#thelightinus: Sidious tries to snare something from Obi-Wan again to use for his Sith Sorcery.

karking leaking pus infected cocks!

at his blackened hand, Sidious growled to himself before throwing
himself onto his couch to glare at the window while wiping his hand
on his outfit as he didn’t want to soil the couch since the latter
was harder to clean.

time he tried to get his hand on something of Kenobi, it ended up
bursting into fire.

the moment he held it in his grasp, when he infused it with the dark
side or the moment he initiated whatever ritual he required it for.

never failed and he was becoming rather perturbed
by it.

was as if the Force itself was working against Sidious and with a
growl he summoned one of the more expensive bottles of wine out of
his cabinet with a wave of his hand, pulling a glass after it a
moment later.

need to get something that won’t burn, something that is still
personal but won’t karking burn… his hair does not work, his
feathers all crumble in my grasp, the soiled bandages lit up like a
bonfire and Force knows the robe Dooku’s little acolyte managed to
get me didn’t work out.’ Sidious seethed with his own emotions.

he paused, the rim of the glass against his lips.

back to the blood soiled bandages… it was the fabric that lit up
now that he thought about it.

traces of the feathers attached to the fabric along with the blood.


if he could get his hands on the Jedi’s blood he would finally have
a proper ritual item but even more than that, blood could be so

still would have preferred the feathers to work, such soft, delicate
things, so
tightly entwined in his physical being that there would be no doubt
that it would work.’
Sidious narrowed his eyes at his blackened carpet, cursing
the pretty little things for once more causing him to need to replace
his carpet before he could allow visitors.

he knew that there was some damage control to do, he would need to
invite Skywalker the moment the boy was on Coruscant.

it, he should have been more careful but to have Kenobi at his

could still almost feel the fluttering of feathers, so close and
vibrant and his fingertips itched.

would have the other on his knees, he’d rip those wings apart,
Sidious would have Kenobi on his knees, chained and drained and made
into a vassal.


his bared
gently over the wings and scaring away the fireflies that had settled
in the already glowing appendages, Cody smiled faintly to himself as
he continued slowly brushing his hand along the warmth while
tucking his glove onto his belt.

glowing bugs took to their own wings and left the General’s alone
as the man smiled in bemusement at him. “They weren’t a bother
you know, I hardly even noticed they were in my wings and they
weren’t really all that gross.” He stated calmly, letting out a
soft noise when Cody settled beside him.

pretty but I rather like your wings without anything in them…”
Cody murmured as he sat down on the little rocky outcropping with his
General, both of them now being able to observe the valley below them
full of animals coming and going to the waterhole.

them the 212th
and the 501st
were winding down, taking the precious moments of rest they were
allowed since the planet’s meteorite shower was interfering with
communications on all points, making it impossible to get mission
order or even locate any enemies on planet.

up, Cody let out a thoughtful hum as he took in the flashes of lights
above them as he dared to place his hand down with his fingertips
brushing his General’s lightly, feeling the warmth of skin. “That’s
rather gorgeous a view huh.” He said thoughtfully, as if his heart
wasn’t nervously thumping in his chest, having not really had the
time before to just settle down and observe a meteorite shower from

say it is.” Obi-Wan stated fondly and when Cody glanced at him, he
found the Jedi looking at the clone commander with soft eyes, his
wings rustling softly.

heavily, Cody internally sent off a prayer and then shifted his hand
closer, grasping Obi-Wan’s warm, calloused hand in his own, feeling
little scars and dents in the skin.

imperfections that were perfect against Cody’s own.

Obi-Wan grasped Cody’s hand in return, cradling the trooper’s
caramel colored hand in his own pale one as they focused back up at
the sky.

a moment Obi-Wan’s wing settled around Cody’s shoulder, warming
him and shielding him as they remained sitting side by side, gazing
at the darkening
sky with a cool breeze brushing over their faces.

GuildOfExile… IS HE THE CHOSEN ONE TELL ME HE’S THE CHOSEN ONE I LOVE CHOSENONEOBI!!!! Also it would be a great snub towards Jinn and the jedi as a whole that they failed him so. Plus its been a while since we’ve heard from Jinn- what’s he up to?

Tightening his grip on the arms of his chair, Sidious leaned forward to watch the holo display as the footage looped, eyes wide and a sick grin crossing his face as he watched the utter destruction the other wrecked around himself as he merely continued walking forward.

As if he was not in the middle of a war.

As if he had just not moment before brought someone back from the dead, who by all accounts should no longer be among the living but was apparently in utter good health now according to what Sidious could get his hands on of information.

Oh when the Senate had pulled up the proposal to hire in the Guild he had no idea what he was getting, the guild always protected itself and their leader so well but look at this little gem.

It was almost hard to decide which one he wanted as an apprentice at this point but he had more control over Skywalker.

But Kenobi…

Oh yes Kenobi was not to go free into the galaxy without falling into line once the final curtain call came for the Jedi, that power, that display of strength… yes Sidious was not about to let it go and slowly he looked to the waiting Dooku as the man watched equally quiet, his face slightly bored and contemptuous.

But he could see the Count’s slightly too wide eyes.

He had not expected this either and Sidious couldn’t help the desire to taunt. “You know, this is the boy your former padawan once rejected, he was once a Jedi padawan but Jinn was the last one to see him and said no to him.” He threw out casually.

Dooku twitched, his hand turning into a fist before relaxing a moment later as he breathed out. “Is there to be a change of order for him?” The man drawled.

Clever man, it was a pity he was only a tool to an end. Sidious turned his head back to the display, pausing it to look at those glowing pools of light that was Kenobi’s eyes. “…Send every available ship towards them, send Grievous if you must but bring Kenobi in and bring him alive. I have… plans for him.” Sidious licked his lips in anticipation.

Oh yes, he had plans.

“As you wish my lord.” Came the soft murmur before Dooku’s holo flickered and went out.

Reaching out, Sidious ran a finger along the holo’s cheek. “I have plans for you, my dear captain. Be assured of that you unexpected treasure.” He chortled to himself, flickering yellow.


Rubbing his face wearily, Qui-Gon sat back heavily as the display of Kenobi was paused on the moment his hand sunk into the troopers chest.

It should be impossible and yet here they were, seeing it with their own eyes.

When Anakin had reported in to the council, Qui-Gon hadn’t been sure what to believe. He figured that Anakin must have been mistaken.

Maybe the battle dim had confused him and it wouldn’t be the first time someone had been confused by battle dim but then the footage had been uploaded and sent and looking at it Qui-Gon had to agree.

Young Lace had been dead and Kenobi had brought her back.

The council argued around him, some wanting Kenobi back to see if he’d be willing to teach in the temple because such power could be deeply helpful and others just wanted explanation while others again were pointing out that Kenobi was a former Jedi, not a current one.

He had no need to answer a summon to the temple or to do anything the Jedi wanted.

Meanwhile Qui-Gon just wondered at lost chances and if he had been wrong.

Was Anakin maybe… not the chosen one?

It was hard to argue against what he had currently seen but at the same time it was also hard to deny Anakin’s power.

‘But power does not a chosen one make, does it? Fate does and Kenobi does have power and ability to wield it compared to your ‘precious’ padawan, who thinks we don’t know he’s running of to Senator Amidala and only displays his power in brute force Force applications, which impressive as it might be, is nothing compared to what the captain of the guild of Exile can do… maybe you fucked everything up even earlier than you thought huh.’ The demons in his mind whispered and Qui-Gon wished he had Micah and Tahl to talk sense into him.

He wanted a drink.

Report of the Senate! An insight from Palpatine about this whole Order Exodus debacle!

how had it come to this!?

seethed to himself as outwardly he just slowly stroked his chin while
staring at what was basically an empty building in the distance, the
Jedi temple run by what was in reality just a skeleton crew.

had all his plans not seen this coming?

had the Jedi managed to slip away without alerting anyone until they
were basically gone?

should have noticed something, the amount of Force sensitive leaving
and not returning but with the war going on Sidious would have to
admit that maybe he had grown a bit lax in his observation of the
Force auras.


seethed with rage while the senators bickered behind him.

even once did he consider that it wasn’t really the Jedi who had
taken themselves to safety and away from Coruscant, no, not one
single thought was spared to the clones.

all, they were only clones even if they had emotions.

did not know how the clones loved the Jedi, how they felt about their
Generals and Commanders.

in Sidious’ mind the clones saw the Jedi as their ‘masters’ and
did not love them, nor did the Jedi love them in return.

he did not see the second wrench thrown into his plans when suddenly
a secretary came running into the office with wide eyes. “We have a
transmission from the Jedi on Daveron!” She eeped out, her voice
shrill and loud.

the bickering Senator’s fell still, looking at her and Sidious
raised a brow, dread rising in his chest.

adopted or married every single trooper! All of them are basically
members of
the Republic through
said marriage or adoption
and by law they have the right to vacation days, sick days, mandatory
health checks and so much more.” She babbled nervously
while wringing her hands together with wide eyes.

dull roar exploded in Sidious’ office from the Senators as he just
sat there in mild confusion and shock.

how the hell was he suppose to handle this if the troopers were
suddenly legal citizens of the Republic?!

those Jedi.’ He hissed internally while imagining holding the
entire council under his lighting until flesh charred and eyes popped
form the heat, brains boiling.

where was that Skywalker boy!

All his plans were falling apart!

had it all gone so wrong? What had gone wrong?

despised not knowing where he had gone wrong so he could avoid
repeating it or fix it but at this point there was no fixing it.

would have to move forward without the Jedi close at hand for the
final order and triumph.

he had bothered to look towards the senator’s in that moment he
would have seen their openly wary expression as they watched their
Chancellor’s rather frightening expression and Bail in particular
focused on the man’s fingertips.

flashes of lighting were at it, almost unnoticeable.

it sent chills through Bail as memories of Zigoola flashed in his
mind, feeling suddenly as if he was carrying Obi-Wan once more over
his shoulders as the Jedi fell weak to the darkness of the planet,
fighting demons Bail couldn’t see even if he could feel the
oppression press down on him.

need to tell Obi-Wan.’ Bail thought to himself as he swallowed
heavily and exchanged a glance with Padme.

too was focused on the fingertips of Palpatine, her brown eyes
slightly too wide despite her expression showing nothing but serenity
and her impeccable makeup helping disguise any other reaction the
Nabooan senator had.

they had the same thought.

the Jedi and inform them fast.

troopers,’ Bail glanced to the stationed clone guard at the door,
taking in the red paint of the Coruscantian guard. Something told
Bail that the fastest way to get a message or get into contact with
the Jedi was to go through the troopers. ‘I don’t know which one
this is but
hopefully that won’t offend them.’ The Alderaanian Senator would
bite the bullet and potentially offend a man if it meant he could get
the message to Obi-Wan.

Jedi needed to know of the Chancellor’s behavior and what Bail was
currently feeling.

stony, barren world flashed in his mind again with Obi-Wan’s
labored and pained breath in his ear even as he felt the Coruscantian
sun coming in through the window and the plush chair below him.

felt so cold.

So Sidious tries to lure Anakin in again and make him bring Obi to him to drain the Force out of the demi-god in The Light In Us.

are drawn to light in a way that makes you wonder if they became lost
from the moon one time and are still trying to get back to her gentle
embrace. Especially as moths seem to lose their self preservation
skill as a fire blares and aims for the beautiful light that
overwhelms and kills them in the most gruesome of ways.

this moment, Obi-Wan is the fire as he casually sips his tea and
pretends not to see the covetous and desirous eyes of Palpatine
linger on him and every twitch of Obi-Wan’s soft wings.

has gotten to the point where even Anakin can’t be obtuse and is
visibly uncomfortable with the way the Chancellor, his old friend, is
watching Obi-Wan.

that was what Obi-Wan had been counting on.

had known that Palpatine had gathered an extensive collection even
before the clone wars of Force objects and even people that was ‘his’
now and Obi-Wan would be one hell of a win for him, this rare,
clearly Force influenced creature of glowing wings.

human and yet… clearly something more.

that Obi-Wan was trying to hide, was outright practically flashing
his Force aura at Palpatine in an attention gathering move to make
sure he saw that Obi-Wan was more than just another Jedi in the

so Anakin lost his impression of Palpatine as just a grandfatherly
man that could be trusted. Obi-Wan could almost see the others

slavers would look at prized slaves or new meat as Palpatine was
currently looking at Obi-Wan and Anakin’s dominant saber hand was
twitching as
he suppressed his urge to grab it and do something they would all
regret because attacking the Chancellor unprovoked for a ‘look’
would not be a defense in court that be usable.

may be time for us to go soon, Anakin is clearly struggling not to
say something that could trigger a bad time for us all.’ Obi-Wan
mused before smiling warmly at the disgusting old Sith in front of
him. “This has been rather pleasant Chancellor and I thank you for
the tea but me and Anakin should rather return to the temple, it is
getting late.” He offered in a soft tone, settling the cup down on
the desk and standing.

Anakin stood too only for his face to turn to stone at the
Chancellor’s next words. “Ah are you sure master Kenobi? I’d be
more than willing to have a meal brought in, I’ve quite enjoyed our
conversation.” The old goat practically purred.

slightly to the man, Obi-Wan hummed. “A gracious
offer but I’ll have to decline I’m
sorry to say, it’s quite late and I’m rather tired.
Come along Anakin, our own beds await us.” Obi-Wan said with cheer,
as if he couldn’t see how Anakin was turning red with a muted rage
he was trying to control.

nothing, Anakin turned on his heel and stalked after Obi-Wan, closing
in on him quickly and grabbing his arm, tucking it into his elbow as
he loomed at Obi-Wan’s side with
a glare at anyone that even looked like they’d approach.

unlike a falcon hatchling puffing itself up to seem more
threatening.’ Obi-Wan mused happily, knowing the wedge he had put
between Anakin and Palpatine would make it difficult for the Sith to
make Anakin listen to him.

was practically marched out of the Rotunda, Anakin a muted cloud of
protective displeasure at his side that only relaxed once they
stepped outside with the blond breathing out with a deep frown on his

the other on his back, Obi-Wan smiled up at him once he had the
others attention. “I’m sorry we ignored you Anakin, I promise
that won’t happen again.” He said, playing deliberately obtuse to
the others emotions.

eyes widened in surprise before narrowing slightly, Anakin throwing
his arm up around Obi-Wan’s shoulders in a faux relaxed move.
“Yeah, that would
be great. Felt a bit like a third wheel in there but maybe we
shouldn’t linger in the Rotunda anyhow, Chancellor’s a busy man
and all.” He said, an obvious fake cheer in his voice as he guided
Obi-Wan towards the skycar they had parked earlier.

was quite the turn from his excitement earlier when the Chancellor
had requested both and Obi-Wan only hummed in answer. “Ah well if
the Chancellor summons us, we as Jedi have to answer.” He stated
lightly, ignoring Anakin’s tense shoulders.

so the wedge was driven even deeper with simple words.


around his desk, Sidious knelt down and slowly picked up a glowing,
shiny feather left behind by Kenobi. Carefully he twisted it in his
hand before channeling the Force through it in
what he thought was a stroke of genius.

much to his eternal shock as his
eyes widened
the feather turned black and then burst into fire in his hand.

the man dropped it, a snarl crossing his face as
he wiped the soot away on his robe, knowing the dark color would hide
soot as he glared down at the ash on his carpet while wondering what
the hell just happened.

that was a waste of a perfectly good item for Sith magics to
subdue the feathered Jedi he wanted to rip the wings off.

BlackenedSouls. I would greatly like to see Obi-Wan survive. And what’s going on with Palpatine/Sidious?

above the lump of a human, Vader, prince of hell, sneered down at the
interloper as rage made his demonic features visible to anyone
peeking in and smoke pour from his mouth with his nails cutting
crescent marks into his palms as they turned to claws.

it was Palpatine and it was Sidious, the snake, who had done this to

his bright and lovely Obi-Wan, ambushed and held down in a ritual
circle and turned human, sent into the human world without memory or
survival skills of the world he was not part of in a bitter attempt
to wound Anakin’s ruling line.

using his little half-breed son to get around it all, enough demon
blood to use the books of demons but human enough to get around
protections and wards.


the human continued to beg for his life and soul, the stench of urine
reached them through the heavy smell of herbs that Jocasta had sorted
out for the fireplace and they had kept throwing on to aid Obi-Wan
survive, to shed his human self, to shed Ben and become his old self.

there would be no mercy.

when Vader might lose his beloved Obi-Wan, not when he had spent so
long in loneliness because his weapon brother and mate to be had been
taken from him. And Obi-Wan was his mate, if he survived Vader would
give him the throne, would make him his queen, his bride and rule
over the hellscape with him.

knew that Dooku would approve of that and maybe that had always been
in the plans of Qui-Gon but right now Obi-Wan was fighting for his
life and Vader…

was going to extract his revenge and get Sidious location from the
man’s son.

then he’d take the man’s soul, send him as an empty vagrant out
into the world with his consciousness knowing what his body did but
being unable to help.

his claw out of his flesh, Vader reached out with a sadistic snarl, Ahsoka and
everyone around stepping back as the prince of hell reached out to
give the half demon the worst punishment anyone could endure. “Death
would be too good, too brief,” Vader growled, watching watery, pale
eyes go wide in fear with an awful stench joining the smell of urine.
“So your soul shall be bound, you will suffer as long as your body
survives. So be the word of the Prince of Hell.”


his eyes slowly, the redhead stared at the ceiling with
lidded eyes as a soft, unnoticed breath escaped him.

occupants of the room was preoccupied with horror show as the redhead
took in the sweltering heat as he laid on a couch in only his boxers
and with a slow stretch, Obi-Wan felt his tail and horns pop into
existence as he smiled at the world.

memories of ‘Ben’ was in him of course, he remembered what had
happened but it was faded as ‘Ben’ had never been real.

he shifted onto his feet, his tail flickering slowly as he watched
his little family and the wretched, sobbing thing being taken his
soul from by Vader on the floor.

was Ahsoka who noticed first, glancing at him shortly before turning
around with a gasp, bringing everyone’s attention on the pale

warmly at them with a fanged mouth, Obi-Wan flickered his tail
playfully at them. “Hello there.” He purred, opening his arms as
instantly Vader threw himself over the couch with a cry of the other
demons name, the blond wrapping himself around him.

“OBI-WAN!” The scream of relief, of joy echoed in the house.

lived bitches.’ Obi-Wan thought with a purr as he nuzzled at his prince’s warm skin.

#oneleggedrace- the chancellor requests to meet with Anakin. He makes the mistake of subtly insulting Obi-Wan. It isn’t just slavers who should fear A padawan’s master.

away from the Chancellor office resembling a thunder cloud with
senators, aides and janitorial staff jumping out of his way, Anakin
couldn’t believe the nerve of the Chancellor. Well be that they
were friends and that the man had been a friend for quite a long
while but he had no right to to the implications he had voiced.

not voiced as it was and just left vague and in the air with his tone
and pauses.’ Anakin thought bitterly to himself as his robe
billowed out around him as he turned the corner, another Senator
jumping right out of his way in shock.

that Obi-Wan was a substandard padawan, implying that he was weak for
losing a leg, implying that he would be a burden to Anakin’s active
life, implying that Obi-Wan had somehow deserved
losing a leg if he couldn’t defend himself.

if Anakin could, he would have punched the man for that last one.

he had been able to do however was sit there and take it until he
finally managed to mechanically stand up and coldly dismiss himself,
the Chancellor looking up at him in surprise before genially agreeing
and standing to say goodbye.

had done something then that he had never before done.

had done the rudest Jedi bow Qui-Gon had ever taught him, a subtle
way of insulting someone who didn’t know Jedi customs if Anakin
needed an emotional outlet even outside of the Jedi temple or a way to insult a Jedi master he very much disagreed with though he had never needed that yet.

shallow and brief before he left without a word compared to his usual
behavior with the Chancellor.

outside in the humid and heavy air of Coruscant, Anakin let out a
deep breath as he took in the fact that it was most likely a storm
brewing for the night. Slowly he let his emotions into the Force.

had always found this difficult but the last thing he needed was for
Obi-Wan to catch onto his emotions and the distance between them was
the only thing keeping Obi-Wan from noticing Anakin’s turmoil in
this moment.

Anakin tried to release it, slowly and steadily as he stared at
everyone scurrying around and into the Rotunda.

he took deep breaths and emptied it all, focusing on the fact that he
had a padawan to care for and therefore care for himself.

he felt stable enough and made his way towards his parked speeder,
climbing on and making his way into the lanes and towards the temple,
feeling Obi-Wan’s bond to him grow brighter as the distance

time the bond would be strong and would stretch a lot further but
right now distance was allowing Anakin some minor emotional
turbulence. ‘I’ll need to get some shields up for privacy once
the bond gets strong enough. But that is for the future.’ Anakin
smiled to himself, wind ruffling his hair as Obi-Wan took notice of

couldn’t help a chuckle as instantly Obi-Wan seemed to brighten in
their bond, happy that Anakin was returning.



had miscalculated and misspoken and now Skywalker was pretty much
running from him like a humanoid thundercloud.

to himself, Sidious rubbed his chin as he stared out the window of
his office.

hadn’t expected the man to make that deep of an emotional
connection to the boy just yet but clearly, somehow, the boy had
managed just that. To have Skywalker become attached to him strong
enough for a friendship to be very close to ruined if Sidious did not
step carefully now.

had thought the boy’s fascination for stars and interest for
adventures would at least make him resentful as the padawan went
through rehabilitation but it seemed Sidious had erred in that

is done can not be changed,’ Sidious returned to his seat, settling
down with a grim grumble. ‘I will have to adjust my future plans
accordingly if he is already this closely attached to the boy. Maybe
I can use him in the future for Skywalker’s fall…’ He huffed
out a deep breath and then put on his genial disguise as his
secretary commed in with the news of one of his appointments opening

GuildofExile – What is the decision? Who came up with the idea of a guild invitation? Someone from the Senate? Jedi? Or maybe Palpatine, who considers the guild unnecessary in his plans, and wants to eliminate them together with the Jedi? Or maybe this conclusion is quite a problem for him?

his lips, Anakin crossed his arms over his chest as he stood with the
Chancellor and the welcome committee of Senators and Jedi councilors
as the shuttle came in with the captain of the Exile guild, the
wind around the platform tugging on clothes and hair.

be fair, he understood why Bail Organa had petitioned for them to
become part of the GAR and aid, their results were always impeccable
and they were already a tightly formed group of military behavior and
ranks…but it felt like a slap in the face too.

Jedi were trying.

fact that the Senator’s felt the need to contract mercenaries
for command position and not just training was somehow an insult he

there was nothing he could do and considering Qui-Gon was giving him
a severe
look, it was best Anakin dropped the sulking act because the guild
had arrived.

armor with purple details fitting for each of the five members that
stepped out of the shuttle with the captain coming first and all of
them wearing helmet to make it impossible to tell who they were.

of them looked humanoid from what Anakin could tell though there was
one wookie that followed beside the captain, mostly only wearing the
helmet and a few armor pieces here and there. ‘Though that makes
sense doesn’t it. The Guild of Exiles are named that for a reason,
most of them are banished from their homes, their governments and
even the Republic for a reason, finding solace in each other.’
Anakin watched as the captain made his way to the Chancellor,
straight backed with his head held high.

it was a he, that much was known even if their face and name outside
of ‘captain Exile’ wasn’t.

made Anakin wonder what kind of criminals they were about to entrust
the troopers to and his leather glove creaked with the force he was
fisting his hand at the thought. He didn’t want to trust the men to
these people, they deserved better but Padme had pointed out that
these people knew military rank, knew how to plan and fight.

to many, they knew what they were doing with a platoon of men and the
survival rate of the guild was suppose to be impressive though
officially they never released a death count of their own members.

the captain reached the Chancellor, bowing shortly and Anakin would
almost call it out on being shallow but it was a mercenary, what did
he expect.

didn’t notice Windu narrowing his eyes at what was a short but
perfect bow.

the Guild has come to answer the summons
and request of the Senate and as the captain and leader of it, I
stand with the sole responsibility.” The man drawled out through
the modulator of his helmet and Anakin felt his brows jump in

was a perfect, upper level, Coruscantian accent despite the modulator
deepening the tone and clearly others noticed it too by the surprised
shifts among Senators and aids. “Ah yes, Captain Exile is it not?
It will do the Republic a favor to help us as the war has progressed
too far. Senator Bail suggestion of operation mercenary hopefully
will work out in all our favors.” Palpatine smiled warmly, bowing
lightly at the Captain and offering his hand.

was a pause, the captain clearly staring at Palpatine’s hand before
tilting his head. “I can turn right around and leave Chancellor,
the worth of my men is
of no question to me and we will
fulfill our part of the bargain,” The man said shortly, still not
taking the Chancellor’s hand. “I am quite
aware that not everyone is happy with this deal but question the
skill of my crew even casually and I will leave, damn be the deal and
the consequences.” He said shortly.

dropping towards his saber, Anakin soaked in the awkward, tense
atmosphere until Palpatine suddenly and forcebly laughed.

course, of course, apologies captain, I have heard of your
protectiveness of your men, but I did not think it was this accurate.
Please, we are all friends here.” Palpatine smiled, dropping his
hands along his sides.

debatable I think.’ Anakin mused as Bail stepped forward and smiled
at the captain, offering up a pad.

we just need a thumbprint, everything else is signed and yours is the
last confirmation we need captain.” He said calmly and warmly,
barely heard over the sound of the wind rushing around.

towards Bail, the captain tugged his glove off, exposing pale, human
skin with freckles as he took the pad and read it over before giving
it to one of the others behind him.

assumed they were reading before it was handed over. “Seems fine
captain, same as the draft we were sent earlier and solid in court
something happen.”
The voice answered curtly in a firm tone even
as they implied the Senate would somehow betray or stiff them.

Senator bristled at the implication.

the captain pressed his thumb to the scan.
“…Seems we’re in business then. Now, that business of amnesty,
does that extend to older generation clones who escaped Kamino’s
facility?” The captain asked, handing over the pad to Bail.

of your crew,” Bail stressed, staring at the captain. Something
told Anakin that they were familiar with each other or friends
perhaps. “So yes, old clones are included considering I know you
have two murderer on your staff.” He tucked the pad away.

had good reason to to kill that slaver considering he skinned his
family.” The Exile captain snapped back before reaching up and
undoing the clamps of his helmet, pulling it off.

felt his stomach drop with surprise and therefore
totally missed Qui-Gon’s shocked hiss between his teeth as a pale
human face came into view with a tiny bit of a scruffy beard, green
eyes and braided copper hair came into view.

all I need to know is that Lace and the others of my crew will be
safe,” The man continued as he tucked his helmet under his arm and
saluted them all with a raised hand. “Captain Obi-Wan Kenobi
reporting to service.”

Oooh break a barrier bravo! What comes next? Is Sidious plotting?

was too late.

that Sidious was sure after seeing the threesome at the Senate
function, the way Skywalker was just ensnared in Kenobi with his eyes
switching between giving either of his mates attention or outright
holding their omega’s hand as if to ensure he was still there.

in through the bond or outright murdering Kenobi now would not give
Sidious what he needed to turn Skywalker to his apprentice later on.


his chin, Sidious stood from his desk and made his way to his book

he could use this to his advantage. Omegas in Kenobi’s age weren’t
known for falling pregnant at their first shared heat but with a
little bit of Sith magic… and what could make an alpha more enraged
than the loss of both mate and child?

eyes sparkled and bleed toxic yellow as Sidious found the right book,
opening up and shifting through the pages, a smirk curling his lips
as he took in the information.

this would do…

he would have to do would be to spin the story the right way, pull
the right threads in the alphas head and have him blame the Jedi
order when Kenobi died.

of children and mate would make him unstable and it would be easy to
cut the last link then when Amidala was no longer useful.


Padme slowly as
she leaned back into his chest,
Obi-Wan settled his chin on her shoulder as the alpha slowly petted
his hands on
her stomach
while sitting between his legs on the couch in a nice home yellow
in a beautiful
silky fabric.

had scuttled off to the temple, to train with Ahsoka but Padme had
quietly informed Obi-Wan that she didn’t have anything planned that
day and wondered if he would spend the day with her.

through it her
little ruse,
Obi-Wan understood that Padme had pushed a few of her meetings and
setups further into the future to spend some time with her new mate
and Obi-Wan honestly jumped on it, the chance to spend one on one
time with his female alpha making his heart beat.

both alphas caught that in his scent, judging by the pleased smiles
they sported and Obi-Wan had colored a bit but refused to be ashamed.


of them were his, that meant that spending time with Padme was on the
table just as much as Anakin and Anakin and he spent time together
often one on one and Obi-Wan had no doubt that it would be harder to
spend time with Padme once the bond was settled in after his heat and
they were back to the war again.

had spent most of the first two hours just talking, eating some
expensive sugared fruits Padme adored and now they were just
cuddling, curled up into each other while watching a holo of Squid

would be nice to one day catch it in true action but the holo was
for now.

Padme shifted in
front of him
and turned around on the couch, knees between Obi-Wan’s legs as the
man blinked a
drowsily at his sniffing alpha as Padme pressed her hands against his
shoulders to press him into the couch.

Padme tugged his tunic low and went for his neck, Obi-Wan blinking
before yelping when the others lips found his scent gland and went to
work, Obi-Wan’s sleepy mind hazily supplying him with the details
he had missed as he registered how sore his scent gland really was as
Padme shifted and Obi-Wan sunk more back into the couch back.

was entering heat and his alpha could smell him already
before Obi-Wan could really feel it,
could smell that his body was getting ready and was responding in
turn to it with her own need.

was basically mauling his scent gland, tenderizing it with her lips
and teeth without actually biting through it and Obi-Wan whimpered
both with pain and with need as he teared up, Padme pulling back to
look at him before crooning in worry and reaching up, gently wiping
eyes. “It’s alright omega, sweet omega. I’ll call Anakin, I’ll
get everything ready.” She promised before standing up and with
surprising strength
hauled Obi-Wan after her on
his feet
before literally picking him up, Obi-Wan quickly wrapping his legs
around the woman’s hips as she headed for the bedroom.

dropped on the large, soft bed they shared in the Senatorial
apartment only to whine when Padme moved away to start getting things
ready, crawling to the edge before he could think better of it.

Padme went right back to him, cupping his face and pressing several
kisses all over his face. “Going to get things ready mate, won’t
leave, won’t abandon you but I need to get a message to Anakin and
find water and juice honey, sweet mate.” She crooned assuringly,
brown eyes wide.

his instincts and need, Obi-Wan nodded shakily while sitting back on
the bed and then reaching to undo his sash.

hovered for a moment before once more moving away, Obi-Wan able to
see her through the open door, her steps more urgent as she pulled
her comm off the caff table.

is early… is it the heat withdrawal fault?’ Obi-Wan wondered as
he got himself comfortable and started building his nest, half
listening to Padme and Anakin, the latter swearing as he was clearly
rushing to get to the apartment.

Oooh break a barrier bravo! What comes next? Is Sidious plotting?

was too late.

that Sidious was sure after seeing the threesome at the Senate
function, the way Skywalker was just ensnared in Kenobi with his eyes
switching between giving either of his mates attention or outright
holding their omega’s hand as if to ensure he was still there.

in through the bond or outright murdering Kenobi now would not give
Sidious what he needed to turn Skywalker to his apprentice later on.


his chin, Sidious stood from his desk and made his way to his book

he could use this to his advantage. Omegas in Kenobi’s age weren’t
known for falling pregnant at their first shared heat but with a
little bit of Sith magic… and what could make an alpha more enraged
than the loss of both mate and child?

eyes sparkled and bleed toxic yellow as Sidious found the right book,
opening up and shifting through the pages, a smirk curling his lips
as he took in the information.

this would do…

he would have to do would be to spin the story the right way, pull
the right threads in the alphas head and have him blame the Jedi
order when Kenobi died.

of children and mate would make him unstable and it would be easy to
cut the last link then when Amidala was no longer useful.


Padme slowly as
she leaned back into his chest,
Obi-Wan settled his chin on her shoulder as the alpha slowly petted
his hands on
her stomach
while sitting between his legs on the couch in a nice home yellow
in a beautiful
silky fabric.

had scuttled off to the temple, to train with Ahsoka but Padme had
quietly informed Obi-Wan that she didn’t have anything planned that
day and wondered if he would spend the day with her.

through it her
little ruse,
Obi-Wan understood that Padme had pushed a few of her meetings and
setups further into the future to spend some time with her new mate
and Obi-Wan honestly jumped on it, the chance to spend one on one
time with his female alpha making his heart beat.

both alphas caught that in his scent, judging by the pleased smiles
they sported and Obi-Wan had colored a bit but refused to be ashamed.


of them were his, that meant that spending time with Padme was on the
table just as much as Anakin and Anakin and he spent time together
often one on one and Obi-Wan had no doubt that it would be harder to
spend time with Padme once the bond was settled in after his heat and
they were back to the war again.

had spent most of the first two hours just talking, eating some
expensive sugared fruits Padme adored and now they were just
cuddling, curled up into each other while watching a holo of Squid

would be nice to one day catch it in true action but the holo was
for now.

Padme shifted in
front of him
and turned around on the couch, knees between Obi-Wan’s legs as the
man blinked a
drowsily at his sniffing alpha as Padme pressed her hands against his
shoulders to press him into the couch.

Padme tugged his tunic low and went for his neck, Obi-Wan blinking
before yelping when the others lips found his scent gland and went to
work, Obi-Wan’s sleepy mind hazily supplying him with the details
he had missed as he registered how sore his scent gland really was as
Padme shifted and Obi-Wan sunk more back into the couch back.

was entering heat and his alpha could smell him already
before Obi-Wan could really feel it,
could smell that his body was getting ready and was responding in
turn to it with her own need.

was basically mauling his scent gland, tenderizing it with her lips
and teeth without actually biting through it and Obi-Wan whimpered
both with pain and with need as he teared up, Padme pulling back to
look at him before crooning in worry and reaching up, gently wiping
eyes. “It’s alright omega, sweet omega. I’ll call Anakin, I’ll
get everything ready.” She promised before standing up and with
surprising strength
hauled Obi-Wan after her on
his feet
before literally picking him up, Obi-Wan quickly wrapping his legs
around the woman’s hips as she headed for the bedroom.

dropped on the large, soft bed they shared in the Senatorial
apartment only to whine when Padme moved away to start getting things
ready, crawling to the edge before he could think better of it.

Padme went right back to him, cupping his face and pressing several
kisses all over his face. “Going to get things ready mate, won’t
leave, won’t abandon you but I need to get a message to Anakin and
find water and juice honey, sweet mate.” She crooned assuringly,
brown eyes wide.

his instincts and need, Obi-Wan nodded shakily while sitting back on
the bed and then reaching to undo his sash.

hovered for a moment before once more moving away, Obi-Wan able to
see her through the open door, her steps more urgent as she pulled
her comm off the caff table.

is early… is it the heat withdrawal fault?’ Obi-Wan wondered as
he got himself comfortable and started building his nest, half
listening to Padme and Anakin, the latter swearing as he was clearly
rushing to get to the apartment.

Can we have more of Obi-in-pain? The verse where he’s struggling with chronic pain? What is Palpatine scheming up?

the seeds of discontent and distrust is harder than Sidious expected
even as he gives the boy a friendly smile and wave as Skywalker is
called back to the temple.

moment the door is shut the smile disappears and he turns in his
chair to eye the temple.

Kenobi has issues still after his brush with Maul.

Anakin hadn’t outright stated that but Sidious could read between
the lines and had kept an eye on the man who murdered his apprentice
after all, trying to gauge him out as a potential new apprentice if
the seeds of discords could be sowed him him.

that attention for naught though pain could make for a wonderful

if it was making physical labor hard on him…

Sidious was already doing his work with Skywalker, he would make a
powerful enough apprentice to challenge Sidious own power when the
time came and would keep Sidious on his toes. Kenobi was not needed.

maybe he could use his pain with Skywalker.

the young thing cared about Kenobi if he was willing to learn how to
aid him.

that was a potential Sidious mused as he stood, watching all the
skycars that came and left the Rotunda, knowing that Skywalker was in
one of them since he never stayed long enough to speak with anyone in
the Rotunda and the boy had seemed eager to get back.

had originally wondered if using Amidala with the boy would be the
wisest course of action, find a way to set the two together when
Skywalker was finally a man but that wasn’t a certain thing as
Amidala could just decide that a relationship was not for her or that
Skywalker wasn’t for her.

with a Jedi in chronic pain, already in Skywalker’s life, someone
he cared about enough to learn a new and exhausting technique…

slow smirk, baring all of Sidious teeth was reflected in the window
as new plans were being made as the man sat down.

he could use this information quite happily.


his hand carefully to Obi-Wan’s side, Anakin frowned slightly as he
shuffled closer on his knees while Obi-Wan continued breathing slowly
and steadily.

his hand a bit so the palm was curled over the stomach and the
fingers out over the side, Anakin bit his bottom lip as he felt heat
emanating out from under the thin cloth of the others tank top.

got your hand in the right position padawan Skywalker.” Master
Unduli murmured softly, her blue eyes focused on both of them and
Anakin could feel several curious gazes directed at them from the
others in the salle.

ignored that though and the noises of dueling around them.

was sitting beside Obi-Wan, watching Anakin quietly with a small
smile on his weathered face, encouragement plain while Obi-Wan
remained in his meditation to aid Anakin’s understanding of anatomy
the knight was remaining calm and steady with his systems.

feels hot…” Anakin stated quietly with some worry though he knew that Obi-Wan’s scar was usually hot to touch.

Master Unduli leaned forward a bit to
be more in Anakin’s line of vision.
“His old scar is hurting because it
is contracting, the scar tissue pulling on the skin and causing the
chronic pain. There is also the internal scar tissue which is causing
what remains of his organs to pull together. What you need to do is
cool it down a bit and slowly leach away the pain as we taught you
but first…” She trailed off, raising her brow.

need to numb the area, both internal and external.” Anakin finished,
nodding with understanding as he focused and brought the Force to
bear, a frown on his face and his brows furrowing while leaning in

listened to Obi-Wan’s breath to see if his condition changed and
therefor missed Qui-Gon’s proud expression as the man observed
former and current padawan.

also missed Obi-Wan’s left eye flickering open for a moment to look
down at him and then firmly close again with a small smile curling
his lips.