Hey moddy thanks for opening the anon, yeah i am a little shy, so lets go to the busines can you continue shut me down, maybe what is planing Palpatine to do now that Dooku is in the temple, is he going to try someting more against them now that Ani and Obi are firends

the boy was friends with Kenobi.

out his window, drumming his nails on the armlean of his chair,
Sidious narrowed his eyes in thought as he observed the glowing
lights of the Jedi tower.

had been enraged initially when Dooku had escaped to the Jedi temple,
Sifo-Dyas has gotten quite the trashing before Sidious had let the
man run off but now Sidious was wondering if it wasn’t for the

broken once Jedi was friends with his apprentice to come.

no longer a Jedi, someone who could be formed attachment to and could
form an attachment in return. Originally he had intended to get young
Amidala in with Skywalker, to cultivate a relationship between the
two since young Skywalker already had an attraction to the young


might be the better pick.

already broken up young former Jedi, who apparently had PTSD and

underdeveloped and easy to kill retard that needs others to protect
and guide him, so easy to get rid of and so easy to make young
Skywalker angry at the Jedi for loosing.’ Sidious smirked at his
window reflection.

his chin on his hands, Sidious chuckled quietly, eyes gleaming with
plots for the future.


at Obi-Wan’s hands and then looking up, Anakin blinked heavily. “So
you just work with your hands on clay instead of using the Force?”
He wiggled curious.

faintly, Obi-Wan nodded. “It’s… a physically nice sensation,
grounding to me. So I enjoy working with my hands with the clay to
shape things. Force sculptures are nice of course but they’re there
to help you refine your ability to use the Force. I know how to do
that, I like creating things with my hands more than with the Force
though.” He stated quietly before pausing, looking up and smiling a
bit at Anakin’s curious expression.

was a scraping noise and Anakin jumped in surprise, letting out a low
noise when the bowl of clay slid over to him.

ahead, the entire caff table is covered up, so if you want to make
something, you can too.” Obi-Wan murmured.

Anakin pulled his sleeves up so he wouldn’t get the clay on his
hands and quickly grabbed a good two fist big sized ball of clay from
the large bowl, setting it down in front of himself on the covered up
caff table.

started working on it quickly, kneading the clay like Obi-Wan had
done when Anakin arrived earlier. “So you just work it so it’s
easier to mold right?” He
questioned, working the light brown clay with his hands.

Obi-Wan nodded. “It makes it supple so you can form it easier. Back
home, I have a pottery wheel to spin them but we don’t have them
here. Yan is trying to get me one but until then, I work with the
easier clay. You just need to work the clay and form it with water
before you bake it.” He stated quietly, content.

with a medium, with clay and water and patience had always been nice
to him.

like he liked drawing and playing his instruments.

little oasis in his own mind where he got to relax with his mind and
hands occupied.

didn’t always work of course, sometimes working with wet and slick
clay was just… too much.

other times it was just the thing to do.

having a friend working with him…

at Anakin, Obi-Wan felt a small smile cross his lips as he watched
the blond knead and work the clay as best he could, clearly
fascinated with the texture just as much as Obi-Wan had been the
first time Yan had introduced him to it.

had a friend, a friend who was just as special as him and for the
first time since this entire endeavor happened, Obi-Wan couldn’t
help but feel happy to be back in the Jedi temple, regardless of the
why and the painful memories that was in the temple.

there was also joy here.

had friend that was in the temple just as much as he was, compared to
Bant and the others, who were busy Jedi knights and having someone
beside Yan was filling a small void in Obi-Wan’s chest.

made him happy.

Does Sidious feel the difference in Ani’s crystal the next time he sees him in Kyber Tears?

bittersweet joy mixed with sorrow reaches for him the moment the Jedi
enter the Senate and Sidious is on his feet before he can even
register what he’s doing, making his way to the door before he
finally manages to moderate himself and slow down.

gather himself while mentally growling with relief that he had been
alone in his office.

anyone had seen the look on his face at that moment…

outwardly once more, Sidious gives a benign smile to his secretary
and simply states he needs to stretch his legs, the two clone trooper
guards falling into step behind him as he makes his way out.

Darth Sidious does not need them but for now they are a necessary
disguise as he makes his way out into the long halls, following that
sorrow mixed joy, knowing what he will find and yet still needing to

finally the hall opens so he can look down.

enough to make him grit his teeth.

there is the blond head of Skywalker for sure, standing with Kenobi,
both of them speaking with Senator Amidala.

the kyber crystals down below chime with bittersweet joy.

something truly happy yet so powerful it could easily overpower an
artificial crystal or a bleeding one.

close and yet so far away because Sidious couldn’t quite disguise
himself from Skywalker when it came to his own desire for the star
child he had no idea was hidden in the temple.

now that star child has gifted his padawan with a crystal that sings
of grief tinged joy, of companionship, of warmth and love.

all the things Sidious has spent so long trying to convince Skywalker
that Kenobi does not feel for him.

will make turning the former even more difficult than before and it
will make it naught impossible for him to keep Kenobi imprisoned with
the emotions in those sabers as they will reach to Skywalker.

remind him that Kenobi loves him, loves
him enough to give Skywalker a part of him, the part he has kept a
secret for many years, reminds him that he trusts Skywalker with the
part that could get him injured and mutilated because of the cruel
galaxy in search of profit or worse.

if there is one thing Skywalker would kill, die and Fall for it, it
is the love of those around him.

a foul mood, Sidious continues walking, glancing down the levels as
he continues watching the blond and red head move from Senator
Amidala finally.

has to get Kenobi out of the way.

needs to separate them or else Skywalker will never fall.

to get this star child on his knees at Sidious feet.


his freckles self consciously, Obi-Wan slid a bit closer to his
former padawan. “Are they really that noticeable?”
He murmured quietly as
the two stepped into the elevator that would bring them back down to
the skycar parking.

the moment they had stepped foot into the Rotunda, he had felt like
eyes had been on him, observing him, judging him and Padme had
mentioned it had to do with the freckles that glowed since Obi-Wan
was no longer hiding them.

out a small hum while leaning forward to push the hanger button,
Anakin shrugged and glanced at his old master. “To be fair, they’re
new. I think that’s what’s going on more than anything. That
they’re new, you’re new in a roundabout way, so now everyone
wants to see and gossip.” He settled, the elevator shaking a bit as
it started downwards.

a bit, Obi-Wan finally snorted then smiled. “That sounds like a
convoluted explanation of what I gave you as a teen when people kept
staring at you.” He teased lightly, his heart warming when Anakin
laughed, the crystal in Anakin’s saber chiming with it’s new
owner’s joy.

Anakin reached out and playfully ruffled Obi-Wan’s hair, sniggering
when the older Jedi master let out a noise of offense and tried to
escape the hand. “Well, where do you think I learned it, oh great
master of the chosen one, Sith slayer?” He teased, his Force being
glowing with light and warmth.

huffing in offense, Obi-Wan straightened his hair back even as his
eyes twinkled with his delight. “Oh, please don’t drag out those
old titles. I thought you were as tired of hearing that as I was.”
He pretend shuddered.

two stared at each other before letting out equally amused, delighted
laughs, both equally relieved that they could.

were in the middle of a war but they still had each other and
regardless what went wrong anywhere else in the galaxy, whatever
anyone plotted against not only the Republic and the Jedi order but
the Skywalker and Kenobi duo in person… they would always have each
other, guarding each others back.

Cody and the others are still waiting in the hanger for us?” Anakin
murmured, settling his flesh hand on Obi-Wan’s shoulder as he
watched Obi-Wan wipe the mirth from his eyes.

faintly still, Obi-Wan just nodded before shrugging. “What can I
say, we have each others back, but the 212th
and the 501st
have everything else covered,” Obi-Wan grinned wryly, the glow of
his freckles and eyes brightening for just a second in tune with his
emotions. Then
they dimmed, his smile fading a bit. “Is… everything alright with
Senator Amidala and you?”

paused for a moment before shrugging, his hand tightening on
Obi-Wan’s shoulder. “She just felt that I should have spoken to
her about… you. Seeing as we have such a close… friendship.”
Anakin hummed before jumping a bit when Obi-Wan covered his hand with
one of his.

older man gave him a long, saddened look. “…I’m sorry Anakin,
for bringing discord into your relationship.” He whispered.

clogging a bit, Anakin wondered if there was more to those words
the lines than they implied,
if Obi-Wan knew.
But he dismissed that and instead smiled at Obi-Wan, squeezing his
shoulder a bit. “If she can’t handle that I kept a secret for
safety sake, then that’s her problem.” He stated firmly, pulling
the other into a one armed hug.

was nothing Anakin wouldn’t have done to kept Obi-Wan’s secret
before this.

there was nothing Anakin wouldn’t do to keep him safe now.

Theheelytrick Ha! More? Does he go to the senate? Does Padme go out of her way to see it after Anakin grumped about it to her? I would presume that no one has the guts to say anything as R2-D2 is the first person I would see speaking up and he would just be all «Finally a human that travels correctly» and Ahsoka would be the next person but I can see her thinking she isn’t supposed to say anything as no one else said anything after Yoda’s comment.

is many things that Sheev Palpatine is and is not.

is a good actor but he’s not a good man.

is good at pretending to be benign and hides his desire for violence
and power beneath a grandfatherly exterior
he has long cultivated and made people trust.

also a conniving, power hungry but patient man with
a hunger for knowledge.

is also sure that he has the scope of Kenobi and Skywalker’s
ability and knows exactly how to twist both around.

the latter comes gliding
into the Senate halls at Skywalker’s side, the blond looking
perturbed and obviously either does not know
what Kenobi is doing.

the man is gliding.

gliding past senator’s and aid’s with the ease of someone sure of
themselves, his hair waving lightly at the air passing around him as
he smiles humbly.

is gliding
and Sheev can’t hear the whirl of mechanics at use, the man is
wearing his normal boots if more neatly polished and there is not a
sign of the Force at use either.

Sidious thought he had the full scope of Obi-Wan Kenobi’s ability
but he has to rethink things, the spider crawling back into his net
as he watches Kenobi pause to speak with Senator Organa, the
alderaani prince
glancing down at Kenobi’s shoes often and looking equally
gobsmacked as everyone else.

Kenobi can do this with nary even a tickle of the Force… what else
can he do?

has Sidious missed with his focus on Skywalker and his ideas for the
galaxy to come under his own thumb?

has he missed with Kenobi, where is the line for his powers if he can
do this.

is nothing if not patient.

will figure out this threat and until then… he can wait and he can


her hand to her mouth, Padme watched Obi-Wan karking glide
through the hall at Bail’s side, the two speaking about some kind
of adventure they had together.

could faintly catch the words Zigoola and shoulder carrying as the
two continued further down the hall before she turned to look at
Anakin with wide eyes, the Jedi knight staring just as much back at
her as they remained hidden behind the pillars.

several seconds neither said anything until Padme weakly gestured
with her free hand the way Obi-Wan had gone, several aid’s and
senator’s still staring that way.

just shrugged weakly, opened his mouth only to shut up when R2D2
bleeped in binary, the others face turning a bit sour. “Oh shut up
R2, that wasn’t funny. My master isn’t half machine.” He huffed
then shuddered a bit.

got why.

other was thinking about Grievous and all the encounters Jedi had
with him. Of course it would get to him a bit to imagine his very
beloved master as a half mechanic thing.

still don’t understand what’s going on.” She mumbled, letting
her hand drop from her mouth.

weakly, Anakin rubbed the back of his neck. “Honestly? No one
does. The council all looked like gaping fish when he slid to his
chair and I don’t know how to ask him what the hell he’s doing.
There isn’t even a whisper of the Force as he moves about so I
don’t think it’s that?”
Anakin face was confused, maybe a bit outraged.

mostly just confused as the two turned to look the way Obi-Wan had
gone once more.

the hell was the Jedi doing that!?

what did it mean for everyone else if not even the Jedi council could
tell what Obi-Wan was doing.

one of those things that no one can’t seem to remember differently
of now, so many years later.

Windu has always been bald.

has always been old.

robes has always been golden with her sternness being a part of the

Qui-Gon Jinn has always been white haired with black tunics and

just how it’s always been.

for those who remember, there was a time when Qui-Gon Jinn’s robes
were beige and his hair was the mix of chestnut and silver and
his face was less lined with the wrinkles of age compared to smiling

has come early for Qui-Gon particular
kind of subhuman species.

beyond that, there was a time when Qui-Gon Jinn laughed easily.

he only laughs far and few in between and only smiles faux that he
passes off as genuine to those is on mission for or
the genuine ones
for his padawan.

he’s smiling now, however faintly, as he watches his young padawan
duel a Maul holo program from the same fight that he had against the
creature. Oh Qui-Gon knows, it’s moves that Anakin can study but
you learn from that, you learn and many has gathered to watch as it’s
not often the Sith recording gets brought out.

not while the Jedi in question who conquered the Sith
there to watch.

can’t tell if it’s respect or a mix of worry that makes people
avoid the Maul records pulled from Naboo and the melting factory and
he’s not oblivious to the nervous looks sent his way not only from
padawans but also master’s as Anakin continues battling.

only stiffens when he takes note of the Chancellor in the crowd,
speaking with Mace while also watching Anakin.

man has an unhealthy interest in his padawan and
Qui-Gon did not like and would not accept him interfering with
Anakin’s training.

shifting from the rails, Qui-Gon made his way towards the Chancellor
and Mace, the crowd parting for him like the waves of an ocean.

had to admit, outside of Anakin, he had become brusque with people,
so this action was wise on their part.

when he got close enough to hear, he felt his blood boil. “I
believe,” He murmured loud enough for both Chancellor and Mace to
jump in surprise, both absorbed in their conversation and not paying
attention to the environment. Foolish, that’s how you died, that’s
how you lost someone. “That in the end, I
am Anakin’s master and guardian and I
do not see why I should leave my underage padawan alone with an
older man that neither of us are overly familiar with, regardless of
his position of power. Indeed I question the wisdom
of someone using said power seat to indeed ensure such a meeting.”
He stated, his voice low and snappish.

full of insinuations.

blue and silvery eyes clashed, a second of anger in those silver eyes
that had Qui-Gon pulling up in defense.

Qui-Gon was quite aware that he was still an intimidating figure,
towering over many people, silver hair pulled back in a braid Anakin
had insisted on creating earlier and all decked out in black just
like his own former master.

front of him, many people become small and that included the

was simply offering my guidance to young Anakin, I’m sure you
understand Master Jinn.” The swarmy snake offered, a ‘benign’
smile on his lips.

his eyes in disgust, Qui-Gon drew his lips in a humorless smile.
“Then you find my guidance unsatisfactory? I can easily guide you
to the JYP office?” Qui-Gon raised his brow.

the Chancellor, Qui-Gon could barely see Mace dropping his face in
his hands.

strained smile appeared on the Chancellor’s face. “That will be…
unnecessary, I do not believe we will have to involve the Jedi
Youngling protection service… I apologize if I’ve overstepped my
bounds Master Jinn.”  He inclined his head ever so slightly.

stared at the man mutely for a moment before turning his back on him,
feeling the flash of rage in the Force and inwardly smiling to
himself at the lack of decorum the Chancellor just showed to every
gathered Jedi. Quite a few stepped away as they before had leaned in
to listen but Qui-Gon just settled a hand on the rail again and
peered over, smiling faintly once more as he watched Anakin go for
the kill.

right. In a battle against the Sith, don’t hesitate Anakin. Kill
the fear, kill the hesitation and survive, come back to me. A
plan never survives first contact with the enemy and therefore you
have to kill the fear in your heart of the enemy and the response to
your tactics.’
Qui-Gon sent his affection along their bond, quiet and calm so not to
disturb the teen.

didn’t pause, finished the mou
kei despite what anyone thought about it.

that was what Qui-Gon had taught him, to not hesitate when the Sith
were involved. Because Qui-Gon did not believe it was over.

was not over, there
are still Sith out there, only the apprentice died.

boy paused, panting, watching as Maul fell before turning excitedly
and looked up at Qui-Gon, blue eyes wide, hopeful only to for his
face to transform into a wide smile when Qui-Gon smiled softly down
at him in turn, pride
affection sent to his equally dark clothed padawan, though that is
more out of convince for the oil stains and fluids from working on

should have ended there, the

didn’t, someone
had calibrated it wrongly and he knew that wasn’t Anakin.

entire body froze when suddenly a much younger him ran past Anakin,
startling the blond.
“Obi-Wan!” The shout reverberated even up to the balcony as
Qui-Gon hand tightened on the rail with
his other finding a longer
than it should be length of braided and decorated hair curled around
his belt loop and
he could see Anakin freeze just as much as

had been the first to find the two Jedi so many years ago…

could feel others suddenly hold their breath as they realized too
what this was as Qui-Gon in holo form dropped to his knees and lifted
another person into view, Obi-Wan groaning in pain and flopping
powerlessly against Qui-Gon’s chest, the younger master staring
down in horror. “Force.” Qui-Gon of the past hissed, staring down
at where Obi-Wan was barely being kept together.

phantom smell of charred flesh rose in Qui-Gon’s nose, nausea as he
watched himself whisper reassurances and desperately tried to do
anything for his padawan, looking for help only to settle back when
he knew nothing would come, still trying to reassure Obi-Wan.

is nothing to be done, no one to save Obi-Wan and just a last request
of a song from a dying man as he weakly grasps Qui-Gon’s forearm
with a knowing smile on what was pale lips.

the quiet song of an already grieving man until Obi-Wan’s hand
falters and Qui-Gon is alone.

a moment, quiet and full as the man in the holo tightens his grip on
what is obviously now a dead body.

then he screams.

all these years after in a holo image, there is power in that scream
and Qui-Gon only watches with faint detachment as the holo distorts,
as his muted scream from the sound speakers echos into the temple for
the first time in years.

absently notes that Anakin has frozen at the control now,
having tried to shut the supposed training holo down but
take his eyes fully
the holo even as a light above them sparks and breaks with the power
of what should be a long forgotten scream, never played in the temple
as out of respect, the council had let Qui-Gon’s grief be his own.

then the holo collects itself as the quiet sounds of grief echos
instead, Qui-Gon pulling Obi-Wan’s body to him even tighter with
his face buried in blue hair that Qui-Gon still remembers the shade
of red on.

remembers the copper shade mixed with blond from missions on sunny
planets, his sunshine.

sunshine, with a cocky, impish smile and a clever remark from one who
pretends to be so austere to everyone else, pretends tranquility.

hand finds his on the belt and Qui-Gon breaks from the sounds of his
own grief and his own memories to look down, finding Anakin staring
up at him with worry on his face, his small hand tight on Qui-Gon’s
before the boy shifts in front of him and reaches up, carefully
drying his own master’s tears.

rusty chuckle escaped Qui-Gon at that. “Thank you padawan, I
believe we have meditations now,” He murmured, smiling before
lifting his eyes on the Chancellor, finding Mace looking away. One of
many Jedi looking away from an old man’s grief in respect. Not the
Chancellor though. “If you still have concerns about my teachings
of Anakin, once more, you can go to the JYP as I stated.” Qui-Gon
stated as calmly as possible.

could see Anakin bristle a bit, felt his smaller hand tighten on
Qui-Gon’s as he turned to the Chancellor in outrage.

whatever words Anakin had for the Chancellor, he bit them in much to
Qui-Gon’s pride and instead leads his old master around the
Chancellor, his face the picture of outrage still as he does.

shifts his hand a bit, away from the braid and instead to wrap around
Anakin’s, letting the boy lead him away to their own quarters.

So Immortalplans, does Maul catch Obi? Are they a similar age? Or is he more Ani’s age?

that’s the potentially immortal brat. How pathetic.’

thought slips through the haze of everyone else around the feast,
clearly unintentional and Anakin feels his spine go ramrod stiff as
he catches the thought. If he hadn’t been monitoring on purpose, he
might not have caught it at all.

his hand on Obi-Wan’s head as the boy still chats happily with his
mon calamari friend as she’s winning the tossing game, Anakin
starts slowly surveying the crowd around, tries to catch sight of who
is watching Obi-Wan.

can’t though.

festival of the Silvering Moon is just too big, the area they picked
has so many people despite it being one of the ‘less’ populated
sections of the festival.

Senatorial district is crazy compared to this section.

the kids liked it and Anakin understood socializing and showing off
the young ones to the public.

them used to Jedi among them, even the young ones.

show the temples vulnerable and softer underbelly.

however, Anakin wanted to lift Obi-Wan up into his arms and run away
with him. The Force faction that wanted Obi-Wan was here or someone
working for them was here. ‘And considering they know exactly what
Obi-Wan might potentially become, I’m betting it’s the latter as
the contract on Obi-Wan doesn’t specify why,
only where he is and who he is.’

regardless how long Anakin looked around, he couldn’t find the
person who had thought that damn thought.

to prevent himself for sneering a bit, Anakin cursed Coruscant and
it’s foggy Force for the first time ever. It had been clouded for
as long as he had been on the planet, the entire planet being more
metal and artificial buildings than organic and that had never before
bothered Anakin as there were still worlds he could visit where there
was so much green and blue.

Anakin liked

due to that, the Force that rose from Coruscant was made by the
beings that lived on it.

the unfortunate truth about sentient beings were that they could be
wholly selfish, greedy and dark.

made the Force difficult to use sometimes outside of the temple on
Coruscant when it was being so foggy.

had once told him that when he had been young, the Force had been
clearer and maybe that had to do with the influx of who lived there
but Anakin was starting to wonder…

his head, he instead meet Qui-Gon’s eyes, giving him a warning
through their bond that caused his old master to be more on guard as
the man let a small nod escape him before he let his eyes drop to
Obi-Wan, a soft, fond smile crossing the man’s face.

down, Anakin smiled too, watching Obi-Wan coo and praise Bant for
winning the soft fish plush she wanted.

just too adorable.” He chuckled at them before lifting both kids
up, settling one each on his hip and heading over to the majority of
the creche class, giving Xanatos a nod as the raven tried to
integrate himself to the kids.

I’m the favorite still~.’ Anakin thought playfully at his lineage
brother as all the kids turned their attention on Anakin the moment
he came close, hopeful faces looking at him for treats.

setting down Bant and Obi-Wan, Anakin reached into his belt for the
bag of sweetened sugar plums, much to the entire creche class
delight, leaving the now forgotten Xanatos to pout.


had been too close!

around the stall corner, Sheev sneered at the blond knight.

knight had suddenly tensed and then started looking around
‘discreetly’, sensing a threat most likely to his little ward.
This would have been perfect, blending into the crowd, get close to
the little brat and make him pass out but no,
the karking knight had been on guard and now Sheev needed to return
to his master with his failure.


hated the punishment that would follow for failing.

I get my hands on that little twerp, I’ll make him pay for all the
pain I have to go through because of him.’ Sheev seethed, lowering
his eyes to the copper red head as Kenobi laughed and excitedly
clapped his hands as he got his sweets.

Kyber crystals – so does Sidious have a plan to try to capture Obi-Wan?

the desire to laugh like a maniac is rather hard when one is as
gleeful as Darth Sidious is at this moment, but he manages somehow,
to hide his desire to laugh behind a genial smile as he steepled his
hands together in a triangle and gives Skywalker a parting word as
the boy makes his way out.

still the Sith has to count to five before he drops back in his chair
and chuckles lowly under his breath, still leery should his secretary
hear him or if the dimwitted girl has allowed anyone too close to the
office door without informing Sidious.

Star child.’ The Sith can’t help but marvel, rubbing his hands
together as he his lips lift in a smile that has too many teeth to be

intended apprentice, the chosen one himself and his former Jedi
master is a Star
A creation made by the very stars themselves and given a flesh and
bone shape that cried power!

it’s almost too good to be true, Sidious wants to laugh even more
because his victory will be all the more sweeter once operation
Knight Fall arrives.

only leaves him with a few questions.

grab the man now, or to wait.

his chin, Sidious turned his chair to peer out the large window
behind his desk, staring at the Jedi temple lit up in a halo of a
blood red setting sun before he starts smirking and inclining his
head ever so slightly. “For now you’re safe… enjoy your days in
the sun for as long as they last, for once you are mine…” Sidious
eyes sparked yellow in his reflection, his grin predatory on his old
face. “You will cry yourself empty
of kyber until you break and are mine.”
He chuckled

even better, once Kenobi was his, he could be used to ensure
Skywalker’s obidence, ensure his place at Sidious side.

he wasn’t stupid after all, Skywalker loved Kenobi with all his

in a romantic way, oh no it was purely platonic that was clear with
Skywalker being a clingy little cuddler, something that would have to
be trained out of him of course. But he still adored the other man
with all his heart, would guard and protect him with everything he
had and if Sidious got his hands on him…

Skywalker would do anything to help him and yet as powerful as he
was, he would be helpless to help Kenobi.

delicious anger that would provoke, the spite and rage…

Sidious could already taste it on the tip of his tongue, the rage,
the despair and the pain.

as he stared at the temple as dusk finally started to appear at the
edge of the horizon, Sidious licked his lips with hunger.

couldn’t wait until Kenobi was firmly caught in his web, helpless,
friendless and tortured, only tears and darkness for him to give
Sidious what he desired.

well as long as you can Kenobi, your safety will be spoiled before
you know it.’ He sneered silently.


eyes snapped open and Obi-Wan let out a slightly confused noise, half
sitting up on the couch to look around the quarters.

quick glance confirmed to him that both Ahsoka and Anakin were still
out, their boots not by the door mats just yet and Anakin’s
slippers were still by the door.

what had woken Obi-Wan?

his lips a bit, Obi-Wan glanced tiredly about the quarters and then
slowly laid back down, tugging the star pattered blanket around
himself again as he settled down to continue his nap as the healers
had recommended for him. And yet, even as proper darkness fell and
Obi-Wan should have an even easier time taking his nap, especially
with the sleeping aids the healers had given him, Obi-Wan found
himself unable.

eyelids were heavy and yet his mind seemed to scream at him that
something was wrong.

dangerous was afoot.


Obi-Wan shivered and tucked his hand around the little
bag tied to his belt where the
two pink kyber crystals he had cried during the council meeting were
seeking warmth and comfort they
emitted to those in contact or using them.

yet he still could not find the rest or the comfort from before,
something cold settling in his bones.

the end, it was the drugs the healers had given him only hours
before, that finally dragged him back into an uneasy sleep as he
shifted fitfully around, the flashes of yellow eyes and lightning
appearing in his dreams that he wouldn’t remember when he woke up
to Anakin entering the quarters hours later, a tired and haggered
look on the blonds face that rapidly made Obi-Wan forget about his
own unease.

the end, Obi-Wan Kenobi’s number one priority would always be
Anakin Skywalker.

so the uneasy sleep was forgotten in favor of comforting a friend.

Unsafe Galaxy is back!!! Are Obi and Cody forthcoming about their relationship, or do they keep it private/secret? After all, everyone around Obi is so protective at this point that I think even the clones and Anakin would be wary of their interactions. After all, they wouldn’t want their Commander making their General uncomfortable.

slowly and steadily, Anakin absently let his mind wander back as he
let his hands work on automatic, an engine so familiar he could do it
blind at this point, or so he felt at least.

some reason his mind flickered back to his conversation with Ahsoka.


had that conversation with him too, it was one of the reasons he
always had someone accompanying him when he was to meet with
Chancellor Palpatine when he was young, usually one of Obi-Wan’s
friends if Obi-Wan was sent out on a mission and couldn’t accompany

it was Bant, but it could also be Garen or Reeft and one memorable
time, it was Vos, the great buffoon, who kept flirting with the
Chancellor rather obnoxiously despite the older man’s eye twitching
and the horrified Anakin sitting entranced with his juice.

what he knew now, he knew why Obi-Wan had been so wary and worried,
he after all had been taken advantage of by someone in position of

male to be precise, someone he thought he could trust, in a
vulnerable position while being trapped and convinced that he’d
face consequences for telling anyone about what had happened.

male in a position of power…

the Chancellor had been and had used his own position to ensure
Anakin would come to his office.

his actions, his hands clenching on his multitool, Anakin stared
sightlessly at the machine in faint horror.

that what Obi-Wan had worried about when he was young, when they
were both young and fresh and uprooted?

from being on a new planet and becoming a Jedi and Obi-Wan reeling
from becoming a Knight and losing a master only to become one in the
same fateful, unremitting horrific slash of destiny.

the young master but also a fresh knight in need of going on missions
and yet teach Anakin as he suspected the Chancellor of wrongs?

the Chancellor would somehow groom Anakin into…

let a shuddering wreck his frame and shook of the concerning looks
sent to him from Echo and Fives, the two having been working on the
speeders with him.

was still consumed in her own thoughts, occasionally glancing at

however was caught in his own train of thoughts, desperately
straining his mind back to all those meetings with the Chancellor as
a horrifying realization hit him.

man had tried.

could remember the words if he thought hard enough, thinking about
them now with an adult mind.

Obi-Wan and the rest of the Jedi couldn’t possibly understand
Anakin, how his mother must miss Anakin, how Anakin was more than
welcome to see the Chancellor any day he wanted…only the ones accompanying him contradicted that statement by simply being there and afterward speaking with Anakin, Obi-Wan especially.

was trying to isolate
me… and it might have worked if I came alone, if Obi-Wan and his
friends hadn’t always accompanied me… even when I was upset at
being treated like a ‘child’, Obi-Wan kept escorting me…’
Anakin bit his lower lip hard, tasting blood.

Chancellor had tried to groom him for something and Anakin could
almost guess what.

all, there were a lot of ‘accidental’ meetings with Senators
coming to the Chancellor and Anakin standing at the desk.

a leashed dog, showing of he has Jedi support… he used me like a
karking leashed guard dog, to leverage me against them.’ He could
feel his mech hand bending the multitool as his raw rage rose.

also helplessness, hopeless, defeated helplessness and an urge of
shame at being so stupid as to not recognize it all before.

Obi-Wan had gone out of his way to teach
Anakin about gas lighting and grooming behaviors and to be ca-

The smooth, Coruscantian voice cut through the Tatooine native’s
thoughts and he looked up from the speeder to stare at Obi-Wan with
wide eyes, feeling himself tremble as he meet the others concerned
green eyes. “Dear one, what is wrong?” Obi-Wan whispered and let
out a low noise when Anakin hiccuped and buried his face in Obi-Wan’s

his relief, Obi-Wan wrapped his arms quietly around his former
padawan’s head and petted at his curls, letting out quiet soothing
noises as he let the other draw comfort from the folds of Obi-Wan’s
tunic, the smell of tea and Obi-Wan’s preferred soap.

smells that had followed him from the moment he entered the Jedi
temple and became a true padawan as Obi-Wan tried to keep him safe.

dear one… it’s alright, I’m here Anakin.” Obi-Wan whispered

you are. You’re here, and I’m so grateful you’re still here.’
Anakin shuddered and wrapped his arms around his brothers waist,
holding onto the man as if he was his only lifeline in a maelstrom
made of Anakin’s own thoughts and memories.

So in Shut Me Down, does Palpatine try to use Ani to get at Obi or has Plo blocked that route?

his head, his hand on his padawan’s shoulder, Plo muttered quietly
in low tone to his padawan as
they made their way through the Rotunda hall.
“It makes me uneasy how fascinated and interested he seems to be
with you Anakin, be wary about him hmm?” The kel dor squeezed the
human’s shoulder fondly.

faintly, Anakin nodded. “Yeah, you know I wouldn’t have thought
about it if you hadn’t said it but I guess it’s kinda weird how
he keeps wanting to speak with me.” Anakin tucked his thumbs into
his belt, glancing up at his master.

this is why I did not allow unsupervised visits or meetings,” Plo
chuckled quietly. “You are my padawan and under my guardianship,
allowing you to meet alone with a stranger in their office would be a
fallacy in my care of you when I am not comfortable with the idea.”
The man said quietly, passing by a few senators.

the Chancellor had requested a young, very young Anakin Skywalker,
Plo had been beyond alarmed as Mace presented the Chancellor’s
request with the deepest of reluctance on his face. And as servants
of the Republic, they had to bow for the request from the highest
power of the Republic.

that didn’t mean Plo had to let them meet alone, Plo had the time
and the authority to clear his schedule ahead of time to insure that
he would be able to go with Anakin every time and he shuddered to
think what a mission active Jedi would have been able to do in such a

Plo did not like to think about how a mission active knight would
have fared with a young padawan who was under request from the

ignored the fact that people were listening to their conversation as
the two Jedi made their way to the exit,
having more people aware of it was only a benefit considering what
Palpatine was up to and now more than ever he was sure that the man
was crooked since
Count Dooku had arrived with the grainy recording of the Chancellor.

was rather alarming to know that generally, most would have allowed
Anakin to meet with Palpatine unsupervised but Plo had always been…
protective of the young and it itched him the wrong way to allow a
powerful man to have a former slave freed in their office all alone.

didn’t want the man to fill Anakin’s head with the wrong kinds of
ideas or take advantage of him when he was a child and now…

Plo was rather certain he had taken the right choice.

knew the kind of gas lighting the man could have exposed Plo’s
padawan to without the kel dor there to counteract whatever influence
the man might have gained over Anakin.

that the Chancellor was Force sensitive and clearly also trained, so
he must feel how powerful Anakin was, even a young, untrained age.

the depressing thoughts from his head, Plo smiled at Anakin instead
as he sent the teen
pride and affection through their bond. “I
heard from Shaak that you were speaking with young Obi-Wan. Have you
been making a friend?” He questioned warmly.

faintly, Anakin smiled shyly and shrugged. “Well maybe? We’re
both none neuro typical, so we understand each other. Obi-Wan
displaces stuff all the time too just like I do.” He stated
cheerfully as they turned the corner and made their way out the doors
to find their skycar that they had parked earlier.

out an understanding rumble, Plo nodded. “I see young one, yes
finding common ground is important and you do need more friends
Anakin.” Plo chided gently in amusement.

Anakin tugged his master towards their skycar. “I can’t help it
that I’m always on the move!” He spluttered out, laughing as he
jumped into their car, dislodging Plo’s hand from his shoulder.

out a deep, rumbling laugh, the palates in his mouth shifting a bit,
Plo slid into the passenger side. “If I didn’t know how energy
you were, I’d try to put you in the meditation corner.” He teased
as he buckled in, letting Anakin drive.

you wouldn’t,” The padawan shot back with an answering laugh. “We both
know moving meditation works best for me.” Anakin responded
teasingly before starting up the skycar with a happy hum.

out, ruffling the short spikes, Plo relaxed into his seat as Anakin
took them out into the traffic. “Indeed young one, indeed. Let’s
get home now, maybe we can invite Count Dooku and young Obi-Wan for
dinner.” He hummed contemplatively while Anakin let out a happy
cheer under his breath.

and rather content to be going home, both were unaware of the
glowering presence watching them from the height of the Rotunda, the
darkness wondering how people kept interfering with his plans when he
was so close to succeeding
in the intermediate section of his plot.

close to initiating the next phase.

flickering between yellow and pale gray focused on the temple of the
Jedi and the targets living inside it, a sneer gracing the face of
the hidden Sith.


would still get what he wanted even if that damn alien was in the way
of him getting to the most powerful Force user yet to be born in the

#Guild of Exile Will Anakin and Padme get a divorce or will it be obianidala? (I kinda hope it is the second)

hadn’t cried.

that was the worst of it for Anakin as he haltingly and awkwardly
explained to Padme the situation.

had looked sad but also resigned and when done her shoulders had
slumped and she had nodded even as she held her chin high, still the
proud once Queen that
Anakin couldn’t help but crush on the moment he had seen her, still
that kind person that made him fall in love.

sorry.” Anakin whispered pitifully,
feeling like the biggest jerk in all of galactic history,
his hands twisted in his leggings.

shook her head, looking beautiful with her hair falling around her
face and back like a wave from the ocean, the sun from Coruscant
skyline filling the living room as they sat on each their couch and
catching the gems of her sky blue halter dress with flowing sleeves.
“No, no I knew… I knew I wouldn’t be able to keep you. No
matter how much you wanted to stay and I wanted to keep you, I knew
you weren’t going to remain.”
She whispered, rubbing at her face before sighing deeply
and painfully.

the inside of his cheek, Anakin wanted to get up and hug her, to kiss
her and chase her fears and
away but he couldn’t.

anymore. It
wasn’t his place anymore with what he had admitted and the divorce
they would now have.

instead he awkwardly sat on the amber colored couch while twisting
his hands, almost ripping the cloth on the mech side.

let out a huffing laugh. “You know, the day I married you, I knew,
I could feel it that you’d leave me some day, though
I have to admit that I didn’t think like this.
Maybe it was the Force but I figured… at least a few years of
happiness with you would be worth it… and it was Anakin.” Padme
stated softly, smiling tiredly at him, that mournful tilt to her

Anakin nodded before slowly standing. “I’ll… I’ll go pack up
some of my things. Get ready to…” He breathed out heavily.

more her kindness humbled him as she shook her head. “Anakin, you
don’t have to rush. Please, I know that… let us be friends at
least.” The Nabooan tilted her head then stood and reached out over
the caff table, taking Anakin’s shaking hands to squeeze them.

caution to the wind, Anakin moved around the glass table, pulling her
into a tight hug while bawling into her hair. “I didn’t mean to
hurt you, I never meant to hurt you!!” He cried, his knees feeling
like they would buckle at any moment.

a bit, Padme reached up and ran her hand through Anakin’s curls.
“Shh, it’s okay. Anakin it’s okay. I know.” She
whispered but never cried, still that proud Queen and Senator that
fought for the Republic and her people, for justice and peace.

two whispered and comforted
together, both wondering what would come now even as they both knew
that what Anakin had discovered in Obi-Wan would make it impossible
for them.

it didn’t mean it hurt any less and desperately they clung to each


in his work, Palpatine narrowed his eyes as the Force shifted around
him, a change in the wind that the others didn’t notice even as he
discreetly glanced towards the Jedi temple.

not there.

Force wasn’t shifting there.

was more general, a fundamental shift that Palpatine wasn’t sure of
but felt was galaxy wide and he wasn’t sure if the change was
beneficial to him or not, not yet.

have to put out my agents to figure out what has happened. Start with
the Jedi temple and Skywalker.’ He thought with narrowed eyes
before focusing back on the Senator’s when Mothma cleared her
throat, brows raised expectantly.

on his grandfatherly smile, Palpatine begged the excuse of age with
an inward sneer as he asked her to repeat herself.

couldn’t wait to put them all under his thumb.

#snowwhitepurity- Does Palpatine try to use Ani’s kink against him?

my boy! Please, do come in, come in.” The man greeted jovially, the
dark red and gray office sporting the aroma of something spicy or so
Anakin would term it at least as he made his way to the Chancellor’s

took a seat when the man eagerly gestured for him to do so, smiling at
his old friend and confidant. “It’s good to see you again
Chancellor though I was wondering if you weren’t going to be a bit
busy for me right now, it’s re-election soon after all.” He
stated in a cheerful tone.

Anakin didn’t have a head for politics and generally left that to
his lovely master, he did keep an eye on the Chancellor election,
simply because Palpatine was his friend but also because if a new
chancellor was elected, having one that was friendly to the Jedi was…
well important.

had made him aware of that, awkwardly explaining some of the policies
that Valeroum had removed that were… well very limiting on the

after everything Anakin had learned, he had wondered how a few of
them were even legal, like established owners being able to ban Jedi
from entering their shops or businesses.

had just grimaced and then rubbed an old scar on his upper shoulder
Anakin had seen often enough to know the shape of,
pale white slash
but awfully bunched up which implied a rather large wound that needed
sewing Anakin knew, before he had shaken his head and smiled at him,
telling him that it was in the past.

yes, very important to keep an eye on the person holding this
particular office because Anakin could guess how padawan Obi-Wan got
his scar with those telltale reactions.

I always make time for my friends my young friend, how goes life with
that master of yours?” Palpatine smiled at him, an abandoned cup of
something beside him.

into a retelling of their last mission, Anakin failed to see the
knowing spark lighting up in pale eyes before the jovial and almost
grandfatherly man was back, nodding in understanding and making
noises now and then.

me my boy,” He finally stated when Anakin paused. “But if you’ll
permit an old man… it almost sounds as if you’re quite… fond of
your master Obi-Wan.” Palpatine drawled before smiling kindly when
Anakin flushed.

at his neck awkwardly while avoiding the man’s gaze, Anakin
shrugged. “I mean, I guess. He’s my master after all, he’s
always there looking out for me and he’s taught me so much…” He
trailed off, coloring even more sharply as he realized he was

softly, Palpatine held up his hands. “Peace my friend, I meant
nothing by it. I
was just under the assumption that Jedi are not to… engage in such
relationships?” He raised his brows.

a bit, Anakin bit his lower lip, uncertain what to say.

is a shame I’d have to say,” Palpatine leaned back in his chair.
“Love shared between two can be a wonderful thing, to belong to one
another in a wholly beautiful manner, depend on one another…”

Anakin had been more experienced or older he may had recognized the
faint undercurrent of distaste and disgust in the man but as it was
he only excitedly sat up and nodded eagerly. “Yes! Yes that’s
what I want, what I just… I mean…” He swallowed.

Palpatine stapled his fingers together, resting his elbows on the
desk. “I’d say it would be a damn shame to lose such an
opportunity… and well, if Kenobi failed the test, maybe he just
doesn’t know what he’s missing out on, having never experienced a
proper relationship before…” He hummed a bit.

slightly, eyes dropping to his knees.

Obi-Wan has no idea what he’s missing out on, maybe… once I’m a
knight…’ He bit his lower lip, trying to contain both imagination
and hope even as Palpatine’s eyes flashed triumphantly.

knew he would have to wait, Obi-Wan would never date him right now,
he’d consider it a breech of decency, that he was taking advantage
of Anakin in some absurd manner when the blond wanted him.

yes, he would have to wait, he could wait on this and be patient…
wait to have Obi-Wan for himself.

at his own knees, Anakin decided it was time to make some plans for
the future and start right now operation ‘woo Obi-Wan.’

deserved to be courted and Anakin would be the one to do it.