how is palps dealing with all the love being directed towards the gar and jedi in jedi are cats???

Owlishly blinking at the green thing on the ground as the troopers remained in a startled circle where Obi-Wan had been moments before, Obi-Wan shifted slowly before looking at the others with a chagrined look on his face. “I… apologize. I thought it was a snake.” He stated before slowly climbing down as carefully as he could, the bell around his neck chiming softly.

“You thought it was…” Cody started incredulously before sighing deeply, dropping his face in his head with a tired noise. “Alright, that’s it, we’re done. You need rest General, we all do if you’re starting to behave like this.” He stated sternly, without lifting his face from his hands.

“Cody, we really need to finish-”

Lifting his head from his hands to look up, finding the General still two meter up from jumping up a karking twenty meter tall tree, Cody levered a finger at his General. “Someone, and I will find out who once I’ve had a nap and give them latrine duty, just threw a karking zucchini at your feet and you thought it was a snake and proceeded to jump the full length of a tree to get away from it. We are all going to bed, we are going to sleep for at least four hours and so help me, I will have Helix drug each of us if need be.” He hissed, not unlike how a tired Jedi would.

Obi-Wan paused on the last branch before sighing deeply and dropping down the last meter, grunting as he hit the ground and brushing out his tunic. “I… see your point, but Cody, we do need to finish up.” He ventured cautiously, pointedly not looking at the innocent zucchini on the ground.

Glaring at the Jedi, Cody pinched the bridge of his nose. “…Three hours of sleep.” He stated sternly, staring at the other man over his hand, knowing he wouldn’t be winning the fight but knowing he had to try.

“One. One is enough for a nap.” Obi-Wan shot back at the other.

Struggling not to smirk, Cody shook his head as he finally got what he wanted, Obi-Wan into a negotiation. “We need more rest,” He countered sternly before gesturing to the rest of the camp. “Several of the troopers need more than an hour but they will not rest easy if their General doesn’t too.” He tacked on.

It was a tad in bad taste, using his vode in such a way against the General when he knew how much Obi-Wan cared. Thankfully, the others didn’t seem to blame him and instead quite a few of them made themselves look as pathetic as possible, giving Obi-Wan hopeful, almost doe eyed look of tiredness when he glanced towards them with a hesitant look on his face.

“…Hour and a half?” He tried slowly, frowning.

“Two,” Cody countered. “No less than two sir. We can manage better on two hours.” He argued.

Shifting slightly, glancing around the camp again, Obi-Wan opened his mouth again, clearly ready to argue some more.

“In the sun,” Cody interrupted, seeing Obi-Wan freeze. ‘Gotcha…’ He inwardly crooned even as he tilted his head. “Resting in the sun together?” He offered slyly, knowing that his troopers would get the message and already seeing a few run of to find blanket.

“…Sleeping pile?” Oh, Obi-Wan was clearly tired, to reveal how painfully hopeful his voice was as he stared at Cody with wide eyes.

Cody couldn’t help himself and just smiled softly as he nodded. “Sleeping pile, together.” He agreed quietly, knowing he had won as Obi-Wan stepped closer, letting Cody gently guide him towards a still grassy area with sun, a gaggle of of duty troopers following with blankets and a tired sort of cheer.


Glaring darkly at the terminal, his fingers stapled under his chin, Sidious felt a headache from the tenseness of his own jaw grinding his teeth together.

Ever since the damn maggots had started uploading the Jedi’s ‘endearing’ feline behavior, the galaxy had been turning on its axis for favor of the Jedi. They found them interesting, cute or even fascinating as the comment section had more than a few scientists that wanted to study the Jedi.

Hell, they were even donations to the Jedi, getting them tea and snacks and gifts sent to the Jedi temple itself, though the Jedi had swiftly made it clear that they wouldn’t accept extravagant gifts, that they wanted the civilians to take care of themselves and not the Jedi.

That had won them more favor.

This was against Sidious plans, he had made the clones the front figures of the war, the face of posters with just a few faces, like Skywalker, being on posters. He needed Skywalker to be known, as he was to be his apprentice.

But this… this had not been in the plan and Sidious wasn’t sure what to do about it.

He couldn’t get the site taken down, no, he had tried that already and it was clear there were backups, the damn clones having it up again in hours on new servers with better protection.

Nothing in the Jedi’s feline behavior would put the Jedi in a bad light either, so he couldn’t use it either.

“Blast it all,” He snarled, eyes flickering yellow. “They’re becoming bothersome.”

For Dangerous galaxy, does the plan go without a hitch? Or does Palpatine catch on?

The worms had revolted.

Sidious had known that something was going on with the clones, he had noticed they were killing of Senators with ruthless ease, people that had harmed the Jedi but if he was honest, he hadn’t really minded it.

Some of them had been his allies yes, but they weren’t as useful as they sought to think and it had been funny to Sidious in a way. When it was exposed, if spun the right way, Palpatine could leave it all at the feet of the Jedi.

After all, they were the ones that were suppose to control the clone army, no?

They were under the purview of the Jedi order, at the ‘request’ of the Senate.

So, amused, Palpatine had allowed it to happen, somewhat impressed with the cleverness of certain troopers in the way they disposed of their targets or the sadism in certain disposal.


It would serve him well once it was time to dispose of the Jedi order.

But then the clones revolted, now they were sweeping over Coruscant, there was a blackout on information leaving the Coruscant, Senators were being taken care of left and right, some outright murdered while others were being escorted to safety.

Allies of the clones.

It had not escaped his notice that neither Bail Organa or Padme Amidala’s groups were not in the Rotunda today. A sizable group, clearly noticeable in the voting and discussions of the day for their absence.

It had been the first hint of the calamity about to hit them, even if prepared and sound excuses had been prepared.

The second one had been when all forms for communications stopped working, all over Coruscant. From terminals unable to connect to the holonet to the comm lines going dead with only the buzz left.

The third, before everything went to poodoo, had been the Jedi temple, only noticeable by Sidious from his office.

He had always paid careful attention to it, from the days of his first arrival as Hego’s apprentice.

The entire Jedi temple was closed.

Its defenses were pulled up, its windows shuttered, its doors closed and a shimmering barrier had been erected.

Some were clearly by the Jedi themselves, the internal defense of the doors and windows.

But the barrier were clearly the troopers doing.

Hell, even from a distance, Palpatine could see white and maroon colored troopers moving around the perimeter of the barrier, clearly guarding the temple. And among them no sight of Jedi.

‘Cowards stashed in their temple.’ Palpatine sneered to himself, even as he heard yet another cut of scream with the sound of a blaster, the troopers cleaning up office by office.

He could feel the worms making their way to his, the troopers that normally guarded him likely among the worms or out in the street to keep the civilians in check.

They’d be there soon to dispose of the Supreme Chancellor too, as Palpatine had allowed and even encouraged the Senators to take Jedi to bed, to harm them. Something told him the troopers were aware to a certain extent of his supposed ‘crimes’.

A twisted smirk curled his lips as he sat down behind his desk.

No matter, the Sith always survived and Sidious still had an ace in the sleeve. Let the troopers come, Lord Sidious would have the last word, would be the one to survive and the Jedi temple and the troopers would burn.

Finally, the office door slammed open and a mix of white with orange and blue stepped in.

Ah, the 212th and the 501st.

The former was expected, the latter, unfortunate.

They were suppose to go with Skywalker to destroy the temple after all but oh well, there was nothing for it. Sidious simply watched them step in, blasters aimed at him, as if such a mere thing would hold a Sith lord helpless.

The last to step in was Marshal Commander Cody and Palpatine eyes narrowed.

The commander was wearing his normal armor, however… his helmet was under his arm and he was wearing a cape, black on the outside but orange on the inside to match his armor, silver fastenings on the top and by the way it was layered, it was clear it had a hood.

So this was the leader of this little rebellion, if the salutes and his way of dressing wasn’t clear, it was clear when the clone came all the way to Palpatine’s desk, to stare him down.

‘…I think I’ll have them assault Kenobi, yes. Harm him then snap them back. Let them see what they’ve done to their precious Jedi.’ Sidious growled internally even as he stood slowly to meet the gaze of this worm evenly. “Marshal commander Cody, what is the meaning of this.”

The commander had the nerve to stare at Palpatine as if he was a bug. “This is a coup Chancellor, the vode are tired of war and tired of the Senators who abuse their power. We have spent three years in war and we are done. Surrender peacefully, and you might survive.” The commander stated grimly.

As if he was truly in charge, as if he was something more than just a clone. The sheer gall of this clone, this worm had Sidious blood boiling. ‘I’ll have him personally choke Kenobi to death. Up close and personal. Yes that’s a fitting punishment.’  Sidious lip curled with his own disgust. “Commander Cody, execute order 66.” Having had enough, Palpatine snapped it out. He’d lose the apprentice he was grooming for decades but, oh well, there were always other apprentices.

Sacrifices for the Grand Plan had to be made

Instantly the clone fell still, staring at Palpatine, the troopers by the door stiffening up as if they had never heard such an order. In the Force, all the emotions of the troopers went still, as if wiped clean, the Sith never considering that the troopers in his office were shielding their shock.

For a moment, the feeling of victory rose in the Sith, the eons of planning coming to a culmination, sooner than he had expected of course and without the apprentice had groomed but he would live to make another.

But then the clone commander levered his blaster right at Palpatine’s head, muzzle almost touching his forehead. “Execute this, shabuir.” He snarled and pulled the trigger, blast point blank at Sidious head.

There was a thump of a body hitting the floor and Commander Cody breathed out heavily, setting his helmet down on the Chancellor desk. “… Finish the operation, I’ll start the slicer program on the Chancellor’s terminal.” Cody murmured.

“Yes Vod’alor!” Came the chorus of answers, all but two leaving the office, to ensure Cody’s protection.

Raising his head, Cody peered at the Jedi temple. “…Almost done now, hold on a little more Obi-Wan.”

Anakin is very glad that his little padawan is with Fox when he runs into Palpatine on his way out of the Senate. He does not like how focused the man is on his young padawan.-sightless bird

If there was ever a time Anakin was grateful he had sent Obi-Wan of with Commander Fox, it was right now as he forced his face into a pleasant expression, slowly turning to meet the smiling man practically jogging to him.

“My boy, I’m so glad I caught you before you left!” Chancellor Palpatine greeted with a warm smile.

It made Anakin want to punch his face in. But he forced himself to keep smiling, tucking his hands into his sleeves to avoid letting people see his clenching fists. “Indeed Chancellor, its always a… pleasure.” Anakin hoped no one caught the momentary lapse in his voice.

Of course they did though, as Palpatine raised a decrepit eyebrow. “You seem unhappy my boy, have I caught you at the wrong time?” He questioned curiously.

Shaking his head, Anakin reminded himself that this was the chancellor and regardless what Anakin’s personal feelings for the man was, he had to pay him a mediocre of respect. “Its just been a long day sir, long weeks if I’m honest, its my first day back on Coruscant.” He tacked on, as respectfully as he could.

He hated being in the Rotunda.

He felt like he was surrounded by snakes at every corner, slimy ones at that and never before had he agreed with Qui-Gon’s sentiment of slimy politicians as strongly as he did in that moment.

His statement however seemed to have done the trick as the Chancellor smiled once more at him. “Ah, I see, then I won’t keep you. I was simply curious as to where your young padawan has gone of to, I noticed him and you observing the debate.” The man chuckled.

Instantly, Anakin’s entire being felt submerged in ice, his smile fading.

How in karks name had the Chancellor seen them?

They had been in one of the highest observational balconies, a calculated move by Anakin, using his Jedi access to go where normally only the press went to have a good eye on everything, with additional viewing screens. It was the furthest away from not only the Naboo pod but also the Chancellor that Anakin could get them while still being able to hear and see.

That only lead him to the conclusion that Palpatine had been looking for them, to be able to know that.

And now he was asking where Obi-Wan was…

The dragon in his chest rose, snarling and roaring even as Anakin forced himself to respond, feeling a bit like his ears were cottoned, trying to force himself not to scream at the man not to approach his padawan. “My padawan ran off with some friends of his, teenagers always have a lot of energy, even if I require rest.” He tried to feign something close to nonechelance.

Not that he thought he’d managed it, by the scrutinizing look Palpatine and the confused ones the man’s aid sent him.

He also noticed a few of the Coruscant guards that had followed a bit behind were shifting.

Clearly they knew where Obi-Wan were.

Considering the amount of adoration Anakin had felt when Fox saw Obi-Wan, that didn’t shock Anakin and he quickly slipped his hands out of his sleeves to finger spell with the battle signs Rex had taught him, the chancellor saying something inane about it being a shame he missed meeting Obi-Wan, once more sending shivers down Anakin’s back.


A trooper with a red spiral on his helmet eased his own fingers off his. ‘Copy.Birdie.Safe.’ One of Palpatine’s aids were leaning forward to whisper into his ear, something about a meeting. Anakin’s thoughts were occupied by other things.


Was Birdie Obi-Wan’s battle sign in clone finger language?

He’d have to ask, though asking Obi-Wan would be difficult.

Maybe call up Fox or ask Rex.

Anakin forced himself to bow as he heard the Chancellor finally dismiss him, finally able to turn and walk away, searching out his bond with Obi-Wan to track the boy down.

He breathed out when he found the other, far away in the barracks of the CG and clearly also on the move.

Then he paused, feeling another set of eyes on him, slowly he raised his head and meet Padme’s eyes, the brow eyes staring at him with wide, questioning eyes.

Anakin stared back before simply heading straight for the doors, jaw muscle jumping.

He had enough of politicians for one day.

#SnowWhitePurity- Anakin cannot wait to be knighted, just not for the reasons Palpatine believes.

Staring dreamily into the air with a half-grin on his face as he thought about his most favorite store on the entire planet as rain pounded against the window in front of him, Anakin mentally reviewed what he would get Obi-Wan for his birthday next week.

There was the peach colored satin babydoll nightie with spaghetti straps that had no lace but little sheer panels here and there for decorations, the adorable knee length blue silk robe to lounge around the quarters with flowers embroider all over, oh or the two piece bralette and shorts with a tiny bit of soft lace.

He thought that was also cotton, it was so soft to touch but he couldn’t be sure until he asked the clerk at the store, potentially Haran or Marcell, he had become pretty familiar with most of the staff

Force, he couldn’t wait until he was knighted to finally ki- “My boy?” The probing words broke through his words, Anakin snapping out of his day dreaming to smile sheepishly at the Chancellor.

The man was peering over his cup at the Jedi, one brow raised. If Anakin had been paying proper attention, he would have noted that the man’s other hand was fisted on the desk. “Apologies Chancellor, I was thinking about something.” Anakin stated, lifting the cup hurriedly to take a sip of the tea.

He barely managed to contain his grimace at the taste.

Tea was grass water and not even Obi-Wan could get him to like it without copious amount of honey in it.

But he couldn’t insult the Chancellor since this was imported tea from Naboo, very pricey.

And very kind of the man to share.

“May I ask about what?” Palpatine smiled kindly, leaning back in his leather chair.

If Anakin was being honest, he was a bit envious, that chair looked like it hugged a body in all the right ways and supported a human body, clearly made for the Chancellor.

When Anakin didn’t answer for a moment, flushing a bit, Palpatine chuckled. “I assure you, I wouldn’t repeat anything you share with me my dear boy, humor an old man that likes to see you flourish.” He smiled kindly at Anakin.

Rubbing the back of his neck with his free hand, Anakin smiled wryly. “Well, I was just thinking about how close I am to be knighted really.” There, a white lie.

There was no way he would tell the Chancellor about Obi-Wan’s predilections.

Not that there was anything wrong with them but it felt sacred, intimate.

Something only between Anakin and Obi-Wan.

And honestly, if Anakin was honest, he was a bit possessive over who got to see Obi-Wan in his silky things, he adored that Obi-Wan felt comfortable enough to walk around their quarters in his nightwear.

Palpatine brightened at that, smiling more widely. “Ah yes, you are going through your trials yes? Your master finally saw your potential I see.” He warmly stated.

About to concur, Anakin paused at the latter part of the others sentence with a small frown. “I… sure, yeah.” He sipped his tea, lips pulling a bit taunt at the bitterness as he glanced away to study one of the paintings in the office, one he had seen a thousand times before.

He therefore missed Palpatine’s eyes narrowing thoughtfully at his response and by the time he looked back, Palpatine was smiling again. “I didn’t mean it as a slight to Master Kenobi, I just find your potential to become a knight rather obvious Anakin.” He murmured gently.

Smiling a bit at that, tilting his chin up confidently, Anakin settled his now empty cup on the table beside him. “Thank you Chancellor, that is kind of you to say. But Master Obi-Wan sees my potential too, he just knows that the trials can be long and arduous and wanted to make sure I’d manage, that’s all.” Anakin laughed, missing the frustration building in the others eyes.

Things were not going according to the old Sith’s plans and he did not know why.

Please tell me Obiwan gets rescued soon in Kyber Tears! Anakin is going to absolutely lose it when they find him, won’t he

Its not Obi-Wan he finds, but Obi-Wan’s lightsaber when the Force finally prods him along after meditating deeply.

But that’s enough for Anakin as he carefully retrieves the lightsaber out of the Chancellor’s desk drawer after he had pried the false bottom out, staring blankly at the saber before slowly raising his head to look at Commander Cody.

The man had stuck to his side ever since the rest of the Jedi had appeared, rightly recognizing that out of everyone, Anakin would be the one to find Obi-Wan’s location. Or in this moment, Obi-Wan’s lightsaber at least, the twin kybers murmuring to each other, soft hope and pain echoing between them.

He already knew it was Obi-Wan’s saber and yet he still lit it up, the soft, off-pink color confirming for Cody too, that this was Obi-Wan’s saber if the hilt alone hadn’t.

Cody was a man for details, hyper competent.

It was one of the reasons he got along with Obi-Wan so much.

Flickering the blade off, Anakin ran his thumb over the hilt while staring at it before slowly looking around the office. “…The Chancellor of the Republic has Obi-Wan’s lightsaber in his office drawer, under a false bottom that I had to pry loose… opinions?” He stated slowly, his voice gruff as he focused on the Commander.

Standing at attention, his arms tucked behind his back in parade rest, Cody’s helmeted face was directed at Anakin but he could imagine the expression beneath it as the other man’s Force aura rolled with wrath, fear and a hurried sense of worry. “That the Chancellor is involved in some capacity,” The Commander answered promptly. “He’d have no reason to hide a lightsaber beyond not wanting attention to the situation sir.” He answered promptly.

A part of Anakin wanted to weep, another part wanted to scream and the third wanted to sigh tiredly because the Chancellor’s interest in Obi-Wan was something he had been disturbed by before. But now…

He looked back down at the lightsaber. “…If I move, you follow. I won’t pause for anything but Obi-Wan.” Anakin stated quietly.

He heard an affirmative but didn’t focus on it, once more develing into the Force, this time with a conductor in his hand.

A Jedi’s lightsaber was alive in some manners, the kyber in them bonding with the Jedi that had them.

But Obi-Wan’s lightsabers in particular had always felt alive to Anakin.

And the moment he delved into the Force, he felt Obi-Wan, sparking, alive in his mind but also hurting, his soul almost fading in and out in the Force.

‘Obi-Wan!’ Anakin’s eyes flashed open, moving for the door on autopilot as Cody followed on his tail.


Blinking blearily, Obi-Wan wondered how he looked to anyone else as he watched Palpatine open the container to the machine collecting his blood.

‘Blood loss would ensure my skin would be even paler than normal, I must also have a darkening around the eyes and I am aware that my lip is split… and then there are the tear tracks on my face and the cold sweat.’ Obi-Wan mused.

It was an odd thing to muse about, maybe a sign of blood loss , as he watched the Sith levitate what must be around a tea cup worth of blood and for a morbid moment Obi-Wan wondered if the other was going to drink it.

“Such precious liquid, just like your tears.” Palpatine mused, his eyes once more lightning up in yellow as he was clearly channeling the Dark, his index right finger extended to the floating ball of blood.

Watching with detached interest, Obi-Wan settled his head back against the wall, too tired to really banter back.

Even the ‘great’ Obi-Wan Kenobi hit limits after all and he hadn’t ate or drank anything since his capture, the IV did not count and neither did the blood he had swallowed when Palpatine had hit him and at least one if not two days had passed since his capture.

He halfway expected nothing to happen only for his eyes to widen when something did.

Every part of what was happening in front of him screamed of wrong as the blood started to glow, the light deep inside of it and spreading red all over the cell, lighting up Palpatine’s face and Obi-Wan’s breath hitched.

He could feel the aching deep inside of him, as if his own body was revolting to the sight of what was happening in front of him.

The pain was spreading, Palpatine face turning gleeful as the brightness of the blood was increasing and Obi-Wan gave a cry of pain, pressing his head back against the wall as it seemed to expand and contract at the same time.

And then he slumped, eyes wide in terror and shock as the blood did indeed become a kyber crystal.

A screaming, dripping piece of black kyber crystal that slowly oozed with blood that pooled on the ground.

“Oh, now this is a beauty.” Palpatine cackled, yellow eyes avaricious and wide, his teeth bared in a facsimile of a smile, clearly marveling at the bleeding crystal floating at his Force touch.

It was so wrong, it was nauseating to even look at what the Sith had in his grasp even without the Force and Obi-Wan couldn’t help but retch, clenching his hands into the manacles.

Palpatine’s eyes flickered to him, a mad smile on his lips. “Oh, don’t you worry my pretty little star child,” He reached out, running his free hand in a mockingly tender touch along Obi-Wan’s jaw. “We will create many more beauties together.” Palpatine crooned sickeningly before laughing loudly, his eyes returning to the kyber he had created.

Kybertears: Well… if there’s no rescue yet, can we at least see what Obi Wan is going through in the meantime?

Raising his chin from his chest, Obi-Wan blinked the blurriness as best out of his eyes as he could.

Not that it was working all that good for him, between the blood loss and the pain currently stealing all his senses in the dark, seeing clear was not something he could hope to do.

And the occasional red flashes along with the beeps, as much as they broke out the monotony, did not count proper light or distraction from his situation.

His mind was buzzing as he squinted into the cell, trying to see anything.

Not that it would help him right now if he could.

Not after what Palpatine had done to him.

Swallowing thickly, Obi-Wan tried to ignore the throbbing in his body.

Not that he really could, the harness wrapped around him to keep him upright was doing a bang-up job of both reminding him and being uncomfortable after all.

‘How long have I been here?’ He couldn’t help but wonder, mouth dry as he smacked his lips together.

He couldn’t tell if it had been an hour, five or a full day?

Maybe longer.

It had to be longer with what had been done to him, Obi-Wan knew that he had passed out at some point and he had woken up in the harness with Palpatin.

The door snapped open and Obi-Wan couldn’t help the instinctual flinch at the light and the shape standing there.

It was Palpatine of course, the man looking… frazzled?

Squinting more at him, Obi-Wan let out a small noise as he stepped in, his robe as fancy as always. “It seems I underestimated just how much young Skywalker cares for you. I may have to move you before I was ready to.” Palpatine stated, almost cheerfully but…

This wasn’t the first time Obi-Wan had been captured, he had seen Ventress stressed and he had seen Dooku stressed.

And while a good actor, Obi-Wan could see the tightness at the corner of the man’s eyes and the way the corner of his lips were twitching.

Laughing breathlessly, even as the man tapped at the IV bag connected to Obi-Wan’s left hand, Obi-Wan gave what he hoped amounted to a smile at the Sith. “Anakin does like to put wrenches into plans.” He rasped agreeably, ignoring the black straps and the manacles keeping him upright, barely seeing them from the corner of his blurry eyes.

Palpatine let out a hum, stopping fully in front of him as he moved down to the display machine and the readouts of his heart, reaching out easily and backhanded Obi-Wan across the face.

Wincing, the taste of blood blooming in his mouth, Obi-Wan sluggishly turned his face back to the Sith while wondering if he should be grateful for the blood moistening his mouth finally, watching dazedly as he tapped at the machine before he checked on the machine pumping Obi-Wan’s blood.

It was enough to make Obi-Wan focus and look down to where his legs were suppose to be.

Where they had been before Palpatine had taken a red lightsaber to both his legs and cut them off at the thighs, leaving Obi-Wan a double amputate.

Looking down past the black straps of the harness holding him afloat at the covered stumps of his legs with the wires full of blood leading from them, Obi-Wan shook before clenching his eyes shut.

He didn’t want to see the black medical harness strapped over the beige tunic, he didn’t want to see the medical blue caps covering his stumps, he didn’t want to see the machines holding him alive and draining him for blood as his heart beat.

And he certainly did not want to see Palpatine.

‘Least the scars under my feet or the missing toes will never be an issue again.’ He couldn’t help but hysterically think before wincing as as his chin was grabbed, leveled up to face Palpatine once more.

He forced his eyes open, trying not to show Palpatine too much weakness as the man started speaking. “Your boy is a menace, he’s ransaking the Rotunda for you, but by the time he realizes you are gone, it will be too late for you,” Palpatine’s yellow eyes lit up, a smug sneer gracing the man’s face as he reached out and tugged lightly on one of the tubes of blood from Obi-Wan’s stumps. “With every beat of your heart, blood fills the chamber and you will be far gone before the first chamber is full, I will hide you away in the galaxy and no one will rescue you, not even your ‘sainted’ Jedi Order.” He laughed.

A sickening feeling turned Obi-Wan’s stomach.

And yet at the same time he simply smiled in return at Palpatine, his lack of self preservation kicking in as always. “Then you’re just as much a fool as Ventress and Dooku are on the field, because Anakin will never stop, if there is one thing that boy is, its tenacious.” He murmured, keening with pain when his head was slammed back against the wall by an invisible force.

Everything was blooming in pain and tears slipped down Obi-Wan’s face once more, kyber dripping onto the floor below where his legs had once been.

‘I wonder what more I’ll loose before Anakin and Cody finds me…’ He couldn’t help but breathlessly muse, feeling Palpatine mess with the straps and manacles.

Does Palpatine have time to make Obi-Wan cry? If so… how? What does he do to our poor boy?

Getting over the shock of realizing that the Chancellor himself was the very Sith lord they had been hunting, the man he had let Anakin go to even as a young man had been a hard one to Obi-Wan, dazed and frozen him at the same time.

He hadn’t even put up a struggle as the chains slowly but steadily got pulled up until he was standing on his feet with his hands now restrained to the wall.

He couldn’t… wrap his head around the fact that the Chancellor of the Republic, the man Anakin had once trusted, the highest power in the Republic and supposed leader of them was the Sith.

The one they had hunted.

The one Anakin had gone to for advice for so long.

Oh, Obi-Wan felt sick to his stomach, the throbbing of his head nothing against the throbbing in his heart as he thought of what his brother and friend would think once he learned this.

Palpatine caught sight of his face and laughed, his voice a low cackle, sliding over Obi-Wan’s skin like oil on water.

It left him disgusted even as he pressed his chapped lips together.

“A fitting expression though the lack of sound is bothering me Kenobi, I thought you were known for your sass.” The Chancellor and Sith leered at him.

Obi-Wan said nothing, didn’t know what to say.

This was not like meeting Dooku, Ventress or even Grievous in the field.

There was familiarity in them, the knowledge of what they wanted and that it wasn’t pure evil, the knowledge that if push came to shove, Dooku would kill him before torture, that Ventress hated him because of how much he reminded her of her Jedi master, that Grievous saw Obi-Wan as his equal due to their battle prowess.

And all of them would give him death.

This man would not, the man in front of him…

Obi-Wan knew what he was going to do.

The knowledge didn’t make what was about to happen any better to bear. The knowledge that he was about to be tortured for his tears and Force knew what else the Sith would do.

When Ventress had tortured him, it had solely been about his pain and not his tears and the few times he had seen her even after the knowledge of his race had come out, she hadn’t seemed…

There had been no indication that she hungered after his tears.

And Dooku?

Obi-Wan knew that the man still had his tear.  ‘

It had been a strange thing, to stretch out to the tears he had cried, cautiously and finding one on the Count.

Like a token, a memory kept and hidden from others.

It was enough to make Obi-Wan aware that Dooku, for all other things, would be merciful and kill Obi-Wan.

Dragged out of his thoughts as his hair was gripped and his head bent back, Obi-Wan hissed in pain as his scalp stung, barely able to see the Chancellor from the corner of his eyes even as they remained dry.

He was too used to pain for this to break him.

“You must be aware how painfully difficult it is to get ones hands on your tears unless you’re a Jedi,” Palpatine said in a faux cheerful tone, his eyes glittering yellow as Obi-Wan felt a few hairs being ripped out of his scalp. “Yet I managed to get a few out of… hilts.” Palpatine smirked and Obi-Wan felt something mournful in his chest.

He knew what that implied.

Dead Jedi’s stolen sabers, his tears taken from the hilts.

He hissed as Palpatine shook his head, the throbbing of his head getting worse at it and yet he kept his eye on what little of Palpatine he could see. “And yet, to my shock, I found that your tears could not bleed, regardless how much darkness I put through it…they remained light.” Palpatine hissed at him and Obi-Wan couldn’t help a little broken but victorious laugh.

It cut off abruptly as Palpatine smirked, a slimy sensation settling in Obi-Wan’s gut only for horror to bloom at the next words. “But you have more body fluids than your tears star child.” Leaning in Palpatine whispered, the fetid heat of his breath washing over Obi-Wan’s cheek as the cold durasteel of a knife scraped almost lazily against Obi-Wan’s throat.

Unable to help himself, Obi-Wan felt himself tear up, trembling, his memory thrown back to darker days, to days when he was scared and broken.

He couldn’t help but think of Qui-Gon’s gentle hands and concerned eyes.

Of Anakin’s arms winded tightly around Obi-Wan, his chin on Obi-Wan’s head as he promised protection.

Of both of their sadness at Obi-Wan’s scars and how they’d feel about the scars Obi-Wan was about to gain, about the pain he’d endure.

Slowly, a tear tracked down his cheek and dripped as all his tears did, transforming midair with a soft sheen of light as the knife dug into his throat.

And so the Sith laughed at the pitiful display of the already tormented star child in his grasp.

‘Anakin… I’m sorry. I love you.’ Obi-Wan clenched his eyes shut, gasping as Palpatine dug sharp metal and drew blood.

So Padme was arranged to come in contact with Ani to distract him so Palpatine could get his hands on Obi while maintaining plausible deniability while framing a potential enemy (Bail). However, Ani didn’t fall for honey pot and catches Palpatine in the act of trying to capture Obi.

Opening his eyes slowly to darkness and the throbbing of his own head, Obi-Wan bit in the groan that wanted to escape him as he laid limply against the floor with his cheek resting on the blessedly cold floor compared to his burning cheek.

His mind dazedly tried to work around the pain echoing through his skull as he tried to remember what had happened prior to his current situation as he took in the fact that not only was his hands clearly chained to the wall, if long enough for him to lay on the floor, but his ankles also felt like they were wrapped and he had a collar around his neck.

A Force suppressant.

That sent a thread of dread through him even as he remained laying.

Faintly, the memory of splitting from Anakin played for his mind, Obi-Wan watching him and his former wife walk down the hall to the Naboo offices only for Obi-Wan to finally start walking again once his former padawan was out of view.

‘I had was making my way to the Alderaan offices… I was passing… the old neimodian offices?’ Obi-Wan swallowed thickly, his tongue feeling thick and practically swollen in his mouth. The sensation made him suspect that either he may have bitten his own tongue or he may also be drugged including to the way he was restrained, though he couldn’t be sure of that until he started to move.

And it might be time as Obi-Wan certainly needed to figure out where he was and how to escape.

‘Anakin and Cody must be going out of their minds, I have to have been gone for at least an hour by now…’ Obi-Wan mused, carefully lifting his cheek off the floor as he worriedly mused about his former padawan and his commander, gingerly shifting.

Squinting, he still couldn’t make anything out in the dark and instead opted for slowly getting his hands under him and pushing himself up on his knees, the rattling of the chains echoing faintly in the room.

It was not a pleasant sound and Obi-Wan had a chilling flashback to Rattatak and Ventress ‘benevolent’ treatment of him and Alpha-17.

Forcing himself to breath in through his mouth and out his nose, Obi-Wan simply settled on his heels while reaching up, carefully examining his tongue with his fingers.

Yup, as he suspected, he had bitten his tongue when he had been walloped over the head.

And he was rather sure he was hit over the head considering how his head was hurting along with his face.

He must have fallen straight onto it from whoever had come from behind.

Huffing faintly, Obi-Wan reached up to touch his neck, ignoring the noise of the chains as he did. It was a heavy collar as most Force suppressant were, a clunky thing and it felt disturbingly hot to touch, almost as if it was throbbing with the beat of his heart.

The next step was to carefully touch what he could reach of the floor, the chains and the wall he was against.

The room seemed to be large as he could not reach any other wall but the one he was against and all of it was cold and smooth stone like in nature.

Potentially marble or polished duracrete.

But that gave Obi-Wan nothing to go on in terms of where he was and all he could do was to settle his ass back on his heels with a deep sigh as he tried to meditate.

Tried and failed that was, the throbbing of his head along with the urge to cry disturbing his need.

What felt like hours passed, the sensation of his headache easing somewhat but not disappearing as Obi-Wan instead felt his throat turn dry from the lack of water but finally, finally something happened as a door opened several meters in front of Obi-Wan, the light blinding the redhead as he raised his hands to shield his eyes.

The chains rattled ominously as Obi-Wan squinted at the shadowed shape in the doorway of his cell made of duracrete, the room utterly bare except for Obi-Wan, the door and the chains.

And the all too familiar man standing in front of him as his eyes adjusted to the light to see, Obi-Wan’s still sensitive eyes widening in shock as the man meandered closer to the chained Jedi. “…Chancellor Palpatine?” Obi-Wan whispered in disbelief, his hands dropping to his lap he stared up at the man smiling mockingly back at him.

Shocked, Obi-Wan barely reacted at all as the man reached out, cupping Obi-Wan’s chin with his fingers to angle his face up up. “Of all the beings in the entire galaxy,” Palpatine purred mockingly, his thumb brushing lightly, almost tenderly over Obi-Wan’s bottom lip. “A star child was the last thing I expected to ever find.” He whispered avariciously.

“I don’t…Chancellor Palpatine, what is the meaning of this?” Obi-Wan finally snapped out, trying to jerk his chin out of the grasp only to wince as Palpatine dug his manicured nails into the beard and skin.

“Oh little Jedi, you have no idea how long I’ve waited for this.” The chancellor leered and to Obi-Wan’s horror, Palpatine’s eyes flashed yellow in the dim light of the isolated cell as the full severity of the situation finally hit the Jedi.

#tomeyoubelong- Obi freaks out when he wakes up on Vaderkin’s ship. The emperor is also trying to discover where Vader was for a week.

There is nothing more tedious than standing in front of the Emperor
and Vader would very much like to choke the old fool now.

If he
didn’t need him, he would but there is still a long way for him to
go but Anakin, as the single true and loyal ‘Jedi’ can easily
assume the throne once he gets rid of the traitor.

And he
knows he’s a traitor.

had promised him to save Padme.

did not need the person in front of you to preform Force rituals on
them, not really. Sidious should have saved her and the child’s
life… and he hadn’t.

suspected that Sidious never intended to save her life, to have
another cause for Anakin Skywalker to fall and remove another anchor
of support.

people he loved had been his strength and his weakness at the same
time and Vader knew it.

Force, the day he finally killed the melted bastard was going to be a
good one.

you’ve returned from Tatooine with an omega,” The old goat
drawled, staring at Anakin from under the shadows of his hood, trying
to hide how badly disfigured his visage was from most of the crew of
the Fist. “Tell me Lord Vader, what are you doing with it?”

were a few coughs around the bridge.

the troopers and natural borns had their own thoughts on and felt it
was a rather obvious what Vader wanted an omega for.

of reacting to the noise, Vader simply rose his own brow. “You
failed to save my mate as promised Emperor Palpatine,” He stated in
a dry and even tone, ignoring the stiffening around the bridge. The
why’s of how Vader came to work for Palpatine was not something
everyone knew. Vader didn’t care if they knew anymore, he had a
Jedi to hide. “I have grieved for my mate and our unborn child. I
am allowed to try again.” He settled on.

He had
been thinking about that as he got Obi-Wan comfortable in his

How to
justify being gone and getting Obi-Wan onboard.

way that Sidious would believe?

he had found himself an omega to rear children with.

eyes were narrowed at him, the Emperor leaning forward. “You…
have a mate?” He stated slowly.

omega,” Vader stated, crossing his arms over his chest as he raised
his chin. “My mate is gone.” He murmured a bit more quietly.

Sidious get what he wanted from that.

It was

was gone and Obi-Wan was an omega he had acquired.

were truth and therefore the Force would not inform Sidious of it as
a lie or reveal Vader had found his old Jedi master.

Sidious sat back before nodding. “As you wish then Lord Vader. You
are to return to Coruscant now.”

holo call cut off before Vader could say anything and he rolled his

For a
galactic emperor, that was petty behavior but instead of saying
anything, he inclined his head to Piett before turning, intent on
returning to his quarters.


He was
sure to be awake by now.


slightly, Obi-Wan felt confusion slither into his veins.

he was comfortable.

was never comfortable and even less so after a heat.

But in
this moment he was comfortably warm, he felt clean and not hungry or

he had never been after a heat.

He was
resting on a mattress much too comfortable to be his, no animal furs
to warm him or the rough linens that he had managed to buy and he was
wearing clothes that felt far too big on him with a scent that
made Obi-Wan’s eyes water from the familiarity of it.

gave way for horror as he sat up, the sheets pooling down around his
waist, eyes wide as he took in the sight of a karking ship quarters.
Large quarters to be sure but still ship quarters and worse of all,
he recognized them.

Not as
the ship quarters but by the interior.

droid parts scattered around, the tools, a black cape laying over a

than there was the scent and Force feel, darker than Obi-Wan was used
to but unmistakably familiar.

he could think too much, the doors snapped open and Lord Vader
entered, the man pausing to blink at Obi-Wan as the Jedi pressed his
back to the headboard, staring in return.

Hi, I love your stories. They’re some of the best that I’ve read. I was wondering if you could continue the story where Obi-Wan pranks the galaxy with heelys? Maybe even Anakin’s reaction to it after Palpatine tries some sort of manipulation with Anakin? I’m sorry if I’ve sent this to the wrong thing, this is my first time sending a prompt. Thank you!

boy!” Chancellor Palpatine beamed warmly at him, gesturing for him
to enter as the other Senators left, several of them sending wary
looks at Anakin’s back that the Jedi just didn’t notice as they
hurried away while whispering to each other. “Please, come in, come
in and sit down. Can I offer you some mead? A gift from Alderaan.”
The benign man offered warmly, gesturing to his desk where a rather
large, half full bottle rested.

curiously at the bottle, Anakin nodded as he came over to the desk.
“That would be lovely sir, I’ve never had mead before.” He
offered with a curious smile on his lips, watching as Palpatine took
one of the unused goblets to fill and hand over before refilling his

gratefully, Anakin settled down in the closet seat in front of
Palpatine, taking a curious sip of the luke warm mead.

was interesting, sweetened with honey or some kind of honeyish fruit
he would guess and a few interesting herbs that left behind an after
taste that Anakin couldn’t quite pin down.

glad to see you my boy, it’s been so busy lately.” Palpatine
chuckled, relaxing back into his seat with the sun shining in through
the large window behind him.

wryly back at the man, Anakin nodded. “It has been particularly
busy lately for some reason.” He agreed quietly, taking another sip
of mead to try and pin down that earthy herb flavor he couldn’t
quite figure out.

Palpatine peered at Anakin over the rim of his glass, blinking a bit
owlishly at him. “You don’t know? Most of this work comes about
because of Master Kenobi, as his closet friend, I thought you might
know.” He stated in a puzzled tone.

the Jedi’s hand tightened on the goblet, staring back at Palpatine.
“Obi-Wan?” Anakin questioned quietly, wondering what in the world
Obi-Wan could have done.

his hand lightly, Palpatine let out a hum. “Yes you see, this thing
he’s doing, the floating thing?” The Chancellor paused, peering
at Anakin which caused the other to give a tight, slightly angry nod.
Oh yes, he knew about the floating thing. “Yes, that thing, it
seems the Confederacy has gotten wind of it and some of the planets
are trying to negotiate.” Palpatine paused again, watching Anakin.

and angry, Anakin wondered if Obi-Wan knew. “What? Why?!” He
grunted, mead sloshing a bit over his glove.

there were no sensors there, he didn’t notice as he stared at the
Chancellor instead.

slightly, Chancellor Palpatine took a small sip of mead, wetting his
throat most likely. “Something about power and having
underestimated the Jedi. If you want my opinion? Fear and wariness
what else your master might be able to do, though no other Jedi seems
to be floating around. He hasn’t spoken to you about this power
then?” The
man puzzled, eyes widening a bit and brows raising. “Peculiar, I
would have thought he trusted you to… oh well, it’s up to Master
Kenobi this power, I imagine he has his reason for not showing you
it.” He sipped his mead.

his hand on the cup, Anakin felt the metal give a bit and mead drip
on his leggings, quickly trying to gather himself while wondering
what Obi-Wan was keeping from him.

the other wasn’t trusting him with this.

he think Anakin wouldn’t be able to do it?

he holding Anakin back again?

into his drink, he missed Palpatine’s eyes glittering vindictively
if a bit grumpily as he observed Anakin.


future apprentice clearly knows nothing about this power Kenobi has
managed to discover, which is too bad, it could give Sidious a lead
on what the kark it is and how to obtain it himself but no matter, at
least he could use the information against the Jedi and in particular
Kenobi himself.

more distrust and anger in Skywalker.

would be funny to watch it all blow up in the man’s face when
Skywalker eventually confronted him but Sidious would have to be
patient, he wouldn’t be able to watch as it happened but maybe he
could at least learn something after the fact.

a lead on where this power came from and how to get it himself.

for now it helped him fuel the distrust and the rage in Skywalker,
slowly and steadily, he would fall into Sidious hands and Kenobi
would be a memory he could rage at, all these artful gliding as the
war council and the PR media was parading around, suddenly making
Jedi war time figures, in particular Kenobi himself.

the rest of the order were getting some positive attention too, the
media and people suddenly more curious instead of wary of the Jedi as
they had been until now.

would have some propaganda machinations to implement soon, get the
public to forget the interest in the Jedi, to turn the PR for the
Jedi to turn sour again.

he could be patient, he could wait.

all, he had waited this long on Skywalker and the war, he could wait
a few more years to get his total victory ensured.

Hiding his smirk behind
his goblet, Sidious instead observed Skywalker stew in his anger,
denting the goblet much to the Sith’s satisfaction, so much rage,
just waiting for the right ignition… delicious.