Highasakite: How is Obi-Wan doing, once he’s no longer high?

Regardless how everyone around him is acting, its unfortunately not the first time someone has drugged him and then undressed him for nefarious purposes. Obi-Wan is unfortunately used to such treatment he must sadly profess to.

Though, thankfully, Anakin has never asked about anyone actually getting too far nor did Cody ask this time.

At least this time they didn’t succeed in actually doing anything to Obi-Wan beyond some bruising and the drugs.

Admittedly, that doesn’t mean he’s fine with what happened but it could always have been worse and once the bruises heals and he’s meditated enough, the memories will fade too. Especially in the wake of the protective feelings rising around him.

Having the men look out for his well being and Anakin Force aura curled into his is doing wonderful for the shivers that occasionally travels down Obi-Wan’s spine.

Still, being stuck in the medbay is the last thing Obi-Wan wants and he would have escaped ages ago if it wasn’t for one thing and only one thing…

Or rather one person.

Anakin is currently holding tightly onto him, Obi-Wan stuck on the others chest with their legs tangled quite heavily and there is no way Obi-Wan can untangle himself from the legs and arms without waking the younger Jedi.

Sulking a tad into the others warm neck, Obi-Wan let out a small sigh and decided to just endure it for now. Eventually Anakin would wake up and Obi-Wan could hopefully make his escape from the medbay before Helix, Potion, Bandaid or any of the other medics managed to shanghai him and keephim in medbay.

Its not that he hates the people in it of course, its just… medbays always linger with the feeling of pain and discomfort and Obi-Wan himself has never been quite good at filtering that out. Even the Halls are bit difficult for him and he never rests well when he’s in any medical facility, not even a Jedi run one.

He can only blame the drugs and Anakin as the reason for why he has actually slept well this time.

Its one of the reasons Anakin impresses him, Anakin, with all his power, is able to filter out the sensation of lingering pain, unease, sickness and the general miasma a medical facility has and Obi-Wan can’t help but wonder if its due to Anakin having gotten used to staying at Obi-Wan’s side when injured.

Its a plausible explanation, Anakin building his shields and resistance as he sat at an injured master’s bedside, doing his homework with Obi-Wan’s help or quietly playing with his latest project as he waited for Obi-Wan to wake from yet another drug induced coma.

Feeling eyes on him, Obi-Wan raised his head enough to find Cody in the bed across from them, the commander watching with intent eyes.

When Obi-Wan meet the amber eyes, Cody quickly scanned him before smiling and relaxing into his bed, clearly relieved to see the other in a sober state.

Quietly, Obi-Wan finger spelled a greeting, smiling in return as he got a finger spelled greeting back. It was clear that no one else was awake in the medbay however and therefore they restrained themselves from talking.

Obi-Wan could however feel the others eyes on him still, Cody’s emotions having gone almost soft and warm in the Force, directed at him and Obi-Wan couldn’t help but hide in Anakin’s shoulder at the feelings, unable to distinguish them with Cody’s shields and yet still feeling warm at them.

The care his men and Anakin had for him ever since discovering the truth of his heritage and what it could mean for him… well, Obi-Wan couldn’t help but feel awed and honored at the protection and concern extended to him.

He wasn’t sure what he had done to deserve it all… but he would forever be grateful.

In high as a kite, can the boys get out of the pirate cave. Maybe a bit of cuddle fluff to help poor Obi and settle poor Anakin’s nerves when he finds out what almost happened.

Only barely waiting until Kix and Potion announced themselves done with Obi-Wan, seeing as Helix was settled into a bed himself, Anakin finally crawled into the medbed with his dazed and drugged master.

Thankfully, neither medics said anything, even if Helix grumbled over in his bed, as Obi-Wan let out a happy noise and snuggled himself into Anakin’s body. “Cold.” He slurred out into Anakin’s shoulder and Anakin noted Cody struggling to sit up a bit where Kix had him settled with a cast on his left leg.

Apparently the man broke it when he came rushing out of the cell to roundhouse kick the captain of the pirates. Which now left him unable to go rush to Obi-Wan’s side as he clearly wanted to, the 212th as always protective of their General.

The confession had Helix settle more too, realizing that Anakin wasn’t just being clingy and was actually there for a reason. “Yeah, that’s why I’m here, a bonafide heater.” Anakin teased shakily, tucking his robe around the two of them along with the blanket.

Cody reporting in just how lucky they were with their timing had left Anakin a tad shaken and he knew that Obi-Wan’s reaction to a Force inhibitor often left him unable to keep warm.

Something about the loss of Force making his body sluggish.

Not that Anakin could say much about it, when he was full of an inhibitor drug compared to a tool, Anakin couldn’t stop shaking. He wasn’t cold but his body seemed to want to shake apart at the loss of something so fundamental and a few masters had speculated that if Anakin’s origin was purely in his mother and the Force itself, maybe the loss of it impacted Anakin’s body more severely than others.

It was a theory at least.

But then again, every Jedi did have some kind of side effect when cut of from the Force by drugs. It was different when it was in your blood stream compared to like a Force suppressant collar or room, it just…

Your body knew something was wrong.

It reacted, maybe even tried to fight it and therefore Force sensitive reacted to it differently. Or that was Anakin’s working theory at least and he knew that Obi-Wan shared it along with several other beings in the temple.

It was a sobering thought, that the body basically thought of the inhibitor as something to fight to the point their bodies were impacted and Anakin at least couldn’t help but worry about the severity of certain Force suppressors.

Who knew what effects could remain permanently if the dosage was high enough?

“Mmmn, warm water bottle.” Obi-Wan chuckled, his voice still slurred but the tone bright and merry, indicating a good mood.

Anakin couldn’t help but chuckle a tad to, amused despite it all as Obi-Wan’s little quip brought him out of his darker thoughts. “Yeah yeah, I’m your hottie right now.” He snarked.

There was a long pause at that.

“High thoughts of yourself there General.” Jesse snarked from where Bonesplit was dealing with his dislocated shoulder.

“Oh shut it Jesse,” Anakin snarked back, his insides squirming in joy that his men felt this comfortable to be able to joke with him when not on the clock. “I happen to be extremely attract-Obi!” He squeaked like a mouse being stepped on, as a cold hand suddenly found his bare stomach.

He looked down at faux innocent expression of his master and brother in arms as the other continued pressing his icy hand to Anakin’s stomach. “Hmm?” Obi-Wan tilted his head.

“Your hands are freezing!” Anakin hissed before reaching down and jerking Obi-Wan’s hands out of his tunic, uncaring that it was now undone for the most part. Instead he focused on sticking Obi-Wan’s hands into his own armpits, ignoring the disgusted little grunt the other gave out. “Force sake Obi-Wan, go to sleep and just get warm.” He sighed deeply.

Trying to tug his hands out of Anakin’s armpits for a moment, Obi-Wan grumbled before huffing and nodding, settling his head back into the blond’s shoulder. “Fine… but I want a shower when I wake. Long one… warm one… wet…” Obi-Wan breathed deeply, nuzzling more into Anakin’s warmth.

‘That’s it, just rest Master… when you wake, you should feel better.’ Anakin smiled wryly, petting Obi-Wan’s hair slowly.

Show white purity. There is no way Anakin won’t wake up with morning wood, possibly with it pressed up against Obi-Wan because of their cuddling.

He was so warm.

So warm and so comfortable and it was the most beautiful feeling in the world and he would do anything to keep that feeling as he drowsily continued floating in the warmth and dazed comfort of the place between sleep and true awakening.

And something was jabbing him in the back though and slowly but surely, Obi-Wan opened lidded eyes to peer into the dimly lit cabin.

By his own internal clock, he must have been asleep for about seven hours or so, which seemed about right for Obi-Wan on normal days.

Ships had a tendency to mess with it though so he couldn’t be entirely sure.

Shifting a bit, intent on reaching out to check a chrono, Obi-Wan froze as he realized someones arms were around him along with an erection in his back.

Forcing himself to breath, Obi-Wan scanned his memories before melting into the bunk, recalling that it was just Anakin.

Just sweet Anakin.

It was a bit uncomfortable with the morning wood in his back but it wasn’t the first time it had happened, so Obi-Wan settled, carefully reaching to his stomach where one of Anakin’s hands were resting.

‘We were face to face when we fell asleep. I guess we moved around on this narrow two man bunk.’ Obi-Wan mused tiredly, shifting a bit as he felt himself rise in interest to the erection pressed to his back.

That was… less pleasing.

It was a perfectly natural reaction of course, just like Anakin’s ‘morning’ wood but Obi-Wan wasn’t pleased about it since Anakin was asleep and Obi-Wan did not want to hump him again.

‘Just… focus on something else, something nice… like Anakin’s hand.’ His lips twitched into a small smile as he continued to slowly caress the others hand.

It was as large as Obi-Wan’s if they pressed their hands palm to palm but Anakin’s fingers were slightly longer and his palm somewhat slimmer, leaving some space at the sides. And his hand was warm.

Delightfully warm.

Slowly, Obi-Wan laced their fingers together, feeling the calluses from saber wielding in the others hand, alerting him to this being Anakin’s right hand for sure as that was Anakin’s dominant saber hand.

‘…I shouldn’t be his master but I can’t bare the idea letting go of him now, not when we’re so close to him becoming a knight, finishing his trials,’ Obi-Wan self-recrimination cropped up and he winced internally at the thought. ‘I’m a pervert still.’

The hand he was holding suddenly tightened on him with the other pulling him more tightly against the warm body against him. “You’re not.” A sleep rough voice mumbled out.

Wincing slightly in realization he had let his shields lower during his sleepy haze, Obi-Wan just squeezed the others hand slightly.

“Master…” Anakin voice was becoming low, incensed.

Sighing, Obi-Wan squeezed Anakin’s hand in return. “Peace Anakin… please.” He whispered, voice cracking on the plea.

But it was enough to make the other back down.

But he didn’t let go of Obi-Wan, holding him tightly to his body, the erection quite clearly felt in his back.

But Anakin didn’t seem intent on doing anything so Obi-Wan let it be, even as his own thoughts brought his down.

A warm nose suddenly bumped into the back of his nose. “Sleep master, there’s still time left.” He whispered quietly.

“…Yes, some more sleep sounds good.” Quietly agreeing, Obi-Wan closed his eyes and let the sound of Anakin’s even breath and warm presence wrap around him and sooth him to sleep, the feel of Anakin’s free hand rubbing lightly against his stomach over the silky fabric providing a comfort Obi-Wan wasn’t sure how to explain only that it did.

So, after the last time in Snow white purity, do Obi and Ani share bed again?

Letting out a surprised yelp while knocking his heels against the wall in an attempt to get away from the others feet, Anakin gave a wide eyed stare at Obi-Wan in the dimmed down cabin as the Jedi master smiled sheepishly back at him, giving a small shrug. “I told you my feet were cold.” He stated guiltily.

When the two had entered the cabin they’d be bunking in for their return back to Coruscant, Anakin’s nerves had almost shot through the roof when he noticed there was only one bunk, the only available cabin being a couples cabin and therefore it was a double ‘bed’ instead of two singles.

They would have to share and while they had done so before, Anakin had never shared with Obi-Wan while in his new, silky attire.

Obi-Wan too had seemed a bit uncertain but had smiled at him, patting him gently on the shoulder as they set their bags down and dug out his toiletries to prepare for bed.

And Anakin, much to his own horror, found that he had left behind his sleep pants in the castle in his haste to get away from the darn princess and prince that kept frigging hitting on Obi-Wan. That meant he would have to sleep in his boxers and only those.

He could of course put on his leggings but he was suppose to walk around in those in the day time and did not need more sweat and dried skin in them!

He didn’t need to reek!

So, that left him to sleep in his boxers with Obi-Wan in his cute pink sleep wear.

If Anakin had popped a boner before from simply sharing the bed, it was nothing against what would happen now and he was terrified of making Obi-Wan uncomfortable around him again. Because Anakin was totally aware that Obi-Wan became uncomfortable after he had an orgasm against Anakin’s thigh.

And if that happened again now due to Anakin not being able to control his hormones…

Well, at least he wasn’t about to do it now, because despite being warned when Obi-Wan saw he didn’t have pj pants, he had no idea Obi-Wan’s legs would be that cold.

Shame on him, considering he was warned prior to Obi-Wan crawling into the bunk, the two facing each other since the bunk was thankfully big enough for it, Anakin laying on his left while watching Obi-Wan nervously as he came under the large blanket.

“Force master, what is wrong with your feet?” Anakin surprise turned to concern, reaching down automatically to rub at the others knee, using the Force to heat up the others feet a bit quicker.

Obi-Wan let out a soft noise, giving him a stern look before sighing in relief when Anakin was clearly warming his feet, stifling any scolding the older man was about to give him. “Remember when I mentioned how my hands were always cold?” He stated softly, his minty breath washing over Anakin’s face.

Anakin scrunched up his face, slowly rubbing his thumb over Obi-Wan’s knee still. “Um, faintly, you told me this years ago…” He mumbled, thinking back before pausing, staring at Obi-Wan. “Wait, didn’t you say you had circulation issues?”

Nodding slightly, shuffling closer to Anakin unconsciously, Obi-Wan sighed. “Yeah, its mostly due to surgeries I’ve had, my circulatory system isn’t as good as it should be, so my utmost extremities are quicker to become cold, so my hands, my feet and the tip of my nose for example easily become cold.” He shrugged slightly, trying to fib it off.

Grunting unhappily however, Anakin mumbled then reached out with the Force, tucking the blankets fully around them to avoid letting in any cold air. Then he ordered the cabin to go five degrees warmer. “I’m not having you cold master.” He huffed at Obi-Wan before quite firmly ordering the lights out, his right arm coming around the other to rest around his waist, hand settled on the others mid back.

After a moment, Obi-Wan let out a soft sigh, a mix of exasperation and pleasure as he pressed his forehead to Anakin’s collarbone. “Alright padawan, we do it your way.” He stated softly and much to Anakin’s surprise, yet pleasure, he slowly felt Obi-Wan sneak an arm around him in return, settling in a mimicking pose to what Anakin.

It was comfortable and Anakin let out a soft hum, closing his eyes.

He could get used to this, he could very much get used to this every night.

Obi-Wan warm and pliant in his arms as the man held Anakin in return, despite the cold fingers touching along his spine. And yet they were quickly heating up, soaking in Anakin’s warmth most likely.

‘I’d warm you any time you’d need Obi-Wan, any time you want. You just have to ask.’ He nuzzled slowly against soft, copper hair, resisting the temptation to drop a kiss to the top of the others head.

Not yet.

But soon.

Soon he could cross that barrier too.

Also #snowwhitepurity??? I mean, Obi-Wan wants Anakin too, right? That’s what he meant when he said he’s been tempted right? How’s he feeling about this enforced clinginess?

In the end, he’s only human after all.

into Anakin’s strong body, feeling the shift of muscles and warm
skin, even hidden by a sleep shirt, is doing things to Obi-Wan’s
body in return.

urge to touch is strong but for all that the urge is strong, Obi-Wan
will remain pretending to be asleep thank you very much.

rather not embarrass himself anymore in front of Anakin and give him
anymore clues to Obi-Wan’s disgusting inclinations thank you very

not fully my fault.’ He sighed internally, almost purring with
pleasure as his padawan started slowly stroking his sun tanned,
slender fingers through Obi-Wan’s hair. Due to the ritual,
Obi-Wan’s urge to touch was stronger than normal, to the point of
it being difficult to resist being close to the only human on the


was warm and who Obi-Wan had been attracted to since the damn brat of
a padawan grew into a man.

slightly gangly and awkward at time but with a smile that could rival
suns and bright blue eyes that kept entrancing Obi-Wan.

Anakin made Obi-Wan laugh.

there when Obi-Wan needed someone, like the time Obi-Wan had come
down one of the outer core plagues and was pretty much shitting
himself to death if it wasn’t for treatment.

tender treatment, Anakin enduring all of the awfulness associated
with the wilder core plague, all to make sure Obi-Wan would be
alright, that he would recover without taking too much sever damage
that rest and fluids could not fix.

after my own padawan… I’m such a deviant,’ Obi-Wan couldn’t
help but bitterly think even as he pressed his cheek to Anakin’s
chest, listening to the steady heartbeat of the other, breathing
slowly with him as he feigned sleep. ‘It was one thing when I
myself was a padawan wanting my master, at least I wasn’t about to
take advantage of Qui-Gon and he had no interest in me. But my own
padawan?’ He couldn’t help but despair, wondering if he
should have taken up Quinlan or Siri’s offer.

He had
connections with them and maybe he wouldn’t be such a degenerate if
he just got laid already by someone and had the ‘cork’ popped so
to speak.

for some reason, the idea of getting into bed with even someone he
trusted like Quinlan or Siri was making his stomach flip flop

I even manage to maintain an erection throughout it if I’m this put
off right now?’ Obi-Wan wondered depressingly.

truth of the matter was that Obi-Wan Kenobi had at one point fallen
distressingly in love with his padawan, going from an attraction
where he was willing to consider sleeping with the other to actually
outright loving him in a way he clearly shouldn’t.

power dynamic was clearly ripe for abuse.

what the body and the mind wants…

still had a few shameful memories of laying in tight quarters, Anakin
tucked up against his back, his soft cock pressed to Obi-Wan’s butt
through thin sleep pants as Obi-Wan resisted the overwhelming urge to
palm himself or rock back.

then there were the moments when natural body reactions kicked in and
Anakin had an erection because human bodies were just like that.

memory of Anakin humping Obi-Wan’s thigh was one that would be
burned into dirty mind forever and it bought him pleasure but also
great shame and he had spent a full day meditating while a concerned
Anakin kept checking on him, something that had done nothing for the
shame burning through Obi-Wan at the time.

just a dirty old man, aren’t I… He’d be so disgusted if he knew
what was going through my mind.’ Obi-Wan thought ruefully, still
fully feigning sleep, Anakin’s fingers gently teasing through his
hair, the skin craving soothed by their closeness.