In Dangerous Galaxy, how are the other Jedi reacting now that they’re safe from the Senate? Have their relationships with the clones changed? Have any of them allowed themselves to open up about what they went through, about how they may not have allowed themselves relationships because of what they had to do?

Smiling quietly as she accepted the cup of tea Commander Colt made for her, Shaak nodded her thanks to him as she cradled the cup close, savoring the warmth and scent of the precious liquid. Across the table, Depa accepted her own cup from Colt, smiling softly up at the man and then blowing on the tea, a tad more impatient than Shaak for the heat.

Not that Shaak could blame her, Depa had just arrived and it had been raining as usual.

The wind had a tendency to make things cold.

Curled into his master’s side, Caleb napped quietly, the quiet buzz of troopers all around them sending the young padawan into a deep, secure sleep.

Not that Shaak was any better, if she was honest.

Ever since Vod’alor Kote, since Commander Cody, conquered Coruscant and took over the Republic, a sense of security had finally settled into Shaak’s very bones and soul.

The knowledge that the Senate could no longer use them was… reassuring.

That was the easiest word Shaak could use, reassuring. Her actual emotions couldn’t be put into words, the sensation of overwhelming joy, the painful relief, uncertainty of the future, the knowledge the troopers were there…

So many emotions and mixing and mangling in her chest and filling her with a sensation she just couldn’t explain.

And over all of it, happiness, warmth, the knowledge that they were safe.

Yes, Shaak was more than happy to sit with her fellow council member, enjoy the tea Colt had made for them as Caleb napped on his master, his mother’s, lap.

Not that he knew it.

The jedi did their best to shield their own children from the knowledge.

To know you were the product of a Senator taking advantage of a Jedi, to know you were the product of rape…

Yes, the Jedi did their best to shield the children. So many of the younglings were given fake planets to claim their own.

She knew that Caleb’s history listed him as ‘Coruscantian’ born, young Zatt was listed as coming from Dac instead of the home of Glee Anselm like Kit and she was aware that Cal Kestie was listed as coming from one of Stewjon’s moons, instead of the planet.

Just enough that his biology could be explained but try not to put him to close to Obi-Wan.

There were many other younglings like them.

But generally, only the parents themselves and the healers in question knew. The only reason Shaak was aware of Cal, Caleb and Zett was because of her own closeness to their parents on the Jedi council.

Otherwise, she wouldn’t know.

But one could only spend so much time together before one figured things out.

Cal Kestie especially was easy to see, the way he looked so much like Obi-Wan and how rare redheaded humans apparently were. That relationship was more of an open secret than anything due to the similarity.

Just like the Vod’alor and Obi-Wan’s relationship.

Or well, almost relationship.

Obi-Wan himself had not cottoned on but the rest of the council could see how much the Vod’alor pined for his Jedi, the way he watched him with a softness that… well, frankly Obi-Wan deserved.

They could also tell that there was no chance in hell Kote would do anything, that the clone was terrified of abusing his position of power.

It made Shaak hope that Obi-Wan figured out things sooner rather than later, seeing as he pined for his former Commander too.

In these trying days, Shaak couldn’t help but feel that they all deserved some happiness. Some softness. “Are you returning to Coruscant?” She looked up from her cup, meeting Depa’s eyes at the quiet question.

The other simply looked curious, so Shaak shook her head. “Not… yet at least. I believe I will stay here for as long as the clones are here.” She glanced at Colt, smiling slightly when the commander straightened in attention, his chest puffing out slightly.

After all, they had looked after her, had shielded Shaak.

She should return the favor until the last of the clones were decanted and ready to move out.

The Jedi owed them that much she felt and by the soft, none-judgmental hum she got from Depa, it was clear the other both understood and agreed.

Let the Jedi give back to the troopers, in any way they were willing to accept the aid of Jedi.

Do the healers figure out what triggered Obi’s relapse? Maybe there is something on Obi’s comm?

“Can you tell how this happened?

The voice penetrated Obi-Wan’s foggy head, the words even and soft but somehow still attention catching.

There was a deep, slightly frustrated sigh. “Sometimes, relapses don’t have a reason. Obi-Wan’s recovery was never meant to be a straight line and while this is unfortunate, it was also to be expected.” A firm voice replied, a voice Obi-Wan recognized and knew very well to listen to or else.

Or else?

Else what?

“Its frankly a Force miracle that it didn’t happen sooner, I didn’t want to say anything, but I expected Obi-Wan back within the week of leaving. The fact that he remained out for a full month, even left the temple, is a very good sign for his progress. This? Its just a step back.” The voice continued, a thread of satisfaction in it.

There was a deep sigh. “So, two steps forward and one back then?” The first voice questioned.

“More like three steps forward and one back. He might be back in his room with the shielding now, but I don’t expect to keep him for long. We might also want to look into medication for Obi-Wan, we’ll talk with him about it again.”

A low, deep voice echoed. “He rejected it last, right?” That voice was very familiar and for some reason Obi-Wan’s mouth tasted of purple of all things when he heard it.

“Yes, with good reason. At the time it was offered, he was in even worse state and the side effects worried him, now he might be more amendable to it. He is in a much better condition, so some of the more severe side effects wouldn’t be a worry to him.” The firm voice stated quietly.

“A different medication you are thinking of now, hmm?” An old, croaky voice questioned.

It was familiar.

They all were but Obi-Wan just wanted to rest.

“Yes actually, the first one was… well, its an emergency and the side effects would lead to some permanently having to take them for life. Its why Obi-Wan rejected them and the only reason I offered them was due to young Anakin and the severity of Obi-Wan’s case.” The firm voice explained.

There was a rustle, something soft was brushed over Obi-Wan and he let out a soft noise, stilling all the voices.

A gentle, warm hand stroked his hair. “Obi-Wan?” The voice that tasted like purple stated, softer and closer now.

Yes, that was his name and he let out another soft noise as there was some more rustling before another, slightly cooler hand touched his temple. “Hmm, he’s not very conscious. Awake but not really aware… it is alright Obi-Wan, you can rest some more.” The cool hand lingered.

Oh, it expected a response.

Obi-Wan let out a small hum, shifting slightly as he bought his limbs closer to himself.

“Hmm, the severed bond, causing this it is?” The croaky voice questioned.

“Not directly, its more how Obi-Wan choose to deal with his relapse,” The firm voice answered, voice kinder. “Directing all of it into himself instead of leaning on his padawan, it created a feedback loop from the backlash. Also, apparently your voice tastes of purple Mace.” The firm voice sounded like it wanted to laugh.

There was a pause. “…I’m not even going to question that,” The purple voice sighed deeply before it spoke again. “I’ll take Anakin for the day, he’s not going to be in the best of moods and a good sparring or moving meditation works better for him. Shaak, will you tell Plo that Obi-Wan is in a better state? I would hate for him to be distracted in his mission.”

The soft voice from the start chuckled quietly. “Of course, will you join me Master Yoda? We could have tea together while Master Che returns to her duties.”

The voices started faded away, as if they were moving further off but the purple one lingered, the warm hand back in his hair. “…Rest well Obi-Wan, the temple will be safe around you.”

Hoping to see more of so many great stories. In AWOL Jedi, how did the Kamino raid go? Did they discover somethin odd like the longnecks had started a huge batch when the others disappeared? Did Bail react better than Padme to Jedi/vod wanting lives? I’d like to think some senators have realized how they took the jedi for granted as tools not a service corps. ty ty again!

Scratching at his scalp in quiet, bewildering rage, Cody stared at the little pods tucked in among all of the vode. Beside him Shaak Ti also stared, her hands tucked into her sleeve as her lekku’s twitched with hidden emotion.

Honestly, Cody had never learned to read the direct emotional tells of lekku’s but he knew she was agitated at the very least.

Maybe also ashamed?

How the longnecks had managed to hide this from the Jedi was a big question but somehow they had.

The longnecks had been trying to clone Jedi.

They had little success and Cody dreaded what the terminal they had sliced would reveal, what information would come up about the little ones before.

But for now they had rescued twenty little pods that did not contain vode.

Five little Obi-Wan Kenobi’s, five little Anakin Skywalker’s, five little Aayla Secura’s and five little Yoda’s from what Cody could tell.

How had the kaminoan’s managed to get the DNA necessary to make the little ones?!

Troopers were the DNA givers once Jango Fett died, had the damn longnecks been scrounging battlefields for blood samples or something or had they used bounty hunters to break into the Jedi temple for tissue samples?

Regardless of the how, the most burning question was the why.

And unfortunately, Cody could make a few guesses.

The kaminoans wouldn’t blink twice about selling a Force sensitive ‘weapon’ to the highest bidder. Just as they had made the clone army, their cloning stations were now for sale and while officially they could deny what was going on, black market sale of these little look alikes to the Jedi order could flourish.

Cody jumped a bit as General Ti reached out, settling one hand on the closest pod, marked with Y-11, and star dust, Cody didn’t want to think about what that meant for the little Yoda clones before this one.

Observing quietly, Cody watched as the little and almost disgustingly adorable baby stretched inside the tank, seemingly yawn and reach out in turn to General Ti. “…Sir?” He whispered.

A lekku twitched in his direction. “…They are all Force sensitive. They seem… untampered strangely enough.” She murmured.

And that was strange.

The longnecks would want to grow their products quickly so they could sell them quickly.

Frowning darkly at the pods, Cody crossed his arms over his chest, tapping his vambrace with his gloved fingertips before a thought came to him. “Maybe they tried but it didn’t work?” Cody stated quietly, continuing when Shaak opened her eyes to look at him. “Force sensitivity is harder to replicate than just a person. Several troopers are Force sensitive even if we were never trained for it,” He continued at her curious eyes. “And these little ones aren’t the first.” He stated darkly.

Both he and Ti looked back at the pods. AS-23-28, OWK-14-19, AaS-26-31, Y-11-16, indicating how many there either at one point had been or how many had failed and then been… disposed of.

“…I fear you may be right Commander,” Shaak stated softly, pulling her hand back and sliding it into her sleeves. “I am only sorry we did not discover this before. Just as I am sorry we did not find you and your vode before.” She sent him a sad look.

It wasn’t the first time Cody had heard that, when Jedi took over, all decommissioning stopped right in their tracks, even before the troopers were relegated to different tasks.

“…You found us, that’s enough General.” Cody murmured, his mind turning to the man that had found them for real, to Obi-Wan.

He hoped the man was safe, he hoped Coruscant was kind to them… he hoped Fox was looking out for Cody’s Jedi.

In Feralchild can we get to see Obi go wild and actually bite his opponent in a sparring match? Qui-Gon has to scold him in public, but in private he’s both amused and proud of his little imp.

his eyebrows almost jump off his face with how fast they rose,
Qui-Gon stared at his apprentice as the judge tried to intervene in
the duel that had turned into a brawl though
that was not why she was intervening.

what Chun had said to Obi-Wan, Qui-Gon had no idea, but he had never
seen his little apprentice get that angry before and certainly not
provoked into doing what he was currently doing as Obi-Wan tended to
be a bit more refined.

however he was reduced to biting, both apprentice and Initiate having
lost their sabers thanks to Force waves from both of them and instead
of going for his saber, Obi-Wan had yelled a mando’a battle cry for some reason and
tackled Chun, the two rolling on the floor until Obi-Wan managed half
pin Chun with two hands on his left arm.

Chun had reached up to punch him with his right, Obi-Wan had
bit down on his arm,
fierce, sharp little teeth drawing blood through the pale beige of
the Initiate uniform as Chun yelled and raged only for Obi-Wan to let
out a muffled snarl and dig his teeth in further.

must be some unconscious Force use behind that bite because there was
no way Obi-Wan’s bite was this strong on it’s own and Qui-Gon let
out a small hiss as Obi-Wan managed to clearly break Chun’s arm
with his teeth before the judge finally separated them as
biting was not technically allowed during the duel tournament.

coated around Obi-Wan’s mouth and stained his teeth as he grinned
viciously while
being pulled away to the sideline and the healers were taking Chun
and Qui-Gon absently noted that he had to take Obi-Wan to the healers
to give him a check.

knew what could be transferred through blood and he’d rather not
take a risk with his little ball of angry legacy.

name, feral child, suits him quite a bit Qui-Gon.” Shaak noted in
obvious amusement from beside him as she leaned forward to get a
better look as several masters muttered around them at the display.

the woman a low hum, Qui-Gon nodded. “Indeed, it’s a rather uncouth behavior and action, especially in a tournament setting but it
worked for now and all is fair in a
fight after all.
I am of course going to continue my effort to tame him…” Qui-Gon
rumbled out, letting his statement hang.

sniffed from his other side. “Uncivilized, really Qui-Gon, as
amusing as his feral tendencies are, you must simply impress upon him
some manners.” The older Sith drawled.

out a low rumble, Qui-Gon had to fight to hide his smirk.

if they only knew just how feral Obi-Wan could be when he wanted to…
but Yan was right, Qui-Gon would have to teach him how to behave…
in public that was.

he bite when you spar with him?” Jocasta mused curiously from Yan’s
side and Qui-Gon let out a small barking laugh of amusement.

I do have a few teeth mark on my left calf, but that was mostly to
distract me so he could try and get his hands on my lightsaber to
beat me.” Qui-Gon chortled.

it may be barbaric but Qui-Gon was proud of his little devil child,
using any and every advantage he had to get the upper hand.

brutal little feral apprentice.’ Qui-Gon smirked, flashing his
teeth at Obi-Wan when the boy looked his way, wiping his mouth with
with his sleeve, which of course caused Yan to tisk quietly.

flashed his blood stained teeth back at Qui-Gon, gleeful at the pride
Qui-Gon was sending through the bond despite the fact that he knew
that the man would soon come over to scold him in front of the other

there was one thing Obi-Wan did, it was to thrive under the attention
of Qui-Gon, especially since what Qui-Gon sometimes said in public
and the impressions Obi-Wan got through their bond and what Qui-Gon
said in their quarters could be highly contradictory.

Qui-Gon was quite happy about his feral little imp.

Padawan Obi-Wan presenting/going into his first heat in the middle of one of his Padawan classes and being too embarrassed to say anything until somebody notices and asks him if he’s okay

Obi-Wan Kenobi was a sixteen year old padawan.

he was utterly miserable at the current moment as he sat in nav
class, trying to focus on the lesson that Master Shaak had stepped in
to cover for their unlucky master Frigg, the poor lady coming down
with a nasty case of mate separation as Urudo, her omega mate, had
been gone longer than she should be.

issue however Obi-Wan wasn’t quite sure of though Qui-Gon had noted
that Obi-Wan looked rather pale and a bit fevered this morning as
Obi-Wan reluctantly nibbled on some toast.

he was coming down with something, he
had to admit he was aching in his muscles so maybe he was coming down
with a cold or something.

then he felt something trickle, a sliding sensation from his arse and
oh no.

this wasn’t happening.

be happening.

felt himself pale and flush at the same time, his hands clenching
into fists on his keyboard as
realization hit him like a shuttle bus.

couldn’t karking be presenting in class
and certainly not as and omega,
he was suppose to turn into a beta!

was what the healers had theorized and projected, that Obi-Wan’s
very slow and late presentation meant that his body just didn’t
have the hormones necessary to become either an omega or an alpha and
all examinations up until this point, embarrassing as they had been,
hadn’t shown the developments in either directions.

it was undeniable.

was producing a minor amount of slick, as only omegas did. The first
time heat, the one that wasn’t suppose to attract any alphas though
occasionally did, the one to inform the omega of what they were and
that it was time to prepare and take precautions.

Obi-Wan was in class,
he was presenting in class,
in front of everyone and he couldn’t bring himself to call for
Master Shaak, couldn’t bring himself to do anything except sit
there in mortification and shame.

Obi-Wan wasn’t suppose to present like this.

Kenobi?” A warm, gentle hand rested on his shoulder and Obi-Wan had
to resist the urge to bite it because his instincts were telling him
to run with that touch and he looked up at master Shaak with wide
eyes, trembling faintly. “Are you alright?” She murmured, her
brows furrowed slightly and her lekkus twitching faintly.

words brought everyone else attention on him, everyone staring at him
curiously and suddenly Obi-Wan regretted sitting in the back off the

Obi-Wan opened his mouth only to shut it, his teeth clicking, when
master’s Shaak’s eyes suddenly went wide. “Oh dear, that…
padawan Kenobi, I’ll call your master to escort you back to your
quarters.” She stated sternly, reaching for her comm.

heavily, Obi-Wan opened his mouth to argue only to shut up when she
held up her hand.

is standard procedure padawan Kenobi, omegas first presentation are
not to wander the halls alone in case any alpha’s get… ideas.”
Shaak assured even as Obi-Wan took notice of the other padawans
whispering behind their hands to each other, their eyes wide and some
were starting to discreetly sniff at the air.

scent wouldn’t have reached them yet, this was Obi-Wan’s first
time, he wasn’t in the thrall of it yet and this was only the
warning scent to send omegas to their nest and find their mates if
they already had them.

even Jedi alphas sometimes got… ideas as Shaak hinted at.

so Obi-Wan waited, sinking down in his chair with his face burning as
Shaak had called for Master Qui-Gon, their bond flashing with alarm
when the man got informed and that just made Obi-Wan burn even more.

didn’t get any better when the man literally ran into the room,
wild eyes scanning the room before landing on Obi-Wan. Without
stopping to listen to master Shaak, Qui-Gon crossed the room in four
long strides and threw his robe around Obi-Wan, swaddling him in the
protective alpha scent before lifting his padawan up and grabbing the
bag with the holopads to rest on his shoulder. “Thank you master
Shaak, your message has been received and I shall inform the healers.
Thank you and may the Force be with you.” Qui-Gon said briskly,
already heading out the door with the wrapped up Obi-Wan in his arms.

man didn’t pause, walking at a near run pace to get Obi-Wan away
from the classroom and with a quiet whine, Obi-Wan wrapped his arms
around his master’s neck to press his face into his shoulder.
“I-I’m sorry.” He whispered against the skin, suppressing the
desire to sob. He wasn’t a child regardless how shocked and upset
he was.

Qui-Gon’s tone softened, his arms squeezing Obi-Wan carefully.
“It’s alright padawan, it’s going to be alright kiddo. We’ll
get you to our quarters and have you bundled away in your room.”
The man promised, the deep rumble of his voice soothing despite
Obi-Wan’s distress.

to his mentor, Obi-Wan let himself cry quiet tears, knowing Qui-Gon
would do nothing to embarrass him at this moment, the alpha oozing
protectiveness for his cub.

Sweeping Gundark- How did this “Jinn, Kenobi, and Skywalker drama” start? How long has the chase been going on?

Obi-Wan Kenobi is the pride and joy of his master, Qui-Gon Jinn and everyone and their grandmaster bunions knows this fact.

They also know that thanks to the unfortunate way their apprenticeship started out when Obi-Wan was sent off to Bandomeer, Qui-Gon is also severely protective of said padawan though it could be put as a normal level of protectiveness considering young Kenobi is a redhead in dangerous situations at his master’s side.

But then again, when Obi-Wan becomes sixteen and starts drawing the eye of many a would be suitor Jinn clearly has a change of heart as he in this way becomes rather overprotective as it becomes clear to everyone that Obi-Wan is naive in the manner’s of the heart.

Some speculate that Obi-Wan just isn’t interested in such manners, perhaps being aromatic or asexual but that’s disproved by Quinlan Vos who comes out of kissing Obi-Wan with a grin and a new respect for Jinn’s dueling skills as the old gundark catches onto the rumors.

It’s not that Obi-Wan’s not interested, it’s just that he’s naive and seems to require a good emotional connection to the person before he engages in such a thing.

And that’s about the time Anakin Skywalker comes back from his year long mission, the year old knight walking right into a pillar with his master on his back as he ends up staring at a laughing Obi-Wan as he and Bant are having a water fight in the garden, both in their thin shift, slightly sheer tunics and leggings that are wet and clinging to their skin.

Yaddle was not pleased as the knight had dropped her in his haste to rub his face and check that no one saw him walk into the pillar.

Someone had.

That someone was one Qui-Gon, I am an overprotective gundark, Jinn who instantly moved to his padawan side while calling for Obi-Wan in faux cheerful voice, pulling his robe off to slip around the teen and bundle him away with the excuse of dinner and homework, Bant waving happily goodbye.

And so started the Kenobi, Skywalker and Jinn drama with Anakin trying to pursue Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon sabotaging it when he could for the next few years.

“He does know that eventually Obi-Wan is going to catch on, right?” Depa mused thoughtfully as she, Yaddle and Shaak watched Qui-Gon tucking Obi-Wan under his chin and fluffing over him as if he was a hatchling and not a nineteen year old human.

In front of the two was Anakin, looking rather perturbed as he had been trying to get Obi-Wan out for dinner.

Snorting deeply and rather unladylike, Shaak lekkus twitched with her amusement. “To Qui-Gon, Obi-Wan is still that dirt coated young padawan in a blaster collar,” She chortled quietly if a bit sadly.

Snorting equally deeply, Yaddle tapped her claws on her thigh before turning from the display of an overprotective master to focus back on her fellow masters. “The last lecture from Mistress Tidida any of you caught?” She decided to ignore the squabble and let them figure it out.

After all, Anakin and Obi-Wan would figure it out eventually and Qui-Gon would have to accept that his young padawan wasn’t so young anymore.

Perking up, Depa nodded eagerly. “Yes, her theories on the living Force was especially intriguing but I’m not sure I agree with her philosophy on the nature of pain and acceptance.” The younger master mused thoughtfully.

Snorting deeply, Shaak gave a full toothed grin and delved into the discussion with the other two, all three pointedly ignoring the drama behind them as the betting pools grew once more for the new day with Quinlan Vos looking happier and happier with how the bets were becoming.

Though honestly with how Obi-Wan almost looked like a tug toy between the two older Jedi, Quinlan figured he should cut his friend a percentage of the pool after everything he was going through, looking adorably confused and pouting between his master and the knight that was interested in him.

#vaderintime! Obi is off on his mission and it’s a trap! What happens next? How did Anakin and the Council react?

along Anakin’s side, Mace hissed at the man. “Skywalker explain,
you have refused to say a word but at this point we need more
information.” He got out even as they continued running. How Anakin
had managed to make the council sprint he wasn’t sure but they
were, most of them, following him to the hanger with
Yoda hanging onto Plo’s back.

space station is real,” Anakin panted out. “But its also a fraud,
its meant
to be leaked to people who would investigate it, Jedi and the kind
because we sell for big credits,” He rounded the corner and shot
down the hall towards the elevator.

he’d need to requisition a
ship out but he had six of the council members with him and was going
to the emergency hanger.

ships of the R
hanger was reserved for rescue missions, for when Jedi ended up
captured or for when targets they were protecting were abducted.

ships were always on standby with
emergency codes to leave at a moment’s notice and
Anakin needed
one of them
they were the speediest of ships in the entire temple that wasn’t a
personal project of a Jedi.

his hand on the button for the hanger and
then the override that would take them directly to it,
Anakin didn’t bother to hold the door open as the elevator held
open to admit Mace, Shaak, Yaddle and Plo with Yoda on his back
before it slid shut and started moving in a hasty speed.

think we need an explanation here,” Shaak panted out, leaning on
the wall.

a half Jedi, half Sith time traveler that came back to ensure the
Jedi order didn’t die and at this point I may be more Jedi than
ever and you’ve all sent Obi-Wan into a trap set up by the Sith
master I’ve been trying to get evidence on so the public doesn’t
turn wholly on the order.” Anakin said shortly, rocking back and
forth on his heels as he stared at the numbers ticking down towards
hanger R.

was a loud, ringing Silence with a capital s.

and Mace figured me out because he can see shatterpoints and has been
helping me for ages and is the reason why the clones have a planet
because they once became the Grand Army of the Republic or GAR for
short and murdered everyone in the temple because that’s what the
Sith master wanted, that and total control of the galaxy.” Anakin
finished up.

ringing silence and then Mace sighed deeply. “Why thank you knight
Skywalker for throwing me under the shuttle bus.” He drawled

up, Obi-Wan in trouble, Sith master knows he’s the closest thing to
get to me and if he hurts Obi-Wan I might more issue holding onto my
Jedi side,” Here Anakin shot Yoda a glare. “Attachment is what
anchors me to the light side because it’s what makes my life worth
it, so don’t come here and lecture me as you did so many times
before.” He growled before focusing back on the numbers.

was a low chuckle. “Told you he did, argued with you for a long
time I have.” Yaddle cackled lightly, patting the still shell
shocked looking Shaak’s knee as she stood beside the togruta.

just hope Obi-Wan flies under the radar for a bit longer, if not he
may be long gone from the station already.” Anakin swallowed
heavily, pushing back the dark inside of him, the hissing dragon, the

the door opened with a ding and Anakin sprang forward in a blur of
black tunics and robe, still dirty from his travel to the temple as
he rushed down the line of ships, past droids and mechanics.

is it, where is i-aha!’ Anakin stopped at the console of the
modified VCX-100 model. It was small, it had very little dexterity
but it was faster than practically anything else in the hanger and it
was perfect for what Anakin needed it for.

stopped beside him, staring at the ship Anakin was logging out.
“Anakin, this ship doesn’t even have a fresher or a medbay, what
if Obi-Wan requires medical attention?” He growled out.

can heal him,” Anakin stated shortly. “And there’s a fully
stocked medkit onboard. If I can’t heal him then Obi-Wan is already
too far gone for whatever a medbay can do,” Anakin paused a second,
watching the clamps release the ship. “…I need to be fast Mace, I
have no other choice here but to be fast and fly through space and
hyperspace as fast as any ship can take me.” He whispered.

master of the order growled quietly only to let out a surprised noise
when Yaddle passed by both him and Anakin, heading up the lowered
ramp of the now unclamped shuttle. “Coming you are Skywalker?”
She called back.

breathed out before nodding, racing after her. “Yes master Yaddle…
and thank you.” He stated breathlessly, knowing he may need the

herself into a seat, Yaddle watched Anakin take the pilot controls.
“A good master Obi-Wan is, kind, a great loss he would be… but
talk with me you shall once out we are.” Her voice turned a bit

the woman who placed sweets in his pockets as a youngling, Anakin
just smiled as he sent the emergency code and took the ship out of
the hanger. “I see no issue with doing that Master Yaddle.” He
murmured respectfully, happy that in this life, he had not lead to
her death.

to rescue Obi-Wan.

Can we see more of your underworld seeds au? What are the boys getting up to down there? Have the other gods found out?

wasn’t meant to last of course.

secrets eventually come out and as Qui-Gon stands in front of his
father with his arms crossed over his chest, he mourns the fact that
he wasn’t hiding down in the underworld with his love. But Yan had
caught the message he had been intending to send to Obi-Wan, a silly
and sappy poem for the man of his heart.

now Yan was ranting, pacing back and forth as Jocasta sat quietly on
her throne, only watching with a hint of disapproval and maybe some

doesn’t want to lose me… please do not become Demeter mother. I
am not yours to control.’ Qui-Gon thought to himself even as he
continued watching his father, ignoring the other gods and goddesses
around them as the man continued ranting.

as thunder and lighting rolled across the mortal world thanks to
Yan’s rage, Qui-Gon had enough. “At least I come and go as I
please, I have yet to eat pomegranate seeds from the Underworld.” He said in a dry tone
as everyone froze, narrowing his eyes at his now wide eyed father.
“But I can very quickly change that because this is getting tedious
father.” He growled quietly.

Yan slammed his hands down on the table of the mortal world, most likely
unleashing an earth quake. “Do not come here and threaten me boy,
you will not like the consequences.” Yan snapped back, is neatly
groomed hair rising to the static of his lightening.

slightly, Qui-Gon picked up an apple, shrugging a bit. “It is not a
threat. It is a promise. I am in love, I love Obi-Wan, I have loved
him for over four years now and have snuck to the underworld and up
as I wished and he has let me come and go as I wished,” He stated,
as he pulled his knife of his belt and started slowly peeling the
apple while watching it. Qui-Gon didn’t bother to watch the other
heavenly beings, only listened to their noises of surprise or shock,
little gasps or huffs. “Obi-Wan has no leash on me and I have none
on him, the fact that you all seem to think so is very concerning to
me…” He lifted a slice up to his mouth, chewing slowly as he eyed
his father and mother.

and Jocasta traded terrified looks, both clearly thinking they might lose their son to the underworld as Demeter had once ‘lost’ her own child to Hades and his underworld.

Nothing said about how controlling the once goddess was, no, Persephone was clearly just a stupid child pretending to be in love while the mother tried to control her life and threw a hissy fit that brought on winter and prevented harvest when Persephone didn’t return.

‘And so we got six months of spring and summer and six of winter and autumn, because Demeter had to have her daughter despite the woman wanting Hades and to be in love and be happy with him.’

are you so determined to make him lonely?” Qui-Gon shook his head
and glanced about with a frown. “Every other god and goddess is here but not he,
alone in the world of the dead, ruling and taking care of it with
only Anakin at his side and even that is a reluctant offer because he
could not give Anakin back to life after he died foolishly,” He
inclined his head in apology to Shmi as the woman flinched. “Obi-Wan
has been lonely for so long, he has the most ungrateful job that makes everyone fear him and yet
he still does it to the best of his capabilities and you all still
shy from him for doing the thankless job.” He shook his head and took another slice of his

forward in her seat, Jocasta gave him as gentle a smile as possible.
“Qui-Gon, son, please believe me when I say I don’t want Obi-Wan
to be lonely, he’s very young and ki-”

her off, Qui-Gon paused in peeling his apple to stare at his mother.
“And yet you want to forbid me from seeing Obi-Wan. You all want to
deny me the option of coming and going from Underworld as Obi-Wan
never tries to keep me where I do not wish to be.” He narrowed his
eyes. “…That’s interesting, you’re all worried about Obi-Wan
abducting me and yet you’re the ones keeping me where I do not wish
to be…” He slowly sliced off a piece and put it in his mouth.

say we let him go,” Qui-Gon turned his head, his brows jumping in surprise at the annoyed voice, watching Shaak as she huffed and sat back in
her chair, the goddess of the hunt looking more than a bit perturbed.
“Is it really that bad that he comes and goes from the underground?
He is right, Obi-Wan has yet to try to keep him. And if memory serves
me right, Persephone decided herself to stay with Hades after her
mother tried to keep her away from Hades. He’s already said as much, if we try to cage him he is liable to never returning to spite us, we know he would.” She rolled her eyes,
implying that Shaak had no trouble imagining Qui-Gon doing the same
to stay with his chosen love .

a bit, Qui-Gon went back to eating his apple as the rest started to
bicker, not denying the he could be spiteful.

couldn’t stop him anyhow, he would come and go as he wished, free
as the wind as he gave his love to Obi-Wan with the god of the dead
giving his own love in return.

god he made laugh, pale cheeks flushed and green eyes twinkling in

H O L Y S H I T but the latest chapter in Safe Here literally made me cry. You know some victims of domestic abuse develop PTSD; specifically, hypervigilance. I mean come on, even I thought that Obi was pretty much in the clear in regards to physical retaliation when Knight Shakma slammed him in court. I just can’t get rid of the image of Obi-Wan never turning his back to anybody (always having his back to the wall), and just generally being super distrustful of everybody else.


The kel dor looked up quickly at the call of his name, blinking
behind his goggles at Shaak. “Uh?”
“I’ve been calling
your name the last two minutes my friend.” The togruta knight said
worriedly, sitting down on the other side of the table the council
master had captured hours ago when he first started studying in the
Archives. “Are you alright?” She questioned.

Hesitating, Plo eventually sighed. “Personally, I am alright Shaak,
however Obi-Wan is not.” He gave her a grim smile.

Shaak frowned at that, giving a glance around and Plo felt he reach
out with the Force to give the Archive a swift check and he knew what
she was looking for or rather whom.

She wouldn’t find Obi-Wan in the Archive however.

Returning her eyes to him, Shaak frowned at him. “What’s wrong?
Has anything more happened to him?” She questioned worriedly. The
entire incident with Shkma had been over the temple in less then a
day, from the actions of the former knights to the words and
Obi-Wan’s bruised throat.

Jedi were frankly terrible gossips Plo had decided long ago.

Giving a small sigh, Plo shook his head. “No, nothing new but
Obi-Wan has developed… well I believe he has PTSD. He is currently
scared to leave the quarters and is exhibiting a hyper-vigilance I
usually associate with weathered combat veterans.” He gave into the
urge to wearily rub his face. “I can feel him constantly checking
on our bond, believing he’s being stealthy about it and I therefor
do not notice. And if there are others in our quarters he dares not
turn his back to them, inches away while facing them like a skittish
ash rabbit.” Plo settled his elbow on the table, head held up by
his hand. “I don’t know what to do Shaak.”

She opened her mouth then closed it just as quickly, biting her lips.
“I don’t know what to advice here my friend. I’ve never had a
situation like this myself.” She murmured.

“No, not a lot of masters have apparently.” Plo sighed heavily.
“So I’m feeling a bit at lost. I can’t force him to go to a
mind or soul healer, that’s not how it works, especially not with a
child whose been abused, but he can’t live in constant alertness
and fear. Its not healthy, nor is healthy to remain cooped up in our
quarters.” He said.

Rubbing a lekku thoughtfully, Shaak frowned. “Is it all people or
just adults?” She questioned.

Plo sat up at that. “Adults so far, I honestly haven’t had any
Initiates or young padawans visit.” He blinked. “Do you think the
situation will be different with someone his own age?” The idea
hadn’t occurred to Plo but it was certainly worth a shot.

“If you call his friends, people he trusted that has never hurt him
like Shkma did. Perhaps arrange a study group? Have them come over to
work on homework they have together or that could be the excuse at
least.” Shaak nodded. “Sometimes the emotional network has to
come from those who aren’t adults, to start the healing.” She
smiled a bit. “Once he at least starts trusting outside of his
friends and you, then you can talk to him about going to healers.”
Shaak continued.

Sitting back in his chair, rubbing his chin, Plo let his mind mull
over the idea before getting up. “Thank you Shaak, you have no idea
how long I’ve been here trying to… I need to go contact said
younglings masters or creche master to get this arranged. I know that
Obi-Wan is friends with young Bant Eerin and I believe Garen Muln.”
He bowed to her and hurried away.

Shaak waved after him, watching him go before blinking and
facepalming. “Kark, I was suppose to ask him about the regulation
forms for the D hanger. Plo, wait!” She jumped to her feet and
raced after him, robe flaring out behind her as she hurried after the
kel dor. “Plo!”

H O L Y S H I T but the latest chapter in Safe Here literally made me cry. You know some victims of domestic abuse develop PTSD; specifically, hypervigilance. I mean come on, even I thought that Obi was pretty much in the clear in regards to physical retaliation when Knight Shakma slammed him in court. I just can’t get rid of the image of Obi-Wan never turning his back to anybody (always having his back to the wall), and just generally being super distrustful of everybody else.


The kel dor looked up quickly at the call of his name, blinking
behind his goggles at Shaak. “Uh?”
“I’ve been calling
your name the last two minutes my friend.” The togruta knight said
worriedly, sitting down on the other side of the table the council
master had captured hours ago when he first started studying in the
Archives. “Are you alright?” She questioned.

Hesitating, Plo eventually sighed. “Personally, I am alright Shaak,
however Obi-Wan is not.” He gave her a grim smile.

Shaak frowned at that, giving a glance around and Plo felt he reach
out with the Force to give the Archive a swift check and he knew what
she was looking for or rather whom.

She wouldn’t find Obi-Wan in the Archive however.

Returning her eyes to him, Shaak frowned at him. “What’s wrong?
Has anything more happened to him?” She questioned worriedly. The
entire incident with Shkma had been over the temple in less then a
day, from the actions of the former knights to the words and
Obi-Wan’s bruised throat.

Jedi were frankly terrible gossips Plo had decided long ago.

Giving a small sigh, Plo shook his head. “No, nothing new but
Obi-Wan has developed… well I believe he has PTSD. He is currently
scared to leave the quarters and is exhibiting a hyper-vigilance I
usually associate with weathered combat veterans.” He gave into the
urge to wearily rub his face. “I can feel him constantly checking
on our bond, believing he’s being stealthy about it and I therefor
do not notice. And if there are others in our quarters he dares not
turn his back to them, inches away while facing them like a skittish
ash rabbit.” Plo settled his elbow on the table, head held up by
his hand. “I don’t know what to do Shaak.”

She opened her mouth then closed it just as quickly, biting her lips.
“I don’t know what to advice here my friend. I’ve never had a
situation like this myself.” She murmured.

“No, not a lot of masters have apparently.” Plo sighed heavily.
“So I’m feeling a bit at lost. I can’t force him to go to a
mind or soul healer, that’s not how it works, especially not with a
child whose been abused, but he can’t live in constant alertness
and fear. Its not healthy, nor is healthy to remain cooped up in our
quarters.” He said.

Rubbing a lekku thoughtfully, Shaak frowned. “Is it all people or
just adults?” She questioned.

Plo sat up at that. “Adults so far, I honestly haven’t had any
Initiates or young padawans visit.” He blinked. “Do you think the
situation will be different with someone his own age?” The idea
hadn’t occurred to Plo but it was certainly worth a shot.

“If you call his friends, people he trusted that has never hurt him
like Shkma did. Perhaps arrange a study group? Have them come over to
work on homework they have together or that could be the excuse at
least.” Shaak nodded. “Sometimes the emotional network has to
come from those who aren’t adults, to start the healing.” She
smiled a bit. “Once he at least starts trusting outside of his
friends and you, then you can talk to him about going to healers.”
Shaak continued.

Sitting back in his chair, rubbing his chin, Plo let his mind mull
over the idea before getting up. “Thank you Shaak, you have no idea
how long I’ve been here trying to… I need to go contact said
younglings masters or creche master to get this arranged. I know that
Obi-Wan is friends with young Bant Eerin and I believe Garen Muln.”
He bowed to her and hurried away.

Shaak waved after him, watching him go before blinking and
facepalming. “Kark, I was suppose to ask him about the regulation
forms for the D hanger. Plo, wait!” She jumped to her feet and
raced after him, robe flaring out behind her as she hurried after the
kel dor. “Plo!”