buying himself time by drinking tea, glancing between Anakin and the coral and glass caff table stationed in front of his expensive bantha leather couch.

“Obi-Wan.” Anakin prodded, feeling his temper rise along with his impatience as Obi-Wan seemed to struggle.

“I like it here,” Obi-Wan finally stated, biting at his lower lip, causing it to swell and redden. “I like it at your side. You keep me safe, you keep me feed, you pet my hair and you spoil me. I shouldn’t,” Obi-Wan swallowed thickly, clearly fighting against the ideals he had been raised with and his own desires and wants. “But I don’t want to leave you, even though its dangerous for me here in the Sith temple and at the same time I know that if anything happens, you’d be there.” He whispered.

His face was red with shame, his freckles ticking out heavily.

Anakin couldn’t stop staring at his Jedi, the Jedi he indeed put a claim on, the Jedi wearing Darth Vader’s symbol at the end of his braid on the golden pendant, tattooed with Vader’s claim on his arm.

Obi-Wan was right, the tattoo would make it easy for Vader to find him, hunt him, never let him go.

But that wasn’t why Obi-Wan was staying.

Obi-Wan was staying for Anakin.

Not because he had to.

Maybe it was stockholm, hell, Anakin was pretty sure it was part of it, Obi-Wan had been conditioned after all in some ways but he was still defiant at times, still the Jedi that had been brought to be Vader’s pet.

And yet… that wasn’t really what Obi-Wan was, was it now?

“…Anakin,” He rasped out suddenly, Obi-Wan looking up at him in surprise, blinking at him as Anakin’s flesh hand came up to cup his face, stroking his cheek and feeling the stubble under. “My name… its Anakin.”

Obi-Wan eyes widened a bit. “…Anakin?” He stated, murmuring it more to himself than anything, as if he was testing the name.

Anakin could feel something in his chest expand as he leaned in and pressed his forehead to Obi-Wan’s, breathing out heavily. “Yes, to you, to you alone when we’re in peace, I’m Anakin.” He whispered quietly, shuddering as Obi-Wan continued to murmur his name softly in the space between them.

For Candle in the Dark, what did Obi-Wan intend to do while his lineage was checking the chips? What would he wanted to do first? See Archives to understand where timelines diverted? Go to see the memorial for the Other-self? He must be starting to realize how much he is like his sithy twin… that all these sith LIKE him. I could see him finding Mace either place, Did Mace get black-veiny? He should start recovering once he knows why, right? TY TY TY for this!

Staring up at the face so like his own, Obi-Wan blinked slowly as he tried to understand.

This universe was so different and yet the same in so many ways that he wasn’t sure what he was suppose to do.

From what Obi-Wan had managed to figure out for himself by meditating, him being in this universe was as much an accident as on purpose, a temple summoning him when the Force in his own universe screeched in pain.

Him being pulled out of his own universe had been on purpose but ending up in this one had been the accident.

So Obi-Wan was doubtful what exactly he was suppose to do.

From the reports and news he had managed to read and the few things Anakin and Qui-Gon accidentally left around the quarters, he could tell that the war was actually going quite well for the Sith.

They were gaining ground a lot faster thanks to the trooper and their own powers, seeing as they didn’t hold back where the Jedi would have.

Jedi had always been peace keepers after all…but at the same time they didn’t decimate people or rule as hard as the Sith of Obi-Wan’s universe.

It was perplexing and he had needed space, which was why he had asked if he could go explore the temple on his own.

Much to his surprise, both of his Sithly caretakers had agreed, if reluctantly and he hadn’t felt anyone following him around so it seemed they took his request seriously. Not that he wasn’t under observation that was, the other Sith made no qualms about watching him but…

Their gaze weren’t hostile.

Uncertain, curious and maybe a hopeful but not… not with murderous intentions.

So Obi-Wan had skulked about, trying to understand, trying to see.

And what he saw…

Well, he was more confused than ever because outside of the kind of Force these Sith used, they weren’t the same.

They were dark, negative emotions flourished but, they didn’t consume, so far, only very few looked like the Dark side of the Force was eating them in a round about way. The children in the creche were happy, they played and meditated and were… just children.

The students in the halls studied art, saber forms, history and even negotiation.

He had caught two knights arguing Fellisian philosophy, which was a mixture of dark and light Force intertwined and the Archives…

It was all the same, just… slightly different.

Like the shades of a new drape if had to replace only one pair in a great hall, the older, weathered ones looking darker from time with the newer one showing only the slight difference.

It was just perplexing, to the point Obi-Wan had to put the thoughts aside and had gone to one of the lesser used salles to do some katas.

And even that was the same, the katas were the same.

As much as he was being observed, Obi-Wan observed the Sith back and it was just confusing to him if he was honest.

So here he was, looking up at himself, the Sith version of himself but so painfully younger.

It had been an accident honestly, stumbling upon the hall of memorial, coming to the memory moth cylinder, hearing them whisper names and he was sure he heard his own several times. But a Force prodding had lead him down the hall of Sith master’s bronze statues, curiously eyeing several that he recognized from his own world but just… slightly different.

And then he found his own, matching the other masters with a slightly larger statue than the person it was made to.

So painfully young to look at with that cocky smile and eyes that seemed to glimmer but the features… they were Obi-Wan spot on, this statue had been made by someone that was familiar with him, whoever had been the artist had done more than a decent jo-

“Qui-Gon made it,” A deep, rumbling voice echoed behind him, a voice Obi-Wan recognized even without turning around to look who it was. Mace stepped towards him, silent as death but stopping before he was too close. “He wouldn’t let anyone else do it, threatened and bribed until we gave in… warped several crates of bronze before he was happy with the result.” The master of the order stated before looking up at the statue face.

Staring at the man, Obi-Wan glanced back at the statue. “…I’m not him.” He whispered quietly, slowly turning his head to Mace again.

The Sith took another two step towards him, once more stopping, the lights from the memory moth shining over his face. “And we know that. We can tell the difference. Our Obi-Wan made bonds as easily as he breathed, had no fear and liked to tease the entire temple,” He stated softly, molten lava eyes turning brown as he kept Obi-Wan’s gaze. “But… you aren’t that different either. And we are willing to give you a home here.” He settled on, raising a hand, holding it up with his palm open.

Letting out startled little meep, Obi-Wan stared at the offered hand.

Slowly, hesitantly, he took a step to the Sith, glancing up at Mace brown eyes before reaching out nervously, settling his hand in the much larger one.

Just like Qui-Gon’s, it was warm and it gently wrapped around his as Mace smiled at him, the corners of his lips rising slightly, carefully pulling him away towards the door of the hall. “You do not have to be Obi-Wan Kenobi, the Sith knight… you can be Obi-Wan the Jedi master, we will not changes that about you. We want you as you are, not as who you could imitate.” He stated softly.

With a lump in his throat, Obi-Wan slowly followed the man out of hall of memorial. ‘As who I am…’

For Candle in the Dark, do the clone troopers have the chips in them as well?! It sounded like they were a surprise to the Sith just like they were for the Jedi in the original world. Will Qui-gon or Anakin look into the mystery surrounding their troopers?

Almost leaning over the others shoulder, Anakin frowned heavily at the x-ray holo of Cody’s head. “Do you see…” He trailed off, inwardly cursing. He really didn’t know enough about biology to tell one dark spot from another.

It all just looked like… well head to him.

He knew what a basic anatomy chart looked like and Cody’s x-ray, taken by Helix by request of Qui-Gon, just looked like any other head Anakin had seen on anatomy lessons.

After Obi-Wan had gone to bed, both Anakin and Qui-Gon had speculated how the hell the troopers could have turned from one moment to the other.

Years fighting should have caused the troopers to at least hesitate or the Jedi should have felt from the start that betrayal would come.

But what if the troopers themselves hadn’t known?

Anakin had been the one to figure it out, his face going from thoughtful to wrathful as realization hit him.

Slave biochips.

Qui-Gon hadn’t thought of it at all but it made sense once Anakin said it, such things could change the mind of a person at a word, use the correct trigger word from the master and boom, they’d kill their own child if that was the order of the chip, a sentient’s personality changed in moments.

Betrayal coming unexpected and unseen from someone that had adored you moments before, an invisible dagger in your back.

Now they had confirmation, both of them staring at Cody’s scan that Helix had sent them, the medic coming through a few days after the initial request.

It helped that Obi-Wan was out too, the Jedi cautiously venturing out into the temple and normally, Qui-Gon and Anakin would be at his side but… this took highest priority.

Sitting back in his chair, Qui-Gon frowned too, squinting his eyes faintly before nodding. “Yes. I see it. There is a chip, but we would have to have it removed and analyzed before we know for sure what it contains,” He looked up at Anakin, crossing his arms over his chest. “We know there are differences between the two dimensions, large ones at times, the biochips here might contain something different, though I doubt it.” Qui-Gon returned to staring at the head.

Letting out a soft curse, Anakin nodded.

There were differences, large divergences like the Jedi order, Palpatine being a senator and Chancellor in Obi-Wan’s world but with those divergences there were also similarities, else Obi-Wan wouldn’t be in their universe but this particular event… it was most likely the same.

The Sith had always been suspicious of the origins of the clone army, even as they took them on and kept them. But this…

No, this was not something they’d end up suspecting.

A few of the less leery Sith had assumed that they had snatched an army away from the Jedi honestly.

Qui-Gon had never been among those, always wondering what else Palpatine had been planning with the troopers.

No wonder the Jedi had let them find Kamino and the army.

‘Planting our would be killers so close to us, making us grow close to them… its almost impressive,’ Qui-Gon stared at the darkened spot on Cody’s scan. ‘Almost Sithly in nature. If I didn’t hate him so much, I’d praise the tactic.’ Qui-Gon pushed from the desk and stood, snorting faintly when Anakin jumped away with a curse.

Qui-Gon had accidentally hit his foot with the plush chair, the blond having stood too close.

Jumping around, holding his foot as he cursed, Anakin gave his master a glare.

“We will have to speak with the council about this,” Anakin’s glare dropped along with his foot at Qui-Gon’s words, his face turning serious. “And speak with Helix and the other medics. This can not stand, its a threat to our troopers and ourselves.” Qui-Gon mused before looking up as the front door of the quarters opened, Obi-Wan stepping inside with Mace following behind him.

Quick as a whip, Anakin turned the holo display off, both Sith figuring that Obi-Wan should not see this.

Not yet, not until they were sure.

Obi-Wan still did not know why the troopers of his world had turned on him. If they ended up being wrong…

Qui-Gon didn’t want to crush Obi-Wan’s hope, that his men, the men Qui-Gon knew Obi-Wan must have adored, hadn’t betrayed him willingly. It would hurt him to know they were being used but… well, hopefully the knowledge would help his PTSD at least.

Smiling, Qui-Gon nodded to Mace. “Welcome back, I see you bought a guest Obi-Wa-” His voice cut of as Obi-Wan outright walked into him and rested his head on Qui-Gon’s chest. Breath stuck in his throat, he slowly lifted his arms on auto pilot, wrapping them around Obi-Wan in a hug.

Cautious, hesitant and terribly traumatized Obi-Wan had willingly gone into his arms, sought comfort without Qui-Gon explicitly offering it.

“…Hello little one.” He whispered, holding on tightly as their bond bloomed with affection.

Obi-Wan let out a soft noise of greeting. “Is it alright? Mace and I were having a discussion and… well I didn’t want to end it.” He stated quietly.

Squeezing lightly, Qui-Gon smiled down at the other. “This is your home as much as mine, you are always welcome to have guests my dear Obi-Wan.” He remarked, ignoring Mace stoic but jealous stare.

Obi-Wan was making progress.

That was all Qui-Gon cared about in that moment as the Jedi cautiously gave a small smile up at him before turning, escaping Qui-Gon’s embrace as he offered Mace tea.

His warmth still lingered in Qui-Gon’s arms, the evidence of a healing step forward making Qui-Gon’s heart thrum with joy.

Moddy, My eyes sting so much. I’ve been reading candle in the dark for the last hour and I haven’t cried so much since the last harry potter book. Okay?! I’m bloody begging you for something even remotely okay in that series. I’m just- holy cow.

Pressing the other into his body, Qui-Gon let out a deep sigh. “I see… so that’s what happened.” He murmured quietly, feeling Obi-Wan tuck himself under his chin.

His little Jedi didn’t say a word but nodded, clearly done with speaking about the subject as Qui-Gon threaded his fingers through the others hair.  

Once they had returned to the quarters and finally settled down once Obi-Wan had taken a shower and changed clothes, Obi-Wan had, hesitantly, with all the timidness of an abused dog, cautiously crawled into Qui-Gon’s lap.

Beyond thrilled, Qui-Gon had quietly wrapped his arms around the small shape, sending Anakin his glee in the Force.

But then Obi-Wan had started speaking.

Told them, with quiet, stilted words, dripping with the pain the other carried inside, what had happened to him.

And Force, it was a lot to absorb, it made him grateful that Obi-Wan was so tired, having curled into Qui-Gon in search of comfort once he finished his words.

The quiet gave Qui-Gon time to think too, his mind buzzing with the information Obi-Wan had quietly shared with him and Anakin, though the latter was pacing the floor by the balcony, unable to sit still as they finally learned what had happened to their little Jedi.

Betrayal, the troopers turning on their Jedi General, his Anakin turning on him, the temple laid to waste…

It all sounded so unbelievable.

Shaak Ti had theorized that Obi-Wan’s world was a mirror world in most ways, with obvious differences due to Obi-Wan’s world being dominated by Jedi but this…

The clones adored their Sith Generals, the Generals that had claimed them and had often dipped deep into the dark side of the Force for them. Hell, Sith were mostly out for their own but the clones…

They were the Sith’s own.

They had started as a weapon handed to them to the confusion of many, after all, the Sith were their own army and warrior and yet they had somehow become something… more.

Qui-Gon wasn’t actually sure he’d be alive still if it wasn’t for Anakin and Cody, his commander was dear to him and after the loss of their Obi-Wan… Qui-Gon would admit he drifted, his rage had not tethered him to life as it had tethered Anakin, Anakin’s need for revenge and retribution was grounds to continue.

But for Qui-Gon… the loss of Obi-Wan had been the biggest of his heavy burdens.

But Cody and he 212th had become his, were important to him.

And his dear Commander and the rest of the 212th had followed suit, had claimed the Sith in return in their own way.

Absently, Qui-Gon brushed his right hand fingers over the bit of 212th orange peeking out at his left wrist, the color almost hidden away by Obi-Wan’s copper hair.

It just didn’t make sense for the troopers to turn on the Jedi, even for the Jedi that preached none attachment, their troopers would still feel almost zealously protective of them at the very least.

Glancing away from his wrist at a thump, Qui-Gon watched as Anakin stomped into the kitchen, watching the blond pulling out items with a determined look on his face.

It took Qui-Gon a moment to realize what he was up to, but when he did, he couldn’t help but smile slightly, despite his mind working furiously.

Obi-Wan had listed into him fully, not quite asleep but clearly drowsing, emotionally overwrought and overwhelmed, physically drained from running away in a blind panic and simply just mentally exhausted both from the panic but also retelling his last days in his world.

Shifting the other slightly, leaning Obi-Wan enough to the side that he could see his face, Qui-Gon smiled at the discontented little noise as his hand slipped from the others hair. “I don’t know what happened Obi-Wan to your troopers,” He stated softly, his voice rumbling soothingly. Obi-Wan blinked blearily at him, lidded eyes clearly ready for sleep. “But we’ll figure it out. And it will not repeat.” Qui-Gon promised as he shifted the other against him as Anakin came out.

Stopping at the couch, Anakin held out one of the fancy Tatooine krayt dragon glasses they had, condense gathering on the surface of the dark red glass. “And we’ll make you happy. You can be happy here Obi-Wan, with us.” Anakin promised quietly.

Blinking, glancing between the two Sith, Obi-Wan accepted the glass of Stewjon sweet iced tea.

He didn’t answer, not verbally at least.

But he slowly curled back into Qui-Gon’s body once more as he raised the glass to his lips, taking a slow sip.

Actions spoke more than words to Qui-Gon as he tucked his hand back into Obi-Wan’s hair, carding slowly as Anakin settled beside Qui-Gon’s larger bulk, the three settled together with the quiet click of ice cubes in glass being the only sounds breaking the comfortable silence settling.

I can’t remember if I prompted more for this story or not. But in case I didn’t, Obi-Wan gets his reward and Vaderkin is confronted by the other Sith as to why Obi-Wan has a lightsaber. (Plus they all want to know how he made his Jedi pet loyal to him.)

Signing his name and swiping his credit chit for the delivery, Anakin glanced at the nervous twi’lek and zabrak seller before giving them both a sharp smile. “This better be the quality that was promised…” The or else was left unsaid but heard by all as both the male twi’lek and female zabrak began bowing and scraping, promising up and down and to the Force that, yes, the delivery was of the finest quality.

Anakin smiled even more sharply, opening his mouth only to close it when a gentle hand wrapped around his elbow, Obi-Wan blinking up at him.

The Jedi was standing a step behind him and to the left, falling into Anakin’s blindside almost unnaturally so, as if he had always belonged there and the blond had just never noticed. “I’m sure its what you ordered my lord,” Obi-Wan murmured softly, his long braid swaying slightly in the wind from the wide open entrance. “After all, only a fool would cheat Darth Vader.” He smiled softly at him, the creases around his eyes appearing at the smile.

It shouldn’t make Anakin want to sweep the Jedi of his feet but… those soft words did, especially coupled with that gentle smile that made Obi-Wan’s dimples appear. Coupled with the other wearing the clothes Anakin had picked for him…

Well, Anakin was charmed by the sight, Obi-Wan in a silk baby blue tunic that was open in a V that exposed his collarbone, tied at the waist with a white sash and a black belt over that held his saber in full view. The sleeves were goassamer thin sleeves, exposing the muscles of the Jedi along with the breath of his shoulders, dressed in white leggings and black knee highs.

It was a charming display, especially with the others shoulder length hair and his braid sporting Vader’s mark via a golden pendant at the end that seemed to catch the light almost regardless how Obi-Wan moved or where he was.

Yes, all in all, Anakin was quite charmed by his pretty Jedi.

‘Bet you wouldn’t tell me if they had cheated me, this tea is just for you anyhow.’ Anakin noted amusedly to himself, simply inclining his head. “Indeed.” He answered before gesturing to the droids to bring the crates to his quarters.

He still let his eyes linger on the pair of vendors as they nervously made their way towards the entrance to leave. ‘But if they have cheated me… I will indeed know.’ Regardless of Obi-Wan being the only one to sample the tea, Anakin did still know what was quality tea.

He had made Sidious too many damn cups, serving his master and even served as the bastards footstool while the man drank.

A humiliation Anakin and especially Darth Vader would never forget.

Finally the pair had disappeared and Anakin turned, peering down at Obi-Wan before swiftly catching his braid and pulling him close, twining his other arm around the others waist to pull him in close. “Well then, I don’ t believe I gave you permission to speak little Jedi,” He teased almost appreciatively, having come to adore Obi-Wan’s little flights of intervention and disobedience. “I do think I’ll have to punish you.” He smirked, delighting in how Obi-Wan’s cheeks pinked

“Okay, that’s it,” A new voice cut through in agitate, Anakin looking away from Obi-Wan reluctantly to raise a brow at Fisto, the nautolan waving his finger between the two as his tentacles undulated in agitation. “Why does your pet have a saber and why isn’t he running,” Several Siths were slowing down or outright stopping, circling like sharks scenting blood. Anakin honestly didn’t care. “The opening is right there.” Fisto snarled, red eyes flashing darkly.

Carelessly, Anakin just stared at the other Sith, Obi-Wan tense against him. Absently, he rubbed at the golden pendant at the end of Obi-Wan’s learner braid. “Because I didn’t break him like all of you did with your Jedi’s,” Anakin decided to bluntly state, pulling the braid taunt before easing his grip again, Obi-Wan not moving his head even an inch despite his braid going taunt. “I kept my leash tight, but I didn’t choke my Jedi… and now I have him… forever.” Anakin rolled the braid slowly up around his fist, tightening it slowly and using it to tip Obi-Wan’s face up, the Jedi blinking at him.

A bit of discontent was there, Obi-Wan’s brow furrowing and his expressive lips at the start of a pout.

It was a look Anakin found irresistible.

And why should he really deny himself something?

Obi-Wan belonged to him and leaning in, claiming the others lips in front of everyone, Anakin made that clear.

His little tame Jedi.

Candleinthedark: so what’s it going to take for Obi-Wan to actually trust people, properly trust, not just letting Anakin guide him around?

He’s much too large to fit into the space Obi-Wan has crammed himself into, of that Qui-Gon is quite sure but pulling someone out of their hiding spot while they’re in the mist of a panic attack and blind fear is a very bad idea.

But what to do, what to do!?

Qui-Gon ran his hands through his hair in helpless frustration before pausing, staring at the sobbing, shaking man.

It could work, maybe… if the Qui-Gon of Obi-Wan’s world had cared about their apprentice, their ‘padawan’ and urgh, to take that Jedi word into his mouth repulsed Qui-Gon so, but that would have been what this Obi-Wan had been.

“…Lullaby over grassy fields,” Qui-Gon sang out, his voice rusty from singing and far from as pleasant as the song really should be. But it was all he could think of to do that didn’t include knocking Obi-Wan out or dragging him out. “Over mountains high and white, I see you there, my dearest one, sleep well in my arms tonight.”

The tune was off, Qui-Gon hadn’t sung in months if not years, it just wasn’t his skill.

Still, he prevailed. “Lullaby over the river, over oceans deep and waste, I see you there, my dearest one, sleep well in my arms tonight.”

Obi-Wan’s breath hitched, the echoing sobs that seemed so much louder than the rushing water in Qui-Gon’s ears petering down slowly.

Encouraged, he drew in oxygen. “Lullaby over the clouds, over sky so wide and blue, I see you there, my dearest one, sleep well in my arm-”

“Tonight…” Obi-Wan whispered, cutting off Qui-Gon as the Sith held his breath, waiting slowly until he could see one green eye peeking from the others knees.

Silently, Qui-Gon held his arms open to the other, his heart thundering in his chest as Obi-Wan clearly struggled between the blind panic that had taken him and the calm that was slowly settling in.

Finally, Obi-Wan gave a painful keen and then started to crawl forward, crawling out from under the dust and the broken parts of the water plant.

Right into Qui-Gon’s arm and the Sith sat back on his heels and held him tightly, pressing Obi-Wan to his chest as he wordlessly continued to hum Lullaby Over for the redhead, feeling him press his ear to Qui-Gon’s chest.

He was still shaking, but the compact little body was in his arms now, making Qui-Gon breath out as he rocked them slowly.

Pressing his face to the others hair, Qui-Gon couldn’t help but marvel at the small body in his arms.

Oh, Obi-Wan was pure muscles underneath his clothes and his Force powers were nothing to sneeze at, but those things paled when Qui-Gon held this small body in his arms.

It wasn’t his Obi-Wan but he still reminded Qui-Gon of the time he had seen bright green eyes and flushed cheeks, the cheeky grin that made his own smile grow.

It reminded him of days he had carried his wayward apprentice to bed when the other had gone to far in training or in missions.

Of happier times.

Clinging to the small body, Qui-Gon breathed out shakily as he ran his hands down Obi-Wan’s back, all too aware that he had to report in that he had found the other and bring him back to the temple and yet…

Just for now, for these few precious stolen moments as Obi-Wan calmed down in his arms and their bond seemed to swell and grow in leaps and bounds, Qui-Gon claimed Obi-Wan for himself.

“It will be alright Obi-Wan,” He whispered, voice gruff from his own suppressed emotions. “You’ve been hurt and that’s alright, because I will never let anyone hurt you again little one,” He cupped the back of Obi-Wan’s head, feeling as if he was standing on a pivotal moment, Obi-Wan pressed into him. “Not the order, not the council, not the clones, not even Anakin, no one is harming you ever again little one.” Qui-Gon swore into sweat coated and dusty hair.

There was a muffled noise before Obi-Wan’s arms slowly, almost hesitantly creeped up and around Qui-Gon’s neck, holding on as this Jedi had never done before.

Qui-Gon could only hold his breath, waiting, hoping…

“…Okay.” Obi-Wan whispered, voice rough from tears and tentative, exhaustion rising of him as his hysteria started to die down.


If Qui-Gon felled a few tears of his own… well, it was only him and Obi-Wan there to see them as the light in his arms grew.

So, what’s Obi-Wan’s reward for being good in vaderkin’s gift?

The moment the door closed behind them, Anakin sprung into action as he dropped his bag to the floor, reaching out and pressing his chest to Obi-Wan’s back, feeling the Jedi fall still, Anakin let out a small laugh as he wrapped his arms around the man and pressed his nose to his neck. “You wonderful, magnificent beast of a Jedi.” He chuckled warmly, smirking as he saw the blush climb Obi-Wan’s neck and ears at the praise.

“I… my lord?” Obi-Wan breath hitched, feeling the Sith’s lips trace along the sensitive curve of his neck.

Lapping lightly at the pulse point, giving it a nip, Anakin squeezed Obi-Wan’s body to his. “Anything, you can ask for anything you want, beating Maul at his own game, you glorious Jedi,” He crooned against the skin, feeling Obi-Wan squirm before arching his neck for more kisses. “If its in my power you’ll have it.” Anakin promised heatedly.

All the while he continued to pepper the moon pale skin with kisses, his hands wandering along Obi-Wan’s stomach and thighs in teasing, searching sweeps.

Squirming both into the hands and back into Anakin’s body, Obi-Wan started to pant softly, whimpering slightly as he struggled to speak. “I… could, well maybe,” He paused, jerking a bit as Anakin cupped his groin. “Charlata tea maybe my lord?” He squeaked out.

Pausing, his lips pressed to Obi-Wan’s racing pulse point, Anakin processed those words. “Charlata tea?” He murmured, bemused before raising his head. “You want tea?” He stated with bewilderment.

Stiffening, Obi-Wan nodded and Anakin could tell he was biting his lip and worrying the flesh. “If that’s not too much, I know its rare and rather pric-”

Laughing, the heat in his veins dissipating, Anakin swung Obi-Wan around to grin down at him, the other blinking uncertainly up at him. “You… you just want tea?” He chuckled, amused and endeared at the same time.

Blinking up at him, Obi-Wan hesitantly nodded again, leaning against Anakin’s chest as the Sith’s arms wrapped around his waist to keep him in place. “I mean, yes. You already give me clothes to wear and you feed me well.” He stated uncertainly.

Teasing the others padawan braid, noting that he would have to braid the thing once they had rested, Anakin shook his head as he smiled fondly at his Jedi. “I would give you anything you want and you just want tea,” He chuckled softly, wrapping the long length of braided hair around his fist, teasing the hair. “Amazing. You are just amazing.” He stated fondly.

Coloring, Obi-Wan slowly, uncertainly, wrapped his arms around Anakin’s waist in return, relaxing when all Anakin did was to continue to smile at him. “I’m not really a materialistic person.” He settled on saying, shrugging slightly.

Humming faintly in understanding, Anakin paused thoughtfully before tapping lightly at Obi-Wan’s hips with his fingers. “How about something to entertain yourself with? I know you already have the pad I gave you to read and look on the holonet,” He stated before Obi-Wan could say anything. “But is there anything else you would want to keep yourself occupied when I’m not with you or you’re exercising?” Anakin raised his brow, watching Obi-Wan with almost child like curiosity.

He suddenly felt desperate to know what Obi-Wan liked to do.

What he wanted to entertain himself with or did to relax when Anakin wasn’t bossing him around.

How… quaint.

He wasn’t used to caring what others thought of or wanted unless they were stronger than him and a threat.

Tilting his head, Obi-Wan worried his lips again, clearly thinking over the question much to Anakin’s pleasure. “Could…” He paused, eyeing Anakin closely. “Could I get some plasticene?” He finally asked when Anakin didn’t move to interrupt him. “I would like to carve it to… well make things.” Obi-Wan explained when Anakin blinked in confusion.

Nodding, Anakin let a wry smile cross his face. Of all the things the Jedi could ask for, plasticene was one of the least dangerous things he could give him as it was used for toy making for the most part. “Sure, I’ll even get you some paints if you want?” He stated, giving Obi-Wan’s braid a little tug when the Jedi smiled hopefully. “Alright then, tea and plasticene.” Anakin agreed easily, shifting to guide his pet towards the fresher.

Now that the fire from watching Obi-Wan slam Maul to the ground had fizzled out, he could once again feel the tiredness in his bones.

And from the way Obi-Wan was shifting to lean on him, Obi-Wan was feeling the tiredness too. “I’m still getting you some jewelry too, to celebrate.” Anakin muttered, smirking when Obi-Wan huffed faintly to himself in exasperation.

I just found candleinthedark and I’m in love!!! I do have one question tho- where’s Ashoka in all of this?

“As you were then acolyte Tano.” Qui-Gon murmured, sending the teen off with the information, the girl bowing quickly before hurrying off with fast, force enhanced steps, already in the know about how vital haste was in the current situation.

As an older teen, young Tano was no longer an Initiate, not that Sith took children that young on normally, so she had moved up to acolyte to show she was ready for a master.

One of many acolytes…though Qui-Gon had the feeling he’d see the young togruta more in the future.

Not that it mattered in that moment, he had a redhead to find, Anakin sending him and the council messages as the two that knew Obi-Wan best got to work with searching.

Due to Obi-Wan’s behavior, the lack of troopers made their task harder along with Obi-Wan blocking out all Force bonds. There was also the issue of a communication distortion happening around the temple that could be the Force fault.

Though no one could quite figure it out and therefore the acolytes were being used to send messages between teams.

Luckily though, Anakin’s narrowing of the field did make sense to Qui-Gon.

A frightened animal, running of to hide, fight or flight in blind fear and panic and oh, did the memory of Obi-Wan’s utter fear make Qui-Gon nauseous to remember.

Some Sith may glorify and revel in fear and pain but Qui-Gon could honestly not understand that.

It just served to make him uncomfortable most times and sick in the case of Obi-Wan’s fear.

He wanted his boy back, to hide him from the galaxy that had been so cruel not only to their own Obi-Wan but to their Jedi Obi-Wan.

The galaxy hadn’t deserved his kindness and sometimes Qui-Gon doubted that he deserved it. But he was a greedy old man and the prospect of giving Obi-Wan away was terrifying him in manners he did not wish to investigate.

So instead he would search for his wayward little Jedi, to bundle him up in as many blankets as possible and keep him warm.

“…Let me find him. He doesn’t deserve to hurt anymore.” Qui-Gon murmured and held out his hand, pausing as he listened to the currents of the Living Force, settling down on the speeder as he listened to the flow if it.

Of course, he was not as good a driver as either Obi-Wan or Anakin was and had to keep a tab on where he was driving but… the Force was his ally and he was being guided a path.

Soft whispers telling him where to turn, where to shift and where to dive down.

Slowly, steadily, he made his path down, down, down, into the slums of Coruscant, further and darker and deeper. The scent turned from the lighter smells of air mixed with pollution to musky, wet and rawness that came with the deeper levels as Qui-Gon steered the speeder and swung around corners as necessary.

The sound of running water soon filled Qui-Gon’s senses, the smell of chemicals alerting him to a cleaning plant and the Force stopped whispering to him, causing Qui-Gon to step on the break before bringing the speeder down and parking it, looking around the area.

Dark, the sight of neon signs declaring that there were hookers to find in a brothel, decaying durasteel, dirt and waste and the occasional drug users leg poking out of an alley.

Lip curling, Qui-Gon took a deep breath through his nose, almost grateful for the water plant as it covered the scent of decay before he focused on the opening of the water plant, the locals leaving him alone the moment they spotted the yellow eyes and saber hanging on his belt.

Coruscant locals knew better than to mess with a Sith on a mission.

Passing by irate little droids working in the water plant, Qui-Gon breath hitched as he noticed purple, ripped fabric hanging onto a metal pole and slowly he reached out, gently puling it off to examine.

It was clearly Obi-Wan’s tunic and worse, there was blood drying on the ripped fabric. Stuffing the fabric onto his belt, Qui-Gon hurried further into the halls, all his senses stretching out for his little Jedi and finally he paused, tilting his head as he faintly heard a noise under the roar of running water.

It was barely there and if Qui-Gon hadn’t been paying attention, he might not have noticed at all but as it was, he followed, his breath hitching as he saw the sign of dirt and broken debris having been stirred by someone.

The trail lead to a broken beam with a small opening and reaching for his belt, Qui-Gon pulled his flashlight out as he knelt down.

Shining the light in, Qui-Gon’s heart sunk to the bottom of his boots as he caught sight of his Jedi, curled into the corner, his hands buried in his hair as he sobbed into his legs, his body shaking so hard it amazed Qui-Gon he was remaining upright.

“Oh Obi-Wan…” He whispered, his voice unheard over the roar of the water.

Qui-Gon had found their Obi-Wan, but now what?

Oh, man! I just found candleinthedark, and I am ENAMORED. I love this AU!! And, geeze, what is it with poor Obi and his self-defenstration instincts? He’s literally blind with terror, I can only assume. I mean, there must be easier escape routes than jumping out of windows! Poor Obi! I’d like to see more about his skin-hunger: does Obi-Wan recognize it in himself? Or do Ani and Qui have to be extra subtle about working with his unconscious desire for physical contact? Thank you so much!!

Can’t stop, can’t stop, can’t stop!

Its all Obi-Wan can think as he continues running, his brain a static mess as he Force jumps, slides and glides and makes his way from the Sith temple of Coruscant and into the lower levels of the planet.

If he could actually think, he’d be ashamed of himself, the panic and fear that’s blinding him from thinking at all.

And yet all he can think of is the sight of Cody, that familiar, loved face with the words ‘blast him’ echoing in Obi-Wan’s ears. The sound of rocks exploding, of free falling as Boga falls with him and then the mighty crash into water.

Its all he can hear, even as he continues running, ripping the expensive silky tunic Qui-Gon gave him, panting as sweat gathers on the top of his lip and brow.

Yet he doesn’t stop.

The panic is too blinding, the fear too deep and he can still hear Cody.

It takes him too long to realize that he’s also crying, feeling the wetness turn cold on his face as he jumps into a water treatment plant, crawling under a fallen beam and tucking himself into a corner as he wraps his arms around his head.

Outside of his decayed hiding place, the smell and sound of the water plant echoed, the roar of falling water along with the chemicals used to treat the water. The sound of working robots echoed sometimes far into the tunnels and yet Obi-Wan couldn’t find it in him to care or focus on that at all, his Force senses skewed along with his own senses.

Digging his fingers into his hair, Obi-Wan finally fell still, only the harsh pants echoing in his ears along with the roar of water as he desperately tries to take in air as his mind swirls with memories, with pain.

He retches weakly, his body pounding along with his mind as he still tries to draw in the vital oxygen to his lungs and yet his body won’t calm down enough and Obi-Wan knows he’s hyperventilating and yet he’s powerless to stop it.

Just like he’s powerless when he’s craving to be held, powerless as the dark side finds him, powerless to defend himself.

The dark side converge around him, taunting him, dredging up the memories he’s done his best to heal from, no master choosing him, Cerasi, Bruck Chun, Qui-Gon’s face as Maul’s saber penetrated his body, Satine’s hand on his face as she took her last breath, Siri Tachi’s death, Ashoka’s trial, Anakin screaming at him, ‘blast him’.

It echos in his head, the dark side cackling and Obi-Wan screams.


Stepping out from Dex, Anakin runs his hand through his hair as he looks around, biting his lower lip.

He has no idea where to go now, where to even start looking.

Obi-Wan had fled the temple in a blind panic, the younglings outside with their teacher had seen him but no one had been prepared to stop him as Obi-Wan Force enhanced body jumped ledges, scaled walls and disappeared down into the bowels of Coruscant.

He could be anywhere, Obi-Wan’s blind panic didn’t leave space for logical thinking so even Anakin’s knowledge of him wasn’t any use.

‘But Qui-Gon’s training might.’ Anakin paused at the thought.

A scared animal hid, that was a natural action. Fight or flight, and Obi-Wan was clearly locked into flight mood but after flight came hiding, Obi-Wan would gain distance and then hide.

‘Somewhere dark, somewhere he feels he might not be seen or heard, somewhere… near.’ Anakin started moving, jogging to the speeder he had taken out of the temple as he eyed the area closest to the temple.

The last place anyone would look would be near the place Obi-Wan had fled.

If Obi-Wan had kept even a small measure of logical thought, then perhaps he was in the general area.

‘Okay Force, don’t fail me… let me find him, he needs us.’ Anakin let his mind lose focus as he trusted the Force, letting it guide his path.

“Hold on Obi-Wan, I’m coming.” He whispered.

Vaderkin’s gift- Obi has to use his lightsaber and the Sith in general are surprised when Obi defeats the attacking Sith. (Also many believe Obi stole the saber.). Vaderkin just finds the scene hot and proceeds to show his appreciation for the show.

There is nothing as good as finally coming home, even to a place
filled with hyenas that would betray you to kiss their masters boots.

after a full month on Tatooine, Anakin is more than happy to be back
in the Sith temple where he can actually take a bath and not deal
with Jabba the hutt or the memories, thank you very much. Hell, he’s
tired enough to not even pay attention to Obi-Wan, the Jedi trailing
closely after him, looking almost like he wanted to latch onto Darth
Vader’s hand.

young Jedi turned Sith pet is clearly uncertain and wary under the
eyes of other Sith, especially since he was almost assaulted last
time in the temple but he has his saber and so Anakin does not worry.

And he
is looking forward to a good bath and rest in their bed, Obi-Wan
curled to his chest.

It had
been too hot on Tatooine to pull his pet to him and give him the
attention Anakin had wanted, even when Obi-Wan had looked adorably
sexy in the sheer tunics with billowy pants he wore to try and cope
with the heat.

how Obi-Wan had managed to look adorable when he was sweaty and pouty
the entire time while trying to cope with the heat, Anakin had no
idea but somehow, the Jedi pulled it of.

hey, Anakin had gotten to take off one of Jabba’s arms when he made
undesired advances on Obi-Wan.

If it
had only been words, then maybe Anakin wouldn’t have but having the
slimy slug paw at Obi-Wan and lick his face…

Anakin had to send a message to the hutt and everyone else.

belonged to Darth Vader was not for anyone else to touch,
there would be consequences.

And he
had warned the next time someone touched his property, there would be
a loss of life and not just an arm.

maybe Anakin had taken an unholy amount of glee at doing it, memories
of Gardulla the hutt haunting his mind as he did so and his mother’s
pain driving him forward.

No one
had to know that.

no one but Obi-Wan.

redhead had felt Anakin through the Force after all and had quietly
curled as close as possible to him on the bed that night after a
shower, quietly asking what Anakin had been thinking when he took off
Jabba’s arm.

hadn’t meant to answer, not at first, but slowly, Obi-Wan coaxed
out the words, got his Lord Vader to share not only his past but also
his anger.

were dangerous, even young ones, their words were honeyed but at
least Obi-Wan belonged to him, so Anakin didn’t have to worry too
much about him using the past against him.

blames the tiredness on not noticing the slight flicker in the Force
or the way Maul moves from the shadow.

But to
be fair, Maul is not aiming at him.

snap of a lightsaber fills the air and the red blade aims at
Obi-Wan’s back.

this time the Jedi is not helpless and does not need Lord Vader to
protect him as Obi-Wan responds by the much lighter hum of his own
blue lightsaber, blocking Maul’s staff from ever touching his

enough to watch, Anakin settled his hand on his hilt but didn’t
draw it, licking his lips as he saw Maul’s eyes flash with surprise
and rage and Obi-Wan’s blue ones filling with satisfaction and an
edge of… anger?

that was a surprise.

had been a holier than thou Jedi until now even as he gave in to
Anakin slowly and steadily.

guess that even a Jedi feels anger at times.’ Anakin mused,
watching Obi-Wan shoulder checked the still surprised Maul, tumbling
the Sith to his arse on the marble floor.

snarled, the sound echoing but Obi-Wan lashed out before he could get
off his ass, slicing through the saber staff hilt with his own saber
in a smooth move before falling back in defense as the zabrak snarled
with rage and pain due to the saber core in one end overheating and
exploding, Obi-Wan’s eyes locked on Maul with his back to Anakin.

fierce, angry and proud, his head held high as he stared down at the

couldn’t help it, he started laughing, shifting forward to rest his
hand on Obi-Wan’s shoulder as they both stared down at Maul. “As
you can see, my pet has a weapon of his own. Seeing as how he needs
it in this temple to remain my pet and you attacked him first, I do
believe you can just… fuck off.” Anakin grinned down at the other
before tugging Obi-Wan along, forcing the Jedi to give his back to

tally of humiliation.

Maul knew better.

had less experience, but he was more powerful than Maul would ever

in, his mouth close to Obi-Wan’s ear, Anakin whispered. “Good boy
Obi-Wan. You deserve a reward tonight.” He stated softly, grinning
at the slight of  flush rising Obi-Wan’s neck.

yes, it was good to be home.