What about cute Codywan sickfic (either one sick is great)?

“…My legs hurt.”

The raspy voice had Obi-Wan cracking his eyes open to blearily peer at Cody, the commander blinking slowly back at him with glazed eyes. “…Muscle aches, normal with… with the flu.” Obi-Wan rasped out.

The entire 212th, or well, two thirds of it, was down with the flu.

Most of them had bunked up together, to make it easier for those that were well to help those that were unwell. Obi-Wan and Cody had taken the chance to bunk up in the General’s tent.

Killer had come by after about half a day and rigged a heater in the room, allowing them to turn the space warm as they laid the mattresses out on the floor with blankets and pillows.

Bunking together was wonderful, especially since they had a valid reason for it that even Anakin couldn’t deny, the other Jedi having been full of puppy eyes when Obi-Wan told both him and the rest of the 501st to stay far away.

They were just too contagious and would be for a full week, it was why they had isolated themselves.

So for now, it would only be the 212th and their General, camping behind friendly lines and recovering.

It was nice to be curled up with his lover.

But they were still both miserable, despite sharing the same bed.

Sweaty and gross too.

Obi-Wan at least felt sweaty and gross, but despite it all, he pulled Cody closer to him with an arm around the others waist, pressing a chaste kiss to his forehead. “Another hour and we can take a new round of medication beloved one.” He murmured promisingly.

A small, almost amused smirk crossed Cody’s lips at that, pressing his hand to Obi-Wan’s lower back. “Betcha Helix gets here before you take yours and injects you again.” He teased in a raspy voice.

Obi-Wan just grimaced and opted not to comment.

Regardless how much he tried to convince the troopers that the Force would aid him, they all just gave him the ‘right, bullshit’ look. Or in Cody’s case, outright called him out on it with varying expressions on his face depending on the circumstances.

Like the time he rolled his eyes then groaned loudly after Obi-Wan broke his leg kicking a command droid head off.

Apparently half the 212th heard the snap of his leg over the battlefield and poor Lamb had almost thrown up at the sound in his own bucket.

There was a little tap against his forehead of another forehead meeting his and Obi-Wan let out a small noise, blinking at Cody. “Where did you go?” Cody murmured, smiling vaguely. “Your eyes got all vacant there for a second.” He explained quietly, thumb rubbing at the small of Obi-Wan’s back.

Obi-Wan snorted then shrugged. “That time I broke my leg.” He admitted as he gently groped at his beloved’s blacks.

Cody grimaced instantly, giving a full body shudder. “That was fucking horrible. Almost as bad as when Ponds fell on his head, the wet smack.” He gagged a slight before pressing in under Obi-Wan’s chin.

Humming slightly, Obi-Wan simply held the other. “Let’s just try to get some more rest… this is all awful enough as it is without rest.” He mumbled, trying to slow down his breathing.

Grunting slightly, Cody nodded into his chest. “Rest would be good.” He muttered.

bro I love your floralskin series so much, what happens after Obi-Wan and Cody talk about it???

Breathing thickly as he woke, his chest hurting and his eyes crusty, Anakin wondered for a moment what was wrong with him as he tried to push himself up onto his elbows only to drop with a deep groan as his head throbbed.

“Anakin?” There was a muffled voice and Anakin whined, covering his eyes with a hand as light shone into the room.

There was a click, the sound of rushing water and someone spitting and then he heard steps, a door closing behind the person. The bed dipped moments later, a warm and slightly smaller hand than his wrapping around his hand, lifting it gently from his face.

Squinting, Anakin peered blearily up at a worried looking Rex, his soulmate facial flower creased by the frown he was sporting. “I’d ask how you feel but its clear you’re not well.” He murmured quietly, raising his other hand to his Jedi’s forehead, letting out a soft hiss.

Normally, Anakin would marvel at the sight of Rex wearing one of Anakin’s tunic but he honestly felt too miserable to even contemplate it.’

“You got strong fever,” Rex murmured worriedly, moving his hands slowly around the others face before huffing slightly. “Okay, you are not leaving these quarters. That meeting with the council is canceled.” He stated seriously.

“But Obi-Wan… needs me…” Anakin swallowed thickly, struggling to get up once more only to groan as Rex placed a firm hand on his chest, pushing him back into the sheets.

“General Kenobi has all the information you could give him,” Rex stated sternly before softening. “Cyare, please. You have a bad fever and you’re clearly not feeling well. Rest, I’ll call the General and inform him and IF you are needed, they’ll comm you.” He assured.

Peering blearily at the other half of his soul, Anakin hesitated before nodding, giving a small grunt at how that made his head ache.

He was honestly miserable and the idea of doing anything, even leaving the bed, sounded like a horrible action.

So he let Rex call Obi-Wan to inform him of Anakin’s condition, quietly curling up in bed instead as he rolled onto his side.

How much time had passed by the time Rex returned to him again, Anakin wasn’t sure but he let out a grateful little noise when Rex pressed a cool gel pack onto his forehead. “I cooked some plain rice, do you think you could eat that?” Rex murmured.

Squinting at the small bowl in Rex lap, Anakin paused a bit. “…Is that Ahsoka’s treat bowls?” He questioned with some amusement as he took in the size and black décore on the white bowl.

Ahsoka had a few small bowls that she would fill with treats, trying not to eat too many at a time. It generally failed because she’d refill it more than twice but hey, Anakin wasn’t about to call her on that.

Rex let out a small chuckle, nodding. “Yeah, figured you wouldn’t want a lot of rice if you ate any at all. So, what do you say?” Rex lifted a spoonful of rice from it, offering Anakin the lukewarm grains.

Peering at it for a moment, Anakin let out a small huff before opening his mouth, chewing slowly when Rex popped it in.

He knew he should eat something and some rice wasn’t the worst thing to test. Obi-Wan used to feed him puffed rice crackers when he was younger but Anakin would often forget to buy them in for himself.

The rice however was fine and while it settled a tad heavily, he did empty the bowl.

When Rex tried to leave though, Anakin let out a soft whine and wrapped his arms around his captain’s waist, giving him a doe eyed look.

Rex hummed but set the bowl on the nightstand. Then he carefully tucked himself under the blanket, pulling Anakin’s head to his chest. “Alright, just until you fall asleep runi.” He whispered.

Anakin let out an agreeable noise to that, pressing his nose to Rex chest.

The other smelled nice and listening to Rex heartbeat was always nice. Hell, just sharing the bed with him was nice, despite Anakin being ill.

‘If only every day could be like this, even though I’m sick.’ Anakin mused to himself with a smile.

Runi = Soul

I suppose today is a rereading day lol! Do you have any more ideas for ModernJedi? It was a really intriguing concept! If the Force still works, why do so many of them have doubt from parents? Cuz Obi’s Earth parents medicated him! Wouldn’t a small but blatant display of the Force be enough to prove the truth of their ‘other lives’? I’d think, for Obi (who has been known to use the Force ‘frivolously’), that he’d be willing to do that to avoid medication which likely dulls his mind and senses!

Snorting softly at the soft question, Obi-Wan swallowed the hot tea in his mouth, giving Padme a wry look. “Really, I love my parents dear but if I had started moving things with my mind…” He slowly shook his head and then looked to Qui-Gon.

Living with the other man was proving to be very good for not only his physical health but also his mental health, the reminder that he wasn’t crazy, that the Force was real not only to him but to another…

That his parents were wrong about him.

There was also the very cushy apartment Qui-Gon owned, a large sitting room with a large, comfortable sectional couch in faux leather. It would have been out of character for the man if there wasn’t several throw blankets stationed also in the couch along with comfy pillows, making it clear Qui-Gon often slept on the couch.

The glass coffee table was a nice touch too and Obi-Wan could imagine, if you removed the blankets and pillows for it, that Qui-Gon could hold an elegant party.

Of course, he’d never say that.

He quite liked all the blankets, especially in his current state, enjoying the warmth of them wrapped around him along with the cup of tea the other brewed for him.

On the table, a tea pot and a coffee pot were stationed, both Anakin and Padme leaning towards the coffee while Qui-Gon stuck to the tea. Beside the pots were a tray of biscuits and some fruits.

Never let it be said that Qui-Gon was not a diligent host when friends were over.

“My parents accepted that I might have had a prior life,” Qui-Gon stead steadily, peeling an orange carefully as Anakin slung his arm around his girlfriend’s shoulder, carefully not saying anything despite his understanding look. “But no, I didn’t show them my powers. It would have lead to questions, interest from people with… nefarious purpose. And even those that wanted to use us for their own benefit weren’t the only concern.” He stead steadily, feeding Obi-Wan an orange wedge.

Frowning slightly, looking between the two, Padme opened her mouth.

Swallowing, Obi-Wan spoke up before she could. “Guinea pigs, we would have become guinea pigs for some scientist, above board or not,” He stated seriously. He had seen Zan Arbor of all people walking around and had panic attack, knowing she was there… well, it had been frightening to him. “An unknown power, capable of what the Force is, no, I’m not putting myself or others at risk.” He shook his head.

Not even to prove to his parents that there was something there.

Considering what his parents did, Obi-Wan wasn’t certain they’d look at him the same way after if he showed them what he could do.

Qui-Gon quietly fed him another wedge of orange, giving Obi-Wan a small smile when he wrinkled his nose slightly. “Too sour?” He questioned softly, both of them giving Padme peace to mull over the answer.

Shaking his head, taking another sip of tea to clear the taste, Obi-Wan grimaced. “Too sweet actually, it has a slight… overripe taste to it.” He stated quietly before sighing and opening his mouth when Qui-Gon offered him another wedge.

He knew that oranges supposedly helped when one had a cold, so despite it being a bit sweeter than he’d like it to be, he still ate it.

He just made sure to sip more tea.

“That’s horrifying to consider.” Padme finally said softly, reaching out to refill her cup and offering Anakin a refill at the same time.

All three former Jedi shrugged.

It was a worry they had learned to live with and the reason they didn’t use the Force too obviously when they did use it.

“Its shockingly safer than it was before.” Obi-Wan mused before leaning away to couch into the crook of his arm, shaking slightly. Qui-Gon’s hand came up to rub his back instantly, rumbling worriedly as he did.

He still caught Padme grimacing, nodding with understanding.

As the wife of a Jedi, she had heard from Anakin often about Force sensitive having to be rescued from slavers.

It was nice that she understood and Obi-Wan gave her a tired smile when he sat up, drinking his tea slowly to clear his throat, humming happily at the kiss Qui-Gon pressed to his temple.

How nice it was to be among people that understood.

I love all your work and am in awe of your writing abilities. I don’t know if you’re still doing anything with AlphaCones or really any fluff/humour with the clones, if possible please

to Rex, Cody started to unclip his armor from his suit as Obi-Wan
watched the two with tired, slightly glassy eyes.

local lung infection was really doing a number on their mate and Jedi
but at least he was sleeping well with the schedule they had set up
so one trooper could stay with Obi-Wan at all time was doing wonder
for him.

since there was always someone there, they made sure that Obi-Wan
took in fluids, medication and some soup when he felt like eating.

Cody would be happy when the other was back on his feet, as nice as
it was to have their omega rely on them, it worried Cody to see his
General so down for the count even as he slid into the others bunk
and nest, Rex leaving with a warm goodbye.

Obi-Wan shifted into his chest and made a little soft pleading sound
that turned pleased when Cody pressed a soft kiss to his cheek.
“Hey.” He rasped out, the cough wrecking his throat clearly.

Rex told me you managed to keep the entire bowl of soup down at
dinner,” Cody murmured quietly in return, smiling when the other
nodded. “That’s good, signs of improvement cyare.” He stated
while settling his arms around the others waist, hands resting in the
small of Obi-Wan’s back.

feel gross,” Obi-Wan grumbled, sniffling a bit before turning his
head away to cough a bit and never had Cody been more grateful for
the Kamino’s tampering with their DNA to make them more hardy to
things like diseases. “So karking gross.” Obi-Wan groaned when he
finished coughing.

rubbing the others back lightly, Cody nodded slowly. “We should get
you into a sonic soon, get your nest cleared out with fresh blankets.
Can’t be healthy to lay around in your own juices.” He wrinkled
his nose.

was a long pause, prompting Cody to look down to find Obi-Wan staring
at him with narrowed eyes.

Cody puzzled, blinking.

eyes narrowed a silver more. “…That is so gross, now all I can
think about is how I haven’t changed in several days despite
sweating like a gamorran in a sauna and how the nest is gross too.”
He grumbled unhappily.

softly, Cody took a chance and stole a quick, closed mouthed kiss
from Obi-Wan. “Well, you’re a cute gross thing at least.” He
teased even as Obi-Wan groaned at him.

omega weakly hit him in the chest, grumbling before going back to
snuggling in with his primary mate, winding down as Cody stopped

him rest… once he’s slept I’ll help him to the sonics so he can
clean off a bit and ask someone to clean out the nest for fresher
blankets… at least air out the nest a bit.’ Cody mused to himself
as he nuzzled at what really was disgustingly greasy, slightly sweaty
lank at the moment

as he thought the other was asleep, Obi-Wan’s breathing slow if a
bit wheezy, the Jedi spoke up again. “So karking gross…” He

to help himself and honestly not caring who heard, Cody laughed,
shaking lightly as he clung to his mate.

Hey a continuation of the #Sleepreaction plz. Either Vaderkin brings Obi-wan with him on a mission or something like it, and Obi is being attacked and Vaderkin goes into full mother bear protectiveness, or Vaderkin raping Obi-Wan just to hear his voice again (If you do NSFW here, I don’t really know??)

into the apartment, Anakin threw his gaze around to confirm it was
just as he left it that morning only with the lamps turned on for
light since it was darker now before finding the medic standing by
the couch, stomping over quickly with his cape flowing out behind him
as he tried not to let on the panic he felt.

fact that Tix had called him while Anakin had firmly instructed no
one to call him made him aware that there was something going on with
Obi-Wan as Tix, who had replaced Kix, was the only one to have the
comm code to the only active com he had on when he was supposed to be

message of course since
Anakin wouldn’t be able to actually take the call always
but the
be enough,
to alert Anakin that something was going on that
required his attention
and even before Tix opened his mouth, Anakin could see that Obi-Wan
was sick as sweat dripped down the redhead’s forehead and cheeks,
flushed and panting as
he laid under the heavy purple blanket with his head pillowed on one
of the decorative pillows.

was sick, very sick.

has a fever sir, a high one. He seems to have caught a lung
infection,” Obi-Wan coughed at that moment, harshly and whined as
he tried to curl more in on himself but was clearly too sore to
really finish his curling. “I’ve given him a hypospray to provide
relief and lower his fever but he’s going to need to just let this
go its own pace.” The medic continued in a calm voice.

down, Anakin ran his hand slowly over Obi-Wan’s hair in a soothing,
gentle motion.

touch had Obi-Wan cracking his eyes open with a confused noise before
whimpering at Anakin quietly. “A-Ani.” He rasped out, shivering.

Sith felt his eyes widen, it had been so long since the other talked
to him and to hear him now…

the Sith lord shifted closer on his knees and hugged the other. “It’s
going to be alright Obi-Wan, I’m here, I’ll help you,” He swore
before looking up at Tix, Obi-Wan’s
face hot face tucked to his neck.
“What can I do for him?” He asked sternly, a small frown on his

straightened a bit at the gaze. “Give him plenty of fluids sir, hot
drink if possible, make sure he eats some, I will leave some fever
reducers for him too,” The
medic dropped his eyes to the redhead and frowned slightly also.
“Sir, if he coughs up blood or his fever rises too badly he will
need a clinic but for now you will have to be aware he will cough up
mucus.” He finished up calmly.

in the information, Anakin nodded slowly, stroking the nape of
Obi-Wan’s neck when the other whined.

his nape was hot and clammy too.

is going to be alright Obi-Wan, I’m right here, I’ll take care of
you.” Anakin promised quietly as Tix moved away to order in some of
the fever dampeners Obi-Wan would need. He felt like he was glowing
when the other whined and shuddered, pressing into Anakin’s neck
for comfort.

Obi-Wan coughed, his voice thick and painful.

right here,” Anakin murmured, his grasp tightening on the former
Jedi. “I’m
not going anywhere and you’re not going anywhere.” He promises,
clipping the cape off and chucking his gloves before wiggling himself
in on the couch with the other, wrapping around Obi-Wan like a large
krayt dragon around its treasure, using the Force to get rid of his
boots. Against his chest, Obi-Wan coughs weakly and whines with pain,
the cosseted Jedi prisoner clinging to his Sith captor in his fever.

his arms around him, Anakin nuzzled at sweat damp hair with his grasp
tight and possessive.

Hey a continuation of the #Sleepreaction plz. Either Vaderkin brings Obi-wan with him on a mission or something like it, and Obi is being attacked and Vaderkin goes into full mother bear protectiveness, or Vaderkin raping Obi-Wan just to hear his voice again (If you do NSFW here, I don’t really know??)

into the apartment, Anakin threw his gaze around to confirm it was
just as he left it that morning only with the lamps turned on for
light since it was darker now before finding the medic standing by
the couch, stomping over quickly with his cape flowing out behind him
as he tried not to let on the panic he felt.

fact that Tix had called him while Anakin had firmly instructed no
one to call him made him aware that there was something going on with
Obi-Wan as Tix, who had replaced Kix, was the only one to have the
comm code to the only active com he had on when he was supposed to be

message of course since
Anakin wouldn’t be able to actually take the call always
but the
be enough,
to alert Anakin that something was going on that
required his attention
and even before Tix opened his mouth, Anakin could see that Obi-Wan
was sick as sweat dripped down the redhead’s forehead and cheeks,
flushed and panting as
he laid under the heavy purple blanket with his head pillowed on one
of the decorative pillows.

was sick, very sick.

has a fever sir, a high one. He seems to have caught a lung
infection,” Obi-Wan coughed at that moment, harshly and whined as
he tried to curl more in on himself but was clearly too sore to
really finish his curling. “I’ve given him a hypospray to provide
relief and lower his fever but he’s going to need to just let this
go its own pace.” The medic continued in a calm voice.

down, Anakin ran his hand slowly over Obi-Wan’s hair in a soothing,
gentle motion.

touch had Obi-Wan cracking his eyes open with a confused noise before
whimpering at Anakin quietly. “A-Ani.” He rasped out, shivering.

Sith felt his eyes widen, it had been so long since the other talked
to him and to hear him now…

the Sith lord shifted closer on his knees and hugged the other. “It’s
going to be alright Obi-Wan, I’m here, I’ll help you,” He swore
before looking up at Tix, Obi-Wan’s
face hot face tucked to his neck.
“What can I do for him?” He asked sternly, a small frown on his

straightened a bit at the gaze. “Give him plenty of fluids sir, hot
drink if possible, make sure he eats some, I will leave some fever
reducers for him too,” The
medic dropped his eyes to the redhead and frowned slightly also.
“Sir, if he coughs up blood or his fever rises too badly he will
need a clinic but for now you will have to be aware he will cough up
mucus.” He finished up calmly.

in the information, Anakin nodded slowly, stroking the nape of
Obi-Wan’s neck when the other whined.

his nape was hot and clammy too.

is going to be alright Obi-Wan, I’m right here, I’ll take care of
you.” Anakin promised quietly as Tix moved away to order in some of
the fever dampeners Obi-Wan would need. He felt like he was glowing
when the other whined and shuddered, pressing into Anakin’s neck
for comfort.

Obi-Wan coughed, his voice thick and painful.

right here,” Anakin murmured, his grasp tightening on the former
Jedi. “I’m
not going anywhere and you’re not going anywhere.” He promises,
clipping the cape off and chucking his gloves before wiggling himself
in on the couch with the other, wrapping around Obi-Wan like a large
krayt dragon around its treasure, using the Force to get rid of his
boots. Against his chest, Obi-Wan coughs weakly and whines with pain,
the cosseted Jedi prisoner clinging to his Sith captor in his fever.

his arms around him, Anakin nuzzled at sweat damp hair with his grasp
tight and possessive.

#BlackenedSouls: does Vader and his family have any issues pop up with Ben being human?

thickly, Obi-Wan
leaned forward and vomited heavily into the bucket that Vader was
holding, the demon in human disguise rubbing the demon made mortal
slowly and steadily as he watched him chuck up pretty much everything
inside of him.

had tried to feed the other different things from the demon realm, to
start a steady progression towards getting the other back to his
natural state and so far things had actually been going good.

then Qui-Gon had feed the other actual demon blood mixed into a

was now utterly sick and the human doctor had apparently pronounced
him having a stomach infection with some bewilderment on his face
apparently so that told Vader that the other hadn’t been sure and
had just gone with what he thought.

Vader and Qui-Gon were now taking shift in looking after the other,
trying to encourage him to eat a little and drink lots.

was Vader’s turn, Qui-Gon having left moments ago.

now Obi-Wan was busy chucking up the little broth he had managed to
swallow only an hour ago.

Obi-Wan pulled back from the bucket, his face sweaty as he accepted
the water given to him to swish and rinse out his mouth into the
bucket. Handing the glass back, he flopped back and tucked into the
couch, cuddling beneath the weighted
blue and covered in ocean animal
blanket with an exhausted expression as Vader settled the glass back
on the table.

you for this Anakin.” ‘Ben’ rasped out, peering up at him

his hand over the others face, Vader quirked his lips into a small
smile as he tucked the others hair out of the way. “If it was me
and you knew I was alone, you’d do the same.” He murmured
quietly, actually remembering when they were little demonlets and
Obi-Wan had
done this for Vader, held his hair back and let him vomit and gave
him water to clean out his mouth.

huffed lightly but didn’t deny it as he let ‘Anakin’ tuck him
back under.

far they
hadn’t really had any issue with the other being human but this was
the first time they had seen him sick, especially sick caused by
demon things.

need to keep to herbs and meat I think, demon blood is a step too far
obviously.’ Vader thought as he continued to run his fingers
through the damp hair that was darkened by moisture.

did look more peaceful now though, his eyes closed and the furrow of
his face easing out as Vader continued stroking slowly and steadily
with no intention of stopping anytime soon as it provided Obi-Wan
with some much needed rest and relaxation for his system. “…Do
you want some tea? Grandpa Yan,” Oh it was so odd to call the old
geezer that. “Sent over some of that tea you and he had last time
you were over.” He tacked on gently.

faintly, Obi-Wan’s brows furrowed a bit before he opened his eyes
and smiled up at the other with a small nod. “That does sound nice
and I enjoyed that tea, it had a faintly sweet after flavor which
might help my stomach actually.” He mused thoughtfully.

Vader hesitated before leaning down and pressing a soft kiss to the
others forehead and then standing. “Then give me a few minutes and
there will be tea and in a few hours we’ll try with those dry rice
crackers Jocasta suggested.” He pretended not to see Obi-Wan flush
up like a christmas light as he headed for the kitchen.

to be fair, throwing
up as he did, ‘Ben’ was already flushed.


expression, doe eyed and flushing was really something Vader approved
of as he pulled out a cup.

#BlackenedSouls: does Vader and his family have any issues pop up with Ben being human?

thickly, Obi-Wan
leaned forward and vomited heavily into the bucket that Vader was
holding, the demon in human disguise rubbing the demon made mortal
slowly and steadily as he watched him chuck up pretty much everything
inside of him.

had tried to feed the other different things from the demon realm, to
start a steady progression towards getting the other back to his
natural state and so far things had actually been going good.

then Qui-Gon had feed the other actual demon blood mixed into a

was now utterly sick and the human doctor had apparently pronounced
him having a stomach infection with some bewilderment on his face
apparently so that told Vader that the other hadn’t been sure and
had just gone with what he thought.

Vader and Qui-Gon were now taking shift in looking after the other,
trying to encourage him to eat a little and drink lots.

was Vader’s turn, Qui-Gon having left moments ago.

now Obi-Wan was busy chucking up the little broth he had managed to
swallow only an hour ago.

Obi-Wan pulled back from the bucket, his face sweaty as he accepted
the water given to him to swish and rinse out his mouth into the
bucket. Handing the glass back, he flopped back and tucked into the
couch, cuddling beneath the weighted
blue and covered in ocean animal
blanket with an exhausted expression as Vader settled the glass back
on the table.

you for this Anakin.” ‘Ben’ rasped out, peering up at him

his hand over the others face, Vader quirked his lips into a small
smile as he tucked the others hair out of the way. “If it was me
and you knew I was alone, you’d do the same.” He murmured
quietly, actually remembering when they were little demonlets and
Obi-Wan had
done this for Vader, held his hair back and let him vomit and gave
him water to clean out his mouth.

huffed lightly but didn’t deny it as he let ‘Anakin’ tuck him
back under.

far they
hadn’t really had any issue with the other being human but this was
the first time they had seen him sick, especially sick caused by
demon things.

need to keep to herbs and meat I think, demon blood is a step too far
obviously.’ Vader thought as he continued to run his fingers
through the damp hair that was darkened by moisture.

did look more peaceful now though, his eyes closed and the furrow of
his face easing out as Vader continued stroking slowly and steadily
with no intention of stopping anytime soon as it provided Obi-Wan
with some much needed rest and relaxation for his system. “…Do
you want some tea? Grandpa Yan,” Oh it was so odd to call the old
geezer that. “Sent over some of that tea you and he had last time
you were over.” He tacked on gently.

faintly, Obi-Wan’s brows furrowed a bit before he opened his eyes
and smiled up at the other with a small nod. “That does sound nice
and I enjoyed that tea, it had a faintly sweet after flavor which
might help my stomach actually.” He mused thoughtfully.

Vader hesitated before leaning down and pressing a soft kiss to the
others forehead and then standing. “Then give me a few minutes and
there will be tea and in a few hours we’ll try with those dry rice
crackers Jocasta suggested.” He pretended not to see Obi-Wan flush
up like a christmas light as he headed for the kitchen.

to be fair, throwing
up as he did, ‘Ben’ was already flushed.


expression, doe eyed and flushing was really something Vader approved
of as he pulled out a cup.

Clones taking care of Jedi and the Jedi taking care of clones

a bowl into Fives hands, Anakin smiled worriedly at the trooper
before glancing around the tent full of coughing and hiccuping
troopers as the other obediently started to sip the thin broth to see
if he could manage to keep something down.

were normally hardy people, made to be resistant to most illnesses
and diseases but when they got sick, they got real

was the case at that moment with the 501st
and the 212th.

of them were sick with the rest of them being quarantined away.

of their medics were down, Helix, Helios, Kix and Bandaid were
actually still on the hallucination stage with Echo and Boil being
the ones who had recovered the furthest as they were able to actually
sit up and eat without being worried about everything either coming
up the mouth or out the other way in an explosive diarrhea.

three Jedi had decided to care for the troopers as the Force made
them immune to this particular illness and that meant that all the
other troopers were being kept outside the now quarantined medical
tent that had to be set up post haste.

kept guard over their sick vode and the Jedi, they made food and they
picked up supplies as they were dropped and for that Anakin was

Ahsoka and Obi-Wan were resting on shifts to make sure everyone was
taken care of but Anakin had a feeling that Obi-Wan was taking more
than his fair share.

to be fair, so was he.

of them were making sure Ahsoka slept a bit more and that’s why
Anakin wasn’t outright calling out Obi-Wan for taking an hour or
two extra now and then.

was all too aware of Obi-Wan’s stern stare in his back after all and
knew that if he called out Obi-Wan on his behavior, Obi-Wan would
call out Anakin on his and thereby Ahsoka would know that they were
taking a few of her shift hours to make sure she slept.

both Anakin and Obi-Wan were replacing that rest with some
meditation, something Ahsoka didn’t quite have a grasp on yet.

were still all exhausted, racing to and fro as they were in the tent,
tending to troopers, helping them clean up, administering medication
and helping a few of them between the fresher and beds.

eyes caught Obi-Wan, the redhead sitting at Captain Rex bedside and
the two smiled tiredly at each other before focusing back on helping
each of the troopers eat at least a bowlful of broth.


course, the good thing about the clones resistance was that they also
recovered quickly once the sickness passed them.

few days of wobbling legs, a few days of upped water intake and some
food along with a decent nights rest and they could be back in
fighting form thanks to their systems fighting the sickness so well
once they were back in form and whatever had infected them was dead
in their systems.

however were not always so lucky when pushing themselves.

was obvious when Anakin slid down a pole to sit on the ground,
shaking his head and muttering about dizziness and Obi-Wan followed
an hour later, almost face planting in his commander’s chest.

being smarter than both her masters, quietly went to her bedroll when
she started to feel a tired ache roll up her calves, curling up to
rest without a complaint unlike the two Jedi master’s who
complained all the way to the bedrolls where they were pushed in and
helped out of boots, belts and tunics to rest properly under the
instructions of the medics who had a lot more rank pulling than the
Jedi when it came to the situation of health.

care of so many men had exhausted all three Jedi and now they were
paying for that exhaustion after two weeks of pushing their bodies.

in the exhausted Generals who finally stopped complaining, Cody and
Rex exchanged looks before smiling at each other and shrugging. They
may be Jedi but they were just as mortal as the clones were and with
that came exhaustion and fevers though Helix and Kix were certain
that both older Jedi would be good as long as they rested.

on the other hand needed do hydrate.

things were something the troopers would help with, keeping quiet and
making sure that all three Jedi got the rest they needed and the
nutrients they should have when they woke up.