What is happening with #murderhusband?

down on the grass, Qui-Gon opened his mouth only to snap it shut when
there was a little snarl from the person laying on the grass. “Don’t
touch me.” Obi-Wan hissed venomously,
the wind of Serenno fluttering his hair gently as
he remained buried in his arms, still laying on his stomach in the

down at his love in concern, Qui-Gon frowned slightly. “I was not
about to Obi-Wan.” He murmured quietly and
watching as the tense muscles of the others back slowly relaxed as
they sat in utter silence for a long few moments.

Obi-Wan let out a breath and lifted his head from his arms to look up
at the other man, squinting a bit.

dear, that explained the others bad mood.

Qui-Gon reached out slowly and settled his hand against Obi-Wan’s
forehead when
the other didn’t withdraw from him,
confirming his thoughts on a fever as he took in the purple spots
covering the others sweaty and flushed face as the former Jedi
allowed the touch.

had Ryloth pox.

have picked it up from the refugees that passed through here last
week, the incubation period is about right.’ Qui-Gon noted mentally
as he shifted closer and carefully prompted Obi-Wan to roll onto his
back instead of laying on the grass under the shade of the fruit
trees. With a little grunt Obi-Wan did as told and then let out a
soft noise of gratefulness as the Sith offered up his lap as a
pillow, settling his hand over the others eyes to provide more shade
for currently light sensitive eyes.

was always worse to get Ryloth pox as an adult, just like chickenpox.

told me you didn’t seem to be in the best of shape but I had no
idea you had Ryloth pox love,” Qui-Gon noted quietly. “You
should have come to me when the spots broke out, I
already went through them and have an immunity.”
He tacked on as the scent of the fruit orchard reached them.

licked his lips then sighed deeply. “It was just so noisy inside
with the babies and I was so warm…” He whispered.

stroked the others hair with the hand not currently covering up the
green eyes as he watched his love.

could imagine it got too much for Obi-Wan.

since the fall of Sidious, things were slowing down, becoming quieter
the galaxy if not in their home.

wasn’t really interested in keeping the war running now that his
master was out of the picture, not when Qui-Gon was looming over his
shoulder and thanks to Palpatine no longer being able to push the war
forward on both sides and keep the animosities going, tentative
negotiations were ongoing to separate those worlds that wanted to
leave the Republic and yet keep trade systems going.

was a messy affair and it made Qui-Gon happier than ever that he
didn’t have to deal with the damn politics.

result of it however meant that quite a few refugees were escaping
worlds on the CIS governed world, fearing slavery and instead moving
to Republican worlds and because of Qui-Gon, some of them passed
through Serenno as Qui-Gon did not
approve of slavery.

very public showdown he had with the Queen of
Miraj Scintel, had made that apparent and very few wanted to actually
upset Qui-Gon as he would bring his saber and his words with him.

now open presence on Serenno along with Senator Amidala and former
Jedi Skywalker was also helping making people more certain that
Serenno was a safe temporary shelter before continuing further into
the core worlds.

reluctantly accepted that.

like he could stop it, if Serenno wanted to leave the Republic, they
would have to find their own economy some way and tourists and trips
could fill in some gaps.

the others hair, Qui-Gon peered at the house and chuckled when he
heard a loud cry that was echoed by another.

seemed the twins were awake once more but beneath Qui-Gon’s hand,
Obi-Wan slept.

war was uncertain but…

were getting towards peace, maybe sometime soon… things could
settle into a quiet sort of peace.

could hope at least.

he knew that at the very least, he had his Obi-Wan with him.

What is happening with #murderhusband?

down on the grass, Qui-Gon opened his mouth only to snap it shut when
there was a little snarl from the person laying on the grass. “Don’t
touch me.” Obi-Wan hissed venomously,
the wind of Serenno fluttering his hair gently as
he remained buried in his arms, still laying on his stomach in the

down at his love in concern, Qui-Gon frowned slightly. “I was not
about to Obi-Wan.” He murmured quietly and
watching as the tense muscles of the others back slowly relaxed as
they sat in utter silence for a long few moments.

Obi-Wan let out a breath and lifted his head from his arms to look up
at the other man, squinting a bit.

dear, that explained the others bad mood.

Qui-Gon reached out slowly and settled his hand against Obi-Wan’s
forehead when
the other didn’t withdraw from him,
confirming his thoughts on a fever as he took in the purple spots
covering the others sweaty and flushed face as the former Jedi
allowed the touch.

had Ryloth pox.

have picked it up from the refugees that passed through here last
week, the incubation period is about right.’ Qui-Gon noted mentally
as he shifted closer and carefully prompted Obi-Wan to roll onto his
back instead of laying on the grass under the shade of the fruit
trees. With a little grunt Obi-Wan did as told and then let out a
soft noise of gratefulness as the Sith offered up his lap as a
pillow, settling his hand over the others eyes to provide more shade
for currently light sensitive eyes.

was always worse to get Ryloth pox as an adult, just like chickenpox.

told me you didn’t seem to be in the best of shape but I had no
idea you had Ryloth pox love,” Qui-Gon noted quietly. “You
should have come to me when the spots broke out, I
already went through them and have an immunity.”
He tacked on as the scent of the fruit orchard reached them.

licked his lips then sighed deeply. “It was just so noisy inside
with the babies and I was so warm…” He whispered.

stroked the others hair with the hand not currently covering up the
green eyes as he watched his love.

could imagine it got too much for Obi-Wan.

since the fall of Sidious, things were slowing down, becoming quieter
the galaxy if not in their home.

wasn’t really interested in keeping the war running now that his
master was out of the picture, not when Qui-Gon was looming over his
shoulder and thanks to Palpatine no longer being able to push the war
forward on both sides and keep the animosities going, tentative
negotiations were ongoing to separate those worlds that wanted to
leave the Republic and yet keep trade systems going.

was a messy affair and it made Qui-Gon happier than ever that he
didn’t have to deal with the damn politics.

result of it however meant that quite a few refugees were escaping
worlds on the CIS governed world, fearing slavery and instead moving
to Republican worlds and because of Qui-Gon, some of them passed
through Serenno as Qui-Gon did not
approve of slavery.

very public showdown he had with the Queen of
Miraj Scintel, had made that apparent and very few wanted to actually
upset Qui-Gon as he would bring his saber and his words with him.

now open presence on Serenno along with Senator Amidala and former
Jedi Skywalker was also helping making people more certain that
Serenno was a safe temporary shelter before continuing further into
the core worlds.

reluctantly accepted that.

like he could stop it, if Serenno wanted to leave the Republic, they
would have to find their own economy some way and tourists and trips
could fill in some gaps.

the others hair, Qui-Gon peered at the house and chuckled when he
heard a loud cry that was echoed by another.

seemed the twins were awake once more but beneath Qui-Gon’s hand,
Obi-Wan slept.

war was uncertain but…

were getting towards peace, maybe sometime soon… things could
settle into a quiet sort of peace.

could hope at least.

he knew that at the very least, he had his Obi-Wan with him.

Hay; you’ve done a lot of stories and in most of them Order 66 either doesn’t happen; or is defeated before it really gets started. And of course the Clones stay loyal to their Jedi; but if Caleb is still Caleb how does he meet Ezra? He can’t NOT meet him; so could you do a story about that? Jedi Caleb Dume meeting Ezra; in the creche or finding him or something? the potential cuteness factor would be amazing. Thank’s for listening. :)

back of the child’s neck is so warm and Caleb can feel his stomach
drop to his feet as he takes a deep breath to clear his mind, needing
to remain calm and collected despite his urge to panic.

been sent to retrieve one of the late entries to the temple, one of
his first missions as a Jedi Knight and at the time he had been
glowing with pride even if the mission was a very low risk one. It
was just that he knew that not many were prompted to knighthood this
early even with the experience many padawan’s gained during the war
and becoming a knight at the tender age of nineteen was impressive
and he knew how proud Depa was of him, how proud even Mace
was of him.

knew he deserved it.

right now he was questioning if he really had been ready as he slowly
gathered the shaking child into his arms and looked around the dark

had been under the terror cells left by the old CIS regime that
didn’t want to put down arms, they had only recently managed to
break through the blockade that had been around the planet and many
were still suffering for it.

troopers Caleb had arrived with were still in full work, helping
rebuilding, aiding the hurt and doing what they did best.

with supplies as they had been doing ever since the war ended.
well the ones who opted to stay in GAR as Caleb knew that several had
joined other ventures, were farmers, were builders, were making their
own destiny and life though Caleb was happy that some of them also

on the other hand had gone to collect Ezra Bridger as
the troopers set up to aid,
the parents had agreed that Ezra was to come to the temple when the
boy was two, his strong Force presence warm and strong the seekers
had confirmed… only… that was two years ago.

the blockade had started and
they had been unable to break it for two full years to aid the planet
or retrieve the Force sensitive they may have painted a target on if
the Bridger’s didn’t hide their connection to the temple.

now Caleb was carrying a feverish, malnourished child with no parents
in sight. If Caleb was to take a guess based on the things he had
seen during the clone wars and the burned down house that had
belonged to the Bridger’s that was not too old yet not recent, than
Mira and Ephraim Bridger were dead and Ezra was the only thing to
survive the fires.

looks like he’s even younger than four…’ Caleb noted, tucking
his robe around the boy he was cradling to his chest as Ezra shook
and trembled with fever.

had been pure luck that had Caleb finding Ezra in that alley, a tug
of the Force and a recognition of that distinct hair despite it being
filthy and the face no longer having the babyfat it should have.
‘We’ll have to feed him well, clean him up… Tabs hopefully has
the immunization
he’ll need because
I think its a long time since Ezra got a medical check.’
Caleb didn’t even consider the idea that Ezra would not survive as
he held him to his chest
to keep the other comfy.


the concept of Ezra not being in the world felt gray to the Jedi
knight who was hurrying towards the camp the others had set up.

he continued walking as fast as his long legs could carry him.



what Ezra notes as he surfaces in a murky world of shadows and dull

warm and safe for the first time in so long and it feels nice.

a soothing beat close to his ear and its all he can do to press his
ear to the sound to keep hearing the steady noise. A hand brushes his
brow and Ezra has no strength to flinch away from it as he normally

this hand is gentle.

large just like daddy’s hand always was and strokes Ezra’s brow
soothingly and for a moment he wonders if daddy did come back… only
that’s not right.

Ezra saw what happened to both mommy and daddy and people don’t
come back from that.

he’s safe, right now he is safe in the arms of someone who is
cradling him, allowing Ezra to sleep
without fear as the
fever raged
his small body.

Hay; you’ve done a lot of stories and in most of them Order 66 either doesn’t happen; or is defeated before it really gets started. And of course the Clones stay loyal to their Jedi; but if Caleb is still Caleb how does he meet Ezra? He can’t NOT meet him; so could you do a story about that? Jedi Caleb Dume meeting Ezra; in the creche or finding him or something? the potential cuteness factor would be amazing. Thank’s for listening. :)

back of the child’s neck is so warm and Caleb can feel his stomach
drop to his feet as he takes a deep breath to clear his mind, needing
to remain calm and collected despite his urge to panic.

been sent to retrieve one of the late entries to the temple, one of
his first missions as a Jedi Knight and at the time he had been
glowing with pride even if the mission was a very low risk one. It
was just that he knew that not many were prompted to knighthood this
early even with the experience many padawan’s gained during the war
and becoming a knight at the tender age of nineteen was impressive
and he knew how proud Depa was of him, how proud even Mace
was of him.

knew he deserved it.

right now he was questioning if he really had been ready as he slowly
gathered the shaking child into his arms and looked around the dark

had been under the terror cells left by the old CIS regime that
didn’t want to put down arms, they had only recently managed to
break through the blockade that had been around the planet and many
were still suffering for it.

troopers Caleb had arrived with were still in full work, helping
rebuilding, aiding the hurt and doing what they did best.

with supplies as they had been doing ever since the war ended.
well the ones who opted to stay in GAR as Caleb knew that several had
joined other ventures, were farmers, were builders, were making their
own destiny and life though Caleb was happy that some of them also

on the other hand had gone to collect Ezra Bridger as
the troopers set up to aid,
the parents had agreed that Ezra was to come to the temple when the
boy was two, his strong Force presence warm and strong the seekers
had confirmed… only… that was two years ago.

the blockade had started and
they had been unable to break it for two full years to aid the planet
or retrieve the Force sensitive they may have painted a target on if
the Bridger’s didn’t hide their connection to the temple.

now Caleb was carrying a feverish, malnourished child with no parents
in sight. If Caleb was to take a guess based on the things he had
seen during the clone wars and the burned down house that had
belonged to the Bridger’s that was not too old yet not recent, than
Mira and Ephraim Bridger were dead and Ezra was the only thing to
survive the fires.

looks like he’s even younger than four…’ Caleb noted, tucking
his robe around the boy he was cradling to his chest as Ezra shook
and trembled with fever.

had been pure luck that had Caleb finding Ezra in that alley, a tug
of the Force and a recognition of that distinct hair despite it being
filthy and the face no longer having the babyfat it should have.
‘We’ll have to feed him well, clean him up… Tabs hopefully has
the immunization
he’ll need because
I think its a long time since Ezra got a medical check.’
Caleb didn’t even consider the idea that Ezra would not survive as
he held him to his chest
to keep the other comfy.


the concept of Ezra not being in the world felt gray to the Jedi
knight who was hurrying towards the camp the others had set up.

he continued walking as fast as his long legs could carry him.



what Ezra notes as he surfaces in a murky world of shadows and dull

warm and safe for the first time in so long and it feels nice.

a soothing beat close to his ear and its all he can do to press his
ear to the sound to keep hearing the steady noise. A hand brushes his
brow and Ezra has no strength to flinch away from it as he normally

this hand is gentle.

large just like daddy’s hand always was and strokes Ezra’s brow
soothingly and for a moment he wonders if daddy did come back… only
that’s not right.

Ezra saw what happened to both mommy and daddy and people don’t
come back from that.

he’s safe, right now he is safe in the arms of someone who is
cradling him, allowing Ezra to sleep
without fear as the
fever raged
his small body.