A continuation of your sith!quigon please? With him harassing obi wan through their bond? Maybe with Feemor and Xanatos?


The man in question bit his lips and closed his eyes, trying to focus
past the point inside himself, tried to close of the lid he had

You know that doesn’t work. You may as well respond my own’

Obi-Wan rolled his shoulders and glanced around the cell he was being
kept in. For his own safety was what they said.

It didn’t feel like it was for his own safety, it felt like it was
for others comfort, to keep the Jedi bonded to the Sith out of the
loop. Obi-Wan shuddered a bit. At least they hadn’t been cruel enough
to block of his connection to the Force even if there were Sentinels
placed everywhere.

‘My Own, you
best respond now before I do something…rash.’

‘Please stop. I
don’t…I can’t return.’

‘Of course you
can. Don’t tell me you’re happy as you are dear Obi-Wan?’

Obi-Wan huffed a bit then stood slowly from his meditation mat,
moving to the fresher to wash his face. He knew there was something
wrong with him, something inside of him that had fractured when he
had agreed to reignite the bond with Qui-Gon.

Some deeper sense of self that got lost in the others domineering

‘Not really.
You’re still you Obi-Wan. I never wanted to change you my own. Only
have you as the person you are.’

Blasted if Serenus didn’t sound amused.

‘I’m going to
be meeting with mind healers. They’ll help me figure this out.’

jerked and clung to the sink as sudden anger, not his, rushed through

‘They’re going
to try and remove the bond aren’t they? Obi-Wan they can’t and I
won’t let them imp. Don’t you ever think I will let you go willingly.
You belong to me my copper haired imp.’

stop, it hurts…’
breathed harshly as the pain suddenly let up and sunk togheter on the
fresher floor, still holding onto the sink before biting his lips as
a gentle soothing sensation started inside his mind.

that was…unnecessary. I won’t let them take you from me though. You
don’t belong to the Jedi anymore Obi-Wan. I’ll be seeing you soon

Obi-Wan blinked as the bond went silent with those ominous words.


The sith name Darth Serenus belongs to @poplitealqueen. If you enjoy Sith Qui-Gon do please go checkout her things!

More of the Sith!Qui-Gon/Obi-Wan verse please? The one with the tracking chip. Preferably something inbetween Obi-Wan giving into Serenus and getting rescued by Feemor and Xanatos. Also NSFW if you’re down. LOVE your work!

He focused on the tea, stirring it
slowly to make sure the flavor was spread properly through the water
and smelling the steam, pretending the other man was not in the room
with him.

Obi-Wan was good at pretending and
ignoring people.

Of course, some people refused to be
ignored and Qui-Gon knelt down on a second pillow beside him at the
small table the other had been using. “So this is where you’ve
hidden yourself away my Obi-Wan.” He murmured as the redhead took a
small sip of his tea.

“I like the library.” He offered
shortly in return.

“Hmm, you didn’t as a padawan, I
believe you may have spent as much time outside the Archives as you
could.” A heavy hand started to stroke Obi-Wan’s neck, the fingers
playing with the copper strands brushing along it. “Your hairs
growing longer. It suits you.”

The Jedi shivered slightly at the touch
of blunt fingers touching so lightly despite the hand resting heavy
on the nape. “I should cut it then.” He said spitefully, wincing
when the other laughed quietly and shifted closer to him.

“I was wondering if my spitfire was
still there.” Qui-Gon teased as Obi-Wan put his empty cup down.

“I am not yours.” Obi-Wan gritted
his teeth.

“Of course you are. And you know it.”
Qui-Gon said pleasantly before cupping the others chin and pressing a
deep kiss to the younger mans lips.

Obi-Wan respond, those first few
seconds he just wanted to sink into those dry, warm lips before
remembering and pushing back, glaring at the yellow eyed man who was
watching him in amusement.

When he moved to get closer again,
Obi-Wan shot to his feet and backed away. “Stop it.” He hissed
and backed away further when the sith stood slowly, following him.
Obi-Wan was desperately wishing he could reach for the Force, it
would make his escape easier at least.

“I don’t want to stop. And I don’t
think you really want me to either.” Qui-Gon murmured while backing
the other against the wall. “Whatever you’re holding onto Obi-Wan,
it doesn’t count here, the Order doesn’t exist in this home.”

“I will always be a Jedi and you are
Fallen.” Obi-Wan hissed, glaring up into yellow eyes as a hand
rested on each side of his head, pinning him between a rock and a
hard place. “I know my place in this Galaxy even if you’ve
forgotten yours!”

“Oh Obi-Wan.” Yellow eyes flickered
with greed and possession. “I know my place. And I know yours, its
right here between me and this wall. Your place will always be right
here beside me even when you scream denial at the top of your lungs,
you can lie to everyone if you wish, even yourself but I know the

There was a tug of something inside of
the copper haired man and he gasped in shock, wide eyes turned up as
the other smirked smugly. “And you can’t scream those denials
forever. That bond will be finished one day or another and I can be
patient on waiting for you.”

Any denial, rebuffs or demands were cut
of as once again Qui-Gon slipped his lips over Obi-Wan’s, large
callused hands catching the slightly smaller ones in them to pin to
the wall above their heads, a strong, unyielding thigh slipped
between Obi-Wan’s even as he struggled those first precious few
moments before he slowly calmed down, a tiny noise escaping from the
back of his throat.

Qui-Gon hummed in pleasure as he
pressed closer, fully trapping the younger man to the wall while
slowly moving his thigh, pressing it against Obi-Wan’s groin with

The redhead gasped and jerked his lips
away, turning his head. “I…ah…”

“Its alright. Just relax Obi-Wan.”
Qui-Gon nibbled along the expanse of the others neck, squeezing his
hands carefully. Obi-Wan moaned quietly as a sensitive spot was found
and instantly latched onto and teased.

Obi-Wan clenched his hands. This was
wrong, it was wrong and he had to push Qui-Gon away before the other
somehow convinced him that everything was right.

But when those warm hands let go of his
to carefully slip under his tunic, he buried them in the others silky
hair, shuddering as he needfully rubbed against the older man.

His orgasm only moments later tasted
both like victory and defeat under those those glowing yellow eyes.

Continuation of the one with sith!quigon going after obiwan after escaping the hospital room?(after saving him from the battlefield) I love your writing so much!! And am loving sith!quigon.

The robe he managed
to snatch of a clothe line will only help so much, Qui-Gon is bound
to be tracking him by now and he knows that the man is nothing if not

That hasn’t changed
even if Qui-Gon himself has changed into this…this sith.

Obi-Wan drags his
shields around him, trying to hide as best he can, pulling the robe’s
hood over his head as he makes his way through the streets. If he can
just get to the spaceport, he could manage to convince someone to
take him on board and get him of this planet, away from Qui-Gon.

He could tell that
there’s not a Republic presence on it but if he could just get of the
planet he could perhaps piggyback himself on other ships until he is
and then he could send of a message to the council.

Of course, his
escape plan would have worked out a lot better hadn’t it been for the
fact that Qui-Gon is waiting for him right there at the spaceport,
not even hiding as he leans against the wall of the building, eyes
half closed.

Obi-Wan stared. The
other man must know he was close but he wasn’t moving at all and
Obi-Wan didn’t dare move from his vantage point on the roof.

‘He looks so calm
and…smug. Why…what is he planning?’ He frowned, shifting slowly
to lean forward.

The soft hum of a
lightsaber settled over his shoulder and Obi-Wan stiffened, slowly
tilting his head to look into Ventress smug face. “Kenobi.” She

That’s why he didn’t move.”

“Jinn knows to
lay a trap and a distraction.” She purred, the lightsaber getting a
bit to close to his cheek. “And here you are after all.”

“Asajj.” There
was a quiet warning and both looked over to Qui-Gon, the man ever so
casually making his way over to them. Obi-Wan stared back mutely,
gritting his teeth at Qui-Gon’s smug face.

“Obi-Wan, you
move quickly.” The man knelt down and reached for him, cupping the
redhead’s cheek. “But not quickly enough dear padawan.” Obi-Wan
didn’t even try to escape the touch, it wouldn’t gain him anything at
the moment.

Prompt: Continuation of that Obi-Wan and Sith! Qui-Gon battlefield snippet from the 27th? Words: Separate, competence

He’d spent close to four
days in a bacta tank from what Obi-Wan could pierce together when he
woke up, clean and dry in a soft clothes in a hospital bed with a
Force collar around his neck and his wrist restrained to the bed.
Qui-Gon had been there when he woke up, wearing the same smile he had
when he had picked Obi-Wan up from the battlefield.

Obi-Wan had refused to
respond, even to the gentle hand that had petted his hair, had gone
so far as to turn his face away.

“Come now little one,
there was a time when you both listened and trusted me.”

“That was before you
joined the Sith. Before you lost yourself…my Master was Qui-Gon
Jinn…I see only Serenus here.” Obi-Wan murmured bitterly and
hissed a bit when Qui-Gon grasped him tightly by the chin and turned
his head.

“I should have kept your
stubbornness in mind but no matter Obi-Wan, you’re here. I have time
to convince you.” Yellow eyes flickered over his face before
nodding in satisfaction and stepping back. “And you are awake and
healthy. It is unfortunate but I have work to do for Yan but I’ll
return once that is done.” Soft lips pressed a kiss to Obi-Wan’s
forehead and there had been a time when Obi-Wan would have craved
that contact, he swore he could even feel the phantom touch of a
braid against his shoulder.

Then the man moved to the
door and left, a quietly murmured order to the guards outside the
door. “Do not underestimate him, my former padawan is quite
competent.” And then he was gone in a swirl of dark red and black

Obi-Wan stared at the
door, waited, started to count until he was sure half a hour had
passed before he started to move, the handcuff was slipped without
much fanfare when he found a weak spot in the rails of the bed that
he exploited and slipped the other end of it, holding the cuff in his
hand so it would not make to much noise.

Slipping out of the bed
took him a additional ten minutes, his legs wobbly from his stay in
bacta but eventually he stood quite firmly.

‘Alright, clothes,
lightsaber and escape.’ Obi-Wan shifted and touched the Force collar
around his neck, grimacing. ‘And get this of off.’


Qui-Gon quietly observed
the room, the Force slithering like a snake under his skin as he did.
Obi-Wan had been throughout, he’d give his padawan that.

The Force inhibitor was
resting on the bed along with the cuffs that had once restrained him,
the guards behind him were both nursing headwounds from the bed rail Obi-Wan had managed
to both separate from the bed and use as a competent weapon.

He gritted his teeth, the
Force coiling harder as he could sense Obi-Wan was far away before
twirling, one of the guards caught in a Force choke. “I warned you
both.” He hissed. “Competent I called him, he is the Negotiator and a Jedi for a reason.
Yet here he is no longer and you are both alive.”  He tightened his
fist, yellow eyes glancing between the choking guard and the one
still on his feet. “I want him found, or I will seperate your head
from your shoulders.” His voice became a deadly chill before he
jerked his hand and the snapping sound of a breaking neck filled the
hall, the guard in his grasp falling still.

“Have I made myself

“Y-Yes Lord Serenus!”
The guard ran, leaving Qui-Gon with the still corpse and the
lingering feel of Obi-Wan’s presence as he turned back to the room, a
small smile curling his lips. “…Well…I did train you myself
Obi-Wan. Perhaps I should have some pride in that…” Eyes flashed.
“Next time I’ll have to restrain you better though, my wayward

Continuation to the prev sith!Qui-Gon, this time with Jedi Knight!Xanatos + Feemor’s reaction?

A light rustle from the
trees was the only warning he got before a familiar face landed in
front of him, the raven giving a quick look around before hurrying to
Obi-Wan’s side as he rose from the bench he had been sitting on.
“Obi-Wan, finally.” The older man breathed out, pulling the
shorter man into a tight hug.

“Xanatos.” Obi-Wan
whispered, burrowing a bit into the other man with his hands clenched
into the others dark tunic.

“We’ve been trying to
find you for weeks. Your Force signature only recently became
accessible again.” Xanatos pulled back, eyeing the other critically
before breathing out. “You look good though, he hasn’t hurt you has

“No, he doesn’t want to
hurt me, he just wants me to…stay.” Obi-Wan murmured then
blinked. “We?”

“Me and Feemor,
Skywalker wanted to help but the council forbade him. To volatile
emotions you know.” The knight confided, frowning slightly at the
younger man before turning at a noise, a blond appearing quickly and
confidently as he moved to their side. “Serenus?” Xanatos

“Not on planet. I had to
hack the main server to be sure but he’s out on a Seperatist job.”
Feemor murmured before stepping closer and wrapping the redhead in
his arms, holding him tightly. “Obi-Wan.” He murmured warmly,
running his fingers through the others hair. “I thought…you’re
here. You’re alive.” He squeezed gently and let go quickly when
Obi-Wan hissed.

“Obi-Wan?” He frowned
in worry.

“I…I’m just sore.”
The other rubbed his hands together nervously.

“I thought you said he
didn’t hurt you.”

“He didn’t.” Obi-Wan
assured quickly, rubbing the back of his neck, his tunic sliding out
of the way to expose several dark hickies along his neck. Xanatos
grabbed him by his tunic and pulled it out of the way, staring at
them in shock. “Obi-Wan, what did he do?” He hissed, grey eyes

“I-I…” How to

“We…we need to get you
out of here, we have a ship and the council is waiting on us to
report.” Feemor said in stunned disbelief that their former master
could be doing what he was assuming the marks on Obi-Wan’s neck

“I can’t.” Obi-Wan sat
down, staring up at them. “I can’t leave. I have a tracking chip
somewhere in me and…and I allowed myself to be bonded to Qui-Gon
again.” He ignored the twitch the name got out of Xanatos as Feemor
knelt down in front of him. “Obi-Wan, you…why?” The blond
squeezed the others hands.

“Because if I agreed
he’d give me back the Force. I spent weeks feeling hollow.” He
glanced between the two. “I just…if I gave him back the bond and
agreed to a tracker chip…”

“The bond, we can’t do
anything about that now. But the chip can be removed Obi-Wan. You could
come back.” Feemor tried, glancing at the hickies. “This isn’t
good Obi-Wan.”

“…I know. But its to
late.” The youngest shoulders slumped and over his head, the blond
and the raven shared concerned looks.

What were they to do?

“…Obi-Wan?” Xanatos
meet the others green eyes with a small strained smile. “…Sleep.”

Unprepared as he was,
Obi-Wan only made a choked protest before falling forward against
Feemor’s shoulder, pulled under by the Force suggestion.

“…We need to go, now.”


Nfws QuiObi with Sith!Qui-Gon from the earlier one, giving in?

He pretended not to hear
the door opening or the quiet steps leading to the large bed, feigned
sleep as the person stopped by it just like every other night it

And like every other
night, a gentle hand caressed his cheek and teased hair away from his
face before a kiss was pressed to his temple. Obi-Wan counted to five
before the steps lead towards the fresher, slowly opening his eyes to
watched the tall back of the shadowed male, wincing only a bit as the
light from the fresher came on to illuminate Qui-Gon.

The Sith carefully pulled
his hair out of its ponytail and continued with his preparation for
bed. Obi-Wan quietly observed him, taking in the silver in the mans
brown hair and the sharp, predatory yellow eyes. Weeks upon weeks ago
when first brought to the room, he would have been disgusted but all
he felt now was tired.

And Qui-Gon, for all he
followed the dark, had not hurt him on purpose though his wrist ached
in protest at that thought. ‘I did try to shot myself…’ The Jedi
shifted a bit then froze as his move brought yellow eyes focused on

“You should be sleeping
Obi-Wan.” Qui-Gon murmured, slipping from the fresher to the bed
and sitting on the edge, a large hand cupping his face with eyes
practically glowing when the younger man didn’t flinch from the

“…It was cold.”
Obi-Wan tried for, yelping a bit when a muscular arm slid around him
and pulled him up into the Sith’s lap, straddling it quickly to gain

“You don’t feel cold.”
Qui-Gon hummed, removing the blanket and sheets easily as he settled
with Obi-Wan on his lap, carefully holding him close, judging it to
early to pounce. But it was clear Obi-Wan was close, ever so close…

The copper haired man
hesitated before resting his hands on the others chest, eyeing the
generously furred chest despite the scars before looking at Qui-Gon
in the dim light from the fresher. “…Why?” He settled for,
knowing the other would understand.

“Because I want to
protect you and you would run of into battle and lead a rebellion all
on your own my Obi-Wan.” Qui-Gon slowly settled his hands on the
others hip, rubbing circles with his thumbs. “Because the Council
would send you, alone, without backup to every planet and you’d come
home, more skeleton then human sometimes.” He leaned in and nuzzled
his nose against the others skin. “And I won’t have that anymore my
Obi.” He murmured possessively.

“…This is a gilded
cage, you can’t hone-”

“But I’d let you out of
this gilded cage to the rest of the mansion if you could behave my
Obi-Wan.” Slow hands shifted to slide under the simple sleeping
robe the redhead wore and Obi-Wan squirmed a bit at the sensation.


“Give me back our bond,
my dear Obi-Wan and let one of my droids implant a tracking chip in
you and I would let you wander here.” Qui-Gon offered hands sliding
down to cup the others firm rear, giving into temptation and
squeezing lightly. He was a Sith lord, why should he deny himself?

Obi-Wan squeaked but to
his shame instead of revulsion a small thread of arousal lingered in
his belly and he stayed right there in Qui-Gon’s lap instead of
scooting from him. “…You…and the Force collar?”

“I’d remove that too
Obi-Wan. After all, to form a bond again, you would need the Force.”
Qui-Gon bit down a chuckle as the younger man rocked a bit into his
hands, more then likely subconsciously accepting the touches.

The Jedi licked his lips.

In the dark, yellow eyes
seemed to glow ever so slightly in smugness before the Qui-Gon pulled
the other closer and sealed their lips together, Obi-Wan not fighting
as a large hand cupped his burgeoning erection.

‘Its…Its just
temporary.’ Obi-Wan tried to convince himself as he let himself be
rolled down on the bed and stripped, arching up into the pleasurable

‘Just…just temporary.’

Quiobi, Sith!Qui-Gon, possesiveness, hurt, suicidal thoughts.

The blaster was ripped
from his grasp harshly before Obi-Wan was pulled backwards with the
Force, his back hitting the soft sheets of the ludicrously
luxuriously. Before the Jedi could gather his thoughts, hands
clenched themselves around his wrists as a large body pinned him to
the sheets.

A usually soft and velveteen voice hissed and Obi-Wan stared up into
angry yellow eyes and gritted teeth as the large hands clenched on
his wrists, most certainly bruising them.

“Let me go…” He
whispered, looking away from the painfully familiar face as the Force
dampening collar around his neck shifted.

“Never. Where did you
get that blaster from Obi-Wan.” Qui-Gon growled. “No one but me,
the droids and you enter these rooms. Where did you get that damn
blaster from?” At his former padawan’s silence the man snarled. “I
will rip the knowledge from your mind if needed Obi-Wan, I will not
see you dead by your own hand.” He hissed.

“Then why not just kill
me yourself. You know I’m not going to join the dark.” Obi-Wan
trembled and felt Qui-Gon’s nails dig into the soft skin of his
wrist, feeling it break and bleed under the painful grasp.

A soft kiss was pressed
against the tender skin of his throat before the Sith put his lips to
Obi-Wan’s ear. “I will be removing every blade from these quarters,
do you understand me Obi-Wan? And if I ever come back to these
quarters to find you holding a blaster to your head again, or if I
find you harming yourself…” Something dark and promising entered
Qui-Gon’s voice, causing goosebumps to break out on Obi-Wan’s skin.
“I will kill every padawan I encounter.”

His breath hitched and
Obi-Wan twisted his head enough to look at Qui-Gon, eyes wide.
“You-You can’t! You…”

“If you harm yourself my
Obi-Wan, I will. Now promise me never again.”

Green and yellow stared at
each other until the Jedi slumped, a weak nod all the asset the Sith

“Good Obi-Wan. I will
hold you to that promise.”

Prompt: Battlefield, Obi-Wan, Darth Serenus (aka Sith Qui-Gon) and possesiveness.

It hurt to breath, the
dust from the planet was slipping into his lungs but Obi-Wan could no
further lift his head away from it then he could fly to the moon
without a ship. His ears were ringing and he was pretty sure that his
left leg was broken.

What had happened?

One moment he had been
right beside Cody and…and…

Obi-Wan hissed and
clenched his eyes shut at a onslaught of pain, a hand pressed against
his side and a soothing familiar voice talking to him through the

“You need to open your
eyes little one and talk to me. The shrapnel from the bomb tore your
side open and you are bleeding quite heavily not to mention the rest
of your injuries.” The same soothing voice murmured and Obi-Wan let
out the tiniest of whimpers, forcing his eyes open to stare up into
the familiar yet unfamiliar yellow ones of the speaker above him.

“Se…renus.” He
choked out, wincing when a large hand carefully stroked unbidden
tears of his face.

“It will be alright
Obi-Wan, I’m here.”

“Let me be.”

Qui-Gon chuckled warmly,
ignoring the broken up quality of his once padawans voice. “I think
not my little one. Your troops are to far away to help you and
you have suffered quite the backlash from the bomb. Something I will
be talking to Ventress about, I warned her time and time again,
especially after Rattatak…” The Sith trailed of before nodding in
satisfaction, having stopped the heavy bleeding of Obi-Wan’s injured

He shifted and slid a arm
under Obi-Wan’s lower back and the other under his knees. “Apologies
my little one, this will hurt but only until I have you in the med
center and a bacta tank.” Obi-Wan gave a short cry of pain as the
Sith stood, holding Obi-Wan’s bloody body to him like a precious

With that Darth Serenus
walked away from the battlefield, taking Obi-Wan away from both his
Order and his men.

(…I think I need more Sith asks. btw, I took a assumption that this wasn’t meant as a paring since the ask didn’t require that so I didn’t make it one)