omg i love the idea of stimulation tools for lil adhd obi! can we see some more fluff like this?!💙

Pressing the straw to his padawan’s lips, Qui-Gon chuckled quietly as the boy thirstily drank, eyes wide as they peered up at Qui-Gon as he sucked greedily. “Water first, then I’ll see about getting you a soda, alright?” He murmured fondly, giving Obi-Wan a slightly sterner look when a whine escaped him.

That quieted him down and he focused on clearing the cup of water instead.

Obi-Wan had woken up only half an hour ago, the nurses and medics checking him over before declaring that they wanted the boy to stay overnight before they released him, just in case. In the meantime, Qui-Gon had been encouraged to have Obi-Wan drink and rest and for the trip back to the temple, keep resting and drinking.

Obi-Wan however had an issue drinking water at times, it had to be ice cold before Obi-Wan drank it without fuss generally but right now, Qui-Gon was uncompromising.

A cup of water and then his padawan could have flavored drinks.

Back a the temple, in their own kitchen, they generally had several types of concentrates to create their own flavored drinks, mostly fruit related ones, to ensure Obi-Wan drank something beyond tea as too much caffeine wasn’t great on a growing body.

It was the healers that had suggested the flavored concentrates and frankly, Qui-Gon didn’t mind.

He sometimes indulged in them too but generally stuck to clear water or tea.

Obi-Wan however was different and Qui-Gon had understood that, therefore stocked appropriately, be it the foods Obi-Wan favored on special days or be it the liquids required to ensure his hydration along with the fidget toys to keep him occupied.

Finally the cup was empty and Qui-Gon set it aside, gently running his hand over his padawan’s short hair with a small smile. “Well done Obi-Wan, I know that wasn’t the best but I’m proud of you.” He murmured, knowing how important positive reinforcement was for the other.

Pushing into the touch, Obi-Wan preened slightly, smiling shyly up at him. “Now can I get a soda?” He asked quietly.

Reaching into his robes, pulling out Obi-Wan’s fidget cube and pressing it into his hands, Qui-Gon nodded. “Of course, just give me a few minutes. The drinks machine is down the hall and rather busy, so it will take me a few minutes. Do you have a preference?” He questioned.

Pausing, flickering the button on his fidget cube, Obi-Wan furrowed his brows before looking up, shaking his head. “Not really but something fruity would be best.” The boy stated, curled up in the medbed, looking so much smaller for it.

Nodding, stroking his hand over the short spikes once more, Qui-Gon turned and headed out of the room, breathing deeply.

He was so relieved that despite the injuries he received, Obi-Wan didn’t seem worse for wear. Simply tired, somewhat antsy and a bit bored, as anyone would be in a medical facility.

Qui-Gon was doing his best to filter and block the normal miasma of pain and discomfort echoing in the Force in the medical center and so far, it seemed to be working as Obi-Wan rested properly.

It could also be the painkillers he guessed but many Jedi, Obi-Wan among them, never rested well in medical facilities, the general state of people in search of healing, of people dying and despair often echoing in the Force around them.

Even the Halls in the temple had remains of it, despite the Healers doing their best to purify the Force there.

With Obi-Wan’s sensitivity, coupled with his ADHD, Qui-Gon had worried…

Well, they were getting out of the facility tomorrow and back at the temple, Yan would be waiting for them.

He was actually nervous about that, he wasn’t sure what Yan would say about Obi-Wan once he meet him and it had been such a long time since he himself had seen his old master… but, well, Yan had been briefed about Obi-Wan’s condition.

For all their sakes, Qui-Gon hoped it would go well.

More sensitivetorejection plzzzz (more fluff teehee)

Bowing his head in thanks to the medic, Qui-Gon watched the woman leave before turning his attention back to his padawan, carefully drawing the other’s left hand into his to have a point of physical contact, the other equipped with an IV line still.

He tried not to wince at the sight of his too small padawan in a large, sterile bed, the other looking far too much like a broken doll than a human at that moment for Qui-Gon’s comfort.

Obi-Wan had unfortunately suffered a few broken ribs due to the debris being blown around, some blood loss and he had a head wound filled with shrapnel, it had caused the medics to shave the left side of Obi-Wan’s head.

It left his poor padawan looking quite odd, copper hair on one side and nothing on the other side.

If it wasn’t for the sickly paleness of his skin and the swollen state of his eyes, one could mistake it for an odd hair cutting accident or a youngling cutting their own hair.

Qui-Gon wasn’t unfamiliar to children cutting their own hair unfortunately.

But coupled with the eyes and his skin, Obi-Wan looked the state of the victim he was.

But he was alive.

Qui-Gon knew that a few people had not survived the trauma of the shop exploding.

From the gossip he heard in the hall, it had been some sort of food place, a gas container had apparently been the cause of this entire disaster.

An accident.

Squeezing his padawan’s hand, Qui-Gon let out a deep sigh and looked to the wall with a small frown on his face.

He could imagine why Obi-Wan had stopped, he was quite aware that his padawan was part of the unifying Force. A little glimpse into the future, a little vision slipping past his eyes…

Qui-Gon didn’t like visions and precognition, exactly for the reason Obi-Wan was now laid out in bed and injured.

It didn’t always help and sometimes could be outright damaging.

There would have been next to nothing they could have done about the exploding shop and if they had continued walking, Obi-Wan might not have gotten as hurt as he did.

Normally, he would have told Obi-Wan to focus on the now.


But Obi-Wan wasn’t normal.

His ADHD made what was a gentle guidance seem so much worse, Obi-Wan could take Qui-Gon’s gentle direction to try and focus on the now as a rejection of Obi-Wan’s very nature and that…

That could not come to pass.

Teens that felt rejected felt the need to hide and lie, Qui-Gon could not have that, not with Obi-Wan.

His condition made it imperative that he trusted Qui-Gon, should something go wrong, he must feel that he could at the very least go to Qui-Gon, so they could work out what was going on.

Yoda was skilled with precognition but he was also old and as much as Qui-Gon loved his grandmaster, the prospect of sending Obi-Wan to Yoda, who could be rigid and unbending about his own ways was setting of warning signals in Qui-Gon’s head.

Obi-Wan’s condition meant he needed a gentler hand.

Someone used to being careful but was also aware of precognition enough to teach.

Rubbing Obi-Wan’s hand, Qui-Gon frowned deeply before sighing and glancing at the dimmed sun filtering in through the window. “…Guess I’ll be sending Yan a message.” He mused a tad darkly to himself.

It wasn’t that he didn’t still care for his old master but he and Yan…

Well, they were very different people and the last stages of Qui-Gon’s apprenticeship had been a tad fraught.

But, Yan knew how to be careful, of that Qui-Gon was sure.

A man that while not outright cared for younglings, could cradle them carefully and sooth someone in need of it. And Yan was also part of the unifying Force.

If supplied with the correct information on Obi-Wan’s condition, Yan would potentially be the best choice.

‘If only to stop something like this from happening again.’ Qui-Gon reached up with his free hand and gently stroked Obi-Wan’s pale cheek, smiling sadly down at his padawan.

sorry if this repeats idk if the first one went through lol. can we see some more sensitivetorejecton? how does their mission go? (hopefully fluffy)😃

Coughing harshly as awareness hit Qui-Gon like a ton of painful bricks, the Jedi blinked heavily as the sounds of crying and yelling sounded, his head throbbing as he tried to remember what in the world had happened.

His last memory had been…

“Obi-Wan… Obi-Wan.” He rasped, reaching out through their bond for his padawan as he struggled to sit up, pushing wood and duracrete off himself as he sat up, groaning in pain.

They had been walking down the street among the crowd of beings, their mission done, they were suppose to go home and then Obi-Wan had paused and looked around with confusion.

The boy must have felt something or noticed something with his hyperfocus, something Qui-Gon had not noticed, because a moment later, panic had crossed his face and he had opened his mouth.

It had been too late though.

The world had promptly exploded into a million pieces, wood and duracrete of the shops around them flying and something had hit Qui-Gon hard, sending him into the real of unconsciousness.

Struggling up on his knees, Qui-Gon looked around, barely recognizing the street from before, debris everywhere along with fire.

The shop Obi-Wan had paused in front of was fully gone, a crater left behind where it had once been.

The sight was enough for Qui-Gon to understand the gist of it.

The shop had exploded, whatever it had been and now there were injured and dead people all around the damaged shops.

And Obi-Wan was no where in sight, his padawan was unconscious and Qui-Gon had to find him.

Shaking as he struggled to his feet, Qui-Gon wrapped one arm around his ribs while scanning the area. He knew where he had last seen Obi-Wan, but if the force of the explosion had sent hi-wait, that boot…

Qui-Gon struggled towards what looked like half a wall, a familiar pair of boots sticking out from under it, stumbling over debris as people hurried around him, everyone trying to help and find others.

“Obi-Wan!” He rasped out as loudly as he could, kneeling down at the wall.

With a bit of Force as his ribes were strained already, Qui-Gon managed to push it up and away, finding his padawan laying still and pale beneath it, breathing shallowly with a thin stream of blood coming from his nose.

Cursing quietly, Qui-Gon reached out and started gingerly touching Obi-Wan’s neck, carefully testing it before breathing out in relief as he pulled the boy into a recovery position. ‘At least he hasn’t damaged his neck.’ Qui-Gon thought grimly, pausing when Obi-Wan’s little dice fell out of a damaged belt pouch.

Picking it up, Qui-Gon placed the stimming tool into his own belt pouch, knowing his padawan would want it back once he was conscious.

“Alright, hold on imp, just hold on.” Qui-Gon whispered, doing what he could as he looked around, hoping the medics and local law enforcement would come soon. His large hand rested on Obi-Wan’s forehead as Qui-Gon struggled to breath, his damaged ribs requiring him to take shallow breaths.

‘One hell of an end to a first mission.’ He couldn’t help but muse darkly to himself, blinking blood out of his eyes, likely steaming from a cut up in his hairline.

awwwww sensitivetorejection is soooo cute❤️ can we have some bruck being mean to obi and protective qui coming to his rescue?

Rolling the joystick on the dice slowly as he read, Obi-Wan decided that he rather liked this tool Qui-Gon had gotten him.

The dice was quiet, so it was perfect to take to lessons and further on to missions but had options for him to use.

There were six functions, a joystick on one side, a rolling ball, buttons you could click in patterns, a rolling textured wheel, a textured patch of rubbery spikes and a button you simply flipped back and forth.

The last option was kinda boring but Obi-Wan used it too sometimes but stuck mostly to the joystick, wheel and rolling ball, those three were his favorite sides since his fingers were occupied with it at all time.

Qui-Gon had gotten several others too, but Obi-Wan had yet to test them.

If he was honest, he was happy with the dice but he knew it was better to test the others in case Obi-Wan waylaid the dic-a hand grabbed his, jerking the dice out of his hand and Obi-Wan jerked to in surprise, blinking owlishly up at Bruck as the other sneered down at him with a discomforted Aalto right behind him, the other human looking away from the scene. “What in Force name are you playing with Oafy-Wan?” Bruck sneered at him, contempt and curiosity oozing of him into the Force.

Bristling, Obi-Wan stood, holding out his hand. “This is the reading hall Bruck, we’re not suppose to disturb each other.” He hissed as quietly as he could and yet still be heard.

Master Tinta had reserved B-2 hall for her class, they were suppose to read their chapter in quiet and solve the questions she had given them while she was with the healers as something had cropped up with her padawan.

Even now Obi-Wan could see others looking to them curiously, some with dread and some with anticipation.

Everyone knew that he and Bruck had an antagonistic relationship at best and at worst a bullying one, despite Obi-Wan trying not to let the other get to him too often.

It was rather unbecoming, prospective padawan’s and actual padawan’s looking forward to a potential fight and Obi-Wan pursed his lips tightly as he stared at Bruck.

Snorting loudly, Bruck just made a mocking motion with his other hand not holding the dice. “Oh, we’re suppose to read, I wouldn’t have guessed that. With your constant clicky motions.” He growled at him.

Obi-Wan gritted his teeth as Bruck pointedly flickered the buttons on the dice as loudly as he could. “I did not make that sound. I was using the roller ball, its from my master.” He snapped shortly, already annoyed with Bruck for interrupting him.

“Considering what a weirdo you are, no wonder your master gave you a focusing tool, you pity case. You’re really unfit to becoming a Jedi Oaf-” The two hadn’t noticed anyone approaching, nor had either noticed everyone else suddenly becoming extremely focused on their pads or when Aalto went pale as a sheet and quickly sat down.

They did however notice the large hand suddenly settling on Bruck’s shoulder, both looking up in shock as Qui-Gon stared down at them, bushy brows drawn together. “…What an enlightening conversation Initiate Chun, it seems you have quite the harsh words for a clanmate.” Qui-Gon rumbled out.

Subconsciously, Obi-Wan’s shoulders relaxed, even as he felt Qui-Gon’s ire in their bond.

Because he could feel it wasn’t directed at him.

Still staring up at Qui-Gon, shocked to see the master, Bruck spluttered a bit as he turned red. “I-I didn’t mea-”

Qui-Gon interrupted, not caring for whatever excuse Bruck was going to try for. “I do believe you will be giving Obi-Wan back his dice now, as I have it cleared with all your teachers that he is allowed to keep it in class.” Qui-Gon stated steadily, hand still a warning on the boy’s shoulder.

Mutely, like a scolded puppy, Bruck dropped the dice into Obi-Wan’s waiting hand, the redhead quickly hiding it away in one of his belt pouches.

With that said, Qui-Gon turned his attention on Obi-Wan, his blue eyes softening from icy shards.

“We’re required in the council chamber Obi-Wan, there’s a mission that requires me and that means you’re coming with.” He informed Obi-Wan.

A mission, a real one!


Dropping down, Obi-Wan quickly started packing his satchel of pads, half listening as Qui-Gon spoke again. “As for you Initiate Chun, I will be sure to drop a message personally to Clan master Yirva and to master Tinta about today’s little… incident. The council of reassignment will also be informed.” Qui-Gon’s voice was cool, serene but in their bond, Obi-Wan could feel protective anger wrap around him.

It made his chest hurt in a very odd, almost nice way.

Oh aw, Qui-Gon is such a sweet and understanding dad to Adhd Obi-Wan. My mom used to rub my back like that too, I loved it as a kid and still honestly do. Could we have more soft fluff?

Sitting up, Qui-Gon ruffled Obi-Wan’s outgrown hair as the other grumbled while wiggling his feet in the air. “I know, but your feet are freezing Obi-Wan, you keep those socks on or I’m going to ground you.” He stated warningly.

Obi-Wan had a habit of walking around bare feet in their quarters and while normally that wasn’t an issue, currently it was one, the winter season of Coruscant and two, their section of the temples heating system was on the fritz.

The mechanics were trying to fix it as fast as possible, especially for the species that relied on heat for their well being but they still hadn’t isolated the cause of the fritz.

That meant that their quarters were colder than normally and while Qui-Gon hadn’t noticed it at first, when Obi-Wan flopped over his lap as he had come to do, Qui-Gon had taken notice of Obi-Wan’s blue toenails.

Which had lead to him summoning a pair of fathier fur socks Qui-Gon had bought soon after learning how sensitive Obi-Wan was to fabrics and materials his body didn’t approve of.

While Obi-Wan could stand fathier fur, he was grouchy now due to having to wear socks and Qui-Gon tweaked one of the others toes for point, listening to the little yelp. “See? They’re too cold. I can feel your cold feet through the socks for Force sake.” He half scolded, his tone tinged more with worry than anything else.

Huffing, Obi-Wan nodded reluctantly. “I know. I just really don’t like wearing socks outside of my boots. And that’s because I have to.” He grumbled even as he reached for his pad to start reading and make note for his astronavigational homework.

Chuckling quietly, Qui-Gon rewarded the huffy teen by rubbing his back, smiling slightly as the boy instantly started to relax.

Obi-Wan was a sucker for physical affection unless he was having one of his meltdowns.

It painted the picture that Obi-Wan wasn’t used to receiving so much positive attention and Qui-Gon was doing his best to cure that notion.

Obi-Wan had enough issues going on, the last thing Qui-Gon wanted was for the other to develop touch starvation on top of everything else.

Picking up his pad with his free hand, Qui-Gon went back to reading the study on ADHD that Che had sent him, frowning slightly at the suggestions for stimulation he could get Obi-Wan. Some of them were out already due to the noises they would make, something Jedi couldn’t afford on missions that employed stealth.

But a few of them looked pretty good to him.

‘The popping tool that looks like a pea pod could work,’ Qui-Gon mused. ‘The rolling ring potentially, the tangle thing could also work out, the dice with buttons and dials…’ He tapped at the screen with his thumb to zoom in and not drop his pad.

Some of these things he would simply have to buy and show Obi-Wan, see how he reacted to the stimming tools.

From what Qui-Gon had read, different people reacted differently to the tools, so what worked for others might not work for Obi-Wa- “Bears make plugs out of their poop for hibernation to preserve energy.” He chirped.

Qui-Gon’s brain froze, the man lowering his pad slowly to stare at Obi-Wan’s head. “…What?” He rasped out.

Obi-Wan just shrugged. “Plug out of poop. Makes sense, they sleep for months.” He stated innocently, wiggling.

Blinking heavily as he raised his eye from his padawan, Qui-Gon stared at the darkening window of Coruscant outside. ‘…Thank the Force I put parental locks on all the pads and terminals in our quarters…’ He mused for a long second.

There was no telling what kind of rabbit hole of information Obi-Wan could potentially stumble upon if Qui-Gon had not. ‘…Bear buttplug…’ The deep recesses of Qui-Gon’s mind chimed in and he had to fight the urge to giggle inappropriately.

I think we need some ADHD!Obi fun facts. Can we have our ADHD boy spouting off some facts?

Scratching and rubbing slowly with his fingers on the small back, Qui-Gon absently wondered how in the world his padawan could be comfortable as he glanced away from his pad to look down at the other.

The teen had laid out over Qui-Gon’s lap on his stomach, legs resting on one side of the couch with his feet swaying slightly in the air as his elbows were settled on the other side of the older Jedi’s lap as Obi-Wan absently read from his pad. How that didn’t strain his neck or stomach, Qui-Gon had no idea as Obi-Wan looked quite at peace.

It was almost humorous really and Qui-Gon wished he could get a picture taken of the two.

After Obi-Wan’s fit a few days ago, Qui-Gon had pulled Obi-Wan out of class for a few days to aid his padawan, Master Ferreno guiding the yavinese man through several exercises that would help Obi-Wan.

It had helped, particularly talking with Obi-Wan while keeping their bond wide open so his padawan could feel Qui-Gon’s every emotion.

The good, the bad and the neutral.

It made it very hard for Obi-Wan’s rejection sensitive dysphoria to convince him that Qui-Gon was going to send him away when he could feel every emotion his master had, none of which contained any anger at Obi-Wan.

Only sorrow and concern.

It was a trick Qui-Gon would remember for the future, for the next time Obi-Wan’s ADHD symptoms kicked in to throw obstacles in his path towards knighthood.

Maybe he could even open the bond fully when Obi-Wan had pa- “A duel between three people is called a truel.” Obi-Wan sudden voice interrupted Qui-Gon’s contemplation.

Slowly, the Jedi master lowered the pad he hadn’t been reading, staring at his padawan. “…What?” He questioned, bemused, his free hand pausing on Obi-Wan’s back.

Shrugging, Obi-Wan glanced at him before focusing back. “Truel. And bullfrogs don’t sleep.” The boy continued.

Amused more than anything, Qui-Gon started rubbing the others back again, knowing how well Obi-Wan responded to physical affection when he wasn’t in a sensitive phase. “Indeed? Anything more you want to tell me?” He smiled, making a mental note to look up the truel thing.

Not that he didn’t believe Obi-Wan but he was rather curious where in the world such a word had come to be and if there were historical accounts of truel.

It was rather common for three people sometimes to duel in the salle, usually one against two in tag teams but he had never heard anyone call it a truel.

“The square watermelons you saw on our last missions aren’t edible,” Obi-Wan eyes were for the most part on his pad, though he clearly wasn’t reading and kept glancing at Qui-Gon to see his reaction, the boy reaching slightly out in their bond to gauge Qui-Gon’s mood. “They’re utterly ornamental.” Visibly relaxing when all he could feel from Qui-Gon was amusement, Obi-Wan smiled shyly at him.

Chuckling faintly, Qui-Gon opened their bond, ensuring Obi-Wan could feel he wasn’t hiding any displeasure at the others information. “Interesting… and too bad, I wanted to eat one.” He pouted a bit.

Wiggling a bit on Qui-Gon’s lap, Obi-Wan rolled onto his back, grinning when Qui-Gon patted at the teens tummy instead. “There’s a red flower on Merco-Xani that smells like chocolate, its named chocolate cosmos.” He settled his pad on his chest, humming faintly when Qui-Gon paused.

Glancing to his plant shelves, Qui-Gon mused. “Is it rare? Maybe I could grow one…” Not because he was particularly fond of chocolate himself but Obi-Wan had a sweet tooth…

Giggling at that, Obi-Wan shrugged. “I’m not sure but master, its not edible!” He grinned up at him.

Bopping the other on the nose with a chuckle, Qui-Gon winked. “But it will smell nice. That’s all it has to do.” He teased back.

Laughing, Obi-Wan rolled back onto his stomach on Qui-Gon’s lap, getting comfortable once more.

For several long minutes, it was quiet, Qui-Gon watching Obi-Wan and Obi-Wan reading his pad, seemingly out of random facts to give as the master went back to his own pad.

And then…

“Tyromancy is the practice of predicting the future in cheese.” Came a cheerful chirp, Qui-Gon choking on his own spit with a surprised laugh.

Alright so sensitivetorejection: so far it’s all been sweet fluff and don’t get me wrong, I LOVE that… but fluff is even better when it’s EARNED. Obi has been doing well at moving forward but might he possibly have a slip up? Something his new coping skills can’t handle?


was all Obi-Wan could explain the entire day as, just too much.

much noise, too much information, too much thoughts, too much things,
just too
much and his mind wouldn’t shut up just like always but none of the
ways Qui-Gon and his healer had been teaching him was working, he
couldn’t get the music to work or silence or breathing exercises
and Obi-Wan was just so done.

was crying silently before he even knew what was going on, sliding
onto his knees by the kitchen table he had been trying so hard to
work on his homework, his arms coming up around his head as he rocked
slowly back and forth, the sound of even the skycars outside and the
low murmur of voices in the hallway too
much for him at the moment.

just wanted things to be quiet and for his mind to shut up and the
Force to be quiet and his heart was hammering away and nothing worked
to make it easier.

was hungry and yet nauseous because food didn’t taste right and
Master Tulla had given him a look of pure disappointment today
Navigational before telling him he had to redo his assignment and he
swore he could hear the rest of the class giggling under their breath
and whispering about him.

what he tried, he couldn’t convince himself that it wasn’t true
and that Tulla was just giving feedback about his abysmal homework.

he couldn’t get anything to work.

flinched and coiled up more when he heard the sudden slam of a door
and if he had been more in the situation, he would have realized it
was just the normal sound but to him it was all amplified.

sounds of cloth and someone hurriedly getting their boots off and the
dropping of said boots before quick feet padded on the floor.

A stricken voice rumbled out and the teen flinched as if struck,
looking up with wide, tear filled red eyes as Qui-Gon stood in the
kitchenette opening, staring at him with dismay.

Obi-Wan made the first noise since he started declining. “I-I’m
sorry! D-Don’t send me away!” He cried out, his mind a jumble of
thoughts, of how disappointed the other must be when he had been
helping Obi-Wan cope with things like this and here Obi-Wan was hav-

man practically flew across the small room and dropped to his knees
in front of Obi-Wan, the sound of his knees crashing to the floor
making Obi-Wan flinch.

then his arms wrapped around Obi-Wan, tight and warm and smelling of
the musky mild detergent they used to prevent Obi-Wan from having a
sensitivity fit along with Qui-Gon’s tea in the folds of his

shh, I’m
here, I’m here. I’m not sending you away Obi-Wan, it’s alright
padawan.” Qui-Gon murmured but somewhere deep inside, despite the
deep, even baritone in use, Obi-Wan knew that Qui-Gon was panicking

hadn’t asked to touch Obi-Wan.

time Obi-Wan had one of his fits, Qui-Gon had always softly requested
permission to touch Obi-Wan, to make sure that Obi-Wan could prepare
himself in case of sensitivity.

time however the man had just dropped to Obi-Wan’s level and hugged
him, enfolding him in those large warm arms that wanted nothing but

Obi-Wan pressed his face to Qui-Gon’s shoulder and balled his hands
into the others tunic, his sobs growing in volume as Qui-Gon
continued holding him and rubbing the small back as Obi-Wan quivered
and shook.

long it took, Obi-Wan wasn’t sure, he wasn’t sure when his
episode had started after all but it felt like hours, his knees sore
and his body stiff as he was curled into Qui-Gon’s chest.

if he was stiff, then how in the world was Qui-Gon

Obi-Wan felt too lethargic to even attempt moving, his
head aching and his eyes sore as he sniffled weakly, the tunic
beneath his nose and eyes darkened with moisture.

however was not too weak and he slid his arms around the boy,
shifting his grip before standing with Obi-Wan in his arms, making
soft noises as he made his way to the couch and armchair, settling
down in the latter with Obi-Wan tucked to his chest, rocking lightly
as he continued rubbing Obi-Wan’s back.

alright, you’re alright. I’m here Obi-Wan.” He murmured,
cuddling the boy to his chest as Obi-Wan continued meekly laying
against the older Jedi with his mind full of static.

Sensitivetorejection- so I know for me, knowing I have adhd makes it a lot easier to visibly do stuff like fidgeting and doodling and using my noise cancelling headphones (that may actually be my autism but they’re common in ADHD folx too) to help me focus so something about Obi-Wan being able to stop worrying quite so much about looking ‘normal’ and realizing that even w/out treatment it helps just to know the truth? To realize he’s not just ‘like this’ but it’s symptoms that can be helped?

so being bluntly honest at least in his own head… ADHD sucked butt
and Obi-Wan wasn’t ashamed to admit that.

least not to his healer, Qui-Gon and to his closest friends at least.

got a few laughs and with Qui-Gon he also got a hug and tight squeeze
that had made him feel good.

about his healer, Lulu Ferreno was a weirdo and Obi-Wan loved him.
man apparently had autism and was seriously good at his job as a
healer though sometimes his understanding of people around him was a
bit skewed Obi-Wan noticed.

the man had good suggestion on what Obi-Wan needed and knew which
tests to put the young Jedi under.

had been the one to suggest the noise canceling headphones that could
also alternatively play music and
for the first time in… well forever, his mind was actually ‘quiet’
in a manner of speaking after
Qui-Gon had gotten him the blue and black headphones.

rather, he could turn his focus on the music choice really as
that was what he was doing when he was wearing the noise canceling
headphones and using the music, though the quiet was nice too, helped
him relax.

wasn’t quite the mind being quiet or turned off as others could he
would admit,
but it was something, right?


what Qui-Gon at least said, approving as he put another cute sticker
on Obi-Wan’s accomplishment book that hung on the fridge.

had a lot of stickers, he felt embarrassed happy about them.

Lulu also got him a black
fidget cube with
red details on,
a dice formed cube that had six different functions that Obi-Wan
could click, flip or roll or use any of the six functions and it was
easy to bring with him anywhere he wanted.

also constantly had a textured snap on bracelet in bright red that he
always carried with him and
could use quietly during lessons if he wanted, a sensory bracelet as
Lulu had informed him.

all his teachers had been informed that for him, doodling on a sheet
was not him not paying attention, it was his fingers needing
something to do, to release energy while he still payed attention to
the lesson.

made things easier.

the first time in forever, lessons that used to bore him or made him
feel stupid because he couldn’t pay attention was actually made
easier because he had help, he had coping measures… and he got to
know others who had ADHD.

Knight Windu, who had come by to quietly speak with Obi-Wan when he
had heard about it. Or Jocasta Nu, who had quietly informed Obi-Wan
about several holo books that had helped her when she was younger.

wasn’t alone.

wasn’t alone about having ADHD in the temple, he wasn’t alone
about being different and he wasn’t alone in handling his neuro
diversity, Qui-Gon quick to research along with Healer Lulu there to
give them a guiding hand.

Qui-Gon was trying, really
trying and doing his best, making sure that Obi-Wan understood that
while Obi-Wan had areas to improve, he wasn’t as bad off as his
mind tried to make him seem, that Obi-Wan was always improving
and that Qui-Gon was proud of him.

was of course less easy to apply this way of thinking to the entire
temple but… Obi-Wan knew that his mind lied to him at times.

as long as he had some help, some support, he figured he was doing
rather decently.

all, no one became a master right of the bat and Obi-Wan had his
master to help him become a knight just as capable as anyone else in
the temple.

trusted in that.

he trusted in the temple trying to do their best by him even if
individuals at times could be unknowingly cruel or thoughtless.

didn’t know after all.

they were all just sentient beings, everyone as capable of flaw and
failure as the next living thing.

Aww thanks for picking up my prompt!! I loved it. Maybe a continuation where Qui Gon is trying to be supportive by being careful about his wording and Obi-Wan is like “this is nice. ,, but kinda weird? Why do this Master?” Bc maybe Qui-Gon hasn’t explained the diagnosis yet and Obi doesn’t realize this is how things are supposed to be and that he’s not supposed to feel THAT bad about criticism cause he’s so used to it.

his master with a small frown while slowly sipping at his tea,
Obi-Wan slowly shifted to sit against the man on the couch.

as had become common since the beginning of this week, Qui-Gon
instantly wrapped his arm around his padawan, looking up long enough
from the pad he was reviewing Obi-Wan’s grades on to give Obi-Wan a
small, welcoming smile before he turned back to the pad to continue
scanning the reports the teachers of the lessons had sent, as per
norm of the end of the month.

as norm set up by the master Jedi once they came back to the temple,
once after they had eaten last meal and then prepared for bed,
Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon gathered on the couch in the living room of the
quarters to go over the report and see what issues they had to go
over together to improve Obi-Wan’s abilities.

so they curled up in nightwear after their ablutions,
normally with caffeine free tea to read through and talk.

most of your teachers have only good things to note about your
progress,” Qui-Gon suddenly announced, thumb soothingly rubbing at
Obi-Wan’s shoulder as he paused in sipping his tea, peering up at
his master. “Master Nura notes that you seem to be having issues
with poetry but that your comprehension of the literary section is
beyond acceptable, not everyone has the hand for writing poetry even
though they can understand it. So I think you’re doing well.” He set the pad aside, giving his
padawan the warmest smile yet.

up at his master, Obi-Wan stared at him before lowering his eyes to
his cup. “…Master, what’s going on?” He whispered, biting his
lower lip, worrying the flap of flesh and skin before glancing up at
Qui-Gon again.

man was staring at him in bemusement. “Obi-Wan?”

Obi-Wan shifted forward, setting his cup on the table before turning
on the couch to look right up at the man, gathering courage even as
his stomach knotted tightly. “I-I mean, this week has been nice and
all but you… you’ve been acting kinda odd, different… I-I don’t
really know what to make of it all.” He managed to get out,
twisting his hands together in his lap, he didn’t want to say that Qui-Gon had been acting too nice, because while that was true kinda, it was also mean to say and Obi-Wan didn’t want to upset Qui-Gon.

really didn’t feel any better when Qui-Gon continued staring,
shoulders tensing and pulling up under his ears the more seconds
ticked past.

then the Jedi master sighed deeply, slumping a bit. “Of course you
caught on. You’re
smart, after all.” He smiled a tad weakly before reaching out and
gently rubbing Obi-Wan’s scalp in a mimicry of hair ruffling that
Obi-Wan did not have the length to do.

faintly at the praise, Obi-Wan let out an inquiring noise as he
paused twisting his hands in his lap, staring up at his master,
wanting an explanation.

there was obviously one.

his beard slowly with thumb and forefinger, his others tucked beneath
his chin, Qui-Gon let out a deep rumbling noise as he glanced at
their dark window, seemingly gathering his thoughts. “…Do you
remember I was called up to the council in the start of the week?”
He murmured, glancing back down at Obi-Wan.

slowly, Obi-Wan frowned, wondering what that had to do with anything.

wasn’t summoned because of any issues, but because the healers had
come with a report to them… on you, Obi-Wan,” Qui-Gon explained
gently, a small, worried smile on his lips. Obi-Wan’s eyes widened
a bit. “And I was going to tell you, I was just trying to figure
out how to word myself, but at the meeting, I learned that you have
ADHD, Obi-Wan, with some very prevalent symptoms that can make
things… difficult for you.” Qui-Gon continued.

widening even more, Obi-Wan stared at his master, his mind whizzing
past with several thoughts before Qui-Gon’s large, warm hands came
down on his shoulders, abruptly stilling his mind as Obi-Wan jumped a

see, that’s part of it kiddo, your mind is never still,” Qui-Gon
chuckled faintly, smiling at him still. “You literally can’t
turn it off like others. But don’t worry, I’ll help you, we’ll
all help you if you let us.” Qui-Gon murmured before gathering his
padawan into a hug, Obi-Wan letting out a low, surprised noise as he
grasped the man’s thin worn sleep tunic, staring into the gray
colored tunic.

have ADHD?’ Obi-Wan blinked hard, pressing into Qui-Gon’s chest
and the hug he was offered while wondering what that meant for his

what kind of help that meant he would get.

Hello! I am resending my ADHD prompt, then! I sent you a screenshot from the page that helped me realize I had ADHD. Rereading that one day, I realized Obi-Wan, and in particular, Jedi Apprentice Obi-Wan really really fits that description. I know you already did an ADHD Obi series, but I’d love to see another where pre-Padawan or maybe just barely Padawan Obi is discovered to have ADHD and ppl realize that explains lit. almost all his problems, like rejection sensitivity in particular.

his mouth, Qui-Gon continued staring at the pad before slowly raising
his head to look at Yoda and then at Mace. “…Is this accurate?”
He finally rasped out, feeling
his mind spin.

deep sigh escaped Yoda before he nodded. “True it is, brought to
attention the healers have,” He tapped his claws on his cane. “To
the council they came, serious this is.” Yoda paused in his tapping
to peer at Qui-Gon.

master had nothing to say, only glanced back down at the pads as
words jumped out at him.


deficit hyperactivity disorder.

it was a bunch of red lined symptoms.

that fit Qui-Gon’s brand new, if reluctantly taken on padawan.

had ADHD the healers suspected and based on the symptoms that had
been lined up, Qui-Gon agreed with their findings.

would of course be additional tests required to confirm it but
Qui-Gon got the confirmation from the Living Force quite easily. His
padawan had ADHD, which explained so much to him, from Obi-Wan’s
utter hyper focus on
subjects that interested him made so much sense now to his shifting and squirming around.

left him studying languages, he barely even reacted when I said
goodbye, that I was going to a meeting with the council…’ Shaking
his head, Qui-Gon moved on to the next noted point.


was always
on, he was always passionate, always emotional, always on the move
and even when he meditated, Qui-Gon could feel the others thoughts
fluttering with their bond despite the great shields Obi-Wan had in
place to hide them.

it wasn’t for the bond, Qui-Gon wouldn’t have noticed it but now
it made sense, Qui-Gon now knew that Obi-Wan couldn’t turn off.

was always on the move, either with his mind or with his body.

how am I suppose to help him?’ Qui-Gon licked his lips nervously.
He didn’t even notice when his thoughts went to reluctantly
considering his padawan to wondering how to help him, didn’t notice
how he went from uncertainty about Obi-Wan and his own ability to
teach, to desperate to know how to help him as his brain
subconsciously moved Obi-Wan from just another Jedi and padawan to
someone who needed aid.

had always made comments about Qui-Gon and his needs to help strays,
be they animal or people…

ability to handle criticisms or rejection suddenly came sharp into
view too, it made sense why he took it so heavily and Force,
Qui-Gon would have to change how he handle guiding Obi-Wan, think
about how he formulated his words.

depression, his self-esteem and pain, these would be prominent
emotions and Qui-Gon would have to teach this boy good habits.

then there was the point that not only had been red lined but had
also been put in bold by the healers.

sensitive dysphoria.

leaping Sith pawns, what had Qui-Gon done
to this boy with his rejection not once but twice,
once in the temple, the place Obi-Wan should be safe and once more on
the trip to Bandomeer.

ADHD made him particular sensitive to rejection, real or perceived
along with teasing or criticizing by the people considered important
in his life.

a potential Jedi master?

could have ruined him before I even got to know him.’ Qui-Gon
realized with some horror as he swallowed heavily, taking in the
other information about food sensitivity, fidgeting
in place, speaking too fast, displacing his things at times and being
unable to find them and losing his place with things he weren’t
interested in.

his eyes, Qui-Gon took a deep breath through his nose before opening
his eyes and focusing on the council, watching them as they were
watching him. “…What do I do for him?” He murmured, blinking
when their gazes turned from serene to approval.

Qui-Gon resisted the urge to cock his head.

they think that he would abandon Obi-Wan now?

when his fresh padawan needed him the most, to abandon his padawan
over something he couldn’t control?

you haven’t really given them any reason to think otherwise now,
have you?’ A wry, very Tahl like voice pointed out and Qui-Gon let
his shoulders sink a bit as he looked between the council members.

forward, Jocasta took charge. “There are several options you can
choose to go with Master Jinn, some best in discussion with Obi-Wan
and a healer and others you must discuss with his teacher to make the
lessons… easier on him.” She murmured, eyes serious.

healers will also be in contact with Obi-Wan’s current teachers,”
Ka-Adi spoke up, hands resting in a triangle as he inclined his head.
“As it will be vital for them to know and be able to adjust for
him. This is common for any Jedi discovered to have ADHD in the past,
there aren’t many members but… there are some.” He murmured.

eased in Qui-Gon’s chest as he nodded, glancing at the pad with all
the symptoms and behavioral ticks of someone with ADHD could have.
Other Jedi had it, there were procedures in place, help to be given…

wasn’t alone about helping Obi-Wan, even if he was to be the main
support for Obi-Wan.

can do this… Force I hope I can do this.’