See me- Anakin finds out who it is that Obi was talking about in the last chapter.

Nuzzling the other
one last time before he left the quarters, Anakin favored Obi-Wan
with a soft smile that faded once his omega had closed the door
behind him. Only then did he allow himself to practically collapse
onto his couch to run his fingers through his hair in agitation he
hadn’t wanted to show Obi-Wan, conflict and denial in his throat
and curling in his belly.

And betrayal.

Sheev Palpatine had
been the one to expose the omegas to danger.

Obi-Wan had sussed
it out while at the Senate and had found undeniable proof which he
had handed over to the Council and Anakin had sensed no lie in
Obi-Wan. The other firmly believed what he’d told the council and
his shock over the person behind the plot had triggered a stress

There was nowhere
Anakin could hide from the truth as Obi-Wan saw it and that meant…

‘It means that
someone I thought I could trust with my very life set the omegas of
the Jedi order in danger. Almost got them captured by slavers and
pirates. Force some of them were under fifteen, they would have been
broken in and given to brothels… sold at auctions for high price to
private sadistic men and women.’

His breath hitched
at the thought, thinking of Obi-Wan, his pretty, powerful mate in a
collar, eyes on the floor and a broken slump to his shoulders as he
was chained to a bedpost and was unable to leave the room he was in,
essentially a cage for the redhead.

The image was
horrifying, it made Anakin want to vomit because Obi-Wan wasn’t
young, he would have gone to the brothel for a pretty sum even though
he was a Jedi and redhead. Or if he went into private hands it would
be to someone who had particular interests for him, someone who may
have forced kits on Obi-Wan and hurt him and-

With shaking hands
Anakin covered his face.

That was what Sheev
Palpatine had almost caused to happen, that was the danger he had put
the omegas in.

Not just Obi-Wan
but the children.

Because some of
them weren’t mentally aware and developed enough to be called
anything but children as they giggled in delight as Master Windu
showed them ‘magic’ tricks. And even that Anakin wouldn’t have
believed if he hadn’t seen it, Windu playfully making a coin appear
from behind the ear of a zabrak omega who had giggled in utter
delight and accepted the coin when the master had offered it to him
with a soft smile.

It made him wonder
if the Korun had found himself a new padawan despite it being war…
or maybe that was why he hadn’t taken the boy on, because of said
war and he didn’t want to drag him out onto the field even though
the little zabrak followed him around like a duckling when he could.

Force knew that
Anakin worried about Ahsoka who was Plo Koon’s padawan but she at
least was older and always kept under fierce guard by the Wolfpack
who adored her and Plo.

‘And that kid
could have ended up in pirates hands because of the Chancellor’s
actions.’ Anakin let his head fall back against the couch, staring
at the ceiling with his fingers rubbing at his scalp in an attempt to
calm himself, quiet growls escaping him.

Someone he thought
he could trust, someone he called a friend had tried to get the
omegas in trouble and Anakin wanted to know why. With that in mind he
got up to go and speak to the council and offer up his own personal
insight on the Chancellor.

After all, he was
often in the office and that could be valuable to them… hopefully.

‘If I can’t get
it out of the council, maybe Qui-Gon will be able to suss out some
information.’ He hoped as he pulled on his boots and went to
confront them.

See me- Anakin finds out who it is that Obi was talking about in the last chapter.

Nuzzling the other
one last time before he left the quarters, Anakin favored Obi-Wan
with a soft smile that faded once his omega had closed the door
behind him. Only then did he allow himself to practically collapse
onto his couch to run his fingers through his hair in agitation he
hadn’t wanted to show Obi-Wan, conflict and denial in his throat
and curling in his belly.

And betrayal.

Sheev Palpatine had
been the one to expose the omegas to danger.

Obi-Wan had sussed
it out while at the Senate and had found undeniable proof which he
had handed over to the Council and Anakin had sensed no lie in
Obi-Wan. The other firmly believed what he’d told the council and
his shock over the person behind the plot had triggered a stress

There was nowhere
Anakin could hide from the truth as Obi-Wan saw it and that meant…

‘It means that
someone I thought I could trust with my very life set the omegas of
the Jedi order in danger. Almost got them captured by slavers and
pirates. Force some of them were under fifteen, they would have been
broken in and given to brothels… sold at auctions for high price to
private sadistic men and women.’

His breath hitched
at the thought, thinking of Obi-Wan, his pretty, powerful mate in a
collar, eyes on the floor and a broken slump to his shoulders as he
was chained to a bedpost and was unable to leave the room he was in,
essentially a cage for the redhead.

The image was
horrifying, it made Anakin want to vomit because Obi-Wan wasn’t
young, he would have gone to the brothel for a pretty sum even though
he was a Jedi and redhead. Or if he went into private hands it would
be to someone who had particular interests for him, someone who may
have forced kits on Obi-Wan and hurt him and-

With shaking hands
Anakin covered his face.

That was what Sheev
Palpatine had almost caused to happen, that was the danger he had put
the omegas in.

Not just Obi-Wan
but the children.

Because some of
them weren’t mentally aware and developed enough to be called
anything but children as they giggled in delight as Master Windu
showed them ‘magic’ tricks. And even that Anakin wouldn’t have
believed if he hadn’t seen it, Windu playfully making a coin appear
from behind the ear of a zabrak omega who had giggled in utter
delight and accepted the coin when the master had offered it to him
with a soft smile.

It made him wonder
if the Korun had found himself a new padawan despite it being war…
or maybe that was why he hadn’t taken the boy on, because of said
war and he didn’t want to drag him out onto the field even though
the little zabrak followed him around like a duckling when he could.

Force knew that
Anakin worried about Ahsoka who was Plo Koon’s padawan but she at
least was older and always kept under fierce guard by the Wolfpack
who adored her and Plo.

‘And that kid
could have ended up in pirates hands because of the Chancellor’s
actions.’ Anakin let his head fall back against the couch, staring
at the ceiling with his fingers rubbing at his scalp in an attempt to
calm himself, quiet growls escaping him.

Someone he thought
he could trust, someone he called a friend had tried to get the
omegas in trouble and Anakin wanted to know why. With that in mind he
got up to go and speak to the council and offer up his own personal
insight on the Chancellor.

After all, he was
often in the office and that could be valuable to them… hopefully.

‘If I can’t get
it out of the council, maybe Qui-Gon will be able to suss out some
information.’ He hoped as he pulled on his boots and went to
confront them.

What happens in See Me when Anakin finds out what happened that triggered Obi-Wan’s heat

Pressing his hand
gently to Obi-Wan’s back as he raised himself up on an elbow in
bed, Anakin smiled when the other lifted his head up from the pillows
to look at him, the messy omega blinking sleepily at him. “How do
you feel?” He questioned softly, rubbing slowly along the dip of
the others back with his fingertips.

He could see
goosebumps rising on Obi-Wan’s skin in reaction.

Letting out a soft
hum, Obi-Wan stretched slowly, muscles flexing beneath freckled pale
skin before he twisted onto his side to reach out tug the other down
into a brief kiss. “Better.” He settled on after he pulled back,
voice a bit hoarse from his heat. “A lot better now that the heat
has passed and you were there to sooth me through it.” He chuckled
faintly before sighing and pushing himself up on his hands to sit,
winching a bit. “Oh dear, I think we need to change the sheets.”
He muttered, wiggling a bit.

Snorting a bit,
Anakin wrapped his arm around the omega. “I pretty much figured
that when I offered my own quarters for you to nest. How about you go
off to the sonic right now and I’ll strip the sheets and go to the
kitchen to get something started hey?” He smiled gently.

Running his fingers
through Anakin’s hair to comb the wild curls down a bit, Obi-Wan
gave him a fond smile before nodding and slowly inching off the bed
and pushing to his feet, squeaking a bit as something leaked on his
thigh that had him rather quickly limping off to the fresher.

Feeling a small
sizzle of arousal at the sight of his nude mate, Anakin took a deep
breath and carefully pushed the image away before getting up to do as
he said, stripping the soiled sheets from the last few days so they
could be sent to laundry.

Then he pulled on
some clothes and went to the kitchen.

It took him a
minute to figure out what to make but since Obi-Wan was coming out of
a heat, he’d appreciate something light on the stomach so he
settled in to make a plain omelet, some toast and peel some oranges
as he knew Obi-Wan liked the fruit.

By the time he’d
finished the peeling, Obi-Wan was finished with his shower and was
limping into the kitchen, wearing one of Anakin’s t-shirts and

Valiantly, Anakin’s
body tried to respond but sweet Force, it was right after a damn

So thankfully his
penis stayed inert because he wasn’t actually sure he’d handle
the sensitivity right now as Obi-Wan came closer and took a plate of
omelet, pressing a soft kiss to Anakin’s cheek. “Thank you Ani,
this looks lovely.” He said quietly.

Just smiling at
that, Anakin watched the other eat slowly as he too filled his
stomach with both of them standing with their hips resting against
the kitchen benches.

He let him eat
first before he asked the question that had been burning him since
Obi-Wan hit his heat. “What happened? Can you tell me?” Anakin
questioned softly.

Letting out a low
noise, Obi-Wan stared at the half eaten orange in his hand, plate on
the bench now. “I… found out who sent out the information about
the omegas when I was in the Senate.” He murmured quietly, licking
his lips. “And it gave me a grave shock because of how high up the
Senate this person is.” Obi-Wan sighed deeply. “And that makes me
highly worried about the future of our lives…”

Gawking at the
other man for a long moment, Anakin finally shook himself out of his
shock. “I… I see.” He rasped out, wrapping his arm around the
other. “Well that sucks.”

Sighing deeply once
more for what felt like the eight time, Obi-Wan nodded while tucking
himself into the blond. “Yes, oh…”

What happens in See Me when Anakin finds out what happened that triggered Obi-Wan’s heat

Pressing his hand
gently to Obi-Wan’s back as he raised himself up on an elbow in
bed, Anakin smiled when the other lifted his head up from the pillows
to look at him, the messy omega blinking sleepily at him. “How do
you feel?” He questioned softly, rubbing slowly along the dip of
the others back with his fingertips.

He could see
goosebumps rising on Obi-Wan’s skin in reaction.

Letting out a soft
hum, Obi-Wan stretched slowly, muscles flexing beneath freckled pale
skin before he twisted onto his side to reach out tug the other down
into a brief kiss. “Better.” He settled on after he pulled back,
voice a bit hoarse from his heat. “A lot better now that the heat
has passed and you were there to sooth me through it.” He chuckled
faintly before sighing and pushing himself up on his hands to sit,
winching a bit. “Oh dear, I think we need to change the sheets.”
He muttered, wiggling a bit.

Snorting a bit,
Anakin wrapped his arm around the omega. “I pretty much figured
that when I offered my own quarters for you to nest. How about you go
off to the sonic right now and I’ll strip the sheets and go to the
kitchen to get something started hey?” He smiled gently.

Running his fingers
through Anakin’s hair to comb the wild curls down a bit, Obi-Wan
gave him a fond smile before nodding and slowly inching off the bed
and pushing to his feet, squeaking a bit as something leaked on his
thigh that had him rather quickly limping off to the fresher.

Feeling a small
sizzle of arousal at the sight of his nude mate, Anakin took a deep
breath and carefully pushed the image away before getting up to do as
he said, stripping the soiled sheets from the last few days so they
could be sent to laundry.

Then he pulled on
some clothes and went to the kitchen.

It took him a
minute to figure out what to make but since Obi-Wan was coming out of
a heat, he’d appreciate something light on the stomach so he
settled in to make a plain omelet, some toast and peel some oranges
as he knew Obi-Wan liked the fruit.

By the time he’d
finished the peeling, Obi-Wan was finished with his shower and was
limping into the kitchen, wearing one of Anakin’s t-shirts and

Valiantly, Anakin’s
body tried to respond but sweet Force, it was right after a damn

So thankfully his
penis stayed inert because he wasn’t actually sure he’d handle
the sensitivity right now as Obi-Wan came closer and took a plate of
omelet, pressing a soft kiss to Anakin’s cheek. “Thank you Ani,
this looks lovely.” He said quietly.

Just smiling at
that, Anakin watched the other eat slowly as he too filled his
stomach with both of them standing with their hips resting against
the kitchen benches.

He let him eat
first before he asked the question that had been burning him since
Obi-Wan hit his heat. “What happened? Can you tell me?” Anakin
questioned softly.

Letting out a low
noise, Obi-Wan stared at the half eaten orange in his hand, plate on
the bench now. “I… found out who sent out the information about
the omegas when I was in the Senate.” He murmured quietly, licking
his lips. “And it gave me a grave shock because of how high up the
Senate this person is.” Obi-Wan sighed deeply. “And that makes me
highly worried about the future of our lives…”

Gawking at the
other man for a long moment, Anakin finally shook himself out of his
shock. “I… I see.” He rasped out, wrapping his arm around the
other. “Well that sucks.”

Sighing deeply once
more for what felt like the eight time, Obi-Wan nodded while tucking
himself into the blond. “Yes, oh…”

SeeMe hasn’t been updated in a while, could we please have more? Maybe Obi is showing his soft omega side, spending time with younglings from the creche. maybe he’s a chaperone on a field trip to the Senate where he feels a sudden unsettling dark and threatening presence? Maybe it triggers a vision that confirms to him that the bad apple in the Senate that caused the attack on the Naboo temple was very close and wasn’t yet done with plotting?

There is one
undeniable truth that Anakin has come to realize is that Obi-Wan is
hardcore and his designation does not make him any less powerful or
strong as he takes on everyone. Just as strong as Anakin and his
notions about soft omegas with soft hands and sweet scents were a bit
off he had come to realize as he dated the other man.

But he was still an

And omegas
sometimes needed that softer touch that Anakin envisioned in the
darker corners of his mind.

Like now.

Obi-Wan was in
pre-heat, his entire being soft and hazy and extremely cuddly
as he clung to Anakin and buried his face in the others neck, just
breathing as Anakin ran his fingers through his hair and brushed his
hands down Obi-Wan’s back in return.

Oh Anakin knew now
how utterly hardcore omegas could be, his limited interactions with
them and the common ‘understanding’ of omegas had firmly gone out
the window when there were omegas all over the temple, giggling,
fighting and being just… well them.

They weren’t soft
beings that had to be rescued or quiet diplomatic voices.

Obi-Wan would be
the first to dispel that notion as he firmly dragged any alpha by the
ears to scold them, something Anakin had the pleasure of seeing
Obi-Wan actually do with both Mace Windu and  a besalisk called Pong

He wasn’t quite
sure what they had done but Obi-Wan had been fuming and therefor felt
it best just to offer comfort and support when the other eventually
turned to him.

Which was what was
happening now as stress had triggered an earlier pre-heat that would
lead to a genuine heat for Obi-Wan after Obi-Wan had gone to the
Senate with a class of omegas who had never been on Coruscant.

Obi-Wan had come
back pale as a sheet two hours later and tore up to the Council
chambers and after that the council had been in seclusion even as
Obi-Wan had come back down and sought out Anakin.

Anakin hadn’t
asked what had happened, hadn’t dared in fear of triggering even
more stress.

Obi-Wan would tell
him once he was ready and for now he just needed his potential mate
to be support.

He couldn’t help
but wonder if Obi-Wan had found the source of the leak to the pirates
and slavers as that would be one of the few things that would send
Obi-Wan’s stress level this high. No one threatened Obi-Wan’s
students and got away with it.

Huh, maybe that’s
what Krell had done?

Had made an off
color comment about Obi-Wan’s students?

Anakin mused before
letting out a surprised noise when he felt a soft kiss being pressed
to his neck, quickly followed with four other kisses and a little
lick. “Obi-Wan?” He whispered shakily, questioning what the other
was up to.

Or more like what
he wanted.

Shuffling a bit,
Obi-Wan lifted his head a bit and gave a little noise. “Please?
Kisses?” He whispered quietly, hands petting Anakin’s chest while
peering at him hesitantly as if his request would be rejected.

Hesitating a bit in pure
surprise, Anakin finally smiled and leaned in, giving Obi-Wan little,
chaste kisses, stroking his cheek softly while assuring the other of
his affection.

‘Guess even
Obi-Wan can get a bit uncertain sometimes.’ He cupped the back of
Obi-Wan’s head, tilting his head back as he deepened the kiss
slowly, content to give all his omega wanted. ‘Best make sure he knows I will never say no to him.’

SeeMe hasn’t been updated in a while, could we please have more? Maybe Obi is showing his soft omega side, spending time with younglings from the creche. maybe he’s a chaperone on a field trip to the Senate where he feels a sudden unsettling dark and threatening presence? Maybe it triggers a vision that confirms to him that the bad apple in the Senate that caused the attack on the Naboo temple was very close and wasn’t yet done with plotting?

There is one
undeniable truth that Anakin has come to realize is that Obi-Wan is
hardcore and his designation does not make him any less powerful or
strong as he takes on everyone. Just as strong as Anakin and his
notions about soft omegas with soft hands and sweet scents were a bit
off he had come to realize as he dated the other man.

But he was still an

And omegas
sometimes needed that softer touch that Anakin envisioned in the
darker corners of his mind.

Like now.

Obi-Wan was in
pre-heat, his entire being soft and hazy and extremely cuddly
as he clung to Anakin and buried his face in the others neck, just
breathing as Anakin ran his fingers through his hair and brushed his
hands down Obi-Wan’s back in return.

Oh Anakin knew now
how utterly hardcore omegas could be, his limited interactions with
them and the common ‘understanding’ of omegas had firmly gone out
the window when there were omegas all over the temple, giggling,
fighting and being just… well them.

They weren’t soft
beings that had to be rescued or quiet diplomatic voices.

Obi-Wan would be
the first to dispel that notion as he firmly dragged any alpha by the
ears to scold them, something Anakin had the pleasure of seeing
Obi-Wan actually do with both Mace Windu and  a besalisk called Pong

He wasn’t quite
sure what they had done but Obi-Wan had been fuming and therefor felt
it best just to offer comfort and support when the other eventually
turned to him.

Which was what was
happening now as stress had triggered an earlier pre-heat that would
lead to a genuine heat for Obi-Wan after Obi-Wan had gone to the
Senate with a class of omegas who had never been on Coruscant.

Obi-Wan had come
back pale as a sheet two hours later and tore up to the Council
chambers and after that the council had been in seclusion even as
Obi-Wan had come back down and sought out Anakin.

Anakin hadn’t
asked what had happened, hadn’t dared in fear of triggering even
more stress.

Obi-Wan would tell
him once he was ready and for now he just needed his potential mate
to be support.

He couldn’t help
but wonder if Obi-Wan had found the source of the leak to the pirates
and slavers as that would be one of the few things that would send
Obi-Wan’s stress level this high. No one threatened Obi-Wan’s
students and got away with it.

Huh, maybe that’s
what Krell had done?

Had made an off
color comment about Obi-Wan’s students?

Anakin mused before
letting out a surprised noise when he felt a soft kiss being pressed
to his neck, quickly followed with four other kisses and a little
lick. “Obi-Wan?” He whispered shakily, questioning what the other
was up to.

Or more like what
he wanted.

Shuffling a bit,
Obi-Wan lifted his head a bit and gave a little noise. “Please?
Kisses?” He whispered quietly, hands petting Anakin’s chest while
peering at him hesitantly as if his request would be rejected.

Hesitating a bit in pure
surprise, Anakin finally smiled and leaned in, giving Obi-Wan little,
chaste kisses, stroking his cheek softly while assuring the other of
his affection.

‘Guess even
Obi-Wan can get a bit uncertain sometimes.’ He cupped the back of
Obi-Wan’s head, tilting his head back as he deepened the kiss
slowly, content to give all his omega wanted. ‘Best make sure he knows I will never say no to him.’

Any chance of more See Me? Maybe Padme invites Ani, Obi, and maybe even Qui to dinner. mainly because she wants to learn more about Ani’s new beau

Staring at Obi-Wan,
Padme was obviously fighting her urge to coo before turning her wide
brown eyes on Anakin. “He is just adorable. You didn’t warn me he
could be utterly adorable.” She finally cooed out as quietly as

The reason for her
utter delight?

Obi-Wan was
currently sleeping with his head on Anakin’s shoulder, his soft
beige robe wrapped around him to keep him warm with Anakin’s arm
wrapped around his shoulders, the omegas feet were raised up in the
bed with his boots abandoned on the floor. Anakin had been more then
a little amused to note that Obi-Wan wore cute pink socks that looked

At Padme’s
announcement though, Qui-Gon chuckled lightly from where he was
sitting on the same couch as her, the beta resting his knees by
settling them on a fancy footstool in matching blue leather to the
couches. “He’s always been like this when he gets tired finally,
all prickly and thorny and then softens when he gets tired and
becomes all… fuzzy.” He gestured vaguely with a soft smile.

Anakin grinned at
them, petting Obi-Wan’s soft hair slowly. “Its nice. I enjoy
these moments but I have to admit I enjoy Obi-Wan’s thorny behavior
more since he has the best sassy sentences. Also him calling Tarkin a
shitheel in around about way to his face made Ahsoka’s day.” He

Giggling, Padme
winked at him. “I think that made a lot of people’s day.”

Joining in with his
own chortle, Qui-Gon nodded. “Obi-Wan has always had a gift to be
able to insult someone to their face in refined words that only
registers as an insult days later if you’re not in the know. It
could make negotiation hard when I was struggling to keep a straight
face as Obi-Wan compared people to insects.” He grinned happily,
head resting on his hand with his elbow on the armlean of the couch.

Hesitating ever so
slightly with the current pleasant and soft atmosphere, Anakin
finally broached the subject he had wanted to ask Qui-Gon for ages
now. “Master, I have to ask, how did Obi-Wan become your padawan?”
He asked.

As expected,
Qui-Gon colored sharply and cleared his throat. “You don’t have
to call me Master still Anakin…”

“No but I want to
because you will always be and I still have respect for you.”
Anakin said in a dry tone as Padme watched in fascination. “Now
quit dodging the question… how did an omega become a betas padawan
when most of them headed to the Naboo temple.” He questioned more
firmly, stroking Obi-Wan’s temple to keep him asleep.

Sighing a bit,
Qui-Gon ran his hand over his beard. “…The first thing you have
to know Anakin is that I’m not proud of how I acted and that I was
a very damaged man at the time that required a lot of healing.” He
said, resigned to the story.

so came out the story of Obi-Wan being sent away from the temple as a
late presenter who hadn’t gone through it at the age of thirteen
and had stress presented on Bandomeer among slavers in a mine and
when Qui-Gon finally found him, he had found a shivering, scared and
twitchy omega.

frightened me to death almost.” Qui-Gon mused tiredly. “There he
was, clear marks of hands having touched him if only outside his
clothes thank the Force and it was my fault he was there… I had to
take him with me after that, such a brave, stubborn and just utterly
light Initiate… I couldn’t send him anywhere after that, all
I could think of was how brave and frightened he looked when I found
him again.” He stroked his

stared at his master then glanced down at Obi-Wan.

was no wonder Qui-Gon didn’t like the story. It wasn’t a good one
but it did explain a lot of things about Obi-Wan who had grown up on
Coruscant temple and never had people define him by his omega state
until he was already past the age of young formation.

strong, brave and daring omega who would happily kick ass if he felt
the need but was also soft and fluffy at times.

made him smile, warm and comfy in his knowledge of just how
determined the other was.

Any chance of more See Me? Maybe Padme invites Ani, Obi, and maybe even Qui to dinner. mainly because she wants to learn more about Ani’s new beau

Staring at Obi-Wan,
Padme was obviously fighting her urge to coo before turning her wide
brown eyes on Anakin. “He is just adorable. You didn’t warn me he
could be utterly adorable.” She finally cooed out as quietly as

The reason for her
utter delight?

Obi-Wan was
currently sleeping with his head on Anakin’s shoulder, his soft
beige robe wrapped around him to keep him warm with Anakin’s arm
wrapped around his shoulders, the omegas feet were raised up in the
bed with his boots abandoned on the floor. Anakin had been more then
a little amused to note that Obi-Wan wore cute pink socks that looked

At Padme’s
announcement though, Qui-Gon chuckled lightly from where he was
sitting on the same couch as her, the beta resting his knees by
settling them on a fancy footstool in matching blue leather to the
couches. “He’s always been like this when he gets tired finally,
all prickly and thorny and then softens when he gets tired and
becomes all… fuzzy.” He gestured vaguely with a soft smile.

Anakin grinned at
them, petting Obi-Wan’s soft hair slowly. “Its nice. I enjoy
these moments but I have to admit I enjoy Obi-Wan’s thorny behavior
more since he has the best sassy sentences. Also him calling Tarkin a
shitheel in around about way to his face made Ahsoka’s day.” He

Giggling, Padme
winked at him. “I think that made a lot of people’s day.”

Joining in with his
own chortle, Qui-Gon nodded. “Obi-Wan has always had a gift to be
able to insult someone to their face in refined words that only
registers as an insult days later if you’re not in the know. It
could make negotiation hard when I was struggling to keep a straight
face as Obi-Wan compared people to insects.” He grinned happily,
head resting on his hand with his elbow on the armlean of the couch.

Hesitating ever so
slightly with the current pleasant and soft atmosphere, Anakin
finally broached the subject he had wanted to ask Qui-Gon for ages
now. “Master, I have to ask, how did Obi-Wan become your padawan?”
He asked.

As expected,
Qui-Gon colored sharply and cleared his throat. “You don’t have
to call me Master still Anakin…”

“No but I want to
because you will always be and I still have respect for you.”
Anakin said in a dry tone as Padme watched in fascination. “Now
quit dodging the question… how did an omega become a betas padawan
when most of them headed to the Naboo temple.” He questioned more
firmly, stroking Obi-Wan’s temple to keep him asleep.

Sighing a bit,
Qui-Gon ran his hand over his beard. “…The first thing you have
to know Anakin is that I’m not proud of how I acted and that I was
a very damaged man at the time that required a lot of healing.” He
said, resigned to the story.

so came out the story of Obi-Wan being sent away from the temple as a
late presenter who hadn’t gone through it at the age of thirteen
and had stress presented on Bandomeer among slavers in a mine and
when Qui-Gon finally found him, he had found a shivering, scared and
twitchy omega.

frightened me to death almost.” Qui-Gon mused tiredly. “There he
was, clear marks of hands having touched him if only outside his
clothes thank the Force and it was my fault he was there… I had to
take him with me after that, such a brave, stubborn and just utterly
light Initiate… I couldn’t send him anywhere after that, all
I could think of was how brave and frightened he looked when I found
him again.” He stroked his

stared at his master then glanced down at Obi-Wan.

was no wonder Qui-Gon didn’t like the story. It wasn’t a good one
but it did explain a lot of things about Obi-Wan who had grown up on
Coruscant temple and never had people define him by his omega state
until he was already past the age of young formation.

strong, brave and daring omega who would happily kick ass if he felt
the need but was also soft and fluffy at times.

made him smile, warm and comfy in his knowledge of just how
determined the other was.

Huh. Pretty sure that even the Senate wouldn’t be alright with that sort of leak (in SeeMe). Makes them look bad and those threatened were young omegas.

“So you’re
saying that the entire Senate is in lock down and all Senator’s and
aids are being investigated?” Anakin blinked at his friend, settled
on her couch as the other alpha paced around the room with pursed

Giving a firm nod,
Padme turned on her heels as she reached the end of her living room
to pace back to the other end. “Honestly I’m not worried about my
own or even any of my aids even if Jar Jar is an idiot at times but
he wouldn’t do something as stupid as what the internal
investigation committee is looking for. I’m just worried about the
lack of activity, of work being done now.” She growled out in
frustration before throwing herself down beside the Jedi, sighing as
she stared at the ceiling and not even caring as her expensive dress
was wrinkling.

Shrugging a bit,
Anakin sighed. “To be honest, I can’t exactly find it in me to be
too upset that the Senate aren’t able to do their job. I’d rather
find the perpetrators who exposed the Orders omegas to danger. You
didn’t see the shaking and crying teens, I did.” He grimaced.

Sitting up
hurriedly, Padme waved her hand. “I didn’t mean it like that, I
just…” She sighed and dropped her face in her hands. “I’m
sorry Anakin. It came out wrong.”

Settling his hand
on her shoulder, Anakin rubbed lightly with a small smile. “Hey, no
I get it. Its just… well our priorities are slightly different but
I understand where you’re coming from.” He assured before
deciding it was best to switch subjects. “How goes things with
Sabe? Are you two still dating?”

Snorting a bit,
Padme raised her head from her hands and shook her head. “No but
that’s not really a shocker. It was just a trial thing since we
weren’t sure but we’re just too alike to really slot together as
we should.” She hummed.

“Considering she
was your body double when you were Queen, I’m not surprised.”
Anakin laughed quietly. “Got anyone in sight?” He questioned.

“Not at the
moment, at the moment I’m just grateful me and Sabe are remaining
friends if I’m honest.” The Senator chuckled before teasingly
waggling her brows. “Though the grapevine tells me you have a

Flushing a bit,
Anakin gave the other a small grin. “Obi-Wan, yes. He’s from the
omega temple on Naboo, the highest master there actually.” He

“Oh Anakin that’s
wonderful.” Padme cooed and took his hand, squeezing it. “He’s
from the Naboo temple then? I actually been there, I visited as a
child since my father wanted me to be able to control the Force that
was in me so I wouldn’t accidentally send things floating.” She
laughed then sighed mournfully. “It was a beautiful place until it
was attacked.”

Nodding grimly,
Anakin grumbled. “We sent masters and knights to it once it was
deemed safe, to rescue what artifacts and valuables were left behind.
And some of the omega knights and masters also came with to gather
their students possessions.” It had been a mingled response as the
omega students had one by one come to collect their things.

Both sadness for
the loss of their home and elation to at least have their meager
personal items returned. One of the duro omegas had started crying in
relief as he had gotten an embroidered pillow back and had run off
with it tightly held in his arms.

Obi-Wan had of
course gone after him to comfort him.

“So they are
staying on Coruscant permanently then?” Padme questioned in
sympathy, it couldn’t be easy of them to leave behind their home
and suddenly have to make a new one.

“At least for
now. Its not safe to send them back out to their temple when its
clear they were targeted.” Anakin confessed to her. Honestly it
would do no harm if everyone knew the omegas were now to stay on

Several of the
smaller temples were now guarded by only masters and knights, no
underage padawans anywhere. The order was doing their best to shore
up and defend their weakest members. ‘Though I don’t think
Obi-Wan can be called weak… Force…’

He must have
drifted because he jerked to as Padme waved her hand in front of his
face. Jerking to he looked at her with wide eyes before flushing
deeply as she giggled in delight but well, Obi-Wan seemed to have
that affect on him even without being there he could distract Anakin.

He gave Padme an
apologetic, sheepish smile.

Huh. Pretty sure that even the Senate wouldn’t be alright with that sort of leak (in SeeMe). Makes them look bad and those threatened were young omegas.

“So you’re
saying that the entire Senate is in lock down and all Senator’s and
aids are being investigated?” Anakin blinked at his friend, settled
on her couch as the other alpha paced around the room with pursed

Giving a firm nod,
Padme turned on her heels as she reached the end of her living room
to pace back to the other end. “Honestly I’m not worried about my
own or even any of my aids even if Jar Jar is an idiot at times but
he wouldn’t do something as stupid as what the internal
investigation committee is looking for. I’m just worried about the
lack of activity, of work being done now.” She growled out in
frustration before throwing herself down beside the Jedi, sighing as
she stared at the ceiling and not even caring as her expensive dress
was wrinkling.

Shrugging a bit,
Anakin sighed. “To be honest, I can’t exactly find it in me to be
too upset that the Senate aren’t able to do their job. I’d rather
find the perpetrators who exposed the Orders omegas to danger. You
didn’t see the shaking and crying teens, I did.” He grimaced.

Sitting up
hurriedly, Padme waved her hand. “I didn’t mean it like that, I
just…” She sighed and dropped her face in her hands. “I’m
sorry Anakin. It came out wrong.”

Settling his hand
on her shoulder, Anakin rubbed lightly with a small smile. “Hey, no
I get it. Its just… well our priorities are slightly different but
I understand where you’re coming from.” He assured before
deciding it was best to switch subjects. “How goes things with
Sabe? Are you two still dating?”

Snorting a bit,
Padme raised her head from her hands and shook her head. “No but
that’s not really a shocker. It was just a trial thing since we
weren’t sure but we’re just too alike to really slot together as
we should.” She hummed.

“Considering she
was your body double when you were Queen, I’m not surprised.”
Anakin laughed quietly. “Got anyone in sight?” He questioned.

“Not at the
moment, at the moment I’m just grateful me and Sabe are remaining
friends if I’m honest.” The Senator chuckled before teasingly
waggling her brows. “Though the grapevine tells me you have a

Flushing a bit,
Anakin gave the other a small grin. “Obi-Wan, yes. He’s from the
omega temple on Naboo, the highest master there actually.” He

“Oh Anakin that’s
wonderful.” Padme cooed and took his hand, squeezing it. “He’s
from the Naboo temple then? I actually been there, I visited as a
child since my father wanted me to be able to control the Force that
was in me so I wouldn’t accidentally send things floating.” She
laughed then sighed mournfully. “It was a beautiful place until it
was attacked.”

Nodding grimly,
Anakin grumbled. “We sent masters and knights to it once it was
deemed safe, to rescue what artifacts and valuables were left behind.
And some of the omega knights and masters also came with to gather
their students possessions.” It had been a mingled response as the
omega students had one by one come to collect their things.

Both sadness for
the loss of their home and elation to at least have their meager
personal items returned. One of the duro omegas had started crying in
relief as he had gotten an embroidered pillow back and had run off
with it tightly held in his arms.

Obi-Wan had of
course gone after him to comfort him.

“So they are
staying on Coruscant permanently then?” Padme questioned in
sympathy, it couldn’t be easy of them to leave behind their home
and suddenly have to make a new one.

“At least for
now. Its not safe to send them back out to their temple when its
clear they were targeted.” Anakin confessed to her. Honestly it
would do no harm if everyone knew the omegas were now to stay on

Several of the
smaller temples were now guarded by only masters and knights, no
underage padawans anywhere. The order was doing their best to shore
up and defend their weakest members. ‘Though I don’t think
Obi-Wan can be called weak… Force…’

He must have
drifted because he jerked to as Padme waved her hand in front of his
face. Jerking to he looked at her with wide eyes before flushing
deeply as she giggled in delight but well, Obi-Wan seemed to have
that affect on him even without being there he could distract Anakin.

He gave Padme an
apologetic, sheepish smile.