So Vos has to be dead meat in Dare Devil Recklessness, right?

down his nose at the padawan with the blankest
in the world, Qui-Gon slowly crossed his arms over his chest as
Quinlan squirmed in discomfort and Master Tholme watched on in

masters ignored that the talking around them had quietest quite a bit
since Qui-Gon came in and went straight for the partner in crime of
one reckless, daredevil imp by the name Kenobi.

Qui-Gon had enough of the silence and clicked his tongue. “Well?
Would you like me to inform your master of what you suggested to my
very impulsive padawan, who is not off the hook and will be facing
his own set of consequences, the padawan you left alone to deal with
his issue without informing any adult?” He questioned acidly.

Tholme and Vos flinched at that.

Qui-Gon was
playing around this time, not even trying to keep a lid on how pissed
off he was and was not in the mood to give privacy for this
particular event.

Qui-Gon was one for scolding in private, for
masters to deal with their
own padawans and
giving them
a warning on not to suggest bullshit to Obi-Wan since he was so
reckless while
Qui-Gon himself dealt with Obi-Wan
but this time…

Quinlan trailed off, glancing nervously at his master and then back
up at Qui-Gon, who arched his eyebrows at the boy as he continued
staring down his hooked nose at him.

the teen continued to shuffle his feet, Qui-Gon let out an impatient
noise, which once more had Quinlan wincing as the older master
clearly had enough
of the young kiffar influencing Obi-Wan to the most random of things.

all, it was Quinlan who was the sole
reason Obi-Wan had once taken an old fashion trolley
on wheels to ride down one of the longest pairs of stairs in the
temple, leading to Obi-Wan breaking his leg.

padawan,” Qui-Gon turned his head to Tholme, eyes narrowed. “Had
the gall to suggest to Obi-Wan that he couldn’t fit a light bulb in
his mouth.” He bit out.

and total silence through the whole sparring salle, everyone
now staring at them.

mouth dropped open slowly, his eyes wide as he stared at Qui-Gon.
“…He put a light bulb in his mouth? Your padawan…”

Qui-Gon answered archly before looking back down at Quinlan, the teen
now staring at his feet. “As young Vos here very well knows, since
he was still there when Obi-Wan was struggling to get it out, unable
to speak. And he left Obi-Wan, without informing an adult, that
Obi-Wan had a karking light bulb stuck in his mouth when you called
for him Master Tholme.” He growled, not unlike a large nexus
protecting its cubs.

there was the lynch pin.

fact that Quinlan had abandoned Obi-Wan to the light bulb stuck in
his mouth.

it took me two hours to come back from my little get together outside
the temple, which means Obi-Wan sat with the bulb in his mouth,
trying to get it out, still unable to talk… and you didn’t tell
about it, padawan Vos.” Qui-Gon took a deep breath through his nose
and looked to Tholme as the man ran his hand over his face.

he caught the Coruscantian Jedi’s eyes, he raised his eyebrows
expectantly and Tholme raised his hands, sighing as he nodded.
“Right, I’ll give him the usual talk and we’ll be having a long
meditation on when informing an adult is important,” He turned to
Quinlan, his face hardening as he focused both his blind and his
seeing eye on the boy. “And Quinlan, you’re going to be set on
kitchen duty for a week. You should have told me something was
wrong.” He stated seriously.

meekly, a mix of embarrassed and ashamed clearly, Quinlan twisted his
hands together. “Is… is Obi-Wan alright? I didn’t know what to
do and…” He swallowed thickly.

finally easing up on his unhappiness at the genuine regret in the
others voice, Qui-Gon nodded. “Yes, Obi-Wan is alright now. He
wasn’t for a bit but I got the light bulb out… I had to break it
though, it could have gone very wrong if Obi-Wan had swallowed the
glass or bitten down on it, breaking it in his mouth and could have
cut him.” He stated seriously.

like he had warned Obi-Wan of earlier, impressing on both the
seriousness of what they had done.

was a stupid dare, that could have gone really wrong and there was
nothing else to really be said for it.

miserably, Quinlan finally glanced up. “I’m sorry, I didn’t
mean for Obi-Wan to… it got stuck and then… I’m really sorry.”
Quinlan’s shoulders slumped as he returned to looking at his feet.

a bit, Qui-Gon reached out and settled his hand on Quinlan’s
shoulder, feeling the padawan jump a bit as he glanced up quickly
again. “Just please think about what you suggest to Obi-Wan, you
know better than anyone how suggestible he is. Or at the very least,
find an adult if something like this happens, no matter now small.”
He murmured, squeezing the boys shoulder.

quickly nodded in reply, smiling weakly when it was clear Qui-Gon
wasn’t angry anymore.

at Tholme, Qui-Gon got another nod from the man before he separated,
intent on returning to Obi-Wan.

hadn’t been lying when he said Obi-Wan was alright, but he
had managed to lock his jaw and couldn’t open his mouth far.

had gotten some muscle relaxant for the jaw muscles but that was all
they could do for now and Obi-Wan would have to eat softer, mashed
or fluid
until the muscles eased up.

next time they did something this stupid, they’d get an adult at

so Qui-Gon hoped.

In Unsafe Galaxy, we’ve seen Obi-Wan have some bad reactions to violence and when Ahsoka was threatened, but what’s his reaction to regular sexual interaction? Is he sexually active? Are there things he doesn’t enjoy/won’t partake in because of his past? Does he get uncomfortable when people show sexual interest in him?

he wasn’t feeling Ahsoka’s uncertain gaze switching between
himself and Obi-Wan, Anakin continued working on the speeder along
with Fives and Echo, all three of them making repairs and
improvements as they could.

the last half an hour, Ahsoka had been sitting on a rock by them,
observing but she had also been staring at Obi-Wan for some time and
Anakin was anticipating a question as much as he was dreading it at
this point considering the explanation they had to give her.

master Obi-Wan sexually active?” She suddenly asked, tone wary and

tensing on his multitool, Anakin slowly raised his head while
absently noting both Echo and Fives tensing up even as they kept

wasn’t looking at him, was opting to look at the speeder as she
fiddled with her silka beads and Anakin let out a deep sigh as he sat
up and set his tool away. “That’s… complicated.” He finally
said, sighing a bit while rubbing his hands together, aware he was
spreading oil on his glove and not caring.

had spares.

got a glance from blue eyes.

a bit, Anakin thought it over before sighing again. “Both yes and
no. Obi-Wan can
be in a sexual relationship but he needs a… very special set of
circumstances. He can’t
engage in casual sexual relationship and he would never dream of
doing it with strangers, “Anakin tapped his fingers on the speeder
seat. Before learning what had happened, Anakin had just assumed it
was just how Obi-Wan was wired.

all, everyone was different when it came to sex.

that he knew…

he could make a few guesses.

looking at her master, her brows scrunched together which bunched up
the white tattoos, Ahsoka let out an inquisitive noise.

like he needed to have something in his hands to fidget with, Anakin
instead plucked at his glove while glancing at the tip of Ahsoka’s
nose, a trick Obi-Wan had taught him to make it seem like you were
looking someone in the eye and yet at the same time keep your own
comfort level. “Obi-Wan needs to be able to feel safe, secure. He
needs to be friends with someone, have a companionable relationship
with a person before he’s willing to go further. As his padawan I
didn’t really know why, I just thought that was how Obi-Wan was.”
He shrugged a bit.

saw Ahsoka bite at her bottom lip, sharp fangs worrying the skin.

after learning the truth… now I know why. Obi-Wan needs
to know he’ll be safe, that his trust and his body won’t be
abused and… well yeah. So it’s complicated but yes he does engage
in relationships but he can’t just go seeking out a random someone
like some Jedi do to let of steam.” He sighed then picked up his
tool again settling down. “And that’s all I’m willing to say
Ahsoka, anything else you have to ask him
about.” Anakin stated sternly.

could feel her flinch more than see it as he bent back over the motor
but that was as much information as Anakin was willing to share.

same level of information Obi-Wan had once given Anakin when the
padawan had asked.

who deserved to feel safe, Obi-Wan who was currently engaging in a
happy conversation with Cody from the looks of it.

Anakin stared at the two.

happy, trusting, leaning into each others space.

well, if he wants it I say good on him for finding someone to trust.’
Anakin smiled a bit and then focused back on the motor, leaving that
up to Obi-Wan.


couldn’t think of anyone who would respect Obi-Wan’s autonomy and
words more than Cody, regardless what they both wanted, they’d
figure it out together. ‘As long as Obi-Wan doesn’t start
worrying about abusing his position and Cody… Force now I don’t
know if I want them to like each other or if I just want them to
remain friends.’ Anakin grimaced to himself before focusing sternly
back on the motor.

were simple, most tech were.

built for a purpose and you could fix it and that was it with a

couldn’t fix a person so easily.